The Miniature Schnauzer is shaking violently. The dog is shaking

For small dogs ornamental breeds, especially Chihuahuas, Yorkshire Terrier, pomeranian spitz, this is typical physical state like trembling and shaking. Many inexperienced owners of their pets, not knowing the cause of this condition, run to the veterinarian for help, thinking that their sneeze, Yorkie or Spitz is sick with something. Let's look below at all the possible causes of this condition.

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Causes of trembling and shaking in dogs

  1. Cold. One of the most common reasons why a dog trembles and shakes is low temperature air, feeling cold. Since the dogs are small in size (up to 3.1 kg), they are very susceptible to low temperatures. Both humans and dogs, when they feel cold, instinctively begin to shiver and shake, thus accelerating the flow of blood through their body in order to avoid hypothermia. If you notice this feature of your pet during the cold season (autumn, winter) at home or while walking, be sure to pay attention to it and warm your pet.

    How to keep your dog warm and prevent shivering?
    1. Now there are a lot of things for walking that will provide one hundred percent comfort for the animal (sweater, sweatshirt, overalls).
    2. If your dog feels cold in the house, place a heater a few feet away, but don't leave it on unattended.
    3. Additionally, insulate your pet’s resting and sleeping place (blanket, bedding).
    4. While walking after the rain, when you come home, be sure to dry your dog with a hairdryer.
    5. On a trip, if there are no means at hand for insulation, hold your pet close to you to warm it up or just hold it in your arms.
  2. Anxiety, fear, fear. Almost all small breeds of dogs begin to tremble and shake when they experience feelings of fear, anxiety and fright. This condition can lead to stressful situation, punishing the dog for the trouble it has caused, or the dog itself feels guilty. For example, we can cite a situation where a puppy went to the toilet in a place other than the one indicated to him and then went to hide either in his house or somewhere in a secluded place, while he was trembling violently, like aspen leaf, knowing that he would be scolded. Another clear example, perhaps almost every one of you has observed, is when a miniature dog begins to shake and tremble at the sight of large dog, while feeling a sense of fear and threat, hiding, hiding in a safe place.
  3. Excitement. The dog may tremble and shake when it is excited. A very simple example of such a phenomenon is the anticipation of a favorite treat by a pet, or when he has already received it and is waiting for more, while dancing in addition. This type of excitement is a very good phenomenon, in which the dog experiences a feeling of happiness and pleasure.
  4. Hypoglycemia ( reduced level blood sugar). Dogs small breeds often suffer from hypoglycemia, which is accompanied by uncontrollable trembling, as well as lethargy and loss of strength. It is easily treatable, but if the symptoms are not recognized in time and certain measures are not taken, worst symptoms and everything will end fatally: convulsions, paralysis of limbs, death. .
  5. Allergic reactions.
    If you notice that your dog begins to shake and tremble after eating, or you have switched to a new food, or this happens during treatment (taking medications), this is a symptom of an allergic reaction. In this case, switch to another food that made your pet feel good, or stop taking the medications and monitor your pet. Otherwise, if no changes have occurred and you do not see any improvement, consult a veterinarian.
  6. Poisoning. The cause of the state of trembling and shaking may also be poisoning (food, toxins, foreign body). The main symptoms of the disease and first aid for its manifestation: weakness, apathy, chills. If you cannot help your pet, contact your veterinarian for help.

Yorkshire Terrier shaking after bath

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  • the dog is shaking what to do
  • Why is my dog ​​constantly shaking at home?
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  • small shaking dogs

Few owners enjoy watching their beloved dog shake and tremble. What could be the reasons for trembling? Should I call the vet? Let's look at the main reasons. Be sure to note: trembling should not impair the dog's ability to control its movements. If your dog is having a seizure, this is a completely different situation and you need professional help immediately!

Your dog is cold

The most common reason why a dog starts to tremble is cold. The problem is especially pressing for small dogs, whose bodies cannot provide them with sufficient thermoregulation.

