Why are your hands shaking? Causes of pathological tremor

Why are your hands shaking? You've probably met people with trembling hands. Similar problem can occur in very young people, children, and is extremely common in the elderly. Many people mistake this fact for a problem with their nerves. But it’s not just like that... In fact, there are many causes of tremor, as doctors call hand tremors.
There are two types of tremor: normal and pathological. We will look at both types and learn to distinguish between the reasons.

Why are your hands shaking - possible reasons

Physiological or normal tremor:

This type of hand tremors occurs in healthy people and, as a rule, passes quickly. The twitching is usually mild and appears on outstretched arms. Occurs under the following conditions:

  1. Great physical activity. Hard work, exercise, necessity long time keeping still is the case when your legs and arms tremble from effort. You just need to relax, have a good rest, and the problem will resolve itself.
  2. Stress, severe anxiety, hysteria and depression. Hand trembling is normal condition in this situation, and is not a deviation from the norm. The point is a person’s increased excitability. Take control of your emotions and calm down.
  3. Juvenile tremor. Another name is family. Trembling begins with one hand, gradually moves to the other, then to the chin, head, body and legs. It usually occurs with complete calm, usually there is no treatment, but sometimes, with severe severity, the doctor prescribes anticonvulsants.

If your hands are shaking, watch yourself. Eliminate physiological reasons tremors, and if pathological ones are detected, consult a doctor immediately.

Pathological causes of hand tremors:

It is one of the symptoms of the disease and occurs against its background. On one's own this type trembling does not go away and requires treatment.

  1. Side effects of drugs. Hands shake finely, usually in the fingers, the shaking is irregular. Stops after canceling incorrectly selected medicines, sometimes containing caffeine.
  2. Alcoholic effect. Occurs when forms are neglected. Not only the spread fingers and the head shake, but the whole body shakes. Usually occurs in the morning, in a state of severe hangover. It becomes significantly less or disappears completely after stopping drinking alcohol. The same can be said about hand tremors in drug addicts.
  3. Disease thyroid gland. Excessive production of thyroid hormones can also cause the problem. Pay attention to whether your tongue trembles when it sticks out - this is an additional symptom. Sudden weight loss, anxiety, sweating, irritability, increased heart rate and deterioration of hair structure are symptoms of thyroid disease.
  4. Hypoglycemia in diabetes. When your blood sugar levels are low, your hands often shake. Sweating and weakness occur. You need to eat sweets urgently and the condition will go away.
  5. Parkinsonian tremor. The next reason why your hands may shake. Trembling occurs even at rest, with one of the limbs shaking more. There is also a peculiarity: when walking, the patient leans forward a little. The movement of the fingers is extremely reminiscent of counting coins, the impression that a person is rolling a ball of bread. The trembling goes away or decreases significantly when a person tries to make some voluntary movement.
  6. Essential tremor (actions). One of the most common types movement disorder. Difference from parkinsonian tremor: trembling occurs with movement and the desire to hold a certain position simultaneously in both hands, and not at rest. The man's hands and head are shaking, lower jaw, muscles of the larynx, which causes a trembling voice. It can be hereditary, but is more common in older people - it is called senile tremor.
  7. Cerebellar tremor. It is a symptom of cerebellar pathology, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, and in some cases due to poisoning, including barbiturates. Hands shake a lot if they are under tension and a person is trying to hold something or just do something. For example, stretch your arms forward. When the limbs relax, it decreases or disappears completely. In addition to symptoms, you may notice a decrease in muscle status, fatigue, inability to control one’s own movements.
  8. Asterictis. It was first described in patients with hepatic encephalopathy. The hands shake quickly, with large fluttering movements. This is especially noticeable if a person stretches his arms forward - the hands and fingers make quick bending movements.
  9. Rhythmic myoclonus. Occurs in Wilson's disease multiple sclerosis, vascular diseases, brain stem pathologies. The trembling of the hands is sweeping, with a high amplitude, sometimes up to several centimeters, and the body also moves. It begins with movement, and with complete relaxation it goes away completely. But not always: in some cases, the patient, in order to stop the tremor, is forced to sit or lie on his arm.
  10. Mercury poisoning. I wrote about the dangers of metal poisoning, you can read it by following the link “”.

