When your face sweats, your head stops hurting. Diseases, injuries and pathologies

If your head and face sweat a lot, it may not only be caused by the heat. Regularly recurring episodes of sweating often indicate pathological changes at work internal organs or systems. Thermoregulation of the human body depends on many factors, and therefore any disturbances can provoke excessive sweating and the development of hyperhidrosis.

Sweating of the head and face for women is a real problem for appearance and psychosis. emotional state. Dirty hair, “current” makeup, unpleasant complexion - all this often becomes the cause of deep psychological disorders. To get rid of local hyperhidrosis, it is important to find out the root cause of the pathology in order to completely eliminate the unpleasant symptoms.

Predisposing factors

Excessive sweating of the head and face is normal only in case of seasonal heat, being in a stuffy room, in a sauna or bath, as well as during intense physical activity and treatment with antipyretic drugs. In other cases, clinicians consider the appearance of hyperhidrosis to be a pathology. There are two key forms of local hyperhidrosis:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

In the first case, excessive sweating appears by the age of 13-15, and its peak is at 22 years. Primary hyperhidrosis is caused by a hereditary predisposition. In the second case, hyperhidrosis - characteristic symptom any pathology, dysfunction of organs and systems. The following main ones are distinguished pathological causes chronic perspiration on the forehead in women.

Endocrine disorders

The function of the pituitary gland and thyroid gland is directly related to the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. A slight disruption in the secretion of thyroid hormones can trigger the development of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Both pathologies determine wide range thyroid dysfunction:

  • long-term hormone therapy;
  • Graves' disease;
  • nodular goiter in individuals old age;
  • tumors in the body of the pituitary gland;
  • excess iodine content:
  • disruption of the kidneys and adrenal glands.

The correct diagnosis can only be made by an endocrinologist based on the patient’s general clinical history, his age, gender, conditions professional activity, region of residence. Proper treatment of thyroid disease helps relieve general state health and eliminate not only sweating, but also headaches, swelling, attacks of tachycardia and causeless nausea.

Nervous system diseases

Psycho-emotional instability significantly affects adequate functionality sweat glands. Shy and constrained people in an unfavorable psychological environment notice increased sweating of the palms, head and face.

The nervous system of women is most sensitive to stressful situations, therefore local sweating in women is not uncommon. Hyperhidrosis against the background of sweating is called facial, it develops against the background of panic attacks, mental disorders, deep depression.

The risk group includes women with a tendency to depression, working in a difficult psycho-emotional environment, as well as single women with unfulfilled motherhood.

Hormonal disorders

The female body undergoes serious hormonal changes: puberty, pregnancy and lactation, menopause, postmenopausal period. Along with hormonal surges, the functionality of the sweat glands changes.

The only way to get rid of the signs of temporary hyperhidrosis is frequent hygiene procedures. Regular consultations with a gynecologist, endocrinologist, and nutritionist are considered an important aspect of a woman’s health.

Hypertonic disease

Arterial hypertension of any origin can be a consequence of a serious illness of cardio-vascular system, kidneys and renal structures, liver. Hypertension must be treated with medication, otherwise there is a high risk of developing a hypertensive crisis and dangerous health consequences.

During sharp jumps blood pressure the skin of the forehead, head and body becomes covered with cold sticky sweat, and the patient experiences a lack of air, tinnitus, confusion, and increased contractility of the heart muscle.

Long-term pathological condition increases shortness of breath, a woman may sweat after a short walk. Body type and body mass index are absolutely unimportant here. In the absence of adequate antihypertensive therapy, the risks of life-threatening situations increase significantly.


Malfunction of the sweat glands can be directly related to excess visceral or subcutaneous fat, which compresses internal organs and reduces the functionality of the pituitary gland. In obese people, sweating is associated with metabolic disorders and an inactive lifestyle. With the help of sweat, the human body gets rid of excess salts, water, uric acid. With increased body weight, these substances gradually accumulate in the body, which leads to increased sweating.

In all pathological cases intensive drug treatment, aimed at normalizing the function of internal organs, the nervous and endocrine systems.

Night sweats in women

A separate condition worth noting is increased sweating of the scalp at night. The reason for this may be the following factors:

Profuse sweating of the head in women at night is possible with serious disorders of the kidneys and cardiovascular system, sleep apnea syndrome (breathing stops during sleep). If there was a feast the day before, then sweat may be the result alcohol intoxication.

