What is the best remedy for dermatitis? Hormonal ointments and creams

Non-hormonal creams and non-hormonal ointments from dermatitis are more "sparing" therapy, in contrast to hormonal drugs.

You can use them for a longer time without harming your health. Let's consider them in more detail.

Non-hormonal drug containing only natural ingredients without dyes and fragrances. Helps relieve redness and itching quick recovery epidermis, nourishing and softening flaky and dry skin.

The tool is suitable for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, as well as children from birth.

Apply to clean and dry skin, to the affected area, no more than twice a day.

The tool is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components.

Price in Moscow from 224 rubles. (30g). Price in St. Petersburg from 174 rubles. (30g).

Possesses antiseptic action, helps to increase the resistance of the skin to irritating substances and factors. Recommended for atopic and seborrheic dermatitis.

Apply a small amount to cleansed damaged skin according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor.

Contraindicated in

Cost in MO from 276 rubles. (30g).

Cost in St. Petersburg from 218 rubles. (30g).


Promotes quick withdrawal itching and redness in atopic dermatitis.

Improves the supply of oxygen to the skin, improves microcirculation and regeneration.

It is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the dermis and gently rubbed. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components.

Price in Moscow from 700 rubles. (50g). Price in St. Petersburg from 700 rubles. (50g).

Helps soothe the skin in case of inflammation various etiologies, has protective properties against external irritating influences.

Suitable for use in newborns as a therapy.

It is used no more than twice a day, applied in a thin layer on damaged areas of the skin and gently rubbed.

In the treatment of diaper irritation in infants, it is possible to apply the cream after each change of the diaper (diaper).

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to components.

Cost in MO from 418 rubles. (30g). Cost in St. Petersburg from 401 rubles. (30g).

The drug contributes to the rapid removal of symptoms such as itching and inflammation. It is possible to use the cream for preventive purposes.

It is applied abundantly, on the cleansed, dried dermis in the affected areas. The scheme of application is prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindicated for use in case of individual intolerance to the components.

Price in Moscow from 167 rubles. (30g). Price in St. Petersburg from 146 rubles. (30g).

Cream / ointment / aerosol / shampoo "Skin-Cap"

Antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial properties of the drug allow it to be used for atopic, diaper and seborrheic dermatitis.

It is considered one of the best, safe and effective drugs.

The cream / ointment / aerosol is applied to dry and clean areas of the damaged dermis with a thin layer no more than twice a day. The duration of the course of therapy is determined by the doctor.

The drug is contraindicated for use in case of individual intolerance to the components.

Cost in MO from 853 rubles. (50g). Cost in St. Petersburg from 935 rubles. (50g).

The cream is non-hormonal, in contrast to the drug with the consonant name "Gistan N", which contains hormones.

The composition of the non-hormonal remedy contains only medicinal herbs, thanks to which the cream gently affects the skin during treatment.

Due to anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory action, the cream is effective in atopic dermatitis.

It is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the dermis once a day. The duration of the course is up to four weeks.

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity to components.

Price in Moscow from 187 rubles. (30g). Price in St. Petersburg from 170 rubles. (30g).

Great for relieving itching and flaking.

Due to the powerful resolving effect, it quickly eliminates the disease.

It is used strictly in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Contraindicated for use in case of individual intolerance.

Cost in MO from 142 rubles. (25g).

Cost in St. Petersburg from 127 rubles. (25g).

The cream has an immunomodulatory effect, helps to quickly relieve itching and redness. Gives excellent results in local therapy atopic dermatitis.

Caution should be exercised in the treatment of children, only after consultation with a specialist.

It is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the dermis once in the morning and in the evening. The duration of the course is up to 20 days.

Contraindicated for use in:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity to components.

Price in Moscow from 293 rubles. (30g). Price in St. Petersburg from 280 rubles. (30g).

The ointment is popular in the treatment of dermatitis due to its good healing properties combined with an affordable price.

The antiseptic, antimicrobial and astringent properties of the ointment give positive results after a week of use: redness disappears, weeping areas of the damaged dermis dry out.

Apply ointment to early stages inflammatory process. Applied thin layer up to three times a day on damaged areas of the dermis.

Contraindicated for use in case of hypersensitivity to the components.

Cost in MO from 49 rubles. (30g); cost in St. Petersburg from 33 rubles. (30g).

The drug is effective in the initial stages of the manifestation of eczema, or with its mild severity.

It is applied to clean, dry skin 2-3 times a day, rubbed in. The duration of treatment is determined by a dermatologist, depending on the severity of the disease.

Contraindicated for use in:

The average cost in Moscow Region and St. Petersburg is from 30 rubles (50 ml.).


Unparalleled ointment containing a complex of vitamins, for short term softens, eliminates itching in atopic, allergic, contact types of the disease. Promotes improvement protective functions skin, accelerates the process of keratinization. It is used outside the stage of exacerbation.

It is necessary to smear the drug with a thin layer in the morning and evening. In case of severe peeling of the dermis, the agent is used under a bandage.

Contraindicated for use in:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • hypervitaminosis A, E, D;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking retinoids.

Price in Moscow from 371 rubles. (35 g). Price in St. Petersburg from 324 rubles. (35 g).

The main active ingredient of the product is zinc pyrithione, due to which it turns out to be a fast anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal effect in the treatment of seborrheic and atopic dermatitis.

It is necessary to apply the cream in a thin layer up to three times a day, the course of therapy can be up to 1.5 months.

Contraindicated for use in:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • children up to one year of age.

Cost in MO from 360 rubles. (25g). Cost in St. Petersburg from 345 rubles. (25g).

Dermatitis - inflamed redness skin, provoked by contact with allergens. This disease is typical not only for adults, but also for children, even in infancy- It can be triggered by a lot of symptoms.

Bepanthen ointment can be used even for children

Symptoms and brief description

Symptoms of dermatitis are a phenomenon that a person may not immediately pay attention to. They can occur, both all at once, and several of them:

  • hyperemia;
  • rash;
  • peeling;
  • inflammation with secretions (with acute form).

