Chamomile: contraindications, useful properties. Medicinal properties of chamomile: indications, contraindications, applications

Modest flowers, often growing not only in meadows, but also on roadsides in dust and oblivion, are in fact a source of truly priceless raw materials. Chamomile decoction is able to relieve many diseases and protect against the “invasion” of microbes.

Benefits of chamomile tea

Chamomile can be safely called a small flower with great potential. This light-loving plant has absorbed the best from the sun, and the most useful from the earth.

Infusion of chamomile pharmacy perfectly copes even with chronic gastritis. If you want to cure your stomach, then give up other hot drinks for a month and drink chamomile tea three times per day. In addition, it helps to get rid of colic and discomfort in the stomach after overeating, so that it is simply irreplaceable after plentiful feasts and during long holidays.

Due to the content of vitamin C in dry raw materials and ascorbic acid, which do not disappear after brewing, chamomile tea strengthens the immune system and prevents colds. If you are prone to seasonal colds, then more often include this drink in your diet throughout the year, then you can avoid acute respiratory infections and even SARS.

In autumn, spring and winter, it is recommended to drink this tea at least 4-5 times a week, as it not only disinfects, but also improves mood. If you still caught a cold, then chamomile tea will come to the rescue - it alleviates sore throats, has a diaphoretic effect, and lowers the temperature.

Chamomile tea contains flavonoids and azulenes, that is, it has antibacterial action, so it helps to remove internal inflammation. It relieves cystitis and other diseases genitourinary system, relieves pain in pyelonephritis, removes the consequences food poisoning and removes substances that poison the body.

High content nicotinic acid makes chamomile tea indispensable for those who, for some reason, eat incorrectly or sit on strict diet. In addition, thanks to this acid, the body receives the dose of vitamin PP it needs, which in turn relieves spasms of the vessels of the extremities and helps in the treatment of diabetes.

Chamomile tea restores the nervous system, it calms, helps to relax, relieves depressive states and the effects of stress. It will also save you from insomnia. Those who regularly consume this drink are less prone to neurosis, irritability and sleep disturbance.

In addition, chamomile tea is recommended for those who, on a regular basis or just for 2-3 weeks, take painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs, which include acetylsalicylic acid(aspirin). This drink reduces the risk of erosion of the walls of the stomach and restores its microflora.

Benefits of chamomile tea

Chamomile tea: contraindications

Chamomile tea really has a wide range useful qualities and actions, however, like any drink, it has some contraindications.

First, surprisingly, there have been cases of allergic reactions and indigestion. Therefore, individual intolerance is a contraindication.

Secondly, chamomile tea is not recommended to be taken simultaneously (in one period) with sedative and diuretic drugs. The fact is that it also has similar properties, so mixing it with sedatives, with antidepressants and diuretics can cause an overdose.

On this, by and large, contraindications end. In general, chamomile tea is so useful that it is given even to babies, and from a very young age.

How to collect and dry chamomile

Chamomile can be bought at any pharmacy in bulk and in the store in the form of tea bags, but if you collect it yourself, you will know for sure that only natural product. Collect this flower in ecologically clean areas during flowering (in May-June), take those inflorescences that have just opened, and pinch off the heads without stems.

Dry by laying out thin layer(1 kg per 1 m 2) in a shady place - under a canopy on the street, in the attic or at home in a well-ventilated area. It takes 5-6 days. Stir the flowers from time to time, but do it carefully so that the petals do not crumble. You can dry the raw materials in a slightly warm oven.

When drying, avoid direct contact sun rays and heating above 40 degrees - both kill beneficial features this plant. Chamomile is ready to use when the receptacle is easily rubbed into dust with your fingers. Store dry flowers in a cardboard box or linen bags. Shelf life - 1 year.

Benefits of chamomile tea

“Summer girlfriends, white daisies, forest fairies wove shirts for them,” one children's poem tells romantically. It is difficult to find a flower more tender and beloved than an ordinary field chamomile. Young men carry bouquets of chamomile to their beloved ones, we drink chamomile tea when stress piles up and it seems that the whole world is up in arms against. We bathe our children in chamomile baths and chamomile ice we wipe our face in the morning to wake up and amaze everyone with our freshness and charm. Chamomile is unique - its medicinal properties and contraindications can be listed for hours. What is her secret?