The animal is scared or nervous

The dog may react by trembling to a sudden change in the situation - to thunder, to the noise of fireworks, to a trip in public transport. When the stimulus disappears, the trembling will stop on its own.

The dog is delighted

Perhaps your dog is simply too happy. She may well be trembling with anticipation if she sees that you are about to play with her or are about to put a whole bowl of her favorite food on the floor. When an animal is overwhelmed with emotion, it may well begin to tremble with delight.

The dog is getting old

As dogs age, some of them develop tremors, especially in hind legs, but sometimes in the front. This may be a natural sign of aging, or it may be caused by pain - check with your veterinarian if you notice trembling in an older dog. The pet may need treatment, but this may also be a fairly harmless sign of age.

The animal does this on purpose

Perhaps the dog has simply learned to tremble, if previously in response to this you always began to stroke and calm it down. In this case, trembling is simply her way of getting the right dose of attention from her owner. You just taught the dog to tremble from time to time.

The dog is vomiting

Perhaps your dog is seasick, has overeaten, or has been poisoned. The same reaction can be caused by taking pills. If the dog's trembling is accompanied excessive quantity saliva, fatigue and lack of attention, it may be due to nausea. Check with your veterinarian about what steps to take.

Trembling is caused by toxins

Some substances cause trembling in dogs - for example, chocolate, cigarettes, xylitol can lead to just such a reaction. Harmless to others, some foods are not just toxic for dogs - chocolate is a real poison for them! If you think your dog may have eaten something poisonous, call your doctor immediately.

Your dog has tremors

In some small white dogs, such as the Maltese, this disease occurs more often than others. This is the occurrence of constant trembling of unknown nature, which can be cured by prescribing certain medications. You will be able to notice improvement after just a week of treatment.

The dog has distemper

This viral disease can occur in a puppy that has not been vaccinated. Distemper is accompanied not only by trembling, but also by impaired visual and olfactory function, fever, and cough. This disease is deadly, so you need to contact your doctor as soon as possible.

How to cure a dog if the animal does not eat, does not drink, is shaking all over, and can barely walk?


Trembling occurs as a result of contraction of certain areas on the animal’s body. Owners of small dogs can take tremors easy, selected animals small sizes are characterized by increased emotionality.

The dog's body may tremble due to nervous diseases. This is evidenced by the refusal of water and food. The message does not indicate the breed, we will take into account all variants of dog tremors.

Why do dogs' bodies tremble?

  1. From biology textbooks we know that trembling is considered an unconditioned reflex. The animal may shake from the manifestation of emotions: aggression, joy, excitement. After strong emotions the body continues to tremble, experiencing the consequences.
  2. The dog may tremble if there is a surge of hormones in the body. This sometimes happens when seeing an animal of the opposite sex. In the latter case, the dog is characterized by violent behavior and does not follow the commands of its owners.
  3. The animal is capable of shaking from the cold. To calm the trembling, the owners must rub the pet and force it to move actively.
  4. When traveling long distances or moving to a new place, the animal’s adaptation occurs slowly. In unusual climatic conditions the animal begins to tremble, body temperature rises or falls, and appetite decreases. The cause of the condition is fluctuations in air temperature and changes in humidity.
  5. The cause of trembling is fear. Adrenaline is released into the blood, the heartbeat accelerates, and the body begins to tremble. The animal refuses to eat. When driving in a car, the dog gets sick. The condition is accompanied by body tremors, vomiting, loss of appetite, and sometimes loss of consciousness. The animal may not walk for some time. The way out of such a situation would be sedatives. The dog falls asleep, saving energy.
  6. Active life and excessive excitability are considered to be the cause of sleep disturbances. An animal may move its paws in its sleep, whine, or stand up abruptly in its sleep without waking up, which happens due to a lack of magnesium.
  7. Pets, including dogs, are sensitive to hypothermia and drafts. Quadrupeds have a much higher body temperature than humans. Dog owners should not rely on their own instincts. If the room is warm, you still need to protect your pets from drafts, especially after bathing. After washing, the animal's fur should be wiped with a terry towel. You need to wipe until the wool becomes almost dry. Use a hairdryer for drying.

