The dog is constantly pissing. Why does a puppy urinate frequently and what does it mean? Prerequisites for the occurrence of a disease in a pet

But, there are situations in which the dog believes that he is the leader of the pack. Either the dog was frightened, overly delighted, or she has urinary incontinence. To get rid of the inconvenience, the owner of the dog must find out the cause of the disease. There are natural and pathological factors for the appearance of dog urine in the apartment.

natural causes

These include deviations that are not associated with diseases:

  • Behavioral features.
  • Age.

Behavioral features

The dog is a predator, which is characterized by marking the territory. Hormonal surges in males are manifested by increased urination during the rut. In dog communities, it is customary to greet the leader of the pack with a paruria. In the absence of other dogs, the owner of the animal is taken for the alpha male. Sometimes such habits cannot be corrected, in such a situation it is necessary to make a choice: to endure or castrate.

Bitches during estrus, especially the first, are characterized by pollakiuria. This is due to the increased pressure of the reproductive organs on the bladder. The duration of estrus is short, and with its end, the process of paruria normalizes.


Senile relaxation of the musculature of the bladder and sphincters leads to urinary incontinence in dogs. Urine is excreted drop by drop, and the elderly pet irrigates everything around with its excreta.

Puppies are taught to control urination from 3 months of age. The duration of the training lies in the ability of the owner to explain to the dog where he is allowed to relieve himself. Sometimes you need to consult a cynologist. If the training does not bring results, you need to undergo an examination to detect a congenital anomaly - an ectopia, which is corrected by surgery.

Pathological causes

A responsible cynologist writes down everything that happens to his pet: what the dog eats, how much he drinks, how he behaves on walks. Such information helps the veterinarian to collect an anamnesis (memory) about the development of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

Pathological causes of pollakiuria include the following diseases and conditions:

  • Polydipsia.
  • Medical pollakiuria.
  • Injuries.
  • Stress.


Inflammation of the mucous epithelium of the bladder is accompanied by pain during urination. Girls suffer more often than boys because of the structure of the urethra, its anatomical proximity to the anus.

The disease manifests itself suddenly, the dog empties anywhere, whines at such moments. At this stage, the disease is treatable. If the process turns into a permanent form, the owner and the dog will have to experience the hardships of a long and costly conservative therapy. Premature withdrawal of medications is fraught with the return of the disease.


Excessive water intake and increased urination occurs as a result of the development of the following pathological conditions:

  • Pyometra - purulent endometritis. The uterus becomes inflamed due to hormonal disorders in bitches treated with contraceptives. Females who have reached the age of five, as well as those prone to imaginary pregnancy, get sick.
  • Diabetes. It occurs due to the inability of tissues to absorb glucose. The following are considered predisposing factors:
  1. hereditary anomalies.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Pathology of pregnancy.
  4. Chronic pancreatitis.
  • Hypercortisolism (Cushing's syndrome) Increased activity of adrenal or pituitary hormones is characteristic of older animals and occurs as a result of tumor formation or for other reasons. The dog loses weight, her stomach sags and bald patches form. There is thirst, pollakiuria.
  • Renal failure. Occurs in many diseases. The filtration of biological slags that poison the body is disrupted. To reduce the concentration of toxic metabolites, the animal is forced to consume a lot of water. Seeing thirst. The removal of excess fluid is accompanied by an increase in the amount of urination.

Drug-induced pollakiuria

Some medications prescribed by a veterinarian to treat an underlying condition increase water intake and excretion. Pathologies accompanied by inflammation of the lungs or ascites require the removal of excess fluid. Anticonvulsants, diuretics, anti-inflammatories, vitamin D have diuretic properties. After completion of the course of treatment, the medications are canceled, pollakiuria stops.


Pollakiuria occurs as a result of the following damage:

  • Spinal injury. The spinal passage or nerve receptors are affected. The disease is incurable. Dogs with an elongated spinal column are predisposed - Dachshunds, Scotch Terriers, Pekingese.
  • Birth damage. They involve pinched nerve roots. Correction of the problem - operation.


A change in environment, the appearance of strangers or dogs, a sharp loud noise, a haircut, a visit to a veterinary clinic, trips in a car, lead to an inadequate reaction of the dog, which may be accompanied by increased urine output.

The problem is solved by the owner's ability to calm the pet. Of the medications, they use Stop-stress, or the phytohormonal preparation Kot Bayun.