Note! In almost 75% of cases, increased sweating of the scalp is a transient condition and is associated with physiological characteristics body.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of local hyperhidrosis in women is usually not difficult and is carried out in any medical institution. To clarify the diagnosis, a number of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic studies are carried out:

  • study of the woman’s complaints and clinical history;
  • physical examination of the patient (weight, age, skin, hair growth);
  • gynecological examination;
  • taking blood tests (sugar, creatinine and urea, thyroid hormone levels are important);
  • urine analysis (protein content, leukocyte level, atypical impurities);
  • ultrasonography thyroid gland and pelvic organs;
  • x-ray chest;
  • MRI or CT examination to clarify the diagnosis.

Blood tests and blood pressure monitoring are usually sufficient to confirm a definitive diagnosis. Depending on the causes of sweating, treatment is prescribed.

Treatment approaches

Based on the research data, a treatment plan is prescribed. To treat hyperhidrosis, conservative methods are usually sufficient: medication correction, changes in diet and lifestyle, and daily hygiene. Approximate treatment depending on the reasons look like this:

  • nervous disorders - prescription of sedatives, consultation with a psychiatrist, neurologist;
  • endocrine disorders - hormone replacement therapy, monitoring the level of T3 or T4 hormones, consultations with a somnologist, endocrinologist;
  • infectious diseases - course use of immunostimulants, consultation with a therapist is sufficient;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension - consultation with a cardiologist and prescription of adequate antihypertensive therapy.

TO conservative methods Treatments include botulinum toxin injections - Botox or Dysport injections. The drug is administered subcutaneously, blocks nerve endings and interaction nervous system with sweat glands. The course involves a single injection once a month.

Important! Additionally, physiotherapy procedures may be prescribed, which is especially important when excessive sweating face, hands, head. However, complex therapy is required to treat scalp hyperhidrosis.

Surgical correction

TO surgical treatment resort to the lack of effectiveness of non-invasive techniques, as well as chronic sweating against the background of a physiological, hereditary predisposition. Highlight the following types manipulations:

  1. Thorascopic sympathectomy. Abdominal surgery, the essence of which is to cut the skin and compress the nerve nodes. The operation has many contraindications, complications, and a long recovery period.
  1. Endoscopic sympathectomy. Termination of the functionality of nerve endings by a clamp and suppression of the sweat glands.

Both methods are used only as a last resort, but they stop sweating in unwanted places forever.

Note! The only disadvantages are aesthetic defects (scars, cicatrices) and the risk of loss of sensitivity in places where nerve nodes are compressed.

Traditional medicine recipes

If sweating is a symptom of serious hormonal disorders or other diseases, then methods traditional medicine may cause harm or make the situation worse. When the cause of sweat on the head is a hereditary predisposition or physiological factors, then you can significantly alleviate the symptoms of excessive sweating in the head area with the following manipulations:

  • Carrying out daily facial and hair hygiene;
  • selection of the right cosmetics for facial skin and hair care:
  • weight control, proper nutrition.

Women are advised to rinse their hair apple cider vinegar, make masks from an egg-lemon mixture, dye your hair with medicinal henna. Many clinicians recommend eating linseed oil to improve metabolic processes and remove toxins from the body.

Nutrition and diet

Should be excluded from the diet alcoholic drinks, soda, hot seasonings, spices, onions, garlic. To reduce body weight, it is recommended to exclude sweets and starchy foods. The main diet should consist of fruits, vegetables, lean poultry and drinking plenty of fluids(fruit drinks, herbal decoctions, compotes).


Local hyperhidrosis in women is a real problem at any age. Many diseases today can be successfully treated, after which increased sweating decreases significantly or stops altogether. Doctor consultation and correct selection therapy will save not only the health, but in some cases the life of the patient.

One of the common human conditions today is hyperhidrosis, which is characterized by inaccurate functioning of the sweating system. It is considered normal when strong sweating occurs when the temperature rises environment or physical activity. However, significant sweating of the face and head in a calm state in girls and women may indicate serious disorders in the body and the formation pathological process which requires treatment. Many girls, faced with hyperhidrosis, are interested in why this happens and how to get rid of sweating?

Factors causing pathology

Sweating is considered a completely natural process.

