Physical, emotional and intellectual biorhythms of a person.

Calculation of human biorhythms.

The person from the day of birth is in three biological rhythms: physical, emotional and intellectual. It does not depend on race, nationality, or any other factors.

The physical cycle is 23 days. It determines the energy of a person, his strength, endurance, coordination of movement.
The emotional cycle is 28 days and determines the state of the nervous system and mood.
Intellectual cycle 33 days and defines creativity personality.
Any of the cycles consists of two half-cycles, positive and negative.
You can read more about the theory of biorhythms here»

Critical days are those days when the biorhythm curve crosses the zero mark.
At this moment, the influence of this biorhythm on a person is unpredictable.
If two or three sinusoids cross the same zero point at the same time, then such “double” or “triple” critical days especially dangerous.
You can read more about the critical days of biorhythms here»

Sometimes, when calculating biorhythms, the average value of all three biorhythms is indicated. But it doesn't have of great importance and you should not pay attention to some average values ​​of all three biorhythms or some derivatives of two or three biorhythms, according to not very clear calculations. Most often, a person clearly traces the correspondence to only one, it is inherent in him, biorhythm. It is often associated with the underlying professional activity person.

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human biorhythms. The theory of three human biological rhythms: physical, emotional and intellectual.

Man, as a biological object, is fully influenced by biological rhythms in his daily life. Biorhythms affect all aspects of his life: activity, endurance, immunity level, mental abilities and other qualities. Human biorhythms are a sensitive reflection of natural cyclic processes. The state of human biorhythms is influenced by many environmental factors.

Most of the philosophical systems of the East are based on the idea that a person is an integral part of nature, a single whole with the world of energies around us. In accordance with this worldview, a person, as a part of nature, seems to be connected by many different threads with everything that surrounds him: the stars above his head, the Sun and the Moon, and even clouds in the sky and the wind, the nearest body of water, its characteristics and the trees that grow near it. Houses. It is influenced by climate, seasons, the Earth's magnetic field. That is, the state of the human body, the work of its organs changes in accordance with the change in the state of the Universe.

The assumption of the existence of "three biorhythms" is about a hundred years old. Three people became its authors: psychologist Herman Svoboda, otolaryngologist Wilhelm Fliss, who discovered emotional and physical biorhythms, and teacher Friedrich Telcher, who studied intellectual rhythm. They obtained the same results independently of each other.
Dr. Wilhelm Fliess, who lived in Berlin, was interested in the resistance of the human body to disease. Why do children with the same diagnoses at one time have immunity, and at another they die? Having collected data on the onset of the disease, temperature and death, he connected them with the date of birth.

Calculations showed that changes in immunity can be predicted using 23-day physical and 28-day emotional biorhythms. Herman Svoboda worked in Vienna. Analyzing the behavior of his patients, he noticed that their thoughts, ideas, impulses for action are repeated at regular intervals. He began to analyze the onset and development of diseases, especially the cyclicity of heart and asthma attacks. The result of these studies was the discovery of the rhythm of physical and mental processes.

Friedrich Teltscher noted that the desire and ability of students to perceive, systematize and use information, generate ideas changes from time to time, that is, it has a rhythmic character. Comparing the dates of birth of students, exams, their results, he discovered an intellectual rhythm with a period of 33 days.
The trigger mechanism for these rhythms is only the moment of birth of a person, at which rhythms arise with a period of 23, 28 and 33 days, which determine the level of his physical, emotional and intellectual activity.

It is believed that physical biorhythm(physical cycle), formed due to magnetic field the Earth itself during the rotation of the molten liquid metal core of the Earth around its axis, lasting approximately 23 days.

The physical cycle characterizes vitality person, i.e. his physical condition, the energy of a person, his strength, endurance, coordination of movement.

Go to physical biorhythm calculation »

Second, emotional biorhythm(emotional cycle), equal to 28 days and determines the state of the nervous system and person's mood. It depends on the influence of two lunar cycles, from the so-called sidereal, lasting about 27.3 Earth days, arising due to the period of the Moon's revolution around the Earth and the second, synodic month, lasting about 29.5 Earth days.

This is the time needed for the Moon to return to its original position relative to the Sun.

Visually, this is the time of the change of full moons and zodiac cycles. It is this rhythm that prevails in its expressiveness among famous artists, painters, writers and poets.