The problem of frequent urination in dogs is familiar to many breeders. If a dog urinates frequently, its owner should look into the reasons in order to rid their pet of this problem. Detailed information regarding this issue is provided below.

natural causes

Incontinence in pets can indicate a variety of problems. Contrary to the belief of many breeders, incontinence is not limited to older pets. It must be borne in mind that any dog ​​is an emotional animal that is guided by instincts in the process of life. For males, the smell of urine is a sign of dignity, so many males "mark" the territory in which they live.

As practice shows, the dog often urinates for the following reasons:

  • stress;
  • fear of something;
  • fear of other, more aggressive pets;
  • pain.

In fact, in these cases, the animal does not require treatment, the breeder will only need to make adjustments.

Another frequent urination can be caused by urolithiasis, in this case, blood may also be present in the urine.

Behavioral features

Why does the dog pee a lot? Incontinence in pets can be behavioral. Yelling at the dog and hitting him is not worth it, as this will not give any effect. It doesn’t even make sense to treat a pet, the dog breeder will only have to educate the animal and be as patient as possible (the author of the video is Kremproc P).

If males mark the territory in this way, then they tend to urinate in any places. As for bitches, they usually go to the toilet in the corners. Treatment in this case will consist only in sterilization or castration. As a result of the decrease in sexual instincts, the need to urinate will disappear.

Age features

If you do not know why a dog has incontinence and what to do about it, then keep in mind that this may be due to the age of the body. In particular, we are talking about the weakening of smooth muscles. The only thing that can be done in this case is to give the pet certain drugs prescribed by the doctor.

Another reason why a pet may experience incontinence is estrus. As a rule, such a problem often manifests itself during the first estrus in young individuals. As the dog begins to develop nagging pains, he may try to go to the toilet to get rid of them. This is really possible to do by reducing the pressure.

As for treatment, in this case it is not needed. The breeder is only required to walk the dog more often, while scolding his pet is not allowed. The dog already understands that urinary incontinence and, as a result, the need to clean up puddles after the dog is an unpleasant business for the owner. However, it is difficult for a dog to correct itself, so enter into its position.

It often happens that a pet drinks a lot of water and, accordingly, is not able to wait until you go outside with him. In principle, this is normal, but if the dog still drinks a lot of water, then this can also indicate illness.

Presence of deviations

Why else is a dog diagnosed with incontinence? If it is associated with abnormalities, then the treatment of this cause may not give results at all. As a rule, in this case, the cause lies in congenital or acquired dog abnormalities. They are caused by contraction of the muscles of the urethra, respectively, incontinence will occur regularly. Treatment of deviations will never completely relieve a pet of incontinence (the author of the video is maxim golovanov).

How to be and what to do in such cases? You need to take your pet to the doctor. In the event that you can get rid of the pathology at an early stage, you may be able to cure it.

Health problems

Another reason why a dog can be incontinent is because of the disease. As a rule, such diseases are caused by inflammatory processes in the body of the animal. In this case, even a specialist will not always be able to correctly diagnose after examining a pet. How to be a dog breeder in this case?

You need to keep an eye on your pet and write down everything related to its maintenance in a separate notebook. How often do you walk the dog, what do you feed (the diet should be described in full), how much water does he drink. Perhaps some events occurred in the life of a pet that gave impetus to such behavior. The more information the doctor gets about the dog, the more accurately he will be able to make a diagnosis and, accordingly, prescribe treatment.


In this case, the correct treatment of incontinence can be started after passing all the necessary tests. Often, a simple laboratory urinalysis can identify the problem. In some cases, incontinence in a dog is not due to the fact that he drinks a lot of water, but to cystitis. If the inflammation of the organs is quite extensive, then the urine will constantly leak. In addition, even if the dog does not drink much water at night, he may accidentally defecate in his sleep.

As a rule, urinary incontinence with cystitis is due to hypothermia of the body. In order to cure a pet, it will be necessary to take a course of antibiotics. When you start treatment, the first, albeit minor, results can be diagnosed after two to three days. In the event that treatment is not started on time, this can lead to the fact that the dog begins to defecate blood. And sometimes it happens that he can’t go to the toilet at all.

In any case, in order to save the pet from the problem, you should undergo a full course of treatment. Even when the symptoms disappear completely, it is impossible to interrupt the course in any case. The video below shows the process of treating incontinence, not recommended for viewing by the faint of heart.


