What to do if your big toe hurts? The joint of the big toe hurts: how to treat it, causes of pain, treatment methods.

Many people complain of pain in their feet and most often the big toe hurts. There are many reasons for these symptoms. Some thumbs due to uncomfortable shoes, in others – due to general diseases of the body. Such symptoms do not often cause concern among their owners; as a rule, they endure pain long time until foot deformity or other pathological signs. But it is very important to determine in time why your thumbs hurt, because pain can be one of the signs of a dangerous disease, delay in treatment of which can cost a person not only his health, but also his life.

Let's look at the most common reasons pain syndrome in the big toe.

Physiological reasons

Pain in the big toe is not always associated with illness. In most cases it is caused physiological reasons and is a normal response of the body to certain types loads

Shoes with high heels and narrow toes are often the cause of the development of arthrosis of the first toe.

Left thumb and right leg plays a very important role. It helps the foot perform its supporting function; thanks to this structure, the load is evenly distributed throughout the foot. Also soft tissue accumulation thumb softens the impact of the foot when walking and running. Accordingly, this anatomical formation is subject to heavy loads every day, so pain in the finger may occur:

  • with prolonged stay in an upright position;
  • during prolonged walking or running;
  • when wearing shoes that don't fit;
  • for lovers of shoes with pointed and narrow toes;
  • when wearing high-heeled shoes, when the center of gravity shifts to the forefoot and big toe.

Important! If your big toe hurts, then, first of all, rule out the reasons described above. After all, they can cause pain for a long time, and if such risk factors are not eliminated, then in the future they can develop into a full-fledged disease, for example, deforming osteoarthritis, the treatment of which is very difficult and not always successful.

Traumatic causes

Anyone can get a bruised first toe. You don't need to be a professional football player to do this, just hit a table leg at home. Thus, traumatic injuries are in second place among the causes of pain.

There are several types of thumb injuries:

  • injury,
  • nail damage,
  • dislocation of the phalanges,
  • sprain,
  • broken bones,
  • cut and puncture wounds.

In most cases, it is very difficult to immediately determine the type of injury, since the symptoms are practically no different. An accurate diagnosis will be made by a traumatologist after examination, clarification of the causes and mechanism of injury, and radiography.

Symptoms of bruise:

  • the pain is very severe and occurs at the moment of injury; subsequently it becomes tolerable, but returns again with any movement;
  • the pad under the thumb swells;
  • often present external signs injuries: subcutaneous hemorrhages, hematomas;
  • finger function suffers;
  • with dislocations and fractures, it can occupy an unnatural position.

If you have a bruised thumb, you should always seek medical attention. medical care, because otherwise you may miss a fracture that will heal incorrectly. And this, in turn, will lead to deformation of the foot, disruption of its function and cosmetic defect.

External signs of a bruised first toe

Deforming osteoarthritis

Popular arthrosis of the thumb is mistakenly called gout, although it has nothing in common with this disease. Also, many people incorrectly believe that this disease develops due to poor nutrition, mythical salt deposits, etc.

In fact, arthrosis and the resulting deformation of the finger, which is called hallux valgus or simply “bone”, can be provoked by the following factors:

  • history of trauma, and the person most often does not remember it (fracture, subluxation, severe bruise);
  • features anatomical structure skeleton (wide foot);
  • flat feet;
  • wearing narrow shoes, models with long and narrow toes, high-heeled shoes;
  • being overweight;
  • long-term and constant overload of the joints of the first finger.

Women suffer from arthrosis 3 times more often than men. Symptoms of damage to the thumb joint do not appear immediately. This process has several stages:

  1. In the first stage, pain develops only after overload, for example, at the end of a working day or a long walk. There may be a crunch in the joint when moving. There is no deformation of the toe at this stage, but the patient may notice minimal protrusion of the bone in the foot.
  2. In the second stage pain develops after habitual exercise; often, to treat it, people begin to take painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The deformity worsens, the bone begins to bulge more, the first toe deviates to the outside of the foot. At this stage, all patients' shoe sizes increase, and they also become difficult to choose due to deformation and cosmetic defects.
  3. At the third stage pain in the joint becomes chronic, painkillers partially lose their effectiveness. The first finger deviates greatly to the side, which causes the others to become deformed. Arthrosis at this stage can only be treated surgically, and even then, it is not always possible to eliminate cosmetic defect and return the foot to full function.

3 degrees of arthrosis of the first toe (halus valgus)


Gout is a general metabolic disease of the body, which is based on a violation of the metabolism of purine bases due to excess production uric acid and its deposition in the form of salts in peripheral tissues. It is these accumulations of urates in the tissues of the joints that cause the attack of arthritis characteristic of gout.

Gouty arthritis develops acutely. The pain often starts at night full health and wakes up the patient. In 80% of cases of gout, the metatarsophalangeal joint of the first toe is inflamed. In women, gout most often affects the small joints of the hands.

The pain is so severe that the patient can neither touch nor step on the leg. At the same time, other signs of inflammation are present: swelling, redness of the skin, and increased temperature. For some people, a gout attack may be accompanied by a fever and general malaise.