Go to the calculation of the emotional biorhythm »

The third one was named intellectual biorhythm(intellectual cycle). It depends on the rotation of the Sun in its orbit relative to the Earth and its interaction with zodiacal constellations and with the moon.

The book cites the original method-di-ka ras-che-ta bio-rhythms. She, according to the author-to-ra, is more accurate in comparison with the tra-di-qi-on-us-mi races-che-ta-mi bio-rhythms . The book is in-pi-sa-in a simple and understandable language and in-te-res-for both beginners and professional lamas.

Physical biorhythm

We all know that our energy levels differ. Sometimes in the morning we can hardly get ourselves out of bed, and other times, barely awake, we can go somersault for our coffee. This is how it manifests itself physical biorhythm, which affects strength, endurance, coordination, speed reaction, immunity level, regeneration rate and general physical condition. At high level of this biorhythm a person is in a good physical form, at a low level - he cannot beat Olympic records.

The period of the physical biorhythm is 23 days and this is the shortest (of the three) cycle, which is usually displayed in red on the chart. The physical biorhythm is the dominant cycle in men. This biorhythm is the most significant in assessing physical condition organism, ambition, energy, resistance to disease and speed of recovery from them, sex drive and efficiency metabolism in the body.

American researchers studied the reaction time of aircraft pilots and showed that the physical biorhythm is associated with the activity of the nervous system.

Emotional biorhythm - lasts 28 days. The biorhythm is also called the receptivity cycle.

Human biorhythms

Human biorhythms - real opportunity increase their abilities, capabilities, the effectiveness of their actions, thanks to a predetermined line of behavior.

Biorhythms of the day

Have you noticed that the periods of decline and surge of your life activity alternate as if according to a schedule? You must have noticed: this moment you just can’t get up from the couch - you’re so tired, although you got enough sleep and didn’t do anything particularly laborious. And in an hour a second wind opens and you are ready to move mountains.

It's all about the personal schedule of our body, which changes depending on the time of day. Such ups and downs are indeed observed every day at the same time, unless there are any force majeure circumstances (for example, illness or urgent work which had to be completed at night).

Usually we try to cheer ourselves up with coffee, and because of this, we often consume more caffeine than we need and can. Outcome - increased nervousness and heart problems.

But if you don't go against, forcing yourself to work when your strength is running out, and to cooperate with biorhythms, you can significantly improve and nervous system, and general well-being, and even appearance.

Here's what an example looks like "daily routine" of our body, focusing on which, you can get the maximum result both in work and in personal relationships:

05-00 am- at this time, oddly enough (after all, in the morning one sleeps especially sweetly and soundly), the first general rise in activity begins. This is how the body prepares for a gradual awakening and begins the work of all its organs.

06-00 am- now not only "larks" usually wake up, but also people who are tormented by problems and anxious thoughts, since it is at 6 o'clock in the morning that the release of adrenaline increases.

07-00 am- everything eaten at breakfast is digested as much as possible, since from seven o'clock in the morning the period of the greatest activity of the stomach begins. Therefore, make sure that breakfast is as healthy as possible. Also pay attention to your appearance: creams and other nourishing cosmetics especially enhance their impact and the effect of their use at this time will be as positive as possible.

09-00 am- a slight decline in activity, and if you are now in the office, do more simple tasks that do not require close attention, which will help you "warm up" before a busy day.

10-00 am- the time most favorable for the performance of mental and physical work. In the next two hours, all organs are involved in active work, so it is not in vain that many organizations want to see their employees in their offices at 10 am.

12-00 noon- and tiredness came again, so it would be nice to drink a cup of tea, since tea also contains caffeine, but it is four times less than in coffee, which is absolutely safe for "cores".

13-00 of the day- Traditionally lunch time and not in vain. At this time, the body produces the most gastric juice and he needs food rich in proteins.

14-00 of the day- this time highest efficiency of a person, when it is best manifested and his physical activity and mental activity gives good results. Also, the processes of digestion and cleansing of the whole organism are now actively proceeding.

15-00 of the day- everything is smooth and calm. Most active Bladder falls between 15:00 and 17:00. This time helps to get rid of unnecessary things from the body, therefore, if you are on a diet or, wanting to improve your health, remove toxins from the body, it is best to drink special juices and infusions right now.

