Strong sweating in men causes what to do. Increased sweating at night

Sweating is a natural process of thermoregulation of the body. At the same time, it occurs in every person with different intensity. However, a fairly significant number of men have excessive sweating - hyperhidrosis, which is a pathology. It occurs for various reasons.

Sweating in men appears most often due to stress. When emotional condition returns to normal, then hyperhidrosis ceases to manifest itself.

Household causes of hyperhidrosis in men

The reasons increased sweating the representatives of the stronger sex are divided into two main groups: household and medical. Each of them should be considered in detail.

household reasons excessive sweating men have the following:

  • ill-fitting clothes. If a man wears things out of season or they are made of materials that do not allow air to pass through, then profuse sweating is normal. In this case, you need to change clothes to one that is not too warm and made of natural fabrics, since then excellent ventilation will be provided. Moreover, if a man also has night sweat, then it is recommended to replace bed linen with cotton. You can use linen sheets and pillowcases;
  • excess weight. It is noticed that excessive sweating is observed quite often in those men who have a significant body weight. It usually occurs due to improper metabolism or lack of physical activity. Here it is necessary first of all to revise your diet. You should make a choice in favor of those products that speed up metabolism. You should also go in for sports. But it is better to run in open shoes or well-breathable shoes to reduce hyperhidrosis of the legs;
  • bad hygiene. If a man neglects water procedures, then the sweating will only increase. Therefore, with such a pathology, it is important to take a shower regularly. Special care must be given to the feet. After all, if there is a lack of hygiene, then the smell from them will come from a very sharp and strong, and it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it. Along with this, you need to watch your shoes. After all, when sweating of the legs is observed, it suffers in the first place. Shoes are required not only to be washed from the inside, but also to be dried afterwards;
  • wrong diet. If a man neglects in a healthy way life, regularly consumes sweets, coffee, alcoholic and highly carbonated drinks, spicy and fatty foods, then increased sweating can be observed precisely because of this. Moreover, if there is an uncontrolled introduction of all these products into the body for a long time, then hyperhidrosis can turn into chronic form. There is only one way out - to stop drinking alcohol and sugary drinks, to introduce more vegetables, fruits, lean dishes into the diet.

Medical causes of hyperhidrosis in men

Severe sweating of the body and legs can be provoked by certain ailments, that is, the causes of the medical group. They are as follows:

  • diseases endocrine system. These include: diabetes, pheochromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis, hypoglycemia, carcinoid syndrome;
  • kidney disease. They are responsible for removing fluid from the body. When the work of these organs is disrupted, there is heavy sweating at night, as well as daytime. It only gets stronger with time;
  • neurological diseases. General sweating occurs in the presence of Riley-Day syndrome, Parkinson's disease, tumor nervous system, syphilis (this disease leads to damage nerve fibers resulting in hyperhidrosis).
  • tumor diseases. Excessive sweating, which is observed even at night, may occur due to lymphogranulomatosis, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, metastatic lesions of the spinal cord;
  • heart problems. Sweating at night and during the daytime can occur after a stroke, because it disrupts blood circulation in the areas of the brain responsible for the proper release of fluid from the body;
  • infectious diseases. Sweating in men can be observed due to malaria, lung abscess, fungal infection (comes from strong smell from the feet), HIV, septicemia, brucellosis, tuberculosis. In this case, hyperhidrosis manifests itself not only at night, but also during the day. It usually proceeds in a chronic form.

Other causes of hyperhidrosis

Heavy sweating in men may be due to heredity. Usually it is local. So, in a person, only the legs, arms, armpits or forehead can sweat. In this case, it may be necessary to surgical intervention to reduce work sweat glands.

Day or night sweats can be caused by taking certain medications. Usually such a reaction of the body occurs on drugs containing pilocarpine, acetylsalicylic acid, insulin and some other substances. They cause excretion from the body a large number liquids. There may even be increased sweating of the head when taking such medications. But it passes with time - after the drug intake ends, and their derivatives are removed from the body.

How to get rid of sweat?

As you can see, the causes of profuse sweating are very different. At the same time, to combat those that belong to the household group, recommendations are given to help neutralize hyperhidrosis. Medical reasons for excessive sweating are quite serious. Here it is necessary to correctly establish why hyperhidrosis arose, then begin to treat the disease. Only after you get rid of it, profuse sweating will pass.

