Poses in which people sleep are important. The position on the back with outstretched limbs

The Kamastutra is the real bible of sexual positions. It was written in India in Sanskrit. Historians say that the date of its appearance is somewhere between the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. e.

Initially, the Kama Sutra was not just a manual on sexual positions, it was a whole way of life! Still, if you are looking for something to diversify sex life feel free to go there. Or to us, because we have chosen 100 poses from the Kama Sutra (although we gave them simpler names) and told you about them. The illustrations will help you figure out what, where and how. Today we publish the description of the first 25 poses, so stay tuned!

1. V-pose

The position requires acrobatic ability!

The woman sits on the edge of the table, the man stands opposite her and slightly bends his legs to be in the position most convenient for penetration.

Then the woman wraps her arms around the man's neck and throws her legs over his shoulders. Then she leans back, and you just have to move in the usual pattern, holding her butt.

2. Cowgirl pose

In the cowgirl position, the man sits cross-legged and leans back, resting his hands on the bed behind his back. The woman sits on top, hugs him with her hips and moves up and down. So she can control the speed and depth of penetration.

It might be more comfortable to lean against a wall or headboard and help her move up and down—or just relax while she does all the hard work.

3. Fireworks

The fireworks pose is harder than it looks.

To begin with, the man and woman sit opposite each other. She wraps her legs around his torso, then penetration is made, and only then the man hugs the woman with her leg, which was on top, to hold her.

In order not to fall, the woman hugs the man with both hands, and the man leans on his elbow. Damn it, it's a whole quest!

4. Shiny triangle

At first glance, the shiny triangle pose resembles the classic missionary position, with the woman lying on her back and the man on top. However, the point is that the man leans on his knees, and the woman raises her hips to meet him.

That is, the man does not move, the woman does all the work herself. So it doesn't feel like missionary at all!

5. Letter X

The man lies on his back, the woman turns and sits on top of him with her back to him, and then lies down on him.

She stretches out her legs and puts them on his shoulders and her body on the bed, between the man's legs. So it turns out such a letter X. Then the woman begins to slide up and down.

And she can also use men's legs as a lever to increase the amplitude.

6. Nirvana

This is a classic. The woman lies on her back, stretches her legs and holds on to the bed above her head. After penetration, she brings her legs together, and the man, on the contrary, pushes her apart.

They move together, and because the woman squeezes her hips, there is a natural stimulation of the clitoris.

7. Castle

A woman sits on something (on a table, washing machine- well, you understand), to the very edge, and leans on his hands. The man stands in front of her, and she wraps her legs around his hips. That's the whole castle.

8. Glide

The man lies on his back, the woman lies on top of him, legs together. The bottom line is that the woman slides up and down his body.

And it's not difficult at all!

9. Monkey

We have no idea why it's called that! Here you don’t have to be a monkey, but a real gymnast.

The man lies on his back with his knees drawn up to his chin. The woman sits on top with her back to him, leans on her legs and moves up and down. The more weight she transfers to her legs, the easier it is for you. Although keep in mind: in principle, it is not easy in this position!

But you can penetrate hoo as deep. But there is one thing: a woman must be strong enough and have an extraordinary sense of balance. If she takes your wrists, like in the picture, it will be a little easier.

10. Butterfly

Another position with the wrong name. Key moment is the angle of penetration. The woman lies on her back somewhere on suitable furniture. The man stands in front of her and she puts her legs on his shoulders.

The woman rests her hands on the same furniture so that it is convenient for her to raise her hips, and he takes her behind to simplify the process. And if you are strong enough and dexterous enough, then you can also move with all this disgrace.

11. Ascension to desire

That is if your girlfriend is a fan healthy eating(or you wow what a strong man). Then you will be up to the task. Otherwise, I don't know.

So, the man stands up, spreads his hips, bends his knees a little. The woman stands in front of him. The man lifts the woman in front of him and she wraps her legs around him.