Types of dermatitis:

  • photodermatitis is when rashes appear after exposure to sunlight on the skin;
  • atopic dermatosis caused by food allergen or from the external environment;
  • the contact form is formed by direct contact with the stimulus, friction against the tissue;
  • seborrheic causes excessive secretion of sebum, reproduction of skin fungi.

Dermatitis occurs at any age. Choice of funds local application in the treatment of dermatitis is based on the transition from weaker, without hormones, to stronger drugs. Depending on the stage and course of the disease, hormonal ointments are selected for dermatitis, or vice versa. If the disease manifests itself in an acute form, then strong drugs (hormonal) are prescribed at the very beginning of therapy. In other cases, non-hormonal ointments and creams can be dispensed with.

Photodermatitis is caused by sunlight

Ointment or cream?

Ointments are used mainly for flaky lesions, have a transparent color and oily texture, slow absorption. The cream has a light texture, is quickly absorbed, but peeling may appear after drying. The duration of the effect is ensured just by the use of local therapeutic drugs. The result depends on antihistamines and sedatives with antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effects.

In modern medical practice, there are a huge variety of all kinds of creams, gels, ointments to eliminate such an unpleasant problem that both adults and children face today.

However, do not forget that the treatment of the external manifestation of the disease is not a panacea. The rash may reappear if not detected. true reason and appropriate therapeutic measures were taken. What to do:

  • absorption enough water will help to quickly deal with dermatitis;
  • sorbents, by type white coal, atoxil or activated carbon- will not be redundant;
  • take an antihistamine;
  • elimination of contacts with pathogens is mandatory;
  • hypoallergenic diet.

Differences between hormonal and non-hormonal ointments - important aspect to which you should pay attention.

  1. Non-hormonal ointment for dermatitis. The main advantage of the application is that it can be used for a long time, both for adults and children, without harm to health. Have no effect on hormonal balance organism. The downside is that with very long use, they can cause allergies, and the effect will be completely absent.
  2. Hormonal ointment. It is prescribed for acute manifestation of dermatitis, when treatment with a non-hormonal agent does not work. They are divided according to the type of action into four types: from weak to maximally strong. In the treatment of the first two types, the process is rather slow, but the risk of side effects is very low. The effect is short-term, albeit fast, as the body gets used to the drug. Render negative influence to all organ systems. And there is a so-called withdrawal syndrome. It is impossible to abruptly cancel the drug.

Naftaderm - ointment without hormones

A non-hormonal cream for dermatitis, like tablet preparations, is a medicine that, if taken without the consent of a doctor, can not only have no effect, but also complicate the situation.

  1. They begin to be treated with the weakest remedy, if necessary, smoothly moving to aggressive drugs.
  2. Ointments are applied in a light layer on a clean, dry skin surface two to three times a day.
  3. Ointments are not rubbed into the skin, but are waiting for complete absorption.
  4. If the lesions are on the scalp, it will be advisable to use lotions or liniment, with a similar composition.
  5. If suddenly, dermatitis began to progress, then you need to cancel the remedy and go for a consultation with a doctor.

Hormonal ointments all in their composition contain glucocorticosteroids - hormones that produce the adrenal glands. The effectiveness of these drugs is achieved due to the effect on the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. They are prescribed when the body does not produce enough of the hormone cortisone, which provokes an inability to cope with the inflammatory process.

Radevit - non-hormonal ointment of mild action

Children's ointments for dermatitis without hormones

The causes of childhood dermatitis are as follows:

  • food allergens;
  • untimely replacement of diapers, inadequate hygiene of children's skin;
  • synthetic fabrics of clothes, bed linen, unsuitable children's cosmetics;
  • medicines;
  • air pollution;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tight swaddling.

For the treatment of childhood dermatitis, ointments and powders without hormones are just right. In the choice of drugs, preference is given to antihistamine antiseptics. Here are some of them:

  1. Bepanten and its analogues. It can be used from birth.
  2. Skin-cap and Radevit.
  3. Desitin does not involve the treatment of infected skin areas.
  4. Thymogen cream or Sudocrem.
  5. Zinc ointment.
  6. Gistan - ointment based natural herbs. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  7. Exoderil is prescribed for secondary infection.
  8. Epidel should be used with extreme caution. During its use, avoid contact with ultraviolet radiation. One of the components of the drug can cause the development of a cancerous tumor.
  9. Vundehil is another drug based on natural extracts. Hemostatic, wound healing, bactericidal drug.

Exoderil helps with secondary infection

Ointments and creams with corticosteroids for children are dangerous because, penetrating the skin into the bloodstream, they can eventually cause adrenal insufficiency or the development of Cushing's syndrome.

Hormonal ointments are used in rare cases when dermatitis in running form. Preparations with corticosteroids are especially rarely prescribed for children, and in adults for the skin of the face, since there is a high risk of thinning of the skin. And also a non-hormonal cream for dermatitis can be made independently. Sometimes, when the use of medications is not possible for any reason, you can use folk remediesby consulting ahead of time with a dermatologist.

  1. For the treatment of dermatitis on the hands, such a remedy is suitable: a few drops of retinol acetate in oil solution(can be purchased at a pharmacy) mixed with baby cream.
  2. Mix the flowers of St. John's wort, whole celandine ( upper part and root), calendula with propolis and vegetable oil. Grind the mixture well, until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Store in a dark, dry, cool place.
  3. Mix celandine powder with vaseline. Use intermittently for four days.

Dermatitis on the face

Dermatitis is an inflamed skin rash accompanied by itching and flaking. Locations on the body are different. But the most unpleasant place of his justification is the face. First of all, of course, you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Non-hormonal ointments for dermatitis on the face will do just fine, by the way. They are used in a system with other drugs aimed at general health improvement organism. Represents such ointments:

  • skin cap;
  • glad;
  • aisida;
  • seestim
  • sun protection cream sun rays.

Skin-cap - preparations for dermatitis on the face

Creams for non-hormonal dermatitis

The list of creams and ointments that do not contain hormones is simply huge - below you can find the most popular of them and choose something suitable for your particular case.

