The best remedy for wound healing after surgery. Non-hormonal ointments for the treatment of dermatosis

The most common types of injuries are abrasions and scratches, especially on the knees and elbows. These are superficial skin lesions that are not dangerous to human health. But there is always a risk of dust particles or small foreign elements getting into the wound, so first wash with soap and water, then treat with hydrogen peroxide and then apply a healing ointment.

Which ointment to choose

The range of means to accelerate tissue regeneration is incredibly large, so it is difficult to immediately navigate. In order to understand which ointment will best help against abrasions and scratches, consider the most popular:

Most shallow skin lesions can be treated at home. A deep wound will not go away from treatment with ointments. Need an appointment multivitamin complex, which will eliminate the risk of complications. In such cases, you can not do without qualified medical care.

When to go to the doctor:

  • profuse bleeding that cannot be stopped for a long time;
  • the appearance of pus and a feeling of warmth in the injured area;
  • it is not possible to remove or wash a foreign object from the wound;
  • redness and severe swelling of the edges of the damage;
  • Increased body temperature.

And scars can be avoided

There are two stages of wound healing: wet and dry. And knowing which drugs to use in each of them, it is possible to avoid scars. Wet wounds are cleansing and moisturizing, and dried crusts should never be plucked. We conclude that wound healing ointments It makes sense to apply in the dry stage. Did it heal up two weeks after the injury? You are lucky - there will be no scar. And if not, then Solcoseryl will help. In principle, they are allowed to treat the wound immediately after its appearance and until the moment of complete healing. Didn't start doing it right away? It is not too late to try this at the stage of scarring.

Any damage to the skin causes the risk of infection through it. The greatest risk for human body tetanus. If help is not provided in a timely manner, then with 90% certainty the outcome is one - death. preventive measure there will be regular vaccinations. It is carried out three times with five-year intervals. Didn't plan? So, as an ambulance, get a special subcutaneous dose of tetanus immunoglobulin. But you can learn more about this from your doctor. The main thing is not to miss the moment and consult a doctor in time.

Weeping wounds are damage to soft tissue structures. The skin is a natural barrier of the body that performs many functions.

The superficial skin is exposed to aggressive external environment.

Orthopedist-traumatologist: Azaliya Solntseva ✓ Article checked by Dr.


Exist various degrees defeat. Localization: skin, blood vessels, bones, sometimes internal organs.

With a non-healing wet injury, inflammation occurs. Scars form during the healing process. Treatment consists of regular dressings, antibiotic and disinfectant medications.

Ointments for drying

Treating with drying agents means using ointments and gels.

Means that protect the skin from infection:

  1. Levomekol. Disinfecting, drying ointment has an antibacterial effect, prevents the formation of pus. Improves performance immune system, leads active struggle with pathogenic microorganisms. Usage: for weeping injuries, suppuration, the agent is applied with a syringe, directly to the lesion.
  2. Solcoseryl. Regenerating, drying ointment composition. Promotes the production of new cell fibers, stops the process of fluid formation. Application: apply the ointment to the affected area, no more than 2 times a day. Apply to semi-closed dressings. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. There are no contraindications.
  3. Povidone-iodine. Gel medication with a regenerating, anti-inflammatory, drying effect. The gel penetrates deep into the dermis, neutralizes the lesion, restores the skin structure, prevents the formation of scars and scars. Application: rubbed on the wound surface, washed off after 25 minutes. Contraindications: renal pathology, allergic reactions to iodine, is not recommended for children whose age has not exceeded six years.

These drugs have antimicrobial, drying properties. Before use, consult a doctor.

Means for healing

When the dermis is traumatized, a person experiences pain, discomfort.

To avoid negative consequences and complications, wound healing agents are used that prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and accelerate the regeneration of the skin:

  1. Bepanten. Wound healing cream, effectively cares for damaged skin that separates exudate. The components of the cream normalize tissue metabolism, enhance the healing process.
  2. Eplan. Regenerative, wound healing medicine, has analgesic, bactericidal effect. Apply directly to the lesion, several times a day. Can be used as a compress.
  3. Argosulfan. Healing cream the basis, which includes salt (silver). The drug heals the dermis, has an antibacterial effect. It is used for the treatment of weeping wounds, purulent lesions, trophic ulcers, burns.