You can take a suitable sitting position, and then get up with a friend in your arms - as you like. Yes, and stand, leaning on the bed, somehow safer. The weight of the girlfriend should provide deep penetration as she moves up and down.

12. Balancing

The man lies on his back, spreads his legs. The woman sits down between his thighs, and he in turn takes her by the thighs.

That's why balancing! It's the one, dude!

In this position, the rhythm is set by the man. But a woman can adjust the depth.

13. Split Bamboo

The woman puts her foot on the man's shoulder. The man holds her thigh and heroically penetrates, supporting her raised leg and himself along the way. Since her hands are not busy with anything, she can do whatever she wants with them.

14. Sleeping angel

The woman lies on her side and curls up, and the man in the same position lies behind her. Everything is quite simple here, and the man just has free hands, so you can apply some more caresses.

15. Bridge

Mmm, that's it! Not that any of us have tried this position: we are not Olympic champions in any sport. But it just looks badass.

You can only try this position if you are very flexible and super strong. So, you get up on the bridge ... Then half of the readers scroll further. So, you get up on the bridge, and your friend sits on top - and then everything is clear. Let her put her weight on her feet, tell her so.

You can't stay in this position for long! And then the blood will rush to the head, and fainting is not far off.

16. Paperclip

The man lies on his back, legs together. The woman sits on top, leans back and leans on her hands. Here, too, you can dispose of your hands as you like (although whatever you want, you can only reach the clitoris - unless, of course, you are a Boomer).

17. Close

Sleeping angel variation. However, here the matter is more complicated.

So, lie down on your side again, you are behind her, but this time she spreads her legs. There is also scope for the use of hands - and immediately for both participants in the process.

18. Two-story

The man lies on his back, and the woman lies on top with her back to him. She leans back on her elbows, pressing her back against his chest.

With her feet, the woman rests on the knees of the man, and the man moves inside her. The pose is good for moving into another pose - it will come out quite naturally.

19. Temptation

So, the woman kneels and leans back, stretching her arms above her head. The man kneels, penetrates the woman and stretches his legs. Difficult manipulations.

20. Crouching Tiger

The man lies on his back so that his feet are not on the bed, but on the floor. The woman sits on the man with her back to him, spreading her legs. She can choose the depth and speed, and also have fun with her hands. Such is the crouching tiger.

21. Hero

The woman lies on her back, pulling her knees to her chin, her legs look at the ceiling. The man kneels across from her. He supports her legs with his hands. Why "hero"?

22. Dolphin

Another position for yoga lovers. So, the woman raises her pelvis to the ceiling and supports herself on her shoulders, while her head lies on the bed. The man is between her knees and supports her behind. The movements must be oh-oh-very neat! You can even raise her hips even higher so that her legs come off the support. Just don't take too long, man! Again: the blood rushes to the head, and a friend may collapse into a faint.

23. Frog

The man sits on the edge of the bed, resting his feet on the floor. The woman sits down in front of him on the edge of the bed with her back to him, her legs remain on the bed. Looks like a frog, right? She moves up and down, and he supports her just in case. You can help her.

24. Juniper

The woman lies on her back, spreading and stretching her legs. The man sits down between her knees, legs stretched out too. He lifts her hips and it's done. Well, quite romantic.

25. Plow

The woman stands on the floor with her feet, and leans on the bed with her elbows. The man comes up from behind, stands between her legs, and she stretches her legs parallel to the floor.

During sleep, people take the positions in which they are most comfortable. Sleep posture says a lot about the worldview and the sensations we experience. Psychologists believe that it is possible to determine the character of a person by posture, in the same way as by his behavior, intonation features during a conversation, the choice of wardrobe items and other habits. A certain position can denote strong and weak sides individual, his attitude to life. However, not everything is so simple in terms of the position of the body, because it can change when we sleep up to 50 times a night, and if life is difficult, then up to 100 times.

What does posture depend on?

The value of posture during sleep is an indicator of our mood and general life principles. However, in a certain period, the body can involuntarily take unusual and uncomfortable positions for it. If the sleeper is worried about something, the sleeping postures will tell about his anxieties and basic fears. Human psychology depends on many factors that can affect the location on the bed.