If the dog drinks a lot of water and is incontinent, it may be due to polydipsia. An animal with polydipsia drinks a lot of water, the daily norm can be exceeded several times. If it happens that it is the bitch who drinks a lot of water, then perhaps this is due to pyometra. Only a doctor can accurately diagnose, for this the dog needs to do an ultrasound. With polydipsia, treatment at home is impossible, or rather, it will not give results.

In fact, polydipsia is a rather dangerous sign. Its danger lies not in the fact that the dog drinks water and often goes to the toilet. This symptom may indicate the likelihood of diabetes, diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, polydipsia sometimes indicates kidney failure and other serious illnesses.


In practice, the problem of incontinence also manifests itself when the spine is injured. As a rule, nerve endings are injured for this reason, and the spinal canal can also be damaged. To cure an animal from this disease will be problematic. Usually this problem occurs in animals with an elongated spine, for example, basset hounds or dachshunds.

Pinched nerves are possible in a bitch who has recently given birth to puppies. If the nerves are really pinched, then this may also be accompanied by weakness in the paws. In general, the appearance of such bitches is usually painful, often they refuse their offspring. Only a specialist can prescribe treatment after examination. Sometimes veterinarians advise to immediately perform an operation, before that, appropriate tests should be carried out and an attempt should be made to cure it without surgery.


Ectopia is a congenital disease that is characteristic of both adults and puppies. It often occurs in females. It is usually diagnosed at an early age through history. If during the diagnosis the specialist cannot make an accurate diagnosis, most likely, the veterinarian will prescribe urography. The disease is corrected by surgery (the author of the video is Ludmila Podgaevskaya).

First you need to understand what the problem of the animal is. In a situation where the disease is caused by disturbances in the contractile abilities of the anus, hormonal agents will help solve the problem. In practice, this problem is familiar to many castrated animals, it is directly related to the lack of hormones in the body.

If there are other reasons, then the most effective option would be the use of drugs belonging to the group of antidepressants. This refers specifically to the tricyclic type. Such drugs allow you to relax the muscles of the bladder and at the same time contract the sphincter.

These drugs work quite strongly, sometimes they can cause side effects. The use of such products is allowed only with the permission of a veterinarian. The doctor should also prescribe the right dosage.

A dog is man's most faithful friend. Joint existence makes human life interesting and comfortable. However, there are situations when the joy of communication is a little overshadowed. For example, if the dog started to shit at home. Let's try to understand these reasons, as well as ways to wean adult dogs and puppies from the habit of peeing at home.

Ways to wean a puppy to pee at home

How to wean a puppy to write at home? This will take a lot of time. This the process includes several steps, during which the pet is taught to discipline and control its physiological processes:

  • Newspaper training for a puppy.
  • Toilet training outside.

It is well known that puppies cannot hold back a bowel movement if necessary. The bladder at this age has very thin walls, not containing a large amount of fluid. In no case should you punish him for puddles in the house, because the puppy still does not understand and does not realize why he is being scolded.

How to train a puppy to go to the toilet on a newspaper

To tame a puppy to poop on a newspaper, you need follow these recommendations:

You should carefully observe the behavior of the puppy. As soon as he begins to show signs of anxiety, you must immediately carry him to the newspaper. After doing this several times, the pet will remember this place and will go there constantly. In order to better navigate him, you can put a described and dried newspaper under the children's oilcloth. The puppy will smell the smell and begin to empty only there.

As soon as a pet does its business in the right place, you should praise it. This will allow the puppy to understand that with his actions he brought joy to the owner. If he did not have time to reach a certain place and did his business in another place, it is impossible to scold and poke his muzzle into his excrement in any case. It is enough to show your discontent and chagrin.

How to train a puppy to go to the toilet outside

Usually you should tame a puppy to go to the toilet outside after 9 months. To get used to this, you must adhere to the following tips:

It is necessary to walk the puppy immediately after eating and the duration of the walk should be at least an hour. During this time, the pet will get used to the environment and do their business on the street.

As soon as the puppy goes to the toilet, you need to praise him, give him some kind of treat. This will allow him to understand that he is doing everything right and will continue to do so in the future.

On a walk, you should play active games with the animal, for example, throw a ball, run with it. Such activity allows you to speed up the metabolic process, and the puppy will want to go to the toilet faster.

As soon as the baby learns to empty himself on the street and begins to do it regularly, you should show chagrin if he continues to go to the newspaper. Gradually, the oilcloth with the newspaper is removed, and the room is washed with vinegar to eliminate all odors.

