To have good dreams. What to do to have a prophetic dream

Good sleep is a guarantee that the next day will be successful and productive, so you will achieve significantly best results. It is known that no better holiday than sleep. However, in the current frantic pace of life, many women can only dream of getting a good night's sleep. This situation can and should be changed if the following rules how to sleep soundly.

Don't try to sleep during the day. The maximum that you can afford is to take a nap for 15-25 minutes. However, if you know that you will wake up so quickly, it is better not to go to bed at all and not take risks.

Create a clear sleep schedule. Train yourself to go to bed and get up exactly at the same time, without concessions. At the same time, do not try to sleep off on the weekends. This will give very little effect, and you can ruin your schedule.

Don't eat before bed. It is recommended not to eat later than 4:00 before bedtime. Otherwise, your stomach will digest food, and the body will not rest at all. An exception can only be made for a small number of products, which are listed in the next paragraph.

Before going to bed, you can afford take some groceries, which have the effect of sleeping pills, due to the special components in their composition:

  1. Banana
  2. Milk
  3. Chamomile tea
  4. Oatmeal
  5. Almond
  6. Turkey
  7. Grain bread

Arrange yourself a daily pleasant ritual. How to make it dream good dreams? Thanks to this ritual. It can be reading a pleasant book with quiet music (only no Stephen King and the like!). You can also view beautiful pictures, soothing videos or clips, arrange an aromatherapy session, take a warm bath or read your favorite magazine. It can also be positive affirmations, visualizations and self-hypnosis. Everyone has their own way, so you should choose the best one for yourself. And be disciplined about it.

Before relaxing, some active people you should learn to relieve stress after a busy day. It can be a massage or self-massage, sex with a loved one, yoga, simple physical exercises at least an hour before bedtime, and the like. Art therapy will also help relieve strong stress: draw your stress (you can in the form of an abstraction), and then tear the drawing into pieces or even burn it. You can also box a pillow. However, then do not forget to do relaxing procedures.

When a person has the most deep sleep? It is believed that the most sound sleep is sleep in the third phase. Those. 4.5 hours after falling asleep.

Find out your ideal sleep time. For some people, 5:00 is enough to get enough sleep, for others, even 9 is not enough. The generally accepted optimal time is 7-8 hours. Although studies by some scientists show that since sleep phases last for 1.5 hours, then optimal time- proportional to them - 6.5 hours. However, again, try to determine for yourself, guided by own feelings which quantity is right for you.

What can I do to have good dreams? Don't think about anything. One of the most common causes of insomnia is that the brain suddenly turns on unprecedented activity at night. He begins to look for answers to all questions: from real life problems to historical events or scientific facts. You need to train yourself that after you lay down and turn off the light, nothing else matters. You can even repeat it to yourself like a mantra. Act like Scarlett O'Hara: you will think about it tomorrow.

Refresh your room. Stuffiness in the room where you sleep is one of the main causes of insomnia, sensitive sleep and nightmares. Make sure it's well ventilated and the room isn't warmer than 25 degrees. Also, do not sleep under an overly warm blanket.

Organize darkness. The room must be completely dark for the body to tune in to sleep. Close the window with curtains, turn off the computer, TV and the lamp on the bedside table.

Let's talk about how to wake up in the morning

First of all, in order to wake up normally in right time, You need to set yourself up for the fact that you will wake up at the right time. Our brain is like a super-powerful computer. You can give the computer a program, an action that it will perform, and it will perform it. What is most interesting, you can do the same with your brain.

You need to program your brain so that he wakes up at the time you need. Thus, the brain clearly understands what it needs to do, it has a clear instruction and implements it. You should also understand that such programming may not work the first time, but it always works after 2-3 attempts, and with regular use of this technique, you can constantly and easily wake up at the right time, even without an alarm clock.

It is very important that you understand why you wake up in the morning and have a clear plan of action for the morning. If you have a day off tomorrow, and there is nothing to do in the morning, but you would like to wake up at 6 am, for example, you need to think about what you will do when you wake up and why you wake up at such a time.

Otherwise, the feeling from the evening that you can sleep a little longer the next day will be victorious. And you will not wake up in the morning at the right time. Therefore, you, first of all, must clearly understand for yourself what, for what and why, if there is no motivation, invent it.