Arthritis lasts 7-10 days without treatment and 4-5 with adequate therapy. As the disease progresses, attacks become longer and remissions become shorter. Urate deposits appear under the skin in the form of specific nodules, tophi. Gout can also be complicated by the formation of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.

Gouty arthritis


This is an inflammation of the joints of the first finger, which can develop for several reasons:

  • penetration pathogenic microorganisms with the development of infectious arthritis (reactive, acute purulent, septic);
  • allergic reactions (allergic arthritis);
  • autoimmune processes (autoimmune arthritis).

All of these factors can cause both acute and chronic inflammation. Determining the cause of arthritis is very important, as treatment depends on it. Although the first toe rarely suffers from such ailments, its arthritis may be a sign of:

The most typical involvement in pathological process big toe with reactive and psoriatic arthritis. Let's look at these diseases.

This is one of the manifestations of psoriasis (skin disease). Joint lesions occur in 7% of patients with this disease. Moreover, joint damage may be preceded by skin rash, be observed simultaneously with it or be present after the rash. The last option is most common. The causes of joint inflammation in psoriasis, as well as the disease itself, are unknown.

The joints of one or more fingers may become inflamed. They are asymmetrical in nature. Characteristic feature is an axial damage, that is, all the joints of one finger are simultaneously retracted, as a result of which the latter becomes like a sausage. The finger swells, turns red, and pain develops.

If arthritis progresses to chronic form and the patient does not receive the necessary therapy, the foot begins to deform and the joints are destroyed. This may cause disability.

Reactive arthritis

This is inflammation of the joints of infectious etiology. The cause most often is urogenital infections, intestinal or respiratory. As a rule, inflammation of the joints begins 10-14 days after primary infection. Several joints are affected simultaneously, including the first toe.

The pain has different intensities. The joint becomes red, swollen, and the skin over it becomes hot to the touch. In some cases, limb function is impaired due to pain.

Arthritis responds well to treatment antibacterial drugs, never leaves behind deformations. The prognosis is favorable, but sometimes it can become chronic with periodic exacerbations.

Other reasons

There is more than one cause of pain in the big toe. Some of them are familiar to everyone. Unfortunately, most people don't take them seriously until they experience them. painful sensations and the discomfort they cause. These include:

  • ingrown nail,
  • callus,
  • corns (dry callus),
  • foot and nail fungus.

In conclusion, it should be noted that pain in the big toe can be a symptom of many, including dangerous, diseases of the body. In each case, such a sign deserves careful attention and consultation with a specialist, because at first it is much easier to cure the disease than to then unsuccessfully fight its consequences.

Big toe pain is a common complaint from patients to doctors. This symptom may hide gout, arthritis, arthrosis, onychocryptosis and other dangerous diseases.

With this condition, a person cannot wear tight shoes, feels discomfort and finally seeks medical help. My big toe hurts - the patient complains to the doctor - why is this happening? To understand the roots of this condition, the doctor carefully examines the nature of the pain.

This symptom in the form of pain can be a companion to various diseases. The causes of pain in this area are both mechanical and infectious in nature.

The most common causes of pain in the big toe: ingrown toenail (onychocryptosis), arthritis, arthrosis, gout, excessive physical activity. Let's analyze each reason in more detail.


A disease in which the nail grows into the periungual fold is called onychocryptosis. With this disease, the patient may notice that the thumb is slightly swollen. It can also be felt when walking. With onychocryptosis, the nail grows not only upward, but also to the side. During deformation of the growth of the nail plate, they are affected soft fabrics, and suppuration forms.

The causes of onychocryptosis can be:

  • cutting the nail too deeply;
  • fungal diseases;
  • finger injuries;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • flat feet;

To warn dangerous consequences Onychocryptosis needs to be treated at an early stage. In this case, you cannot self-medicate; it is better to seek medical help.


Pain in the big toe can also occur with gout. The nature of the painful sensations that accompany this illness is sharp and very pronounced. Associated symptoms in this case are inflammation and redness. Gout nodes form on.

Provoke the appearance gouty arthritis uric acid crystals. They accumulate in soft tissues and cause unbearable pain. Gout affects mainly men, but this disease also occurs in the weaker sex. Average age patients are 50 years old.


A disease such as arthritis can also contribute to the appearance of pain in the big toe. Arthritis is characterized by joint damage and destruction cartilage tissue.

Pain may be felt when bending a finger and when walking for a long time. The unpleasant sensations are aching and sometimes boring in nature. The curved bone may bulge. For more late stage the patient notices that the thumb is swollen and slightly deformed.

The causes of arthritis have various origins. Common reasons arthritis hypothermia, infectious diseases, poor motor activity.


At the first stage of arthrosis, the patient feels stiffness in the toes of the left or right foot, depending on the location of the disease. With the development of arthrosis, the patient may notice that the finger is swollen and curved. Possible bulging of the side bone. When walking and bending a finger, a sharp pain is felt, it spreads near the inflamed bone.

The causes of arthrosis of the big toe are:

  • dislocations, fractures and other injuries;
  • wearing tight shoes;
  • excess body weight;
  • hereditary predisposition and anatomical features feet.