Of course, only a doctor should diagnose diseases. He will also establish whether sweating has a domestic cause. Of course, the specialist will competent treatment which will provide the best results.

Nocturnal hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating in men, women and children exclusively at night. This definition does not apply to people who sweat because of natural causes, such as heat indoors, a blanket or pajamas that are too warm.

Excessive night sweats can be described as the production of large amounts of sweat that is independent of external factors. If, after waking up, clothes and bed are soaked with sweat, most likely the problem lies in nocturnal hyperhidrosis.

This problem cannot be completely eliminated unless its exact cause is identified and eliminated.

Even though night sweats are harmless in most cases, they can cause some discomfort. Most often, this condition is just a symptom of another disease. Because of the similarities between night sweats and hot flashes, it can sometimes be difficult to tell whether sweating is a problem on its own or is due to another medical condition.

Cold sweat

Hormonal imbalance

Availability hormonal disorders especially hyperthyroidism (increased hormonal activity thyroid gland), carcinoid syndrome and pheochromocytoma can lead to increased sweating in men, women and children.

Neurological diseases

Some neurological problems and conditions, such as "autonomic dysreflexia, post-traumatic syringomyelia, stroke, and autonomic neuropathy, can cause excessive sweating and lead to night sweats» .

Other possible causes

In addition to what has already been described, there are other, less probable causes male sweating at night. Among them:

  • Stroke and post-traumatic syringomyelia ( cystic neoplasm, which develops into spinal cord and filled with liquid
  • Numbness in legs and arms
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD
  • Substance abuse
  • Sleep disturbances such as difficulty breathing at night, especially in people with sleep apnea
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Excess weight
  • Large or very warm blanket
  • Eating too spicy food before bed
  • Too high air temperature in the room where you sleep
  • Active exercise before bed
  • Poor air conditioning in warm weather
  • Temperature set too high on heater thermostat
  • "Drinking hot drinks before bed"
  • Excessive consumption of caffeine

In men over 50

In 50-year-old men, night sweats may be associated with "male menopause" (andropause). Apart from this, any other condition that we have described above can cause excessive night sweating in men over 50 years of age. For example, sweating and weight loss in men in this category can be caused by any of the cancers such as lymphoma, lung cancer, and others, or by diabetes.

Treatment for mature and older men will be similar to others age categories unless the sweating is due to andropause.

In men over 40

In men older than 40 years, night sweats are caused by the same reasons as described above. Except for andropause, which begins around age 50.

The symptoms that come along with excessive sweating at night can help in diagnosis and treatment.

Sweating without fever

Night sweats may naturally be accompanied by shivering, chills, or fever, especially if there is an infection or cancer. By increasing the temperature, the body increases resistance and does not give pathogenic microorganisms multiply when there is a bacterial or viral infection.

However, it is possible that sweating will occur on its own, without being accompanied by a fever, as this is not a disease, but the body's reaction to a specific problem that is not caused by an infection.

How serious is the diagnosis of nocturnal hyperhidrosis?

As you can see, there are many causes of night sweats in men, some of them quite serious. Therefore, if given state repeats and lasts for a certain time, it is worth visiting a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis. To do this, the specialist will study your medical history and prescribe tests.

Very severe night sweats in men

In fact, almost always, when a man pays attention to this problem, it is very pronounced. From the above, it is logical to conclude that the causes of extreme night sweats in men include the following:

  • Lymphoma
  • hangover syndrome
  • Andropause ("male menopause")
  • Taking certain medications
  • neurological problems
  • Stress
  • Diabetes


Before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish accurate diagnosis to understand what exactly leads to heavy sweating. Based on this, the correct treatment tactics are prescribed, since each disease requires specific therapy.

