Breeding purebred cats as a profitable business with minimal investment. How to start a business breeding purebred cats

The purebred cat business idea contains several attractive investment factors. The price of one thoroughbred cat can exceed $10,000. The gestation period for all cats is 2 months. Cats have strong immunity and a high survival rate. No wonder people say that they have 9 lives. You can implement this business idea right in your apartment. It also does not require specialized investments. You can start organizing a cattery for your home business with less than $500. This business idea can be both the main and additional source of income. But in order to profitably invest money, you should analyze the whole business concept in detail.

The most expensive purebred cats

Before breeding, you should decide which thoroughbred cats are best to work with. Now that you already know the information about the components of the pricing policy, we bring to your attention the "rating" of the 10 most expensive cats in the world:

  1. Savannah. This cat is the most expensive in the world. This breed of cats is classified among themselves into F1, F2, F3, F4, F5. The most expensive purebred cats are F1 and F2. The cost of adults ranges from $4,000 to $22,000.
  2. Diamond eye. She is kao mani. The cost of these cats can reach 2 thousand conventional units.
  3. Bengal cat. The price policy of these pets starts from $1000 and can go up to $4000.
  4. Toyger. The price of such a “domestic tiger”, depending on its performance according to the TICA standards, as well as for the Belgians, can reach $4,000-$5,000.
  5. Maine Coon. He is an American raccoon cat. This breed has a price range of $1000 to $2500.
  6. Long time Rex. The price can be $400 or $1200, it all depends on the parameters that determine the cost of a kitten.
  7. Scottish lop-eared. The price of Scottish folds starts from $200 and reaches up to $1500.
  8. British cat. The price of these beauties, aristocratic manners, ranges from $200 to $1500.
  9. Russian blue. This breed is one of the most famous breeds in the world. The price of these peaceful and playful pets is from $300 to $3000.
  10. Manx. This breed is distinguished from others by the absence of a tail. Or has 2/3 of the usual cat tail. Manx price from $500 to $4000.

To start gaining experience in breeding pedigreed cats, you should look at not whimsical and very profitable breeds such as:

  • Bengal;
  • British;
  • Maine Knue.

They are easy to care for, they are attractive and are great for organizing a cattery.

Cat business strategy

As in any business, here you must follow the sequence of actions:

  1. Buying a cat.
  2. Maintenance and nutrition.
  3. Visit to the vet.
  4. Participation in exhibitions.
  5. Nursery opening.
  6. knitting.
  7. Nursing kittens.
  8. Sale of 3-month-old kittens.

Naturally, the beginning of this business is to acquire a cat of a certain breed with the right to breeding. The right to breeding is not just a title, but a special certificate, the price of which will be included in the price of the pedigree upon purchase. You get the right to breeding along with the cat's pedigree. A business cat must be purchased exclusively from a well-known cattery. Not infrequently, business interest in thoroughbred cats makes you look for a female producer in large and developed cities or even countries. So when buying a stud cat, sometimes you have to pay a tidy sum.

Unpretentious and profitable cat breeds

To start breeding thoroughbred cats, let's get acquainted with unpretentious and profitable breeds.

Bengal cat. The Bengal cat is a piece of wildlife at home. This is what attracts buyers of this breed. Leopard color, golden and chocolate shades is a hallmark of Bengal cats. Caring for these animals does not entail any physical costs. This breed needs only occasional trimming of its claws, and the animal's coat needs minimal care, and consists in rare combing. Kittens of this breed, like adults, will require a lot of attention from their owner. They are very playful, active and sociable. Bengal cats are becoming more and more popular in our regions. The demand for kittens is growing, but there are still not enough breeders of this breed.

British cats. To date, British cats are the most popular and desirable among our population. They have thick short hair, beautiful round eyes. To many children and people, they resemble plush toys. Her smoky, blue-tinted coat gave her another nickname, "British Blue". These are calm, not "naughty" pets, true aristocrats. They find a common language with all members of the family in which they live, and I perceive it as my own clan. In care, they are not picky, but once a week their coat must be combed. The British are in great demand among all segments of the population, so you can sell these kittens with or without a pedigree. Naturally, the pricing policy of the issue will be either high or low.

