Description of the breed Yorkshire Terrier. Yorkshire Terrier - a decorative breed of dogs Dogs of small breeds Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers are very popular dogs all over the world. This is one of the smallest dog breeds with a very cheerful and outgoing temperament.

Loving and loyal, bold and self-confident, they are suitable for both experienced and inexperienced owners.

These are very lively and inquisitive dogs, they love to play. They are wonderful companions.

Yorkshire terriers are very intelligent dogs, but sometimes they are not very easy to train due to their independence of character.

Despite their small size, courageous and independent Yorkshires often try to dominate other dogs, as if neglecting their status.

They get along well with other animals in the house.

This breed of dog can be kept with children who will be very gentle with this dog and already understand that such a fragile animal can be easily injured.


The most common diseases in Yorkshire Terriers are:

  • dislocation of the patella
  • liver disease
  • inflammation of the pancreas
  • low blood sugar
  • allergy
  • problems with teeth and gums
  • drug sensitivity


A distinctive and positive feature of Yorkshire Terriers is that they do not shed, well, or practically do not shed, unlike most other breeds of dogs. However, Yorkies are not very easy to care for dogs.

While Yorkshire Terrier puppies don't need a lot of grooming at the start of their lives, it's best to start training your little Yorkie in grooming routines from puppyhood.

It usually takes about 6 months for a Yorkie puppy to grow its long coat. In order for the Yorkshire Terrier's hair to become silky and straighter, it needs to be looked after.

It can take quite a long time to care for this breed. If the Yorkie does not participate in exhibitions, then it can be cut.

In order for the Yorkshire Terrier's coat to look well-groomed, it must be combed almost daily. It will not be superfluous to use a special oil for hair care. The oil protects the coat and prevents tangling.

When bathing a Yorkshire Terrier, it is important to use a special conditioner or at least a moisturizing shampoo. It is advisable to wash your Yorkie at least once a week.

The Yorkshire Terrier does not need a lot of physical activity, but loves to walk very much.

He needs to devote a lot of attention and time to games that suit his movement needs well.

Provide the Yorkie with toys, although he, of course, loves the games that his owner participates in most of all.


Yorkshire terriers do not tolerate cold well, so they need to be dressed in rainy and cold weather.

Since these are very small and fragile dogs, they should be protected from injury.

You should not allow uncontrolled contact of Yorkshire terriers with small pets: hamsters, rabbits and guinea pigs.

This breed has little to no shedding and can therefore be suitable for people with allergies to pets.

In view of the great popularity of Yorkshire Terriers, it is best to keep these dogs within sight at all times. A large number of Yorkshire Terrier owners have been unable to return their pets because they were lost or stolen.

Keep in mind that every dog ​​is different. This description is characteristic of the breed as a whole and does not always fully coincide with the characteristics of a particular dog of this breed!

Yorkshire Terriers are a fairly popular breed today. You can easily keep them at home, take them with you, they are great friends for children, and in general they are cute and cute creatures. But under the mask of a charming darling, the real hunting essence is hidden. No matter how small a Yorick is, he is still a terrier. These dogs really have a tenacious mind, courage, good grip. An explanation of this nature can be found in the history of the breed.

History of the breed

The laurels of breeding the Yorkshire Terrier went to the Scots. Once upon a time, the local nobility feared the uprising of their vassals and forbade them to keep large dogs, trying to protect themselves at least this way.
In such conditions, the subjects decided to take up small dogs and began to breed terriers capable of fully hunting. They did it. But at that time, crossing was carried out spontaneously, on a whim, and, accordingly, there are no records of which breeds took part in the breeding; today, dozens of other breeds are recorded as the founders of the Yorkshire Terrier breed.

With the development of industry, the village came to the city, so the dogs moved to a new place of residence. In the new conditions, they showed themselves perfectly, so much so that they began to be used in factories to catch rats! Also, Yorkshire Terriers continued to travel with their owners, it turned out that they were unpretentious and "comfortable". Miniature dogs have been spotted by breeders. Even the name of the dog is known - the ancestor of all Yorkshire terriers, this is Hudersfield Ben. Compared to modern Yorkies, he was large - 5 kg in weight. He did not live long, but in five years he managed to receive 74 awards at exhibitions. The dog was recognized as the best in its time, offspring were obtained, which went into breeding, and in 1886 the breed was officially approved, which had already gained popularity then. The prices for Yorkies were exorbitant, and it was considered mauvais ton to appear without a dog in your arms. This is how representatives of this breed went from a village dog to a companion of wealthy people.

Interesting facts about Yorkshire Terriers

Ted the Yorkshire terrier, who lived with Mrs. Foster after Huddersfield Ben, received fewer awards than his predecessor, but was named the most perfect terrier.

Interestingly, having an English pedigree, the Yorkshire Terrier first came to the United States of America, and only then to Europe.

Yorkies have many informal and conditional varieties. In the exhibition version, dogs with a classic muzzle structure are preferred, but there are also so-called “baby faces”, their eyes are more convex, and the muzzle is short. There is also a conditional division of dogs by weight into micro or super-mini (up to 1.5 kg), mini (1.5-2 kg) and standard (up to 3.1 kg). There is another pseudo-variety of York - Beaver York. German breeders received a dog with a lighter coat and decided to keep this trait.

breed standard

The head is small, flat, there are no obvious predominant characteristics, the nose is black. The eyes are round, set not wide, looking forward, dark, shining, dark eyelids. The ears are small, pointed, set not wide, covered with short hair with a red tinge. Scissor bite, teeth set vertically.

The neck is long, the body is compact, the back is straight and strong. The forelegs are straight, the shoulders are developed, correctly located, the reddish hue of the coat should not be higher than the elbows. The hind limbs are also straight, the angles are slightly pronounced, red hair is allowed only up to the knees.

The tail is usually docked, but now in England they have begun to show dogs with an undocked tail. There are no standards yet. The tail is docked in half, it is rather fluffy, the hair at the end of the tail is dark blue, different from the hair on the body.