Treatment options for the main causes of night sweats are summarized below:

  • At bacterial infection The therapist will prescribe antibiotics to help get rid of the bacteria that cause excessive sweating during sleep.
  • Crayfish. Treatment includes various methods such as chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, hormonal and drug therapy, stem cell transplantation, and immunotherapy. Unfortunately, if treatment is the cause of sleep sweating, it's hard to change that, as cancer therapy is more important.
  • Alcohol and drugs. To get rid of night sweats in this case, you will have to deal with alcohol and drug addiction. Qualified medical specialists will help you with this.
  • Diabetes. Patients with diabetes should monitor their insulin and blood sugar levels, especially at bedtime. It will be useful to use continuous monitoring glucose.
  • Medications. If your sweating is caused by taking certain medications, you should consult your doctor. He will help you choose alternative means without such side effects.
  • Andropause. There are many various means that will ease the symptoms of "male menopause".
  • Other treatments: For the treatment of excessive sweating, you can try Botox injections, antidepressants, drugs that block the activity of the nervous system, and others.
  • If increased sweat production occurs only under the armpits, you can remove sweat glands. In addition, you can try the treatment electric shock(only not for pregnant women, and those who have a pacemaker).
  • Anticholinergic drugs. Try these medications as they help reduce sweat production at night.
  • Apply antiperspirants armpits, legs, arms, hairline, chest, groin, chest and other areas that are prone to increased sweating.
  • Relaxation therapy– if you wake up with heavy night sweats, try a relaxing respiratory therapy or exercise.

Natural remedies and methods

In addition to the aforementioned treatments, you may also want to consider some folk methods combat sweating. Among them:

Grass Black cohosh

This plant is one of the best medicinal herbs for the treatment of night sweats. Often recommended for women who have menopausal hot flashes, but can also help someone with a sweating problem. This is because it helps lower body temperature, thereby reducing excessive night sweating in men. Do not use it if you have liver disease.


This is a substance that is made from onion peel may help reduce chronic nighttime sweating, especially among cancer patients, as it has an effect on cancer cells.

Avoid things that make you sweat

Describing the causes of increased sweating, the use of foods such as spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, and others was mentioned. By eliminating them from your diet, you can solve the problem of excessive sweating.

Set a lower temperature on the thermostat

To avoid excessive sweating during sleep, you can lower the temperature on the thermostat of the heating system or heater by a few degrees.

Air conditioner

Having an air conditioner is another way to combat sweating as it will keep the air circulating and help avoid overheating.

Lifestyle and clothing

Shower daily, change your underwear more often, and keep your feet clean and dry. This will help to avoid overheating, and, therefore, excessive sweating. It is also recommended to use bedding made from natural breathable materials.

Also, make time for daily exercise, control your weight, and avoid spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, and drugs. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

The excessive sweating that occurs during sleep or during the daytime in men delivers a mass discomfort and makes the patient feel embarrassed and ashamed. Copious excretion sweat in the representatives of the stronger sex is often accompanied by an unpleasant odor. External and internal factors. It is important for a man to consult a doctor in a timely manner, find out the cause of excessive sweating and choose best practices to help reduce sweating.

What causes excessive sweating in men?

All causes of increased sweating in men are divided into 3 large groups:

  • household;
  • physiological;
  • internal disturbances.

In the first case, profuse sweating in men is caused by a very hot temperature in the room, clothes made of synthetic materials, untimely hygiene procedures, and drinking alcohol. An unbalanced diet can also affect the development of sweating, in which a large proportion is given to fatty, fried and spicy food. Physiological sources of sweating in men are:

  • excess weight;
  • the period of andropause, in which the amount of testosterone is reduced;
  • excessive physical activity, provoking sweating of the head and the whole body;
  • stressful situations or emotional overstrain;
  • heredity.

The causes of heavy sweating in men may be in such deviations in the body:

  • excessive thyroid function;
  • diabetes mellitus of various types;
  • benign or cancerous tumors;
  • Cushing's syndrome;
  • syphilitic damage to the nervous system;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • tuberculous lesion;
  • HIV or AIDS;
  • malaria;
  • fungal disease.

If the source of sweating in men could not be established and there is frequent causeless sweating, then doctors talk about a genetic predisposition.

Symptoms depending on the type of sweating

Sweating affects men of all generations.

Guys, middle-aged men and the elderly suffer from excessive sweating. The deviation may appear in different form and hit any part of the body. Depending on the type of hyperhidrosis, a man will have different symptoms. Sweating attacks are classified into many types, according to different criteria. The table shows the main types and their features of manifestation.