The choice will depend on the location, area and severity of the lesion.

Antibacterial drugs

During the treatment of a weeping wound, sterile dressings are used.

  • Furacilin solution;
  • sodium hypochlorite;
  • Miramistin;
  • Okomistin.

Antiseptics reduce the release of exudate.

If the wound continues to get wet and does not heal for a long time, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

Treatment is carried out:

  • Streptocid ointment;
  • Mafenides;
  • Streptonitol;
  • Fudisin (gel).

Means are applied to the wound surface, a sterile dressing or tampon is applied on top. Often, Xeroform or Baneocin powder is used to treat the skin layers.


healing process

If the injury oozes, doesn't heal long time, there is a possibility of secondary infection. As a result, a wetting surface is formed.

The immune system tries to fight the inflammation on its own, while the production of excess blood plasma increases.

On the foot

Damage to the skin on the leg with the release of fluid occurs as a result of trauma, varicose or erysipelas, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus.

The main task of treatment is to create a systematic outflow of fluid. With the accumulation of purulent fluid, inflammation spreads to nearby tissues.

In a hospital setting:

  • treatment with antibacterial solutions (Dioxidin);
  • at pain symptoms painkillers are used (spray Lidocaine, Xylocaine);
  • to cleanse necrotic masses, powdered medicine Trypsin is used (a napkin is wetted in the preparation, applied directly to the affected area).

With shallow weeping injuries on the legs, therapy is carried out at home. Salicylic acid or Ichthyol ointment.

Streptocide (tablets or powder) is used as an antiseptic. Before applying the ointment compositions, the skin is treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Reasons for a long delay

Weeping wounds that do not heal for a long time indicate the presence of a pathology in the body and the addition of an infection.

Why skin abrasions do not heal:

  1. Incorrect treatment of wound surfaces.
  2. Diabetes. With the disease, limbs swell, blood circulation is disturbed, and the activity of the immune system decreases. The cells of the dermis are undernourished.
  3. Age criteria. The immune system of the elderly is weakened. Therefore, the body is not able to fight inflammatory processes on its own, regeneration slows down.
  4. Lack of vitamins in the body. The wound does not heal with beriberi.

Cell regeneration slows down in people diagnosed with cancer, obesity, malnutrition, HIV.

Oozing liquid

The fluid that oozes from the wound is lymph. Its release is a normal, natural phenomenon. It removes salt impurities, proteins, toxins, water from tissue structures. Then returns them to the circulatory system.

If the ichor is not abundant, there is no cause for concern. It is recommended to carry out the prescribed course of treatment.

The abundant flow of lymph from the wound surface is affected by:

  • Poor processing of the dermis;
  • polluted ecology;
  • alcohol and nicotine;
  • the presence of vascular and dermatological pathologies;
  • excessive physical activity.

Process and dry

Any wound, regardless of location or origin, needs to be treated.

  • provide free access to the damaged area of ​​the skin;
  • touching the wound surface is allowed with gloves or tweezers;
  • should be cleaned of contamination, rinse the damaged area with clean water;
  • apply an antiseptic (initially treat with hydrogen peroxide, then brilliant green or iodine);
  • cover the area with sterile gauze;
  • stop bleeding (if any).

The independent use of medicines (gels, ointments, powders) is prohibited. The doctor examines the injury. Then a course of treatment is prescribed.


Any weeping wound, including a burn, is accompanied by bacterial infection. Wetness occurs when the immune system is unable to deal with inflammation.

Treatment of weeping burns consists of systematic dressings, taking antiseptics and wound healing drugs. .