Many women, from their youth, suffer from excessive functioning of the sweat glands of the face and head. At the same time, when such heavy sweating is considered natural, it brings many difficulties. Ladies often need to wash their hair and look for cosmetics that moisturize the skin. However, panic in this situation is inappropriate.

Often the cause of a sweaty head in girls is their Thick hair. The more magnificent the hairstyle, the higher the likelihood of increased sweating of the skin on the head. When the head sweats very much during the cold season, the reason may be that the woman is wearing a hat that is too warm. In such cases, you should choose a lighter headgear, and you should also remove it when entering an enclosed space.

Severe facial sweating is possible if you use low-quality cosmetics. More often this problem appears in ladies who like to use powder and foundation.

It is possible to suspect that problems have arisen when sweating of the head and face appears suddenly. Therefore, in order to exclude possible diseases, you need to see a doctor and undergo the required examination.

Physiological factors

During physical activity there is always an increase in sweating

Most often, the cause of heavy sweating is physiology.

To one of common factors Why the head and face sweat a lot include:

  • increased temperature, humidity in the atmosphere;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • reception spicy food;
  • wearing synthetic hats, scarves and clothes that do not allow air to pass through.

Each of the reasons does not have a close connection with a person; it is easily eliminated, at the same time eliminating sweating of the head and face. However, there are other physiological factors that are interrelated with the autonomic nervous system. Often, changes in its functioning are associated with changes in hormonal levels, manifesting itself:

  • in adolescence;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during menopause.

In the body, hormones regulate many physiological processes. They also affect the body’s heat exchange, which leads to malfunctions. That's why the face and head, neck, and back sweat. Although the signs are unpleasant, nothing serious happens to the body. Of course, there are also painful factors. For what reason the head and face sweat, only a specialist doctor can determine.

During menopause, women notice that they begin to sweat more.

Pathological factors

The sooner the reason why your face and head sweats is found, the better. Based on the diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe therapy and tell you what to do about sweating.

Important! To understand that severe sweating of the head is a sign of some serious illness, it is necessary health care, you should evaluate your own well-being. If you don't associate it with weather conditions, with what clothes you are wearing, with the foods you eat and hormonal life periods (for example, menopause), and all the time you feel discomfort, weakness during physical activity or stress, during rest, accompanied by headaches, then there is a reason to visit a doctor.

Here is a list of diseases that are most often the reasons why the face and head sweat in women:

If heavy sweating happens for no reason, then this is a reason to consult a doctor
  1. Changes in the functioning of the endocrine system.
  2. Metabolism failure.
  3. Thyroid diseases.
  4. Increased blood pressure.
  5. Herpes zoster.
  6. Allergic reactions.
  7. Stroke.
  8. Oncological diseases.
  9. Excess body weight.
  10. Diabetes.
  11. Heart and vascular diseases.
  12. Diseases of the central nervous system.
  13. Chronic infectious diseases.
  14. The presence of a previous head injury.
  15. Psychical deviations.

Severe sweating of the head and face in women is not at all safe. Therefore, the sooner the fight against sweating is started, the faster you will be able to get rid of hyperhidrosis.

Causes of sweating during sleep

Excessive head sweating in women at night can be observed when:

  • sleep hygiene is not observed - the room is stuffy, it is not ventilated, the bed linen is made of synthetic fabrics. In this case, the person will be sweaty, he will not be able to sleep further, he will be worried and irritated;
  • there are infectious diseases - AIDS, pneumonia;
  • medications are taken;
  • A woman has apnea, which is accompanied by loud snoring during sleep and holding her breath. It is caused by hypoxia and a surge of adrenaline into the circulatory system.

Also, severe sweating of the face and head can be inherited. If relatives have encountered this problem, then, undoubtedly, there is an individual hereditary predisposition.

The room should be ventilated before going to bed to avoid stuffiness.

How to solve a problem

There are no methods to completely get rid of sweating of the head, but it is possible to postpone it for a certain time.

Based on the results of a complete examination of the patient, the doctor will tell you how to treat hyperhidrosis.

There are techniques that can help eliminate heavy sweating.

  1. Conservative solution.
  2. Surgical intervention.
  3. Ethnoscience.

Conservative way

This method is effective if the face and head do not sweat much. It is used as an application to traditional medicines and other ways.

For hyperhidrosis, decoctions from medicinal herbs.