The position in a dream can change dramatically under the influence of the following factors:

  • ambient temperature;
  • diseases;
  • inner experiences;
  • light and noise pollution environment;
  • change of place of sleep;
  • uncomfortable bed;
  • Start co-sleeping with a partner, etc.

Poses and characteristics

While falling asleep, we take the position in which we feel most comfortable. It is also called the alpha pose or the twilight pose. However, true psychological features personalities are revealed only when we move into the deep stage of sleep. The conscious turns off, and only the subconscious begins to work, we take the omega pose, it is she who is taken into account when deciphering the features of human behavior.

The sleep posture of an individual and his character are closely interconnected. Even if you roll over several times during a night's rest, you will still return to your omega position. Consider what the position in which you sleep means.


If a person is accustomed to sleeping on his side, pulling his knees as high as possible to his chin and hugging a pillow or blanket, this position is called the “fetus”. Also, experts often call it the pose of an unopened bud.

Choosing this position, people intuitively try to return to the womb, where they were protected from all troubles and troubles. The choice in favor of the "embryo" says that the sleeper feels his vulnerability, needs support and patronage from a strong personality.

Such people, as a rule, are closed in themselves, do not know how to fully use life's potential.

"Prostrate" or "Sphinx"

The person lies face down, his legs are slightly apart, but not spread over the entire bed, his feet look in different sides hands may be slightly above the head. This position speaks of the readiness to wake up at any moment and return to the work that has remained unfinished. Also, with this position in a dream, a desire is manifested to win back and protect one's territory.

Psychologists say that such people are very punctual, purposeful and like to control their living space. Surprises and surprises unsettle them, because they plan all their actions very accurately.


People who prefer this position sleep on their backs. Their arms are freely located along the body, the legs are slightly apart, but not spread out, in the pose one feels complete relaxation and tranquility. With people-"kings" it is always reliable, they really are the masters of their lives and feel confident.

This posture says a lot about a person: he is decent, purposeful, straightforward, a little rude, but this is due to the openness of his character. "Kings" are always leaders and gladly take under their guardianship those who need it.

"Half Embryo"

The person sleeps on their side, their legs (or one leg) are slightly bent, but not pulled up high to the chin. This is one of the most comfortable positions for sleeping, since in it the body retains heat as much as possible, at the same time, air circulates freely around it, everything is vital. important organs are reliably protected, and a flip to the other side minimally disrupts the overall configuration of the body.

This posture says that the person is very fond of comfort, always guided by common sense and adapts well to the environment.

Such individuals are distinguished by mental balance, reliability and self-confidence, they do not arrange "fights for the bed", do not fold into a "fetus", intuitively seeking protection from others.


A person sleeps on his stomach, his hands are located under his head or next to him on a pillow. One leg is straight, and the second is bent at the knee in such a way that the tips of the fingers are adjacent to the adjacent one, creating a triangle.

Psychologists say that such positions of body parts mean imbalance, capriciousness, a tendency to quickly change opinions and moods. "Herons" are unpredictable - today they may have a surge of positive, and tomorrow - depression.

Poses for two

Sleeping positions and their meaning for couples are also very important. When people sleep together, they choose positions that reflect their attitude towards each other and the degree of satisfaction with each other's company. Find out what your sleeping positions say.

Close back to back

If people sleep together, clinging back to back, it means that there is a strong relationship between them. intimate relationship, but they make sure that the partner can have a good rest.

In the distance back to back

The meaning of sleep posture can be different. If this situation is permanent, then a trusting relationship has already been created in the couple, partners have intercom but they are independent enough to sleep separately.

However, if the position is not characteristic of people, it speaks of serious disagreements between them, and, possibly, of an impending break.

Facing each other

Couples in a dream take such a position when they cannot express their feelings in reality, they need closer contact with each other, but everyone hopes that the partner will take the first step instead of him.

Also, such a position may indicate a conversation that was not completed on the eve of sleep, which people want to continue when they wake up.