It is they who are able to ensure the outflow of fluid, tissue regeneration, and prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

Step-by-step therapy of weeping lesions:

  1. Treatment antiseptic. These include Miramistin, Furacilin.
  2. A hygroscopic dressing is used, which is changed every 2-3 hours.
  3. When changing the dressing material, the damage is treated with an antiseptic. Then superimposed antibacterial drug Betadine. It can dry out the skin.
  4. In the presence of pain, painkillers (tablets, aerosols, injections) are used.
  5. In case of purulent injuries, ointment compositions Levomekol, Levosin are applied under the bandage.

After the elimination of inflammation, the use of a patch from burns is recommended. At the stage of recovery and scarring of the skin, Solcoseryl ointment is applied under the bandage, at least 4-6 times a day. Vitamins of groups A, C, E are taken in combination with the main therapy.

Folk recipes

Together with pharmaceutical preparations used to treat weeping injuries folk medicine that are prepared at home:

  1. Potato juice. Fresh potatoes are rubbed with a grater. Juice is squeezed out. A sterile napkin is wetted in the liquid, applied to the wound, bandaged. The compress is applied before going to bed. The medicine draws out bacterial exudate.
  2. Onion. Vegetable (1 large head) is grated. The gruel is laid out on a gauze fabric, applied to the damage (20 - 30 minutes), 4-5 times a day. The drug reduces puffiness and cleans the surface.
  3. St. John's wort oil. The leaf and inflorescence (100 grams) of St. John's wort are finely chopped, a golden mustache (50 grams) is added. The mixture is poured olive oil(250 ml). The medicine container is covered with paper, infused for 15-20 days in a warm place. The product is filtered, stored in the refrigerator. The napkin is wetted in medicinal product and applied to the wound 2-3 times a day.

Folk remedies are used after consultation with the attending physician.

Open festering wound

The therapy is carried out:

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • detoxification measures (toxins are removed from the body);
  • drugs that stimulate the immune system.

The goal of treatment in the formation purulent focus– clean an open wound, reduce inflammation, eliminate pathogenic bacteria.

For accelerated process skin regeneration is prescribed:

  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Synthomycin liniment;
  • Ointment composition of Tetracycline.

Medicines are applied to the bandage. Use once a day, preferably at bedtime. Drainage is installed to eliminate pus from extensive wounds.

What is prohibited

For effective treatment weeping abrasions are recommended to observe certain rules processing. If the wound does not heal for a long time, you need to seek the advice of a surgeon.

What to do is prohibited for weeping injuries:

  1. Interrupt treatment. Dressing is carried out every day, in some cases 2-3 times a day.
  2. Treat injury with contaminated materials. Bandages gauze bandages, nets for fasteners must be sterile.
  3. Do the dressing with clean hands. If there are no sterile gloves, the palms of the hands are washed with soap and treated with an antiseptic.
  4. Rip off dried bandages. They soak with water.
  5. Use expired medicines, violate the rules of the instructions.

If during therapy the amount of fluid to be separated has increased, the wound has grown, throbbing pain, swelling or redness has appeared, all parts of the body are aching, it is recommended that the injury be examined by an experienced surgeon.


At wrong therapy weeping ulcers and wounds spread, affecting large areas of the skin and nearby tissues.

Treatment and healing of weeping wounds

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It is impossible to count how many times in our life we ​​are faced with wounds. The first ones appear even in infancy - not being able to control the movements of tiny hands, babies often scratch their cheeks. Growing up, there are more wounds - for mobile preschoolers, a rare week does without knocked down knees.

Adolescents regularly injure their skin, with youthful fearlessness, "conquering" abandoned buildings and roofs of garages. Youth and adults often get injured not only in production, but also in everyday life: cooking in the kitchen, doing manicures, doing repairs ...

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Actually, what is all this for? Moreover, wound healing products should be in every home. Indeed, through open wounds, very dangerous infections, up to tetanus, hepatitis and even syphilis. The risk of contracting such diseases, of course, is low, but it exists. And it is better to minimize it, helping the skin to quickly recover from injury.

Let's not talk about the indisputable principles of the first treatment of wounds: washing with hydrogen peroxide, applying a sterile bandage - this school program. Let's talk about the most effective drugs, contributing to the rapid regeneration of the skin.