  1. Oak bark.
  2. Melissa.
  3. Mint.
  4. Sage.

If overexertion is the cause of sweating, prescribe herbal remedies which reduce excitability. Good results can be achieved by taking an anti-sweating remedy such as Persen, Novo-Passit. In addition, you can drink infusions of valerian and motherwort.

Medicinal plants that will help you cope with excessive sweating

Important! Sedative medications help increased sleepiness and slowing down the reaction, therefore they cannot be used without a doctor’s prescription.

To quickly relieve sweating, there are special tablets. These are sweat gland blockers.

  1. Glycopyrrolate.
  2. Oxybutin.
  3. Atropine.
  4. Bellaspon.
  5. Clonidine.

Use any medications worth it only after consulting a doctor

Independent use of these funds without the appointment of a specialist is unacceptable, they have side effects that pose a threat to health and life. An accurate selection of one-time consumption is required, and only the attending doctor can calculate it.

Complex use of vitamins is often prescribed, in combination with vitamins from group B. They help improve metabolic processes, which also has a beneficial effect on sweating. The decision on this use of funds remains with the doctor.

Conservative treatment is not complete without proper nutrition, thanks to which proper metabolism can be restored. After a certain period of time this therapy gives good result. The woman will leave feeling weak, headache, excess body weight will go away, and your head will stop sweating.

Surgical method

When conservative therapy did not bring positive results, the doctor may suggest surgery (sympathectomy).

There are 3 ways to perform the operation:

  • thoracoscopic;
  • chemical;
  • endoscopic.

With thoracoscopy, excessive sweating of the head is eliminated by destroying the central neurons that activate the secretion of sweat glands. The operation is performed under general anesthesia for about an hour.

Surgical treatment should be resorted to only in extreme cases

Thoracoscopy is not performed if the patient:

  • blood clotting is impaired;
  • diabetes;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • predisposition to scarring.

If the head sweats a lot, treatment is also carried out with the help of endoscopic intervention. The process takes place under local anesthesia and takes 30 minutes. This method is minimally invasive and painless. Using an endoscope, the specialist clamps the nerve endings, after which sweat glands in these zones cease to function.

If not heavy sweating heads perform chemical intervention. The operation involves insertion into a puncture necessary substances. The procedure is carried out using thin needles for 3 minutes under local anesthesia. The procedure is monitored using x-rays.

Traditional methods

There are many traditional methods that help get rid of heavy sweating:

How to fight sweating with folk recipes:

Infusions of medicinal herbs will help eliminate health problems
  1. To reduce the secretion of sweat glands, it is recommended to use medicinal herbs.
  2. A decoction of black and green tea used to rinse your hair works well against hyperhidrosis.
  3. At home, cosmetic ice can quickly eliminate signs of sweating. It should be applied to the scalp for a while, and then dry the hair. This is how they fight bacteria that quickly multiply in a humid environment and cause foul odor. The achieved effectiveness lasts up to 5 hours.
  4. Baking soda can also eliminate the problem of facial sweating. Scrubs with this product achieve excellent results.
  5. It is possible to restore the function of the sweat glands with the help of tar. Wash your face with soap and wash your hair.

On a note! Fight with strong discharge sweat begins with the use of moistened wipes. This is important in the summer, when the head and face instantly become covered with perspiration.

It is important to remember that you do not need to self-treat, especially if severe sweating occurs suddenly and is accompanied by other symptoms. It is better to contact a specialist who will help solve the problem by setting correct diagnosis and prescribing individual adequate treatment.

Spring brought us warm days, and immediately there was a desire to escape from the stuffy office to the beach to plunge into the cool sea. However, not everyone was pleased with the spring sun and tan “a la Hollywood”. As summer approaches, some people have developed a problem such as severe or increased sweating of the head. Let's be honest, this is not the most pleasant feeling. Plus, in this case, the fair sex does not feel very good, to put it mildly.

Why does my head sweat?
Increased sweating of the scalp has a scientific name - hyperhidrosis. In most cases, this is not the cause of a serious illness, rather it is considered cosmetic defect. Everything depends on the constitutional characteristics of the person. However, for those who have encountered similar problem, I know the feeling of awkwardness and discomfort when communicating with people. Some dermatologists believe that scalp hyperhidrosis can cause professional, social and psychological maladjustment in patients.

Sweating of the head begins to appear, usually in adolescence(during puberty). There could be any reasons. For example, increased excitability of the autonomic nervous system, hormonal changes body. Moreover, both men and women suffer from hyperhidrosis equally.