Trembling is a sign of illness

If your dog's body is trembling, pay attention to the animal's well-being. The situation is alarming:

  • the animal does not eat or drink anything;
  • the dog's body temperature rises;
  • the coat becomes dull and ruffled;
  • the appearance of peeling on the skin;
  • rapid pulse;
  • cyanosis appears on the mucous membranes;
  • upset or nausea occurs;
  • aggressiveness increases or, conversely, the animal becomes lethargic.

If one or more of these symptoms are observed, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian. There are many reasons for the pathology - poisoning, heart problems, dehydration, nervous disease, heatstroke. Only a veterinarian can make a diagnosis; self-medication or ignoring is inappropriate.

The animal may tremble if it is allergic. In such cases, antihistamines are prescribed.

Trembling begins in bitches before giving birth. The prenatal condition is not considered a pathology and does not require human intervention.

Causes of pathological tremors in dogs:

  • Chronic thyroid disease associated with abnormal hormonal levels. To establish a diagnosis, you will need to donate blood.
  • Sugar deficiency. Diabetes mellitus can be detected by taking blood sugar tests.
  • Lack or excess of magnesium or calcium. Trouble is common in animals. Accompanied by trembling, uncontrolled actions, sleep disturbances, and aggression. Such a violation is established using biochemical analysis blood.

These three diseases are common in dogs. They are not fully curable and require systematic monitoring. With normal care and regular procedures, animals live full lives.

Trembling that requires emergency treatment

  1. Condition caused by rheumatic pain. Pain occurs more often in older dogs. The animal should be given a pain reliever.
  2. If the dog is in pain, does not eat anything, is depressed, and wants to be at rest, you need to take it to the veterinarian. A similar pathology is caused by a tick bite. The disease progresses quickly. 15 minutes after the bite, the animal begins to shake, breathing quickens, the dog loses balance, and may not get up at all. Urine has a brownish color. If the diagnosis is confirmed, an immediate antiviral injection is required.

If there are worms, trembling appears in front of the toilet.

Trembling cannot be considered an individual symptom of any disease; it must be considered as part of the medical history. If you notice a phenomenon in a dog, first of all you need to make sure that it is not associated with physiological reactions. Listed diseases recognized as unsafe and can lead to disastrous results.

06/13/2017 by Eugene

When raising and caring for their four-legged furry friend - a dog, owners must not only feed and water him, but also monitor his behavior, promptly pay attention to the so-called physical signals, which should be considered as alarming symptom, indicating that health pet something is wrong. Among the numerous alarming signals that owners can observe in their beloved pet, the most common is the so-called trembling, and the dog can tremble in the whole body, or, for example, in the head or lower jaw. Let’s try to analyze further why the dog starts to shake and how to help your pet in this situation.

For what reasons can dogs shake?

If your pet is not one of the following breeds:

  • chihuahua;
  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • Pomeranian Spitz,

then under no circumstances should you ignore the trembling. And as soon as it is noticed that the pet begins to shake, even if only minor manifestations are noticed, the cause of their occurrence should be determined immediately. Timely visit only veterinary clinic will help improve the health of your pet, because only a highly qualified specialist can find out the cause of trembling.

For the toy breeds of dogs that we have previously listed, trembling is normal occurrence and can manifest itself both on the street and at home when the dog is lying down. Yorkie inevitably begins to shake after a haircut, which has to be done as the coat grows, due to a sharp change in body temperature. Helping your pet in this situation is quite simple: putting on warm knitted clothes. You should never ignore the manifestation of trembling in other breeds of dogs, especially if the pet is breathing heavily, whining even in sleep or not eating, and it is recommended to find out what caused this condition as quickly as possible.

For what reasons can a dog start to tremble?

According to veterinarians, dogs of non-decorative breeds tremble for the following reasons:

A caring owner is obliged to monitor the health of his pet, because, having tamed the animal, all responsibility for the dog falls on the person.