The first appointment of many doctors for fast healing abrasions and wounds is exactly this remedy.

Main active ingredient drug - an extract of the blood of young calves, which has a difficult pronounceable name deproteinized hemoderivat. It is able to stimulate the synthesis of collagen in cells, a special protein on which the condition of our skin directly depends.

This feature of calf blood was discovered and used by Swiss scientists to create solcoseryl. Moreover, luminaries medical science from the country of watches, cheese and banks, the stages of wound healing were also taken into account - the drug has two forms of release.

With a fresh wound, Solcoseryl should be used in the form of a gel, which does not contain fats, has a slight cooling effect and starts the healing process.

At the second stage, when the dry crust begins to tighten the wound, you need to switch to the ointment of the same name. It covers the injured area with the thinnest film that prevents the penetration of microbes and viruses, and continues to actively stimulate healing.

Socoseryl is used in the treatment of:

  • burns (up to III degree);
  • superficial and deep cuts, abrasions, scratches;
  • bedsores, trophic ulcers, frostbite.

By the way, the use of solcoseryl during the treatment of wounds allows you to avoid the formation of rough scars and scars in their place.

The drug can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It should be applied to clean wounds 2-3 times a day, if necessary, a sterile dressing can be applied to the injury site.

It is worth solcoseryl in both forms of release, about 150-190 rubles.


This is, in fact, an analogue of solcoseryl. Its main component is the same biological composition obtained from the blood of calves. Produced in the same two medicinal substances: gel - for deep wounds and cuts in their first stages, and an ointment used after the first signs of tightening the injured area.

Indications for use in Actovegin are the same as in Solcoseryl. In addition, the drug can also be used as a means of preventing cut stagnation and venous insufficiency. But for expectant mothers and breastfeeding women, the use of actovegin is contraindicated.

Apply both the ointment and the gel once a day, under a gauze bandage.

The price of actovegin is slightly lower than its Swiss prototype - about 100-130 rubles per tube.


A classic familiar to millions. This ointment for wound healing has long won the trust of many Russians. The drug not only contributes to the speedy tightening of the damaged epidermis, but is an excellent antibiotic.

Levomekol is effective for:

  • treatment of purulent wounds;
  • boils, inflammatory processes on the skin, trophic ulcers;
  • cuts, eczema, bedsores;
  • first degree burns.

This ointment can always be found in surgical rooms. It is often applied to stitches after surgeries to quick splicing the edges of wounds, even festering, in their entire depth.

Levomekol should be applied to a clean, dry wound. thin layer 1-3 times a day, the use of a bandage is allowed.

Restrictions for use by women in " interesting position"and nursing mothers do not have this drug.

A tube with 40 grams of ointment will cost the buyer only 80-90 rubles.


Very strong anti-infective a wide range action, due to which it is called universal. The drug not only reduces the healing time of abrasions and cuts, but also has a strongly pronounced analgesic effect, with bruises it perfectly removes puffiness.

Eplan is used:

  • at all stages of the treatment of wounds, abrasions, cuts;
  • for all types of burns and different degrees frostbite;
  • during treatment microbial eczema, bedsores, herpes, warts and other skin diseases.

In addition, the drug is able to completely destroy some forms of microorganisms and fungi. Suitable for use by pregnant and lactating women. Can be used to treat wounds in pets.

Eplan is produced in four forms:

  • cream for wound healing;
  • solution;
  • gauze pad soaked medicinal solution;
  • sterile antiseptic wipe.

The last two forms of release are suitable for first aid for skin abrasions, superficial abrasions. Eplan very actively destroys microbes, sharply increases the activity of phagocytes (cells that absorb harmful bacteria and foreign particles). However, this remedy should not be applied to bleeding wounds - it can reduce blood clotting.

If there is no bleeding or it has stopped, Eplan Cream is needed for faster wound healing. It is recommended to apply it twice a day on a clean wounded area.

Eplan cream costs 150-180 rubles.