Thus, when you program your brain to wake up in the morning, you will wake up a few minutes before the alarm. If you have nothing to do, or this waking up is not important for you, you will still wake up, but you will not get out of bed, but simply fall asleep again.


As noted above, you must understand why you wake up in the morning. Work out for yourself a constant motivation that will stimulate you to wake up in the morning. What will it be? Will power development? Do you have important things to do in the morning? Make them your motivation. But in the long run, your motivation should be your goals, and what you do should bring you closer to realizing your goals.

When you wake up in the morning, remember why you are doing it, imagine your goal, imagine it as if you have almost realized it.

You can also challenge yourself. Need to wake up tomorrow at 5 am?) Prove if not weak, wake up tomorrow at 5 am and write about it here!

morning positive

I love the morning... Don't think, I'm not a masochist, it's just that my every morning is filled with positivity and joy... And thanks to this, the whole day passes with positivity and joy. Do something nice in the morning. Smile at yourself in the mirror, do some interesting and special exercises, meditate, develop, read, run...

Devote an hour to yourself. In no case do not think of turning on a computer, TV or radio at this hour ... The first hour of the day is purely yours, dedicate it only to yourself! And may this hour bring you joy, positive and benefit every day! When your mornings become special, you will wake up with joy to recharge with new positive. You will love the morning and life will be filled with bright colors. And it's cool :)

Also drink a glass in the morning cold water, this will help the body wake up, start the brain well and generally give a lot of benefits, you can write another article about this :)

How to fall asleep quickly

One of the most simple methods to fall asleep quickly is to lie on your back, relax and roll your eyes up under your eyelids. 2-3 minutes in this state, and you will fall asleep. The fact is that approximately in such a state a person is at the moment deep sleep. And when you do this, the brain thinks that you are sleeping, the body perceives it in the same way and, accordingly, you quickly fall asleep.

In order to quickly relax, you can strongly tighten all the muscles of the body at one moment, and then relax. You can experiment now on your hand. Clench your fist tightly. Hold this for 3-4 seconds and relax your hand. Do you feel how well your muscles have relaxed?

You can also imagine that you are immersed in hot bath as it relaxes all the muscles in your body. The more you can relax, the faster you will fall asleep.

I hope this article was useful for you, you will apply the techniques described here today, and you will certainly feel their effectiveness. Leave your comments and share it with your friends and most importantly, put it into practice. Otherwise, there will be no result. However, if you make a little effort, you will soon notice how incredibly your life can change after applying these simple techniques.

Good Sleep Rules: Video

Quite often people do not wake up very early. good mood because they dreamed something unpleasant and sometimes even frightening. And often they worry: what if this dream comes true, then what to do? This is especially true for those who believe in prophetic dreams and listen to their own subconscious. After all, any, even the most terrible nightmare is part of ourselves and speaks of problems in life. And here there is a very important question: what to do so that the dream does not come true, what measures to take to protect yourself from trouble. After all, the subconscious is clearly trying to say something in this way, to convey to us important information, warn of impending troubles.

scientific explanation

For scientists and medical workers, it doesn’t matter what kind of dream a person had, good or bad, they don’t consider this a problem. It is believed that the main factor influencing the dream is psychological condition dreamer. And the stresses experienced during the day and the internal experiences of a person can lead to the appearance of poor sleep. In addition, there Great chance what to worry about and think about, what to do so that the dream does not come true is not worth it, because it can be provoked uncomfortable posture or clamping internal organs at wrong position human body during rest. And stiff arms and legs may well cause brain impulses that show terrible visions that indicate problems with the body.

How to proceed scientifically

The most important thing is not to forget that any problem can be fixed. Just deciding your psychological problems, improving general state health and choosing a comfortable place to sleep, you can get rid of the alarm bells of the subconscious. But the well-known specialist in the world of psychology and psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, was categorically against ignoring such dreams.

In his opinion, it is important to analyze what he saw, but only after waking up, to look at the situation with a fresh look, without the participation of emotions and experiences. This will help you realize that you should not look for how to make sure that the dream does not come true, because these are just consequences. internal state. A different look at all the anxieties and nervous situations in a person's life.

Fighting an obsessive nightmare

Sometimes even people who do not believe in mysticism and superstition cannot get rid of night visions for a long time, which become obsessive and haunt them in their thoughts. Basically, this happens if in a vision a person saw loved one which is in danger.