16-00 of the day- a new rise in physical activity, but a mental decline. It's time to go for a walk or do a little exercise to take a break from work, relax and collect your thoughts, because you probably still have things to do today.

17-00 of the day- most active period for kidney function. They process all the fluid that enters the body, separating the necessary and unnecessary substances, and derive the latter from it.

18-00 pm- rises blood pressure organism, which means that people become more nervous and can easily go into conflict over issues that at other times would not have paid attention. Knowing this, take care of your loved ones who are nearby and restrain yourself!

19-00 pm- slightly increased physical activity. Also at this time, we are overwhelmed with experiences, and we are in the grip of thoughts about what has been accomplished during the day. The body enters the recovery phase, and for exercise Right now.

20-00 pm- the brain starts to work actively. Do you still have some work left for tomorrow? It is better to start its implementation right now, and not stay up late at night.

21-00 pm- the body begins to tune in to rest and slowly fall asleep.

23-00 pm- the ideal time to go to sleep, because it is not for nothing that sleep until midnight is called the dream of beauty. If you continue to stay awake, then do not be surprised that you will soon be drawn to the kitchen for a bite to eat, and if you go on about your appetite (which usually rises from 23-00 to 02-00 o'clock in the morning), you can not only gain overweight, but also disrupt the metabolism in the body.

24-00 nights- at this time, the cells are updated especially quickly, so you'd better sleep already - in the morning you will see for yourself in the mirror positive result from good healthy sleep. In the body, during this period, the process of restoring the structures destroyed during the day takes place and a period of complete rest begins.

Critical days (when the biorhythm crosses the central, horizontal line) last 24 - 48 hours, can be successful, but more often, they are accompanied by a breakdown, a decrease in the ability to perceive, inappropriate behavior etc. According to statistics, most accidents occur on these days.

Physical biorhythm - lasts 23 days:

This biorhythm affects all physical aspects of a person.: strength, endurance, speed of reaction; affects physiological processes organism Key words: immunity, metabolism, digestion. The physical biorhythm is especially sensitive for those who are more associated with physical activity.: athlete, installer, massage therapist - they feel it better.

positive phase: good physical and physiological state, lifting strength, endurance, better results in sports.

Critical days: reduced "attention", risk of injury, dangerous "driving".

Negative phase: there is a decrease in immunity, the risk of “catching a cold”, catching an infection increases, fatigue increases, physical exercise, have a stronger effect on the body. In this phase, it is recommended to be more attentive to your health, reduce activity and not worry.

Useful: everyone - to predict physical well-being; athlete - will show the best time for the result; sick person - will give recommendations on the time for greater efficiency treatment.

Emotional (mental) biorhythm - lasts 28 days:

The biorhythm is also called the receptivity cycle., primarily concerns - mood and sensitivity, perception, behavior in society. Its influence is more pronounced in those whose professions are associated with communication, work in a group.

positive phase: there is an improvement in mood, optimism, reaction to emotional stimuli, much calmer than at other times.

Critical days: can be reflected acutely, at this time, most often there are psychological "breakdowns", the danger of "driving".

Negative phase: more often there are pessimistic moods, apathy and lethargy.

Useful: to everyone - to predict the mood: his, "partner", boss.

Intellectual biorhythm - lasts 33 days:

Biorhythm controls intellectual (mental) abilities: prudence, sharpness of perception, common sense. It is well felt by teachers, economists, lawyers.

positive phase: easy to digest information, mental capacity at the maximum, creative processes are much easier.

Critical days: confusion in the head, you should not make important decisions.

negative phase: concentration worsens, intellectual ability increased mental fatigue.

Useful: all - to control the time (date) of acceptance important actions, responsible decisions; for students - an excellent guideline for passing tests, term papers and for working with information (an hour of classes in a positive phase will give a greater result than half a day in a negative phase); schoolchildren and their parents - forcing yourself or a student to "hard" prepare in a negative phase or on critical days is not effective. published

2.2 Physical, emotional and intellectual biorhythms of a person

Biorhythm is the cyclical phenomena of the vital activity of any living organism. A person has three of them: physical, emotional and intellectual.

Knowing your own physical biorhythm (23 days) should be especially interesting for those who are engaged in physical labor in any form - professionally (masseur, dancer, builder, etc.) or, for example, in sports. Such people feel the influence of the physical biorhythm better.