It's also quite effective remedy for fast wound healing.

The medicine is produced in powder form and in the form of an ointment. The first is based on corn starch, due to which a protective crust quickly forms on shallow wounds and abrasions. Neomycin and bacitracin-zinc - antibiotics, also included in this powder, protect the damaged area of ​​the skin from infection. The powder is perfect for treating a wound immediately after it is received and during the first 2-3 days (they are sprinkled on the injured area 2-4 times a day).

After the formation of granulation, tightening of the wound, you can apply baneocyon in the form of an ointment. The same two antibiotics in combination with lanolin do not allow cracking of the dry crust over the wound, and prevent the penetration of viruses and microorganisms.

Ointment is used in the treatment of:

  • skin diseases (boils, folliculitis);
  • long non-healing wounds;
  • eczema and ulcers;
  • postoperative sutures;
  • suitable for the treatment of the navel in newborns.

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding Baneotion is acceptable for use only on the recommendation of a doctor.

The medicine is applied to the wounded area 2-3 times a day until healing.

The price of the drug in powder form: about 250-270 rubles. You will have to pay 290-350 rubles for the ointment.

Listed medical preparations- this, in our opinion, is the "top five" of its segment. List it all existing funds for accelerated healing of wounds is impossible - they are now presented in a great variety. What to put in home first aid kit- everyone decides for himself. The main thing is to put some of these funds there - it definitely won’t be superfluous.

Ointment from purulent wounds is used to get rid of infiltrative and necrotic formations, drawing out the infectious effusion of abscesses. Since the best ointments combine a complex of effective medicinal properties, then you should have an idea about these antipurulent drugs.

An external antiseptic that draws out suppuration and contributes to the breakthrough of painful formations with their subsequent accelerated regeneration. The drug is said to be an ointment for purulent, long-term non-healing wounds. In medicine, it is called more precisely - balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky.

The tool is used:

  • in the treatment of carbuncles, boils, abscesses;
  • in the treatment of a wound surface of a burn origin;
  • in the treatment of lymphadenitis, purulent wounds.

Use at non-healing wounds- if the disease is accompanied by an accumulation of pus, then the ointment successfully draws out the purulent contents from the wound. The composition is used only externally in the form of applications, dressing material, compresses and drying tampons.

Too much long-term use ointment provokes excessive dryness treated surface and the appearance of pronounced redness on the folds of the skin.

Balsamic liniment smells very unpleasant and causes irritation at the site of its application.

The ointment is applied to gauze, which is applied to a festering wound. From above, the napkin is covered with cotton wool and fixed.
average price from 36 rubles


Levomekol has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and regenerative effects. This is an antibiotic ointment for purulent wounds, which helps to draw out pus and heal the wound. For the treatment of inflamed or festering wounds, it is preferable to use levomekol ointment, since its antibacterial activity and reparative properties are high.

A universal remedy is used:

  • against skin rashes;
  • with burns and frostbite;
  • with purulent wounds on the skin;
  • for cuts and abrasions.

A medical napkin is applied to the festering wound, with an abundant layer of levomekol applied, the napkin is covered on top with a sterile cotton pad, which is tied with a bandage or glued with a plaster. All necrotic areas of wounds are carefully filled with a wound-healing consistency.

Levomekol is not used simultaneously with other ointments of the same effect. Contraindicated for the use of the drug hypersensitivity or allergies to components of the anti-inflammatory agent.

Possible side effects:

  • burning;
  • local edema;
  • hives.

Cost from 65 rubles. up to 81 p. for a tube.

The traditional remedy for the treatment of purulent wounds is active substance, showing anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties on the deep layers of soft tissues. Rendering therapeutic effect, it has a keratostatic and antipruritic effect.

As an antiseptic:

  • draws pus from under the skin with any wounds and inflammations;
  • stops inflammation and softens the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • used for purulent formations and inflammations;
  • used for skin infections;
  • in abscesses, it is used to accelerate the maturation of boils.

Ichthyol ointment is not applied to an open wound.

