Very strong anxiety. Panic, fear, anxiety, treatment

Do fear and anxiety happen without a reason? Yes, and in this case you need to contact a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, because with a high degree of probability the person suffers from causeless fear and anxiety because he has anxiety neurosis. This is a mental disorder that occurs after severe short-term stress or prolonged emotional overstrain. There are two main signs: constant severe anxiety and vegetative disorders of the body - palpitations, a feeling of shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, upset stool. A provoking or background factor can be attractions and desires that in real life are not fully realized and not realized: homosexual or sadistic tendencies, suppressed aggression, adrenaline needs. Over time, the cause of the initial fear is forgotten or repressed, and fear and anxiety acquire independent meaning.

Neurosis differs from psychosis in that neurosis always has a real cause, it is the response of an unbalanced psyche to a traumatic event. Psychosis proceeds according to its own endogenous laws; real life has little influence on the course of the disease. Another important difference is criticism. Neurosis is always recognized by a person, causing painful painful experiences and the desire to free himself from it. Psychosis changes a person’s personality so much that reality becomes unimportant for him, his whole life takes place in a world of painful experiences.

Success in treating mental illness and borderline disorders is often a matter of time. The result is always better if treatment is started earlier.

In order for anxiety neurosis to develop, in which feelings of fear and anxiety arise for no apparent reason, two factors must converge at one point:

  • traumatic emotional event;
  • insufficient psychological defense mechanism.

Psychological defense suffers if a person has a deep conflict, there is no way to get what he wants. Anxiety neurosis most often affects women between 18 and 40 years old, and this is understandable. A woman is always vulnerable because she is too dependent on society’s assessment. The most successful woman will always have a weak spot for which ill-wishers can “bite” her. Problematic children, free leisure, insufficient career growth, divorces and new novels, appearance - everything can serve as an impetus for the development of anxious neurosis.

The rapid development of society, distortions and flaws in the moral side of life lead to the fact that the postulates perceived in childhood lose their relevance, and many people lose their moral core, without which a happy life is impossible.

In recent years, the importance of biological factors has been proven. It has become known that after severe stress, the brain forms new neurons that go from the prefrontal cortex to the amygdala. Histological examination revealed that the new neurons contained a peptide that enhances anxiety. New neurons restructure the work of all neural networks, and human behavior will change. Added to this is a change in the level of neurotransmitters, or chemicals that carry nerve impulses.

The discovery of the morphological substrate of emotions partly explains the fact that the reaction to stress is delayed in time - the formation of stable anxiety and fear requires some period.

In men, the background factor in the development of anxiety neurosis is considered to be a functional deficiency of neurotransmitters or an insufficient quantity or poor quality of substances transporting nerve impulses. Endocrine disorders can play a bad role when the functioning of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland and hypothalamus - the main suppliers of hormones of the human body - is disrupted. Failure in the functioning of these systems also leads to feelings of fear, anxiety, and decreased mood.

The international classifier does not have a category describing anxiety neurosis; instead, the section “Generalized anxiety disorder” is used, designated as F41.1. This section may be supplemented by F40.0 (Agoraphobia or fear of open space) and F43.22 (Mixed anxiety and depressive reaction due to adjustment disorder).


The first and main sign is anxiety, which is constantly present, exhausting, and changes the entire habitual way of life. Such anxiety must be constantly monitored, and this is not always possible. You need to think about illness if deep anxiety lasts for at least six months.

Anxiety consists of the following components:

To assess the level of anxiety, you can use the Zang scale, which is intended for self-diagnosis.

The severity of anxiety is sometimes so strong that the phenomena of derealization and depersonalization are added. These are conditions in which the environment loses its colors and seems unreal, and one’s actions cannot be controlled. Fortunately, they are short-lived and pass quickly.

Autonomic somatic manifestations are as follows:

In all cases of initial treatment, a clinical examination is carried out to distinguish neurotic or reversible disorders from somatic or bodily diseases. In a properly equipped hospital this may take 2-3 days. This is necessary because some serious chronic diseases can begin under the guise of neurosis.

