Chamomile: the benefits and harms of a plant familiar from childhood. Calorie content, medicinal properties and scope of chamomile

The nature of our planet is very rich various plants that benefit people. Chamomile is one of these. medicinal properties and contraindications of which are widely used traditional healers. Meet this beautiful flower can be along roadsides, in meadows and in your own garden. What is the plant useful for and to whom, we will tell in today's material.

Medicinal properties of chamomile

Chamomile flowers, namely, it has healing properties, contains coumarins and phytosterols, polysaccharides and polyene compounds, apigenin, luteolin and quercetin (their derivatives), as well as:

  • caprylic, anthemic and isovaleric organic acids;
  • vitamin C, carotene and nicotinic acid;
  • bitterness, mucus and gum;
  • proteins and tannins.

In dry baskets, there is up to 1% of essential chamomile oil, which has a blue tint. The most valuable component in the composition of the plant is azulene chamazulene, and it contains from 1 to 9%. The value of the substance is explained by its pronounced anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic properties.

Important: boiled water destroys chamazulene.

In this regard, 3 main medicinal properties of chamomile can be distinguished - hemostatic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Astringent and disinfectant properties are also inherent in it, which is successfully used in the treatment of intestinal ailments and colds. Choleretic quality is used to restore the liver.

Chamomile also relieves pain, spasms and cramps. Based on research at Nottingham medical university plant has been proven to relax blood vessels and smooth muscles internal organs.

The plant helps to eliminate and depressive states with excessive anxiety. Experimentally (University of Texas - Faculty of Medicine) Chamomile tea has been shown to reduce mortality among people over 65 years of age.

Another medicinal type of chamomile is odorous, which is endowed with the ability to relieve inflammation and spasms. Its use extends to diseases such as colitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers and twelve duodenal ulcer, flatulence.

It is also used externally as compresses, washings, enemas and rinses. This type of chamomile is considered a substitute for pharmacy, but without the presence of azulene in the essential oil.

The use of chamomile and its dosage forms

Chamomile in traditional medicine applied in various forms, which will be discussed in detail later.

Chamomile tea

The benefits of chamomile tea are based on the unique composition of the plant, which allows it to be used for the following problems:

  1. sleep disorders, panic attacks and excessive anxiety.
  2. Ailments gastrointestinal tract- ulcers and gastritis.
  3. Increased gas formation.
  4. Frequent colds, diseases of the oral cavity, as well as other ENT diseases.
  5. Pain during menstruation.
  6. Skin ailments in the form additional therapy or main.
  7. Increased glucose levels in people with diabetes.

Regular consumption of 1 cup of chamomile tea daily will fill your skin with health and strengthen your immune system.

Preparing a drink will not leave any difficulty for anyone. To do this, combine 3 parts of flowers with 5 parts of cumin seeds and 2 valerian roots. From this mass, scoop 2 large spoons and pour two glasses of boiling water, let stand for 20 minutes, then strain and drink 100 ml in the morning and evening.

For weight loss, prepare a different composition - pour 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. During the day you will need to drink 5 such glasses in a course of up to 2 weeks.

Chamomile decoction

The benefits of chamomile decoction have been known since 5-4 centuries BC, as Hippocrates, Galen and other scientists, physicians and pharmacists of antiquity wrote about. The composition is prepared as follows - dried flowers (1 tablespoon) are poured with water in a volume of 1 liter and put on fire until boiling, after which the drink is still boiled for 4 minutes. Remove from the stove and insist, then strain well with sterile gauze.

The finished broth is not stored for a long time - a maximum of 10 hours in the room and 72 hours in the cold. If these terms are not observed, then the healing properties are lost.

Benefits of chamomile tea

Chamomile tincture is very effective in the fight against skin problems, the cause of which is harmful microorganisms (staphylococci with streptococci). Alcohol tincture helps to heal abrasions, cracks, scratches and other wounds faster, and it also relieves acne and boils.

For 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol, 4 large spoons of plant flowers are required. Place ingredients in glass jar and leave alone for 3 weeks. Then it remains to strain the composition and use it for its intended purpose, rubbing the skin, cauterizing acne, and making lotions for boils.

Chamomile oil

Such a product is endowed with bactericidal and antiseptic properties, which is indicated for the treatment of many ailments of the digestive sphere, including the stomach, and gynecological. The oil is used in complex treatment ENT ailments and the nervous system.

The essential oil is prepared from the inflorescences of various varieties of chamomile, but the blue pharmacy is considered the most useful of them. The finished product is sold in pharmacies and costs about 200 rubles. The hue of the oil is blue or brown, which depends on how much it is stored and what the quality is.

The consistency of chamomile oil is thick, and the aroma is light herbal with a slight hint of fruit, tobacco and spices. Valid period storage - 5 years.

What diseases can be treated with chamomile

The plant successfully copes with many problems in human health.

Treatment with chamomile in combination with other therapeutic options amenable to such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as:

  • gastritis, enterocolitis and stomach ulcers;
  • colitis and pathology of the pancreas;
  • flatulence.

The internal use of the plant is also indicated for other diseases, such as gynecological, liver and biliary tract. Outwardly, chamomile is used for allergic itchy dermatosis, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and toothache, tonsillitis and tonsillitis, vulvitis, colpitis and endocervicitis.

With a cold, chamomile helps to recover faster and improve appetite, while improving the process of digestion and absorption of food. At the same time, the product relieves the intestines of harmful elements, normalizing weight and accelerating metabolic processes.

The effect of the plant will be enhanced if it is used together with herbs such as yarrow and calendula.

Medicinal properties of chamomile for women and children

As mentioned above, chamomile copes well with many female diseases. During the bearing of a child, she is also able to help with certain problems, especially external ones.

Chamomile during pregnancy

The plant during pregnancy can be used in the form of compresses, douches, baths and inhalations.

Chamomile also solves internal problems during this difficult period for women, relieving bloating, gas formation, constipation and stressful conditions. But you can take it only after consulting a gynecologist and under his supervision.

Children and chamomile.

Plants is universal remedy against inflammation, and the strongest antiseptic qualities give reason to use it for various colds in children.

Infusion rinse the nasopharynx with the oral cavity for diseases such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, stomatitis, gingivitis and adenoids.