In the treatment of purulent wounds, they are covered from above with sterile gauze or a napkin and the bandage is fixed with a medical bandage. The bandage is replaced with a new one after 8-10 hours.

Efficiency active substance drug, has no analogues.
Streptocide is detrimental to microorganisms, gram-positive and gram-negative cocci, spherical bacteria.


  • in the treatment of purulent wounds, infected burns;
  • for the treatment of tonsillitis, cystitis, pyelitis, enterocolitis, with infectious diseases;
  • for the prevention and treatment of wound infections.

The powder is applied either directly to the wound, or sprinkled on gauze, which covers the wound surface and left on the skin overnight or for several daytime hours.

Development of side effects:

  • depression;
  • headache;
  • hematuria, blood in the urine;
  • fever, jaundice;
  • intestinal colic;
  • megaloblastic anemia;
  • crystalluria, salt crystals in the urine;
  • dyspeptic symptoms, belching, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn.

The cost of streptocide is from 80 rubles.

Synthomycin liniment is a thick gelatinous composition. The drug, in composition, is not an ointment.

  • lets stop inflammatory process, remove puffiness;
  • used for burns of various sizes and degrees;
  • promotes regeneration infected wounds, injuries and burns, frostbite, to which the infection has joined.

When applying the ointment to large areas of the body, drinking alcohol can initiate tachycardia, impaired heart rate, and convulsions.

Turundas made of gauze impregnated with synthomycin are placed in the fistulous passages. Tampons with preparation for therapeutic effect injected into the cavity of a purulent wound.
The frequency of treatment and the frequency of application of the ointment depend on the degree of inflammation of the skin and the concentration of the drug itself.

The average price in pharmacies is 75 rubles.

The bactericidal composition is effective in healing poorly healing festering ulcers or infected burns. The drug is produced in the form of an ointment for external use, it is used for the early healing of purulent wounds in the first stage. wound process.

With a dosed antiseptic of purulent tissues, a napkin is impregnated with ointment, which is then applied to the inflamed area, where it is fixed with bandages.

Bandaging is carried out every day until the wound is completely cleared of ichorous contents.

Before applying ointment wipes, dead tissue is removed by treating the affected area with hydrogen peroxide.

Drug agents do not accumulate in tissues and body fluids.
If necessary, Levosin is injected into the purulent cavities through a catheter using a syringe. The ointment does not have local irritant properties.

A side effect is manifested in the occurrence of an allergic reaction, similar to a skin rash.

The average price of an ointment is 83 rubles.

Mafenide acetate ointment 10%.

Indications for use:

  • trophic ulcers;
  • purulent wounds;
  • infected burns;
  • bedsores.

The ointment layer is usually 2-3 mm, the dressing is changed 3 times a week, or, with abundant purulent discharge, daily.

An antiseptic is applied to the wound, from where it penetrates through skin areas with impaired blood circulation into the systemic circulation. In addition to applying the ointment to the wound surface, the drug is administered into purulent cavity tampons, with a bandage.

Before changing the bandage with ointment, if the gauze has dried to the wound surface, it is recommended to soak it with an antiseptic solution. Traumatization of the regenerated epithelium may be accompanied by profuse bleeding.

When combined with other drugs, cross-hypersensitivity with active ingredients is possible.

In pharmacies from 45 rubles.

Therapeutic product in a glass aerosol can with a continuous valve of 55 g.

In its composition contains sea ​​buckthorn oil, has anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antibacterial effect.


  • Inflammatory processes after cryodestruction;
  • Bedsores, with disturbed processes of cellular nutrition;
  • Burns of varying degrees;
  • Long non-healing, infected wounds.

Combined treatment with medicines with antibacterial action. After each spraying procedure, a two-hour rest is necessary.

An overdose of Hypozol may cause allergic reactions.
Possible manifestations of hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug.
Hyposol, available without a prescription.

Packing price from 300 rubles.

External preparation of a transparent or whitish color of a uniform consistency for external use. Ointment is combination drug, the active components of which have anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antibacterial abilities.