Skin-cap. Designed to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of skin diseases, including dermatitis. Broad spectrum drug. The release form is not only in cream, but also in aerosol, shampoo. Produced in Spain.

In accordance with the type and severity of the disease, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • non-hormonal creams and ointments;
  • corticosteroid creams and ointments (hormonal);
  • ointments and creams of the combined type.

Consider each type of drug in more detail.

Non-hormonal creams and ointments

Non-hormonal drugs that have anti-inflammatory components in their composition are used to eliminate itching, relieve redness and soften the skin in mild forms of the disease.

Corticosteroid creams and ointments

For acute form inflammatory disease more effective means are hormonal ointments and creams that contribute to more quick release from such unpleasant symptoms like itching, swelling and rashes.

Important! The use of corticosteroids should be started only after consultation with a specialist.

Dermatitis is a skin disease caused by a chemical, biological or physical factor and accompanied by inflammation with peeling, itching and pain. More often dermatitis has an allergic origin. The most common disease various genesis appear. This disease is caused by exposure to any allergens or infections that caused the reaction. In some cases, manifestations may be caused by a disease internal organs.

Hormonal external agents for the treatment of dermatitis in adults on the legs are usually prescribed in a short course - from 5 to 10 days.

Speed therapeutic effect in this type of medicine can be determined by percentage the active ingredient indicated on the tube of the cream. The stronger the drug, the faster the result of treatment and already noticeable on the second or third day.

For adults this species drugs can be used to prevent cracks and bleeding wounds on the body, arms and legs.

Hormonal drugs

Is an combination drug It has an antibiotic in it. Produced in the form of a cream and ointment of 15 and 30 g.

It is used to treat and eliminate in adults:

  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • itching;
  • diaper rash.

The drug is applied to damaged areas up to two times a day (morning and evening), sometimes less often.

You can buy in Moscow at a price of 241 rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 234 rubles.

The drug has an anti-inflammatory property, eliminates itching, relieves swelling and thickening of the epithelium. Produced for external treatment in the form of ointment, cream (5 and 15 g) and emulsion.

It is prescribed for adults in the treatment of:

  • eczema;
  • various dermatitis,
  • allergic skin reactions.

It is necessary to smear problem areas, without rubbing, with a thin layer once a day. Apply no more than one month.

You can buy these drugs in Moscow from 488 rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 450 rubles.

Feedback from our reader - Irina Chernova

I was not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered one package. I noticed changes within a week: itching, rashes, pimples decreased. After 2 weeks of application, the dermatitis almost completely disappeared, and the skin after the cream became soft. Try it and you, and if anyone is interested, then below is a link to the article.

It is produced in the form of an ointment and gel, weighing 15 g each. It is used in the treatment of difficult forms of damaged skin areas in adults, accompanied by itching and proliferation of the stratum corneum.

Used in the treatment of:

  • dermatitis (seborrheic and atopic type);
  • psoriasis;
  • depriving (flat and pink);
  • eczema.

Apply thinly to affected areas. Apply no more than two weeks. You can buy in Moscow at a price of 160 rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 185 rubles.

Non-hormonal drugs

They are considered the most popular in use, but of weak action. Prescribed for mild cases skin diseases.

The external agent is available in tubes weighing 3.5 g, 30 g and 100 g.

This drug can be used as protective agent from external irritants for the skin of the hands, neck and face, apply for wounds and abrasions,. It gently cares for the skin, moisturizes and has a regenerating effect.

The cost of the drug is from 360 rubles.

Has good performance:

For symptoms of eczema, apply until it disappears, but not more than 1.5 months. If after the expiration this period the disease is not eliminated - this is an occasion to undergo a comprehensive examination.

The drug is available in the form of a cream for 15, 30 and 100 g. It can be purchased in Moscow from 975 rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 960 rubles.

This option is used to relieve itching of various kinds of dermatitis and insect bites.

It eliminates foci of psoriasis and eczema, heals wounds, cleanses the skin from acne, relieves swelling, protects the skin from exposure to various irritants. It is also used to eliminate the smell of sweat.

Release form: cream, solution, wipes. The cream is available in tubes of 30 g each. Apply it to the affected areas by light rubbing, apply until the problem disappears completely.

You can buy it from 156 rubles.

Skin cap

This drug is designed to kill fungi and microbes. The cream has an anti-inflammatory effect, is available in a tube of 15 g.

It is used for the following skin diseases:

  • psoriasis,
  • neurodermatitis,
  • diaper dermatitis,
  • seborrhea,
  • eczema.

Lubricate with cream plentifully diseased areas, if necessary, fix with a bandage or plaster.

You can buy a remedy in pharmacies from 890 rubles.

Zinc ointment

It has no contraindications for both adults and children (it can be used by pregnant women and infants). Used to relieve inflammation, swelling, itching and redness of the skin, as well as to heal affected areas with dermatitis. Zinc ointment is produced in glass vials of 25 g and in tubes of 30 g.

Apply zinc ointment to cleansed and dried skin. Damaged areas must be lubricated up to 5 times a day.

This is the most affordable and used ointment for dermatitis, it is sold in pharmacies from 25 rubles.

Next, a little about the drugs that are prescribed for drying weeping areas with dermatitis, as well as for vasoconstriction. These are drugs from the group hormonal drugs, which have already been mentioned above. Medicamentous application of the recommended funds to the damaged areas helps to accelerate the healing of cracking wounds.

Preparations of this type are used for topical application in areas that have high humidity: armpit, perineum, on the legs and arms (in the folds), lips.

This ointment is prescribed for a wide range of skin diseases that do not have an infectious nature.

These include:

  • seborrheic and atopic dermatitis,
  • neurodermatitis,
  • psoriasis,
  • eczema.

It is applied topically to the affected area 1 to 3 times a day. Treatment course - 6 - 14 days.

Its cost is low (from 13 rubles), it is available at any pharmacy.

The cream (ointment) contains an active ingredient - a derivative of betamethasone. Helps in the treatment of various types of dermatitis and eczema on the hands and feet, psoriasis, soothes itching, relieves inflammation and swelling, reduces allergic manifestations.

