What medicines to take on a trip. First aid kit on a trip to Europe and prohibited drugs

When collecting a first-aid kit for children at sea, in a country house or in another vacation spot, each mother thinks about what should be included in it. This issue should be approached very responsibly and it is good to think over the composition of the first-aid kit for the child, especially if you have to go with children no older than three years of age. It is not so important where the trip is planned: abroad, to our south or to relatives, in the bag for children's medicines you need to put drugs "just in case" (bandages, cotton wool, fever remedies, and so on) and medicines taken by the child on a constant basis. basis.

Each baby is individual, so before leaving, you should consult a doctor and discuss with him what medicines to put in the first aid kit for the child, going on vacation. Below is a general list of drugs that a children's first aid kit should contain on the road, compiled according to the recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky.

sun protection

If you plan to use a first aid kit for a child at sea, then you should remember about prolonged exposure to the sun, and, accordingly, you need to take care of additional protection for children's skin. Therefore, when going on vacation, it is necessary to include Panthenol spray and sunscreens (with an SPF factor of at least 50) in the children's purse with medicines.

For the sea or other warm regions, it is very important to have a sunscreen with a high protection factor and Panthenol in the first aid kit - in case the baby or adults do get burned.

Antipyretic/pain relievers

A first aid kit for children on the road should include pain relievers and antipyretic drugs. As a rule, the basis of these drugs is ibuprofen or paracetamol, as well as their combination. You should be aware that some children are affected only by paracetamol or only ibuprofen. In the absence of experience in the use of these funds, it is worth taking one drug from each group, and it is in syrup, since the candles can melt, given that their storage temperature does not exceed 20-25 degrees.

  • Ibuprofen series: Ibufen (from three months to 2 years), Nurofen (can be used from three months).
  • Paracetamol series: Panadol, Efferalgan, Paracetamol. At sufficiently high temperatures that are difficult to knock down, Ibuklin Junior can be used (we recommend reading:).

The necessary preparation for a children's first aid kit on the road with a child is No-shpa. It helps to bring down the temperature, accompanied by spasms of the limbs. For those kids who are teething, it is worth taking painkillers such as Kamistad or Kalgel.

Remedies for the treatment of intestinal disorders

Changing climatic conditions, water, nutrition can cause intestinal problems in the baby. Therefore, when collecting a children's first aid kit on the road, you must definitely put:

  • Activated carbon is an adsorbent;
  • Enterosgel or Polysorb - enterosorbents approved for use from the first days of life;
  • Smectu - an antidiarrheal drug;
  • Ersefuril is an antimicrobial agent that is used for acute poisoning with diarrhea in children from 6 years of age;
  • Furazolidone is an antibiotic prescribed from the age of 3 for foodborne infections, dysentery, giardiasis (more details in the article:);
  • Mezim Forte, Creon, Festal - enzymes that improve digestion;
  • laxative - for example, Duphalac or suppositories with glycerin;
  • Regidron - used for severe diarrhea or vomiting, helps restore fluid loss in the body.

If the baby has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, drugs such as Bifiform or Linex should be folded. In the case of a trip with a baby, anti-colic agents should be put:, Baby Calm, Sub Simplex, Espumizan.

So that the baby does not suffer from colic, you need to take one of the drugs to eliminate them - for example, Plantex

Drugs used in acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections

In order to prevent viral diseases, you should take Viferon ointment on vacation (suitable for children under 2 years old) or Oxolinic ointment for older children (we recommend reading:). Also, for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, you can use:

  • homeopathic remedies, such as Oscillococcinum, Viferon or Viburkol suppositories, (more in the article:)
  • antiviral agents - Anaferon Children's (from 1 month), Arbidol (from 3 years).

For bacterial infections of the respiratory tract, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed:

  • Flemoxin Solutab (penicillin group),
  • Suprax (cephalosporin group),
  • Sumamed (from the group of macrolides)

Antiviral drugs are good for sore throats:

  • Tantum Verde,
  • Hexoral,
  • Miramistin.

You can also use lozenges - for example, Lizobakt.