Maine Coon. This is one of the largest cats in the world. A distinctive feature, in addition to their ears, are also the sounds that they create. Their meow sounds more like a hum. This is a calm breed of cats. They are affectionate, peaceful and friendly. At the same time, they are quite independent, and will require their own personal space. Since these are long-haired cats, they will require special attention in grooming. Although, unlike the Persians, their coat does not get tangled as much, but still it is necessary to comb the Maine Coon 2-3 times a week.

If possible, it is better to start doing this business immediately with the three breeds described above. If you still don't have enough money, start with the most inexpensive British breed. They are not expensive, attractive and in good demand.

Caring for purebred cats

Speaking of thoroughbred cats, one should take into account the peculiarities of their maintenance during breeding. You will need to purchase auxiliary tools:

  1. Tray-pot.
  2. Pot filler.
  3. Comb, tongs for claws, shampoos and other hygiene devices for cats.
  4. Drinking bowl and feeder (bowls).
  5. Scratchy.
  6. Place for rest.
  7. Feed.

After purchasing a cat, you need to take care of maintenance and nutrition. If you purchased a kitten under 3 months old, you yourself will have to take care of its first vaccination. But, you can get a veterinary passport when buying an animal. Consider the most important questions for the care of kittens.

Vaccination. You need to vaccinate a pet for the first year of his life 3 times. Kittens are vaccinated against panleukopenia, calicivirus, rhinotrichia, and some vaccines also include chlamydia. All of this is included in one vaccine. The first vaccination occurs at the age of 2-3 months. Then, after 21 days, but not more than 28 days, they are re-vaccinated with the same vaccine as the first time. The last vaccination is carried out on a one-year-old cat. A three-component vaccine for cats costs from $7.

In addition to vaccinations, the kitten should be regularly taken to the veterinarian for a checkup. By following his instructions and recommendations, you will surely be able to raise a healthy cat that gives good offspring.

Food for cats. Cat nutrition should be given special attention. If your cat receives a balanced diet, she will become the owner of a beautiful shiny coat, strong bones and claws and a brilliant look. In principle, their health is directly related to what she eats. For example, the lack of tuarine in the body of an adult cat negatively affects its reproductive system. Tuarine is found in large quantities in fish products and in beef heart. You can also feed a cat with ready-made food, which are designed specifically for pets. Store-bought food can be wet or dry. This food is completely balanced, it has everything you need for a healthy cat diet. But still, some veterinarians do not recommend feeding cats exclusively with finished products.

Cats themselves are predators. The diet of this predator mainly consists of animal feed, in the wild it is mainly mice, birds, etc. To be more specific, your pet's daily diet should consist of 70% food of animal origin (various meat products, with the exception of pork) and 30% of the rest of the food (cottage cheese, or cottage cheese baby food, vegetables, cereals, etc. .).

Few people know, but cats in the wild eat exclusively fresh food. So, make sure that the portions are such that the animal eats it in one meal. Food should be at room temperature, or a couple of degrees warmer. Pet water should be clean and settled. Change water 2-3 times a day.

Animal hygiene. Of course, each breed has its own hygiene needs. General requirements include the following:

Pedigree. When buying a kitten with a pedigree in a cattery, three generations of cats will be indicated in it along the lines of the mother and father of the kitten. During the next mating, you need to contact the nursery, everything is recorded there, and after the litter is brought, in the same nursery where the mating took place, your female and their male, your kittens will be given metrics. You can either make a pedigree based on this metric yourself, or sell them only with the metric. The presence of the metric will enable the buyer to independently acquire a pedigree, if necessary.