Flower of stupid beliefs

Many girls in love at least once in their lives guessed on a camomile: “loves - does not love ...” Of course, this is nonsense and stupidity, in a state of love, brains are often “put on a shelf”. It is hard to imagine, but the ancient Slavs were the first to engage in this nonsense. Chamomile was one of the 7 sacred plants.

That's just called her in those days in a different way - navel. The yellow button in the middle of the flower is like a navel, hence the mischievous name. Pupavka was considered the embodiment heavenly star on the ground. For some reason, our ancestors decided that it was possible to ask this flower before a military campaign: “We will return home with a victory - we will not return?” And if there are any meaningful beliefs (for example, “if you don’t work, then most likely there will be no money”), then there was clearly no sense in this.

Soon, stupid Slavic beliefs left, and chamomile became a symbol of purity and tenderness. Just listen with what love our forefathers called it - squirrel-grass, bachelorette party, uterine grass (heals women's ailments!), forest Maryasha, daughter-in-law ... And chamomile infusion (the benefits and harms have been known from time immemorial) was valued by the ancients as one of the most effective potions!

Pharmacy chamomile from "internal" diseases ...

There are a lot of daisies in the world, only official sources cannot come to consensus- either 20 species, or 30 ... One thing is clear - not all grow in Russia, only one third. But the main thing is that we have a pharmacy chamomile (the photos show a small navel with a powerful convex center), it is her unique properties indispensable in home treatment.

Chamomile is an almost legendary anti-inflammatory herb, a mild antiseptic, and an excellent sedative. There are many options for using forest maryashi - decoctions and infusions, creams and compresses, baths and inhalations, douches and creams home cooking… But all the various chamomile treatments can be divided into 2 large groups- external and internal.

A decoction of chamomile inside - the benefits and harms of such a flower herbal medicine are being studied today in the best American and Asian research institutes. Chamomile treatment helps:

  • relieve an attack of gastritis, ulcers, enterocolitis, calm flatulence;
  • deal with fever
  • restore strength in case of overwork;
  • to eliminate an attack of pain (headache, gastric, menstrual);
  • return the menstrual cycle to normal;
  • remove allergy symptoms;
  • cure diarrhea and colic in the tummy in children;
  • alleviate the condition cholelithiasis.

Chamomile is used not only in the form of infusions - medicinal properties are excellent for sore throat and laryngitis, if done herbal rinses. Enema chamomile doctors recommend for early stages hemorrhoids, douching can help with gynecological ailments.

... and with external ailments

Lotions for conjunctivitis, washing festering wounds, baths at women's diseases, rubbing for rheumatism - this is also chamomile. Useful properties and contraindications are indicated on any factory packaging of herbs, but experienced herbalists know: a list of chamomile healing qualities much broader than dry official instructions.

Today, a package of dried chamomile in home first aid kit cope with such ailments as:

  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye (herbal washes);
  • hemorrhoids (not only enemas, but also lotions);
  • burns and frostbite;
  • rash (including allergic), ulcers, non-healing wounds;
  • increased sweating of the hands and palms (rubbing and baths);
  • rheumatism, arthritis, gout (rubbing with chamomile oil and compresses);
  • pain after bruises;
  • acne, boils and pimples.

But forest maryasha is used not only for treatment - babies are traditionally bathed in chamomile baths. Even pediatricians recommend such spa treatments for babies, but you need to know by heart how to brew chamomile for bathing a newborn and how to prepare for bathing.

  1. First, check to see if the crumbs have allergies. Wipe the baby's hand with a decoction and check the reaction after 15 minutes.
  2. Do not bathe your child in herbs too often - two or three chamomile spa treatments a week are enough. Aroma bathing time - 15 minutes, t - 37ºС.
  3. You need to use the umbilical decoction fresh, cook 1.5-2 hours before bathing.
  4. Brew chamomile like this - a tablespoon per liter of water, pour boiling water, insist an hour and a half in a thermos.
  5. A liter is enough for a bath for a newborn baby healing decoction. Do not forget to strain well and make sure that the diluted herbal tea does not get into the baby's mouth.

Miracle chamomile tea

Fragrant, slightly sweet chamomile tea ... Benefit and harm - what is more in it? For the British, this question is not worth it; in the UK, chamomile tea is a traditional home recipe from all ailments. In some British offices, a drink from forest maryashi in the morning - obligatory ritual. For raising office tone and disease prevention.