In this case, it is better to try to solve this problem and calm down. Only the adoption of certain measures will eliminate unnecessary anxiety. There is a certain technique, consisting of three steps, this is a certain option of what to do so that the dream does not come true. After all, while we are thinking about something, putting fear and emotions into it, we ourselves attract these situations to ourselves. With these three steps, you can regain your peace of mind and get rid of intrusive vision.

Psychological technique

First, you need to tell someone about what you saw immediately after waking up. And it doesn't matter if you personally do it, or call a friend, or write a message on the Internet. Secondly, you need to take a shower. And not a bath, but a shower, imagining how running water washes away all negativity from you. Thirdly, you need to eat well, because they say that sleep is valid only before dinner. This will create confidence that dinner has already arrived, and the forces of the dream have come to naught. All these steps are exactly what psychologists advise on what to do so that the dream does not come true.

mystic side

Many mystical rituals, superstitions and prayers have come to us since ancient times. Modern man they may seem strange, funny, and illogical. But, on the other hand, given how long people have been using them, perhaps they make sense. As they say, the main thing is to believe in your own strengths and intentions, and then they will definitely bring results. Especially if a person is looking for what to do so that the dream does not come true. In ancient times, people believed that you could pay off a bad dream by simply throwing a coin out the window with the words “paid”. You can also go to the window and, looking through it, say: "Where the night is, there is a dream." Or wish the bad to go away and the good to stay. There is another way. Need to wash my face cold water half an hour after waking up and wish yourself to forget the terrible dream. And as you know, the forgotten cannot gain strength in the real world.

Visualization is good method and an excellent answer to the question of what to do so that the dream does not come true. You can, for example, imagine a huge waterfall and fantasize that a dream flows down it and floats away with it. stormy stream water. You can also write down the events of sleep on a piece of paper and burn it. And either bury the ashes in the ground, or wash it off with water, or scatter it in the wind. The main thing is that the elements save you from obsessive anxiety. You can pour salt into a glass of water and wish that fears and visions would dissolve just like her. You can drive away the nightmare by turning the bedding inside out. Also, old signs say that in such a situation you need to leave the house, immediately putting out your left hand, and then your right. This means that you are ordering sleep out of your home.

For religious people

For people who believe the best option the answer to the question of what to do so that a bad dream does not come true will be a trip to the temple. Priests recommend in such a situation to put three candles. Two of them to the icon Mother of God. One - for your own health, the other - for the health of your enemies. And you need to put candles without malice, wishing good with all your heart. And the last candle, for your own health, must be placed near the icon to all the saints. And you need to do this several times after three days. These actions will help find relief and drive away all empty anxieties from a person.

Dream catchers

If a person dreams often enough bad dreams, and he has already tried all the methods, but nothing helps, there is another option. What needs to be done so that the dream does not come true? You can create a dream catcher! This is a fairly old artifact used by people of all nations. To create it, any improvised materials are suitable. Alternatively, use a flexible tree branch. It must be folded into a ring and tied with a thread. After that, the thread must be woven in the middle of the ring to create something like a web. After that, it must be hung in the doorway or above the bed. According to beliefs, bad dreams fall into this trap and become entangled in it.

This is a wonderful option, thanks to which you no longer have to wonder what needs to be done so that the dream does not come true, because with such a catcher, you most likely will not dream again. If you can’t find a branch, you can use old photo frames or hoops. In addition, for greater efficiency this artifact can be woven into it bird feathers. It should be borne in mind that dream catchers must be changed periodically, as they become clogged and become less effective over time. Experts recommend using them for no more than six months. A branch of wormwood under the pillow also helps. It is believed that she drives away evil forces and does not allow them to influence a person from the outside.

The dependence of sleep on the time of day

Many are afraid of dreams, and believe that they are all prophetic, not even knowing that the significance of what they see depends on various factors. So, for example, for prophetic dream or not, the time of day at which he dreamed, and the day of the week itself, affects. Given this information, you can clearly know how to make sure that the prophetic dream does not come true and whether something needs to be done at all.

If you had a dream in the morning, then it is very likely that it is prophetic and can come true. Dreams seen during the day come true extremely infrequently. In the evening, everything is unclear, it can come true or not with the same probability. But the night ones almost never come true, because it is at this moment that the subconscious mind is actively working to rethink the past day and is not yet ready to accept new information.