When the period of the flu and colds epidemic comes, it is recommended to drink chamomile tea for babies. As an additional remedy to the main treatment, chamomile is effective for bronchitis in the form of inhalations.

Due to the ability to improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, the plant is used for dysbacteriosis, bloating, and if the child has no appetite.

The product perfectly relaxes the nervous system, for which you need to give tea from chamomile grass with the addition of honey before going to bed. The effect will be enhanced if you mix mint, lemon balm, linden and / and calendula into the drink.

It is forbidden to combine chamomile with tonic herbs such as aloe, ginger or ginseng.

Plant oil effectively heals various wounds, insect bites and sunburn.

The use of chamomile in cosmetology

As a cosmetic product, chamomile is one of the available and useful plants, being a real elixir of youth and health. At the same time, it suits any type of skin, nourishing and softening dry, drying and healing oily skin. And the preparation of tonics, oils and lotions does not require much time.

The plant has the following effects on the skin of the face:

  1. Moisturizing and nourishing for dry skin.
  2. Whitening and lightening pigment spots.
  3. Softening and restoring the skin.
  4. Getting rid of acne and acne in adolescence.
  5. Smoothing the effects of acne and fine wrinkles.
  6. Giving the face freshness, tone and youth.
  7. Normalization of work sebaceous glands with improved microcirculation.

The plant is very effective in combating dry and sensitive skin face, allowing it to be used for different kind irritations, up to eczema. Dark circles and bags under the eyes are also within the power of chamomile.

The basis of all chamomile cosmetics is an infusion or decoction, for the preparation of which there are 2 ways - hot and cold:

  • at the first pour a glass of water 1 big spoon dry composition, putting in a water bath for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and insist. As soon as the drink has cooled, squeeze and strain, bringing the remaining volume to the original;
  • for the second recipe, with the same amounts of liquid and plants, bring to a boil in a saucepan and simmer for 2-3 minutes over low heat. Now the composition should be infused and further manipulations are repeated similarly to the last time.

Any of the prepared compositions can be made into compresses, lotions, used as a lotion, and so on. You can freeze the prepared liquid in the freezer in convenient molds and use it every morning to revitalize the skin.


Chamomile can be called one of the safest medicinal plants, since there are very few contraindications to its use. This refers to individual intolerance to the components in the composition and allergic reaction, while having the ability to reduce them.

Caution must be observed during pregnancy due to the increase in estrogen levels, which is undesirable during this period. Therefore, the use of chamomile herbs inside should be only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Herbal remedies are not recommended during lactation, as the reaction of the baby to their intake is unknown. And, of course, you should not use chamomile immensely. Otherwise, you may feel nauseous, headache, racing blood pressure and negative reactions from the nervous system.

Now you just have to start using this beautiful plant to solve your problems, because with great benefits for our body and appearance, it is quite affordable for each of us. Health to you and your loved ones!

One of the most popular plants in the middle zone of our country - chamomile - has a decorative effect and excellent medicinal properties. This flower has great potential. Due to its versatility, it is able to replace various medications and cosmetics.

In this article, we will consider the medicinal properties and contraindications of chamomile.

Health Application

Not everyone knows how useful this flower is, growing everywhere. As already mentioned, the medicinal properties of chamomile herb are numerous. Here are some of them:

  • useful for the body of women, is widely used in gynecology, where it treats many various diseases;
  • the effectiveness of the flower in the fight against gastritis, flatulence, gases, colitis, spasms, etc. has been proven, in addition, in the treatment of the gallbladder, liver and genitourinary system;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, relieves tension and stress, improves sleep;
  • effective "fighter" in cosmetology and traditional medicine for various skin diseases(in young children sweating, burns and irritations, boils, eczema);
  • infectious diseases oral cavity;
  • used to treat SARS and influenza, sore throat, angina;
  • in cosmetology for the treatment of flabby tired skin, hair loss and dandruff;
  • eye diseases (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, conjunctivitis, redness of the eyelids);
  • various "baby" troubles (diaper rash, prickly heat, restless sleep, colic, cough, fever and regurgitation);
  • improves appetite;
  • rheumatism, joint pain, salt deposits.

It is worth noting that this is not the whole list of medicinal properties of chamomile flowers. Let's take a closer look at them in the article below.

But chamomile has medicinal properties and contraindications. The latter include:

  1. Intolerance to the component and an allergic reaction are possible, itching, redness and respiratory spasms may appear.
  2. You can use during pregnancy with the permission of the doctor, excessive consumption can lead to miscarriage.
  3. Long term use causes headaches, anemia, cough.
  4. Use very carefully in people who suffer from diarrhea.

But this is all very individual, the body of each person responds differently to chamomile treatment, and you should not self-medicate.


The medicinal properties of chamomile are due to its composition. It contains valuable oil rich in healing elements: sesquiterpenes, terpenes and chamazulene.

Such a rich composition has long been used to treat various diseases in the form healing tinctures, decoctions, oils, teas. Although in any treatment it is necessary to remember about contraindications. We will describe in more detail the medicinal properties and contraindications of chamomile in the article below.

Benefits for Women

At the present moment, the medicinal properties of this flower are actively used to treat various diseases. women's issues. Due to its antiseptic properties, it will cure various inflammations of the genital organs, as well as relieve infectious and fungal infections (colpitis, thrush, vulvovaginitis, etc.). Douching with a decoction of inflorescences is especially often used. But these are not all the medicinal properties and contraindications of chamomile for women.

Recipes for health

In the 17th century, the scientific justification was described healing properties of this herb, but they began to use it long before that moment. Previously, she saved the representatives of the weaker sex from various women's problems, while she received the name " mother grass”, True, over time, with the help of her, they began to treat a large number of diseases. Such a versatile herb should be in every home.

Today, most often it is used in the form of tea, which is very simple and convenient. The main amount of vitamins in its composition determines wide range healing properties: anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, healing, choleretic, soothing, immunostimulating, analgesic.

True, this is not the whole list. Now let's talk about how to use this plant at home.

Chamomile tea

The range of medicinal properties and contraindications of chamomile flowers allows it to be used in the treatment of a huge number of diseases. This tea will cleanse the liver, give relaxation, eliminate inflammatory internal processes, effectively protect against SARS and influenza, relieve migraines.