Personality of the Yorkshire Terrier

This dog is awarded millions of positive epithets. She is inquisitive, and fearless, and cheerful. All this is true, yoriki are very mobile, active, social. They are very fond of the attention of the owners, but at the same time they have a wonderful time alone with themselves. Yorkshire terriers love children, but will not let themselves be offended by them. The little defender will try to fight back if someone encroaches on his territory or the property of the owner. In a word, Yorkies only look so weak and defenseless, in fact, at least a lion lives inside them.

Yorkshire Terriers are by far the most popular toy dogs. And they deserved the love of millions not by any working qualities, but by an exceptionally incredible appearance and positive character. Yorkies are so cute and cunning that their owners do not even understand how in a short time this toy creature gets the rights of the youngest member of the family with all the ensuing consequences. Where did this breed come from, and how did it manage to gain worldwide recognition?

Looking at these cuties, only one version comes to mind - this breed was diligently bred so that the dogs would please high-ranking owners with their presence. But no, in fact, representatives of this breed are by no means from secular salons. Yes, and Yorkshire terriers cannot boast of ancient history either.

In fact, according to reliable data, these dogs were bred by workers in the coal mines of the small town of West Rydeng, which was located in the Yorkshire-Nottingham coalfield. And the task before the Yorks was not an easy one - to destroy the crowds of rodents that live in the mines, and the search for the accumulation of ore gases. They turned out to be excellent rat-catchers, and besides, bypassing the law banning the appearance of animals in mines, they successfully penetrated there in the sleeves of workers.

But this turn in the history of the breed turned out to be short-lived, as the cuties were noticed by ladies from high society and very quickly, leaving the coal mines, they became guests of salons and boudoirs.

In the 19th century, under Queen Victoria, it was bad form to attend social events without a tiny pet in your arms. And the smaller the pet was, the more it was valued and evoked envious glances.

But the documented history of the breed began only in the 70s of the 19th century, when the English Kennel Club was organized, and the British stud book appeared. Officially, the club recognized the breed only in 86 of the last century, then the dogs were called "Yorkshire Terriers". The adoption of the same standard occurred later, after 12 years.

P. Eden, a connoisseur and true connoisseur of various dog breeds, is considered the founder of the breed. He acted as an expert at various dog shows, where the first representatives of the breed were presented. He was also the owner of a Yorkie named Albert, who was the first to be entered in the Stud Book of Great Britain. The dog turned out to be an excellent founder of the family and passed on excellent qualities of character and beautiful coat to many of his descendants. 74 times Albert was the winner of various exhibitions.

The second owner of this eminent dog was Mrs. Foster, who also made a significant contribution to the maintenance of the breed. She organized the first Yorkshire terrier kennel, and for half a century she devotedly did what she loved.

In those days, the size of most Yorkies was not as compact as today's crumbs, and many dogs simply did not fit into the established standards. But the official standard tightened the requirements - the weight of the representatives of the breed had to vary from 1350 to 3150 grams. At the same time, attention was paid to the length of the coat, its softness and color.

The dogs of those times were somewhat different, painstaking selection made modern dogs more graceful and elegant. Breeders managed to get animals with a high tail, straight back and small ears.

The popularity of York Terriers increased significantly after World War II ended. Since then, these miniature creatures have spread throughout the world, winning the hearts of many millions of people.

Description of the breed Yorkshire Terrier

Dog breed Yorkshire Terrier photo

Many lovers and admirers of the breed claim that Yorkies are extraterrestrial creatures that arrived on earth from distant worlds. But such an unusual exterior is not so much external qualities as the work of owners and dog care specialists. Only high-quality care gives dogs an unearthly appearance:

  • The dogs are small head, slightly flattened on top, with a pretty, medium-sized muzzle. Yorkies have dark brown pearly eyes that show through their abundant coat.
  • Ears in dogs, they are erect, have a V-shape. The limbs are not visible because of the hair, but they are straight and parallel to each other. Paws are round, with densely collected fingers and claws of black color.
  • Yorkies are very fast and agile, which is a sign of true terriers. Tail set high, it stops by half at the age of 5 days. In a good mood, as a rule, he stands at the dog with a “pipe”.
  • One of the external advantages of the representatives of the breed is a long, shiny, silky coat, which hangs evenly on both sides of the body.

Colors of Yorkshire Terriers

Puppies of this breed are born with black fur, and only on the face and paws there are bright red small spots. Multi-colored Yorkies are much more expensive, as their coat looks luxurious, as if the dog had visited the salon and came out with fashionable coloring.

The nature of the representatives of the breed

Of course, each dog has special character traits, but still some of the similar characteristics are inherent in most Yorkies. Most dogs are energetic, but recently more calm and phlegmatic individuals have often been found among them. These cuties are characterized by high intelligence, and they deftly use this quality for their own purposes in order to get what they want. But for owners, the sharp mind of the pet makes it much easier, provided that it is possible to interest and lure him into the process.

Yorkshire terrier dog photo

Do not forget that Yorkies are, first of all, terriers, and this gives their character one characteristic feature - the desire for independence. If you do not indicate to the pet who is in charge in the family, the dog himself will appoint himself to this position. It is worth noting that they also do not hold stubbornness and perseverance. Dogs have not lost their historical roots, so any creature of the same size or smaller becomes their prey. It is worth paying attention to this during walking.

Despite the extremely modest size, the pet will defend its space from other animals that dare to invade its territory. However, in new, unusual conditions, the dog may be confused. Yorkies are very attached to their owners and sincerely love their family, showing amazing tenderness. Despite a long life in high society, dogs come from the people. Therefore, they always act simply and clearly.

This is one of the most cheerful creatures, and only the cruel treatment of the owners can eradicate this quality. But, basically, Yorkshire terriers are curious, good-natured and almost always in a good-natured mood, infecting others with positive.

When purchasing this tiny, affectionate creature, you should calculate your strength and have free time, as the exterior of the terrier requires careful care.

Wool is the first and most important item in grooming procedures. She is tender, long, capricious in Yorkies. She will be beautiful and attractive only with constant combing. If it is not possible to do this every day, then you can cut your pet, fortunately, salons offer a lot of model haircuts for this breed.