Although we are not English, we also love chamomile tea. Yes, and the tea industry is trying for us - in the arsenal of every self-respecting company there is a herbal collection with obligatory chamomile, and in extreme cases, you can simply brew pharmaceutical herbs.

In a cup of spicy chamomile tea with delicate taste all connected healing properties squirrels-herbs:

  • Helps to cope with insomnia, relieve irritability, gives strength in the daily fight against stress.
  • It treats ulcers and gastritis, supports the liver, and helps to restore the intestinal microflora.
  • Lowers blood sugar – take note for diabetics!
  • It alleviates the condition with a cold: it works as an expectorant, antipyretic, and even fights microbes.
  • Helps in the stubborn struggle for slim figure: improves digestion, removes excess liquid, and by relieving stress, it removes the desire to seize the problem with a cookie or candy.

Chamomile tea is not only healthy - it is also very tasty. If you brew it with, mix it with pomegranate juice, add milk or honey, you get just a wonderful drink. You can also cook…

Anti-cold chamomile tea

You will need (for 4 cups): 2.5 cm, 1 large lemon - juice and zest separately, 1.2 liters of water, 30-50 grams of honey (to taste), 4 bags of dried chamomile.

Peel and cut the ginger, throw it into the water along with the zest and honey. Boil, add lemon juice to it. Preheat the teapot, lower the herb packets and pour over the lemon-ginger water. After 25-30 minutes, you can already pour into mugs!

Are there any contraindications?

But is chamomile so harmless? Any medicinal herb has useful properties and contraindications, chamomile cannot be absolutely safe!

However, the forest maryasha surprises not only with its romantic name - the only contraindication for chamomile tea parties and medical procedures is an individual intolerance. Or an allergy to chamomile pollen. If you have a heightened sensitivity to other medicinal herbs - arnica, you also need to be careful with the navel.

Can pregnant women drink chamomile? This question is repeatedly raised both on women's forums and on medical sites. The answer is simple - you can, but only after the permission of the observing gynecologist. Chamomile during pregnancy early dates can provoke a miscarriage, and in the third trimester increases the risk of premature birth of an heir.

Chamomile in cosmetology

Not only in medicine is chamomile strong, its beneficial properties are also appreciated by cosmetologists. And the most popular cosmetic companies produce entire lines with white grass for hands, face and hair. Chamomile today is a real sign of quality, a symbol of everything natural, safe and incredibly beneficial for the skin.

The main cosmetic advantage of the navel is its ability to soothe and relieve inflammation. Compresses and washings with chamomile infusion are used to relieve irritation and redness on the face, heal small pimples, in integrated struggle with acne.

The easiest way to appreciate the cosmetic talents of chamomile is to cook herbal ice. To do this, brew chamomile (a tablespoon or a bag for a glass of boiling water), wait until it cools down and freeze. It is best to wipe the face in the morning, after washing.

Such a chamomile for the face perfectly tones and invigorates, reviews assure that it also dries pimples and evens out skin color. And if you add your favorites to the cooled broth cosmetic oils for the face (, geranium, etc.), the effect will increase significantly.

And chamomile is also indispensable for hair - after the usual rinsing, the curls stop getting tangled, become soft and shiny ... And blondes get a bonus - a light and simply charming golden hue!

Chamomile is a flower familiar to everyone since childhood. But have you ever wondered what benefits this beautiful plant brings? Today we’ll talk about the benefits and harms of this simple, but very necessary plant, consider its contraindications and methods of application.

The benefits of chamomile

Despite the simplicity and availability of chamomile, it is a very valuable plant. It contains a large number of substances that our body needs. And the beneficial properties of the plant can be listed for a very long time.

The composition of chamomile is valuable because it contains:

  • - A, C, D;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • carotene etc.

So what are the benefits of all these listed substances? Useful properties of chamomile:

With such a rich track record, it is no surprise that chamomile is the most sought after flower in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

Harm chamomile

Even such a useful and harmless plant as chamomile can harm the body. If not used correctly. Do not neglect the list of contraindications, exceed the dosage. If this plant is used enough for a long time, without interruption, you can get a large number side effects. Such as:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • irritability;
  • weakness.

It is worth using this plant with caution if you are prone to frequent allergies. It is also recommended to conduct an allergy test before applying the product to infants.

Application of chamomile

So, in what cases should chamomile flowers be used?