This drink does not tolerate boiling. Basically, half a tablespoon of flowers is poured with boiling water and insisted. The pharmacy sells ready-made sachets for convenience.

Chamomile tea for prostate should be on the table every day, it is very useful for men. For women, it will also benefit and is completely indispensable if hormonal disruptions occur, painful and heavy menstruation if menopause appeared, and also overcame menopause syndromes.

It must be remembered that, in addition to the medicinal properties of chamomile, harm can also appear if this drink is very frequent or there is a tendency to allergies and individual intolerance.

Chamomile enema

If in the large intestine there are inflammatory processes, diverticulitis, colitis, hemorrhoids, intestinal spasms, then the use of a cleansing enema will be the right solution to this unpleasant ailment.

Decoction recipe: 2 tablespoons chopped dried medicinal chamomile(its properties and contraindications are described in this article) are brewed with 2 liters of water in a thermos. This infusion is collected in an enema and with the help of a second person is introduced into the body. The benefits of this application will appear after one course of such treatment.

Chamomile for hair

For owners of unhealthy, problematic hair, this healing infusion is a real find. The healing properties of chamomile for women with dry and oily hair are very interesting. The healing properties of chamomile can improve appearance and the condition of the hair after several applications.

It is worth noting that a decoction for rinsing was cooked many years ago by our ancestors. The recipe is quite simple: pour 2 tablespoons of flowers with a glass of boiling water, insist and pour into water for rinsing.

The following ready-made mask recipe that is ideal for strengthening: mix ½ cup of chamomile tea, egg yolk and a spoon olive oil. Apply the mass to the roots, cover the head with a cap and rinse 30 minutes after application.

Therapeutic properties of chamomile for the skin

For each type of skin, it is very useful to wipe the face with ice from a decoction. It becomes after such processing fresh, clean, toned.

A great habit is to wipe your face after washing with a lotion made from a decoction of chamomile flowers, and a compress made from its infusion will help teenagers get rid of acne and pimples.

Benefits for children

The healing properties of chamomile are used for babies, since the list of pharmaceutical products is very limited for this tender age, and good mother He wants to cure his child painlessly and quickly.

To treat fever, flu, colic and gas in the abdomen, not running cough, regurgitation, use tea with herbs in a teaspoon before feeding: pour 1 sachet of pharmacy chamomile into ½ cup of boiling water, insist and cool to a warm temperature, then filter and give to the baby.

Common common problem newborns - diaper rash and prickly heat, a bath with this raw material will help to cure them. To bathe a child, pre-make a decoction useful plant and feel free to add it to the water.

In addition, it is used in case of sour eyes, teething and pain in the ears.

Benefits during pregnancy

Every woman during pregnancy tries to be attentive to her health, because at this moment every deviation from the norm in health can harm an unborn baby. Girls in such a piquant position are very susceptible to advice, however, one should not believe in all the assurances of friends or neighbors about the benefits of a plant, even if they very colorfully describe the healing properties of chamomile or any other herb. Every action during this period of life must be agreed with the attending physician.

In a normal state, a person will use the decoction inside only for the benefit. This flower restores strength, strengthens the immune system, relieves inflammation, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and removes a large number of other sores, but does this all apply to pregnant women?

It has been found that tea this plant can ease toxicosis in the first trimester, eliminate gas formation and bloating and help get rid of nervous tension.

You must drink only medicinal types plants - pharmacy and odorous chamomile. Ask your doctor's opinion before use.

Chamomile for eye health

This flower is a treasure trove beneficial trace elements and vitamins. Nowadays, it can be quite difficult to break away from various gadgets, a laptop monitor or a computer. The impact of technology has a negative effect on our eyes.

True, washing the eyes with a decoction with fatigue will help a lot. To do this, you can use cold lotions in the form of a compress. Squeeze simply brewed herb sachets, cool and place directly on the eyelids. In addition to beneficial healing properties, this procedure has a cosmetic effect dark circles, color improvement, restoration of eyelid elasticity).

In the treatment of infectious diseases of the eyes, the antiseptic properties of the herb give an amazing effect. How to prepare it for such purposes? To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of dry grass into a glass hot water, we insist on a water bath for 15 minutes. The cooled broth can be used for washing, as well as wet the disk with it and put it on the eyes.

Infusion for the intestines

Chamomile flowers are very often used as an adjuvant in herbal medicine for the treatment of the intestines. And if you make a healing infusion from the flowers, then you can help the body cope with the disease that has arisen.

This tincture recipe is very effective: mix the following dry herbs in equal proportions: St. John's wort, chamomile, anise, fennel, bird cherry, burnet, alder, snake mountaineer and valerian, 1 glass of hot water per 10 g of herbs, required amount pour and strain. Drink a glass per day in 3 divided doses. Cleansing Benefits healing herb used in microclysters.

Application for the stomach

For gastritis and pain in the stomach, make the following medicinal infusion: pour 10 grams of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water, remove the infusion and drink the next day 4 times a day. The plant will also help with ulcers, pancreatitis, constipation, erosion.

Beneficial effect on the kidneys

The flower has been used for several centuries in traditional medicine as excellent tool for intestines, stomach, genitourinary system, kidneys.

Healing herbs can be a great alternative drug treatment especially in the early stages of the onset of the disease.

The next collection of medicinal plants will cure kidney stones: knotweed, bearberry, corn stigmas, chamomile are combined in equal parts. A tablespoon of this composition is poured with a glass of boiling water, after which it is infused for several hours. A quarter of a glass is taken orally after each meal.

Chamomile for colds

Chamomile plays a leading role in the treatment of SARS among other herbs due to its antiseptic properties that viruses and bacteria suppress. With intoxication of microflora pathogenic microorganisms the herb should be consumed in the form of a decoction, tincture or tea.

For inhalation, insist 2 tablespoons of flowers in a glass of boiling water, then dilute this composition with a liter of water and breathe steam for 20 minutes. Actively for the treatment of the throat, compresses from the infusion of herbs are used.

When coughing for gargling, you can take an infusion of chamomile in alcohol. It should be prepared in advance. To do this, combine the alcohol with the raw materials of the plant and insist for a month in a dark place. In the future, when rinsing, they take a little ready solution and mix it with warm water.