Dependence on the day of the week

Dreams seen on the night of Monday to Tuesday come true quite rarely, so you don’t have to worry after a nightmare. But a dream that occurred on Wednesday night is more likely to come true than vice versa. From Wednesday to Thursday, there are sometimes prophetic dreams that warn of danger, but not always, unlike prophetic dreams on Friday.

It should be borne in mind that these dreams almost always come true, but after a certain period of time, so a person usually has time to understand what to do so that the dream never comes true. It is extremely rare to see a symbolic dream on the weekend.


So, we can safely say that, no matter how terrible and disturbing a dream is, it is possible to cope with it. And for this there is how psychological methods, and various mystical rituals that can drive away the effects of dark forces. In the most extreme cases, you can do it yourself or purchase a ready-made dream catcher that will protect restful sleep its owner. The main thing to remember is that if you had a dream that does not leave you alone and causes unnecessary anxiety and excitement, you should not leave it just like that in any case. It will not necessarily come true, but it will make you absent-minded.

In addition, this may lead to unnecessary problems with health, bad mood and even depression. Therefore, as soon as this happens, be sure to take measures from those that are more suitable for specific case. Do not let bad dreams influence your real life, do not allow problems due to the games of the subconscious. In addition, if this was a signal that trouble awaits you, careful analysis and prevention of further problems will avoid many troubles in the future. Listen to your subconscious, understand what higher powers are telling you. And all will be well. The main thing is not to let anxiety and blues take over your mind and state. There are many methods and tips, both developed and proposed by modern scientists, and which have come down to us from ancient times, to prevent the penetration of negativity from dreams.

Nightmares and disturbing dreams make a person assume that danger threatens him in reality. Even dreams that are completely harmless at first glance sometimes turn out to be harbingers of major troubles in life. real life. Therefore, the art of interpreting night dreams has long been highly valued. Thanks to the information obtained from them, you can find out in advance about the lurking danger and avoid it. In addition to ways to unravel the symbols of dreams, people have long known effective ways to make sure that a bad dream never comes true.

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      Disturbing plots and symbols of dreams

      A signal of impending danger in a dream are certain plots or symbols:

    1. 1. Recalculation large sum money in paper banknotes, working with a large stack of business or personal papers, difficulty in counting the amount or reading text on documents. This is a sign of an impending quarrel, scandal, disclosure of information that can cause serious damage to personal or business reputation.
    2. 2. Loss of one or more teeth in a dream. This portends serious illness or even the death of a friend, relative, loved one.
    3. 3. Raw meat. To see him means to witness something shameful, terrible, unpleasant, or to be slandered, unfairly accused of indecent, dirty deeds and deeds.
    4. 4. Being completely naked or contemplating people without clothes. This dream refers to high risk serious illness, and sometimes even a threat of death for someone who was seen naked.
    5. 5. Unrestrained laughter in a dream, wild fun. Such a vision portends grief and tears in reality.
    • Terrible dream plots, scenes of persecution, murders, monsters and other attributes of nightmares most often do not portend any trouble in reality.

      It happens that the dream is not remembered or there is nothing frightening in its interpretation. But at the same time, it is not possible to get rid of the disturbing feeling that the vision carried some kind of information warning of impending troubles. In this case, it also makes sense to make sure that the dream does not come true.

      How to distinguish an empty dream from a prophetic one

      Even if the dreamed negative signs are clearly remembered, they may not portend anything bad if it was empty dream. So it is customary to call dreams that arise against the background of a person’s daily experiences and some exciting events.

    1. 1. For men, empty dreams are on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, from Thursday to Friday and from Friday to Saturday.
    2. 2. For women - from Monday to Tuesday, from Saturday to Sunday.

    Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are the most informative for people of both sexes. They are carry sufficiently reliable information about possible events in the near future in real life. Signs of a prophetic dream are:

    1. 1. Unusual brightness and realism of what is happening.
    2. 2. Repeated sleep repetition with slight variations.
    3. 3. Completeness, consistency of the plot of the dream and immediate awakening after its completion.