Indications for the necessary application:

  • ulcers with varicose veins;
  • wounds with the addition of bacterial inflammation;
  • infected burns;
  • pustular processes on the skin;
  • erysipelas of any localization.

When using hyoxysone with festering wounds the following must be taken into account. Do not apply ointment to the bleeding surface. With weak pustular processes, the drug should be applied often and in a thin layer, at least 4 times a day. The use of the ointment kit on large areas without the recommendation of a specialist is not recommended.

Contraindications for use:

  • fungal infection on the skin;
  • intolerance to any ingredient in the complex;
  • allergic to constituent part hyoxysone;
  • redness and burning at the site of application for sensitive skin;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

To side effects may result in long-term use remedy, as well as its application to extensive inflamed surfaces.

The price in pharmacies ranges from 32 to 54 rubles per pack.

The ointment composition normalizes structural functions skin and mucous membranes and promotes rapid epithelialization. When applied, the state of the vegetative nervous system, providing pharmachologic effect, wound healing and anti-inflammatory.


  • trophic ulcers, wounds, pustular skin lesions;
  • pruritus, burns, including solar;
  • thermal and chemical burns unspecified localization;
  • open wounds of an unspecified area of ​​the body.

The composition is applied externally to purulent areas of the skin. The period of changing the active substance in the dressing is 2-3 times a day.

As contraindications for use, this is hypersensitivity, which is an undesirable overreaction of the immune system to the effects of Edas-202m.
side effects, not found.

As symptomatic remedy the ointment is compatible with any pharmacological agents.

The average cost is 142 rubles.

Nobody is immune from various damage skin, because danger lurks at every turn: you can get injured both cooking in the kitchen and working in the garden under the scorching sun. You always want to speed up the healing process, and if complications appear in the form of pus, then speedy recovery is the only desire of man. The natural processes of tissue regeneration can be slowed down by different reasons, and in order for the injury to be delayed as quickly as possible, special preparations are used - healing ointments.

Which ointment heals wounds on the skin better: a review of drugs

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find a lot of drugs designed to speed up the healing process of wounds. They differ from each other in additional properties, contraindications and a list of situations in which they can help. It is these details that determine which of the ointments is best to choose.

Wound healing ointment with silver Argosulfan

It is a cream for external use, produced in a metal tube with a volume of either 15 or 40 g. The main active ingredient is silver sulfathiazole, which has a pronounced bactericidal effect. In general, the ointment has an antimicrobial, healing and analgesic effect. It is recommended to use the drug in such cases:

  • frostbite and burns of varying degrees;
  • abrasions, cuts and other minor household injuries;
  • open wounds, wounds with purulent discharge;
  • ulcerative lesions skin of any origin (erysipelas, bedsores, a consequence of venous insufficiency, etc.);
  • some skin diseases contact dermatitis, impetigo, microbial eczema).

After the agent has been applied to the affected area of ​​the skin, they are partially absorbed into the bloodstream, after which they are excreted by the kidneys. Accordingly, the larger the treated area, the large quantity funds enter the bloodstream.

The product can be used both openly and with the subsequent application of a bandage. It is recommended to apply a thin layer of a few millimeters. Similar procedures repeat several times a day until full recovery integrity of the skin, but not more than 60 days.

Levomekol with an antibiotic for the treatment of purulent wounds

Issued in different forms depending on the manufacturer, you can find both classic aluminum tubes and glass jars with a screw cap. is an combined remedy, it consists of two main active components: an antibiotic and an immunostimulant. A big plus of the remedy is that in bacteria, resistance to it develops extremely slowly. Even in the presence of purulent discharge, the antibiotic effect of the agent is not reduced.

Levomycetin as part of the product actively fights against various anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms, as it is considered a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Methyluracil (the second active ingredient) improves metabolic processes on the cellular level, has a fast-healing effect on lesions and gives an anti-inflammatory effect. In general, Levomekol ointment perfectly helps to cope with purulent wounds, trophic-type ulcers, boils, and also helps with skin diseases accompanied by an inflammatory process and separation of pus, and with burns.

