How to relieve acute toothache. How to treat toothache at home

One bad tooth can bring a lot of torment to a person and provoke a lot of problems. Toothache reduces labor ability and the vital activity of a person, forces him to refuse food, sleep, does not allow him to concentrate on anything and causes a lot of other suffering.

Can be used as a treatment medical preparations, as well as folk remedies. But their action very often has temporary Therefore, it is necessary to contact the dentist and identify the cause of the tooth disease.

Causes related directly to the teeth:

  • advanced caries with infection in the dental tissues can cause a sharp toothache, which manifests itself only under the action of stimuli. Dental cracks, poorly filled tooth, exposure of dentin in the cervical region of the tooth are the main factors of toothache;
  • pulpitis causes spontaneous toothache. It can occur during meals, with the action of irritants on the affected dentin, as well as in calm state, especially at night, and has a continuous aching character. A characteristic indicator of pain is its spread to the ear area, or to the temporal part, and withstand this pain for a long time impossible;
  • periodontitis causes aching and sharp pain attacks, which have a pulsating character and increase when touching the tooth. The gum becomes inflamed and swollen, and the tooth loosens;
  • at mechanical injury. The pain comes on some time after the injury. Pain is associated with exposure of the nerve;
  • pain during teething in children.

Pain, manifested from the defeat of neighboring formations: nerve endings, bones, etc.:

  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • headache and migraine;
  • otitis media;
  • sinusitis, frontal sinusitis;
  • heart disease: myocardial infarction and ischemic disease hearts;
  • neuritis of the facial nerve.

Emergency help for toothache

If you experience acute toothache, the first thing to do at home is to refuse to eat and brush your teeth, as food particles cause pain.

Next, apply a piece of ice to the cheek in place of the diseased tooth. This leads to freezing of the tooth and relieves severe pain for a while. It is also possible to make a grid of iodine on the cheek of a diseased tooth.

A piece of salty bacon or fresh beets applied to a sore tooth will relieve pain. The road leaf or its peeled root will relax the pain syndrome. Rinsing the tooth with vodka can also reduce pain.

If the methods listed above failed to alleviate the situation, it is allowed to use mouthwash with a freshly prepared decoction of calendula herb. You can use a cotton compress applied to the affected area.

At home, easily accessible and effective method there will be a flush oral cavity sea ​​water with baking soda and a few drops of iodine. This reduces pain and disinfects the oral cavity.

You can moisten cotton wool with a few drops of valerian, mint and camphor, apply to a sore tooth.

Medications for toothache

What medicines will help quickly at home? Medicines have a different effect on each person. Some can eliminate pain with aspirin, while others can even strong pills may not help with pain. Therefore, below is a list of drugs by their action in ascending order:

  1. Analgin. Used for moderate tooth pain. You can use up to four tablets per day. Start with 0.5 part of the tablet and use the rest within an hour. The tablet is used not only inside, but also by applying to a sore spot;
  2. paracetamol and aspirin. Also used for mild pain syndromes;
  3. Nurofen. Up to six tablets can be used per day. Helps with increased and acute pain for eight hours;
  4. Ketanov. These are the most powerful means of various types pain. Helps in relieving acute toothache. The effect of the action lasts more than eight hours.

Also, drugs will help to anesthetize: Nise, Pentalgin, Valocordin, Spazmalgon.

How to eliminate toothache during pregnancy?

To get rid of toothache during pregnancy is recommended in the following ways:

How can you relieve a toothache in a child?

Folk remedies for toothache

What folk remedies to soothe a toothache:

Acupressure for toothache

Massaging certain points with toothache is an effective method of salvation from this ailment. Correct implementation can be in a good way counteracting unbearable sensations at a time when it is not possible to purchase a drug. There are several treatment points:

  • on the back side palms, between the thumb and index finger. You need to act on it within two to three minutes. Massaging is carried out by pressing thumb other hand. Press until a red spot appears on the skin;
  • on the index finger, on the left side of the nail. Massaging is carried out until pain occurs. This method improves overall well-being and stops pain in the tooth;
  • in the deepening of the left cheek, where the jaws meet. It is freely felt when opening the mouth. It is necessary not to press hard with your index finger. After pressing five times, and massaging in a circular motion at least thirty times, or until the pain in the tooth subsides;
  • in the palm of your hand, between the middle and ring finger. Press with the fingernail of the finger of the other hand until a feeling of pain discomfort arises in this area;
  • on the wrist, in the place of probing the pulse. Grated horseradish or garlic is applied to this place and tightly bandaged for thirty minutes.