Uses and properties of chamomile oil

In order to get a kilogram of oil, you need to spend about 200 kg of inflorescences of this plant. True, beauty requires sacrifice, especially when you consider that such a powerful assistant for beauty still needs to be looked for.

The oil is great for aromatherapy, you can add some other essential oils at your discretion. Due to the rich composition, it will relieve anxiety, nervousness, activates the brain, improves sleep, and clears the mind.

In addition, it has the property of wound healing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal, therefore, it is actively added to all kinds of drugs in traditional medicine. It has found itself in the field of cosmetology - this miracle herb for skin and hair is just a godsend!

It can be added to cream, lotion or tonic. It has a great effect on the body during massage. It is good to add it to the bath to relieve tension, prevent fungal diseases of the nails and feet.

For dandruff, make the following mask: mix a little chamomile oil, a spoonful of olive oil, yolk, apply the composition to the hair roots. Then cover with a cap and wash off after half an hour.

Now you are aware that chamomile is awesome natural healer able to cope with a variety of ailments.

Chamomile - the most studied medicinal plant. It has been guarding human health since ancient times. The first description of a healing inflorescence appeared in the 5th century BC. To date, the topic "chamomile - useful properties and contraindications" has published the largest number of scientific publications. No other medicinal plant has deserved such close attention of physicians and biologists.

Useful properties of chamomile

Chamomile is the most widely used medicinal plant. As pharmaceutical agent it is registered in 26 countries of the world. It is gold growing underfoot, an everyday product and a medicinal elixir.

The medicinal properties of chamomile are determined high content it contains essential oil (up to 0.8%), the largest amount of which is found in inflorescences. Therefore, baskets are the main medicinal raw material.

The main thing active substance chamomile oil - chamazulene.

It is an aromatic compound that has the following properties:

  • stimulates the brain;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • relaxes smooth muscles, relieves spasm, activates cerebral blood flow;
  • increases heart rate, supports the heart;
  • prevents the development of an allergic reaction;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, extinguishes inflammation, promotes healing of the mucosa, relieves pain, and reduces gas formation.

Chamomile is considered natural antidepressant. It sets the brain for productive activity and at the same time calms the nerves, restores sleep, normal performance.

Chamomile grass is harvested in smaller volumes. It is not as rich in essential oils (up to 0.4%) as inflorescences, but in terms of the amount of flavonoids - natural antibiotics, bypasses bright baskets.

Chamomile bioflavonoids inhibit the activity of pathogenic fungi and bacteria. Stop the processes of fermentation in the intestines. Infusions are effective for external and internal application. Chamomile is used for washing, washes, baths, lotions, irrigation and compresses.

Organic acids and aromatic substances contained in the inflorescences have a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Infusions are used for irrigation of hemorrhoids and genitals, gargling, washing the nose, washing the face, rinsing the hair.

Chamomile remedies relieve itching, suppress redness, remove inflammation, so they are applied as lotions for various kinds of rashes, conjunctivitis, and stomatitis.

Chamomile color is an effective choleretic. The decoction relieves spasm of the ducts, improves the discharge of bile. Regulates appetite and digestion, has a mild laxative effect.

The flowers of the plant are steamed for colds, flu and bronchitis. Drink as a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory at any stage of the disease. Chamomile thins phlegm, improves its discharge, fights cough and high fever.

Yellow, odorous, field chamomile: benefits for the body

Chamomile is the most valuable specimen. All other plant species are inferior to it in content. useful substances. Infusions and decoctions from the pharmacy inflorescence are the most active in the treatment of internal diseases. Other types of the common flower are used externally.

Chamomile is considered a weed. However, it is also harvested and obtained from it. essential oil. But due to the fact that it lacks the main therapeutic component chamazulene, odorous chamomile extract is recommended only as an external agent, for preparing baths, lotions, refilling aromatic lamps.

The yellow chamomile and the field chamomile actually belong to the genus Umbilicus and, botanically speaking, are not daisies. These are wild or cultivated plants that are cultivated for decorative purposes. They have no medicinal value.

The use of chamomile and its beneficial properties:

Chamomile decoction

A decoction of chamomile is used as an analgesic for gastritis and stomach ulcers. It is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the intestinal mucosa, accompanied by spasms and flatulence. Chamomile suppresses nausea and heartburn, stimulates the secretion and outflow of bile, increases appetite.

Decoction is treated with inflamed hemorrhoids. With the use of the agent, microclysters are prepared to relieve swelling of the intestinal mucosa.

A decoction is added to baths for gout. For joint pain, warm compresses are applied.

Benefits of chamomile tea

The infusion has a mild sedative and antispasmodic effect. It hinders development asthma attack. Prevents bronchospasm.

With infusion of chamomile, inhalations are prepared for laryngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis. They treat the nasopharynx during treatment inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea soothes the stomach and intestines. The drink reduces gas formation and stops rumbling in the stomach. Tea heals nerves, fights insomnia, activates the immune system. Is an a good remedy for the prevention of seasonal diseases. Chamomile tea with honey and cream promotes sound sleep.

Chamomile oil

The essential oil is diluted with water and used externally. In case of inflammation of the gums and teeth, the oral cavity is treated. Rinses are prescribed for stomatitis and gingivitis. essential oil kills harmful bacteria and eliminates bad odor.

A solution of essential oil is used to irrigate skin areas in the presence of dermatitis, neurodermatitis, ulcerative lesions. Lotions relieve itching and swelling in places of insect bites.

Diluted essential oil is used for douching with vaginitis, colpitis, cervical erosion, urethritis and prostatitis.

Treatment of diseases with chamomile

Main active substance necessary for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is chamazulene. The longer the vegetable raw material is boiled, the more of this component is found in the solution, since during the heating process it is additionally formed from by-products. Therefore, in the treatment of digestive disorders, it is the decoction that is used as the most effective dosage form.

The drink is prepared in a water bath. A spoonful of dry inflorescences is poured into a glass of hot water. Simmer on fire for 30 minutes. Remove, insist 3-4 hours, filter and consume half a cup three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is regulated by the doctor, depending on the severity of the disease.