Faces facing each other with arms and legs intertwined

Such couples do not want to part with each other, even in dreams. They are very romantic and have sublime passionate feelings for each other. Most often, this position happens at the very beginning of a relationship, but if spouses with experience take it, this sure sign that they were able to carry the most tender feelings through the years.

Summing up

Some people are used to watching a dream book in order to decipher the meaning of their dreams and learn more about themselves as a person. Psychologists, on the other hand, argue that a certain behavior of a person in life corresponds to his posture in a dream. This is a fairly accurate indicator, since our body during a night's rest is not controlled by consciousness, but by the subconscious.

By noticing what position you have in bed, you can draw certain conclusions about your character and even the problems that you this moment experience in life.

According to research, only a tenth of the information a person conveys in words. The rest is made up of gestures, facial expressions and intonation. The first intuitive “scan” of a person takes about 10 seconds. People do not always say what they think, but the body does not know how to lie. hidden feelings find a way out through gestures. Psychology non-verbal communication very broad and multifaceted. Learning to understand human gestures and their meanings will make it much easier to find out the truth.

Gesture classification

When the emotional background of a person rises, he stops monitoring his body. But when trying to unravel the thoughts of others, it is necessary to take into account situational factors in order for the judgment to be correct. For example, if a person crosses his arms over his chest in very coldy, this can only mean that he is cold, and not secrecy and isolation.

Human gestures are divided into types:





Hand movements

Studying human gestures and their meanings, Special attention should be given to the hands. It is their movements that most communication. Many of them have become so familiar and mundane that they are no longer noticed. But even simple gestures, when examined in more detail, can be entertaining.


When one person greets another, manner can say a lot. Powerful people serve it palm down. When respect is present, the hand is brought edge down. If a person is compliant and knows how to find compromises, he holds it out with his palm up. Morally weak people insecure and very weak, and aggressive ones, on the contrary, very strongly, at this time their arm is fully extended and tense.

Open and closed gestures

Thinking about how to understand a person by gestures, you need to know that they are open and closed. The first is understood as those movements when a person spreads his arms to the side or shows his palms. They indicate that he is ready for contact and open to communication.

Closed gestures include those that help a person build a psychological barrier. The body can be closed not only by hands, but also by foreign objects. Such manipulations indicate that a person does not trust the interlocutor and is not ready to open up to him. It can be interlocked fingers or crossed arms.

Studying human gestures and their meanings, experts came to the conclusion that people who put their palms on their palms or clasp their hands behind their backs feel superior to others and have high conceit. Aggression can be indicated by hands in a pocket, when at the same time thumb stayed outside.

Touching the face

If during a conversation the interlocutor constantly touches his face, ears or neck, this should alert. Most likely he's lying. Hand movements near the mouth may indicate that a person lacks support and approval. But external factors should also be taken into account: perhaps the interlocutor scratches his eyes and touches his nose because of a cold or an allergy.

People who are passionate about something often prop their cheeks. If a person scratches his chin, then he is in the process of making some important decision.


To find mutual understanding, it is important to know what facial expressions and gestures of a person indicate. The psychology of non-verbal communication is the key to success. Many movements are carried out on a subconscious level, so it is almost impossible to control them.

When a person feels sympathy for the interlocutor and is ready to make contact with him, he usually leans towards him. If he is sitting, the body can move forward, but the legs remain in place. Leaning to one side, he demonstrates a friendly attitude. When the interlocutor leans back in his chair, he may have gotten bored with the conversation and lost interest in it.

personal boundaries

Why do you need to know how to read human gestures? People have certain rules concerning their personal territory and space. A person who loves to break them and invade other people's borders, loves to show strength and show off in public. Confident People often take up a little more space: they stretch their legs, comfortably position their hands. The shackled person tries to assume the fetal position.

Not everyone is ready to let the interlocutor into their personal space. If a person internally tenses, crosses his arms and moves back, then he is not ready for close contact.

If a person is far away...