Exhibitions. This is an essential point for obtaining permission to breed offspring. Moreover, this item is the most costly in all content for breeding offspring. Your cat, before the first mating, must participate in at least three exhibitions. At exhibitions, you earn titles and titles for your cat. These documents give you the right to join the club. By joining the club, you can register your cattery and breed different breeds.

Ways to sell kittens

After reading all the information, understanding all the difficulties in the colossal work that each breeder does, you understand why a thoroughbred kitten with a pedigree is worth so much money. Purebred kittens you can sell at exhibitions, via the Internet, bulletin boards and other media.

If you do not have a pedigree and metrics for kittens, you can sell them at a significantly lower price, although this does not bring a bad income. But in the absence of documents, you can only sell them to pet lovers who are not interested in the development of their pet.

An enterprising felinologist makes decent money

Breeding domestic cats of various breeds can bring good earnings. Initially, you need to understand that to become a good felinologist, you need to have good enthusiasm, an average start-up capital and have free time. A felinologist is a veterinarian, breeder, specialist in the care and maintenance of domestic kittens in one person. It's just that a person from the street will not be able to properly raise and prepare an ideal sire cat for further offspring with an ideal pedigree. If you decide to dedicate yourself to the business of breeding kittens, you need to read some useful information first.

Today, a good thoroughbred kitten, with documents and an excellent pedigree, can cost from $200 (British breed) to $2000 (F1-F2 shroud). The cost of a kitten is determined by the following parameters:

  1. Animal gender.
  2. Coat color.
  3. The right to breeding (the most important thing when buying for offspring).
  4. Pedigree.
  5. Veterinary passport.
  6. Conditions of keeping and feeding.
  7. Age.

When choosing any breed, even if you have all the necessary documents confirming its origin and classification, you can and should demand that you be granted the right to see one of the kitten's parents.

If for some reason you find yourself out of work and forced to be in a creative search, then why not consider breeding cats of popular breeds as an independent business? There are cases when, having sold one litter, for example, a Bengal cat, the hostess bought herself a decent foreign car. How to start a cat breeding business from scratch?

It is worth remembering that doing something will only bring success when you love this very thing, understand it, and you like the ongoing process. Therefore, if you decide to start breeding cats, you, at a minimum, should love cats. Even better if you already have experience with cats and caring for them.

At the beginning of the journey itself, you must weigh everything and decide for yourself that neither cats marking all the things in the house, nor cats crying at night during estrus can stop you on the path to improving the breed.

Choosing a cat breed

The first important step is to decide what specific material you will work with. What breed of cats to choose for breeding?

You can go 2 ways:

1) carefully study the photos of cats of various breeds and choose a few that you liked visually. Because if you do not like how your pet looks, then it is difficult to expect the right and proper attitude towards him. Next, you need to read the characteristics of the breeds you have chosen. It happens that a person himself is very calm, melancholic or phlegmatic by temperament type, and it is hard to imagine how he will manage with cats of "reactive" breeds. And the last step: from the list reduced to 2-3 breeds, you will need to choose a breed, the purchase of representatives of which you will pull financially.

2) initially, in spite of all the “buts” and out of spite of the enemies, choose the breed based on the maximum “exhaust” after the sale of the litter.

There are many breeds of cats at the moment. The vast majority of them are "legalized" by various cat federations and allow you to breed them quite calmly (with a competent approach). There are some newly bred breeds, or controversial species that are recognized by someone, not recognized by someone, but we will not recall them now.

So, an approximate list of cat breeds that are in high consumer demand:

1) Maine Coons (people love these cats for their huge size. An adult Maine Coon looks like a small lynx and always impresses those who look at him);

2) oriental cats (graceful cats with a dog's muzzle and ears in the form of bat wings);

3) scottish folds (plush fat men with bent ears);

4) sphinxes (several types of "bald" cats);

5) British shorthair (just plush fatties);

6) Russian Blues (cats with a single color - blue, green eyes and an aristocratic character);

7) Persian (cats with flat faces and increased shaggyness);

8) Kurilian Bobtails (cats with short tails, similar to lynxes);

9) Abyssinian (graceful cats of bright color and crazy temperament);

10) Siberian (originally Russian furry cats);

11) Bengal (cats similar in color and posture to leopards).