  1. Inflammation and wounds on the skin.
  2. Diseases of the biliary system.
  3. , bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory diseases.
  4. Gastritis, enteritis, diarrhea and other diseases of the stomach.
  5. inflammation internal organs such as cystitis.
  6. Irritation of the mucous membrane.
  7. Allergies.
  8. Eczema, ulcers, abscesses, burns.
  9. Migraine.
  10. Toothache and other types of pain.
  11. Sleep problems.
  12. Sprain.
  • Hyperactivity and hyperexcitability of the central nervous system.
  • Fever and high temperature.
  • Bleeding in the female part, including after childbirth.
  • Malaria.
  • Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pain syndrome during menstruation.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Pulmonary inflammatory processes.
  • Viral colds.
  • Decreased appetite.

Use a decoction for rinsing, steaming or rubbing:

  1. Angina and diseases.
  2. Dryness and tightness of the epidermis.
  3. and skin inflammation.
  4. Thrush.
  5. Cystitis.
  6. Cervical erosion.
  7. Cosmetic purposes - skin whitening, acne treatment, removal of irritation and redness.
  8. Aromatherapy, for disinfection of the premises and the central nervous system.
  9. Seizures.
  10. Insect bites.
  11. Eye irritation.
  12. Dandruff.
  13. Increased sweating.
  14. Injury.
  15. Rheumatism, gout.
  16. Liver diseases.
  17. Leg fatigue.

Chamomile can be used up to 3 months without interruption. Usually, allergies and side effects do not occur from the duration of the course of use.

Please note that douching with chamomile is not recommended in the following situations:

  • period;
  • pregnancy;
  • age after 40 years, due to the natural dryness of the vagina;
  • the first 30 days after childbirth, surgical intervention;
  • acute inflammatory processes.

By the way, a decoction of this flower can be given to children from 1 year old. It is also possible to use in more early age, in the form of baths or creams. Remember to dilute chamomile with water before applying to children.

Chamomile contraindications

For all its innocence and positive properties, chamomile has contraindications. Namely:

  1. The period of bearing a baby.
  2. Lactation.
  3. Co-administration with other potent drugs.
  4. Before treating chronic diseases with chamomile, you should discuss this with your doctor.

If used incorrectly, side effects are possible in the form of:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • angioedema;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • rashes;
  • itching;
  • skin redness.

Chamomile tincture

In addition to using dry raw materials, you can purchase or make your own alcohol tincture chamomile. You can apply it when:

  1. Stagnation of bile.
  2. Malfunction of the liver.
  3. Violation of the heart rhythm.
  4. Lungs nervous states and overwork.
  5. Work disruption sebaceous glands during puberty.
  6. Reduced blood pressure.
  7. Sanitation oral cavity.
  8. Gastritis and ulcers.
  9. During the period of increased mental stress.
  10. Some women's ailments.

You can prepare chamomile tincture at home as follows:

  1. Take dried chamomile flowers.
  2. Fill with vodka. There are 5 parts of vodka for 1 part of chamomile.
  3. Insist in a dark, cool place for 1 week, shaking the container occasionally.
  4. After 7 days, carefully squeeze the raw material, and pour the liquid into a dark glass container. Store the tincture in the refrigerator.

Ready infusion has a rich Brown color. The liquid is clear and smells like a flower. Application is recommended to coordinate with a specialist.

It is best to purchase ready-made raw materials in a pharmacy. Collecting plants on your own, you can confuse pharmacy chamomile with another variety of it, which cannot be taken orally.

Alcohol tincture this plant contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • Children's age up to 12 years.
  • Individual intolerance.

If the use of alcohol tincture is not possible, prepare a decoction of the flowers. Just pour a tablespoon of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Cool and strain before use.

You can also place the flowers in an enamel bowl and boil. This method will help to brew herbs more efficiently.

Chamomile for hair

Today, many people prefer natural cosmetics, among which a decoction of chamomile occupies a place of honor. Benefits of using chamomile for hair:

  • increase in the natural shine of hair;
  • ease of combing;
  • hair reduction, bulb strengthening;
  • getting rid of dandruff;
  • hair restoration after exposure chemicals- curling, dyeing;
  • soft .

You can use chamomile for hair in the following ways:

  • Rinsing.
  • Mask.
  • Shampoo.

Rinsing can give hair shine and brightness. Masks are suitable for deep recovery. And the shampoo will help those who want to care for curls during the washing procedure.

For rinsing and easy wash heads fit the usual decoction. How to do it is described above.