The cream (ointment) is applied in an even thin layer to the problem area twice a day.

The course is held no more than 1 month.

The cost of the drug is from 106 rubles.

Lokoid, Flutsinar, Elokom begin to be used at the second stage of treatment until the wounds are completely healed up to three times a day.

In advanced cases, the most powerful drugs are prescribed - Cyclocort and Dermovate. They provide enough powerful action to improve the condition of the skin. Apply these funds 2 times a day.

Do you still think that it is impossible to get rid of dermatitis?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against DERMATITIS is not on your side yet ... Dermatitis can progress and become chronic.

  • red blisters...
  • severe itching...
  • cracks...
  • peeling...
  • pain and discomfort...

All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand!? How much money have you already "leaked" on inefficient funds? But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause? We recommend reading the secret of curing DERMATITIS from Elena Malysheva.

It is the ointment, as a form of release, that is considered quite popular in complex therapy treatment of atopic dermatitis, since the active substances that make up such funds, affect the focus of the lesion. They are fairly easy to apply and apply. In addition, non-hormonal ointments are recommended for use in therapy not only during pregnancy, but also in children under one year old.

Names of ointments for atopic dermatitis

Drugs that are used externally and help get rid of allergic rashes are divided into three large groups:

  1. Nourishing ointments that moisturize the skin.
  2. To reduce itching and fight inflammation.
  3. Bactericidal.

Slow down the development of the inflammation process, reduce the intensity discomfort(burning and itching), usually non-hormonal agents or corticosteroids are used. They should be applied only during periods of exacerbations and used short periods time (no more than fifteen days).

Ointments that moisturize and nourish the skin can be applied to the skin every day. At increased dryness skin, it is best to apply them twice a day.

Very common rash allergic diseases complicated by a variety of infectious inflammatory processes of the skin, in such cases antibacterial agents will come to the rescue.

Hormonal ointments for atopic dermatitis

Preparations with hormones are recommended by experts as effective remedies for allergies, only in one case: if the patient does not get relief after therapy with conventional drugs. It should be understood that only a specialist can prescribe such ointments, in no case do not use them on your own.

Hormonal drugs often cause pigmentation on the skin (especially if you use them long time), as well as lead to adrenal insufficiency and atrophy of the skin. The most hormone-based ointments for the treatment of allergic rashes in the form of dermatitis today are the following drugs.

Celestoderm. Ointment based on betamethasone valerate. Removes the main manifestations of allergies and helps reduce inflammation.

The ointment does not leave greasy marks and has no bad smell, so it can be used not only while you are at home. Use a small amount of ointment, applying it to clean, dried skin one to three times in 24 hours. It is forbidden to use the drug if it is possible to increase allergic reactions due to intolerance to the components. Do not use for the treatment of pregnant women, nursing mothers and infants up to six months.

In the process of using Celestoderm, the following side effects are possible: folliculitis, skin reactions (itching or irritation), hypopigmentation, secondary infections, striae, acne rashes, maceration.

Flucinar. Fatty translucent agent in the form of an ointment, which contains the active component of fluocinolone acetonide. Thanks to him, the drug fights against itching, allergic manifestations, inflammation. The active ingredient inhibits the synthesis of leukotrienes and prostaglandins, which causes inhibition of inflammatory reactions.

It is applied in small quantities only to the lesions once or twice every 24 hours. It is not recommended to continue therapy for longer than fourteen days. Apply very carefully to the face. In order to treat children (from the age of two), the drug is applied after the doctor's recommendation once a day.

Patients with tumor or precancerous diseases on the skin, viral or fungal skin diseases, vulgar and rosacea, hypersensitivity Fluocinolone is not allowed to be used. Do not use in the treatment of infants and pregnant patients.

When used, some unpleasant symptoms may occur: urticaria, folliculitis, skin atrophy, melasma, cataracts, depression, acne rashes.

Advantan. Local antiallergic agent, which contains the active ingredient methylprednisolone aceponate. Helps to get rid of allergies skin reactions and inflammation, as well as relieve additional symptoms(burning, swelling, itching).

It is applied in small quantities only to the affected skin once every 24 hours. Let it soak in after use. Doctors are allowed to use even for the treatment of infants (over four months old). Patients with skin form tuberculosis, rosacea, perioral dermatitis, skin diseases caused by viral infection the drug is prohibited. Do not apply during treatment to pregnant women.

Usually, this remedy well tolerated, but in rare cases, unpleasant symptoms are still possible: hypertrichosis, folliculitis, depigmentation, erythema, rashes, itching, burning, atrophy.

Hydrocortisone ointment

AT recent times more and more experts are inclined to believe that Hydrocortisone ointment is the best drug for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, especially in children. This is proved by some studies that were conducted by British scientists.

The drug is the first glucocorticosteroid used by doctors for the treatment of dermatitis. various kinds. The drug contains the active substance hydrocortisone, which helps to suppress the functions tissue macrophages and leukocytes.

The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician in accordance with the individual situation. Patients with fungal, viral and infectious diseases skin, skin tuberculosis and syphilis, rosacea, tumors, acne vulgaris, use the drug is prohibited. In no case should not be used for the treatment of pregnant women.

The use of the ointment leads to some side effects: latent diabetes, dysmenorrhea, hypocalcemia, weight gain, euphoria, depression, nervousness, pseudotumors, hypernatremia, fluid retention, bradycardia, thrombosis, vision loss, myopathy, allergies, leukocyturia.

Non-hormonal ointments for atopic dermatitis

Non-hormonal drugs act on the skin softer, but not always as effective as hormonal drugs. As a rule, such medicines are used to treat atopic dermatitis in children.

Radevit. Means for improving tissue regeneration and trophism, which contains the following active substances: ergocalciferol, retinol palmitate, α-tocopherol acetate. The drug has an antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, softening, reparative effect.