For nasal congestion, sprays should be used:

  • Aqualor-Baby, (we recommend reading:)
  • aquamaris,
  • vasoconstrictor drops from the common cold - Nazivin (allowed starting from 1 month), Vibrocil.

When going on vacation, it is advisable to take ear drops such as Otipax. Salt water, sand, a runny nose can cause eye inflammation in a baby, so you should put Albucid or any other antimicrobial drops.

Remedies for injuries and bruises

Being in the country or at the sea, the baby will not sit still. For this reason, the likelihood of getting abrasions, cuts and bruises increases. Therefore, going on the road, put with you:

  • cotton pads and cotton wool;
  • elastic bandage;
  • bactericidal patches;
  • iodine or brilliant green (best in the form of a marker);
  • cotton buds;
  • sterile bandages;
  • hydrogen peroxide to treat wounds;
  • means for tissue regeneration - for example, the Rescuer balm for children or Panthenol spray.

Bruises on vacation are common, because children spend a lot of time in the game, on the street. To minimize the consequences of injury, you need to have a first aid kit with you to treat and protect the wound.

Antiallergic drugs

Even if the baby has not suffered from allergies before, it is worth taking an antihistamine with you. New water and food, unusual plants, insects can cause allergic reactions. The most popular modern tools:

  • Fenistil (from 1 month),
  • Zyrtec (from 6 months),
  • Claritin (syrup for children aged 2 years and older, tablets - from 3 years old)

Fenistil is available in the form of drops, which is very convenient, as it is possible to give it to even the smallest, mixing it with drink or food. Suprastin - although time-tested, but a more "heavy" drug. It should also be borne in mind that children under 1 year old should not be given antihistamines at night. Their sedative effect can provoke apnea (temporary cessation of breathing).

When packing a travel bag with medicines for a little traveler for vacation, it is worth remembering that it should consist of drugs that are suitable for the child by age. Not all products approved for use in two- and three-year-old children are suitable for a one-year-old baby or baby.

When traveling to the country, it is worth having with you drugs such as Fenistil-gel or Psilo-balm, which help to cope with itching from mosquito bites and other insects. Some remedies like these are suitable for all family members to treat sunburn.

The pediatrician will guide you when, in what cases and in what doses it is worth taking this or that drug. It is best to write down this information so that you can quickly use the right tool if necessary.

Are you planning a trip? Take care of all the little things that you may need right away. An obligatory item on vacation is a tourist’s first aid kit; on a trip abroad, it should be equipped in a special way, which we will do now.

Nobody wants to get sick during the holidays, but anything can happen. Therefore, try to take all the necessary drugs so that problems do not take you by surprise. For travel by sea or abroad, the list of medicines will be as follows.

List of medicines for the tourist's first aid kit

1. Pills for motion sickness(aeron, bonin, air-sea, etc.).

2. Antipyretics and painkillers funds. For adults, you can take nurofen or paracetamol, tempalgin, for children - panadol, nurofen in syrup or tablets. It is better not to take candles, because they can be stored at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees. An exception can be made if your trip abroad takes place during the cold season.

  • Do not miss:

3. Antispasmodics must be included in the list (no-shpa).

4. Medicines that may be needed in case of poisoning on vacation. First of all, this sorbents(white coal, sorbex, enterosgel, smecta), allowing to remove toxins from the body. Take medicines that will help prevent dehydration (orsol, rehydron) - they need to be taken with loose stools, vomiting. It is also worth putting antimicrobial intestinal preparations (bactisubtil, nifuroxazide), enzymes (mezim-forte, festal) and probiotics (linex, bifiform) into the traveler's first aid kit.

5. Gastric remedies(phosphalugel, almagel, maalox) - a tourist may need it on vacation, when tasting unusual or potentially dangerous dishes.

6. Antiallergic drugs(tavegil, suprastin).

7. Antivirals(arbidol, groprinosin, cycloferon), powders for colds (fervex, teraflu), throat lozenges (strepsils, falimint), antitussives and nasal drops. Sometimes you just can’t do without them, because it’s so easy to catch a cold on the road.