Hands are shaking - folk remedies

  • Grind a teaspoon of henbane leaves and brew with a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and, after straining the infusion, take a tablespoon three times a day before meals.
  • Brew 2 tablespoons of sage leaves with boiling water (half a liter) and let it brew in a thermos overnight. Drink the infusion the day before, taking it 15 minutes before meals.
  • Add broadleaf cotton grass to the sage leaves in equal proportions, prepare and consume in the same way as in the second recipe.

Finally I want to give little advice: If this problem happens, first of all find out why your hands are shaking and strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. Take prescribed medications and adhere to the right image life. Well, the most important thing is to stop being ashamed of the problem. Don't worry, get treatment and live life to the fullest.

From the video you will learn a lot of useful information about the causes of hand tremors.

Hand tremor is a rapid and involuntary movement of the limb caused by muscle contraction.

This syndrome is common among various groups of people. Trembling can often be noticed during severe anxiety, stress, fatigue, or after physical exertion. It can appear when performing any actions with your hands or when your hands are simply relaxed.

Tremors in the hands can be short-term in nature - this is a physiological tremor and be permanent - this is a pathological tremor.

How to get rid of this disease? To answer this question, you need to understand the causes of tremors.

Physiological tremors in the hands usually do not cause severe anxiety. As a rule, after eliminating the factors that cause it, the trembling goes away. The cause of pathological tremor is more difficult to identify, since tremors can be caused by various diseases and condition.

Physiological tremor can occur in people who are too emotional people, with depression, in stressful and extreme situations(passing exams, speaking in public). As soon as the person calms down, the trembling in the hands disappears.

In case of hypothermia, heatstroke During intense physical activity, short-term tremors in the hands are possible.

Some medications cause tremors side effect. Excessive consumption of caffeine, tea, smoking, all this leads to increased stress on the heart, which can cause tremors.

Trembling may occur as a result of poisoning the body with toxic substances (for example, carbon monoxide), in case of drug overdose, drug use. In this case, against the background of intoxication, damage occurs nervous system person. It is important here not to self-medicate and not to take medications uncontrollably.

None of the above is a disease.

Trembling in your hands can be quickly stopped by removing negative factors. But involuntary hand movements can be a symptom of various diseases.

Pathological tremor caused by brain damage requires mandatory observation by a specialist.

Essential tremor is caused by heredity and is more common in older people. Parkinson's disease causes the hands to tremble at rest. With damage to the cerebellum and brain stem caused by diseases such as tumors, Konovalov-Wilson disease, trauma, vascular diseases, multiple sclerosis may cause intention tremor.

Physiological tremor Pathological tremor
  • stress;
  • depression;
  • fear;
  • abuse of coffee, tea, smoking;
  • hypothermia or heatstroke;
  • physical stress;
  • high pressure;
  • some medications;
  • alcohol intoxication (hangover);
  • taking narcotic substances;
  • age over 70 years.
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Konovalov-Wilson disease;
  • injuries
  • tumors;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • vegetative-vascular diseases;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • liver or kidney diseases.

Trembling hands in children and adolescents


Newborns often have tremors in their hands, which can be physiological or caused by pathologies.

Physiological tremor in an infant can be caused by crying, dissatisfaction, hunger, fear, changing clothes and any other irritants. The child's hands may tremble subtly, but it is best to report this to the neurologist and observe the baby. Most often, the trembling goes away after 3 months.

Pathological tremor in newborns cannot be excluded. The cause of the pathology can be:

To find out the causes of trembling in a baby, you should consult a doctor.

There is usually no treatment for physiological tremor in infants. All that is required is monitoring the child’s condition and visiting a neurologist.

For pathological tremor, relaxing baths, massage, swimming can be prescribed; in serious cases, drug treatment and surgery.

Children over 1 year old

Tremors in children can be caused by both harmless reasons and serious health problems.

Physiological tremor in children can be observed during stress, emotional situations, nervous tension and so on. Such tremors are short-term. Pathological tremor can also occur in calm state child.

The cause of physiological tremor is an underdeveloped nervous system; usually, once the system matures, episodes of tremor go away.

The causes of pathological tremor are various pathologies of the nervous and other body systems (liver, kidneys, thyroid gland, etc.).

Prescriptions must be made by a doctor; treatment is always long-term and includes a complex of methods.