Apply a thin strip of ointment to the affected skin twice every 24 hours. Do not rub. If the skin is too flaky, you can use a bandage. Patients with hypervitaminosis A, E, D, intolerance to the components of the drug are prohibited from using it. Do not use during pregnancy.

Very rarely, allergies (urticaria, rash, itching) may occur during the use of Radevit.

Gistan. An antiallergic drug that should not be confused with the hormonal remedy "Gistan-N". The medicine contains such active substances: betulin, dimethicone, lupine, lily of the valley oil, Birch buds, spiky veronica, tripartite succession, spurge, tricolor violet, calendula and dropsy.

The ointment is applied in a thin strip to the skin with inflammation once every 24 hours. Therapy can last up to four weeks. Do not use for the treatment of pregnant women. Patients with intolerance to the components of the drug treatment with it is prohibited.

During therapy with Gistan, manifestations are possible the following symptoms: prickly heat, striae, acne, paresthesia, itching, skin atrophy, maceration of the skin, hypertrichosis.

Thymogen. The drug, which is used to stimulate local immunity, helps to improve tissue regeneration. The drug contains the active substance thymogen. Can be used during the treatment of atopic dermatitis with secondary infection.

It is recommended to use 2 g of ointment in 24 hours. Apply only to the inflamed areas in a thin strip. After application, the skin can be closed with a bandage. Use until symptoms disappear, but not longer than twenty days.

Patients with thymogen intolerance should not use the drug. Do not use for the treatment of pregnant women. In the course of therapy manifestation of allergic reactions is possible.

Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment is an effective treatment for atopic dermatitis. She is capable of a short time relieve inflammation, heal rashes. But experts do not recommend using this remedy if the patient has too dry skin with roughness and peeling.

Before applying Zinc ointment to the affected skin, it must be well cleaned and dried. Use a small amount of the drug every two hours. It is possible to apply the ointment up to six times in 24 hours. If it is not possible to use the product so often, you can reduce the application to one application (at night), but do not wash it off the skin until the morning.

Patients with intolerance to zinc oxide are prohibited from using the drug. No side effects were found from the use of the drug.

Ichthyol ointment

popular disinfectant and antiseptic drug. The drug contains the active substance ichthyol, which has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antipruritic and keratostatic effects. Does not affect gram-negative bacteria.

Spread a thin strip of ointment evenly over the entire surface of the affected skin. Rub massage movements until a feeling of warmth appears. Patients with intolerance to ichthyol should not use the drug. The ointment does not cause side effects, although in rare cases an allergy may occur.

Sulfuric ointment

Before applying the ointment to the body, it is necessary to wipe the lesion well and wipe it dry. Before going to bed, apply a thin strip of the preparation to the skin with foci of dermatitis and do not wash off for 24 hours. Take a bath before reapplying.

Patients with sulfur intolerance should not use the ointment. It is possible to treat atopic dermatitis during pregnancy. Sulfuric ointment causes dryness and redness of the skin, peeling and itching.

Heparin ointment

The composition of this drug contains the following active substances: benzyl nicotinate, heparin sodium and benzocaine. Heparin is gradually released on the skin and reduces inflammation. It also has an antithrombotic effect. Already existing blood clots quickly disappear, but new ones do not appear. Pain is reduced by benzocaine.

Applied in not in large numbers on the affected skin two to three times in 24 hours. As a rule, therapy lasts from three to seven days. If necessary, the attending physician can extend the course.

Patients with intolerance to the components of the drug, ulcerative necrotic processes, violations of the integrity of the skin, use Heparin ointment is prohibited. In some cases, the application leads to hyperemia of the skin.

Ointment of calendula

The composition of the drug includes the active substance calendula extract, as well as additional components: water and petroleum jelly. The tool has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, reparative effect. That is why this ointment is often used to treat atopic dermatitis.

Apply the ointment in a small amount, without affecting healthy skin. If necessary, you can use a bandage. The duration of therapy depends on the patient's condition. People with intolerance to the components of the drug should not use it. Do not use for the treatment of children under the age of five, as well as pregnant women.

Moisturizing ointment for atopic dermatitis

During the treatment of atopic dermatitis, it is very important to properly moisturize and soften the skin, which is often overdried. For this, they are used special ointments and creams.

Locobase Ripea. Ointment to restore elasticity and softness to dry or overdried skin. cosmetic, which is used to restore the skin barrier. It has an effective and long-lasting effect.

Locobase Ripea is the source of three important components, which moisturize the skin, namely: cholesterol, free fatty acids and ceramides. To make dry skin softer, it is enough to apply the ointment once every 24 hours every day. If you use creams or ointments that further dry the skin, the number of applications can be increased. The product does not contain fragrances, dyes and preservatives, so it can be used to moisturize the skin of children.

Ruzam +. Ointment with anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and anti-allergic effect, which helps to moisturize dry skin with atopic dermatitis. The tool helps not only to soothe the inflamed skin, but also soften it.

The drug is not hormonal, therefore it is suitable for the treatment of children and pregnant women. It has a protein nature. Does not cause side effects. Apply a thin strip on the skin, do not rub. Use until allergy symptoms disappear. The drug is prohibited for use in case of intolerance to its components.

Antipruritic ointments for atopic dermatitis

Often, with atopic dermatitis, patients experience unpleasant itching, which makes them scratch the foci of inflammation and leads to unpleasant complications. Popular antipruritic ointments are used to relieve itching.

Diakhil ointment. A popular disinfectant that can be used to relieve itching in atopic dermatitis. The medicine contains active substances: a simple lead plaster and petroleum jelly.

To obtain a positive result, apply one to three times in 24 hours to the affected areas of the skin. If necessary, you can use a bandage. Patients with intolerance to the components of the ointment should not use the drug.

Ointment for atopic dermatitis in children

Atopic dermatitis can occur in a child of any age. That is why doctors distinguish three main types skin allergies in children:

  1. Infant (up to three years).
  2. Children's (three to seven years).
  3. Teenage.

Most often, atopic dermatitis affects babies between the ages of six months and two years. The therapy of this disease is associated with some difficulties, because it often becomes chronic and may be accompanied by secondary infectious skin diseases.