Of course, you must consider both the purchasing power of the population in your area and the popularity of the breed in your area.

The next step is literacy. Do not go to bookstores for literature on cats. They sell either reprints of old books in beautiful covers, or uninformative, but expensive photo albums of cats with beautiful photographs. Publishers are people too and they want to make money. Therefore, get on the Internet, register on the “cat lovers” forums, go to the section on your breed and start reading and reading. The forums have the most valuable and lively information. You will find more knowledge there than anywhere else. Before you rush with your questions into the seething communication of breeders (people involved in breeding cats) and not look like a black sheep against their background, you need to learn the breed standards so as not to pierce in the first round. And do not try to ask questions like “How much do kittens of my breed cost?” and “Where is the best place to sell kittens?”. You don't want to be thrown into the abyss, do you? And in this case, you will simply be torn apart. After all, not a single breeder admits that he breeds cats for the sake of money too. Only in the name of high ideals and the improvement of the breed!

To approach the practice, you need to learn the theory. That is, in order for you to become a real breeder, so that later you will be recognized by your own, you must definitely undergo training in felinologist courses, which last an average of 3 months, with mandatory exams and obtaining a diploma for the right to engage in felinological activities. Without this diploma, you will not be able to register a cattery in which you are going to breed. And without a cattery, you will not have serious applications for serious work, and “your” kittens will not be able to be registered. And unregistered kittens are falling sharply in price, otherwise they would not have to be attached to them for free later on by friends and acquaintances.

Preparation of equipment and clarification of technical issues

The ideal room for breeding cats looks grandiose. Under it, it is better to allocate a whole room like a barn (if you live on your site) and completely redo it for the exacting requests of cats.

In an apartment, so in an apartment ... If there is no separate house that you could give your gold-bearing cats, then you will have to huddle in your own apartment, giving the best corners and sections in the house to your favorite animals. Do not forget that a cat is not a dog, she will not lie where you order her (God forbid!), she herself will choose a place where she is comfortable. It could be your favorite fur cape or an expensive armchair brought from Indonesia. Live and see!

Then in the pet store you get everything you need: food, a scratching post (a cat can ignore it, tearing up a sofa is easier and more interesting), bowls for food and water, a toilet tray (preferably without any appliances, throw away the grate right away), toilet filler, toys (very quickly get bored), a comb (depending on the breed of the cat), cosmetics (but this can already be done later). What exactly to buy, you will be enlightened by the breeder from whom you will buy animals for yourself. You don't want to just throw money away.

Buying pets

In a city apartment at the initial stage, you can keep one or two adult animals. At a minimum, it should be a cat that will forge money for you by supplying kittens for sale. But you also need a blacksmith - a cat. This is where the problems begin. The fact is that a normal healthy cat almost always wants a cat, and for normal good health, a cat is shown up to 9 matings a year, that is, every one and a half months. A cat of such a pace will not only not withstand psychologically, but will not be able to physically. The cat bears kittens for 2-2.5 months. That is, there is a discrepancy between the schedules of one and the other (and we are not talking about the rehabilitation period yet). What should a cat do in "free time"? That's right, mark things in the house and yell at night.

Therefore, the most correct option for you would be to purchase 1-2 cats and an iron agreement with the cat. You are looking for a cat on the forums. The matter is not simple. In order for the cat to agree to accept the bride, in simple terms, you have to be a cool bride. If your animal does not represent anything interesting (in terms of breeding), then you will be ignored. Therefore, breeding work should be carried out in several directions at once.


For mating, the cat is sent to the cat, as the cat feels much more confident in its territory. It is necessary to have all veterinary documents about vaccinations on both sides of the newlyweds. You don't want your business to fail on the first date. Diseases that are incompatible with breeding are also found in animals.

