What can be taken for cystitis. Medications for cystitis

Cystitis is a disease that affects the lining of the bladder. The disease is provoked by bacteria or fungi. Symptoms of cystitis are pain when urinating, frequent urination, and the presence of mucus or blood in the urine. Usually therapy for cystitis consists of a complex of several drugs. The medicine for cystitis is prescribed by the attending physician.

Since in most cases cystitis is provoked by bacteria, antibiotics are prescribed to reduce the risk of complications. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to identify the causative agent of the disease. In this case, preference is given to broad-spectrum drugs.

Among antibacterial drugs, the following drugs for cystitis are distinguished:

  • Monural.
  • Nevigramon.
  • Furagin.
  • Rulid.
  • Synthomycin ointment.
  • Furamag.

The selection of drugs is carried out on the basis of the clinical picture, as well as the determination of the dosage and duration of treatment. For effective treatment, it is recommended to pass a smear to determine a specific pathogen. Depending on the medication, the antibiotic is given as an injection, orally, or vaginally for flare-ups or chronic cystitis.

Self-administration of antibiotics is unacceptable due to the high risk of side effects!

There are many drugs that can effectively deal with cystitis.

The main advantage of phytopreparations is safety and availability. You can buy an effective tool at the lowest price. This is a good option to complement the main treatment. This group of funds includes:

  1. Kanefron - tablets are made on the basis of rosemary and yarrow. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, enhance local immunity and improve kidney function.
  2. - the composition of the drug includes more than a dozen medicinal herbs. The tool has a diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Cystone is used in conjunction with antibiotics.
  3. Monurel - a remedy for cystitis, which is an extract of cranberries, promotes the destruction of pathogenic microflora and stimulates local immunity. In addition to the addition to the main therapy, Monurel is used as a prophylactic.
  4. - ointment, which includes extracts of herbs and vegetable oils. Removes toxins, and also has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. The drug allows you to remove inflammation, reduces pain, has a fast-acting effect. The tool is quite inexpensive.
  5. Lingonberry leaves - have anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. Promote the rapid removal of toxins from the body.
  6. Prolit is a medicine for cystitis, which has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. They contribute to the rapid removal of toxins from the body, and also suppress pathogenic microflora.
  7. Urolesan is a strong drug that is prescribed only for adult patients. Allows you to relieve pain and spasms, and also accelerates the release of toxins from the body. It acts as quickly as possible, eliminating unpleasant symptoms.

Phytopreparations, which include medicinal herbs and plants, are excellent remedies for cystitis.

Antispasmodics are an integral part of therapy. These medications for cystitis allow you to get rid of painful sensations during urination, which helps to reduce the frequency of false urges. Preference is given to antispasmodics based on drotaverine. The most common drugs are:

  • Drotaverine;
  • No-shpa;
  • Papaverine;
  • Drotaverine hydrochloride (analogous to Drotaverine).

Means relieve spasm of the smooth muscles of the bladder, eliminating the source of pain. They do not disrupt the activity of the human nervous system and have minimal contraindications. The dosage of drugs in this group is determined by the attending physician.

Antispasmodics in the treatment of inflammation of the bladder play an important role and it is not worth neglecting their use.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

During the treatment of cystitis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for cystitis may be prescribed to patients. The drugs allow you to relieve soreness, and also alleviate the patient's condition in the event of an increase in temperature.

Most anti-inflammatory drugs are highly effective and have a minimal list of side effects.

This group includes:

  1. Ibuprofen is a good medicine for cystitis, inexpensive and yet effective. Relieves pain and reduces fever. It is distinguished by a fairly rapid achievement of the effect, but it is contraindicated in children and pregnant women.
  2. Faspik is an analogue of Ibuprofen. It has a high content of active substance and has an almost instant effect.

Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs have minor contraindications for use.


The appointment of probiotics is necessary if the course of treatment included taking antibiotics. Means of this group allow you to restore the natural intestinal microflora and the overall immunity of the body. In addition, their intake several times reduces the risk of relapse after recovery. The most effective probiotic options include:

  • Linex;
  • Hilak Forte;
  • Acipol.


In some cases, the root cause of the development of cystitis is the reproduction of Candida fungi. If the nature of the fungal infection of the urinary system was confirmed during the examination, the patient is prescribed a course of antifungal drugs. These include:

  1. Lamisil and fluconazole. The course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days. However, in difficult cases, therapy can be extended, and the dosage of the drug is adjusted by the attending physician.
  2. Clotrimazole, which is available as a vaginal suppository.
  3. Nystatin. Available in the form of suppositories, ointments or tablets.

Modern medicine is armed with many different antifungal drugs.

Remedies for non-infectious cystitis

For the treatment of non-infectious forms of cystitis, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • analgesics - quickly eliminate pain and discomfort during urination during exacerbation. They relax the muscles of the bladder. The means of this group include Galidor, Buskopan, Spazmol and Papaverine;
  • diuretics - with an uncomplicated form of cystitis and infection of the urethra, preference is given to herbal remedies based on chamomile, lingonberry or bearberry;
  • TCA drugs (tricyclic antidepressants) - the task of this group of drugs is to reduce the frequency of false urge to urinate. Funds are used once a day.

In addition to medical treatment for non-infectious cystitis, Kegel exercises can be performed. Sometimes patients require surgical intervention in the form of hydrodistension.

Pathogenic drugs

Unlike symptomatic drugs, pathogenic drugs act directly on the mechanism of the disease. In the case of cystitis, the following agents are prescribed as pathogenetic drugs:

  • uroantiseptics - drugs of this group disinfect the bladder, this includes Furagin and Furadonin;
  • immunomodulators - as a safe alternative, they use vitamin complexes that raise immunity by replacing missing trace elements;
  • diuretics - increase the volume of urine and speed up the process of its excretion. At the same time, urine “washes out” pathogenic microflora, accelerating recovery. This includes the drug Kanefron, which, in addition to the diuretic effect, has antimicrobial effects;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - relieve pain and swelling. These include Paracetamol and Nimesulide.

The dosage of drugs and the course of treatment is determined by a specialist based on the clinical picture, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient!


The use of suppositories for cystitis is based on their effectiveness and ease of use. Among the drugs in this group are:

  1. - an effective antibacterial drug that destroys the cell membrane of bacteria and fungi. The composition of the drug includes the antiseptic chlorhexidine. The remedy is good for cystitis. This medicine is fast-acting and safe.
  2. candles with Palin - another name for these Urosept suppositories. They have a pronounced antimicrobial effect. The active substance of suppositories blocks the vital processes of pathogenic organisms, causing their death.
  3. Macmirror is a combined drug that has a complex effect in several directions at once. Candles are effective both against the bacterial form of cystitis and fungal.

In addition to the drugs listed above, you can use homeopathic and natural candles, for example, sea buckthorn.

Means during pregnancy

Treatment of cystitis in pregnant women should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician, as well as a gynecologist. The main stages of the treatment of the disease can be called:

  • antibiotic therapy. During pregnancy, preference is given to such drugs as Cefazolin, Amoxiclav, the strongest Monural powder, Fitolizin gel;
  • antifungal therapy. If the problem was provoked by thrush, then Mikosept or Lamisil are the main means to eliminate it;
  • antiviral treatment. To increase one's own immunity and suppress the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, Viferon or Interferon suppositories are prescribed.

It is important to be aware that some of the listed drugs may be contraindicated during the first trimester, but are allowed in the next. In this case, the attending physician should choose alternative options for the woman.

Medicines for children with cystitis

The appointment of a drug to children should be carried out by a specialist. Self-treatment in this case is completely unacceptable!

As in adults, the first step in therapy for cystitis is the appointment of broad-spectrum antibiotics. These can be powders, tablets or suspensions. The most common drugs include:

  1. Cephalosporins - Cedex, Cefaclor.
  2. Ampicillin derivatives - Augmentin, Flemoxin Solutab.
  3. - Monural.
  4. Nitrofurans - Furazolidone, Furadonin, etc.