Photo - Yorkshire Terrier Puppy

Also, the coat requires frequent, this should be done every 7-10 days. It is most convenient to carry out the procedure in the bathroom, avoiding the hit of elastic jets of water on the dog, as this can scare the Yorkie. It is better to use special detergents, in extreme cases, you can use a mild shampoo for children, but after diluting it with water. To improve the quality of the coat and make combing easier, it is recommended to apply a balm or conditioner for dogs to the coat, and then rinse it thoroughly. All actions should be done in the direction of hair growth.

After taking a bath, the pet should be dried with a hairdryer, wrapped in a towel or diaper. After drying, you should immediately do your hair, combing your pet, and sprinkle the hair with a spray. If you wish, you can wind the strands on hair curlers.

The eyes also require daily care, they should be wiped in the morning with a swab dipped in water and combed down so that individual hairs do not injure the eyes.

Yorkie ears are not so demanding, it is enough to inspect them once every 7 days and clean the formed plaque with a cotton swab and a special lotion or liquid. Caution should be exercised, as too deep penetration can cause injury to the auricle. Ear hyperemia or the appearance of an unpleasant odor is the reason for contacting a veterinarian.

The nose of a Yorkie, like that of other dogs, is an indicator of health. In a healthy pet, the urine is moist and cool. But the formation of a white border or the appearance of abundant secretions should alarm the owner.









Tendency to train


Attitude towards children


If you want to have a dog-toy in your house, which, despite its small size, has the character of a fearless hunter, by all means get yourself a Yorkshire Terrier. Representatives of this English breed really look like a soft toy, but in fact they are real terriers.

The history of the breed

It is safe to say that the popularity of Yorkshire Terriers is steadily growing. It is not surprising, because these cute little ones are faithful and devoted companions.
Thanks for the appearance of this beautiful breed is the British. At the end of the nineteenth century, the history of Yorkshire terriers began in Yorkshire.

Yorkies did not appear at all as a room-decorative dog, they were originally bred by English peasants to protect their homes from rats and other small rodents, and only later these fearless little terriers lost their hunting purpose and entered the list of the most popular decorative dog breeds.

From their homeland, Yorkshire Terriers slowly but surely spread to all countries of the globe. For example, in America, these cute dogs settled in 1872, while in Russia they appeared only in 1971.
Now it is considered prestigious to have a purebred Yorkshire Terrier in the house, but they are bought and loved not only because of their status. Little Yorkies from the first moment are able to arouse in a person love, tenderness and a desire to protect themselves.

breed standard

If we talk generally about the appearance of Yorkshire terriers, then their weight, according to the standards, should not exceed 3.1 kg, the coat is long, evenly hanging on the sides, the body is strong, the posture is important.

Of course, the Yorkie does not deserve such a short description, so let's take a closer look at the exterior of this breed:

Neck long, head small, flat, ears high and not too far set, also small, V-shaped, covered with short hair. The muzzle is slightly wide, scissor bite, even. The jaws are even, tightly compressed, the teeth stand upright. The nose is black. The eyes are small, dark, straight set, the look is clear, very expressive, intelligent. The edge of the eyelids is painted black.

Frame compact with a slightly convex chest, the back is even, the loin is strong, straight.

Both front and rear limbs straight, even, shoulders are well placed, the angles of the hind limbs are moderately pronounced. Both the fore and hind legs are heavily covered with hair, the color of which is slightly different from the tips to the roots - at the roots the hair is several shades darker. The paws are round, the toes fit tightly, the claws are black.

Wool Yorkie is long, straight, shiny and silky, has a delicate texture, not fluffy or wavy. Wool hangs evenly on the sides from an even parting on the back. The coat color of the Yorkshire Terrier is different on different parts of the body. According to the standard, a thoroughbred Yorkshire Terrier looks like this:

  • Head, chest, limbs - golden, red-brown;
  • From the back of the head to the tail, the falling coat is gray-steel;
  • The tail is dark blue.

The movements are light, free, with a good pace, the back is always straight in movement.

There is nothing complicated about keeping a Yorkshire Terrier. An indisputable plus is the absence of the problem of mandatory walks. A small dog quickly becomes accustomed to a litter tray or a special diaper used as a toilet. But at the same time, the owner of the Yorkie must take into account that his pet needs walks, active games in the fresh air, so any opportunity for walking a restless baby should be used.

As for walks with a Yorkie, remember that they are quite sensitive dogs, so in strong sunshine the baby will suffer from the heat in his warm fur coat, and in the winter season he will have to warm himself in warm overalls or a jacket.

Clothing for Yorkies is not only a tribute to fashion (although not without it). Because of their small stature, dogs really freeze much more than representatives of large breeds and can easily get sick in the cold season.

Speaking about the content of Yorkies, it is imperative to touch on the topic of safety. After all, such a crumb can easily be injured by pinching the door or stepping inadvertently. It is generally not recommended to take a small Yorkshire terrier puppy to a house where there are small children, because the children will think that this is a living toy, and during the game they can strongly squeeze or throw a defenseless animal on the floor.

All responsibility in such cases rests with the adult members of the family.
If you have already decided and acquired a Yorkshire Terrier, determine from the first day a personal territory for your pet.

The ideal option is to let the dog choose a place for itself. When choosing a “corner” for a dog yourself, consider the following rules:

  • On its territory, the dog should feel safe, cozy and comfortable;
  • Never forcibly pull an animal out of its "corner", either for reward or punishment. The personal territory of the pet must be inviolable;
  • It is not recommended to install a dog bed in the corridor, in a passageway. Arrange so that from your "corner" the dog can watch everything that happens in the room;
  • On the territory that you have chosen for the dog, install a mattress, rug or basket. Since the Yorkie is a small breed, you can install a whole small dog house.
  • Remove all chemicals in places where the dog cannot get. The same goes for drugs;
  • If you dropped a pin, needle, coil, piece of cotton wool, etc. on the floor, be sure to find and pick it up. Also, be careful about any small objects that a Yorkie can swallow. Such an unplanned "treat" can result in serious health problems for the pet, up to and including surgery;
  • Although the Yorkshire Terrier is a decorative dog, the blood of a real hunter boils in his veins. Therefore, the dog will not miss the opportunity to dig in the ground. So the owner of a small fluffy digger should remove flowerpots with indoor flowers higher;
  • The electrical wiring must be hidden, the puppy can try the electrical cable on the tooth;
  • During the New Year holidays or other similar events, make sure that the dog does not eat tinsel or needles from the Christmas tree. Such a meal may result in inflammation of the intestines;
  • If you don't want to ruin your puppy's bite, never force anything out of his mouth;
  • Make sure that a small pet does not go out onto an unfenced staircase or balcony.
    If you have any questions about the upbringing, maintenance, health of the dog, contact the experts.