Business advertising

Business started, here they are, the first kittens. You have already given birth, fattened these butuziks, played with them when they wanted, squeezed them, communicated with them, in general, worked on their strong psyche and set them secular manners. Only after 3 months (!) of age, kittens can be given (sold) to new families. With documents, with vaccinations, with tears in their eyes and promises to write and call.

Where to sell kittens? First you need to know that cats and cats grow out of kittens. Some people like boys, some like girls. This is fine. The first place where you need to advertise is local bulletin boards on the Internet, sales sites for everything, such as Avito, From Hand to Hand. It is very nice to have your own website about the cattery.

Once your cattery is up and running, your cat show visits and word of mouth will be the best advertisement. In addition, if your kittens are of interest for further breeding, then other breeders will contact you, and this is already worth a lot!


Having fallen in love with cats once, you will no longer be able to deny yourself the pleasure of living with them. Will they bring you money? With the right approach, yes!

Have you purchased or are going to purchase a thoroughbred kitten, do you want to breed? Don't know where to start? This article contains the main stages and rules of breeding.

Choosing a Kitten

If you are buying a kitten for breeding, you must approach the choice of a kitten in a completely different way than when choosing just a pet. A pet should be healthy and you personally like it, that's enough. A breeding kitten is a completely different matter.

Before you buy a kitten for breeding, you should first get to know the chosen breed as much as possible, carefully study the features of the breed, find out the advantages and disadvantages, and most importantly, see with your own eyes as many cats of this breed as possible. Your choice should not be random, but conscious- You must understand what are the breed advantages and disadvantages of the kitten you have chosen, what grades and titles the kitten can receive at exhibitions, and what offspring will be born from this kitten when he (she) becomes an adult.

KLK "Moscow" strongly recommends both buyers and breeders to conclude a written contract for the sale of a kitten, regardless of the price of the kitten and the purpose of the acquisition - for breeding or as a pet. The contract will allow you to avoid mutual claims in the future. If a kitten is purchased for breeding, the conclusion of a written contract of sale is mandatory! A sample contract for the sale of a kitten is available on the Club Documents page

Registration of a pedigree

A thoroughbred kitten differs from a purebred kitten in pronounced pedigree characteristics and the presence of a pedigree that certifies the origin of the kitten from purebred parents. A pedigree for a cat or a cat is like a passport for a person.

When buying a kitten for breeding, immediately find out how you will get the pedigree and how much it will cost. There are different options - some breeders order pedigrees for kittens on their own, and give them to the buyer along with the kitten. Others give the buyer a metric - an analogue of a human birth certificate.

The metric must contain the following data:

Kitten name, date of birth, gender, color;
the name and contacts of the club that issued the metric;
name, surname and contacts of the breeder who sold you the kitten;
seal of the club or kennel.

To obtain a pedigree, the buyer must take or mail the metric to the cat club that gave her away, and pay for the production of a pedigree.

NOTE: The pedigree only certifies the origin of the kitten from purebred parents, but is not evidence of breeding value and breeding permission!

Growing a kitten

If you plan to use your pet for breeding, you must create the best conditions for him.

Childbirth and feeding of kittens is a serious burden on the body of a cat. It is unacceptable to feed a stud cat with cheap food or leftovers from your table, premium food is required. Only a healthy, well-groomed cat will give birth to healthy, strong kittens.

The correct cultivation of the future breeding cat is no less important, because. the sire cat must be in perfect physical shape, otherwise he will not have brides.

In addition, the appearance of the animal, the condition of the coat is of great importance for victories at exhibitions.

Joining the club

The main functions of the Cat Fanciers Club:

Registration of felinological documents for club members: metrics or pedigrees for kittens of club members, catteries for club members, title certificates for adult cats and cats of club members, etc.

Holding cat shows. Each club regularly holds cat shows. Any owner of a cat or a cat, regardless of membership in any club, can be a participant in the exhibition of any club.