Solcoseryl for rapid wound healing

The active substance of the product has a similar name and is a processed dialysate from young calf blood, which has undergone chemical and biological standardization. Available in several consistency options: gel and ointment, which have the same effect, but different auxiliary components. Can be used on the face, but there is a separate product for mucous membranes. Indications for the use of ointment:

  • burns of a different nature;
  • difficult to heal wounds and minor injuries;
  • bedsores and ulcers;
  • damage to the skin by radiation.

The drug has a multifactorial effect: it increases the efficiency of tissue regeneration processes, improves oxygen transport to damaged tissues, and stimulates the production of collagen.

It is worth noting that for open wounds it is better to use Solcoseryl-gel (does not contain a greasy component, therefore it is easily washed off), and for those lesions that are already covered with a crust - Solcoseryl-ointment (due to the fatty component it creates a thin protective film on the surface).

Pain reliever ointment Eplun

The ointment is useful in the presence of such problems: burns, purulent formations on the skin, ulcerative lesions, psoriasis and eczema, itching and the effects of insect bites. This tool allowed to be used as a disinfectant composition for hands and face skin.

The wound healing effect is based on the complex of effects that the drug produces when applied to skin:

  • affects the process of blood clotting;
  • stimulates the synthesis of prothrombin for the speedy cleansing of the wound;
  • helps to eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • stimulates tissue regeneration processes.

Also, the drug gives an analgesic and bactericidal effect. The application is exclusively local, the effect lasts about 8 hours after applying the product to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. A contraindication to the use of ointment is allergic reaction and intolerance to one of the components of the composition.

Rescuer from burns, cracks and abrasions

Ointment Rescuer, produced in a convenient tube with a volume of 30 grams, can be safely used for burn injuries, wounds, abrasions, diaper rash, hematomas, bruises, inflammatory diseases skin, and even acne. It is the wide range of applications that is the main feature of this tool.

The drug contains a number of natural ingredients. So, sea buckthorn oil actively stimulates the processes of tissue regeneration, beeswax relieves inflammation and destroys bacteria, and milk lipids form a thin film on the treated surface, preventing excessive evaporation of moisture and drying of the skin, thereby providing best conditions for healing. Also, the ointment soothes the skin, protects them, promotes the resorption of hematomas and anesthetizes the damaged area. The effect is achieved very quickly, the first changes are noticeable within a few hours after applying the product. Allowed to use for pregnant and lactating mothers.

Vishnevsky's ointment for tightening wounds

Vishnevsky's ointment can be found in any home, it is simple and available remedy with a wide range of applications. The composition includes the following ingredients: tar, Castor oil and antiseptic xeroform. This remedy is called a pulling agent, since it acts in a very unusual way: the inflammatory process intensifies, due to which all infiltrates pass into the stage of purulent formations, which are quickly opened and released. It is also effective in case of damage to the integrity of the skin, thanks to the action of the ointment, the wounds are cleaned, dry out and heal faster. Thus, it will be effective when:

  • skin diseases of an inflammatory nature (both if an opening is necessary, and for cleansing the wound after opening);
  • old burns with signs of infection;
  • healing wounds and trophic ulcers.

Often, the ointment is used after surgery if complications occur during the healing process of the suture.

Zinc ointment

The zinc composition in the form of an ointment is the most common, has a light, not dense texture. It is used for external exposure and has the following types of effects on the skin:

  • accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration;
  • disinfects;
  • dries;
  • protects against external influences(creates a thin film on the surface of the skin, so that it can also be used in
    preventive purposes);
  • helps eliminate the inflammatory process.

The ointment can be used for skin diseases, the formation of bedsores, minor injuries of the skin surface, diaper rash. It is recommended to apply the composition to the damaged area several times a day.

Video: preparing an effective homemade ointment

You can prepare a wound healing remedy at home, practically without spending any time or money on it. For this, aloe juice and honey are useful. Detailed instruction on the manufacture and use of the ointment is presented in this video.