Yorkie Care

Dogs like the Yorkshire Terrier require special care. It's all about their luxurious long hair, just for a couple of days, leave the long-haired handsome face alone with his curls, and they will turn into tangles that are so difficult to fight. But do not think that only the fur of Yorkies requires attention. Consider in detail all the points of caring for a small pet:

Eyes. Wipe daily with a cotton swab dipped in water. This procedure helps to remove secretions. If this is not done, eye secretions, mixed with dust, enter the eyes, which can lead to conjunctivitis.

Teeth. You might say that only humans need a toothbrush, but in fact, your four-legged pet's teeth also need a toothbrush and regular brushing. If this is not done for sure, the dog will form an “indestructible” plaque, and then stones. If you do not want to use a brush to clean your dog's teeth, you can replace it with special chewing "bones". In the event of the formation of dental deposits, which the owner of the animal cannot cope with on his own, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian. Keep in mind that with improper care, your pet's teeth may fall out already in the second year of life.

claws. For owners who take long and frequent walks with their pet in the fresh air, the problem of long claws disappears by itself. After all, their dogs themselves grind off regrown claws on the road surface. If the dog spends most of the time on the couch or in the arms of a loving owner, he needs to trim his claws from time to time.
Ears. Ear cleaning using cotton swabs is carried out once every 5-7 days. To make such a hygienic procedure easier and better, the hair inside the ear canals is removed.

Wool. If your Yorkshire Terrier does not participate in exhibitions, then there is no need to grow a coat that is long to the floor. In most cases, the owners of such dogs give their pets a haircut every 3 months. There are a lot of options for all kinds of hairstyles for Yorkies! Despite the haircut, the coat needs to be brushed daily with a special brush and, of course, bathed with detergents for long-haired dogs.

If your Yorkie is regular, then his coat should be long. Caring for such wool requires increased attention. You need to wash it with a balm, in addition to washing, lubricate with oil. This is done so that the wool does not get tangled, for the same purpose, curls of wool are wound on curlers.

Feeding rules, diet

On the first day your Yorkshire Terrier puppy is in your home, set up a food bowl and a drinking water bowl for him. This should be a place where the dog can safely eat, otherwise the animal will pull food out of the bowl and drag pieces to a secluded corner, for example, under the table. In most cases, the feeding place is determined in the kitchen, but this decision is entirely at the discretion of the owner.

Newly minted dog owners often make the same mistake of leaving food in dog bowls all day long. You can’t do this by pouring pet food, wait about twenty minutes and remove the bowl, regardless of whether there is food left in it or not. Unlike food, clean, cool water should be available to the animal 24 hours a day. Don't train your dog to bite, don't let him beg for treats during your own meal.

Starting with the first feedings, teach your Yorkie puppy to the feeding regimen. Give your dog food at the same time every day. The number of feedings and the size of portions depends on the age, health status of the pet. If a small puppy needs to be fed 5-6 times a day, then 2 meals are enough for an adult dog.

The diet is recommended to be made together with the veterinarian who observes your pet. Nutrition should be balanced, the dog should receive all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. The owner himself decides which type of feeding to choose: natural or dry. Of course, it is much easier to buy ready-made food than to spend time preparing natural food. Both in the first and in the second case, it is unacceptable to use expired, poor-quality feed.

Having taken a small puppy from the nursery, be sure to ask the breeder what the baby ate before moving to a new place of residence. It is recommended not to drastically change the usual diet, if you still want to transfer the dog from dry food to natural products, you need to do this gradually and very carefully to prevent indigestion.


Nature has rewarded representatives of the Yorkshire Terrier breed with good health. An owner who according to all the rules feeds, maintains and cares for his little pet will be able to enjoy his healthy appearance, playful disposition and live next to him for 13-15 years. There is information about long-lived Yorkies who lived to be 20 years old, which cannot but rejoice.

Unfortunately, these cute kids, like all living creatures on earth, sometimes get sick. Yorkshire terriers have their own breed diseases that "attack" them because of their small size. Yorkie owners should definitely familiarize themselves with the list of these diseases in order to pay special attention to their symptoms, causes and prevent health problems in time. Below is a list of diseases that are common in Yorkshire Terriers:

cryptorchidism- a disease, characteristic only for males, in which one or two testicles do not descend into the scrotum, but remain either in the groin or in the abdominal cavity. Cryptorchidism is treated only by surgery, and then only if it causes discomfort to the dog. Cryptorchid males are not allowed for breeding, as this disease is inherited. Cryptorchid males are disqualified from shows, so if you buy a show class dog, be sure to wait for the testicles to descend into the scrotum.

Joint problems(Partess disease, Dislocation of the patella) - a disease characteristic of small breeds of dogs, characterized by a violation of the joints. Treatment depends on the stage of the disease - from physiotherapy to surgery.

Non-growth of the fontanel. It should be remembered that in representatives of this breed, the fontanel can remain open throughout life. By itself, this fact is not a disease, but can lead to brain injury.

Violation of the change of teeth. Due to the small jaw size of Yorkshire Terriers, it is quite common for the problem that the molars begin to grow even before the milk teeth have fallen out. This leads to a violation of the dentition, bite, pain and suffering of the animal. Owners of Yorkies should monitor the change of their pet's teeth, and if this problem is detected, milk teeth should be removed in a veterinary clinic.

Many health problems can be avoided if you regularly undergo preventive examinations with a veterinarian and. Experienced dog breeders do not allow self-treatment, they also avoid contact of their pets with homeless, wild animals. Remember that your pet's health is entirely in your hands!

Yorkie character

The Yorkshire Terrier has a difficult character, if from the first months of life you do not closely engage in his upbringing, he, as they say, will sit on his master's head and hang his paws. The fact is that representatives of this breed are very stubborn and persistent. York, in any case, must achieve his goal, whether it's a tasty treat from the owner's hands or his attention.