    If the dream is similar to a prophetic one and memories of its negative symbolism are preserved, you must immediately use old ways, thanks to which it will not come true.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    Ways to neutralize bad dreams

    Regardless of which of the methods to eliminate the threat that the dream portends will be used, the following rules should be observed:

    1. 1. A dream that seems to be a harbinger of misfortune, you can’t tell anyone and ask someone to interpret it.
    2. 2. You can not use the dream book for independent interpretation of the meaning of the dream. It is enough that it caused anxiety and unpleasant forebodings.
    3. 3. It is desirable to carry out all rituals before sunrise, and if this is not possible, then immediately after waking up.
    4. 4. Before the ceremony, you can neither talk, nor wash, nor eat.
    5. 5. Any magical ritual must be carried out in firm confidence in its effectiveness.
    6. 6. Preference should be given to one of the ways to neutralize bad omens. Carrying out two or more rituals so that the dream does not come true will give reverse effect: troubles will happen very soon and their consequences will be severe.
    7. 7. All methods of neutralizing negative signs should be performed by the one who had a bad dream.

    The only exception to these rules is the case when a child saw a terrible dream and told an adult about it. Then parents can take measures to ensure that the baby’s dream does not come true: perform the ritual themselves or tell him what needs to be done.

    Rituals immediately after waking up

    These are simple but very effective tricks. They can be used immediately after waking up, without even getting out of bed:

    1. 1. Turn the pillow over to the other side.
    2. 2. Touch an object made of natural wood and say three times: "Where the night is, there is a dream."
    3. 3. Look out the window and say: "What's good - stay, what's bad - go away!"

    All these actions help even in the middle of the night. Well, if after the ritual you can fall asleep again.

    rituals with water

    Water is the most powerful information source, which is why many magical rites associated with it:

    1. 1. In the morning, when washing, you need to wipe your face three times wet towel clockwise and say: "What arrived in a dream, then departed at sunset. Amen."
    2. 2. Open a faucet and briefly describe your dream to the flowing water. End your story with the words: "All the good - stay, all the bad - go!" or "Take away, water, sorrows!".
    3. 3. Take a full mug of cold water, take it outside and pour it on the ground with the words: "Samson, Samson, where the night is - there is a dream!"

    Since water has a powerful energy potential, you should not abuse the techniques that transform the information field of a person. Rites should be performed with her only with a very difficult dream, in which a warning of a serious danger is guessed.

    household magic

    Such techniques are ideal for protecting children, and are also necessary in cases where the dreamer, for some reason, has not taken any action to neutralize dangerous omens. In this case, you can prevent sleep from coming true in the following ways:

    1. 1. Remove the pillowcase from the pillow, turn it inside out and shake well. This should be done on the street or at least on an open balcony. This technique must not be used indoors.
    2. 2. For the rest of the day, step over all the rapids with your left foot.
    3. 3. Go to bed the next night with clothes and underwear turned inside out.

    It is important not to return to memories of disturbing dream so that it doesn't come true.


    Prayer protection is very strong, it is not for nothing that deeply religious people always read prayers before going to bed. If a person does not have such a habit, you can pray after a terrible or unpleasant dream so that it does not come true.

    The text of the prayer to St. Cyprian has been known, according to some sources, since the 4th century. During this time, it has undergone changes along with the development of the Russian language. It is often quite difficult for a modern person to learn it in the form in which it is known to church-going believers. Therefore, you can also turn to St. Cyprian for help with a version of the prayer adapted to the current linguistic realities:

    “Oh, holy saint of God, Hieromartyr Cyprian, who helps everyone who turns. Accept from me, a servant of God (servants of God) ... (name your name given at baptism) praise and ask the Lord God for strength in weakness, healing in sickness, consolation in sadness and all good in life. Offer up your pious prayer to the Lord, may he protect me from falling into sin, may he teach me true repentance, may he deliver me from the captivity of the devil and any action of unclean spirits, and deliver me from those who want to offend me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

    dream Catcher

    To prevent nightmares from disturbing a person, you can provide protection against them using the following techniques:

    1. 1. Hang a "dream catcher" at the head of the bed. Ideally, it should be done by hand.
    2. 2. Keep under the pillow a small image of St. Cyprian.
    3. 3. Constantly read one of the prayers before going to bed.
    4. 4. During the evening water procedures to say: "Take away, water, sorrows!". A simple conspiracy will help get rid of negative energy, "stuck" to a person in a day.

    It is better if falling asleep is conscious and calm. The risk of having a nightmare increases if it has become a habit to fall asleep to the muttering of the TV, with the phone or in front of the computer.