A decoction is used occasionally to relieve joint pain with gout. They are abundantly moistened with gauze, which is applied hot to the affected area. The compress is wrapped with heat-insulating materials and left for 1-2 hours.

For setting microclysters in the treatment of hemorrhoids, 30-50 ml of warm chamomile broth is used.

To prepare the infusion, put a tablespoon of medicinal raw materials in a glass of boiling water. Insist under the lid for 3-4 hours.

In the treatment of asthma, the solution is taken at night, one-third of a glass for 2-3 weeks. During a cold, gargle 3 times a day after meals until the symptoms are completely eliminated. At high temperature one-time take a glass of hot drink.

Chamomile tea is brewed as an infusion, but aged for a shorter time. It can be strained after 10 minutes.

To improve health, you need to drink one cup a day in the morning on an empty stomach. It is possible during the whole unfavorable season.

Essential oil for external use diluted clean water(a teaspoon per glass). Apply to the gums in the form of applications for stomatitis up to three times a day. With the same multiplicity, they gargle with sore throat and treat the affected skin. Treatment lasts until full recovery.

Useful properties of chamomile for women and children

Chamomile is considered an effective female plant. It helps relieve menstrual pain. The medicinal herb has been used for centuries to treat external inflammations: vaginitis, colpitis, thrush, etc. Tampons with chamomile are laid in case of cervical erosion. Besides, sedative effect plants can alleviate the symptoms of menopause.

Chamomile is an effective remedy for babies. Pediatricians recommend it to soothe the intestines with colic. Drinking tea before bed helps you fall asleep. Chamomile baths eliminate the symptoms of diathesis.

Older children can gargle medicinal infusion. At a high temperature, a child from the age of 12 can be offered a glass of chamomile instead of a pharmacy antipyretic.

Application in cosmetology

Among any cosmetic products, you can find products with the addition of chamomile extract. This plant is so popular due to its antiseptic properties. It is added to shampoos, creams, lotions, toothpastes, body oils, lipsticks, soaps, etc.

Chamomile soothes the skin, relieves inflammation and itching. Prevents the development of allergies. Softens, restores, heals, removes redness. Suitable for sensitive skin.

Chamomile is versatile. Moisturizes and removes excess sebum at the same time. Restores balance. Included in skin care products for all skin types.

Creams and lipsticks with chamomile form an invisible polysaccharide film on the surface of the face, which prevents moisture from evaporating and creates favorable conditions for the action of natural antioxidants. Chamomile in the composition of cosmetics prevents premature aging.

Contraindications for the use of the plant

Instructions for chamomile indicate the presence of contraindications during pregnancy. Women in position should consult with their doctor about the appropriateness of such treatment.

Childhood is not absolute contraindication. Some pediatricians allow chamomile from birth. But if the child is under 12 years old, then in each specific case need individual advice.

Despite the fact that chamomile has anti-allergic properties, it itself can provoke negative reactions. Therefore, with individual intolerance, its use is unacceptable.

We tend to overlook what is available. The flower familiar to us is no longer perceived as a miraculous plant. But chamomile can cure a whole range of diseases. Traditional medicine is an inexpensive and easy way to improve your health.

pharmaceutical camomile (medicinal) - a very famous and widespread plant in our latitudes. This is an annual plant belonging to the genus Matricaria, the Astrov family, it is found in different regions. North America, Eurasia, other extratropical regions. Translated from Latin The name of the plant means "mother grass". The fact is that it was used earlier mainly for the treatment of female diseases.

Previously, chamomile grew mainly in the wild, but now this medicinal herb is actively cultivated. After all, chamomile flowers are a valuable medicinal raw material, in demand and used to treat many diseases. It is included in the composition of many drugs as an active ingredient, and is also widely used in cosmetology, being an ingredient in creams, soaps, shampoos, etc.

On average, it grows up to 20-40 cm. If the stem herbaceous plant very long, then this is evidence of a lack sunlight during the period when he was actively growing. The stem is erect, rather thin, hollow inside.

The length of the leaves is 2-5 cm, they are located on the stem in turn. On a narrow-linear sheet there are dissections with sharp lobules. The root is thin, taproot, practically without branching. Flower baskets are small, with white petals on the edges and yellow flowers.

How is medicinal chamomile different from its other varieties?

On a flower basket medicinal variety petals are either horizontal or lowered to the bottom. The shape of the receptacle is conical, convex. The flower has a hollow head.

Chemical composition

The composition of flowers includes the following chemicals:

  • bioflavonoid derivatives apigenin , quercetin and luteolin ;
  • coumarins (umbelliferon, herniorin);
  • unrelated organic acids -salicylic , isovaleric , anthemis , caprylic ;
  • polysaccharides ;
  • phytosterols ;
  • vitamins ( , );
  • tannins;
  • protein substances;
  • carotene ;
  • mucus, gum, bitterness.

Dry baskets contain from 0.1 to 0.8% essential oil, it is called chamomile. This oil is bluish in color, it contains many components. The most valuable of these is azulene chamazulene (in oil it is about 1-9%). Chamazulene is synthesized during the distillation of raw materials with water vapor from lactones matricine and matricarin. Produces a pronounced anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, bacteriostatic effect.

Approximately half of the composition of the oil is a number of other sesquiterpenoids: bisabolol , farnesene and etc.

Medicinal properties of chamomile

The fact that this plant has pronounced medicinal properties has been known since ancient times. Even Hippocrates and Dioscorides used it to remove convulsions and elimination of pain. Avicenna believed that this plant is an excellent tonic. But Pliny the Elder used chamomile as an antidote if a person was bitten by a snake, and its decoction is used as a diuretic.

Currently, in medicine, both dry flowers (for the preparation of decoctions, infusions) and essential oil are very widely used.

Chamomile flowers - medicinal properties

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disinfectant;
  • painkiller;
  • choleretic;
  • sedative;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • astringent (weak);
  • antiallergic;
  • carminative;
  • hemostatic.

Medicinal properties of essential oil

  • disinfects;
  • provides a diaphoretic effect;
  • reduces gas formation;
  • activates the digestion process, improves the functions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduces the severity of pain, including migraine ;
  • reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes;
  • stimulates the central nervous system, while reducing stress, reduces manifestations;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • dilates the vessels through which blood enters the brain;
  • eliminates spasm of smooth muscles.