The stubbornness of a cute baby is smoothed out by his devotion and love for the owner. York loves to play, run, eat, travel and sleep next to the owner. This is the greatest happiness for a dog. He does not like loneliness, he always tries to be closer to family members.

Seeing a stranger or another dog, the little daredevil immediately turns into a formidable guard. He growls, barks and tries in every possible way to drive away uninvited, in his opinion, guests. It takes time for the Yorkie to calm down and come to terms with the presence of strangers, although even then the baby does not allow excessive familiarity to his person.

The Yorkshire Terrier gets along well with children, enjoys playing with them, provided that he is not offended. With pets, this doggy lives in relative peace. Do not forget, the baby is very mobile and playful, and companions are needed to play. If the dog belongs to an elderly lady, she, as it were, adopts her way of life and can calmly lie in her arms for hours.

Training and education

If you want to have an obedient dog, devote time and money to educating it from an early age. Some novice dog breeders believe that the small breed does not require any training, it is service breeds that require the passage of entire training courses. This is a completely erroneous opinion, an ill-mannered four-legged baby can destroy your home and disturb your peace, both night and day.

Yorkshire terriers, for example, love to bark loudly, and not only for a reason, but just like that, out of boredom. With proper training, dogs can be weaned from this habit.

To determine the optimal way of education and training, you need to determine the individual abilities of the animal. With regards to Yorkshire terriers, when training them, you can use the fact that representatives of this breed are mobile, energetic, playful and at the same time adore their owners, like to spend time with them and please them if the opportunity arises.

It is worth pushing the Yorkie a little to the right actions and show what the owner wants from him. As a result, the little fluffy will try to give everything 100% so as not to upset the owner. The reward for the Yorkie will be an affectionate word, stroking, scratching behind the ear. After class, it is recommended to sit quietly on the couch with your pet on your lap. Such rewards contribute to successful training.

If you think that training a Yorkshire Terrier is not necessary, know that an inquisitive dog will begin to explore the world around itself without your help. For example, what do your shoes taste like, what can be found in a flower pot, or what is happening outside the apartment. It is better if the owner of a small fidget himself takes the mind of the pet and develops good qualities in the dog.

All owners of Yorkshire Terriers need to remember that their ancestors were hunting dogs. Therefore, Yorkies are very stubborn, like to bark and dig in the ground. This must and can be fought, unless, of course, you want to turn a decorative dog into a hunting dog. If the dog shows aggression or barks for no reason, stop such manifestations without fail. To grow up a good dog will help in time the education started!

Pros and cons of the breed

Before you buy a dog, you need to find out everything about it, about all the advantages and all the disadvantages of the breed you have chosen. In this article we are talking about Yorkshire terriers, so we will consider the pros and cons of representatives of this breed:

Pros of Yorkshire Terriers:

  • playfulness;
  • cheerfulness;
  • Wits and dexterity;
  • No need for daily long walks;
  • Attachment to the owner;
  • Ideal breed for seniors;
  • Quickly gets used to any living conditions.

Cons of Yorkshire Terriers:

  • Excessive energy can tire the whole family;
  • Sometimes there are problems with the toilet;
  • Loudness, like to bark for no reason;
  • It is difficult to train, especially if you do not start education from puppyhood;
  • Excessive manifestation to a sense of ownership and jealousy of the owner;
  • Increased attention to the care of the long hair of Yorkies.

Interesting facts about Yorkshire Terriers

Each creature has many different interesting facts in its history. This is not surprising, because the history of ancestors, curious stories from the life of previous generations of a four-legged pupil will undoubtedly be useful and interesting to owners of Yorkshire terriers:

  • In a large family of Yorkies, the smallest representative named Sylvia left her mark. She lived in England and, unfortunately, she had a chance to live only two years. The height of the mini-dog was 6.3 cm, weight - 112 g.
  • Yorkie owners who live in suburban areas should pay close attention to the hunting instincts of their wards. The fact is that while walking through the forest, a dog can catch and eat a beetle or find a wild mouse that an owl has lost. After such "treats" the dog in most cases will get an upset stomach.
  • In the history of breeding miniature Yorkies, there are cases when the owners deliberately gave little food to their wards, as a result, their growth was slowed down. The goal of these unfortunate dog owners was to get mini-dogs, but the animals suffered with such maintenance. Their psyche was disturbed in the same way as their health. The life expectancy of babies was noticeably reduced.
  • Huddersfield Ben is considered a celebrity among the large family of Yorkshire terriers. This dog has managed to win 74 prizes in his life, besides this dog is considered the “father of the breed”. Unfortunately, his life was short. At the age of 6, he was hit by a crew.

As you can see, Yorkshire Terriers are not just soft, sweet, playful dogs. They require attention, their upbringing, maintenance and feeding have their own nuances that must be reckoned with. In this article you will find many tips and tricks that will help you grow a real well-bred show Yorkshire terrier from a small Yorkie puppy.

Companion. A cheerful, playful, cheerful dog will become for you and your loved ones not only a faithful companion and favorite, it will rightfully become a member of your family. Today, the Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular indoor and decorative breeds in the world. York is very brave, smart and infinitely devoted to the owner. Despite his small size, he considers himself able to protect the owner from a non-well-wisher, regularly showing instinct on the street.

Yorkshire terriers are unique, now they, like true aristocrats and fashionistas, participate in all kinds of exhibitions, regularly appear on the covers of magazines, act in films, they are favorites of celebrities, politicians, and are honored to accompany their owners everywhere. And a few centuries ago, the ancestors of today's handsome men were engaged in rather rough work, they were ordinary rat-catcher dogs. They caught rodents on ships, in mines, in garment factories and farms.

Interesting: there is a version that the miners hid the minnows in the sleeves of their work clothes when they brought them to work. There, the Yorkshire Terrier performed a very important job, catching rodents in the mines of Yorkshire, and thanks to his keen sense of smell, he could smell the gas in the mine and warn the miners.