Ointments for the treatment of atopic dermatitis are used very often, as they help to quickly achieve a positive result. In case of bacterial infection, antibiotic-based ointments are used (for example, Dioxidin ointment, lincomycin ointment).

In the acute form, the doctor may prescribe hormonal agents: Hydrocortisone ointment, Advantan, Flucinar. If the disease occurs with mild symptoms, non-hormonal preparations can be used: Keratolan ointment, Radevit, Zinc ointment, Ichthyol ointment.

Dermatitis is one of the most common skin diseases that can be encountered at any age. It causes discomfort and has a number of unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, everyone strives to quickly cope with such a “skin disease”.

In our article, we will analyze what kind of disease it is, what types it happens, and also which ointment for dermatitis on the skin is better to choose.

General concept and causes

Dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease that occurs under the influence of external or internal stimuli. May develop as a local or general reaction , leads to a decrease in the protective properties of the skin.

The concept of "dermatitis" combines several varieties and forms of dermatitis, each of which has its own distinctive features and characteristics:

  • allergic;
  • contact;
  • dry;
  • seborrheic;
  • atopic;
  • infectious;
  • fungal;
  • oral.

The main causes of dermatitis are:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • direct contact with an irritant (plants, bacteria, acids, alkalis);
  • stressful situations or prolonged depression;
  • reaction to medications or food;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays or high temperatures;
  • lack of vitamins.

You can recognize dermatitis by a number of symptoms characteristic of it:

  • feeling of itching;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • burning;
  • rashes in the form of a rash;
  • peeling.

Ointments - an effective assistant in the fight against dermatitis

Treatment of dermatitis should be carried out in a complex manner. This implies that it is necessary to deal with both outward manifestation disease and its causes. Ointments guarantee high efficiency, allow you to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and restore protective properties skin.

But in order to prevent further manifestation of the disease, it is necessary to eliminate the main cause of dermatitis. This will increase the effectiveness of the ointments and eliminate the likelihood of re-development of the disease. It is necessary to identify the irritant and completely eliminate contact with it.

To combat dermatitis, topical preparations in the form of an ointment are most often used. If the cause of the development of the disease is a violation in the work of the internal systems of the body, additional medications are prescribed for oral administration.

Ointments intended for the treatment of dermatitis, have the following properties:

  • anesthetize;
  • relieve itching;
  • disinfect;
  • soften, nourish and moisturize the skin;
  • exhibit antifungal activity.

Ointments for dermatitis can be roughly divided into two broad groups:

  • hormonal
  • non-hormonal.

Consider the most effective and popular representatives of each of the groups.


A feature of this group of drugs is mild impact and no pronounced side effects . They can be used to treat dermatitis of both an adult and a small child.

Non-hormonal ointments are available in large quantities and in different forms. Therefore, in order to choose the most effective drug you should see a doctor.

The best non-hormonal ointments for dermatitis are:

  • . A drug that fights dry skin. Possesses mild action and relieves flakiness. Used to treat dermatitis various shapes. Protects from the aggressive effects of external stimuli (strong wind, bright rays of the sun, frost); eliminates cracks, diaper rash, abrasions; improves skin regeneration. average price: 350-450 rubles.
  • Gistan. It is a dietary supplement for local use. Contains extracts medicinal herbs, dimethicone and betulin. It is prescribed for the treatment of atopic type of dermatitis, eczema, with insect bites and for the fight against neurodermatitis. It has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory action. Average price: 150-200 rubles.

  • Elidel.
    A drug from the group of immunosuppressants. It is prescribed for the treatment of atopic dermatitis and eczema. Shows pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. The active ingredient is pimecrolimus, which in some cases can suppress immune system. So this drug used only in cases where other means have not had a positive effect. Average price: 900-1000 rubles.
  • Eplan. Suitable for almost any treatment skin problems. It is used for insect bites, eczema, burn injuries, herpes lesions and acne. It has antipruritic and anti-edematous action. Helps to quickly get rid of dryness and flaking of damaged skin. Average price: 150-200 rubles.
  • . Indicated for the treatment of dermatitis mild degree. Contains vitamins D, A and E and has no analogues. Softens and nourishes the skin. It has antipruritic and reparative properties. Reduces inflammation and speeds up skin regeneration. Average price: 300-350 rubles.
  • Fenistil. A drug prescribed as an antipruritic agent. Struggling with manifestation allergic reaction. Shows a local anesthetic effect. Especially effective in the fight against eczema, dermatitis, insect bites and burn injuries. Average price: 300-350 rubles.
  • Losterin. The active ingredients in the preparation are: D-panthenol, urea, salicylic acid. Also contains herbal extracts and almond oil. Effective for the treatment of all types of dermatitis and psoriasis. It has a regenerating, antibacterial and analgesic effect. Average price in pharmacies: 350 - 450 rubles.
  • Thymogen. Belongs to the group of immunomodulators. Fights the main symptoms of dermatitis: burning, itching and redness. and relieves redness. Shows activity in the fight against chronic eczema. characteristic feature is an fast action and liquidation pain. Like any immunomodulator, this drug should be used only on the advice of a doctor. Average price: 250-300 rubles.
  • Naftaderm. natural remedy based on Naftalan oil. Quickly eliminates pain and inflammation, disinfects, has an antiseptic, softening and resolving effect. It is prescribed for atopic dermatitis, eczema, boils, burn injuries and ulcerative lesions. It is an excellent alternative to hormone therapy. Average price: 450- 500 rubles.
  • Protopic. Relatively expensive, but still effective ointment. The active ingredient in the composition is tacrolimus, which can also be used to treat childhood dermatitis. Shows pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. Does not dry or damage the skin. Average price: 1500-1600 rub.
  • Zinocap. A drug, active ingredient which contains zinc pyrithione. Relieves inflammation, relieves burning and itching. It has an antifungal and antibacterial effect. It is prescribed for seborrheic type of dermatitis and psoriasis. Softens the rough surface of the skin and accelerates healing. Average price: 270 - 320 rubles.