In addition to antibiotics, uroseptics are prescribed to free the bladder from infection. In the case of children, preference is given to natural remedies, such as cranberries, bearberries or junipers. As an alternative, Canephron, which is of plant origin and has good reviews, can be prescribed.

Prevention and recovery after illness

Like any other disease, cystitis is much easier to prevent than to treat in the future. Preventive measures include:

  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. It is important for women and girls to wash from front to back using products specifically designed for this purpose. Ordinary soap destroys the natural microflora of the genitourinary system;
  • Avoid wearing uncomfortable underwear. Wearing thongs and too tight trousers is extremely negative for women's health;
  • diet and drinking enough fluids;
  • taking multivitamins.

During the recovery phase after an illness, perform Kegel exercises that will strengthen the walls of the bladder. In addition, if antibiotics were taken during treatment, it is necessary to drink a course of bifido- and lactobacilli.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are used as an addition to the main treatment. More often, herbal decoctions are used for therapy, which have a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. These include:

  1. Chamomile is a common and cheap option. An infusion of the herb is used to prepare sitz baths. To do this, 5 tablespoons of chamomile flowers are poured with 3 liters of boiling water and infused for 60 minutes. After that, the infusion is filtered and poured into a basin. Bath time is 20-30 minutes. It is better to take a bath after hygiene procedures.
  2. Flax seeds - 3 tablespoons of seeds are poured into 500 ml of water and boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes. After that, the mixture is removed and mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey. The resulting remedy is drunk during the day.
  3. Rose hips - 3 tablespoons of fruits are poured with two glasses of boiling water and infused in a thermos for 1-1.5 hours. After that, the broth is drunk throughout the day;
  4. Black poplar - to prepare the product, take 2 tablespoons of plant buds and pour 500 ml of boiling water. The remedy is insisted for 2 hours, after which it is filtered and taken in half a glass 3 times a day.

Cystitis is familiar to many women. The disease often becomes chronic. Inflammation of the bladder is exacerbated at different intervals.

The appearance of symptoms makes you think about starting medication. Diet and drinking regimen plays an important role in alleviating the condition, accelerating recovery.

Why does cystitis occur in women

Cystitis is an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the bladder. There are acute and chronic forms of the pathology. The causative factor in the development of the disease are microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses). More often, the culprit is Escherichia coli, due to the anatomical proximity of the urethra to the anus. Non-compliance with the rules of hygiene favors the emergence of the pathological process. The location of the outlet of the urethra in women near the vagina contributes to the penetration of infection from the genital tract into the bladder.

Gynecological, venereal pathology is often the cause of cystitis in women. Trichomonas, chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma herpes virus enter the perineal area with secretions, enter the urinary system. The pathogen can be transmitted from a sexual partner. Candidiasis (thrush) can also provoke a disease. The choice of drug for the treatment of bladder infection is based on the causative factor.

Factors predisposing to the development of cystitis in women

The entry of microbes into the cavity of the bladder does not mean the onset of the disease. There are natural defense mechanisms against infection. The production of immunoglobulins provides local immunity. The mucus secreted by the glands of the bladder prevents microbes from attaching to the wall. There is a cleansing of the body from infection with the flow of urine with each urination. Violation of protective mechanisms occurs for various reasons:

  • Weakened immunity;
  • hypothermia;
  • Systematic use of corticosteroid drugs;
  • Long-term antibiotic treatment;
  • Frequent constipation;
  • Insufficient hygienic care of the perineal area;
  • Wearing tight clothing, underwear made of synthetic materials;
  • Long breaks between urination;
  • Systematic consumption of spicy, smoked, spicy foods, alcohol;
  • Surgical interventions, catheterization;
  • Injury to the urethra with urinary stones, sand, foreign bodies;
  • The presence of chronic diseases of the genital area;
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • Pathology of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus).

Description of drugs

The best and effective medicines for cystitis in women: a review of medicines. If a burning sensation or sharp pain occurs during urination, as well as with frequent urge to go to the toilet for a small need, a woman should consult a doctor.

Such symptoms may indicate the development of cystitis - a disease of the urinary system, which can eventually take a chronic course.

However, in modern life there are often situations when, for one reason or another, a woman cannot visit a medical institution and undergo an examination by a specialist, and then she has to resort to self-treatment, although everyone knows about its inadmissibility.

The need to go to a specialist is due to the fact that other diseases of the genital organs, including genital infections and urolithiasis, can be masked under the symptoms of cystitis. Moreover, if cystitis becomes chronic, then over time, the formation of bladder cysts is not excluded due to pathological changes in the cells of its epithelium, which can provoke the formation and growth of a malignant tumor in this organ.

Self-treatment of cystitis with medicines

Despite the possible complications in the self-treatment of cystitis with drugs, many women, having felt discomfort during urination, immediately ask themselves what pills they should still take in order to quickly get rid of the manifestations of cystitis. But first, let's list the causes that contribute to the onset of the disease:

  • violation of the rules of personal hygiene, synthetic underwear and cut into the crotch - all that provokes the growth of E. coli - the main causative agent of cystitis;
  • the onset of sexual activity associated with defloration of the hymen and the habituation of the woman's microflora to foreign agents of the partner's opportunistic flora, as well as trauma to the genital and urinary tract;
  • activation of pathogens of mixed infections against the background of existing gynecological diseases.

The first place among the drugs for the treatment of cystitis in women is occupied by antibiotics. A few decades ago, cystitis was not treated with antibacterial agents, limited to taking herbs, hygiene and diet.

To date, the approach to the treatment of acute cystitis is different - the inflammatory process is stopped with antibiotics in order to prevent the transition of the disease to its chronic form. However, modern broad-spectrum antibiotics have many contraindications and side effects. Therefore, it is very desirable to do a urine culture before using them to determine the pathogen in order to identify its sensitivity to antibiotics. At the end of the course of antibiotic therapy, re-sowing is carried out already to control the cure of cystitis. With advanced disease and granulation of the bladder, the doctor may additionally prescribe a course of collargol instillations.

The drugs of choice for doctors in the treatment of cystitis today are:

Antiseptic in the form of a sachet
  • Monural is a powerful urological antiseptic, a derivative of phosphonic acid, prescribed even without urine culture on culture media.

It is a good enough medicine for the treatment of cystitis in women. The indication for its appointment are the symptoms of acute bacterial cystitis. This highly effective agent is available in several forms: granules, powder and suspension.

The price in pharmacies ranges from 320-500 rubles. The drug is not prescribed for chronic cystitis, since a single dose of an antiseptic is ineffective in advanced and complicated cases of the disease.

or norbactin, normax, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin

Nolicin and its analogues of the fluoroquinolone group, which include norbactin, normax, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, are drugs prescribed in cases of pathogen resistance to other antimicrobial agents.

It should be remembered that these antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone series are reserve drugs, to which the sensitivity of most pathogens of cystitis is still preserved today. Price - 150-300 rubles.

  • Nitroxoline or 5NOC- a drug worth 60-70 rubles, belonging to the group of oxyquinolines prescribed in the complex treatment of urinary tract infections, including cystitis, urethritis, epididymitis, pyelonephritis.
  • Palin is a urological antimicrobial drug of the quinolone series, the bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect of which is manifested in the treatment of infections of the urinary system caused by pathogens sensitive to pipemidic acid. The price range is 250-280 rubles.
  • Furagin or furamag- nitrofuran derivatives prescribed in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary tract caused by bacteria sensitive to the drug. The average price varies from 220 to 360 rubles.
  • Nevigramone or nalidixic acid- an agent that has an antibacterial effect in the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract, the cost of which is 3200-4400 rubles.
  • Rulid is a semi-synthetic broad-spectrum macrolide antibiotic prescribed strictly by a doctor and used in the treatment of urogenital infections. The cost is 1100-1200 rubles.
  • Furadonin is a nitrofuran that provides an antimicrobial effect in bacterial infections of the urinary tract, at a price of 50-140 rubles.