Drug treatment

It is not always used; if necessary, it is used in a short course, only at the peak of experiences. Medicines can temporarily relieve anxiety and normalize sleep, but the leading role in the treatment of neuroses belongs to psychotherapy.

Treatment begins with herbal preparations of complex action, to which it is impossible to become accustomed. The preferred drugs are those that simultaneously improve sleep, reduce irritability and alleviate anxiety. These are Persen-Forte, Novopassit and Nervoflux, they have a balanced composition and are completely harmless. They contain herbal sedatives in different proportions: valerian, passionflower, motherwort, lemon balm, mint, lavender, hops, bitter orange.

A psychiatrist can prescribe medications from the following groups:

The doctor always prescribes these psychotropic drugs for neurosis with caution. Benzodiazepines are given in a short course, and they quickly become addictive. A pronounced effect from antidepressants should be expected no earlier than 4 weeks, and the duration of the entire course of drug correction usually does not exceed 3 months. Further drug treatment is not advisable; it will not give a good improvement.

If the condition does not improve significantly during drug treatment, this indicates that the person has a mental disorder deeper than neurosis.

If the functioning of internal organs is disrupted, drugs that affect the heart rate (beta blockers) and the digestive system (antispasmodics) may be prescribed.


It is always useful, especially techniques aimed at removing the muscle “shell”. Improving the condition of the muscles, getting rid of muscle tension improves the state of mind through the biofeedback mechanism. Physiotherapeutic methods are good at eliminating vegetative manifestations.

Massage, all water procedures, electrosleep, darsonval, electrophoresis, low-frequency pulsed currents, sulfide baths, paraffin baths are useful.


The leading method of treating anxiety neurosis, in which personal problems are consistently worked through, which ultimately contributes to the acquisition of new experience and a revision of a person’s entire value system.

Good results are obtained from the use of cognitive behavioral therapy, which uses confrontation and desensitization techniques. In collaboration with a psychotherapist, the patient voices his deepest fears, dismantles them “piece by piece,” while being completely safe. In the process of training, destructive patterns of thinking and beliefs that are devoid of logic fade away.

Traditional hypnosis or its modern modifications are often used. In a state of controlled relaxation, a person gets the opportunity to fully reveal his fears, immerse himself in them and overcome them.

In large medical institutions, a variant of group psychotherapy called sociotherapy is used. This method is more about communication based on interests, obtaining joint impressions. The patient council can organize visits to concerts and exhibitions, excursions, during which personal fears and concerns are worked out.

Group psychotherapy allows you to communicate with people who have similar problems. During the discussion, patients reveal more than during direct communication with the doctor.

Methods that combine communication with a specialist and working with the body are successfully used. This is rebirthing or connected breathing, when there is no pause between inhalation and exhalation. Special breathing allows you to “bring to the surface” suppressed experiences.

The Hakomi Method reveals to the patient the meaning of his favorite poses and movements. Using strong emotions and appealing to the spontaneity that every person has, the specialist guides the patient to awareness of the problems.

The normal treatment period for anxiety neurosis is at least six months, during which time you can completely get rid of it.

Worry and anxiety are a condition familiar to many. Anxiety is a normal mental reaction to a difficult life situation. Usually an unpleasant, constricting feeling goes away as soon as the reasons for concern disappear. But sometimes it happens that the heart shrinks from some vague premonitions, although there seems to be no reason to worry, the consciousness searches and does not find a clear explanation why confusion has settled in the soul. The appearance of a feeling of anxiety for no reason is a real signal: you need to see a doctor. It is especially dangerous if a person constantly experiences unreasonable feelings of fear and anxiety. There is a health problem.

Features of the manifestation of feelings of anxiety

Depression, obsessive anticipation of troubles, lack of interest in usual activities, internal tension, suffocation, weakness, a feeling of horror, accompanied by muscle tremors, involuntary movements - these are the consequences of experiencing a constant feeling of anxiety.