Teens and young adults

Trembling in the hands of adolescents is most often associated with hormonal changes in organism. Stress at school, at home, stress, falling in love for the first time - all these emotional experiences are not easy for a teenager’s immature brain to process. Most often, tremors go away on their own with age.

In young people, tremor can occur during overexertion; such tremors do not require any measures if they immediately disappear after the event that provoked it.

To treat and prevent this syndrome, adolescents and young people are advised to exercise more, take walks, eat healthy and rationally, try not to overload themselves and worry less. During treatment severe trembling Medications may be prescribed.

Doctors and doctors talk about the causes and treatment of tremor. traditional healers, watch the video:

Why do older people's hands shake?

Trembling in the hands of older people is considered a harmless phenomenon, an attribute of old age. In fact, tremors in old age can be caused by various factors. The most common causes of tremors in the elderly are:

  • professional activity (if a person’s work for a long time was associated with small hand movements, this could cause muscle fatigue);
  • constant stress (which affected the functioning of the nervous system and cerebral circulation);
  • long-term intoxication of the body (alcohol, smoking, drugs, work in hazardous industries, living near highways, in contaminated areas);
  • various diseases (heart disease, Parkinson's disease, malfunctions endocrine system and etc.)

Only a specialist should find out the cause and prescribe treatment for tremor in older people through examination.

Why do alcoholics' hands shake?

Drinking alcohol can both aggravate a tremor that already exists for one reason or another, or cause it. With a single severe intoxication of the body, trembling in the hands is stronger than with chronic alcoholism. In alcoholics, tremors are weaker and more often occur in the morning on an empty stomach, and may go away after eating or drinking alcohol.

To treat trembling hands, the first step is to detoxify the body from alcohol. If there is a large amplitude of trembling in the hands, the following methods can help:

  • eating chocolate or cocoa;
  • consumption of seafood;
  • vitamin B6;
  • energetic drinks;
  • physical exercise;
  • strong emotional shocks.

In some cases, involuntary movement of the fingers of alcoholics (especially similar to the flapping of bird wings) signals that the person needs emergency treatment. health care, as liver failure is possible.

Even if tremors in the hands occur in an alcoholic, this does not mean that you can neglect to see a doctor. Tremors can be a sign of serious health problems.

Preventing hand tremors

Prevention consists of simple rules:

Not a single person is protected from such a syndrome as tremors in the hands. But each of us must take care of ourselves by preventing this disease.

In contact with

What is hand tremor?

Tremors, speaking in simple language, this is a trembling of the hands or other parts of the body. It is unlikely that there is at least one individual in the world who has never experienced this condition. After all, in fact, absolutely every living person has physiological hand tremor. Every second of our time, the body's muscles alternately relax and tense, which is a normal physiological state.

If hand tremors become visually noticeable and the amplitude increases significantly, this is a reason to be wary.

When you shouldn't worry

Many people are tormented by the question: why do the hands of young girls and women shake? The answer, one might say, lies in the question itself: because they are young and because they are girls. As a rule, the young population is the most emotional and reacts sharply to any changes from the outside. Therefore, tremor is the lot of very emotional people. Many women have shaking hands due to hereditary nature. But this, again, concerns minor tremor.

It is quite common for everyone to shake their hands for reasons such as hypothermia, sunstroke, or the presence of significant physical activity.

In addition, hand tremors can be a side effect of many medications.

Situations in which hand trembling is a reason to consult a doctor

Unfortunately, there are situations that do not allow self-treatment or making a diagnosis at random. There are a number of medical phenomena where hand tremors are just the tip of a huge iceberg. Here are just a few of them:

  • suffered a traumatic brain injury accompanied by loss of consciousness;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • anemia;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • state of stress, deep depression;
  • acute alcohol or drug intoxication, etc.

All of the above cases should be immediately transferred under the supervision of a doctor. If there is a traumatic brain injury, the doctor will certainly prescribe everything necessary research cerebral cortex - for example, MRI, and when diagnosing abnormalities in the thyroid gland, he will refer you to an endocrinologist, etc. Special attention It also requires hand tremors that occur in a state of depression. This is a good reason to seek advice from a psychologist.