It is necessary to remember about bacterial strains that can develop resistance to antibiotics over time, and therefore, the following are currently recognized as ineffective or poorly effective drugs in the treatment of cystitis:

  1. nitrofurans - furagin and furadonin, usually used for prevention;
  2. ampicillin, the sensitivity to which in Escherichia coli does not exceed 70%;
  3. biseptol with its bactericidal efficacy against Escherichia coli from 30 to 80%;
  4. cephalexin, cephradin and other first-generation cephalosporins that are ineffective in the treatment of cystitis.

Phyto preparations for the treatment of cystitis in women

Phyto preparations for the treatment of cystitis in women include herbal remedies used for mild illness, not accompanied by fever and pain. As a rule, they are prescribed in the complex therapy of cystitis in addition to stronger antibacterial agents.

Such herbal preparations that have shown their effectiveness in uncomplicated forms of cystitis include:

Lingonberry leaf has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and astringent action, inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. It is used in the complex therapy of cystitis, pyelonephritis, nephropathy of pregnant women, diseases of the bronchi and lungs, gonorrhea and others. With inflammation of the urinary tract, it increases the effectiveness of antimicrobial agents, helps to strengthen the immune system. For treatment, it is recommended to use exactly dry raw lingonberry leaf, packaged in packs, and not sachets - a filter, the benefits of which are much less.

  • Monurel is a highly concentrated cranberry extract, as well as cranberry juice, which are very effective remedies for treating cystitis.

Cranberry is considered a natural antibiotic by traditional healers; people have known about its diuretic and bactericidal action for a long time.

It has been proven that with a daily use of only 300 ml of cranberry juice by a woman, there is a statistically significant decrease in the frequency of relapses of cystitis and a reduction in the recovery time. This is due to the presence of tannins in the composition of the berry, which prevent the attachment of microbes to the epithelium of the bladder, which makes cranberries an excellent means of prevention and a drug for the complex treatment of cystitis. Monorel should not be confused with monural due to the consonance of names, because the first of them is a cranberry extract, and the second is an antibiotic. Monurel costs around 450-500 rubles.

  • Kanefron is available in tablets and in liquid form. The cost is 350-400 rubles. As part of this drug for the treatment of cystitis, several medicinal plants - centaury herb, lovage root and rosemary leaf. The drug is effective in the treatment of the disease with complaints of intense cramps and pain during urination, it also reduces the frequency of exacerbations in chronic forms. It is well tolerated and compatible with antibiotic therapy.
  • Phytolysin is a combined natural preparation in the form of a paste consisting of a water-alcohol extract of a mixture of nine medicinal plants with oils of orange, pine and sage. It has an antispasmodic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, removes sand from the renal pelvis and ureters. It costs an average of 300-350 rubles.

Antispasmodics can relieve pain and relieve spasms. With a strong pain syndrome, no-shpa and drotaverine are indicated - myotropic antispasmodics, isoquinoline derivatives, which have a powerful antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are indicated for intense pain as part of complex therapy. Usually tablets of ibuprofen, nurofen, ibuclin, faspik, miga and others are used.

Probiotics help fight relapses of the disease, since the development of cystitis is largely due to the state of the vaginal and intestinal microflora. Therefore, it makes sense to drink a course of preparations that normalize and restore the flora containing strains of bifido - and lactobacilli, for example, bifiform, acipol, rioflora balance and immuno, hilak forte, primadofilus, vagilak and others. After the disappearance, it is advisable to be examined and consult with a urologist, gynecologist and gastroenterologist.

Capsules CystoBlock

A new drug for women is a cure for cystitis. Refers to the drugs of the third generation, with a unique formula that removes the infectious agent from the genitourinary system - E.coli. The main component of D-Mannose.

The drug is based on an antibiotic, but not of synthetic production, but natural from lingonberries.

The amount of antibiotic is 50 times more than in conventional preparations, the benefits are as increased as the effectiveness, but the natural medicine does not cause dysbacteriosis and is absolutely safe.

D-Mannose instantly fights harmful bacteria, while beneficial ones continue to work for the benefit of the body.

The symptoms of this disease bring a lot of unpleasant moments. Due to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the body, women suffer from cystitis more often than men. The causes of the disease are many, so you should not treat yourself. Only a doctor, having made an accurate diagnosis, will prescribe the necessary pills.

What is cystitis in women

What is the reason that cystitis - inflammation of the urinary tract - is more common in girls and women? This is due to several reasons:

  • the urinary canal has a small length with a large width, so bacteria quickly attack it;
  • fashionable thong briefs help move harmful microorganisms from the anus to the genitourinary system;
  • during pregnancy, the fetus, squeezing the bladder, makes it difficult for the outflow of urine - this contributes to the development of bacteria;
  • with menopause, atrophic changes occur in the body, which can cause cystitis.

In order to correctly prescribe pills for cystitis for women, to get rid of the disease, the doctor needs to know what caused the disease. The causes may be diabetes, allergies, radiation therapy for cancer. Pathogenic bacteria can grow due to colds, alcohol intake. Cystitis develops against the background of sluggish diseases:

  • sexually transmitted - gonorrhea, chlamydia;
  • gynecological - vaginosis, thrush;
  • renal - pyelonephritis, kidney stones.

The disease proceeds with acute pain syndromes, cramps, feeling of an overflowing bladder. They have a constant urge to go to the toilet, urine is excreted with mucus impurities. There may be drops of blood at the end of urination, purulent discharge with a smell. It is possible to cure cystitis. It is important to correctly prescribe pills for inflammation of the bladder in women. This must be done taking into account the pathogens that caused the disease. It can be:

  • bacteria - staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, gonorrhea;
  • viruses;
  • fungus;
  • genital infections;
  • non-infectious causes - allergies to drugs, toxic effects.

How to treat cystitis

To provide emergency assistance to a woman with severe pain, it is urgent to give an injection of papaverine or give medicine to drink - Ketorol, No-shpu. A warm heating pad on the lower abdomen, a sitz bath will help. The medicine for cystitis is prescribed by the doctor, after establishing the exact cause. In case of illness, you should follow the rules:

  • exclude from the diet foods that irritate the bladder - alcohol, spicy foods, coffee;
  • drink more water to reduce urine concentration, relieve painful symptoms;
  • avoid sexual intimacy;
  • eat alkaline foods - lettuce, green vegetables.

Medicines for cystitis in women

In the treatment of inflammatory processes of the female genitourinary system - cystitis, urethritis, it is important not only to relieve the symptoms. The main thing is to eliminate the causes of the disease. This is facilitated by drugs for cystitis:

  • antibacterial - antibiotics - Biseptol, Levomycetin, Azithromycin;
  • anti-inflammatory - Ketorol, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen;
  • immunostimulating - Uro-Vaxom;
  • relieving swelling - Claritin, Fenistil;
  • female sex hormones - with a disease during menopause.

It is important to correctly prescribe cystitis tablets for women during pregnancy. Herbal remedies will come to the rescue here - Monurel - a natural antibiotic, lingonberry leaves, bearberry. To relieve the symptoms of the disease in women, use pills for inflammation of the bladder. Help with problems:

  • antispasmodics - relieve spasm, relieve pain - Avisan, Baralgin, Papaverine;
  • painkillers - Solpadein, Betiol suppositories;
  • antifungal - Lamisil, Mikosept, Nystatin;
  • probiotics - to restore microflora after taking antibiotics - Linex, Acipol.

In acute cystitis, the pain manifests itself sharply and suddenly. Antibiotics are indispensable here. The chronic form of the disease, when an exacerbation occurs again after treatment, signals a constant source of bacteria entering the genitourinary system. Damage to the walls of the bladder occurs. This is how it looks in the photo.

Even in this case, it is possible to recover from cystitis. Comprehensive treatment is required, where, in addition to antibacterial drugs, the following are used:

  • hormonal agents;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • vitamins;
  • enzymes.