Beneficial features medicinal chamomile proven by scientists from different countries in the process of conducting research. Was held special study, during which scientists from the UK determined that chamomile is able to relax blood vessels, as well as smooth muscles. And American researchers have confirmed that the remedy from the plant produces an anti-anxiety and antidepressant effect. In addition, scientists have proven that the stem, leaves and flowers of the plant have radioprotective properties.

Other studies were conducted, during which scientists obtained evidence of the healing properties of this plant. About what chamomile is useful for and for what diseases it is used, we will discuss below.

Indications for use

In medicine, they define the following indications to the use of chamomile officinalis:

  • inflammatory skin diseases, including burns , purulent wounds;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • diseases of the stomach, chronic and acute, in which inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane develop ( gastropathy );
  • diseases of the respiratory system, in which it bothers, spasm of the bronchi, swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • inflammatory processes of mucous membranes;
  • inflammation of internal organs, in particular the genitourinary system;
  • allergic gastritis, and other diseases resulting from hypersensitivity organism;
  • connective tissue damage;
  • pain, including toothache and migraine .

Treatment with chamomile can last up to three months, addiction to chamomile preparations and allergic manifestations when using them, as a rule, are not observed.

Since the medicinal properties of chamomile are very diverse, it is used for various diseases and states. Chamomile flowers, the medicinal properties of which are described above, are used in the form of infusions, decoctions, etc.

Their use inside is indicated in such cases:

  • in diseases digestive system – , , enteritis, as well as biliary tract;
  • with stomach cramps, liver diseases;
  • high body temperature;
  • inflammatory processes respiratory system, ENT organs;
  • uterine bleeding, metrorrhagia after childbirth;
  • soreness of menstruation;
  • respiratory infections;
  • severe fatigue;
  • high excitability,;
  • deterioration in appetite.

The use of chamomile infusion is practiced externally:

  • as a rinse for diseases of the oral cavity (, gingivitis , inflammation of the gums), with toothache,;
  • as a lotion or compress for abscesses, ulcers, rashes, frostbite, burns, wounds that are difficult to heal;
  • as microclysters at;
  • for wiping heavy sweating legs and arms;
  • for washing with inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • as a means for wiping and washing with acne, acne;
  • as a poultice for bruises, , .

If you purchase chamomile flowers at a pharmacy, the instructions for use will contain recommendations on how exactly the herb is prepared in the form of a decoction or infusion.


For a decoction, you need to take 4 tbsp. l. flowers and pour 300 ml of boiling water over them. Hold for half an hour in a water bath, then cool and strain, squeezing. Drink 3 times a day after meals. Honey should be added to the chamomile tea.


You need to take 4 tbsp. l. flowers, put them in a thermos and pour 200 ml. boiling water. Infuse for 3 hours. You need to drink 4 times a day in equal portions.

Decoction and infusion are stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Soothing tea

To prepare a tea that has a calming and carminative effect, use the following ingredients: chamomile (3 parts), cumin seeds (5 parts), valerian root (2 parts). After mixing the components, take two tablespoons of the mixture and pour two tbsp. boiling water. Strain after 20 minutes. Drink 100 ml in the evening and in the morning.

Slimming tea

1 tsp flowers, pour 200 ml of water and leave for 10 minutes. During the day you need to drink 4-5 glasses of tea. The course should not last more than two weeks.


For the preparation of baths, the entire ground part of the plant is taken. For one bath, you need to pour 500 g of such raw materials into 2 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain the broth and pour into the bath. Such baths are taken for two weeks, every other day. The procedure lasts 30 minutes. They are recommended for such diseases and conditions:

  • skin diseases - , wounds;
  • increased nervousness, poor sleep;
  • peeling and dryness of the skin;
  • cramps of the calf muscles;
  • liver ailments;
  • cracked heels;
  • consequences of x-ray exposure;
  • severe leg fatigue.


To prepare such a remedy, you need to melt in a water bath 50 g of not too fatty butter and 3 st. l. vegetable oil. Add 1 tsp. , 2 yolks, 30 ml of camphor alcohol, 50 ml of chamomile infusion, 2 tbsp. l. honey. After thorough mixing, everything must be poured into a glass container. Such a self-prepared remedy can be stored for up to six months in the refrigerator.

Cream with chamomile should be used in such cases:

  • at severe dryness skin;
  • with the appearance of skin peeling, cracks;
  • in case of lethargy of the skin and turgor;
  • with redness and irritation.


To prepare a solution of 1 tsp. flowers need to pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. The strained solution is collected in a syringe and vaginal douching is done at night. They need to be done every day for a week. Douching is done slowly. This procedure is indicated in the following cases:

  • inflammatory processes, however, not during exacerbations;
  • , non-specific and specific.

Such procedures are contraindicated in such cases:

  • after the age of 40, since at this age the moisture of the mucous membranes decreases, and douching can aggravate the situation;
  • during the period ;
  • during acute inflammatory processes;
  • in the first month after, gynecological interventions,.


In the process of treating cervical erosion, tampons with chamomile are used. To prepare an infusion for soaking a tampon, you need to take 20 g of flowers and pour 1 liter of water, then insist in a thermos for a day. Next, you need to take aloe leaves, which have lain for 2 days in the refrigerator, grind them into gruel and squeeze. Mix these ingredients in equal proportions. Dip a hygienic tampon into the prepared solution and place it overnight in the vagina.

Contraindications for use are similar to contraindications for douching.

Cosmetic use

With freckles

Chamomile can help get rid of freckles and whiten your complexion. To do this, take 20 g of flowers and pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. After a while, strain, add the juice of 2 lemons and half a liter of yogurt to the liquid. All this must be mixed well. The resulting solution is impregnated with gauze napkins and put on those places of the skin where there are a lot of freckles and kept for one hour. Then you need to rinse off cool water and apply a rich cream on the face. These masks are done three times a week.

With redness of the face

To reduce the severity of redness and irritation of the skin, prepare next remedy. One st. l. chamomile flowers should be poured with a glass of boiling water. After an hour of infusion, strain, add 1 tbsp. l honey. Soak gauze in the solution and apply to the skin. Keep for half an hour. When the napkin dries out, change it to a damp one.