8. Antibiotics you need to put it in the first-aid kit before the trip, because abroad they are prescribed exclusively by a doctor, and you cannot buy them without a prescription. Give preference to medications that you have already taken to prevent the possibility of an allergic reaction. For example, you can take azithromycin or sumamed - the course of treatment with such an antibiotic is 3 days, it is taken once a day.

  • It can be useful:

9. Antiseptics(iodine, hydrogen peroxide) and dressings (sterile wipes, cotton wool, bandage, bactericidal plaster).

10. Pain-relieving ointments(Indovazin, "Rescuer") - on a journey, no one is immune from injuries - bruises, sprains, dislocations.

11. If you travel in the summer or go on vacation to hot countries, in order not to spoil your vacation on the very first day, do not forget about sunscreen- foams, creams with varying degrees of protection. An excellent salvation from sunburn - panthenol spray, simply indispensable in the first aid kit when traveling to the sea. It is also useful for treating skin with chafing, allergic rashes, scratches and wounds.

12. Ear and eye drops. A good option - sofradex - drops with antimicrobial action for the ears and eyes.

13. Digital Thermometer. You should not take a mercury thermometer, as it can easily break on the road, and mercury vapor is very toxic.

14. Consider the fact that on vacation, with climate change, the possibility of exacerbation of chronic diseases increases. When packing a first-aid kit at sea, take on a trip abroad the medicines that you take for these ailments, as well as medicines for emergency care. List only the medicines that are best for you.

When packing a first aid kit for a trip abroad, do not forget that customs legislation prohibits tourists from taking certain medicines abroad. If you are taking any drug that contains narcotic or psychotropic drugs, do not forget to fill out a customs declaration and confirm the need for their use with a doctor's note, prescription, or an extract from the medical history. In order to know whether it is possible to import medicine into a particular country, get a preliminary consultation about this at its consulate.

  • Read also:

When packing a first aid kit for traveling abroad, follow these tips:

  • take with you on vacation only well-tested medicines that are not in doubt;
  • before the trip, check the expiration date of all medicines;
  • do not take medicines without packaging, because it is possible
  • do not know the drug to be taken;
  • follow the dosage and read the instructions before taking the tablets;
  • in the presence of a chronic pathology, include in the list of the traveler's first aid kit the medicines that you constantly take;
  • Before going on vacation, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Of course, it’s very good if you don’t need the contents of a tourist’s first aid kit on the road to the sea and abroad. But with her, the rest will be safer and calmer.

  1. Pain Remedies

    Citramon, Askofen - with moderate headache; Pentalgin, Solpadein, Nimesil - with toothache, severe headache, pain during menstruation.

  2. Pills for motion sickness

    If the road is long, and even by car, and possibly by sea, then motion sickness pills will definitely come in handy, if not for you, then for your fellow travelers. Suitable "Canadian pills for motion sickness", Dramina, Avia-Sea.

  3. Antispasmodic for the stomach

    With spasms, No-shpa, or domestic Besalol, will help.

  4. Fixing (for indigestion)

    On the road, it does not hurt to have a plate of Loperamide or Imodium.

  5. Enzyme preparations

    Given the change in diet, it will not be superfluous to put a plate of pancreatin or Festal in the first-aid kit.

  6. Remedies for poisoning

    Standard set: Activated charcoal or Smecta (neutralizes toxins) + Niffuroxazide (in case of infectious poisoning) + Regidron (in case of severe vomiting or disorder, it will restore the water-salt balance. Can be replaced with salty mineral water).

  7. Antiseptic

    Iodine solution or Brilliant green (Zelenka) solution. For a first aid kit on the road, it is better to purchase iodine or greenery in the form of a felt-tip pen.

  8. Cold remedies

    You can take regular Paracetamol for fever, or one of the complex anti-cold teas: Fervex, Coldrex, Teraflu, Pharmacitron.

  9. Antitussives

    Ambroxol, Lazolvan or Bromhexine.

  10. Medicines for sore throat

    Strepsils, Septolete, Voka-sept, Aji-sept, or a small aerosol of Ingalipt, Kameton.