Antibacterial drugs

Among the drugs that have antimicrobial activity, there is a group that does not apply to antibiotics. They are actively used in the treatment of inflammation of the bladder. These drugs are able to fight bacterial infections, but often have contraindications and complications. These include:

  • Uroprofit;
  • Furazolidone;
  • Furamag;
  • Trichopolum.

Antibiotics for cystitis play an important role in the treatment of inflammation. It is important that the course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account urine tests, a gynecological smear. He prescribes the dosage regimen and the required dosage. Among the most effective drugs:

  • Nystatin - against fungal infections;
  • Furadonin - fights E. coli;
  • Monural - in acute form is effective from the first dose.

Often, antibiotics are taken in a course of three days to a week. For sexually transmitted infections, take Hexicon in the form of suppositories. Ceforal has a very strong antimicrobial effect. Among the popular pills that are prescribed for the treatment of inflammation of the bladder in women, such drugs:

  • Nitroxoline;
  • Norbactin;
  • Palin;
  • Flemoxin Solutab;
  • Suprax;
  • Nolicin;
  • Tsiprolet.

Anti-inflammatory pills

There is a whole group of modern drugs that cope with urological inflammatory processes - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. An important condition when using these drugs is to take into account contraindications. In the treatment of cystitis in women, doctors prescribe pills:

  • Indomethacin;
  • Nurofen;
  • Xefocam;
  • Movalis.

In contact with


In pharmacies, the range of treatments for cystitis is quite wide. Many of the drugs presented are analogues of each other. Their differences are in different costs, as well as where and by whom the drug was released. Russian manufacturers of inexpensive and effective tablets for cystitis are not particularly popular among the population. This is explained by the lack of advertising (buyers simply do not know anything about the drug) and distrust of the quality of domestically produced medicines.

Self-selection of a cure for cystitis is a big mistake. Unpleasant symptoms are likely to disappear, but the cause of the disease will not be eliminated. In the worst case, self-medication will lead to the development of serious complications or the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

Before prescribing a course of treatment, the doctor must conduct a comprehensive examination, starting with an examination of the patient. With cystitis, there are usually no external changes. When pressing on the lower abdomen, painful sensations are observed. To clarify the diagnosis, laboratory tests are carried out:

  • A complete blood count can detect symptoms of nonspecific inflammation, a high level of leukocytes, a large number of immature forms of neurophiles and an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).
  • A general urine test helps to detect protein, high levels of bacteria, red blood cells and white blood cells. If the level of leukocytes is exceeded, then a three-glass test and a urine test according to the Nechiporenko method are additionally assigned.
  • Bacteriological examination of urine is carried out in order to identify the pathogen. Determining the culprit of the disease will allow the course of therapy to be targeted and more effective, and the chances of a full recovery will increase significantly. Such a study allows you to conduct an antibiogram in order to establish the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to various groups of antibiotics.
  • Cystoscopy is performed if cystitis has a chronic course. In the acute form of the disease, the procedure is not prescribed, as it contributes to the spread of infection and is painful.
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) helps to detect stones in the bladder, determine the condition of the urinary tract and nearby organs. Allows to exclude malignant and benign tumors.

Based on the results of the examination, the urologist prescribes antibiotics, herbal remedies and antispasmodics.

What drugs are needed for a complete treatment

In order for the treatment to be complete, drugs must have certain properties: eliminate the pathogen, stop the pain syndrome.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics quickly destroy pathogenic microflora. It is important to take them for a certain period of time recommended by your doctor: 5, 7 or 10 days. If you do not follow this rule and stop taking the drugs ahead of time, then the causative agent of cystitis may develop resistance (addiction) to the action of the drug. In this case, pathogenic bacteria will not be completely destroyed.

The most popular and effective means in the fight against pathogens of cystitis are antibiotics of the group of fosfomycins and fluoroquinols. If the patient has an individual intolerance to such drugs, then nitrofurans, chloramphenicol, cephalosporins are prescribed.

An approximate treatment regimen for cystitis:

  • Norfloxacin - twice a day, 400 mg. The duration of the course is 3 days.
  • Monural - 1 time per day for 3 g. Consume within 3 days.
  • Ciprofloxacin - twice a day, 250 mg. The duration of therapy is 3 days.

Self-treatment of cystitis in very rare cases leads to a complete recovery of the patient. To choose the right antibiotic, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination. During the treatment period, monitoring of the dynamics of the patient's condition is required. In addition, many antibiotics have absolute contraindications for use.

To date, treatment with Furagin, Furadonin, Ampicillin, Biseptol, Cefalexin, Cephradine is considered ineffective, since pathogens have developed resistance to them.

Inexpensive antibacterial medicines for cystitis:

It is a broad spectrum antibiotic. It is usually prescribed in cases where other means do not give the desired result in the course of therapy.
Nolicin is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age and is prescribed with caution to pregnant women and people suffering from epilepsy, vascular atherosclerosis. It is undesirable to use Nolicin in patients with liver disease and renal failure.

The estimated cost of the drug is 150-300 rubles.


It is an analogue of the drug 5 NOC. Nitroxoline treats pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, epididymitis. The antibiotic is contraindicated in liver diseases and kidney failure.

The average cost of the drug is 60–70 rubles.

The antibacterial agent belongs to the quinolone series. It has been successfully used in the treatment of urinary tract infections if the bacteria are susceptible to pipemidonic acid. Palin should not be taken in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnant and lactating women. As well as children under 15 years of age.
The approximate price in Russian pharmacies is 250-280 rubles.

It is one of the most inexpensive and most effective antibiotics used to treat cystitis. The price is about 300 rubles. Monural is not prescribed for children under 5 years of age and people with allergies to the components of this drug. Before use, the powder must be dissolved in water, it is used exclusively on an empty stomach 1 time per day.

For people who have the opportunity to purchase more expensive antibiotics, they recommend drugs such as Nevigramon and Rulid.

  • Nevigramone is a nalidixic acid, which is characterized by high antibacterial activity. Excellently tolerated by patients. The cost ranges from 3200 to 4400 rubles.
  • Rulid is a semi-synthetic antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action. Refers to macrolides. It is used exclusively as directed by a doctor. The average cost is in the range of 1100 to 1200 rubles.


Eliminate spasms and pain syndrome, which is one of the main symptoms of cystitis. The inflammatory process spreads to the muscles, which causes pain during filling and sharp pain when emptying the bladder. Nosh-pa, Baralgin, Papaverine relieve muscle tension, which relieves pain. The price is in the range from 50 to 100 rubles.

Antispasmodics are available in various forms, in the form of tablets, water-soluble powder or suppositories. The effectiveness of a particular drug does not depend on the form of use.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Similar agents (Nimesil, Diclofenac) are used to interrupt the chain of biochemical reactions that cause the inflammatory process. This reduces local swelling and fullness of the affected tissue, which relieves pain.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also used in therapy: Ibuprofen, Ibuklin, Faspik, Nurofen, Mig. Drugs should be used if cystitis is accompanied by severe pain. The cost ranges from 30 to 100 rubles.


Such remedies give an excellent result if cystitis occurs without an increase in body temperature and a pronounced pain syndrome. Most often, phytopreparations are used as part of complex therapy with antibacterial agents.

It has a diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The composition of the drug includes more than 10 different plant extracts. Long-term use ensures the dissolution of kidney stones, enhances the action of antimicrobial drugs, reduces inflammation. Produced in the form of tablets. The average cost in the Russian Federation is 430 rubles.

Phytopreparation is made on the basis of cranberry and is its highly concentrated extract. Since ancient times, cranberries have been used to treat cystitis, as they have an antimicrobial and diuretic effect. Available in tablets, long-term use of which prevents recurrence of the disease. The price in Russian pharmacies averages 450-500 rubles.

lingonberry leaves

An inexpensive remedy that destroys Staphylococcus aureus, has an astringent, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. The drug is indicated for use in pyelonephritis, gonorrhea, nephropathy, cystitis. Helps to increase immunity, provides a higher effectiveness of taking antibiotics. Filter bags containing lingonberries are less effective than ordinary dry leaves in packs. The cost in pharmacies of the Russian Federation is 40-50 rubles.