The best chamomile hair mask recipes:

  • Yolk of 1 egg, 50 g olive oil and 10 drops of essential oil. Mix the ingredients and apply evenly over the entire length of the hair. Wrap with polyethylene and a towel. After 40-60 minutes, wash off in the usual way. For owners oily skin heads it is better to use alcohol tincture. Alcohol dries out.
  • Mix half a glass of chamomile decoction with 25 g, the same amount of honey and the juice of a quarter of a lemon. Apply to hair and wrap with a towel. Rinse your hair after an hour. plain water. Shampoo is not recommended.
  • Dissolve a tablespoon of honey in 100 ml of chamomile tea and apply to your hair. Wash off after 40 minutes.
  • To activate hair growth, mix a couple of tablespoons of castor oil with a teaspoon of alcohol infusion. hot pepper. Add the same amount of chamomile tincture and mix. The mask is applied only to the roots. After an hour, rinse your hair with plain water. It is better to warm up the oil before use.

Chamomile for the face

Chamomile flowers - real Ambulance at various problems with facial skin. The positive effect of chamomile on the skin:

  • Removes irritation.
  • Eliminates redness.
  • Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Treats acne.
  • Removes swelling.
  • Makes it less bright.
  • Smoothes .
  • Eliminates itching.

You can simply wipe your face with a cotton pad dipped in chamomile decoction. But it is best to use ice cubes with chamomile. Just pour the broth into molds and put it in the freezer. For oily skin, it is recommended to mix chamomile with lemon juice. You can replace it with vodka or vinegar.

Ice with chamomile, in addition to the above advantages, will also play the role beneficial stress. The skin, under the influence of ice, begins to produce more collagen. Which will lead to natural rejuvenation.

Chamomile essential oil has a high concentration useful substances. But use it in pure form Not recommended. You can add a couple of drops of oil to the water for washing or enrich it with purchased facial care cosmetics.

Chamomile mask

We invite you to familiarize yourself with simple, but effective masks for using chamomile.

  • Nourishing mask that relieves puffiness. Mix ripe strawberries with the following oils: chamomile, apricot, jojoba. Mash the strawberries, add oils and apply the mask for 20 minutes. Cover the area around the eyes with a cloth soaked in the juice from the mask. Instead of chamomile oil, you can use a decoction.
  • Skin firming mask. Chop chamomile flowers and fresh mint. Add honey and egg white. After 20-25 minutes, wash with cool water.
  • For very dry skin, chamomile infusion in milk is suitable. Pour dry raw materials with milk and infuse for 10 days in a cool place. Strain the resulting liquid and wipe the skin with it.
  • You can eliminate oily sheen with chamomile compresses. And to cleanse oily skin, you need to mix a decoction and a couple of tablespoons of natural yogurt. Wash off after half an hour using a face washcloth.

AT chemical composition chamomile includes: essential oils, coumarin compounds, choline, organic acids, polysaccharides, vitamins, mineral salts. But the most valuable biologically active substance is chamazulene, which has anti-inflammatory, emollient and anti-allergic properties.

In the form of an infusion, chamomile is used to treat digestive tract, spastic colitis, gastritis, diseases of the liver, respiratory organs and mucous membranes. Apply water infusions of chamomile rationally in the composition complex therapy with cholelithiasis, flatulence, diarrhea, accompanied by colic, pain, spasms. In addition, chamomile is used for inflammatory diseases genitals and urinary tract, in pregnant women on the advice of a doctor.

For diseases of the throat, mouth, gums, decoction and water infusion of chamomile are used for rinsing. The gruel from the inflorescences is used for compresses for skin diseases accompanied by a violation of the integrity skin.

Rheumatism, arthrosis, arthritis, gout are treated with chamomile baths. Baths can be used for long period nonstop.

At acute gastritis peppermint, rhizomes of valerian, calamus and fennel are added to chamomile. The complex collection quickly relieves inflammation, normalizes acidity, improves digestion and has an antispasmodic effect.

stomach ulcer and duodenum treated with a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, marsh cudweed, centaury, peppermint. All ingredients are taken in equal parts, mixed thoroughly and brewed two tablespoons per half liter of boiling water, infused in a thermos for an hour, used half a glass 6 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Contraindications to the use of chamomile

Chamomile is contraindicated in mental disorders, as it can provoke an exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease. From taking decoctions and infusions of chamomile should be abandoned for headaches with unknown pathogenesis. During pregnancy and lactation, you should consult your doctor before using medicinal plants.