For acne

To reduce the severity of the rash, take 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers and 1 tbsp. l. dry celandine and pour this mixture into 1 liter of boiling water. After the remedy has been infused for half a day, it is filtered and used to wipe those areas where acne constantly appears. This must be done at least 5 times a day.

For brittle and dry hair

You need to pour 4 tbsp. l. chamomile 0.5 l of boiling water. Strain after half an hour. Add egg yolk and apply the solution to the hair, distributing gently along the entire length. After half an hour, rinse your hair thoroughly. This procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week. throughout the month. Interestingly, if such a solution is used by blondes, then the hair will become lighter and acquire shine.

This tool is also used for various purposes.

For aromatherapy

Since this oil does not have a very sharp and intolerable smell, it is well received by both children and the elderly. This oil effectively disinfects the air and has a positive effect on the body as a whole. However, some people note that this oil has a bitter taste. To ensure a positive effect, a few drops of oil are added to the aroma lamp and such a session is carried out for about 20 minutes in the evenings.

Oral use

Inside, the oil is used together with honey - for one tsp. honey - 2 drops. Drink in the morning and in the evening, the course is one week. Such a remedy has a positive effect on the body with problems with, poor appetite, gastritis, ulcers (except for the period of exacerbation). It is also shown to be taken for violations of menstruation, during. The tool helps to reduce irritability, restore normal emotional background. Its use has a positive effect on mental activity. However, you should know that expectant mothers, women during lactation, as well as babies under six years old, cannot take oil inside.

Application externally

If necessary, the oil can be applied to the skin without diluting it first. But it should be applied pointwise: put a cotton pad with oil on the problem area for several minutes. This use of oil is practiced in following states and diseases:

  • diseases associated with an allergic reaction -,;
  • inflammatory processes due to solar or thermal burns - during the healing period;
  • after insect bites;
  • ulcers, poorly healing wounds;
  • , acne;
  • small wrinkles;
  • ingrown nail - after surgery;
  • , - rubbed into the roots of the hair;
  • rosacea.

With these problems, chamomile oil is used up to 10 days. Also, essential oil can be added to any used cosmetic product - lotion, cream, etc. To correctly calculate the proportion, you need to add 3 drops of oil to 5 ml of cream or lotion.

You can also use it during the massage, mixing with the base - for example, with olive oil. For 10 ml of the base take 5 caps. essential oil.

To aromatize the bath, it is enough to add 10 caps. oils.

Also, chamomile oil can be combined with other oils, as chamomile enhances their effectiveness. These are oils of orange, lavender, geranium, sage, bergamot, marjoram, etc.

Chamomile for children

When using chamomile flowers for children, medicinal properties and contraindications must be taken into account.

Pharmacy chamomile as a tea is used for children after 1 year. For small children, tea should be diluted with water or buy special children's tea.

But outwardly, grass and chamomile flowers are used earlier, even before the baby is one year old. However, the concentration of the decoction should be low.

Parents of young children should consult a pediatrician on how to properly use chamomile flowers. Useful properties and contraindications to its use should be especially carefully considered by parents of infants.


Despite the fact that many consider this plant to be absolutely harmless, there are still contraindications for chamomile. First of all, it is important to take into account contraindications for women - chamomile is contraindicated for pregnant women, and nursing mothers should drink it with caution. People suffering chronic diseases, as well as those who take vital important medicines, you need to consult a doctor before using decoctions, infusions or oils. Also do not use it for individual intolerance.

Side effects

When taken orally, the following negative manifestations may occur:

  • increase in pressure;
  • risk of bleeding;
  • vomit;
  • bronchospasm, - in people with intolerance.

For external use:

  • allergic rash,;

How to prepare and store

The flowers are harvested in the summer, doing it in dry weather. The highest concentration of essential oil in chamomile is observed from June to August. For external use, the whole plant is used, respectively, for this purpose, raw materials are harvested in this way.

You need to dry the grass in the shade, while well ventilating the room.

When using a dryer, the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. During the drying process, the plant is not turned over to prevent shedding of the petals.

Store dried raw materials in paper or cloth bags in a dry and dark place. Used throughout the year. Since chamomile has strong smell, it should not be stored near products that can absorb this aroma.

Chamomile is produced in the following forms:

Also, chamomile extract is included in many cosmetics, ointments, dietary supplements.

Chamomile is an annual herbaceous rather branchy plant that has an extremely wide scope.

Chamomile grows, as a rule, along roads, on slopes, in rye.

A person specially grows chamomile because of its medicinal qualities.

In chamomile, flowers and the grass itself are valuable. The plant has gained fame due to its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, carminative properties, which allow it to be used in the treatment of many ailments.

The composition and scope of chamomile

The composition of chamomile is truly unique. Its flowers contain essential oil, flavonoids, glycerides fatty acids, coumarins, polysaccharides, phytosterol, choline, vitamins, bitterness, etc.

The calorie content of chamomile is 9 kcal per 100 g of product.

plant especially useful for acute chronic inflammation stomach. It can not only relieve unpleasant symptoms, but also heal.

Chamomile is also used to treat a number of other diseases:

1. For eye pain use an infusion of chamomile, which is prepared as follows: pour 1 teaspoon of raw materials with boiling water, leave for at least half an hour, filter and drink a portion during the day.

If the pain is severe, then drink up to 600 ml of a healing agent.

2. Chamomile is good for the body with flatulence. In this case, prepare drug collection, consisting of chamomile and lemon balm (20 g each). The composition is poured with boiling water (1l), let it brew, filter and drink a glass 3 times a day.

3. Useful properties of chamomile allow you to use it successfully with hepatic colic. For pain, a warm enema is made (1 tablespoon of the flowers of the plant is poured with a glass of boiling water), after which they take a warm bath (for 20 minutes) and go to bed.

It is good to drink a glass of olive oil in the next 2-3 hours. However, this procedure should be performed with caution.

4. Chamomile is useful with conjunctivitis. For the treatment of a painful condition of the eyes, an infusion of 2-3 tablespoons of the plant per glass of boiling water is used. The mixture is insisted, filtered and used to wash the eyes (in the form of heat).

5. Chamomile is good for the health of people suffering stomach and duodenal ulcer. In the treatment of these pathologies (as an additional remedy), chamomile infusion prepared traditional way(a tablespoon of flowers in a glass of boiling water).