General depression is complemented by physical symptoms: headache, loss of appetite, stomach cramps, diarrhea, sleep disturbances, tingling in the arms and legs, and periodic palpitations.

A constant feeling of anxiety and fear noticeably worsens the quality of life, and a person tries to find an explanation and a way out of this state.

Consultations with specialists yield unexpected results for many.

Thus, neuropathologists explain the presence of chronic anxiety by hereditary excitability of the nervous system. Hypothalamic crisis is a phenomenon whose essence is as follows: overexcited by stress, heavy physical exertion, weather changes or alcohol intake, the brain cannot return to a state of rest. The hypothalamus (nervous-hormonal center) orders the adrenal glands to release a certain amount of norepinephrine into the blood, which leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Endocrinologists explain the problem with possible diseases of the adrenal glands: a tumor (pheochromocytoma) can form on the endocrine glands, due to poor heredity or as a result of poor nutrition (emulsifiers, preservatives, E-supplements), as well as exposure to polluted environment. This leads to uncontrolled releases of adrenaline and norepinephrine. The tumor is dangerous because it can turn malignant.

Sometimes, due to infection, reduced immunity, allergies, poor diet (carcinogens) or a hereditary tendency, the thyroid gland produces an excess of the hormone thyroxine, which is responsible for metabolism (thyrotoxicosis), which can also lead to feelings of anxiety and accompanying symptoms.

According to the psychologist, the problem may be related to traumatic situations that happened in the past. It has been established that a problem that is not resolved within 28 days is no longer retained by consciousness, but “goes” into the subconscious, that is, it becomes chronic. Its influence on a person ceases to be acute, and can manifest itself in the form of a constant feeling of anxiety and fear.

How to get rid of the problem?

To free yourself from anxiety, doctors recommend:

- exclude alcohol, coffee and strong tea, which take energy from the body’s “reserves”;

— normalize sleep patterns (go to bed at 11 p.m.);

— normalize your diet: be sure to have breakfast! Eating 3 times a day, giving preference to meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, is the main source of energy for the body;

- replace fitness with yoga, and running with fast walking;

— harmoniously combine rest, physical activity and entertainment;

- visit a psychotherapist. Sometimes a person is not able to decide which problem from his past is making itself felt. A psychoanalyst will help you find her. If it is not possible to solve the old problem, the help of a psychotherapist is all the more necessary: ​​he will help change the attitude towards it.

Priests believe that fears arise from pride and lack of faith in God. A person lives in relation exclusively to his desires and opinions, and does not take into account the providence of higher powers at all. Anyone who relies only on himself is subject to strong anxiety, resentment, disappointment, and therefore anxiety and fear.

He who lives according to religious laws agrees to humbly accept any arrangement prepared for him by higher powers. He knows that the outcome of all his affairs does not depend on him. This means there is nothing to worry about. You need to do what you can, but the result is no longer in human control. With this approach, fears and anxieties have nowhere to come from.

help yourself

- self-knowledge;

- relaxation;

— cognitive therapy.

Thoughts about yourself can be reprogrammed through the practice of affirmations, creating a positive, problem-free image of yourself;

- aromatherapy. Self-massage using almond, olive, basil and other oils will help relieve tension;

— herbal medicine. A herbal mixture will help to relax and tone the nervous system: add linden, valerian, and hop cones to verbena, oats, ginseng, and chamomile. Take a glass 3 times a day.

To get rid of the feeling of causeless anxiety, a person must carefully analyze everything that happens to him, understand the causes of worries and fears and try to switch to the positive - believe in himself, in his loved ones, come to terms with the fact that everything in life cannot be under his control. personal control.

Was last modified: April 20th, 2019 by Elena Pogodaeva

Why does anxiety arise? The feeling of anxiety is the body’s response to an external physical or psychological threat. Anxiety states usually appear before the onset of an important, significant or difficult event. When this event ends, the anxiety disappears. But some people are susceptible to this feeling; they feel anxious all the time, which makes their life very difficult. Psychotherapists call this condition chronic anxiety.