If you have insomnia or a disturbance in the rest-wake cycle, then you should not expect good dreams. In this case, it is first necessary to establish the process of transition from the stage of productive work to relaxation. Here are some tips to help you get rid of insomnia at home:

  • take a walk outside before going to bed, 10-15 minutes is enough;
  • ventilate the room, it is better to rest in a cool room;
  • in winter time humidify the air;
  • eat easily digestible food;
  • do not spend the whole day in idle pursuits, those who are tired but not overtired sleep best;
  • if you had a difficult and eventful day, drink tea with chamomile or mint.

You will get more satisfaction from the rest if the transition to it is smooth. People who have completed work tasks and fell asleep only when they reached the pillow often feel miserable and tired.

Getting rid of this is easy - do not plan a lot of things for evening time, try to do most work in the morning or afternoon. Take half an hour before bed to:

  • read a nice book;
  • watch an episode of your favorite TV series;
  • listen to relaxing music.

Women an hour before bedtime, you can do relaxing procedures for the care of the skin of the face and body. You should not watch the news before a night's rest or scroll through the tapes. social networks. Sleeping with music or TV, as many men love, is not recommended. Set the TV on a timer so it turns off after you fall asleep.

How to wake up to remember a dream

The main rule to remember is a smooth awakening. You need to learn to be in borderline between dream phases and wake up immediately
after seeing the scene. Only training can help with this. Several times before a night's rest, repeat to yourself that you will wake up immediately after seeing the picture.

If auto-training does not help, then program the alarm signal 10 minutes earlier. You need this time to soak up, gather your thoughts and think about what you saw at night. You can put a piece of paper and pens next to the bed to write down the images that pop up in your memory. As a rule, only 3-5 are significant for decoding key points visions. Long vision can be divided into several individual objects. While writing down your dream on paper, try to vividly describe the object that appears in memory. If this is a tree, describe its branches, determine the species.

How to order a specific dream

Seeing a specific plot helps mental concentration. In support of the theory of the possibility of ordering visions, scientists cite the example of Dmitry Mendeleev, who in a dream managed to create periodic table. He thought a lot about how to organize chemical elements, so he dreamed of solving the problem. Be prepared for the fact that the first time you will not find a clue in a dream, but over time you will be able to do it better and better. Formulate a question to which you want to receive an answer from the subconscious, repeat it several times and fall asleep. The subconscious does not give direct clues, so use one of the ways to decipher the plot that you dreamed of:

  • consult with a psychotherapist;
  • seek help from dream books;
  • make up detailed description dreams, including your feelings from them, do the interpretation yourself.

Similarly, you can return in a dream to a plot that calms you. In order to dream the desired image, you need to think about the desired image, dream of seeing it. This skill will be useful if you want to see the continuation of a dream. In separation, you can use it to see an erotic plot involving a spouse or partner. You will not be able to do everything in a week to dream of a loved one or other object on your order. Set a goal for yourself, you will definitely achieve it in some time.

Dreams can have a significant impact on life. They reflect our hopes and fears related to the future, and in dreams we also return to the past. If you want to learn to see lucid dreaming(that is, to control what is happening in a dream and understand that it is all a dream) or strive to find out how you can see more pleasant dreams, you should do certain things during the day and before bed. In this article, we will tell you how to control dreams.


How to have pleasant dreams

    Go to bed earlier. A 2011 study for Sleep and Biological Rhythms found that students who studied late had less pleasant dreams than those who went to bed earlier. If you want to have good dreams, try going to bed at least an hour earlier to see if this will affect the nature of your dreams.

    Watch your diet. Nightmares can be caused by many things, including food at night, alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco. If you often have bad dreams, try cutting down on these substances and avoid eating 2-3 hours before bed. This will allow your body to digest the food before you go to bed, and you will be much calmer.

    • If you're serious about learning how to have more pleasant dreams, you should stop drinking coffee in the afternoon. You may decide that you do not have enough energy, but otherwise it will be more difficult for you to fall asleep at night.
    • It may seem that a glass of wine before bed will help you fall asleep, but it is not - your sleep will be restless. If a person sleeps restlessly, it becomes more difficult to control dreams.
    • Also avoid sugar before bed. It causes overexcitation and interferes with sleep.
  1. Fight stress. Often, bad dreams are a reflection of the stress and anxiety that a person experiences during the day. Try not to think about problems while lying in bed. It is best to relax and remember something pleasant. The more often you strive for peace, the more pleasant your dreams will be.