  11. Cold drops

    Vasoconstrictor - quickly relieve swelling and make breathing easier: Naphthyzin, Farmazolin, Nazol, Nazivin, Tizin. Drops on essential oils - in addition to facilitating breathing, they also have an antiseptic effect: Pinosol, Pinovit.

  12. Asterisk balm

    It will help with headaches - it is necessary to anoint whiskey, drive away insects, relieve inflammation (including after insect bites), relieve muscle pain due to irritant action, help with a runny nose - should be applied to the bridge of the nose and a little under the nose. A small jar of Asterisk will not take up much space in a travel kit.

  13. Mosquito repellent

  14. Cotton wool or cotton pads, bandage, cotton buds

  15. Personal care products

  16. The final list of medicines that may come in handy on vacation or a business trip:

    first aid kit on the road
    NAME PURPOSE number of packages HOW TO APPLY
    1 Citramon tablets For a headache 1 1-2 tablets, preferably after meals.
    2 Pentalgin For headache and toothache, menstrual pain 1 1 tablet, not more than 3 times a day.
    3 Aviamore From motion sickness 1 1 tablet under the tongue an hour before the trip, then 1 tablet every half hour. Take no more than 6 tablets per day.
    4 Validol Pain in the region of the heart 1 Take 1-2 tablets under the tongue
    5 No-shpa Stomach cramps 1 Take 2 tablets.
    6 Imodium Stomach upset 1 2 tablets once
    7 Festal To improve digestion 1 1-2 tablets 3 times a day, with meals
    8 activated carbon Poisoning, indigestion, vomiting 2 Take from the calculation: 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
    9 Nifuroxazide With infectious poisoning 1 Drink 200 mg 3 times a day
    10 Hydrogen peroxide solution 3% antiseptic 1 With the help of cotton, the affected area is treated.
    11 solution of iodine 5% antiseptic 1 With the help of cotton wool, applied to the area near the wound
    12 Pharmacitron For colds, flu, fever 5 packs 1 packet per glass of water, 2-3 times a day
    13 Lazolvan When coughing 1 1 tablet, 3 times a day.
    14 Ingalipt aerosol For throat diseases 1 1-2 irrigations, 5-6 times a day. Do not eat or drink for 30 minutes after irrigation.
    15 Tizin From a cold 1 1-2 drops in the nose, 4-5 times a day.
    16 Balm "Gold Star" For runny nose, cough, headache, muscle pain, insect bites, after insect bites. 1 For external use only. Care should be taken not to allow the balm to get on the mucous membranes.
    17 Mosquito repellent (fumigator)
    18 Bandage 5x10 sterile For dressing 2
    19 Cotton wool sterile 50 g For the treatment of wounds 1
    20 Cotton buds 1
    21 Adhesive plasters 10
    22 Tweezers 1
    23 Other personal care products

The best way to protect yourself and your family from illnesses on vacation is to take your personal doctor with you. True, it is not expensive, but very expensive. Therefore, you will have to prepare for the unpleasant surprises that a summer vacation can bring. But everything is not so scary - if you prepare correctly.

In order for the vacation to go smoothly and not be spoiled by unforeseen complications, you need the following:

  • the simplest algorithm of actions in emergency and not very situations,
  • insurance policy,
  • small first aid kit
  • the ability to quickly navigate the place, which is very easy to replace with banal foresight.

So let's quickly go over the points of the article, fill in the necessary phone numbers into the mobile phone and put a small first aid kit in the suitcase. Started?

Onsite medical assistance

Even in a remote Italian village, the most beautiful cars are minibuses and jeeps with the inscription Misericordia, which loosely translates as "Ambulance". And this ambulance will certainly come if there are two things at hand - a phone number to call and the address of the place where you are currently located. You will have to find out the address yourself, but you can easily find the phone number in the country guide - on the very first pages. And you can read about the sights and Michelin restaurants later.

An ambulance arrives for any occasion, but still it is better to call it for emergency reasons that require immediate admission to the hospital - loss of consciousness or confusion, severe injury or indomitable vomiting. If the situation is a little simpler, it is better to communicate with a local practicing doctor.