Why does an adult dog start pissing at home

It happens that even the most well-mannered dog suddenly starts to write in the apartment, although before that she had never allowed herself to do this. There may be several reasons for this. The very first thing is to pay attention to the health of the animal, because it is health problems that provoke urinary incontinence. By the way, severe frosts cause serious diseases in representatives of ornamental breeds, which freeze even in special clothes.

Experts know that bitches can urinate at home for up to two years. The main reason is not fully formed hormonal system. This is facilitated by poor or malnutrition, as well as poor heredity. This problem is solved after the first pregnancy.

In addition to these reasons, a dog can write at home due to the following factors:

Due to the uncertain daily routine, the dog does not develop specific habits. It is necessary to feed and walk with a pet at a strictly defined time.

The authority of the owner may fall due to excessive aggression towards his pet, as well as in the event of unfair punishment, as a result of which the dog begins to take revenge. Also, a too kind attitude provokes aggressive breeds to begin to dominate, so you need to be strict with your dog, but in moderation.

Such way to get attention pets use because of its deficiency. You should communicate with your pet more often. In addition, in this way they show their jealousy for a new representative of the animal world.

What to do to stop your dog from peeing at home

How to wean a dog to write at home? The most important thing in the learning process avoid major mistakes. You can't punish your pet for writing at home. He still does not understand what the matter is, and the situation can only get worse.

It is important to monitor the behavior of the dog. As soon as she starts looking for a place to make a puddle, you should immediately take her outside. If she did her business there, it is necessary to praise her and treat her with something tasty.

A fairly effective way is to train a dog to go to the toilet on command. This is very easy to achieve. During a walk, after the animal has peed, it is necessary to say a phrase. Gradually, when the owner pronounces these words, the dog begins to understand that she is required to go to the toilet. These words in her subconscious are converted into a reflex.

What mistakes should be avoided

In the process of weaning a dog from peeing in the house, it is necessary avoid the following mistakes:

It is important to control yourself and be patient if your pet has gone to the toilet at home. If you show aggression, the trust between the owner and the dog can be destroyed. The more an animal trusts a person, the easier it overcomes any problems.

In addition, experts advise to solve the problem with the toilet rethink your daily routine your pet. Maybe the dog just can't take it that long, or maybe it's being walked too early and it doesn't have time to tune in to the early routine. If you adjust the daily routine, this problem disappears quickly enough.

Frequent urination in dogs may indicate a problem with the urinary tract. Often this is inflammation, which can go in combination with severe pain. Constant calls in females and males can be of a different nature, so the consequences of this symptom are also different.

Inflammation of the urinary tract does not threaten the dog's life, but it can cause a lot of trouble. If treatment is not started on time, the disease can affect the kidneys. Problems with the urinary tract in females are often fraught with the development of neoplasms. Therefore, if you notice such a deviation in your pet, immediately show it to the veterinarian.

Reasons for frequent urination

natural causes

If your dog has started to urinate frequently, this may be due to the following reasons:

  • frequent stress and fear;
  • nervous state;
  • strong excitement.

This is not a complete list, but these reasons occur most often. If the cause of constant urges is fear, nervous tension and overexcitation, then you should not worry. Such a reaction for the animal is normal, as they are guided by their instincts. Male dogs mark with urine to mark an object, territory yu, which they consider their own. To prevent such incidents from happening, you should adjust the behavioral instincts of your pet.

In a situation where a dog urinates due to behavioral characteristics, censure and punishment can only aggravate the situation. Treatment of such behavior will be ineffective. Only re-education will help to get rid of this problem.

Males are very fond of marking their territory, to cope with this problem, you can sterilize the animal. In this way, you will also reduce the manifestations of the sexual instinct of the animal.

Age Features

With age, the smooth muscles in dogs begin to weaken, so the dog may feel the urge to urinate frequently. Such a problem cannot be completely eliminate as this is a natural aging process. But you can use special supporting drugs.

Dogs can often urinate while in heat. Especially often this phenomenon is manifested in young females who have not yet had sexual contact. During estrus, the animal feels pain in the lower abdomen, which provokes frequent emptying. Special treatment is not required, it is enough to walk the dog as often as possible.


Damage to the spine can cause increased urination. The likelihood of back injury increases in those breeds of dogs that have a long spine. Dachshunds are at risk.

Childbirth can also provoke the development of such a pathology. During this process, the nerves can be pinched and the dog will feel weak in the limbs, and the sphincter muscles will also weaken.