When a person is restless, constantly worried about something, experiencing fear, this does not allow him to live normally, the world around him is painted in gloomy tones. Pessimism negatively affects the psyche and general health; constant tension has an exhausting effect on a person. At the same time, the anxiety that arises is often unfounded.

It is provoked primarily by fear of uncertainty. The feeling of anxiety is common to people of all ages, but those who forget that anxiety and fear are just their personal perception of events and the surrounding reality suffer especially greatly. At the same time, it is important for someone to remind you that you cannot live in such a state and tell you how to remove the feeling of constant anxiety.

Symptoms of Anxiety

Often those who are susceptible to this feeling explain the appearance of anxiety with a vague or, conversely, strong premonition of something bad. This condition is accompanied by very real physical symptoms.

Among them are stomach cramps and cramps, a feeling of dry mouth, sweating, and rapid heartbeat. Digestion and sleep disturbances may occur. When chronic anxiety worsens, many fall into unreasonable panic, for which there are no apparent reasons.

Anxiety may also include a feeling of suffocation, chest pain, migraine, tingling in the arms and legs, general weakness and a feeling of impending dread. Sometimes the symptoms are so vivid and severe that they are mistaken for a serious heart attack.

Causes of neurosis

The main causes of anxiety can be difficult relationships in the family, economic instability, events in the country and the world. Anxiety often appears before an important event, for example, an exam, public speaking, a trial, a doctor's visit, etc., when a person does not know how everything will go, what to expect from the situation.

People who often suffer from depression are very susceptible to anxiety. Those who have suffered any kind of psychological trauma are also at risk.

The main task of anxiety is to warn about some negative event in the future and prevent its occurrence. This feeling is similar to inner intuition, but is focused exclusively on negative events.

This feeling is sometimes even useful, as it makes a person think, analyze and look for the right solutions. But everything is good in moderation. If anxiety becomes too intrusive, it interferes with normal life. If you have excessive and chronic anxiety, you should consult a specialist.

Currently, modern medical methods allow us to penetrate into the depths of this problem and find optimal solutions for its treatment. A painstaking study of the causes of anxiety led to the conclusion that this negative feeling is a consequence of a person’s uncertainty about his future.

When a person does not know what will happen next, does not feel the stability of his present and future, an anxious feeling appears. Alas, sometimes confidence in the future does not depend on us. Therefore, the main advice to get rid of this feeling is to cultivate optimism in yourself. Look at the world more positively and try to find something good in the bad.

How to relieve anxiety?

When the body is in a state of anxiety and stress, it burns nutrients at twice the rate than usual. If they are not replenished on time, the nervous system may become depleted and the feeling of anxiety will intensify. To get out of the vicious circle, you should adhere to a healthy lifestyle and eat well.

The diet should be enriched with complex carbohydrates. They are found in whole grain bread, brown rice or brown rice. Never drink alcohol or drinks that contain caffeine. Drink plain clean water, still mineral water, freshly squeezed juices and soothing teas from medicinal plants. Such fees are sold in pharmacies.

A harmonious combination of rest, exercise and entertainment will help you look at the world around you more positively. You can do something quiet. This enjoyable activity will calm your nervous system. Some find it helpful to sit on the shore of a pond with a fishing rod, while others calm down while doing cross stitch.

You can sign up for group relaxation and meditation classes. Yoga is a great way to get rid of negative thoughts.

You can remove the feeling of anxiety and improve your mood with a massage: Press the thumb of your palm on the active point, which is located on the back of the hand, at the place where the thumb and index fingers meet. The massage should be done three times for 10 - 15 seconds. This type of massage cannot be performed during pregnancy.

Try to direct your thoughts to the positive aspects of life and personality, rather than the negative ones. Write short life-affirming phrases. For example: “I know how to do this job and will do it better than others. I will succeed".

Or “I sense the approach of happy events.” Repeat such phrases as often as possible. This will definitely help change natural or instinctive reactions from negative to positive.

Well, you know how to overcome anxiety. Use the knowledge you gain to help yourself. And they will definitely give you the results you need!