The history of the appearance of the Yorkshire Terrier breed is quite interesting. The Yorkshire Terrier was bred in England in the 19th century in the counties of Yorkshire and Lancashire by cotton factory workers. In that era, only nobles were allowed to keep a medium or large breed. For commoners, local feudal lords came up with a law where it was forbidden to start a dog with a height at the withers above 18 cm. Thus, the rich wanted to protect the land from poaching. The peasants had no choice but to breed small, but brave and savvy dogs.

Little Yorkshire Terrier

In the middle of the 19th century, Scottish laborers who came to Yorkshire in search of work brought with them various small terriers: the Paisley Terrier, the Clydesdale Terrier, the Cairo Terrier and the Skye Terrier. Subsequently, by crossing several species and possibly a Maltese (to improve the quality of the coat), a dog with a beautiful silky coat was born. The first Yorkies looked larger than modern ones with an elongated body, and body weight reached 6-7 kg.

In 1886, the Yorkshire Terrier breed was recognized as a separate breed by the English Kennel Club. And in 1898, the official breed standard for the Yorkshire Terrier was adopted.

Description of the Yorkshire Terrier breed and the FCI standard

Photo Yorkshire Terrier - description of the breed

A tiny, long-haired dog, with a smooth, silky coat falling straight and evenly on the sides, the parting should run from the nose to the tip of the tail.

  • Super - mini: up to 1.5 kg
  • Mini: 1.5kg -2.1kg
  • Standard: 2.1kg -3.1kg
  • Lifespan Yorkshire terriers 12-15 years old.
  • Disadvantages / Vices: deviation from the above is considered as a defect or defect, and is evaluated according to the degree of deviation and correlates with the effect of the defect or defect on health.
  • P.S.: males must have two obvious, normally developed testicles, fully descended into the scrotum.

    Yorkshire terrier color

    Yorkshire terrier puppies photo

    Yorkshire Terrier puppies are born black and tan, similar to Rottweiler puppies. At 3 - 4 months on the head, at the roots, you can notice a change in color. Since his hair does not fall out, a haircut is carried out at 6 - 7 months, it completely changes the puppy color. Some individuals change color up to two years.

    Yorkshire Terrier - color of adults:

    • blue - dark or bluish-steel on the body, while the head and paws are golden or reddish-golden, the tail is dark steel.
    • tawny or yellowish brown on head and feet, body and tail dark steel.
    1. Body color: blue tone starts from the base of the skull and reaches the base of the tail.
    2. On the tail: darker color on the body, especially at the tip.
    3. Color on the head: rich golden or yellowish brown.
    4. Chest and limbs: golden, platinum or rich tan to yellowish brown to the elbows on the front legs and to the knee joint on the hind legs.

    Personality of the Yorkshire Terrier

    By nature, the Yorkshire Terrier is a cheerful, energetic, intelligent, cheerful breed. He wants to always be close to people, he feels comfortable when all family members are present in the house. It is firmly attached to one owner, considers him the leader and is ready to follow him on his heels. She is very bored when she is left alone for a long time, she does not tolerate loneliness.

    Often you can hear from breeders where one Yorkshire terrier appeared, there will soon be a second one. As they say: "there are not many of them." This happens precisely in the house where the pet is often left alone, they make a friend for the company.

    The breed has long become popular among celebrities, because with it you can go shopping, visit restaurants, cafes. Even in the hotel you will be accommodated with a cute dog. He tolerates traveling by car, flying by plane, but try to teach him to travel from an early age.

    Yorkshire terrier character photo

    The Yorkshire Terrier dog has long hair, no undercoat. Wool does not shed, as its structure is more like human hair, soft, silky. It constantly grows, does not fall out, except when combing. It is recommended for people prone to allergies.

    The Yorkshire Terrier needs regular walks at least 2 times a day in all weathers. This is a very active breed, loves outdoor games with the ball, will be happy to bring a stick and carry out different commands. They are so smart that they adapt to the lifestyle of the owner, if you are a sleeper in the morning, the Yorkie will work out exactly the same schedule for himself. But this applies only to adults, during the period of growing up you will not be able to sleep for your pleasure.

    In autumn - winter they put on overalls or a raincoat, and this is not a tribute to fashion, or a whim, but protection from snow and dirt. Due to the lack of an undercoat, snow and dirt will quickly clog under it, and your pet will freeze. Thus, you protect his health from colds, and his body from excess dirt.

    Photo yorkshire terrier in clothes

    Yorkshire terrier puppies are perfectly accustomed to a tray, or a diaper as a toilet, but if possible, rugs in the house will have to be removed for the period of growing up. Families with small children are better off temporarily abandoning the idea. Children, not understanding responsibility, injure, squeeze too hard or accidentally drop the puppy.

    Although the Yorkshire Terrier is an indoor breed, it is very active during walks, likes to move a lot, run, jump, and even tries to catch birds, and even gets into fights with huge dogs. Therefore, in a city with busy traffic, always walk him on a leash. On the street, this is a big brawler and a bully, having met a large breed, will not miss the moment to make a fuss and bark at the enemy first.

    Photo of the Yorkshire Terrier breed with a child

    He loves the owner's children, enjoys playing with them, taking care of them like a nanny. But the attitude towards strangers, unfamiliar children is radically opposite. You can safely talk about disliking strangers, if possible, even trying to bite. Gets along well with other home residents (dogs, cats, parrots, but hamsters are best kept in a cage).

    The Yorkshire Terrier lends itself perfectly to training, easily remembers commands, and fulfills them with pleasure. After completing the commands, always praise your pet and treat him with a treat. You can start training teams from 6 months of age. But to educate and teach the rules of behavior in the house, start from the first moment you appear in your house. Although he has a strong psyche, never scream. Shouting, aggressive behavior of the breeder, injure the psyche, provoking the manifestation of aggression, cowardice.

    yorkshire terrier grooming

    Photo Yorkshire terrier girl

    Grooming a Yorkshire Terrier is a painstaking task that brings pleasure from communicating with him. The breed has a soft, silky coat, without undercoat, growing throughout life.

    The Yorkshire Terrier is a hypoallergenic breed and can be adopted by people with allergies (but we advise you to spend some time in the company of cute dogs before getting a Furry to make sure there is no reaction).

    Animal hair contains a huge amount of dandruff, which is an allergen. A Yorkie has a hairline resembling human in structure. She does not shed, grows all her life and falls out during mechanical damage, for example, when combing.