Club members can post information on the club website - about their cattery, about kittens for sale, about cats for mating.

The club is a public non-profit organization, whose activities are financed by contributions from club members. For example, in KLK "Moscow" registration of a pedigree costs 1200 rubles, a title certificate - 700 rubles, an annual fee - 500 rubles. Members of the club who have not paid the annual fee during the current year are considered to have terminated their membership in the club.

NOTE: The club cannot affect the health and breeding potential of the animal in any way. The club is not authorized to regulate the relationship between the buyer and the breeder in the event of illness or death of the animal, financial claims, or any other. The club also does not deal with mutual claims of two breeders in case of mating. The club keeps only tribal documents, similar to the passport office.

In case of claims, breeders must act in accordance with the contract of sale or mating. The club has neither the right nor the opportunity to understand the relationship of individuals who have entered into these relationships without any participation of the club. If it was not possible to resolve the situation through negotiations, it is necessary to go to court, but this can only be done if there is a contract of sale.


Most clubs belong to one of the felinological systems, but there are also independent clubs that are not subject to any felinological system, but have their own rules. KLK "Moskva" refers to the WCF system, so we are subject to the rules of the WCF system in our activities.

Cat shows are held to evaluate the work of breeders by independent experts. Experts evaluate cats, compare them with the standard (ideal breed), as well as among themselves. Cats receive various grades and titles. Experts select the best animals closest to the modern type in each breed. The best cats win in the main competition of the exhibition - "Best in Show", as well as in monobreed shows and WCF-rings.

In addition, experts note the shortcomings of each cat so that this is taken into account in breeding. It is at the exhibition that the quality of the cat, its compliance with the standard and the level of breeding are confirmed.

You can start a career from childhood - show a cat and especially a cat in the kitten class (3-6 months), then in the junior class (6-10 months), from 10 months in the open class.

Exhibition scores in the kitten and junior classes are necessary for a preliminary assessment of the animal - you can see the prospects of your pet and decide whether to continue the competitive epic or leave the race. In addition, the kitten gets used to the exhibition atmosphere, acquires a calm "show" temperament. To obtain high titles and win competitions, the calm disposition of the animal, resistance to stress is a necessary condition.


After the cat or cat reaches 12 months of age and receives a positive assessment from the expert, you can mate your pet. Exhibitions are very important for finding a future partner - at the exhibition you can see "live" the cat you are interested in, and possibly kittens from him, get to know the owners, find out the mating conditions. For a cat, an exhibition is a great opportunity to advertise yourself, distribute business cards with a phone number and website address.

Usually mating is paid, and therefore it is recommended to conclude a mating agreement before mating in order to avoid mutual claims in the future. A sample mating agreement is available on the Club Documents page

Birth of kittens

Pregnancy in cats lasts an average of 65 days, counting from the first day of mating. In some cats, the gestation period can range from 58 to 70 days.

Usually giving birth in cats goes without problems, but sometimes there are exceptions to this rule. Therefore, in the week when the cat is due to give birth, you will need 24-hour attention to her. Someone should always be there - it's better not to risk and not leave the cat alone during childbirth. Some cats, especially young and inexperienced ones, don't know what to do with their kittens. Your absence during the birth can cost you the life of the entire litter. Often a kitten is born "in a shirt", and if an inexperienced cat does not lick it, it will suffocate. A nearby owner can solve this problem in a few seconds.

The mother cat provides full care for the kittens up to about 3 weeks of age. Kittens should be kept in a warm and dry place. Starting from 3 weeks, you need to start feeding them, putting a tray, which will require additional care from you. But when the kittens start walking, you should communicate with them more so that the kittens get used to people, adapt to the world around them and become real pets.

Kittens - litter activation

When the kittens are two months old, they can be registered in the club and issue felinological documents for them - to activate.

After the birth of kittens in your home and the activation of your first litter, you become not only the owner of a cat, but also a breeder. If a cat lives in your house, then you are its owner, the owner of this cat at the moment. In this case, the breeder of your cat is the person in whose house she was born. If your cat has given birth to kittens, you are the breeder for these kittens, and other people usually become their owners.