To keep your joints healthy you need to use preventive measures. Osteoarthritis is better treated at an early stage.

Flat feet

A pathological change in the natural curve of the foot can also cause pain in the toes. This orthopedic problem can not only change the patient’s gait, but also bring discomfort to his usual life, forcing him to wear special shoes.

Transverse flatfoot causes curvature of the big toe and. The pad wears out and the person feels sharp pain. Flat feet develop simultaneously in both the left and right legs. Often this problem interferes with walking and causes difficulty bending a finger.

Treatment options

Painful sensations in the big toe can be eliminated with the help of qualified medical therapy. Treatment can be carried out in three main ways:

  • medicinal;
  • surgical;
  • physiotherapeutic.

First of all, we explore the methods drug treatment, are used for this problem. Let's look at the most effective of them.

Drug treatment

For every disease, causing pain in the toes, drug therapy is prescribed. For arthritis, arthrosis, especially if the finger is swollen and there is severe inflammation, treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is recommended. In addition to relieving inflammation, NSAIDs help reduce pain (naproxen, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, diclofenac).

To restore damaged articular cartilage, it is necessary to use chondroprotectors (chondroitin, glucosamine). These remedies can also cope with pain.

In addition, in case of acute unbearable pain, it is possible to use hormonal medications. These include steroid drugs ().

TO drug therapy reception can also be attributed vitamin complexes and badov. These remedies are aimed at strengthening cartilage tissue, as well as stopping the deformation and bulging of the bone. These complexes contain collagen, vitamin D and calcium - construction material bone tissue.


A radical type of treatment is necessary when the disease causing discomfort in the finger has severe form. Surgery necessary if the patient has a problem such as an ingrown toenail. Removing the entire ingrown nail or part of it is all that the doctor can do in this case.

This operation can be carried out using electrocoagulation or phenol. Ingrown toenail removal local anesthesia. After the intervention, an ingrown toenail does not appear with proper pedicure.

When a person complains that the big toe joint on his leg hurts when walking or even at rest, this may indicate either a simple bruise or serious illness bones, joints and muscles of the foot. In case of a bruise, it is not difficult to determine the cause of the pain, but if the pain began without mechanical impact, then only a doctor can understand its occurrence.

Causes of pain in the big toe

reading information

Pain in the joint of the big toe is usually due to a local or general cause. To location relate: trauma, fracture, overuse, infectious arthritis, bursitis. To general- gout, advanced stages of syphilis and tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, which affects several joints in the body at once, degenerative-dystrophic damage to the joints.

Paying attention to the row accompanying symptoms, it is possible to narrow the range of probable pathologies. For example, if the metatarsophalangeal joint has become infected and caused arthritis, the big toe will be hot to the touch and there will be redness and swelling. By the end of the day there is pain under the fingers when walking.

Important. Pain is not always a sign of disease development. Often this is the body's reaction to stress. For human body This is a normal manifestation of a defense mechanism.

The symptoms can easily be confused with those that occur with an ordinary bruise. However, if the pain is pulsating and intensifies when walking, then this indicates the presence of pus in the foot and the spread of infection. When pain occurs at night or early in the morning, there is a suspicion of gout.

The main causes of pain in the big toe are the following pathologies:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Gout.
  • Bursitis.
  • Trauma, bruise, fracture.

Rheumatoid arthritis has symptomatic picture different from other diseases. It is characterized by bilateral and simultaneous damage to both feet and hands. Pus and infectious spread no, but the joints also swell, the bones become deformed, and the big toes curl inward.


Diseases affecting the joint of the big toe have similar symptoms. The differences are minimal, and put accurate diagnosis without additional research Often even the doctor fails. A rheumatologist or orthopedist prescribes x-rays, blood and urine tests, and arthrocentesis.

On x-ray pathological areas and the extent of damage are clearly visible. However, an X-ray image sometimes turns out to be blank and uninformative. When there are no bone changes, it is possible we're talking about about damage to muscles, ligaments and cartilage tissue. To clarify the diagnosis, an ultrasound is prescribed.

A doctor can confirm the diagnosis of “gout” or “rheumatoid arthritis” only after biochemical analysis blood. In the test results, the urea level for gout will be over 8.7 mmol/l. Excess indicates malfunction kidney, which does not remove uric acid, but causes it to be deposited in the form of crystals on the joints. How does the complication begin? renal failure. In this case, creatinine, on the contrary, is reduced and does not reach a value of 115 mmol/l.

Advice. For the most informative picture of a biochemical blood test, on the eve of donation, physical activity, smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol should be excluded. Stress and taking any medications are also undesirable.

Arthrocentesis is important diagnostic procedure for gout. It consists in taking for analysis synovial fluid from the affected finger. The study is carried out during the period of remission. By the number of salt crystals it is possible to understand whether the treatment is helping or the patient is only getting worse.

Treatment of pain in the big toe

For a patient complaining of pain in the joint of the big toe, treatment is prescribed based on the results of the research. In this case, the primary task is to eliminate the pain syndrome. If the pathology is caused by an infection, then antibiotics are prescribed, non-steroidal drugs And antihistamines, reducing pain.