To determine the cause of the development of pathology, the doctor conducts a comprehensive examination. If necessary, an operation can be scheduled.


If the dog often goes to the toilet "in a small way", this may indicate the presence of serious diseases. Before going to the vet watch your pet, since information about the frequency of urges, the quality of walks, the amount of water and food that the dog consumes will help the doctor make a diagnosis.


Frequent urge to empty may indicate the presence of cystitis. In order to accurately diagnose, you will need to do a urine test. Cystitis is indicated not only by incontinence, but also by the presence of an extensive inflammatory process. Sick puppies and adult dogs may urinate even in their sleep.

Cause of cystitis is severe hypothermia. Your veterinarian may prescribe a course of antibiotics for treatment. Already a few days after the start of therapy, the pet will feel better, but this is not a reason to interrupt the treatment. A therapeutic course brought to an end will help protect the animal from relapses.


With this disease, the animal drinks a lot of water, so it is not surprising that the urge to urinate also occurs frequently. Mostly this disease develops in females.. For diagnosis, the veterinarian may prescribe an ultrasound. Treatment at home can be dangerous, so you should immediately contact a specialist.

The constant desire to drink is not the main problem that a dog may face. Polydipsia is just a symptom of the development of diabetes or kidney failure.

This is a congenital disease that can cause frequent urination. The disease is diagnosed at an early age and affects bitches more often than males. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the anamnesis. If the information received is not enough, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination. Upon confirmation of the diagnosis, the veterinarian can perform surgery, sometimes urography is used.

Sleep urination

The dog pees at night for the following reasons:

  • disease;
  • strong fear;
  • young age - puppies cannot hold urine for a long time;
  • elderly age.

Treatment of pathology

If you notice frequent urination in a dog, you can give the animal a drug that relieves spasm. This medicine can only relieve the symptoms, not solve the problem. If your pet is in severe pain, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Independently provoke urination by massaging the bladder is prohibited. Doctors do not recommend giving the animal diuretics.

If the call frequency to urination is not critical, then the doctor can prescribe treatment at home. In this case, the owner of the animal must fully follow the instructions of the doctor, since self-medication can lead to complications.

The dog should be taken to the veterinarian immediately if there is a blockage in the urethra. First of all, the doctor must restore the normal outflow of urine. During catheterization, sedatives and painkillers are used. If it is impossible to place a catheter, then the doctor performs an operation, but such situations are extremely rare.

Frequent urination can be a symptom of a serious illness. If your beloved Yorkie or other breed of dog urinates frequently, you should immediately contact your veterinarian, who will determine the cause of this phenomenon and, if necessary, select a treatment.

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Psychological problems

These days, we try to walk our pets three times a day. However, owners of four-legged friends often face an unpleasant situation: the dog urinates at home. There can be several explanations for why a dog urinates frequently. First of all, a banal drawback - in case you yourself cannot cope with this matter, seek advice from dog handlers.

If you have a young, uncastrated male, he may just be marking his territory. You can stop such behavior by castration, although first you should try to raise such a dog: for this you need to constantly monitor it in order to punish it in time.

The dog involuntarily urinates in those cases when it experiences strong emotions: excitement and fear. Very often the puppy is described during the game or when you pet him. In these situations, interact with the puppy after he has emptied his bladder and try not to overexcite his nervous system. A dog urinates under himself out of fear, either in a situation where he does not know how to react, or when he was raised to be too strict. At the same time, defecation can also occur. Try to eliminate as much as possible what scares the dog; if your dog is afraid of you, try to sit down, pet him under the chin and talk to him.

Health problems

If you have an unneutered bitch and you notice that your dog is urinating a lot, it could be in heat. This phenomenon can also be observed in sterilized bitches, then they are prescribed a medicine based on progesterone.

Also, the cause of frequent urination can be an unhealthy diet with an excess of sodium.

In any case, if the dog urinates frequently, it is worth contacting the veterinarian. He will take tests and possibly send you for an ultrasound. If you notice that your dog also itches a lot, it is likely that he has cystitis, an inflammation of the bladder. Cystitis occurs as a result of hypothermia. This is a bacterial disease, therefore it is treated only with antibiotics, which should be selected by a specialist. Also, frequent urination can be a symptom of diabetes mellitus, neoplasms in the internal organs, pyometra and other diseases. So if you notice that your dog is urinating a lot, don't delay your visit to the vet.