Even if the new owner of your kitten assures that he is not interested in breeding and buys a kitten as a pet, nevertheless give him a metric with the contacts of the breeder and the club. Time passes and circumstances change. A kitten can change owners ... It happens that a magnificent cat (cat) grows up and the whole family dreams of pedigree breeding, participation in exhibitions, but the problem arises "where is our pedigree?" Track the fate of your litter for at least a year.

Sincere wishes - health, success, prosperity - to owners and breeders, and our furry pets!

Today, many people are concerned about the question of how to combine their favorite hobby and earning money to meet their needs. Because of this, many different business ideas have appeared that are distinguished by originality and creativity. Breeding cats is considered one of the most profitable, and at the same time interesting types of entrepreneurial activity, but for such an activity to be really and enjoyable, several important aspects must be taken into account.

Like any type of business, cat breeding as a business has its advantages and disadvantages. Understanding the pros and cons of this type of activity is extremely important, since it is quite possible that future success will depend on it.

  1. Profitability. There are many breeds of cats, the cost of representatives of which starts from several tens of thousands of rubles. With the right approach to business, breeding elite pets can generate a very high income, which in turn allows you to expand your business, thus increasing your profits.
  2. Availability. In order to start breeding cats, there is no need for significant initial investment. In the early stages of work, it is enough to purchase the items necessary for caring for cats. You should also take into account the regular costs necessary for the purchase of feed, preventive examinations at the veterinarian.
  3. . Due to the fact that no significant sums of money are required to start breeding cats, the investment will pay off very quickly. To increase the investment several times, usually one brood is enough. However, this is subject to the condition that the animals will be purchased at the optimal cost for the owner.
  4. High demand. Without a doubt, almost everyone loves cats. That is why they are often chosen as a pet. The desire to have a thoroughbred animal arises in every family, which means that a cat with a pedigree will always be in demand.
  5. Minimum risk. Breeding cats is not an easy task, but it is absolutely feasible, especially if you have the appropriate experience and knowledge in this area.

The right approach to work will allow you to make a profit by selling animals, regardless of the economic situation or other aspects that largely affect other types of entrepreneurship.

Undoubtedly, breeding cats is a good opportunity to earn money while doing an interesting activity.

Disadvantages of the "cat" business

It should be noted that the idea of ​​​​breeding cats has and. In this case, a lot depends on the desire of the entrepreneur himself, and how much he loves animals. Some breeds of cats have a very capricious and whimsical character, which creates many difficulties in everyday life.

The main disadvantage of a cat breeding business is the significant time investment. In addition, the breeder will need a large supply of strength and patience.

Kittens require constant care, which consists not only in regular feeding, but also in bathing, accustoming to the tray, and proper education. We should not exclude the possibility of diseases that will require the cost of medicines and specialist services.

Another disadvantage of the "cat" business is high competition. Breeding purebred animals for sale is not a new type of business, but it has gained significant popularity due to the emergence of breeds that were previously extremely rare. On the other hand, it is fully compensated by the high demand for animals with a pedigree, and therefore does not cause significant difficulties.

In general, cat breeding as a business has certain disadvantages, however, with the necessary qualities and knowledge, the difficulties that arise can be overcome without any damage.

How to start breeding

Where to start is a very important question that is asked by everyone who decides to start breeding purebred cats. To create a functioning business, you need to complete several steps that will ensure good profits in the future.

To successfully start a cat breeding business, you must follow the steps described above, and then carefully care for the animals.

After the acquisition of cats, careful care is a necessary condition for the success and profitability of breeding.

Contrary to popular belief, thoroughbred animals are very whimsical, which greatly complicates their maintenance, especially in a residential apartment.

Aspects of care:

Undoubtedly, the correct maintenance of thoroughbred cats is a very important element of breeding, and therefore it should be treated with the utmost responsibility.