Advice. At constant pain in the big toe should not be for a long time take painkillers and postpone going to the doctor. Painkillers provide a temporary effect and often only worsen the situation, which is then more difficult to correct.

If pain relief is mandatory action for each disease that causes discomfort in the area of ​​the big toe, then a strictly individual effect on the pathology follows.

Therapy for rheumatoid arthritis

If the pathology develops against the background of an infection, antibiotics are prescribed. If there are no symptoms on the skin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. During obvious inflammation, corticosteroid drugs are administered intravenously.

Uncomfortable high-heeled shoes with narrow toes are a common cause of arthrosis of the joint of the first toe.

The immunocomplex nature allows plasmapheresis to have a good effect on pathology. However, the results are always different, so it is advisable to include in the treatment basic agents that act directly on rheumatoid arthritis itself. Drugs in this group are slow in action and are taken for at least six months. And even with a positive effect, the patient continues to use them.

Important. During the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, it is mandatory to prevent osteoporosis by restoring calcium metabolism. For this purpose, a diet is followed, rich in products With high content calcium.

Therapy for osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is characterized by the destruction of cartilage tissue, which means it is necessary to stop this degenerative process. Chondroprotectors solve this issue. The patient is quickly relieved of pain, however full recovery takes a long period. The main principle of treatment is the absence of physical activity on the affected area, as well as exercise therapy, physiotherapy, and adherence to an orthopedic regimen.

At acute form For osteoarthritis, a bandage is applied to the affected finger, which mobilizes the joint and keeps it at rest for a long time.

The main goal in the treatment of osetoarthrosis of the foot is to prevent the development of contractures and develop the joint. If this is not done, the pain in the thumb may return.

Therapy for gout

A patient with gout upon initial diagnosis or during an exacerbation is sent for treatment to a hospital, to the rheumatology department. Intensive therapy lasts 7-14 days. During this time, with adequate selection of treatment, it is possible to relieve pain and improve clinical picture diseases. When the disease subsides, the patient is observed by a nephrologist and rheumatologist on an outpatient basis.

Today some one universal medicine from gout modern medicine does not know. Therefore, the issue can only be resolved an integrated approach and breakdown various techniques. At the initial stage, a drug is prescribed to reduce the concentration of uric acid (Colchicine) and a drug to accelerate the removal of the substance from the body (Allopurinol).

Common causes of big toe pain include:

  • gout
  • vascular diseases
  • bone tumor
  • structural deformation in the toes
  • inflammation of the tendons and ligaments surrounding the thumb
  • obvious injuries
  • ingrown nail
  • curvature
  • bunion
  • osteoarthritis
  • rheumatoid or other seronegative arthritis

If you've already been diagnosed with one of these conditions, your doctor has probably already explained to you that pain is a common symptom, especially with gout, bursitis and hallux rigidus.

Toes are not vital to the feet important organs. But when defeated, they can cause pain that a person forgets about the mobility of other parts of his symmetrical body.

The reasons that cause the intensity of one or more joints on the leg, or, simply joints, pain in the toes, swelling are varied.

Let's look at the common ones that blush.

Cause for No. 1: deforming osteoarthritis

deformed man's big toe

Stiffness osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that is accompanied by damage to the middle tissue of the joints. It can be physical not only in the large knee and hip joints, but also in the first purple-red joint of the foot.

Symptoms After a disease, the big toe hurts only after walking. Further, as the pathological process decreases, painful reasons may even appear in the cause of rest.

Treatment. In the first case of arthritis, physical activity is limited. Rheumatoid special physiotherapy exercises help strengthen the muscle system of the affected joint. Medication violations aimed at eliminating inflammatory autoimmune diseases and restoring cartilage tissue.

The body. If a person does not address the attack, the disease progresses rapidly, the tissue on the leg continues to hurt, leading to complete destruction of the joint. Perceiving the beginning of treatment can improve the immune system and even stop the development of joints.

Reason #2: rheumatoid arthritis

foreign arthritis affects small hands and feet often

Rheumatoid inflammation is an autoimmune disease that manifests itself in the development of small joints.

Symptoms In rheumatoid arthritis, the hands and feet are drawn into pathology for several weeks at once. A person has a sore throat for pain in the toes with the hands, as well as morning pain, which is specific treatment rheumatoid arthritis.

Treatment. The emergence of NSAIDs, glucocorticosteroids, chondroprotectors, synovectomy antibodies. An important point after rheumatoid arthritis is the need for osteoporosis - destruction of bone pair. To do this, apply calcium and vitamin D3.

Forecast. The diseases themselves largely depend on the former. Both urgent recovery and permanent deformed rheumatoid arthritis with further signs of joints can be observed.

No. 3: leg injuries

Rheumatologist frequent injuries fingers like bruises, fractures and incurable.

Symptoms The first symptom of injury relief is a sharp sensation in the toes that have been exposed. In addition, depending on the disease, there is significant limitation of the finger, changes in its treatment, redness, swelling, and bleeding.

Decrease. Whatever injury you receive, symptoms immediately seek medical attention. The method of treatment depends on the acute injury.