Hormonal ointments - quite strong medicinal product, which can be applied only by doctor's prescription. As a rule, such funds are resorted to only in cases where non-hormonal drugs have not had a positive effect.

You should know that hormonal ointments have a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • childhood;
  • tuberculosis;
  • viral infections of the skin;
  • venereal diseases.

There are times when, without the help of such strong drugs just not enough. They help to quickly eliminate all symptoms and cope with the disease. Therefore, consider the best hormonal ointments for dermatitis.

What drugs should not be used?

Some mistakenly believe that it is effective to use anti-acne products to treat dermatitis. But you should know that such ointments are not suitable for the treatment of dermatitis, they are simply not designed to combat the main symptoms of this disease.

The following ointments will not have a positive effect in the treatment of various types of dermatitis:

  • Effezel;
  • Differin;
  • Baziron;
  • Skinoren;
  • Metrogyl.

Do not use group IV hormonal ointments. They possess strong action, penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and are absorbed into the blood in large quantities. These drugs include Dermovate.

Dermatitis is a disease that can be cured. The main thing is to choose an ointment that is suitable for the treatment specifically in your case. And without the help of a competent specialist in this case, you can not do.

The doctor will install exact reason diseases and prescribe the appropriate drug for you.

Ointment for dermatitis on the skin in adults has a special place in overcoming this unpleasant disease. It can arise from anything: food, clothes, medicines, improperly selected cosmetics or detergents, dust and pollen from flowering plants, certain diseases of internal organs, stress, etc.

Today, this pathology is so common that it is found in almost every second adult and child. As a result, the relevance of correct therapy ailment, in particular the external use of drugs that can get rid of its characteristic symptoms.

Types of ointments and their features

Dermatitis can be of different types, depending on its localization and the nature of the manifestation. However, all types of it have one basis - allergic irritation. In this regard, the therapy of each of them is practically the same. Thus, regardless of what dermatitis is, the method of treating ointments and creams will carry out the following means:

  • non-hormonal- relieve inflammation, dry, moisturize, heal;
  • hormonal- differ in persistent impact;
  • antihistamines- to counteract allergic dermatitis any type;
  • antiseptic and antifungal- treat purulent, as well as other skin irritations caused by bacteria, fungus.

Hormonal and non-hormonal

In order to overcome any kind of pathology under consideration, hormonal ointments are used if the previous treatment has not had a positive success. Moreover, this is done only as prescribed by the doctor and the short courses prescribed for such therapy. therapeutic impact, with phasing out. Even topical preparations with uncontrolled use can cause certain adverse reactions.

In general, this group of smearing drugs for the treatment of dermatitis differs in that:

  • addictive- for this reason, they are not recommended to be used for a long time, because they will simply stop treating;
  • It has side effects - prolonged and improper use of them can provoke pigmentation and skin atrophy, even kidney failure;
  • has a withdrawal syndrome- therapy with them cannot be interrupted abruptly, this must be done gradually, using less and less, less and less.

Ointments for dermatitis and other skin diseases based on hormones are contraindicated in:

  • non-perception by the patient of their main components;
  • ailments of venereal pathogenesis;
  • herpes rash, rash with chickenpox;
  • tuberculosis;
  • infection caused by fungi, bacteria;
  • helminthiases.

Hormonal ointments for dermatitis are categorically contraindicated for women in position, nursing mothers, newborns and children less than two years old.

Non-hormonal ointments for dermatitis due to their natural composition are safe for health. shown long-term treatment them. Naturally, the therapeutic effect, if you use such a tool, comes much later.

Among the disadvantages of using this product, it should be noted:

  • the possibility of allergies, in particular in those susceptible to such irritations;
  • lack of therapeutic effect in some skin pathologies, especially dermatitis lesions of contact and allergic forms.

Non-hormonal ointments are:

  • disinfecting- prevent the penetration of bacteria through the skin affected by the disease (ointments "Furacilin", "Dermatol", "Levosin");
  • relieving inflammation- relieve burning, redness and other allergic manifestations(ointments "Ichthyol", "Zinc", "Finistil");
  • regenerating- heal the skin, restore its regenerating properties ("Bepanten", "Radevit");
  • with moisturizing ingredients- provide the skin with the necessary moisture, and, therefore, bring its cure closer ("Videstim", "Keratolan").

Overview of the most effective hormonal drugs

Hormonal ointments for dermatitis on the skin are mainly practiced to cure dermatitis pathologies, characterized by significant inflammatory processes:

  • neurodermatitis;
  • dermatitis in a relapsing stage;
  • lack of positive dynamics after therapy with non-hormonal drugs;
  • cause of eczema;
  • allergic erythema.

The list of the most popular liniments is hormonal ointments:

Therapeutic creams and ointments in the treatment of dermatitis

The impact of topical drugs is based on contact active ingredient with the affected area. You should know that the ointment in such cases is applied to areas of the skin belonging to the trunk and legs, especially when they are dry and cracked. Usually, ointments are oily and gradually absorbed, which is useful when the skin is overdried.

If the painful areas of the skin with a weeping base, then treatment with creams is indicated. They have a more liquid base and have a moisturizing effect. The cream is quickly absorbed into the epidermis and does not cause discomfort. But since the creamed area dries quickly, it can start to peel off again.

How to use correctly

In order for the smearing agents to show all their effective power, you must adhere to the rules for using them:

  1. Smear the skin with a healing suspension thinly, without rubbing. It will not bring usefulness, but it is quite possible to harm.
  2. It is better to rub the cream after application to the affected area with light massage movements. This is done in the morning and evening.
  3. Better start treatment weak drugs and only when the desired results are not achieved, you can switch to medicinal products more strong impact. This is done only after consulting a doctor.
  4. If undesirable manifestations occur or health deteriorates, it is important to seek medical advice.

When determining the drug for the treatment of the pathology in question in a particular patient, attention should be paid to the cause of the disease and its severity. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a doctor so that he can choose the right treatment.