Phytolysin paste

The tool is made on the basis of 9 different herbs and is their water-alcohol solution. It has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, eliminates spasms of muscle tissue. Helps to remove sand from the renal pelvis and ureters. The average cost in Russian pharmacies is 300-350 rubles.

The drug is available in the form of tablets and solution. Regular intake of Kanefron reduces pain during urination and the likelihood of relapse if cystitis is in a chronic form. The product is made on the basis of medicinal herbs: centaury, lovage, rosemary. The price in Russian pharmacies is 350–400 rubles.


The occurrence of cystitis is directly dependent on the state of the urinary tract, intestinal microflora and vagina. For this reason, in addition to antibiotics and herbal remedies, you should undergo treatment with probiotics that restore microflora: Hilak Forte, Bifiform, Acipol, RioFlora Immuno.

Features of the treatment of cystitis in women

As you know, women are most susceptible to the occurrence of cystitis, they account for 90% of all cases. An effective remedy that is usually prescribed to the fairer sex: Monural, No-shpa, Ibuprofen, Palin. Simultaneously with antibiotics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, phytopreparations are prescribed: Cyston, Monurel, Kanefron.

Treatment for cystitis in women includes:

  1. Exclusion from the diet of spicy, pickled, smoked and salty dishes.
  2. The use of immunostimulants.
  3. Physiotherapy.
  4. Douching with medicinal herbs.
  5. The use of natural remedies that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. Warm baths and compresses.

Incorrect treatment can lead to a rapid transition of cystitis from acute to chronic. In this case, the walls of the bladder lose their elasticity, a cyst is formed, the structures of the organ are destroyed. Due to the constantly present inflammatory process, the probability of tissue degeneration into a malignant neoplasm increases significantly.

General information

Cystitis is a disease that women most often suffer from. What is cystitis and its signs are well known to those who have this disease turned into a chronic form, and this happens quite often. Therefore, women who are prone to this disease should definitely consult a doctor about how to treat cystitis, since self-treatment of cystitis can lead to undesirable consequences.

However, at present, many women, experiencing unpleasant symptoms, are in no hurry to find out which medicines for cystitis the doctor will prescribe. Many suffer from burning and pain when urinating, from frequent urges and at the same time do not want to visit a doctor who will tell you how this disease is treated and how to treat cystitis quickly and effectively. However, when a woman comes to the doctor, often her condition is already very serious, and complaints like: “ I'm in severe pain, I can't go to the toilet properly...» Specialists listen constantly.

Currently, modern pharmacology offers numerous drugs for the treatment of cystitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system. But every woman who is trying to quickly cure cystitis at home and get rid of pain and unpleasant symptoms should be clearly aware that any cystitis drugs that relieve the disease in 1 day cannot be used uncontrollably. After all, cystitis is not always an independent disease. Sometimes it occurs in combination with genital infections, diseases of the urogenital area, urolithiasis , pyelonephritis . Therefore, drugs for cystitis can reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease for a while, but not completely eliminate the disease.

At chronic cystitis in a woman, the cells of the bladder membrane gradually change, cysts also form, which later can transform into malignant formations, which leads to the development bladder cancer .

The structure of the genitourinary system in men and women

Therefore, no matter what effective remedy for cystitis is offered by acquaintances or pharmacists in pharmacies, it is better to first go through the study and get a doctor's prescription.

Cystitis in women, symptoms and drug treatment

The main causative agent of cystitis is coli , hence, acute cystitis develops as a result of wearing synthetic underwear, violation of the rules of personal hygiene.

Sometimes cystitis is a consequence of trauma ( defloration cystitis or a consequence of trauma during sexual intercourse). When determining how to treat this ailment, it should be taken into account that it can develop against the background of genital infections.

The list of drugs for cystitis in women is quite large, since cystitis is considered a female disease (according to doctors, by 80%) due to the structure of the female genital organs. In the network there are different reviews about drugs, each forum contains a lot of different opinions. But still, most users are advised to ask specialists about what medicines are, how to treat cystitis in women.

Treatment of chronic cystitis in women depends on many factors. It is important to take into account the nature of the disease, the causative agent of the infectious process, localization.

For doctors who prescribe drugs and determine what to drink and what treatments to practice, the following classification is important:

Those who treat this disease on their own are unlikely to be able to get rid of unpleasant symptoms in one day. After all, cystitis, as a rule, is painful and provokes the manifestation of a number of unpleasant symptoms:

  • frequent urination;
  • sharp pains and severe burning after emptying the bladder;
  • feeling that the bladder is constantly full;
  • a slight increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of blood and mucus in the urine.

First aid for cystitis should be provided correctly, so initially a woman needs to contact a urologist. Before prescribing treatment for chronic cystitis or determining how to cure the acute form of the disease, the doctor prescribes a series of studies. In particular, the following are carried out:

  • general analysis;
  • analysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • cystoscopic examination;
  • Bladder ultrasound.

Before prescribing treatment for acute cystitis antibiotics and by other means, the urologist refers the woman to a gynecologist. If cystitis is provoked by infections that are sexually transmitted, it is after an examination by a gynecologist and a smear taken that the doctor determines how to cure the disease.

As a rule, after a comprehensive examination, the doctor prescribes a scheme and explains to the woman how to treat cystitis at home. But sometimes, in addition to drugs, the doctor also prescribes physiotherapy, bladder instillations. Treatment of cystitis at home quickly with pills is possible only with mild forms of the disease. But at the same time, you must strictly follow the prescribed scheme and all recommendations on what to do with cystitis at home.

Causes of cystitis in women

What causes cystitis in women?

According to medical statistics, in 80% of cases, cystitis is a consequence coli , in 15% - the result of exposure staphylococcus , in 5% - other bacteria.

Most often, cystitis manifests itself against the background of an inflammatory process in the vagina or with diseases of the genital organs in women. It can also accompany tuberculosis of the female genital organs .

Additional factors provoking cystitis:

  • bladder stones ;
  • pyelonephritis ;
  • stasis of urine diverticula ;
  • pregnancy (due to changes in the microflora of the genitourinary organs due to hormonal changes);
  • diabetes , oncological diseases, allergy (in view of the constant intake of drugs);
  • carrying out surgical operations and manipulations, endoscopic examination (due to injury to the mucosa);
  • menopause (due to the lack of estrogen in the body).

Cystitis in men, symptoms and drug treatment

Signs of cystitis in men are much less common than in women. As a rule, this disease affects men after 45 years. The symptoms of this disease in men are the same as in women.

The causes of the disease may be as follows:

  • urolithiasis disease ;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene;
  • chronic sexual infections;
  • urethral stricture ;
  • deterioration in the function of the immune system.

What to do with an acute form of the disease, a man should definitely ask a urologist. It is the specialist who prescribes drugs for the treatment of cystitis in men. For this purpose, antibiotics, antispasmodics, herbal medicines, painkillers, physiotherapy are used.

Medicines for cystitis


Antibiotics for cystitis are currently very relevant, since with an undercooked acute form of the disease, it gradually turns into a chronic one. Which antibiotics for cystitis in women to take depends primarily on the appointment of a doctor. The list of antibiotics for cystitis in women is currently quite wide.

Antibiotics are also prescribed for pyelonephritis , urethritis and other diseases. However, it must be remembered that strong antibiotics in tablets always have a number of side effects. The most powerful antibiotics always have a certain negative effect on the body. This is especially true for broad-spectrum antibiotics. The list of broad-spectrum antibiotics that are used to treat cystitis is also large. But it is best to determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics before starting treatment. The doctor selects the best remedy for cystitis in women based on the results of such tests. It is in this case that tablets or powder from cystitis cure the disease as quickly and effectively as possible.