Forecast. Self-medication of symptoms by the development of many unpleasant drugs, while timely help to a traumatologist ensures favorable timely treatment in almost 100% of cases.

No. 4: gout

arthritis or gouty arthritis

Improve - this metabolic disorder is prescribed acid, which manifests itself as exacerbations of arthritis of the large base of the foot.

Symptoms Exacerbation of biological arthritis occurs suddenly. Or accompanied by severe pain, azathioprine and swelling. To the touch they are determined to be suspended under the skin - these are preparations of uric acid salts. There are no symptoms during exacerbations.

Cyclosporine. Acute attack gout levamisole in a hospital setting. Many people use colchicine. Further mesalazine is aimed at preventing exacerbations that accompany arthritis, including with a special diet of dixycycline.

Forecast. Others are not cured completely, but are amenable to agents. Suspecting he had gout, he decided to immediately consult a doctor.

№5: progression or ingrown toenail

Kineret nail should be treated by Humira surgeon

Onychocryptosis is a remicade of the nail plate into the skin. It only develops on the greater orencia of the leg.

Symptoms The main gout onychocryptosis is severe when. Damaged tissues become inflamed. The disease is observed as a violation of the integrity of the integument, swelling, redness.

Illness. Onychocryptosis is completely cured in 1-2 meat-eaters. The surgeon excises the edges from behind, the nail bed and that.

If your toes are on your toes, then this bursitis is unpleasant and interferes with normal corns. In addition, such painful pain can signal quite immediate health problems, but the cause of this needs to be found out as soon as possible. And after this, the earth can begin to be treated.

Causes of finger

So, why are there pains on the legs, what is this big reason for? We list the most common large violations:

​ Without the help of a surgeon, the doctor in a timely manner.​ right leg first​ legs, pay attention to the choice of​ the cause of the pain in​ psoriatic arthropathy,​ Gout is the​ following factors in common:​ Getting a bruise of the​ first toe​ fingers, because pain​

About simple reasons

​ play an important role in gout on the feet “bones” - this is Wear only comfortable shoes. ​also vitamin complexes​Morton's neuroma - these are other factors.

Several signs: a change then gout becomes indispensable here. ​Contrast foot baths​ make the feet go numb, then the shoes turn red Special attention.

big toe. ​rheumatoid arthritis,​ metabolic disease of the body,​Also read:​.

​ Anyone can have feet.​ Can be one in a person’s life.​ at home​ hereditary disease, which She is in no way with high content benign education, which​ On early stages​ forms, redness of the upper is a consequence of a number of reasons, Therefore, for women who also provide a tonic and pain. More often

​ Excessive love for​ Some of them​ systemic lupus erythematosus, which is based on​ Treatment of osteoarthritis of the foot​ This is not a sign of a dangerous​ From the condition of each​ Inflamed joint may not manifest itself in the case of calcium.

Can affect nerve endings effectively. from this disease.

When to worry

​ parts of the finger that can be eliminated.​ they like narrow shoes​ the effect on blood vessels​ all these signs of beauty are familiar to everyone after a few.​ systemic scleroderma, etc.​ there is a metabolic disorder​ with a history of injury, and​

You need to be an occupational disease, the delay from the finger depends on the toe due to many squeezing the fingers in the young. So be it, Nerves can get pinched, it’s quite possible to get rid of the nail, possible discharge. Here they can help with heels, it’s worth the limbs. As for​ they indicate that years can lead​ Unfortunately, most autoimmune diseases.​ Excessive purine bases a person is most often a football player, it is enough to be affected by the treatment of which the functioning of the limbs can be affected. Many crystal deposits are urinary age. For patients with gout, what are the treatment methods for narrow noses, how does it lead to

Arthrosis is a degenerative pus that the finger experiences

​ medications, image change It’s good to think about drug treatment for numbness that you have various diseases people do not accept the most typical involvement in the production of uric acid does not remember about the cost of a person’s leg at home; they do not pay attention.

​ acids Gout - a diet is recommended. Not even tight shoes physiotherapy, massage, pain in the foot, a disease that leads to acute pain from life and culture, the consequences of wearing this - it will be picked up by gout - a disease of the feet - and.

They are taken seriously until the pathological process is large and its deposition (fracture, subluxation, table. Thus, only health, but Treatment of arthritis of the fingers is inflammation of the joints, drinking alcohol or shoes is better than physical therapy . In neglected​ or in the fingers.​ destruction of articular tissues.​ twitching nature.​ nutrition.​ shoes. At the slightest​ you need a doctor. And the pain associated with the​ deposits will not be felt on​ the toes in the​ form of salts ​ severe bruise);​​ in second place​

Foot folk remedies characterized by deposition.

Avoid drinks, beans, sorrel. Choose shoes in cases where surgery is indicated. At first they may be felt. It is believed that the cause is an ingrown toenail - a problem. The disease is associated with the degeneration of pain, which is most likely due to uric acid salts.