The mixture, as is customary, insist, filter and drink the entire dose immediately. After that, the patient should calm down, go to bed. He needs to perform simple rollovers from side to side and from back to stomach every 10 minutes.

Thus it is possible to achieve therapeutic effect when the healing composition gradually irrigates the walls of the stomach, which leads to recovery. The procedure is recommended to be carried out no more than 3-4 times a month.

6. Chamomile is good for the body as a whole and for sore throat in particular. With the help of a simply prepared composition (1 teaspoon of inflorescences per glass of boiling water), rinses are carried out.

7. Chamomile is good for women. It is used with delayed menstruation. In this case, traditionally brew a spoonful of flowers with a glass of boiling water. drink healing composition during the day, 100 ml.

8. The plant is actively used with inflammation of the ear. Pre-prepare an infusion of 1 teaspoon of the plant and a glass of boiling water. After the infusion and straining procedure, the solution is instilled into the ear (necessarily in a warm form).

This method of treating otitis should go in parallel with the main therapy of the disease and, of course, be appointed by a specialist.

9. Chamomile is good for the body with spasms. In this case, they drink an infusion of the flowers of the plant, prepared in the classical way 3-4 times a day, little by little.

10. Chamomile is not bad cope with increased arousal, convulsions, insomnia. Such manifestations are treated with an infusion of plant flowers (1 spoon per glass of boiling water), which is taken (always warm) in a third of a glass three times a day.

11. Chamomile is good for women's health with existing cervical erosion and even in malignant ulcers. In this case, use the oil of the plant, which is easy to prepare: pour chamomile flowers (50 g) vegetable oil(500 ml).

The mixture is placed in an enamel container, put on fire and brought to a boil. In preparation valuable product gradualness is important. The oil is put in a dark place for 40 days, after which it is filtered, squeezed and used for its intended purpose.

12. Chamomile helps in diseases of the liver and kidneys. It is used as a choleretic and anti-inflammatory agent, drinking a tablespoon several times a day of an infusion prepared traditionally.

Drink the composition (necessarily on an empty stomach) in a glass in the morning and in the evening.

14. Chamomile is irreplaceable at bad smell from mouth and inflammation of the gums. An infusion for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity is prepared at the rate of 15 g of plant flowers per glass of boiling water. Use the composition for rinsing.

15. Chamomile has found its use and in cosmetology. With its help, with some knowledge, you can prepare affordable and 100% natural products for the face and hair.

Most often, chamomile is used in the composition cosmetic ice. Regular morning facial massage with chamomile ice cubes cleanses, moisturizes, mattifies the skin, relieves inflammation.

Infusion or decoction of the plant rinse hair after washing. Chamomile gives hair a luxurious shine. It stimulates their growth, slightly brightens and revitalizes.

Chamomile is also used as a face and body scrub. For cooking natural remedy for skin care, chamomile flowers are poured with boiling water (about 2 tablespoons per 0.5 l of boiling water). Then the composition is insisted and filtered.

From medicinal infusion you can make cosmetic cubes, and a real scrub is made from the grounds by combining it with coffee grounds (for greater efficiency).

The composition is rubbed (with gentle movements) into the skin of the face for 15 minutes. Then everything is washed off with water.

Chamomile: what are the benefits for the body?

The beneficial properties of chamomile make it possible to use the plant as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, sedative.

Chamomile is capable of:

Calm the nervous system

Expand blood vessels

Eliminate headache

Get rid of fermentation processes

Normalize stool

Improve the work of the digestive tract

In addition, as mentioned above, chamomile is simply indispensable for female diseases and also during pregnancy.

During the period of bearing a child, the plant can be applied externally without restrictions, making compresses, douching, baths, inhalations from the infusion.

Chamomile copes well with such problems of expectant mothers as bloating, gas formation, constipation, stress. To take chamomile pregnant or not, the female doctor decides.

But the limited use of weak chamomile tea should not be afraid. Such a product will only benefit.

The low calorie content of chamomile makes it useful for weight loss. But in combination with other herbs. For those who want to get rid of a couple of extra pounds, a collection is recommended, consisting of chamomile, birch buds, immortelle. For greater efficiency, a strawberry leaf is added to the composition.

The collection helps to cleanse itself of toxins and toxins, as well as lose weight.

Chamomile: is there any harm to health?

Undoubtedly, chamomile has a mass useful properties. However, like any other medicinal plant, it has side effects. So, if you take an infusion or decoction of a plant for too long, you may experience headache, nausea, dizziness.

Chamomile should not be taken according to the principle: "useful cannot be harmful." It is incompatible with some sedatives.

In addition, chamomile should be used with caution by people prone to allergies. After all, the inflorescences of the plant store pollen in themselves, which can cause an allergic reaction.

Chamomile for children: useful or harmful?

A versatile anti-inflammatory medicinal plant, chamomile is good for children's health. By virtue of their strongest antiseptic properties The plant has been successfully used in the treatment of children colds.

With the help of infusion of chamomile, rinsing of the nasopharynx and oral cavity is carried out with laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, adenoids.

During the flu epidemic, chamomile is successfully used in medicinal tea. And all because of its diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The plant is indispensable (as additional funds) in childhood bronchitis. Due to its disinfectant action, it is used for inhalations, which help to quickly cope with the disease.

Chamomile regulates the digestive tract. Therefore, it is actively used for dysbacteriosis, bloating, lack of appetite, flatulence.

To relax the nervous system the child is recommended to drink before bedtime chamomile tea with honey(in the absence of an allergy to honey). For greater effect, mint, lemon balm, calendula, linden are thrown into the composition.

You can not combine chamomile with plants that have a tonic effect such as aloe, ginseng, ginger.

Irritable children can be given a bath with a few drops of chamomile oil or a relaxing oil massage. Better yet, both.

Chamomile oil is also effective for "minor" children's problems: wounds, insect bites, sunburn.

Of course, chamomile is useful for humans. Due to its properties and low calorie content, it is used both in cosmetology and in traditional medicine.

The harm of chamomile is in its excessive use. Only reasonable approach and caring for your health will allow you to extract maximum benefit from the use of a plant that is familiar from childhood.