OptionsKindsa brief description of
By localization of sweatingGeneralizedWetting of a large area of ​​the body
Blueness of hands and feet
Attachment of fungi, bacteria and viruses
Offensive odor of perspiration
LocalAxillarySweaty armpits physical activity or without it
PalmarExcessive sweating of the palms
PlantarnySweating in the feet
craniofacialStrong sweating of the head, neck, face area
perinealExcessive sweating of the groin area
According to etiologyPrimaryThe disorder is caused by genetic factors
SecondaryThe cause of high sweating are pathologies in the body of a different nature.

When is medical help needed?

Sometimes excessive sweating in men can be eliminated on their own, without resorting to medical assistance. If a man began to sweat due to external factors, then after their self-elimination, sweating will disappear. If increased sweating during sleep or during wakefulness does not depend on external causes and is associated with disorders in the body, then you should immediately consult a doctor. The help of a doctor is necessary for men who, against the background of sweating, have shown such signs:

A guy with a problem should see a therapist who will general inspection and take a history. If it is impossible for the therapist to establish the cause, the help of narrow-profile doctors is required: an endocrinologist, an infectious disease specialist, a dermatologist, a neurologist, an oncologist, and others. After diagnostic manipulations and clarification of the source of the violation, individual treatment will be prescribed.

What should men do with excessive sweating?

Help of pharmaceutical drugs

Medical treatment will reduce increased sweat production and get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Each drug is taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription and in an individual dosage. Strong sweating in men, it is stopped with the help of pharmaceutical preparations containing formaldehyde, belladonna and components that have a calming effect. Possible use local funds(ointment, cream, gel) or systemic (tablets, capsules). The following local remedies help to get rid of the problem:

  • "Formidron";
  • Teymur paste;
  • "Formagel".

Sometimes a man is prescribed pills that reduce sweating:

  • "Bellaspon";
  • "Belloid".

If the problem of sweating is related to mental disorders and constant stress, then sedative medications are prescribed.

When is an operation necessary?

Surgical treatment is required if a man cannot overcome sweating medications. Also surgical therapeutic methods appointed at severe degree hyperhidrosis or its recurrence after drug therapy. It is important to consider that surgery and suitable method prescribed by a doctor, since such manipulations are not always safe and can cause a number of adverse reactions.

Ultrasonic destruction of sweat glands

This procedure causes hardening of the dermis and cessation of the development of sweat glands.

Such manipulation will help the man not to sweat in the future. For its implementation, a small puncture is required in the affected area. A device is inserted through a small hole and the sweat gland is destroyed. The destructive destruction procedure is carried out according to medical prescriptions and in outpatient settings. Problem after manipulation long years does not bother the man.

Increased sweating throughout the body is common.

In addition to the state of discomfort that it delivers, hyperhidrosis may indicate the presence of serious diseases.

To understand why a person sweats a lot, you should pay attention to the reasons that can cause excessive sweat in a man.

Letters from our readers

Topic: I got rid of hyperhidrosis!

To: site administration

Moscow city

I have recovered from excessive sweating. I tried powders, Formagel, Teymurov's ointment - nothing helped.

Factors affecting sweating can be very diverse, from elevated temperature environment to infectious or fungal diseases.

Causes that cause sweating in men can be both pathological and non-pathological. There is also the influence of the age factor. Men under 30 have some problems, after 45 years - others. Find the root of the disease, start timely treatment contacting a specialist will help.

However, common circumstances that cause strong activity of the sweat glands should be excluded.


To external reasons formation of hyperhidrosis include non-pathological factors contributing to the development of the disease. Usually these can be violations of the usual rhythm of life, circumstances that aggravate the human nervous system, natural phenomena.

In cold conditions, the body develops high muscle tone for warming, thereby causing a person to sweat.


External factors influencing the development of hyperhidrosis are quite easy to notice and exclude from the lifestyle. It is more difficult with pathological causes heavy sweating in men.

Only an experienced doctor can determine them by examining and diagnosing the patient. Among the most common pathological factors, the following can be distinguished:

  • poisoning;
  • malignant tumors;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • infectious and fungal diseases.

Noticing excessive outflow of sweat in the armpits, limbs, inside hips need immediately.

When toxic substances enter the human body, chemical substances, poor quality food, excess poisoning occurs.

In order to remove toxic particles, the nervous, circulatory, digestive system begin to struggle intensively with the removal of poison from the body.

As a result, there is an increase temperature regime men have excessive sweating.

The work of the heart is directly related to the full functioning respiratory tract, blood vessels, nervous system.