During the tourist season, doctors work tirelessly. The number of potential patients for whom insurance campaigns regularly pay is growing exponentially. Who would refuse such earnings? But how to find this doctor and how to contact him is a big question.

The coordinates of the nearest clinic or medical office are well known in the hotel, where, if desired, you can even find Russian-speaking staff who can convey this valuable information to you. But how to talk to the doctor later?

Of course, if a doctor graduated from the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University, communicating with him will not be easy, but very simple. But you yourself are unlikely to choose a country where graduates of this university mainly practice for a vacation with a child. Wherever you go, probably closer or Cambridge, or the Sorbonne, or at worst, the University of Bologna. This means that your vacation will be calm, the doctors (if something happens) are good, but communication with them will be difficult due to the language barrier.

Translate in advance (yourself, and online dictionaries will help) the main complaints about the language of the country where you are going to rest.

However, our vocabulary will be short. Something like this:

  • Temperature rise
  • Pain (in the arm, ear, shoulder, leg, etc.)
  • Sunburn
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Heart attack
  • Trauma (hands, head, eyes)
  • Foreign body (ear, eye, throat)
  • Allergy

With such a dictionary, you can already clearly complain to any doctor who speaks any language and get the necessary recommendations from him. Well, then, with a prescription, you can safely go to the pharmacy - in most civilized countries, without a prescription, you can only buy sun cream and toothpaste.

However, there are other options for obtaining medical care, which should not be neglected either.

stay in touch

Whatever happens on vacation - the child scratched his leg, spent too much time in the pool or in the sun - do not panic. And if you are seriously confused, you can use what is called "call a friend" in quiz shows. Only in the role of this friend will be a familiar doctor, whose phone number you stocked up in advance. Since now everyone has got smartphones, and hotels have Internet, you can also get in touch with the doctor by e-mail and Skype. For example, to show a suspicious rash on the body - and immediately get advice on how to get rid of it.

True, for this, again, you will have to stock up on two things: the doctor's email address and your own vacation pay - so as not to run to the local doctor later for a prescription.

Vacation first aid kit

Means for dressing and treatment of wounds

Bandages (it is better to bring both sterile and elastic bandages with you - for tight bandages with sprains). Adhesives (what if someone rubs their leg?). Hydrogen peroxide in a special plastic bottle is the best way to clean any wound under any conditions.


An anesthetic (but not warming!) gel (for example, diclofenac gel) is an ideal remedy for bruises and sprains. Spray with panthenol or balm "lifeguard" - used for thermal burns, including sunburns. An antibiotic hormonal ointment (such as celestoderm with garamycin) is very useful for chemical burns and local allergic reactions, say, in response to contact with plants. Antihistamine gel (for example, fenistil gel) - for insect bites.

Remedies for stomach pain

No-shpa - for pain in the right hypochondrium against the background of overeating. Maalox - for pain in the stomach. Sorbents (smecta, espumizan, enterosgel) are compact and convenient remedies for bloating and suspected food poisoning. Enzyme preparations (mezim-forte or hilak-forte) - first aid for overeating. Loperamide is a remedy for diarrhea for adults and for children from 6 years of age.

Antipyretics and pain relievers

Paracetamol (pentalgin tablets for adults, panadol or efferalgan for children). You can take with you both tablets, syrup or suppositories - they act faster. Nurofen is a more powerful pain reliever and antipyretic for children than paracetamol. Ketanov - only for adults and only for toothache or joint pain.


It is better to take on the advice of a doctor - it does not matter if it is local or yours, trusted, whom you call at home. Antibiotics containing amoxicillin and clavulanic acid (an example is Augmentin, which is available in syrup for children and tablets for adults) are almost universal remedies for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ear. Azithromycin (Sumamed) - if you are allergic to penicillin antibiotics.


There are no alternatives here - Genferon or Viferon candles (it is better not to use the latter if you are allergic to chocolate). These are practically universal antiviral drugs, which, by the way, are almost never prescribed by doctors in European countries. But in vain.