If the case is sufficiently neglected, and there are granulation in the bladder , a course of instillations with collargol can be prescribed. After the treatment has been completed, the urine culture should be repeated to check whether the disease has been cured.

When cystitis is prescribed Tetracycline (Tetracyclines include Doxycycline , minocycline , Tetracycline ), Sumamed , as well as analogues of the drug Sumamed - Azithromycin, Azitrocin and etc., Ceforal (an analogue of Ceforal - Suprax ). Also, in the case of cystitis, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic. Amoxiclav (Amoxiclav contains amoxicillin and clavulanic acid), as well as Amoxicillin .

Antibacterial agents that a specialist can most often prescribe in case of cystitis:

Antibiotic, which is very often prescribed to patients with an acute form of the disease. Relevant if acute cystitis with blood develops.

This remedy is prescribed even without a preliminary urine test. Monural is a powerful uroantiseptic, a derivative of phosphonic acid.

Powder, granules and suspension of Monural are produced. The remedy is well treated for the acute form of the disease, but chronic cystitis should be treated with other medicines.

Price from 350 rubles.

Relatively cheap tablets are broad-spectrum antibiotics from the group of fluoroquinolones containing norfloxacin. These are pills for cystitis in women, which are always treated quickly, since most bacteria have a high sensitivity to the active ingredient.

If any other medicine for cystitis is prescribed, one tablet or several doses of which does not bring the desired effect, then fluoroquinolones are reserve drugs.

The group of fluoroquinolones includes Norfloxacin , Ciprofloxacin , Ofloxacin . Which pills for cystitis for women to prefer is determined by the doctor, who can also prescribe pills for cystitis on herbs in parallel. Normax costs from 150 rubles, Norbaktin - from 130 rubles, the price of Ciprofloxacin - from 300 rubles.

Price from 250 rubles.


This remedy is an analogue of 5NOC, an antibiotic Nitroxoline belongs to the group of oxyquinolines.

It is advisable to take the remedy for signs of infectious diseases of the urinary tract (urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, epididymitis).

How to use the remedy, which tablets to drink in the general treatment regimen, should be determined by a specialist. How to drink nitroxoline depends primarily on the doctor's prescription. As a rule, the drug is taken 3-4 times a day for 10 days.

Price - from 70 rubles.

Palin - antimicrobial, uroantiseptic capsules, quinolone antibiotic. The drug Palin helps with infections of the genitourinary system if the pathogens are sensitive to pipemidic acid.

The instructions indicate that to take this remedy for cystitis at 400 mg twice a day for 10 days.

Price from 300 rubles.

Analogue means Furamag (the cost of Furamag is from 400 rubles).

The drugs are a derivative of nitrofuran, it should be drunk for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. A drug with such an active ingredient is used if bacterial culture has determined the sensitivity of the pathogen to Furagin.

Relatively quick relief from cystitis is noted when taking the remedy: 0.1–0.2 g of the remedy is indicated twice or thrice a day for a week or more. The course can be repeated after 10 days.

The cost is from 280 rubles.


An antibiotic that can treat diseases of the urinary system. Nevigramon prescribed for cystitis.

Active ingredient nalidixic acid demonstrates pronounced antibacterial activity.

Unpleasant symptoms with cystitis can be eliminated by taking 1 g of the drug 4 r. in a week.

Price from 3300 rubles.

Semi-synthetic macrolide antibiotic. Rulid - antimicrobial drugs with a wide spectrum of action, can be treated for urogenital infections. Can only be used after a doctor's prescription.

Rapid relief of the condition occurs if you take 150 mg twice a day.

Price from 1100 rubles.

Inexpensive antimicrobial agent containing nitrofuran. Furadonin used for bacterial infection of the urinary system.

How to take it depends on the destination. In most cases, you need to take the remedy 3-4 times a day for 8 days.

Furacilin , belonging to the group of nitrofurans, effectively acts in case of bacterial damage to the urinary system. Furacilin for cystitis is used for washing.


Antimicrobial drug. streptocide has a bacteriostatic effect against Escherichia coli, gonococci, streptococci, meningococci, etc.

Streptocid is prescribed orally, it should be taken 4-6 times a day.


Antimicrobial agent. Levomycetin effectively acts in relation to a wide range of microorganisms. You need to take 3-4 times a day, the treatment lasts at least 1 week.

Efficiency of funds

Those who are interested in how to quickly get rid of cystitis should take into account that over time, bacteria become resistant to antibiotics. Therefore, there is a possibility that in the treatment of cystitis, a weak effect or its complete absence can be observed with the use of such drugs: Ampicillin (often Ampicillin is ineffective in E. coli), Furadonin , Furagin , Biseptol , Cefalexin , Cephradine ). It is very important to consult with a specialist before taking medications, who knows everything about cystitis and can determine what helps quickly and effectively.

Simultaneously with antibiotics, other drugs are also prescribed, in particular, herbal remedies, antispasmodics, as well as immunostimulants ( Viferon etc.) Viferon suppositories contain alpha interferon, which activates the immune system. There are also other drugs of this type: the name of the suppository for cystitis in women will be prompted by the doctor, prescribing a treatment regimen.


Widely used in the treatment of genitourinary infections are herbs and those remedies based on herbal ingredients. Herbs for cystitis in women are effective as part of complex treatment. Medicines containing herbs, as a rule, are prescribed if the disease is uncomplicated, the pain is not too strong, there is no temperature. As a rule, complex treatment involves the use of drugs containing herbal components, and other means: these are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs.

An herbal remedy that contains more than ten different extracts of medicinal herbs.

Diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial action is noted. If you drink cystone for a long time, all components contribute to the fact that the inflammation of the urinary system is reduced.

Also, when taken with antibiotics, the effect of the latter is enhanced. If the patient has diseased kidneys (urolithiasis), the medicine helps dissolve the stones.

Price from 450 rubles.

lingonberry leaves

Lingonberry leaves have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, astringent, antimicrobial effects, help to cure diseases that develop as a result of the action of Staphylococcus aureus.

Lingonberry leaves are used for cystitis, pyelonephritis, nephropathies in pregnant women, as well as for gonorrhea , colds, etc. The remedy will help enhance the effect of antibiotics, increase immunity .

You can make tea from this herb, but for this it is recommended to use dry raw materials in packs.

At home, you can also use cranberry juice. Cranberry is a remedy that is included in many folk remedies for cystitis. This berry has an antimicrobial, diuretic effect, there is even the name "natural antibiotic". There is evidence that after taking 300 mg of cranberry juice daily, the frequency of recurrence of the disease decreases.

It can also alleviate the course of the disease, ensure its faster cure. Cranberries contain tannins that prevent bacteria from attaching to the walls of the bladder. Therefore, the introduction of cranberries into the diet is an excellent prevention of recurrence of cystitis, as well as protection against bacterial attack.

Monurel - tablets, which are, in fact, a concentrated cranberry extract. Therefore, the best action is noted when the patient takes this remedy for a long time.

Price from 500 rubles.

Cranberry fruit extract also contains capsules Uroprofit . Uroprofit also contains bearberry leaf extract, horsetail herb, vitamin C. The product is a dietary supplement, you need to take it 2 capsules a day.

The composition of the tool Kanefron includes a combination of herbal ingredients (rosemary, lovage, centaury). There are such types of medicine: solution, pills.

If you repeatedly take this remedy, with cystitis, it reduces the severity of pain, reduces the likelihood of exacerbations in the chronic form of the disease. This herbal drug is combined with antibiotics and is well tolerated by patients.

Phytolysin (green paste) is a hydroalcoholic extract of nine herbs and a number of oils - sage, pine, orange. This combined remedy has a diuretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effect.

Reviews of those who use this remedy indicate that it activates the process of removing sand from the renal pelvis and ureters.

It should be noted that this remedy is not an ointment for external use, but a preparation from which a suspension is prepared by dissolving one teaspoon of the agent in a glass of warm water. Reception lasts at least two weeks.