Emotional rhythm (28 days) affects the strength of our feelings, internal and external perception, intuition and the ability to create. This biorhythm is especially important for those people whose professions are connected with communication. In the lifting phase, a person is more dynamic, tends to see only the pleasant aspects in life. He turns into an optimist. Working in contact with other people, he achieves good results can do a lot of useful things.

Intellectual rhythm (33 days) primarily affects the ability to work according to a plan using mental abilities. It is easy to imagine what effect it has at the stage of recovery: support for any intellectual activity, good assimilation educational material and information. The person is able to concentrate. If you attend a professional development seminar, then it will be much more useful in the upswing phase than in the downswing phase.

Each of these rhythms reaches its highest phase at half its length. Then it drops sharply down, reaches the starting point (critical point), and enters the decline phase, where it reaches the lowest point. Then it rises again, where a new rhythm begins. By the way, critical points emotional rhythm usually fall on the day of the week you were born.

And what is an "academic hour" that determines the duration of a school lesson from bell to bell? More than one generation of students was covered by these time sensors. Such a duration of mental studies originates from medieval European universities, when it was empirically groped for precisely this, convenient for a person, alternation of concentrated and relaxed attention. It turns out that half a period of one of the leading biorhythms - an hour and a half - is extremely favorable for the regulation of intellectual and operational work.

3. Animal behavior and biorhythms

Animals, especially those with a poorly developed psyche, are not able to control the processes of their life activity at the level of a single individual. This function is performed by biorhythms. Consider how these biorhythms affect the life of the animal. But for a better understanding of them, we introduce the concept of “profile-activity”, which includes the main characteristics of the animal's vital activity in its active state. On the formation of an activity profile in natural conditions have an impact physical factors environments that can either be predictable!" and information about them transmitted from generation to generation, or unpredictable and information about them in this case is missing. All these factors (seasonal, lunar and other cycles, on the one hand, and weather, terrain, the emergence of a new competitor, etc., on the other) affect the rhythm of behavior and mental reactions in many species of birds and mammals.

Let us recall the ecology of the wild boar: in safe environment he leads a diurnal lifestyle, but with the threat of the appearance of hunters, the time of his activity changes.

Biorhythms affect such a complex form of animal activity as learning.

in birds: in them the most important factor integration of rhythms of behavior favors light. Light integrates such daily rhythms of bird activity as the intensity of singing, nest building, and food search.

Birds have two peaks of activity: morning and evening. In the middle of the day, adult birds are at the nest with a brood (rest). At the same time, predators are also the least active, since the nests are protected. Here, synchronization of daily rhythms in the predator-prey relationship is observed. This synchronization plays significant role in natural conditions, contributing to the maintenance of ecological balance, stabilization of the population.


The biological rhythms of living organisms, including humans, are manifested in all life processes. Without them, life would be impossible. Therefore, when studying biological rhythms, it is important not only to know about their existence, but also to take into account their localization and role in life.

The science of biological rhythms - biorhythmology - is still very young. But now she has a great practical value. By artificially changing the seasonal cycles of lighting and temperature, it is possible to achieve mass flowering and fruiting of plants in greenhouses, high fertility of animals.

By determining the time of the least resistance of insects to insecticides, it is possible to carry out chemical treatments with the greatest efficiency with minimal environmental pollution.

In humans, when interacting with various functional systems organism with environment, as a result, the harmonic coordination of various rhythmic biological processes, which ensures the normal functioning of the body, characteristic of healthy person. Currently, the time factor is taken into account in the treatment of many diseases, and primarily in the treatment of cancer.

Thus, having studied information about biological rhythms, their functional value for the human body, we can conclude that biological rhythms have a direct impact on the performance of the body, provide its wave-like character. Besides, human body obeys the rhythms laid down by nature itself, and these rhythms affect all processes occurring in the body, then taking into account these rhythms and respectful attitude towards them is the basis human health.

The problem of studying human biorhythms is far from a final solution. What has been done in this area inspires great hopes.

List of used literature

1. Biological rhythms of health /Grinevich V.//Science and life, 2005, No. 1

2. Biological rhythms / Ed. Yu. Ashoff: In 2 volumes - M .: Mir, 1984.

3. Gubin G.D., Gerlovin E.Sh. Diurnal rhythms of biological processes and their adaptive significance in onto- and phylogenesis of vertebrates. - Novosibirsk: Science, 1980.