A person who becomes far away from the interlocutor seems arrogant. But in fact, he is simply afraid to get close to others. It can annoy him appearance or a topic of conversation, and he wants to quickly end the conversation. Often people who are accustomed to distance themselves experience fear in their souls.

Copying movements

Wanting to figure out how to understand a person by gestures, you should pay attention to whether he copies other people's movements. When the interlocutor imitates, this indicates that he feels sympathy and is positive.


Such body movements, as well as the corresponding gestures and facial expressions of a person, speak of internal restlessness or impatience. In moments of excitement, adults can sway from heel to toe to calm down a little. But the interlocutor is unlikely to like this behavior: it distracts and confuses the speaker, preventing him from concentrating.


When people get nervous, their body can give out a lot of different information. Fidgeting speaks about no less than facial expressions and gestures. When a person feels insecure, he makes various movements, such as wringing his hands or fidgeting in a chair. This helps him take his mind off an unpleasant situation.

If the interlocutor is constantly fiddling with his tie, perhaps he lied or simply wants to leave the society in which he is.

head tilts

A tilted head is a sign that the interlocutor is interested in the conversation, he is ready to listen and is interested in continuing it. Such gestures of a person and their meanings are unambiguous and indicate that he is completely focused on the perception of information.

Head nodding and jerky movements

Psychologists have long noticed that if a person does not like what he hears, he unconsciously makes a sharp movement of his head in the opposite direction from the speaker. Thus, he creates a barrier between himself and the source of discomfort.

People who constantly nod in response to the speech of the interlocutor are accustomed to pleasing everyone. They really want to please everyone and get the approval of others. As a rule, these people lack self-confidence and are afraid of being rejected.

If a person shakes his head, then this is how he expresses internal disagreement with the interlocutor.

Downcast and upturned head

A person who talks with his head down is modest and insecure, he suffers from low self-esteem. Perhaps at the moment he is experiencing depression or deeply unhappy.

A raised head and a raised chin are a sign of aggressiveness and hostility. Perhaps a person feels an impending threat and is ready to go to any extremes in order to protect himself.

If the interlocutor constantly throws his head back, this may indicate contempt or arrogance.


This movement does not matter only when a person is ill with something. In other situations, it is an indicator that the interlocutor feels awkward or insecure. It is much easier to find contact with others if you know what facial expressions and gestures of a person mean. The psychology of non-verbal communication will help to resolve the situation without bringing it to a conflict. Sometimes people scratch their heads if they don't like something. By offering the interlocutor an alternative option in time, you can avoid disputes and criticism.

Often a person scratches himself if he does not understand the question. By changing the wording and explaining in more detail what is required of him, you can give him time to prepare a response.

Shoulder movements

Such gestures may indicate that a person is indifferent to what is happening, or he is lying. It can also be regarded as uncertainty in the words spoken. During a untruthful story, people shrug their shoulders very quickly. This twitching helps them pull themselves together and look collected and calm. Raised shoulders are a sign of insecurity.

flirting gestures

When a person wants to attract the attention of the opposite sex, he touches his hair or adjusts his clothes. Sometimes there is increased gesticulation and excitement. Women can twist a lock of hair around their finger or adjust their makeup. Men, when communicating with a lady who arouses their sympathy, want to appear strong and self-confident. They put their hands on their belts or put them in their pockets, play with the belt, attracting attention.

Disguised gestures

They help a person achieve right level tranquility and security. Instead of a direct crossing of the arms, various items: cufflinks, watch strap or bracelets. But the result of these manipulations is always the same: one arm is across the body, thus creating protection. This indicates nervousness.

Hand dangling

For full communication, it is very important to understand what human gestures mean. If during a conversation one of his hands dangles randomly, draws some lines or describes circles, this may indicate that the interlocutor is deceiving.

If a person wants to express criticism or is dissatisfied with what is happening, he often takes this position: one hand props up the chin, and forefinger straightened. The other hand can support the elbow. If, together with this, one or two eyebrows are lowered, then inside the person clearly does not approve of the interlocutor.