The preparation of plant origin, the composition includes hop cones, wild carrot extract, oregano, peppermint, fir oil. Like other uroantiseptics, Urolesan acts as a diuretic, antispasmodic, choleretic action.

Treatment lasts from 1 to 4 weeks, the dosage is prescribed by the doctor.

Price from 250 rubles.

Combined herbal remedy that has a positive effect on the bladder and urinary system as a whole. uroseptic spilled also used for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis. Activates the effect of antibiotics.

Cost - from 500 rubles.


It should be taken into account when using antispasmodics: the list of drugs of this type is quite extensive.

However, drugs are best for severe pain. No-shpa , Drotaverine which are derivatives of isoquinoline. These drugs - myotropic antispasmodics - have a strong antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles. They relax the internal organs and, accordingly, reduce pain. But it is very important to understand that these drugs cannot cure the disease: they only relieve pain.

As a side effect, they cause lethargy , drowsiness , dizziness .

Drotaverine hydrochloride

Tablets, capsules, injections are produced, which contain drotaverine .

The tool is indicated for pain, including diseases of the urinary system. This is a kind of emergency "ambulance": the remedy allows you to quickly relieve pain - about half an hour after taking it.

The drug does not have a negative effect on the nervous system.

No-shpa (analogue of Drotaverine)

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

If the pain is very severe with cystitis, NSAIDs give good results with cystitis. These drugs provide antipyretic and analgesic effects, they are used as part of complex treatment. How long you can take such medicines, you should ask your doctor. They act relatively mildly on the body, are normally tolerated, the pain quickly disappears.

Such drugs can be purchased without a prescription, they are used at home. But still, it is better to keep the intake of such drugs to a minimum, since their intake can adversely affect the condition of the kidneys and liver. NSAIDs should not be used during pregnancy.

Relatively cheap drug that can be used for children and adults. Provides analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. ibuprofen acts quickly, but still it is not recommended for pregnant women and children under 6 years of age.

Part Faspik includes ibuprofen, but its concentrations are much higher.

Also analogues of Ibuprofen are drugs Nurofen , Ibuklin (Ibuklin contains ibuprofen and paracetamol). Going to any thematic forum, you can find many recommendations on the use of these tools. But it's best to get a doctor's advice.

Price from 120 rubles.


Since the development of cystitis is associated not only with the state of the urinary tract, but also with a violation of the intestinal and vaginal microflora, in the process of treating cystitis, probiotic preparations . Modern medicine recommends many such medicines that contain lactobacilli and bifidobacteria . They restore the microflora in women and girls, and also have a beneficial effect on its condition after taking antibiotics. Commonly used drugs are Bifiform , RioFlora Balance , Acipol , Hilak Forte , RioFlora Immuno.

Folk remedies for cystitis

Taking the so-called bladder pills as prescribed by a doctor, a woman can simultaneously practice treatment with folk remedies, which, in essence, are auxiliary methods of therapy.

It is known that pills for inflammation of the bladder in women should be prescribed by a doctor, but folk remedies should not be used uncontrollably, as this can only worsen the situation.

But some methods that can be used at home are quite effective. Plus, they are simple to make and easy to use.

The most popular are the following methods:

  • Drink every day decoction of dill seeds which relieves pain and reduces inflammation. You can also cook dill infusion by pouring boiling water over crushed seeds. However, such drinking is contraindicated for hypotensive patients and people suffering from gallbladder diseases.
  • Used to treat this disease millet . To prepare a drink, you need 2 tbsp. l. millet pour 2 cups boiling water, then cook for 5 minutes. After the remedy has stood for another 5 minutes, the liquid must be drained and drunk on the first day of illness, 1 tbsp. l. every hour, on the second day - 3 tbsp. l. every hour, on the third - half a glass of broth. Treatment can last up to 7 days.
  • Helps with cystitis decoction of chamomile . You can also prepare an infusion by pouring 1 tbsp. l. herbs 1 cup boiling water and insisting 15 minutes. Drink a third of a glass three times a day before meals. There are also homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements, which include chamomile.
  • Parsley is an effective remedy for the treatment of this disease. Can cook parsley seed infusion , gulf 1 tsp. parsley, pre-chopped, two glasses of cold water. Take after the remedy has been infused for 10 hours. This amount of funds should be taken during the day, drink in small doses. You can also consume parsley seeds in their pure form, after chopping them.
  • Widely applied lingonberry leaf (you can see the photo of what this plant looks like). To prepare the product, you need 1 tbsp. l. cranberries and pour a glass of boiling water. After an hour of infusion, apply half a glass three times a day before meals.
  • Often used to treat cystitis soda. A solution is prepared from it at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. soda per 1 liter of boiled water. You need to drink a solution of 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. Also, a remedy called a soda solution can be used to douche the genitourinary tract.

In the treatment of cystitis, homeopathic remedies are also used. However, homeopathy in this disease also requires the appointment of a specialist and use under his control.

Prevention of cystitis

There are several simple rules that will help to avoid recurrence of cystitis.

  • It is important to adhere to the rules of hygiene: change underwear every day, wash properly and regularly.
  • It is advisable to wear cotton underwear, use a soft towel, use non-scented shower gel, but soap with a neutral pH.
  • It is recommended to drink enough liquid every day - at least one and a half liters.
  • It is important to empty the bladder in a timely manner.
  • It is recommended to comply diet : do not abuse coffee, exclude alcohol, spicy, salty, smoked dishes.
  • Hypothermia should not be allowed.

If you follow these rules, you can avoid recurrence of the disease.

Education: She graduated from the Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from the Vinnitsa State Medical University. M.I. Pirogov and an internship based on it.

Experience: From 2003 to 2013 she worked as a pharmacist and head of a pharmacy kiosk. Awarded with certificates and distinctions for long-term and conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.

I agree that a good doctor is half the battle, then the appointments will be competent. An antibiotic is by itself in the acute phase, but from my own experience I can say that it’s still good to drink extra weed, something sour, like cranberries, because cystitis bacteria do not multiply in an acidic environment in the bladder. So I buy uroprofit for this purpose, there are cranberries and horsetails, which reduce spasms, and therefore the cramps do not bother me so much.

A doctor should always prescribe treatment, it’s one thing for doctors to prescribe the most expensive drugs and it’s not a fact that in this case they are appropriate. You just need to get to a good urologist to finally solve this problem. I was helped by Yury Leonidovich Pankratiev, he works at the Nearmedic clinic, he is a good doctor, his patients do not speak badly about him.

Thank you very much for your comments! After reading everything, I decided for myself on the selection of funds for treatment, although I will still go to the doctor. And I will use your advice for the first days. Thanks to all.

I’m sitting at home for the New Year. Before the New Year, I went to the bathhouse. And she ran through the snow and bought an ice hole. In vain What am I doing I drink PHYTOLYSIN. just do not forget to drink it warm and add a spoonful of sugar according to the instructions. It always lies in my stash. Yes, the herring should not have been eaten, forgot. Now they will bring the medicine Novitsin. and I think in the morning everything will be fine.

No one talks about knotweed in the treatment of cystitis, neither doctors nor patients. I was somehow cured of cystitis with knotweed, lay, suffered, had a temperature. A neighbor came, looked at me, went and brought knotweed, narwhal on the street, it grows a lot on the lawns. She said that it should be brewed and drink the solution.

A good drug for the treatment of cystitis Urolesan. She cured herself. And before that - what just did not try. I drank antibiotics, and a month later everything started all over again. And these vegetable drops helped. Marvelous!

I can say about myself that I only save myself from this unpleasant disease by prevention. The doctor recommended me to drink Uroprofit, there and the composition is such that it is necessary for the health of the urinary tract. (cranberry fruit extract, bearberry leaves, horsetail herb and Vitamin C) And thanks to these components, my unpleasant symptoms associated with cystitis have become much less frequent.