    • Combing: daily with a metal comb or brush to prevent tangles and give it a neat appearance. The hair on the head is collected in a ponytail, top knot, bun, or cut to the desired length. The hair around the eyes puffs up, climbs into the eyes, it can be cut short (although it will grow back over time), or simply smoothed with wet fingers.
    • You can bathe once every 7-10 days or as it gets dirty. The breed has long thin hair that needs to be moisturized and restored. You need to use a moisturizing shampoo for Yorkshire terriers with balm and conditioner. There are volumizing shampoos that cover fine, sparse hair. They are used in exhibition preparation, when it is necessary to add a three-dimensional form.

    Yorkshire Terrier - bathing rules

    1. Always use only professional shampoos and conditioners.
    2. Remember, premium cosmetics are highly concentrated. Be sure to dilute the shampoo in a small amount of water and only then apply.
    3. Don't keep the shampoo on for too long. After you have applied it, immediately spread over the body, lather and rinse with plenty of water. Remember that the detergent contains components that are highly irritating to the skin.
    4. Use conditioner. Shampoo washes away the protective lubricant of the hair, it becomes weak and defenseless. Conditioner, restores the protective film.
    5. After bathing, the hair can be lubricated with special oil, it will add shine, elasticity, it will be less tangled.
    6. First, we wipe it with a towel, and then dry it with a hair dryer, but we make sure that we do not overheat and dry the skin.

    Yorkshire terrier haircuts

    Photo Yorkshire Terrier - haircuts

    Each owner decides for himself what length to leave for his pet, if he does not participate in competitions or exhibitions. Such individuals are given a hygienic or model haircut.

    Yorkshire terrier haircuts are divided into three types:

    1. Hygienic
    2. Standard
    3. model
    1. Hygienic - is mandatory. Once every 3-4 weeks, a haircut is carried out, the upper third of the ears is shaved, the area under the tail is cut, in the armpits, between the fingers, the “skirt” is trimmed.
    2. Standard - usually make participating in exhibitions. They cut their armpits, in the groin, the area under the tail, at the tips of the ears.
    3. Model - makes a groomer. It is suitable for those who do not participate in exhibitions. By choosing an interesting hairstyle, you will transform your pet into another breed, add a spicy look to it. In this case, there are no restrictions for the embodiment of the desired fantasy. Of course, hygiene rules are always followed.

    Now it is fashionable to cut out drawings on the surface, decorate with rhinestones, paint in a different color or apply a tattoo. Girls can make fashionable colored manicure. Different types of hairstyles are suitable for different types. A good and experienced master, will always recommend the best. There are also haircuts for different types of wool.

    Yorkshire terrier with standard coat

    Yorkshire terrier photo haircuts

    The coat is shiny, smooth, reminiscent of silk. A variety of haircuts, long and short, will look great on her. On dogs with smooth hair, hairstyles with lengthening, a long skirt and flared legs look great. Here you can experiment and create any image for your pet. The standard one lends itself well to staining.

    • Long coat according to the breed standard
    • Any length (not short)
    • Beautiful skirt and flared legs
    • Coloring, creative trendy haircuts
    • Too short (is it possible to shave off such beauty).
    • Wool quickly falls into tangles, becomes electrified and stands on end

    Yorkshire terrier with fluffy hair, what haircut is suitable?

    Photo yorkshire terrier mini

    The so-called fluffy coat gives the Yorchik and his owner a lot of trouble. But not everything is so bad and scary. With a puffy type, with timely care and the right haircut, they become like a “plush toy”. When sheared, their thick coat looks advantageous, it allows you to form additional rounded lines.

    • Short (so as not to comb out)
    • Shaved body without a skirt, flared paws (you will have to comb more often, but it looks beautiful)
    • “Under the puppy” (on the body and paws they leave the same length)

    yorkshire terrier korean haircut

    yorkshire terrier korean haircut photo

    The body is cut short, lengthening remains on the paws, the muzzle is cut short, giving the maximum toy look, long hair is left on the ears.

    • Lengthening along the body and skirt (you will have to comb out daily, but you will not be able to avoid tangles)
    • Hairstyle for yorkshire terriers with hard coat

    Photo yorkshire terrier haircuts for boys

    It is denser in structure and easy to care for. Owners of this cover, the average length is suitable. Do not choose too short, your pet may look bald. Unfortunately, it is also better to refuse a large length. Remember, rough hair tends to split quickly, and extra length makes it look messy.

    • Hairstyles with medium length.
    • Hanging.
    • Cut too short.

    Yorkshire Terrier - the difference between a boy and a girl?

    Many breeders of Yorkshire Terrier dogs are familiar with the question: “Is this a boy or a girl?”. There is a simple trick and everything will immediately fall into place. There are a number of haircuts that are recommended only for girls or boys.

    Yorkshire Terrier Hairstyles

    Haircuts for York girls:

    • Different lengths (with skirt and pants)
    • Red bow at the crown (top knot or knot at the crown)
    • Coloring
    • Applying glitter - tattoo
    • Korean style with extension at the ears
    • Bangs instead of a bow
    • If you want a bow, then blue
    • Short Sports
    • Korean style with cropped ears

    Photo yorkshire terrier boy

    Yorkshire Terrier care and maintenance

    • Claws: Many owners often underestimate or "pity" her, and refuse to walk outside at all, which sometimes creates more inconvenience. If you walk a little, or do not walk at all, the claws do not wear out and cause discomfort when walking. Trim once a month with a nail cutter - guillotine or wire cutters, file the sharp ends with a nail file to prevent chips and burrs. Always keep an eye on the condition of the fifth toe on the front paws, often the claw on it twists and causes discomfort to the dog. The bent overgrown tip of the claw must be cut off to a living one, looking at the light, you can easily determine the overgrown length, slightly trim with scissors, file with a nail file. Too long claws are best cut in several stages. Many Yorkies do not like this procedure, they perceive it painfully. After, praise and treat you with a treat.