Any changes heart rate entail a violation of arterial circulation, thereby complicating the work of the body as a whole.

The appearance of hyperhidrosis can be observed in people with ischemic disease heart, elevated blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, vegetovascular dystonia.

Emergence and growth malignant tumors violates natural metabolic processes organism, cause dysfunction of the vascular and endocrine systems.

Failures in the circulatory system provoke a frequent outflow of sweat, thereby explaining why an adult man with an oncological tumor sweats.

Disruptions lead to change hormonal background leading to the development of diabetes, obesity, early menopause in women, hyperthyroidism.

All of these diseases affect the work of the adrenal glands, thereby provoking increased production of hormones. This process, associated with the work of the sweat glands, when it is disturbed, hyperhidrosis is formed.

Strong smell of sweat armpits often causes discomfort. Many women observe excessive sweating in a man under his arms, not even suspecting that the reasons may be not only in violation of hygiene measures.

Armpit hyperhidrosis can be caused by a number of different factors:

  • Hormonal changes. In the period, at, during pregnancy, changes occur in the body that cause a rapid outflow of sweat.
  • hereditary predisposition. Excessive sweating can be transmitted at the genetic level from relatives.
  • Wardrobe items. Tight clothing in the armpit area with content makes it difficult for air to enter.
  • Allergic reactions. Many cosmetic hygiene products contain all kinds of fragrances, auxiliary chemical components that cause skin irritations, thereby forcing the sweat glands to work hard.
  • . Often, excessive sweating in men can be caused by an excess of fatty, sour, salty, smoked foods, and alcohol in the diet. The accumulation of toxins in the body makes it difficult to naturally sweat, hyperhidrosis appears.

Getting rid of the disease directly depends on the cause of its appearance, you should carefully consider your lifestyle, check the composition of hygiene products.

It will not harm the revision of nutrition, reducing the consumption of foods rich in cholesterol, increasing the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits.

The causes of sweating feet often lie in the elementary absence of regular hygiene procedures. Many are familiar with the situation when a sweaty man stinks, and his shoes cannot be kept indoors.

However, bad smell from the feet may indicate the presence of fungal diseases, prolonged exposure to closed shoes, impaired metabolism.

The question of why guys sweat is puzzled by many of the fairer sex, the reason lies in hormonal changes.

A guy during puberty begins to sweat more often, the smell of his sweat becomes sharper and more persistent. In this case, it is necessary to fight hyperhidrosis with the help of regular hygiene procedures, special cosmetic products for the legs and body.

Excessive sweating in men all over the body in most cases signals the presence of a serious illness. The causes of the onset of the disease can be very diverse. Treatment can be prescribed by a specialist after a thorough examination and diagnosis.

Women whose husbands sweat a lot during sleep should pay attention to the health of their halves. Diseases of the thyroid gland often cause sweating disorders.

Also, these symptoms may indicate problems with neurological diseases, formations of malignant tumors, heart failure.

The presence of severe sweating, an ailment that significantly complicates life. However, when it appears, you should immediately consult a specialist. In frequent cases, unpleasant odor armpits or legs indicates the development of fungal infections.

Diagnosis by a doctor

When excessive sweating occurs in men, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. Diagnosis is started by a therapist, prescribing initial examination. The patient will need to pass tests and undergo a series of procedures.

  1. donate blood for the presence of HIV infections;
  2. do biochemical analysis blood and urine;
  3. get ECG results;
  4. undergo an ultrasound of the thyroid gland;

This is only the first round of examination, in the future, depending on the results, the patient may be referred for an MRI of the head or for an appointment with narrow specialists. Hyperhidrosis can be a harbinger of oncological, endocrine, infectious, neurological diseases.

Get rid of excessive sweating different ways. Pharmacology offers a range of medicines local and general action.

Creams, ointments, gels, lotions designed to eliminate hyperhidrosis are popular among the population. Using such drugs is quite simple, and the result is visible within a few days after the start of treatment.

Traditional medicine helps to treat excessive sweating in men with drugs on plant-based. Experts advise making all kinds of herbal foot baths, lotions for the whole body, ointments from simple, affordable ingredients.

Understanding why a man sweats a lot, finding out the causes of hyperhidrosis, you should immediately deal with the elimination of the disease.