It must be remembered that only a specialist of a certain profile will be able to explain exactly why and why the hands of young representatives of the fair sex are shaking. Self-medication in such cases is unacceptable. After all, a harmless twitching of the hands may hide an advanced, serious disease - such as diabetes mellitus or a brain tumor.

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General practitioner, somnologist



Neurologist highest category, specialist in the field of extrapyramidal pathologies, doctor of the highest category

There are many most various reasons trembling in the hands, and it is very important for a person to distinguish what and why this trembling is caused. In some cases, trembling hands is normal, in others it may indicate the development of some disease. If you notice that you have hands are shaking, you should monitor your symptoms and consult a doctor.

Tremors or shaking are rhythmic and fairly rapid movements of the limbs or the entire body that are caused by muscle contractions. It is worth noting that doctors distinguish two types of tremor - normal and pathological. Depending on the type of tremor, a diagnosis is made and subsequent treatment is prescribed.

Physiological (normal) tremor

Doctors also call normal tremor physiological. This type of tremors is common among large quantity healthy people. It is worth noting that with physiological tremor, usually only the hands shake, but these twitchings do not last long and go away on their own.

There are several reasons for the appearance of normal tremor. The most common reason is probably physical fatigue. After excessive physical exertion, shaking hands may be accompanied by trembling knees, etc. An equally common cause of normal tremor is stress. Hysteria, excessive anxiety, depression and other conditions that increase the excitability of the central nervous system can lead to trembling in the legs, arms and even the whole body.

There is also the concept of familial or juvenile tremor. It is worth noting that in this case, trembling may begin against the background of complete calm. At the same time, doctors note that one hand may begin to shake, and then the trembling may gradually move to the other, go to the legs or head. Typically, juvenile tremor does not require treatment, but in some cases, patients may be prescribed specialized anticonvulsants.

Doctors say it usually takes one to two weeks to determine the cause of hand tremors. In cases where the trembling is not associated with stress or physical fatigue, the tremor is most likely pathological.

Pathological tremor

Pathological tremor in most cases is one of the symptoms serious illnesses and requires special treatment. Doctors note that such tremors can have several causes and, depending on the cause, differ in nature.

Among the main causes of tremors in the hands are:

  • reception medicines;
  • alcohol;
  • hormones;
  • Parkinson's disease and much more;

Side effect from taking medications

If your hands are shaking or you notice small-scale tremors in your fingers, then this may be a consequence of taking medications or exposure to a number of chemical substances. Doctors say that trembling in the hands goes away after some time after stopping the medications that caused it. side effect. In some cases it may be prescribed symptomatic treatment.

Alcohol tremors

This type of hand tremors is a consequence of severe alcohol addiction. It is worth noting that patients often shake not only their hands, but also their heads, or even their whole body. Tremors are most often observed in the morning. Often, patients independently muffle tremors by taking alcoholic drinks, however, over time, such “treatment” only worsens the tremor. In such a situation, contacting a doctor should be a priority for the patient or his loved ones.

Tremor due to hormonal causes

It is worth noting that some people's hands shake due to unstable hormonal levels, namely an excess of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. In cases where the tremors are caused by hormones, patients may also experience tongue trembling. Other symptoms that may accompany this disease include sudden weight loss, thinning hair, excessive irritability, sweating, and anxiety.
Trembling can also be observed in patients diabetes mellitus. In this case it will be associated with low content blood sugar. Here, additional symptoms may include sweating and weakness. The tremor goes away quickly after eating sweets.

Parkinsonian tremor

Trembling in this case is caused by Parkinson's disease. It is worth noting that tremor of this type There is distinguishing feature– hands shake when a person is at rest. In this case, the trembling in one limb or on one side of the body is always noticeably stronger than on the other. Doctors note that the trembling weakens or goes away when trying to make a purposeful movement.

Essential tremor (or action tremor)

In this case, hands shake when a person performs any actions. The disease is most common in older people, although it occurs in people of any age. It happens that this disease is inherited. The tremor in this case is almost unnoticeable, but it can intensify when drinking alcohol.

Cerebellar (intention, ataxic) tremor

Intention tremor occurs against the background of the most various changes in the cerebellum. It is worth noting that with ataxic tremor, the hands begin to shake either when they are held in a static position, or during particularly active movements. Doctors note that trembling may increase when trying to make targeted movements. You can reduce shaking by relaxing the muscles in your arms and/or your entire body. Cerebellar tremor may be a symptom various poisonings or more serious diseases such as multiple sclerosis or various traumatic brain injuries.