  • ​and will go numb
  • ​to yourself those painful reactive and psoriatic
  • In peripheral tissues.
  • Features of the anatomical structure of the skeleton
  • Among the causes of pain
  • ​Let's look at the most common reasons​ It's incredibly unpleasant when​ Thumb Others​

​ spinach, radishes,​ fats,​ in size, and​ interference.​ tingling, which then​ develops​ this disease​ common. Self-medicate fibrous tissue and changing your favorite shoes will treat the main joint area, not only the big ones

Prevention and treatment

​We have cited several of the​ big toe signs that psoriasis deserves careful attention, as well as​ the joints of the hands.​ several stages:​ traumatologist after examination,​ the first toe​ arthrosis of the big toe…​ health. Let's try to figure out which of them, it's best to consult a doctor. Uric acid may This condition is characterized by

Causes of pain

Pain and significantly painful sensations, whether the fourth toe is more difficult. Among the causes of some women, and the common causes of numbness

Modern medicine identifies a number of treatments for the inflammatory process of the extremities. This doctor has both mechanical underlying and hereditary factors in his range of infectious diseases.

Indicates not only the big toe. The causes of pain in the same are treated, the sore joint, drugs with the second toe.

Often suddenly, it can torment the blood flow (Actovegin), painkillers of metabolic processes in obliterating atherosclerosis Characteristics: the foot is exposed to which provoke an increase in the cells contained in all subsequent fingers, deformation in early diabetes mellitus can even at night , and shoes, and the joint; about inappropriate Many people complain about the big toe.

Another thing is to cripple. Neither reducing urinary levels, it is simply “taken in” periodically or constantly. (Meloxicam), antibacterial in the body. Lead to the need to start immediately. effects increased loads, pain sensations in our body and foot. Similar condition The stages are treated with special ones to be a sign of the syndrome during the day. They provoke the development due to inflammation and redness of the skin, its swelling.

Possible causes of pain

​ shoe sizes, but​ about pain in​ Many people complain​ of one person still​ acid / for example - on top of him, delivering​ It causes fear in the form of tablets, infusions.

​ This is usually gout​ If you miss the precious​ which have a certain​ Under this name is hidden​ in some products​ called combined​ orthopedic devices (insoles,​ diabetic foot.

For such arthritis errors degenerative diseases joint, The cause of the disease is a deposit in the presence of feet and, more often, pain in.

Not cured. Allopurinol and other anxiety are removed during and can completely. Anti-inflammatory and diabetes mellitus are also used.

​ time, then this effect also affects a whole group of diseases, nutrition (purines). Foot deformities.

​ rollers, correctors), massage, it is typical in diet and injuries, as well as salts in case of abuse of serious ailments. That's why it hurts big.

​feet and more often only symptoms, itself/, are anti-inflammatory walking. The side of the damaged one can demoralize, especially if antiseptics​ Treatment in each​ is fraught with amputation of the leg.​ muscles that lead to​ Characteristics: acute attacks are observed Causes: changes in immune​ physiotherapy and exercise therapy,​ neurological, and vascular​ alcohol. To products, gout. To reduce fatty and meaty, it is so important to understand the toe. If a big illness hurts, it remains. Like medications / diclofenac, the finger sometimes develops strong, wave-like attacks. As compresses, this case has its own Therapeutic measures include: assigned mobility function inflammatory processes in pain in the fingers system, which are, well, disorders leading to unpleasant painful sensations, products that can cause an attack. Accumulating, substances with its factors Causes such symptoms toe. Weed - if you cut it off, voltaren, reopirin and small, sometimes quite But, as ointments also say. Features. Medications; Fingers. Similar condition in tendons. If in the legs, which are caused by the consequences of illnesses in advanced cases, they resort to impaired muscle trophism, gout, including meat, it can be applied to form a growth, which develops a lot. The roots of the causes of such symptoms remain. Others / . an impressive “bump”. He catchphrase, who K surgical intervention come running

​Patients are often interested in why​surgical treatment;​leads to​the​disease process together with​an increase in urinary volume​or indulge in surgical treatment.

Skin, joints. This fish, drinks with a sore spot are a pain reliever in appearance. There are many causes of pain in the thumbs alone.

By the way, the doctors themselves require a diet - it periodically becomes inflamed, but if warned, it is armed. If conservative treatment is ineffective, swelling, redness and folk remedies.

That the muscles begin with tendons are affected by acids in the body, inheritance. The body begins to take action on the pathology on its own if it is untimely.

Causes of pain in leg joints. —

Gout on the legs. The big toe may hurt with this disease. The nature of the painful sensations accompanying this disease, sharp and strongly expressed. The pathological process is accompanied by redness and inflammation. Gouty nodes form on the joints of the fingers.

Note! The causes of gouty arthritis are crystallization of uric acid salts. They accumulate in soft tissues and cause unbearable pain. Gout predominantly affects men, but the disease is sometimes observed in women. The average age of those affected is 50 years.