At the age of 7-8 months, cats can already carry and give birth to kittens. The most reliable evidence is the first estrus of the animal. It should be noted that the onset of puberty depends on the temperament of the animal, and can reach 11-12 months.

It is recommended to carry out the first mating at the age of at least 1.5 years. At this age, the animal's body is fully formed, and therefore the likelihood of an unsuccessful pregnancy is minimized. Mating at an earlier date seriously harms the cat, and therefore this should be avoided.

It is best to look for a suitable partner for a pet in advance. This can be done through connections in special clubs, at exhibitions or through private announcements. Before mating, it is necessary that both animals are checked by a veterinarian and dewormed. It is also not recommended to bathe or wash the pet, so as not to interrupt its natural smell.

Directly during mating, it is necessary that the animals are in a calm atmosphere, preferably in a separate room. You should return to the room only to change the filling in the trays or feed. The duration of mating is, as a rule, from 3 to 5 days. If a cat or a cat behaves aggressively towards a partner, it is necessary to isolate them from each other.

In general, breeding of pedigree cats should be carried out taking into account several important factors.

Pregnancy and childbirth

After successful mating, healthy cats become pregnant. Its duration (depending on the breed) is from 6 to 8 weeks. During the bearing of kittens, the animal should be looked after with the utmost care, and the diet should be even more carefully monitored.

During pregnancy, it is best to isolate the cat from other pets. She should be allocated a separate closed place in which she can relax more in a relaxed atmosphere.

When carrying kittens, a cat often loses its appetite. You should be worried if the animal does not eat anything for more than a day. In addition, attacks of vomiting, lethargy, and inactivity are not excluded. Over time, negative symptoms disappear, and appetite increases significantly due to the growth of kittens.

It is recommended to give a pregnant cat food that is maximally enriched with vitamins and other useful substances. This is necessary not only to obtain a healthy brood, but also to maintain the health of the mother herself.

You can determine the approaching birth by the behavior of the animal. Before the birth of kittens, cats observe the phenomenon of nesting, in which she independently prepares the most convenient place for future parental activity. In addition, the pet regularly licks itself in the genital area, becomes restless. There is an increase in the mammary glands.

During childbirth, it is best not to interfere with the animal in any way to prevent injury to kittens. The cat licks the newborns on its own and feeds them. Kittens are born in turn, and therefore the duration of childbirth directly depends on their number. On average, the birth of one litter can take up to 6 hours.

Sale of kittens

To get a good profit from the sale of kittens, you need to take care of the pedigree. This is a kind of passport for an animal, which indicates that it is a purebred and comes from purebred parents.

Registration of pedigrees is carried out, as a rule, in specialized clubs for breeding cats. The document indicates the name of the kitten and its parents, date of birth, gender, coat color, and other information. The certificate is signed by the breeder and certified by a stamp.

You can sell a kitten in various ways. The most popular is the placement of an ad for sale on the Internet. This method allows you to place all the necessary information about the animal, including photos, and quickly find buyers.

Another popular method often used by cat breeders is exhibitions. Obviously, they are needed not only to show their pets to curious viewers, but also to find buyers who are willing to pay a decent amount of money.

By the way, the victory of a pet in various exhibitions is a significant plus to its “elite” status, which in turn increases its competitiveness.

There are many ways to quickly sell offspring obtained from mating, but it is best to sell kittens in specialized clubs or at exhibitions.

Breeding cats is the perfect combination of a profitable business and an interesting hobby that does not require significant investment. At the same time, such a business idea, if implemented correctly, allows you to have high incomes with minimal risk of failure.


I wouldn't want to do that. I would be sorry to hand out kittens, I guess. You'll still get attached one way or another. It was sad to take hamsters to the pet store, and even cats ... Besides, you never know what hands it will fall into - you won’t get into a person’s head. What if he will mistreat the cat in which so much has been invested? No, I’d better get myself started and be happy, but breeding is without me.