4. Dorogan L.V. Filipov V.P. Ecology V., 1995

5. Kaznacheev V.P. Fundamentals of general valeology. Tutorial. - M .: Publishing house "Institute practical psychology", 1997. - P. 21. 6. Konovalov V. The crisis of medicine at the turn of the XXI century // Medical News. - 1995, N8 (11). - P. 10-11. 7. Konovalov V. Healing: demons of the XX century //Medical news. - 1998, N4 (47) - P. 9. 8. Lossky N.O. History of Russian philosophy. Translated from English - M.: Soviet writer, 1991. - P. 470- 471.

9. Makarov V.D. Pozdnyakova V.D. The Science of Biological Rhythms: Status, Problems, Prospects. "Biology at school" 1989 N 6.

10. Malakhov G.P. Biorhythmology and urinotherapy. - St. Petersburg: JSC "Komplekt", 1994.

11. Perna N. Rhythm, life and creativity / Ed. P. Yu. Schmidt - L.-M.: Petrograd, 1925.

12. Sagatovsky V.N. Russian idea: will we continue the interrupted path? St. Petersburg, LLP TK "Petropolis", 1994 - P.14.

13. Chronobiology and chronomedicine / Ed. F. I. Komarova. - M.: Medicine, 1989. ISBN 5-225-01496-8

14. Chazov E.I. Cardiology on the threshold of the XXI century // Medical News. - 1995, N3(6). - C.4.

15. Encyclopedia of a young biologist. M., 1993

Five life cycles of a person biological rhythms:

1. Physical cycle- repeats with an interval of 23 days, of which 11 are in the positive zone and 12 in the negative zone (see below). This cycle is responsible for the physical condition.

2. Emotional cycle– 28 days (+14; -14). Responsible for emotions, feelings.

3. Intelligent cycle- 33 days (+16; -17) - the embodiment of ideas.

4. Psychokinetic cycle- 54 days (+27; -27) - the embodiment of thoughts.

5. Astro-mental cycle(or Spiritual healing) - 84 days (+42; -42) - is responsible for sleep. Those. while the astro-mental cycle is in the positive zone, a person sees good dreams. If in the negative - the dreams are not very good, or the consciousness blocks them altogether, you wake up and do not remember anything. At critical points (intersections with the coordinate axis), nightmares can occur if the psyche is unbalanced. Prophetic dreams dream from Monday to Tuesday, and from Thursday to Friday in the first full week month.

Graphs of life cycles (calculation of biological rhythms)

To calculate life cycles on a specific date or month, you need to calculate how many days have passed at the moment - i.e. multiply the number of years by 365, given leap years, and add the number of days from last day birth. Next, draw the coordinate system: Y-axis- these are positive and negative zones (the higher in the plus, the more favorable the day), X axis are the days of the month.

Example: lived 10210 days. To calculate the physical cycle, you need to divide 10210 by 23. You get an integer and a remainder. The integer is the number of full cycles lived, and we need the remainder in days. Similarly, we consider the remaining cycles.

Draw a graph:
1. If after division it turned out to be zero, then a new cycle begins, so we draw the graph from the intersection of the coordinate axes. At the same time, the graphs after birth always go up, and with a certain frequency go down.
2. If, after division, the remainder is obtained, let's say 6 days, then 6 days of the cycle have passed, i.e. we start the graph not from scratch, but raise it along the Y axis to a certain point in the positive zone. On the X axis, in this case, the origin will correspond to 6, and then 7, 8, 9, etc. will go.
3. If the remainder is, say, 15 days for the physical cycle, then 11 days of the positive zone have already been passed and on the Y-axis we mark the negative zone, and on the X-axis, the zero point will correspond to 15.

In the same way, we draw graphs for all five cycles, i.e. divide 10210 by 28, 33, 54, 84. Draw biorhythms (cycles) different colors on one chart.
- The intersection of cycles with the Time line (X axis) means a critical day.
- If 3 charts crossed the axis at one point, you need to be more careful that day.
- If 5 graphs cross at one point, this day is life-threatening.
- If all the charts are in the negative zone, these days a person usually says: "whatever you do, everything falls out of hand". In this case, our Ancestors advised to find another occupation, change activities. Suppose a blacksmith in the "negative period" can work with the earth, make beds, prepare seedlings. Therefore, at home there has always been land, it gives strength.