Types and causes of sweating
Depending on the cause, scalp hyperhidrosis is usually divided into primary and secondary. The definition of “primary” means that hyperhidrosis is not associated with any disease. Increased sweating of the head in this case may develop due to mental overexcitation, anxiety, emotional stress. If the head sweats in response to a change in emotional state, then such hyperhidrosis is called facial hyperhidrosis. In other words, this is how the body reacts to a stressful situation.

Other factors that cause excessive sweating are eating spicy foods, drinking strong coffee, tea. Therefore, try not to drink hot drinks in hot weather. An increase in external temperature and certain odors can also become catalysts for excessive sweating. In summer and autumn, try to wash your face as often as possible, wipe your face with napkins, and do not use perfume. Increased muscle activity during sports is another reason that provokes increased sweating of the head.

Another cause of excessive sweating of the scalp may be dysfunction of the sweat glands or cranial hyperhidrosis. In this case, increased sweating and the unpleasant odor that it entails are caused by waste products of bacteria that feed on the fluid secreted by the body. Only treatment will help here. Should go full examination to identify and solve the problem.

Often cranial hyperhidrosis manifests itself due to disruption of metabolic processes in the body. For example, increased sweating is almost always observed in an obese person. People with this problem are advised to wear light clothing made from natural fabrics and observe good personal hygiene.

Secondary hyperhidrosis is usually accompanying symptom any disease. Sweating head wearing local character, should alert you. So, for example, increased sweating of the skin in the ear-temporal region (sometimes in combination with redness) can be disturbing after previous mumps, unsuccessful operation on salivary gland. And, as a result, its damage.

The so-called “string tympani syndrome” occurs in the form of increased sweating in the chin area (due to taste irritation). In Parkinson's disease, facial hyperhidrosis may be a concern due to damage to the autonomic nervous system. Chronic dermatosis is also characterized by profuse sweating of the nose and other parts of the face, as well as redness of the skin and the presence of pink papules.

What to do if your head is sweating
If you have severe sweating, reconsider your lifestyle, go through your cosmetics, and throw out low-quality items. Synthetic hats or scarves that are too thick do not allow your skin to breathe. Because of this, a certain Greenhouse effect and the head overheats. The result is increased sweating.

To treat primary hyperhidrosis or cope with it on your own - a person chooses for himself what is best for him to do in this case. If this is not a problem and does not interfere with work and comfortable communication, it is enough to simply use personal hygiene products more often. If it doesn't bother you Strong smell, then you can try special sprays with the addition of tar.

More in a global way To combat sweating, the subcutaneous injection of a special drug, botulinum toxin, is considered. This procedure consists of blocking the arrival of a nerve impulse transmitted from the nerve to the sweat gland. Because of this, the second one becomes incapable of sweating. This method is considered the least dangerous compared, for example, with the application of aluminum salts and iontophoresis. Side effects As a rule, when the drug is administered, there is no botulism toxin. If we're talking about about secondary hyperhidrosis, then in order to eliminate the problem, you must first cure the concomitant disease.

It should be remembered that excessive sweating of the head can be both a cosmetic defect and a symptom of a serious illness. Therefore, if you notice a similar symptom, you need to consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate, as this is dangerous to your health.

Increased sweating is normal if a person does intense exercise. physical activity, or it’s a hot and sultry summer outside. In other cases, excessive sweating may be a sign of such unpleasant disease like hyperhidrosis. It can be on the whole body or on its individual parts, for example, the head.

Like any disease, severe sweating of the head causes a person considerable discomfort and discomfort, which entails constant stress and irritability, which also increases sweating. The result is a vicious circle: nervousness - sweating - even more sweating. How to break this circle? It’s simple, you need to identify the reasons why an adult’s and a child’s head sweats a lot.

Why does my head sweat?

  • Often, sweating of the head is directly related to the presence excess weight bodies. The presence of abundant fat deposits has a particularly strong influence on the secretion of sweat. Fat people sweat more intensely and more often.
  • Sweating may be related to ambient temperature and clothing. If it is hot outside, it is not recommended to walk without a hat. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the headdress provides the head with an influx of fresh air. In addition, you should give preference to panama hats and caps in light colors. Dark color has the power of attraction sun rays and fast heating. It is better to choose natural cotton and avoid synthetics.
  • Another reason why the head and face sweat may be performing intense exercise, for example, during physical education or training in the gym.
  • If the head sweats a lot in an adult, the cause may be hyperhidrosis. It comes in two varieties - head and face.