This disease is characterized by rhythmic or arrhythmic, but sweeping movements. In this case, trembling usually occurs in those muscles that have been contracted for a long time. When bending the fingers or stretching the arms forward, the trembling increases noticeably.

Rhythmic myoclonus

The disease is characterized by sweeping movements of the whole body, which intensify with movement and disappear with complete relaxation of the muscles. It is worth noting that trembling of this type can occur in a number of diseases, among which are multiple sclerosis, Wilson's disease, various brain pathologies, as well as some vascular diseases.

There are many reasons for the appearance of tremor. You need to be able to distinguish how and when your hands shake. There are two main types of tremor: normal and pathological.

Normal or physiological tremor

This type of tremor does not have clinical significance, occurs in most healthy people in the form of a slight twitching in outstretched arms and, as a rule, passes quickly.

Most often occurs under certain conditions:

  • during physical activity (weight lifting, running, the need for a long time keep still) when your arms and knees tremble from fatigue;
  • at stressful situation(extreme anxiety, depression, hysteria), which increases the excitability of the nervous system.

There is also such a thing as familial (youthful) tremor. It arises against a background of complete calm. It starts with one arm, then moves to the other, then spreads to the head, chin, tongue, torso and legs. Usually it is not treated, and only if it is severe, the doctor can prescribe anticonvulsants or tranquilizers.

Two weeks of observation is enough to understand the real reason tremor. If your hands continue to tremble and this is not related to stress and physical activity, then most likely the tremor is pathological.

Pathological tremor

Pathological tremor occurs against the background of a serious illness as one of the symptoms. In all cases, the trembling does not go away on its own and varies in nature.

Side effect of drugs

The toxic effects of chemicals and drugs can be caused by small, irregular and low-frequency movements in the fingers. In such cases, discontinuation of the drug and subsequent symptomatic treatment causes the cessation of tremor.

Alcohol tremors

Appears when neglected form diseases. This is a trembling of the spread fingers, the head, the whole body. Occurs in the morning in a state of hangover. After drinking alcohol, it usually decreases or disappears completely. The same applies to drug withdrawal syndrome.

Hormonal reasons

Hand tremors may be due to excess production of thyroid hormones. Additional symptom Characterizing this disease is a tongue that shakes slightly when protruded. In this case, irritability, anxiety, sudden weight loss, thinning hair, palpitations and sweating.

For diabetes low concentration Blood sugar also causes tremors. The condition is accompanied by weakness and sweating. But everything goes away after eating sweets.

Parkinsonian tremor

The main distinguishing symptom of parkinsonian tremor is trembling at rest. Hand tremors resemble counting coins or rolling pills. It occurs asymmetrically, that is, the left or right side trembles more. right hand(leg). As soon as a person tries to make a voluntary movement, the tremor decreases or goes away. Movements in parkinsonism are clearly visible, but slow.

Essential tremor (action tremor)

It differs from parkinsonian in that the hands tremble not at rest, but when moving or trying to maintain a certain position symmetrically in both hands. Most often it occurs in older people, although it can appear at any age and be hereditary. Essential tremor is subtle. It is believed that alcohol enhances it.

Cerebellar (intention, ataxic) tremor

Occurs when pathological changes in the cerebellum. It manifests itself during active movements of the arms, legs, or when holding a limb in a static position. The amplitude increases during purposeful action(when the hand has reached the desired object), decreases and disappears when the limbs relax. Cerebellar tremor can be a manifestation of traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, or poisoning.


A type of tremor that manifests itself in fast, large-scale, arrhythmic, “fluttering” movements. Occurs in muscles that are in a state of prolonged contraction. This type of tremor occurs when rapid, irregular flexion movements occur when the arms are extended forward and the hands and fingers are dorsiflexed. This disorder was first described in patients with hepatic encephalopathy.

Rhythmic myoclonus

It manifests itself through sweeping movements of the arms and body, the amplitude of vibrations can reach several centimeters. Trembling occurs when moving and disappears with complete relaxation. To stop the tremor, you have to sit or lie on your arm. This picture occurs with Wilson's disease, multiple sclerosis, pathologies of the brain stem, as well as vascular diseases.