Neck rubbing

When a person rubs his ear or neck during communication, most likely he does not fully understand what is required of him. His assurances that everything is clear to him are a lie. Of course, if such actions are not caused by yesterday's draft and pain.

Mouth covered by hand

The friction of the century can also indicate that the interlocutor is telling a lie. If the deception is quite serious, a person can look away or lower his eyes, stroking his neck or ears. But all these signs should be considered in a complex.

  • People who want to emphasize their unshakable positions can make firm hand gestures to emphasize the transition from one topic to another. Photos clearly demonstrate such gestures of people.

  • If the situation is very tense, it is worth using hand movements to defuse it a little. Serious phrases can be illustrated with cheerful gestures. This will cheer up the audience a little and charge the atmosphere with positive.
  • Do not become a clown and make ridiculous movements. Human gestures and facial expressions should draw attention to the main conversation, and not distract from it. In addition, they must be understandable to all present.

Dear friends, I propose to continue the conversation about the night body language. In this article, we will look at the most common poses while sleeping together. Their timely analysis will help to understand emerging problems and anticipate undesirable consequences.

A person's behavior during sleep reflects his true attitude to the problem and to his partner long before it is realized in daytime life.

According to Samuel Dunkell, an outstanding scientist and psychoanalyst, he can tell us such secrets about ourselves that we may not even be aware of.

And the thing is that during sleep, our subconscious dominates the sleeping mind, which means that we are open to expressing our emotions, problems, internal conflicts. This self-expression occurs through the movements of the body, namely the postures that we, free from daytime self-control, take in a dream.

The movement of the body of one person in the night theater can be called a monologue, a conversation with oneself. But if we share the "territory" of sleep with a loved one, our postures change and clearly reflect daytime relationships in a couple: satisfactions and disappointments, joys and experiences, cooling in relationships.

In this case, factors affecting the nature of postures should be taken into account: the presence of animals or children in the sleeping room, physical fatigue, resentment, quarrels or long separation.

Basic sleep positions for lovers

Pose "Spoons"- the most popular and most common among newly formed couples. Partners lie in the same direction, sitting one after the other in a "half-embryo", on the same side, with legs slightly bent or extended, like spoons in a box.

The partner lying behind usually wraps his arms around the front partner, expressing his feelings of tenderness or possession. The intertwined legs speak of a desire to merge together, and laid on top - of the desire to possess and control.

The one at the back, covering the back of a partner (more often this is a man), takes the leading role of a leader in a pair, patronizing and caring for the “follower”. The closer the embrace of a man, the more pronounced his "fatherly", possessive, and sometimes jealous feelings.

Woman's back position indicates her protective or educational role in a couple, the desire to be closer to a man.

When the “spoons” (or one of them) get tired of lying in one position, they synchronously, without waking up, turn over to the other side, as if performing a graceful sleepy dance.

This position is most comfortable for emotional and physical intimacy in sleep and often has erotic features. The quality of sexual harmony and openness in a couple is expressed in the positions of the arms and legs:

  • if the partner lying behind puts his hand on the genitals of the front, this is a demonstration of intense sexual relations.
  • Touching the chest can express tenderness, touching the stomach - the need for physical intimacy without sexual overtones.

And although this position is more typical for newlyweds, it can also be found among spouses with experience. If you sleep in the "Spoon" position, having overcome the 5-year marital milestone, this indicates that you have maintained a tender and sensual relationship.

Pose "Hugs" quite common in couples with intensely developing relationships, which are overwhelmed by emotions. The lovers lie on their side, face to face, clasping their arms and clinging to their bodies. Intertwined legs speak of a desire to own and a willingness to give to each other. The bodies seem to be merged together, and express extreme intimate openness.

The “Hug” pose is extremely uncomfortable in physical plane, it is difficult to maintain during the night. Therefore, over time, "hugs" give way to other positions in a dream. However, there are very rare exceptions.