An adult's head sweats a lot, reasons:

  • Genetic feature - in this case, it will be difficult to get rid of sweating of the head, since it is very individual;
  • The reasons why an adult’s head sweats a lot may be changes in intracranial pressure. Hypertensive patients most often suffer from sweating of the head. Being in active phase, during the day a person’s blood pressure is elevated, and during sleep the body relaxes and all processes slow down, as a result of which the pressure drops. As a result, an adult's head may sweat during sleep;
  • Another equally common cause of sweating of the head is incorrect operation sweat glands This occurs due to metabolic disorders in the human body. A huge disadvantage in this case is that heavy sweating contributes to the appearance of unpleasant odor due to the proliferation of bacteria and is accompanied by itching of the scalp;
  • If you find that your head gets very sweaty in winter, the reason for this may be a hat made of synthetic material. In this case, you should try changing your headdress to one made from natural materials (leather or fur). Or you can choose a lining consisting of natural fabric;
  • In women, the reason why the head sweats a lot can be the onset of menopause. During this period, a restructuring of the entire hormonal system of the body is carried out, and therefore a temporary increase in sweating may be observed.
  • At very profuse sweating It is recommended to consult an endocrinologist, since the cause of profuse sweating may be a malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, expressed in excessive emotionality, constant stress, panic attacks, phobias also often cause increased sweating of the head;
  • Oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, drug addiction, unhealthy lifestyle, allergies can also provoke scalp hyperhidrosis.

The child's head is sweating a lot

Increased sweating can occur not only in adults, but also in children. Parents are especially worried if their child’s head sweats during sleep or when sucking at the breast (in infants). These symptoms may indicate a disease such as rickets (lack of vitamin D3 in the body). But sweating alone is not enough to make a diagnosis. As a rule, rickets is also characterized by sleep disturbances, fearfulness, baldness, decreased tone muscles, etc.

Children's heads naturally sweat, not only because of rickets. Sweating in children is caused by excessive wrapping, high humidity in the room, clothing or bedding made of synthetic materials. Children also sweat due to hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, allergies, colds. Timely discovery of the cause and correct treatment sweating in children helps to avoid the development of complications associated with a particular disease.

Treatment for sweating head

How to cure excessive sweating of the head? A dermatologist will help you deal with this problem by prescribing an examination and establishing the cause of hyperhidrosis. Approach in every specific case individual. Basically, conservative treatment methods are first prescribed, namely taking medications that help reduce the activity of the sweat glands, physiotherapy (iontophoresis) and, in some cases, consultation with a psychotherapist. This helps patients cope with nervousness and excessive emotionality and get rid of the symptoms of hyperhidrosis.

Partially helping to eliminate head sweating in adults is the use of antiperspirants with hypoallergenic properties like Odaban. True, the price of these deodorants is quite high. Excessive sweating of the head is also treated with traditional methods, including rubbing and washing the head with herbs (infusion of mint, chamomile, sage, lemon balm, oak bark), and lemon juice. Children with rickets are prescribed an increased dosage of medications containing vitamin D3, as well as physiotherapy, swimming and massage.

If you sweat profusely, it would be a good idea to reconsider your diet. Try adding it to your food more often olive oil. It helps lower blood cholesterol and lower blood pressure, which leads to reduced sweating. For drinks, you should give preference to green tea, freshly squeezed juices, still mineral water and limit coffee, soda and sweet unnatural drinks.

Consume more foods containing B vitamins, which help proper operation both the whole body and especially the human nervous system, which reduces sweating. Remove cocoa, chocolate, herbs, spices, and alcohol from your diet. These products increase nervous excitability, which is an impetus for increased sweat production.

The only methods that are most likely to solve the problem of sweating of the head are Botox injections and surgery- sympathectomy. With the help of botulinum toxin injections, the nerve endings associated with the sweat glands are paralyzed, and therefore sweat either begins to be released in much smaller quantities or stops being released at all. The effect lasts for six months; there are no significant contraindications to the procedures.

The essence of prompt disposal excessive sweating head is to influence the sympathetic nerves to reduce their activity. Sympathectomy allows you to forget about scalp hyperhidrosis forever in almost 100% of cases. However, as with any operation, complications are possible.