    Tools for trimming nails:

    1. Nail cutter - guillotine
    2. nail file
    3. Children's scissors
    • Paws: After the walk, wash the paws, muzzle, genitals, tail in a basin or shower. Pat well with a towel and lightly dry with a hair dryer. In winter or in cold weather, be especially careful to dry with a hair dryer, let the air in from below on the limbs, and point less at the muzzle or nose. After the street, mucus collects in the nose, with a sharp overheating, it dries up and makes breathing difficult. In winter, after walking in the snow, wash your paws especially carefully from salt and reagents. Do not allow licking of paws to prevent poisoning.

    Dental care

    • Teeth should be brushed every day with special dog toothpaste using a toothbrush or finger brush. The puppy's teeth are cleaned with a piece of gauze wrapped around a finger. Once every six months, show the veterinarian, for the prevention of dental examination, if necessary, the doctor removes tartar with dental instruments. To prevent tartar, include fresh tomatoes, green apple slices in your diet. The stores sell many different sticks with menthol, cords treated with a special solution for cleaning teeth.

    Eye care

    Examine the eyes regularly, smooth the hair around them with wet fingers or cut them short. The eyes of a healthy Yorkie are shiny, without discharge and tearing. Small gray lumps in the corners of the eyes in the morning are acceptable, they are easy to remove with a soft cloth soaked in chamomile decoction. Wipe each eye with a separate piece of cloth. If you notice profuse souring of the eyes or excessive tearing, redness or swelling of the eyelids, be sure to seek help from a veterinarian.

    Ticks and fleas in Yorkshire Terrier

    The grocery market provides many flea and tick medications for dogs:

    1. Drops on the withers (applied 1 time in three weeks. Bathe 3 days before applying the drug, during which time a protective film appears on the skin, do not bathe for 10 days after application. Apply to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe withers closer to the neck, to the place where it does not reach On the first day, do not allow children to iron, and upon contact, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water).
    2. Spray (applied before a walk in case of flea infestation, treat the sunbed and personal belongings)
    3. Tablets (do not give without consulting a veterinarian)
    4. Collar (works with constant wear)

    When infected with piroplasmosis, a sick dog has a fever, erythrocytes are destroyed (hemolysis) and hemoglobin is excreted in the urine (hemoglobinuria), that is, the pet begins to write red-brown urine.

    Symptoms of piroplasmosis (babesiosis) in a Yorkshire Terrier:

    • The pet is lethargic, inactive, refuses food and water.
    • High body temperature, more than 39 degrees.
    • Urine red-brown
    • Later, the color of the urine returns to normal, the temperature drops, but the dog does not recover. Anemia is likely to develop, liver function is impaired, vomiting and jaundice appear (mucous membranes, skin and whites of the eyes become yellow).
    • Falls on hind legs, cannot rise.

    If you notice these symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately. Only a specialist has the right to prescribe treatment to save health and life. Unfortunately, many pets paid with their lives without timely help.

    yorkshire terrier food

    What to feed a Yorkshire Terrier?

    Photo Yorkshire Terrier - eats from a spoon

    Can be fed with 2 types of food:

    1. Ready-to-eat food (soft canned food or premium dry food only)
    2. natural food

    Never mix dry food with natural products, as this will lead to problems in the digestive tract.

    The advantage of dry food is that it is balanced, it contains all vitamins and microelements vital for the development and formation of the skeleton. Biting into pieces of food, the puppy mechanically cleans his teeth, improves blood circulation in the gums. It does not need to be cooked, just pour the norm corresponding to age, weight into a bowl and be sure to put a bowl of clean water next to it. It is convenient to use while traveling or busy work schedule.

    The minus of ready-made feeds is their price, since Premium class feed is not cheap and the factor is that you have no idea what is included in the feed and how true the information on the package is. But I repeat, this is the right of choice of each owner individually.

    Plus natural feeding, you know exactly what the food consists of. The downside is that the products need to be prepared, they are also expensive, it is inconvenient to feed during trips (but you can get used to it, there are thermos bags, containers, etc., you just have to work hard).

    Each type of feeding has pros and cons, which one is suitable for your Yorkshire Terrier, determine for health reasons. A healthy breed has a beautiful coat, shiny eyes without tear ducts, white teeth, no smell from the muzzle, strong claws.

    Number of feedings:

    • At the age of 1 - 2 months - fed 6 times a day
    • At 2 - 3 months - 4 - 5 times
    • At 3 - 6 months - 3 - 4 times
    • At 6 - 8 months - 2 - 3 times
    • Starting from 8 months and an adult, 2 times a day

    Rules for feeding the Yorkshire Terrier

    1. It is recommended to feed from the stand, adjusting its height as it grows.
    2. A bowl of fresh water should be available around the clock. Ideally, the water is changed twice a day.
    3. A bowl of food is placed only during the feeding period.
    4. When changing food or switching from one type of food to another, do it gradually.
    5. When feeding ready-made food, adhere to the portions indicated on the package according to the age and body weight of the pet.
    6. When feeding with natural products, food should always be fresh, at room temperature (do not give food that is too hot or cold, this is fraught with problems with the gastrointestinal tract).
    7. A serving should be eaten in a crawl within 15-20 minutes. The portion is calculated based on the amount of food left in the bowl.
    8. If the Yorkshire Terrier refuses to eat, we hide the food until the next feeding. In case of repeated refusal of food, check the state of health (measure the temperature, feel the stomach, examine the mucous membranes of the mouth, examine the skin), if you notice any changes or a painful reaction when feeling, be sure to contact your veterinarian.
    9. After eating, do not allow active play and running for at least 30 minutes.
    10. They feed after a walk after 20-30 minutes, or 2 before it.
    11. Do not feed before a trip in the car (many babies get motion sickness).
    12. Never, under any pretext, do not allow guests in the house to feed "sweets" from the table. Explain to friends and relatives in all seriousness that for you a delicacy for a Yorkie is POISON.
    13. Never leave food unattended on the table or in accessible places, it steals (cookies, sweets, a piece of meatballs, especially dried or dried fish, they love this smell, etc.). As a result, he will choke on a large piece or bone of fish, burn himself or get poisoned if he eats prohibited foods for dogs. If you notice strange behavior or health problems in your pet after a meal, induce vomiting and contact your veterinarian immediately.

    Yorkshire Terrier with fish photo

    Prohibited Products:

    • Fatty meat (pork)
    • Smoked meats
    • Baking