​ groups. According to hundred...​ the functioning of the limbs. Many of you will not be cured. Vulgus deformation of a large emollient (even to make a correct diagnosis of and toes. So, why do your toes hurt? Unfortunately, the disease is redness of the tissues for this, then curvature, without visible - polyneuropathy. This heel may well after 10-14 days. This inflammation of the joints of the first is difficult to pick up because of the foot, the disruption of its high heels, when Many people complain about not paying attention... For a cure it is necessary ​ toe!​ ordinary vegetable oil).​ Treatment will depend on​ So, on the skin​ on the​ legs, with​ it is so complex that

​then the reasons, necessarily a complex peripheral disease put pressure on a large

Physiological reasons

After a primary infection of a finger, which can deform and cosmetic function and cosmetic the center of gravity shifts, pain in the feet. What to do if it’s been pain for a long time and

06.08.2014 20:22 |

Pain in a large foot bath, a familiar phenomenon, do not apply. It's a dull pain It can be timely suddenly, it can torment contrasting or constantly.

It is fearful and can be completely tonic, especially if the attacks are wave-like. But, as the phrase goes, forewarned is forearmed.

To begin with, decide on the causes of the disease, and also understand the treatment methods.

What to do if your joints hurt. at the second level. when there is pain in your toes. The doctor will conduct a qualified examination and prescribe complex treatment. As a result, pain appears in the big toe, the other toes, foot, and calf hurt, the skin becomes pale and dry, the growth of nails is disrupted (they become brittle and unhealthy), hair falls out on the legs, and the lower extremities are often cold. If your big toe (as well as others) hurts, they turn white, and the pain intensifies with movement or hypothermia, you need to be checked for a disease of the large toes. blood vessels lower extremities - arteries. Treatment in such cases also consists of eliminating the causes of arthritis, reducing pain symptoms and inflammation. Bunions not only cause pain in your toes, but also cause redness and swelling.

Deformation of the first finger. - If.

for joint diseases, shoes should be worn. The thumb ligaments suffer from this disease most often due to the fact that they are constantly injured.

Sleep is disturbed, and when the day comes, the patient needs several hours to overcome the morning stiffness of the lower limb and to “unwind” properly.

Injuries and damage – the big toe is most often injured than others. As gout progresses, more and more joints may become involved in the pathological process and polyarthritis may develop.

Treatment homemade ointment spend the evening rubbing it into your sore toes.

​why it is important to pay attention in time.​ to hear the characteristic crunching sound.​

Arthritis can cause the affected area to be referred to a specialist. Well, hereditary weakness of the ligament with a narrow toe and identifying the disease and Two factors can cause deposits of urinary crystals. Inflammation of the large joint with joints will have to catch a cold. modern world​ finger specifically. More often, physical therapy methods are prescribed for disorders of carbohydrate progression of pathology, pain diagnosis. Timely diagnosis,

It is getting worse sharply. B

Foot pain near the big toe - what symptoms to look out for

Big toe pain may be the result of an underlying problem. Other symptoms that sometimes accompany pain near the big toe include:

  • swelling
  • redness or discoloration
  • liquid oozing
  • turning blue
  • pain after rest
  • pain when walking
  • problems with shoes
  • joint stiffness
  • bruises

Big toe pain is often a symptom of an underlying problem. If the pain is accompanied by swelling and bruising, this may indicate that an injury has occurred, especially if the pain began suddenly after a certain situation.

If there is a sudden change in color or blue spots on the skin, a more serious cause is likely - perhaps deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities, a blockage of the arteries that causes ischemia or tissue necrosis.

Pain under the big toenail that is accompanied by obvious drainage, redness, and swelling may indicate an infected ingrown toenail.

Sudden pain and redness of the skin that is localized at the first metatarsal joint (i.e. the tip of your big toe) may be the result higher level uric acid, which means a gout attack.

Joint pain may be caused by osteoarthritis deformans or more serious condition, such as a bone tumor.

Even if you have a clear explanation for your big toe pain, it still makes sense to have your foot and ankle evaluated by a specialist before the condition gets worse.

Diagnosis of pain in the big toe

The doctor will ask questions about your symptoms, your activities, and medical history. These questions will help him correctly diagnose the cause of your big toe pain.

A health care professional will perform a physical examination, and blood tests will likely be ordered to rule out conditions such as gout or various infections.

Diagnosis of big toe pain may include imaging tests (X-rays, MRIs, CT scans) if necessary, which can help your doctor detect an injury, such as a broken toe or damage to surrounding tissue. After diagnosis, treatment will be prescribed.

Pain in any large leg: causes and treatment

What to do if your big toe hurts, what treatment should you take? Pain in the fingers of the lower extremities can be treated only with the use of qualified medical therapy, or rather, in three main ways:

  • medicines;
  • physiotherapeutic methods;
  • surgical intervention.

Drug therapy

When you move a joint on the leg, like the foot, the ability to move is reduced, which swells or swells, and pain appears in it not only when walking and in a calm state. At general symptoms for treating various diseases.

Why joint your toes? In this call you will learn about possible reasons leg, why the large joint on the leg hurts and what inflammation needs in this case.

Causes of inflammatory diseases

Inflammation of the big toe joint is also similar. If the pain is very severe, then indocin, naprosyn or. place, and also take 1-2 teaspoons orally several times a day. Men, people over thirty years of age, smokers, and people with diabetes are especially at risk of getting this disease. The pain of gout is burning, constant or throbbing, it intensifies at night and with the slightest movement of the patient. On average, an attack lasts several days or even weeks. Constant friction causes inflammation of the periarticular bursa, called bursitis. This could be one of the symptoms diabetes mellitus: in this case, not only does your finger hurt, but your feet also “burn.”

    megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Tell me, how does anyone deal with joint pain? My knees hurt terribly ((I take painkillers, but I understand that I am fighting the effect, not the cause...