In the heat, streams of sweat run down your face, and your head suddenly gets wet. This is a common phenomenon inherent in every person. However, if increased sweating is associated not only with heat, then this is evidence of pathology in the functions of internal organs. ​

Thermoregulation in the human body depends on various reasons, therefore, all sorts of disorders provoke excess sweat, and women’s head and face sweat a lot, as a result of the development of hyperhidrosis.

Increased sweating of the face and head is serious problem for women, as in appearance, and in psycho-emotional state. Hair that gets dirty quickly, drips decorative cosmetics, this causes deep psychological distress in a woman.

Hyperhidrosis is a dysfunction of the sweat secretion system. This is common among people of all ages. IN normal conditions sweat production comes from high temperature, high humidity, stuffy indoor air. People also sweat during high physical activity.

Sweating of the head alone is local hyperhidrosis, it indicates the presence of pathological processes in the body.

Why does increased sweating develop?

In some women, excessive sweating began in early childhood, and accompanies them throughout their lives, demonstrating excessive activity of the glands responsible for the secretion of sweat on the head. Sometimes increased secretion sweat is normal, but how much trouble is caused by the constant flow of sweat down the face and neck. Girls often wash their hair and choose special cosmetics that are resistant to moisture.

However, if women have experienced severe sweating of the head and face since childhood, then this can be taken as normal. If excessive sweating appears unexpectedly and for no apparent reason, then you should seriously think about it, even going so far as to contact your local physician.

Hyperhidrosis is a consequence of metabolic disorders. The causes of sweating vary.

The most common reasons:

  • emotional overstrain. What to do to not be nervous when speaking in public
  • communication with management, this is decided by the woman herself. Trainings and indoctrination sessions are conducted. If the usual ways a woman cannot cope with the tension of emotions, then hyperhidrosis becomes a consequence of a depressive state and frequent stress;
  • overweight, diabetes. Women sweat the most overweight, diabetes mellitus;
  • infections in the body. The acute course of an infectious disease is accompanied by increased sweating due to high temperature. Here, sweat is a natural temperature regulator;
  • oncological pathologies. Increased sweating is one of the symptoms of the appearance of a neoplasm.

What to do if you want to use cosmetics, but the sweating of your face does not allow it. The pursuit of beauty brings women to health risks. Why apply it to your face? Foundation and powder, if all this drains from the skin along with sweat in unpleasant streaks.

Many women go without a hat all winter, in any frost, in any weather. For the head it is always stress and hypothermia. Increased activity of the sweat glands on the scalp is a reaction to stress.

    Do you sweat often?

Diagnosis of local hyperhidrosis

It is not difficult for the therapist to diagnose hyperhidrosis - severe sweating of the head and face observed in a woman. For this purpose, laboratory and instrumental examinations are carried out.

Types of diagnostics:

  • anamnesis is collected;
  • a physical examination is performed;
  • it is necessary to undergo a gynecologist;
  • blood and urine tests are taken;
  • An ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland and pelvic organs is performed;
  • You definitely need to do a chest x-ray.

If serious pathologies are detected, the doctor prescribes a CT or MRI, if appropriate, to clarify the diagnosis. As a rule, checking your blood composition and monitoring your blood pressure is sufficient. Based on the results of the examination, treatment is prescribed.

Therapeutic measures

Hyperhidrosis usually responds to conservative treatment methods - taking vitamins, changing diet and lifestyle.

Treatment according to the detected causes:

A conservative method is considered modern treatment botulinum toxin. It is carried out on the recommendation of a cosmetologist and consists of a subcutaneous local injection of Botox or Dysport. Injections are given once a month. Treatment by a cosmetologist for women with symptoms of severe sweating of the head and face usually has positive results.

Surgical treatment is used when the question is “What to do” and there is no effect from conservative treatment.

Manipulations used:

  • thorascopic sympathectomy. It is an abdominal operation during which the surgeon compresses ganglia. This operation has contraindications due to its high invasiveness, long rehabilitation;
  • endoscopic sympathectomy. The essence of the operation is the same: the surgeon pinches the nerve endings, which inhibits the work of the sweat glands.

These methods are used in cases of genetic pathology, they stop sweating forever, and the question “What to do with this sweating” is closed forever. But there is an aesthetic drawback - scars remain.