Antiallergic drugs

Suprastin - acts very quickly, compatible with most drugs. Due to side effects, it can also be used as a sleeping pill. Zirtek - compatible with any medication (and even alcohol), does not cause a hypnotic effect, but acts more slowly than suprastin. Can be used by adults (in tablets) and children (in drops).

Nasal drops

Vasoconstrictors (examples - ximelin, nasol, tizin) - relieve the common cold, but do not cure it. If the nose is suddenly seriously laid on vacation, it is better to use other means. Vasoconstrictor agents are good to use before the flight to prevent tubo-otitis.

Polydex nasal spray. An almost universal remedy for the nose against everything - allergies (includes dexamethasone), nasal congestion (phenylephrine), and infections (in the composition - antibiotics polymyxin and neomycin). Most convenient for purulent discharge from the nose.

Cromoglycic acid preparations (say, cromohexal or cromoglin) are very handy remedies for allergies and viral infections.

Eye and ear drops

Ear drops containing lidocaine (such as Otipax) are the best remedies for ear pain caused by otitis media. With external otitis (inflammation of the skin of the ear canal after bathing), they act worse. Do not use with discharge from the ear - the components contained in them can damage the auditory nerve.

Drops with antibiotics (Garazon and Sofradex) are ideal for purulent or allergic conjunctivitis or otitis externa. With discharge from the ear (they may be a sign of damage to the eardrum), it is better not to use them - it's easier to see a doctor first.

Sore throat remedies

Anti-inflammatory drugs (strepfen or tantum verde for adults, for children - also tantum verde, but in the form of a spray).

Last but not least, the contents of your first aid kit can and should change, depending on your personal preferences, the presence of chronic diseases, and the advice of your doctor.

Better yet, divide this first-aid kit into two unequal parts: put the larger one in your suitcase and check it in your luggage so that you don’t find fault at customs, and put the smaller one in your hand luggage. Rarely, but even at the airport and on board the aircraft, something can come in handy.

A long working year, full of problems and hardships of routine life, was left behind. With blood and sweat, we deserved a long-awaited vacation, thoughts about which did not allow us to give up and led us through the hardships of everyday work. It remains only to make the last push towards the dream and organize it. And now, when the tickets are bought, and the suitcases are almost packed, it's time to take care of the medicines, without which rest is sometimes not rest, but going through the throes.

Why do you need a first aid kit?

At first glance, the question is quite reasonable: why pack medicines that can be bought anywhere in the world into already overcrowded trunks? We are not going to Antarctica, but to a resort. There are also pharmacies that sell medicines too!

Yes, I won't argue. There are pharmacies. But the specifics of the local pharmaceutical business can cross out your vacation crosswise. Pharmacies in Russian resort towns are a great example of how you can make money on improvident vacationers. They are crowded throughout the working day. Their assortment leaves much to be desired, and the price must include compensation to sellers for the winter months of downtime and lack of people.

If you have drifted a little away from the tourist centers, in case of force majeure you will look for a pharmacy as the promised land, combing kilometer after kilometer. And here the questions of cost and assortment will not even fade into the background.

Vacationers outside our country and unfamiliar with the process of selling medicines in developed and not very countries of the world are generally in for a deep shock. Without a doctor's prescription, you will not buy even a tenth of what is sold in our pharmacies there. Well, you may not want to buy funds available on the free market yourself. You might prefer to whisper for the rest of your vacation and hope for your stunted immunity rather than spending 10 euros for a pack of sore throat lollipops.

Based on such realities, there are no options left: a first-aid kit for a vacationer is an essential item, and you need to approach its filling with all responsibility.

Intestine - under reliable protection!

The most common trouble that a vacationer faces is gastrointestinal. Unusual food for domestic stomachs, intestinal bacteria that multiply remarkably in sea water and in restaurant cuisine, unwashed fruits consumed in unprecedented quantities, and many other factors can cause serious ailment. In order not to be left alone with a sanitary unit and a bed in a hotel room, be sure to take with you:

  • sorbents to help remove toxins from the intestines. By the way, activated charcoal should be left at home, and a modern powerful sorbent should be put in the first-aid kit, for example sorbex or enterosgel, which does not need to be drunk 20-30 tablets per dose;
  • antidiarrheals. Inexpensive loperamide, which dangled around in the home first aid kit, is one of the simplest and fastest remedies for traveler's diarrhea. You can not take loperamide only for serious bowel diseases: obstruction, ulcerative colitis or suspicion of dysentery, in other cases, the drug is safe and very effective;
  • antimicrobials. For example, nifuroxazide- the famous nitrofuran, which is distinguished by high safety and effectiveness in, is useful for both children and adults.