In Samuel Dunkell's many years of practice, there was only one case when the spouses, who had been married for 40 years, maintained a strong closeness and slept face to face and hugged every night.

Couples who have survived a long separation, as well as during, can return to this position.

Pose "Hug on the back" has several varieties. Usually a man is located on his back, and a woman - on her stomach, back or side. She can turn her face or back to the man, her head is located on the arm or shoulder of her partner. He wraps his arms around the woman, holding her close.

In this position, a man shows his patronage, the desire to possess his beloved and protect her.

The body of a woman speaks of complete trust in a partner, recognition of him as a leader in the family, emotional dependence, she needs his care. If the lady's arms are stretched up in an embrace, she expresses her desire to possess a partner alone.

How do we divide the territory of sleep

Usually, partners are well aware of each other's favorite positions and change theirs in such a way that both are comfortable.

If the basic poses are the same, then problems may arise on which side of the bed to sleep on, on which side, with an open view or a closed one. One of the two has to give in, sleep in the back, on the uncomfortable side and the "unloved" side of the bed.

Takes up too much space in bed man(on the stomach, back or side). Its dominance in the territory of sleep, as well as in the living space of the family, creates difficulties for that partner who is not ready to limit himself, showing feelings of subordination or nobility. Those who sleep in the "embryo", on the contrary, can feel quite happy when their partner controls their bed and life.

The "royal" pose causes the greatest rejection. Those who do not sleep in it often experience irritation when they see a partner sleeping in a stately position at night. His overconfidence can cause a negative reaction.

How partners drift over the years

It turns out that we, like continents, drift apart in bed during our life together. In a healthy marriage normal phenomenon. Each of us expresses our individuality by returning to our favorite position and moving away from our partner.. Such mutual removal is a slow process.

Noticed a pattern: The newlyweds' "Hug" pose is replaced after a couple of months or years by the "Spoon" pose, which gives a mutual sense of security and provides greater physical comfort. During the night, each of the partners will adopt their own individual sleeping position, but from time to time they will again approach each other.

In five years between the "spoons" the "gap" will begin to increase. In this case, bodily contact will be maintained by touching.

After 10 years, the bed space increases, it gets larger, and the partners sleep even further apart, often turning their backs or taking their preferred sleeping position, which was abandoned in the early years of marriage due to its lack of intimacy.

After 15 years together many couples come to the "Hollywood" bed: each has its own mattress, blanket and bedding set, and sometimes a separate bedroom, if the living space allows. Contact becomes very conditional.

Why does the distance during sleep continuously increase over the years? It is important to understand that a widening "gap" in bed does not necessarily reflect an emotional gap. A long coexistence taught partners to trust each other and not experience emotional discomfort during a physical “break” in a dream.

Emotional connection and physical connection are two different things. As an example, you can take a crowded elevator: between people there is a maximum of physical contact, and emotional interaction - at a minimum. In the case of long-term relationships in a couple, maximum emotional response and intimacy occur even if the partners spend nights in different rooms.

Particularly joyful moments for both can revive for a while the former passion and romantic feelings, forcing them into “hugs” or “spoon” poses.

Touch in a dream

Moving away from each other with our bodies, we maintain emotional and physical contact with the help of hands and feet. Even with the tip of your finger you can express your feelings.

clasping hand can express the desire to possess, exactingness or aggression - the partner is literally held in the hands.

The hand is between the thighs or under the partner's arm- the need to "hang", dependence, inability to exist independently.

Timid man may be afraid of seeming too assertive and will “unintentionally” touch not with their hands, but with other parts of the body: heels, knees, toes.

Touching the buttocks allow closer, but indirect and non-purposeful contact, which indicates mutual respect and independence in a couple.


Couple relationships are built on mutual love. When difficulties arise, frictions, feelings go to the bottom, the dream picture will reflect the alienation that has appeared before it manifests itself in daily relationships. The body in a dream can show all degrees of emotion - from mild irritation to open hatred if the conflict is running.

If your partner has a sudden change in behavior and sleeping position, take these changes seriously.