Therapy for contact dermatitis

This type of ailment is a response to the immunity of certain irritants that have come to the skin from contact with them. Her redness, swelling, itching are signs that indicate an urgent need to visit a dermatologist. Only he, on the basis of the analysis, will be able to determine the causative agent of this pathology and prescribe an adequate scheme for its therapy.

This disease is usually treated different drugs local impact, including:

Mainly contact dermatitis happens to be on hand. And this is not only a physiological, but also a cosmetic problem. After all, hands are always visible to other people, and they can relate differently to rashes, papules and scratching on them. It is important to respond in time. Causes and treatment are usually determined by a dermatologist.

Dermatitis on the hands requires treatment also from the fact that the patient is very worried. Especially in the eyes of such people, they cannot sleep from itching, which intensifies during this period.

Glucocorticoid ointments or creams can reduce symptoms and get rid of this pathology. They are appointed immediately, usually weak or medium strength. Among the weak - ointments "Hydrocartisone" and "Prednisolone", the average therapeutic effect - "Fluocortolone", "Prednikarbat".

Corticosteroid therapy

In the case when dermatitis has affected a large part of the skin or the previous drug did not give proper therapeutic results, a corticosteroid ointment for dermatitis on the skin is practiced for therapy. Such drugs are distinguished by the fact that they actively remove the signs of dermatitis.

Corticosteroid smears used in this pathology, with regards to medicinal properties subdivided into:

Each such drug is used with the permission of a specialist and under his control. It is he who determines which of them is indicated for therapy specifically for the patient, how many days it must be used (as a rule, very potent drugs for more than 3 days are not prescribed). The doctor will also advise on how to properly medicine stop taking, so that instead of a therapeutic effect, do not cause harm.

These therapeutic agents with natural ingredients and vitamins actively heal the skin. Non-hormonal usually treat different manifestations mild dermatitis.

If we compare this group of suspensions with the hormonal one discussed above, then they provide positive dynamics much more slowly. But they do not have side effects with good medical outcome.

Contraindication to the use of external non-hormonal drug, as a rule, there is no perception of any component.

Certain remedies of this type are made using herbs. The decision on the advisability of using a homeopathic ointment remains with the doctor. Only he knows what kind of dermatitis, how to treat. After all, with a pathology caused by plant pollen, this technique can harm, and not get rid of the pathology. But, nevertheless, such an ointment or cream for dermatitis for children, as well as women in position, is only one way to get rid of this difficult disease.

Treatment of dermatitis with ointments and creams

This discomfort is different types allergic skin irritations, formed for various reasons and localized in different places. This also happens through internal imbalance - metabolic processes in the body, hormonal disorders, disorder through the work of the intestines and other organs of the digestive tract.

Dermatitis can also be inherited or occur in people who are prone to such a pathology. Malaise, it happens, also develops when one or another medicine, certain products are not perceived, with frequent infectious ailments.

It is the causes contributing to the development of this pathology, the form, age of the patient, the presence of other pathologies in him that determine the therapeutic methods. But you need to know that the use of local agents alone will not help get rid of the pathology. Along the way, if necessary, tablets and other types of drugs, physical procedures are prescribed.

Mainly when initial treatment non-hormonal ointments are practiced, which are inherently harmless. Many of them, such as "Bepanten" or "Panthenol", are also shown to small children.

Ointments that are most effective

Naturally, only a properly selected drug can quickly get rid of dermatitis. Predominantly practiced are antimicrobial and antifungal healing ointments, for example, Exoderil.

There are antiallergic creams that treat dermatitis on the face, or ointments that relieve problems on the head: Fenistil or Elidel.

As for hormonal drugs, they are prescribed with caution. Usually such treatment is used if weaker drugs have not helped. The most productive in dermatitis lesions:

  • "Triamcionol";
  • "Methylprednisolone";
  • "Dexamethasone";
  • "Fluticasone";
  • "Hydrocortisone".

It should be mentioned in passing and liniments, which differ in their impact in several directions. It is they who are preferred by dermatologists, considering them the most effective in the pathology under consideration. These ointments are mostly similar to "Advantan" and "Elokom" disinfect and relieve inflammation.

Review of non-hormonal liniments from dermatitis

There are many drugs of this type in pharmacies. Among them, the most popular and proven:

Non-hormonal drugs for dermatitis

Suspensions that treat dermatitis lesions, according to their therapeutic purpose, are divided into those that relieve itching, dry, relieve the inflammatory process, soften, etc. Let's look at some of them:

  • relieve itching best of all - "Fenistil", "Protopic", "Elidel", "Boromenthol", "Menovazan";
  • dry - "Tsindol", "Zinc ointment", "Naftaderm", "Koloidin", "Disitin";
  • relieve inflammation - "Elidel", "Protopic";
  • soften - Bepanten, Panthenol, Eplan, Radevit, Videstim, Topikrem, Emolium.

But such a division of drugs is approximate, because they all consist of different medicinal substances in one. Therefore, the therapeutic abilities of each are diverse.

A separate group is made up of liniments with disinfecting properties and preventing fungal infection. Among them are Exoderil, Lamisil, Terbinafine.

Now they also produce combined products that allow the treatment of dermatitis in several directions at once: ointments "Triderm", "Akriderm GK", cream "Fuziderm".

List of non-hormonal remedies that relieve dermatitis

Among all domestically produced drugs, the most popular and effective are:

  • "Gyoksizon", "Kortomycetin", "Sinaflan", "Zinc ointment", "D-panthenol".
  • Among the imported liniments, it should be noted:
  • Bepanten, Physiogel AI, Oxycort, Dermovate, Pimafukort, Fluorocort, Eplan.

Advantages and disadvantages of hormonal drugs

No matter how much they talk about the shortcomings of hormone therapy, the advantages of such treatment clearly outweigh the disadvantages. The main thing is that hormones contribute to recovery, help to overcome even prolonged malaise. In addition, they have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the organs.

Among the disadvantages of such treatment, mainly side effects that arise predominantly from misuse drugs. Hormonal ointments should not be taken or used longer than the prescribed period, and it is small for corticosteroids. If this is not followed, adverse reactions will not bypass.