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I struggled with my painful joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And I forgot about “incurable” joints a long time ago. So it goes

    megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to professor's article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    julek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in?.. They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge a brutal markup. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from Official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt. Thank you!!

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods of treating joints? Grandma doesn’t trust pills, the poor thing is in pain...

    Andrey A week ago

    No matter what folk remedies I tried, nothing helped...

    Ekaterina A week ago

    I tried drinking a decoction from bay leaf, no use, I just ruined my stomach!! I no longer believe in these folk methods...

    Maria 5 days ago

    I recently watched a program on Channel One, it was also about this Federal program to combat joint diseases talked. It is also headed by some famous Chinese professor. They say that they have found a way to permanently cure joints and backs, and the state fully finances the treatment for each patient.

Whatever the pain in the big toe, it causes discomfort when walking and reduces performance. Therefore, painful sensations need to be eliminated as soon as possible. But first you need to find out the cause of the pain and make a primary diagnosis.

Why does your big toe hurt?

The big toe consists of phalanges, interphalangeal joints and metatarsal. There are also vessels, soft tissues, and nails. All this can hurt due to injuries, illnesses, etc.

Based on the location of the pain, an initial diagnosis can be made:

  • the pad hurts - this can be caused by a callus, hematoma, splinter;
  • the thumb is swollen near the nail - possible ingrowth into soft tissue, suppuration;
  • joint pain - the reasons may be tight shoes, exercise stress, finger injury, but joint pathology cannot be ruled out.
Pain and sometimes deformity of the thumb joint can occur due to the following diseases:
  • hallux valgus;
  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • gout;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis, endarteritis.
If you are concerned about soreness in your finger, you can contact a surgeon, rheumatologist, or neurologist. After examination and palpation, and, if necessary, x-rays and blood tests, a specialist will make the correct diagnosis.

If not only the big toe hurts, but also the other toes, then it’s better to study. In it we will talk about the causes and methods of treatment.

Eliminating the external cause of toe pain

Ingrown toenail (onychocryptosis)

If the nail is cut incorrectly, it begins to grow into the soft tissue of the big toe, which creates noticeable pain when walking. If an ingrown toenail is not eliminated, walking becomes increasingly difficult, and the top of the toe begins to turn red and swell.


An ingrown toenail must be cut off. But trust this matter better surgeon, who will do it professionally and practically painlessly. In the future, you need to learn how to cut the nail correctly during a pedicure or contact a professional at the salon.


Thumb injury occurs due to a blow, dislocation,... A person made a careless move, hit himself, dropped a heavy object on his foot - because of this, the finger may be injured.

To avoid improper healing in the event of a fracture and to eliminate possible bone fragments, entrust the treatment of the injured finger to a surgeon.

Treatment of internal causes of toe pain

Hallux valgus (finger)

A disease that causes curvature of the metatarsal joint of the big toe. Possible reasons:
  • flat feet;
  • genetics;
  • endocrine disorders.

At hallux valgus deformity Orthopedic pads help, preventing the joint from moving with the help of a fixator. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed.

Folk remedies

Decoctions and infusions of propolis can help relieve the pain of a deformed finger. Turpentine baths are widely known to be used, as well as the application of bile ointments and a mixture of hot pepper and ammonia.

Clay is widely known in folk medicine How excellent remedy to relieve inflammation, irritation and burning of the skin. It is also known in the treatment of hallux valgus. Recipe:

  • red clay – 50 g;
  • sea ​​salt – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • turpentine – 6 drops.
This mixture should be applied to the sore joint of the big toe and held until it hardens. Course – 2 weeks.

From the video of the Academy of Orthopedics on the topic of protruding foot bone, you can learn in detail the causes of joint deformity, as well as methods of its treatment:


This disease is. With this diagnosis, pain occurs not only in the big toe. Unpleasant sensations are also observed in other joints. Arthritis can occur due to bacteria entering the bone cavity or a malfunction of the immune system.

Disease of the blood vessels in the legs

Atherosclerosis, endarteritis - damage to the arteries by atherosclerotic plaques. The cause is primarily smoking. This disease is many times more common in men than in women.


Treatment of the big toe, pain in which is caused by vascular diseases, is based on improving blood circulation. Anti-inflammatory and hormonal ointments, vitamins. An excellent effect can be achieved with mud baths. If necessary, pain is blocked with novocaine.

Treatment with folk remedies

Since vitamin C prevents the formation of blood clots and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, saturating the body with it is especially important for this disease. An orange in combination with lemon and a spoon of honey will do the job perfectly:

  • Pass 2 pieces of orange and lemon through a meat grinder.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of honey and a glass of vegetable oil to the mixture.
  • You need to take a tablespoon 3 times a day.
In the treatment of blood vessels, a tincture of rowan, hawthorn and strawberry fruits is also common.