If in the first months or years after marriage, the partner moves to the far corner of the bed. Weakened intimacy in a dream can be a signal of an emotional split, a weakening of love and mutual care. Normally, in the first years of a relationship, young couples should experience the highest need for physical and emotional intimacy.

The partner retired to the edge of the bed and fenced off with a hostile hunched back- a demonstration of angry denial, the partner cannot even bear the sight of another.

One of the partners slides down from the bed, as if released from the marital bed like a crab.

In the practice of S. Dunkell, there was a case: a man who liked to sleep on his stomach turned to him for advice and noticed that every morning he wakes up at the foot of the bed, hanging from it, only top part body remained in bed. AT real life he had constant conflicts with his wife, negative feelings they accumulated to it and found a way out in such unusual behavior in a dream.

Insomnia can be the result of relationship tensions. Partners do not feel secure enough. One or both will lie awake for hours, haunted by thoughts of problems.

One of the partners, accustomed to sleeping together in the “spoon” position, suddenly began to refuse an intimate position and moved to the far corner of the bed, turned his back. Such behavior speaks of problems that have arisen, alienation in a relationship. Urgent action is needed to prevent the conflict from becoming destructive.

Analyzing sleeping postures and behaviors allows you to better understand each other's needs and emotional needs. S. Dunkell advises:

waking up in the morning, pay attention not only to dreams, but also to the sleeping positions of the two of you, yours and your loved one, to the emotional sensations with which you woke up. All this is the best clue to solve vital problems, as well as the surest path to self-knowledge.

Scientists identify 4 main and most common sleep positions. All the rest are derived from them and mean approximately the same feelings and positions.

Some people sleep in a fetal position with their knees bent almost to their chin. This position is very similar to the position in which the child is in, due to which it is called a pose or posture. The following can be said about people sleeping in this position: they are dependent, they are looking for support in someone else, they are not able to fully open up and surrender to new sensations and impressions. Subconsciously, such people strive to return to their origins - the womb, when they did not have to answer for anything and decide nothing.

Sleeping on the back of a person is usually called the royal position. This is how those people who are confident in themselves, their safety and tomorrow sleep. They are open to everything new, give themselves to the world and gladly accept what the world gives them. True, if a person assumes the position of a starfish, i.e. spreads his arms and legs wide, most likely, this already means self-aggrandizement and humiliation of others.

What are the individual parts of the body talking about?

It is also important to observe the position of individual parts of the body. So, the legs most often mean the movement of a person through life, and the hands are the means to achieve some goals.

Hands clenched into fists naturally express aggression. When hands hold onto a pillow, blanket or other object, this means a dependent person. If the hands are relaxed, most likely that the person is not disturbed by anything, that he is not tense. Tight hands have the opposite meaning. By the way, you also need to pay attention to a certain duality, which can be expressed in a different position of the two hands.

The legs are also quite useful in terms of interpretation. Thus, the “seizure” of the bed with the legs (when the leg, as it were, holds on to the edge of the bed or even climbs under the mattress) betrays a conservative, not prone to change personality. If the leg hangs out of bed, this means some kind of internal resistance, disobedience to generally accepted rules. Crossed at the ankles and tense legs give out a lack of initiative, fearful and weak-willed personality. And the legs, located clearly above each other (when sleeping on the side), mean a constant desire for comfort, avoidance of disputes and conflicts. If the legs are located differently in a dream, this indicates a certain duality of nature.

Sleep conditions

It is worth noting that it is possible to observe and analyze in what position a person sleeps only under ideal conditions. It should be comfortable sleeping place, comfortable conditions sleep in terms of temperature and comfort, normal healthy state organism. Otherwise, you can analyze not a typical and favorite sleep position, but a forced one. So, if a person has a stomach ache, he will probably sleep in the fetal position, in a hot room he will try to spread his arms and legs, and in a too cold room he will shrink into a ball. Falling asleep at a party, some cannot completely relax, and therefore they toss and turn for a long time and try to control their behavior even at night. That's why they usually don't get enough sleep.