Add to the intestinal group and enzymes. Pancreatin preparations will help your pancreas cope with the sudden surging loads in the form of plentiful food, which on the occasion of the holiday is often not considered as "healthy - unhealthy" or "fat - lean."

To not be afraid of a cold

The next "popular" group of drugs among vacationers is anti-cold. If you do not want to get sick with a temperature after water procedures and broadcast SOS signals in a hoarse voice, stock up on first aid. Anyone affected by respiratory virus activity will need:

  • cold tea. Please note: it is better to take the drug without pheniramine maleate in composition. This is one of the frequent components of complex powders, it has an anti-allergic effect and can have a sedative effect. Lying in a cozy bed after a cup of tea may be nice, but such a pastime is much more appropriate when you are “sunbathing” under a checkered blanket, and cold northern rain is pouring outside the window;
  • vasoconstrictor nasal drops.With a swollen nose, you can hardly feel the freshness and saturation of coastal air with phytoncides, and preparations based on naphazoline, xylometazoline, oxymetazoline (the same Otrivin or Nazivin) and others will quickly solve this problem;
  • lozenges or spray for a sore throat.

If cough is your frequent guest, it is worth supplementing the list with expectorant medicines, for example, ambroxol. Now the cold medicine kit is complete, but it is still too early to dwell on this.

From expected and unexpected dangers

In the depths of the vacationer's first-aid kit, in addition to pills for poisoning and SARS, the following should be stored:

  • dressings. No need to take a piece of gauze or a large roll of cotton wool - a sterile bandage, cotton pads and a package of patches will be enough;
  • antiseptics. Pair of compact bottles hydrogen peroxide and, for example, chlorhexidine more than cover the need for antiseptics;
  • "solar" medicines: sunscreen, a preparation for burns (both solar and, God forbid, thermal), for which sprays or creams based on dexpanthenol are perfect; hygienic lipstick, preferably with an ultraviolet filter;
  • insect bite medications. Gel or cream containing an anti-allergic ingredient (for example, psilo-balm, which includes diphenhydramine), will stop itching and reduce inflammation if you are bitten by mosquitoes, mosquitoes and other insects fed at resorts;
  • allergy medications. Even if you are not sensitive and allergic manifestations have always bypassed you, it is better to play it safe and take an antiallergic agent with you, for example loratadine;
  • painkillers. Don't forget your "favorite" analgesic that saves you from headaches and stomach cramps. It would be very prudent to supplement the reserves with an ointment for bruises and sprains, which can relieve pain, restore vascular patency, and calm down inflammation.

If you are traveling to, medicines will have to be taken care of with special diligence. Duplicate the entire list of "adult" drugs, choosing children's dosages, and be sure to add a pediatric antipyretic to this kit. If your child has frequent outbreaks of conjunctivitis, take simple eye drops, such as chloramphenicol. Do not be too lazy to put in the first aid kit and drops in the ears. Vigorous immersion in the underwater world often does not pass for kids without a trace, and after a day or two of "heats" otitis can be right there.

I still shudder, remembering how I ran around the entire seaside town in search of ear drops for my three-year-old son, who, after diving to his heart's content, developed an acute inflammation of the middle ear. If I didn't forget otipax(or other anti-inflammatory and pain medication), my child would not be screaming, notifying all the neighbors of his illness, while his mother was breaking records for long-distance running in an unknown area.

Do not repeat the mistakes of others, find a place in your luggage for medicines, and then you can go anywhere with a calm heart. And let your rest be healthy in the truest sense, and let the medicines lie in your suitcases.

Marina Pozdeeva

Photo thinkstockphotos.com, collage by Alina Trout