There are a number simple rules, compliance with which will help prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant disease:

  • Healthy food. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of acidic, spicy, fatty foods, avoid too hot dishes, drink less caffeinated drinks, moderate alcohol consumption.
  • Hygiene. It is important to keep clean, regularly carry out water procedures, wear clean, comfortable clothes.

Sweating is a natural process of thermoregulation of the body. At the same time, it proceeds in each person with different intensity. However, a fairly significant number of men have excessive sweating - hyperhidrosis, which is a pathology. It occurs for various reasons.

Sweating in men appears most often due to stress. When the emotional state returns to normal, hyperhidrosis ceases to manifest itself.

Household causes of hyperhidrosis in men

The causes of increased sweating in the stronger sex are divided into two main groups: domestic and medical. Each of them should be considered in detail.

Domestic causes of excessive sweating in men are as follows:

  • ill-fitting clothes. If a man wears things out of season or they are made of materials that do not allow air to pass through, then profuse sweating is normal. In this case, you need to change clothes to one that is not too warm and made of natural fabrics, since then excellent ventilation will be provided. Moreover, if a man also has night sweats, it is recommended to replace bed linen with cotton. You can use linen sheets and pillowcases;
  • excess weight. It is noticed that excessive sweating is observed quite often in those men who have a significant body weight. It usually occurs due to improper metabolism or lack of physical activity. Here it is necessary first of all to revise your diet. You should make a choice in favor of those products that speed up metabolism. You should also go in for sports. But it is better to run in open shoes or well-breathable shoes to reduce hyperhidrosis of the legs;
  • bad hygiene. If a man neglects water procedures, then sweating will only increase. Therefore, with such a pathology, it is important to take a shower regularly. Special care must be given to the feet. After all, if there is a lack of hygiene, then the smell from them will come from a very sharp and strong, and it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it. Along with this, you need to watch your shoes. After all, when sweating of the legs is observed, it suffers in the first place. Shoes are required not only to be washed from the inside, but also to be dried afterwards;
  • wrong diet. If a man neglects a healthy lifestyle, regularly consumes sweets, coffee, alcoholic and highly carbonated drinks, spicy and fatty foods, then excessive sweating can be observed precisely because of this. Moreover, if there is an uncontrolled introduction of all these products into the body for a long time, then hyperhidrosis can become chronic. There is only one way out - to stop drinking alcohol and sugary drinks, to introduce more vegetables, fruits, lean dishes into the diet.

Medical causes of hyperhidrosis in men

Severe sweating of the body and legs can be provoked by certain ailments, that is, the causes of the medical group. They are as follows:

  • diseases of the endocrine system. These include: diabetes mellitus, pheochromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis, hypoglycemia, carcinoid syndrome;
  • kidney disease. They are responsible for removing fluid from the body. When the work of these organs is disturbed, then there is a strong sweating at night, as well as in the daytime. It only gets stronger with time;
  • neurological diseases. General sweating occurs in the presence of Riley-Day syndrome, Parkinson's disease, tumors of the nervous system, syphilis (this disease leads to damage to nerve fibers, resulting in hyperhidrosis);
  • tumor diseases. Excessive sweating, which is observed even at night, may occur due to lymphogranulomatosis, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, metastatic lesions of the spinal cord;
  • heart problems. Sweating at night and during the daytime can occur after a stroke, because it disrupts blood circulation in the areas of the brain responsible for the proper release of fluid from the body;
  • infectious diseases. Sweating in men can be observed due to malaria, lung abscess, fungal infection (strong foot odor), HIV, septicemia, brucellosis, tuberculosis. In this case, hyperhidrosis manifests itself not only at night, but also during the day. It usually proceeds in a chronic form.

Other causes of hyperhidrosis

Heavy sweating in men may be due to heredity. Usually it is local. So, in a person, only the legs, arms, armpits or forehead can sweat. In this case, it may be necessary for surgical intervention to reduce the work of the sweat glands.

Day or night sweats can be caused by taking certain medications. Usually, such a reaction of the body occurs to drugs containing pilocarpine, acetylsalicylic acid, insulin, and some other substances. They provoke the release of a large amount of fluid from the body. There may even be increased sweating of the head when taking such medications. But it passes with time - after the drug intake ends, and their derivatives are removed from the body.