It is not recommended to use chamomile for the treatment of babies in the first year of life. When using decoctions and infusions with chamomile, it is worth observing exact dosage. Exceeding doses leads to irritability, provokes headaches and insomnia.

In the pharmacy you can buy a lot of medicines, which are based on natural ingredients. After all, medicinal plants have long been used by our ancestors for therapeutic purposes, and over time, their healing properties have been proven by scientists. Preparations based on medicinal herbs often prescribed by doctors, and patients are happy to use them. After all, such drugs have an excellent therapeutic effect, cause a minimum side effects and have virtually no contraindications. One of the most popular medicinal plants that can be purchased at a pharmacy or collected on your own is chamomile. Let's talk about what chamomile will help from, and how is chamomile useful for the body?

Chamomile is a very common medicinal plant. It is known to everyone, but few people know the whole spectrum medicinal properties this culture.

What can chamomile help with?

Chamomile is an excellent medicinal plant for the treatment of colds. viral diseases represented by angina, SARS, acute respiratory infections and influenza.
It is also advised to use it to correct excessive gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract and to eliminate spasms of the different localization. Chamomile perfectly improves the activity of the digestive tract, it gently affects the work of the stomach and intestines. This herb somewhat activates the production of digestive juice and improves appetite.

Among other things, chamomile can be used as an adsorbent for various poisonings. It helps to eliminate even very severe pain in the intestines, as it reduces sensitivity and quickly eliminates inflammatory processes.

Specialists modern medicine commonly used chamomile for the treatment of gastritis (with reduced acidity), diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, colitis and intestinal spasms. Also, preparations based on it help to cope with acute and chronic inflammation mucous membranes of the stomach. The use of such a medicinal herb helps to reduce the swelling of the gastric mucosa and their faster healing.

Medicinal plant chamomile medicinal remarkably stimulates the activity of the gallbladder and its ducts. In addition, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Many medicines for the treatment of convulsions or to stop bleeding, they are prepared on the basis of chamomile color.

But chamomile is not only a medicine for sick patients. This herb will also benefit and completely healthy people. It can play the role of an excellent sedative, help you fall asleep faster, sleep well and not wake up in the middle of the night.
Chamomile is an excellent medicinal plant for people who are under stress and experiencing nervous tension. There is evidence that its use helps patients with neuralgic pain and increased excitability. It also cures headaches.

Chamomile also helps people suffering from various skin problems: rashes and irritations. It even recommends bathing. infants.

Chamomile flowers are often used for therapy gynecological diseases and diseases of the genitourinary system. So this herb will help patients with thrush, erosion uterine cervix and cystitis. Sometimes it is used to correct painful periods, uterine bleeding etc.

The use of medicines based on chamomile helps people suffering from various diseases of the oral cavity: gum disease, stomatitis, glossitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc. They even help eliminate toothache.

External use of chamomile is also indicated for patients with inflammatory lesion mucous membranes of the eyes. This medicine will help to cope with hemorrhoids. Even the external use of such herbs will contribute to the treatment of burns, boils, painful wounds, weeping and difficult to heal. skin rashes. Chamomile is advised to be used to treat sweaty feet, as well as to maintain the freshness of the skin.

Such a medicinal plant is widely used for cosmetic purposes: for skin and hair care.

What are the health benefits of chamomile?

Medicinal chamomile saturates the body huge amount useful substances. Its most valuable component is essential oil, as well as glycosides, chamazulene, flavonoids and organic acids.

Consumption of chamomile has excellent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral effects. It is also able to eliminate spasms of different localization. This herb has good disinfectant, diaphoretic and analgesic qualities. Another medicinal chamomile is a good carminative and sedative.

Additional Information

Medicinal properties chamomile are very extensive and its raw materials have practically no contraindications. However, it should not be used for individual intolerance, anacid gastritis and a tendency to diarrhea. An overdose of chamomile is fraught with depression of the central nervous system, headache and weakness.

Based medicinal chamomile you can prepare a variety of medicines: and ordinary tea, and decoctions, and infusions. In addition, it can be combined with other medicinal plants- as part of herbal preparations. Chamomile can be purchased at any pharmacy - in the form of dried medicinal raw materials.

Before using chamomile for therapeutic purposes, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. Self-medication can cause serious harm to health.