    Make your bedtime more relaxed. It is important to relax before going to bed. For example, you can drink herbal tea, read a book, and then your dreams, most likely, will not frighten you or cause anxiety. Find something that will help you fall asleep easier and stick with it. Try to drive away all bad thoughts before falling asleep.

    Put roses in the bedroom. A study was conducted in which women were asked to sleep in the same room with roses for 30 nights. It turned out that they had more pleasant dreams than usual. It is believed that the smell of flowers causes positive emotions and it affects dreams.

    • You can use rose-scented oils, body milk, or scented candles. Remember to blow out the candles before going to bed, otherwise it is fraught with fire.
  2. Use the MILD technique. Stephen LaBerge of Stanford University, founder of the Lucid Dreaming Institute, developed a technique called MILD (Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams - Eng. mnemonic induction of lucid dreams), which is considered one of the most effective ways entering the state of lucid dreaming. Here's what you need to do:

    • when you go to bed, tell yourself that you will remember dreams;
    • think that you will try to understand that you are dreaming and remember what you saw;
    • imagine what you want to do in a dream (for example, fly or dance);
    • repeat the previous two steps until you fall asleep;
    • use this technique until you learn to control dreams.
  3. Get rid of nightmares. It's quite difficult, but you need to try to imagine a different ending to the nightmare. If you often dream of a frightening person who turns up at your house, imagine that you managed to drive him away or that he left on his own. Whatever nightmare, find a way to emerge victorious from the situation so that the ball melts.

    • If you think about it often, write down your intentions and even speak them out loud, you will be able to program your mind to achieve the goal.

Sleep management

  1. Once you realize that you are dreaming, gradually begin to manage your sleep. When you're sure you're asleep, try to remain calm - this way you increase your chances of not waking up at that very moment. Stay calm, immerse yourself in the world of dreams and start to manage little things little by little in order to move on to more complex things over time.

    • You can try to change the scene or just move in space. You can touch objects and make things appear or disappear.
  2. Start managing your sleep. When you feel that you have already learned how to change the course of sleep, try to do a variety of things in your sleep. Take off, try to see different people, reverse the scene, imagine places from your childhood, or even travel back in time. As you learn to control the events in your dreams, you will see what you want to see much more often.

    • After you wake up, write down your dream. Take note of the moment you realized you were lucid dreaming, and record all the activities you could and could not do. If there is something that you never succeed in a dream (for example, flying), think about what is stopping you.
  3. Remind yourself from time to time that you are dreaming. When you understand that everything happens in a dream, do not forget to repeat that you are dreaming. If you do not do this, you can forget where you really are, so you will no longer have the ability to control what is happening. If you remind yourself of the dream, you will be able to manage the situation better.

  4. Fly. If you want to learn how to lucid dream, practice flying in your sleep. At first, you probably won't succeed, but you can work on it. Tell yourself that you are going to fly now, and this will prepare your consciousness for this action. You can walk in a circle, wave your arms, jump. When you start to succeed, you will be able to hover above the ground, and then fly.

    • When you fly, do not doubt yourself and that it is possible. If you are full of doubt, you cannot really fly. If you feel yourself descending, push off the ground and take off again.
    • If you know you're dreaming and you're starting to lose control of your sleep, rub your hands or spin around in one place.
    • Check if you are sleeping every day. Do this during the day to train your subconscious mind.
    • try to see lucid dreams regularly. It may take you years to learn how to control your dreams, so give yourself time.
    • Try meditating before bed. Meditation allows you to calm down and increases the chances of lucid dreaming.
    • Try to constantly think about the desired dream, even before going to bed.
    • Concentrate fully on what you want to see in a dream, and not on the actual process of falling asleep. This will allow you to fall asleep naturally without any effort.
    • If you are relaxed, you will feel like falling asleep when something itches or you want to turn around. Try to ignore these sensations and stay with eyes closed and don't worry about problems. Over time, you will learn to achieve a certain state between sleep and wakefulness, which will allow you to control dreams.
    • Many people have a natural tendency to have lucid dreams, and with a little practice they manage to do so with ease. Others have to work on this skill for a long time, so be patient.
    • Try not to strain in a dream, otherwise there is a high probability of waking up. Relax and keep calm.