The antimicrobial should definitely be selected by the doctor, because now some antibiotics are addictive and there is an unnecessary side effect. And chronic cystitis is not very difficult to earn, I speak from my own experience. Therefore, you must strictly follow the doctor's instructions, without amateur performance. Now my cystitis gets worse every off-season, and if you don’t take it on time, it will bloom in a riotous color. I immediately begin a plentiful warm drink, climb into a warm bath to warm up. And if everything is in the middle of the working week, then I prefer uroprofit, there are antimicrobial components with organic acids, and they do not allow inflammation to intensify.

I did not know that spicy food can provoke cystitis. And I love both salty and peppery, and here's what it turns out. For this reason, I often have exacerbations, and not because of hypothermia. So keep that reason in mind too.

Sometimes with a sudden exacerbation and there is no way to get to the doctor, which means you are left without an antibiotic. The last time Uroprofit helped me a lot with cranberries and bearberry in the composition, which significantly reduced inflammation in the urinary tract, and they are also a good diuretic. Thanks to the horsetail, the pain sensations were significantly alleviated. So it definitely deserves attention.

I take Urolesan and Nolicin for cystitis. Nolicin 3 days, and Urolesan about a week to consolidate the effect. My doctor advised me this treatment about 5 years ago, since then I have been using it for exacerbations about once a year. Previously, cystitis worsened almost every month, now it is much better, so the scheme is good.

I cured chronic cystitis completely. Girls, my story is very long, but I assure you that I tried all means, went around a bunch of urologists, but all to no avail. I always approached the issue of treatment seriously, since I myself have a medical education and I understand what's what. The last urologist prescribed me a diet against the background of drug treatment, namely, to alternate protein and protein-free days. Those. For 3 days I ate meat, fish, cutlets there, and did not eat fruit, then 3 days no meat, fish, eggs, only fruits, vegetables, juices and milk. And so 3 weeks until the end of treatment. The fact is that while we eat food rich in animal proteins, all the fluids of our body become acidic, the pH becomes less than 5, including urine. Microorganisms thrive in such an environment. When we eat food of plant origin, the pH becomes above 5, the environment becomes closer to alkaline, in such an environment most microorganisms do not live. Milk and dairy products, although of animal origin, are very rich in calcium and other minerals, this is a qualitatively different product than meat itself, and causes a pH reaction similar to fruit in the body. As a result, at the end of the treatment, I told the urologist about my observations that it was not the treatment that helped me, but the diet, she shrugged. She put me on a diet to stress the bacterial colonies in my pH bubble. But as soon as I started eating meat products, the pain appeared. The doctor cannot advise what I advise, namely the rejection of meat products. This is contrary to established nutritional standards, so all doctors say that you need to eat everything. However, it is not. Especially in our age, when you can’t find pure meat in stores, it is stuffed with antibiotics, preservatives, dyes and other chemicals, I checked it from personal experience. I slowly left the meat. At first I ate only fish. (chicken, beef, eggs, liver, sausage, I didn’t eat all this) So for about a month, the first days, of course, I forgot to take a cutlet in the dining room, but remembered at the table and gave it to my husband). Then the craving for meat passed . Even the smell of cooked meat or gravy seemed disgusting to me. A month later, the fish also left. When I stopped eating killer food, I forgot what cystitis is. I stopped being afraid of the cold, sexual intercourse became painless, I got sick with colds less often. The main thing is that consciousness changes on such nutrition. Mentally, you become more balanced, stress is no longer terrible, composure appears, concentration at work, the mood is just great! I went to Baikal, rested my body and soul, this is a magical place! When I returned, I began to practice yoga and self-development, it was not difficult for me, since it turned out that all serious yogis are vegetarians. I have never had any illusions about veganism or vegetarianism before, and I really liked to eat fried ribs, beef tongue. However, after going through this hell with cystitis, I almost lost everything, even myself. I switched to vegetarianism, not because I was “brainwashed” or “fell into a sect,” no. Everything happened according to the doctor's prescription, protein and protein-free days, remember? If you can’t immediately give up meat, switch to fish, as I did, then it will come by itself. I recommend changing your diet gradually. And of course yoga is a very important thing! I do it on my own, without a coach, and everything in my life has changed, I just live and rejoice! I wish everyone good health, I thank those who have read to the end! Light, happiness, positive to you! Live according to your conscience, in harmony and harmony with nature!

Hello. I've been taking a lot of drugs and unfortunately nothing helps me! Even Monural! What to do?

A good remedy for cystitis is bear ears tincture, but it turns out that they are very difficult to prepare correctly. On one resource they write that the leaves cannot be subjected to heat treatment, on the other, that they need to be brewed with boiling water, or even better, insist on alcohol (and alcohol is generally undesirable for cystitis). After such conflicting opinions, I decided to just look for a pharmacy product with a ready-made extract. The first thing that caught my eye was uroprofit. It contains bearberry - this is bear ears, horsetail, cranberries. So I buy it and don't bother

Horsetail has a good antispasmodic effect. And everyone knows cranberries and bearberries, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and are excellent diuretics.

I drank Monural, plus I drank Cyston. Helped fairly quickly.

All methods are of course good, but no matter how much I tried, nothing helped. my way of treating cystitis is very long, but until I tried nephrodesis, I thought that cystitis was incurable. I tried antibiotics, and the well-known monural and kanefron, but nothing helped. then I tried to be treated with herbs in a complex. Then I went to one doctor, the second one. Antibiotics were prescribed all around, and I kept looking for more harmless ways to solve this problem. Then I turned to another doctor, who appointed my savior-nephrodesis. pain, constant urge to go to the toilet and a generally unpleasant feeling that at any moment I had to look for where to run. I am very glad that I nevertheless achieved my goal and was treated with a harmless, but effective drug.

If treatment does not help, you definitely need to change the scheme. But what I also understood for myself is that the antibiotic for cystitis works faster together with medicinal herbs - the antibiotic kills bacteria, and the herbs restore the bladder and its walls after inflammation. In this regard, I really like cystenium - in terms of the selection of components and naturalness.

I can't take antibiotics. I have a strange reaction to them - it starts to shake. and cystitis tormented me for several years, so much so that for the last time both my stomach and back ached and even my legs were swollen. All symptoms disappeared overnight. only once put Biomedis. and after a couple of days I completely forgot what it was and for a year now I don’t remember anymore. domestic technologies :))

In the last exacerbation, the doctor recommended an antibiotic for me to drink a course of Cystenium. I liked the drug and the safety of the composition (completely natural), and quite good efficiency: in the complex of treatment, the symptoms subsided quite quickly, and the inflammation disappeared. I decided now to drink it for prevention - the course is only 2 weeks, and a long-term remission is provided

I also always consult a doctor, I never prescribe anything to myself. especially with cystitis. This time, the doctor added Sextaphage to the antibiotic, which contains bacteriophages, so the treatment was much faster and more effective. Pain and cramps quickly passed, which is very important for me.

There are many different drugs for cystitis, it would be nice to choose drugs with a doctor, but I had a situation and I could not personally consult a doctor, so I consulted with a doctor on the site cystitis-treatment.rf.

Good article. By the way, I can say from personal experience that complex treatment is necessary, not only an antibiotic, because if it is taken often, it will begin to cause resistance in bacteria and cease to act on them, but also a herbal preparation, such as, for example, Cystenium. It was taken in combination with antibiotics. There is a drug in the form of a powder, which must be dissolved in the right amount of water and taken. This is a complex of medicinal herbs that helps relieve inflammation in the bladder and prevents bacteria from developing. Cystenium tastes good. I took the drug for two weeks. So now cystitis does not return, or rather its symptoms.

I start having slightly unpleasant symptoms, I immediately start drinking uroprofit, it has a complex action and is completely natural, besides it contains an extract of cranberry, horsetail, bearberry and vitamin C - only it quickly relieves my symptoms, before that I drank cystone, so it didn’t help me at all.

It is very important to observe prevention, very good methods are described in the article.

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