To start reading the plot, you need to make a few elementary manipulations with your mind:

  • get rid of doubtful thoughts and mentally prepare for healing. It is necessary to believe that this method can help;
  • find and localize the focus of pain, imagine its shape, color, density;
  • tune in to the positive and modify the pain. Talk to her, minimize her volume, change to a more pleasant color;
  • replace definitions. Change "pain" to "whining", "throbbing" and so on;
  • correctly pronounce the words of the conspiracy. In this case, it is allowed to take a conspiracy, small in size, to pronounce it more than three times, to perceive each word as a desire of one's consciousness.

Conspiracy 1

Attach the index finger to the place with the bad tooth, reading the plot seven times in a row:

“As the red sun falls below the horizon and is no longer visible, as the fair-faced month disappears in the sky, so the pain left after them and did not return.”

Conspiracy 2

A very simple conspiracy. You need to pronounce it clearly, without doubting the power of these words:

“A month in the sky, the sun in the oak, freeze the worm in the tooth. Amen".

If you are afraid of visiting the dental office for a long time, there are problems with your teeth and the pain associated with them.

In order to prevent, there is a need to apply the following rules:

  1. Exclusion or reduction of the use of sweet and sour foods;
  2. Do not chew on hard objects that lead to dental injuries;
  3. Rinse your teeth with non-alcoholic products;
  4. Regularly brush your teeth and tongue;
  5. Twice a year, have dental check-ups with a specialist.

There are many different way ov, which help get rid of a toothache at home. This is the use of medicinal and folk remedies, the use of massage and conspiracies.

But all these remedies are just assistants in the treatment of dental problems. That's why timely appeal a visit to the dentist will help save a bad tooth and forget about the suffering that it brings.

And some more tips on how to relieve a toothache at home - in the next video.

Each of us is familiar with acute toothache. The reasons for it are different: this is pulpitis, which is a consequence of neglected caries, and enamel cracks, and improperly placed fillings, and much more. Of course, the first thing to do when it appears is to visit a doctor. And, it needs to be done as soon as possible. And in order to wait for the morning, you can alleviate your condition with the help of improvised means. How and how to relieve acute toothache will be dealt with together. This is what our article will be devoted to.

How to alleviate your condition and relieve acute tooth pain

A toothache can make you forget about everything, so strong is the discomfort and discomfort. It usually intensifies at night, making sleep restless, if not impossible.

How to relieve acute toothache

Understanding the causes of toothache and doing everything to eliminate it is the prerogative of a dentist. But there are general recommendations to follow if she caught you by surprise:

  1. Completely eliminate the presence of food debris in the mouth because they can cause pain. You can use for this frequent rinsing with soda-salt solution and, if necessary, dental floss.
  2. Refuse to warm the place of localization of toothache. And dry heat, and warming compresses will only help to strengthen it.
  3. Avoid bed rest. A bad tooth is not a reason to go to bed. After all, in horizontal position the pressure on the periodontal tissues increases, which at times increases the discomfort.
  4. Avoid getting food on the aching tooth. The easiest option is to chew only those teeth that are on the other side of the mouth.
  5. try to distract yourself. Interesting activity or great amount work will help you forget about the discomfort in your mouth, the main thing is to really get carried away.
  6. Do not delay a visit to the dentist. Only a specialist can save you from acute pain. All other methods, which will be discussed below, can only temporarily stop it, dulling the discomfort.

How to reduce and how to relieve toothache at home using home first aid kit, you can learn from the next section of our article.

Medical treatments for toothache

Modern pharmacological developments and achievements of the pharmaceutical industry have made it possible to create a number of painkillers a wide range actions that help with toothache.

Medicines for toothache

The most benign of them will be:

  • Nurofen and other pharmacies drugs based on ibuprofen;
  • Spazmalgon, its active substance is analgin. It is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age;
  • Askofen, which is not recommended for children under 15 years of age, since it is based on " dangerous mix"- aspirin, caffeine and paracetamol;
  • Baralgin- Another drug created on the basis of analgin. It can be given to children with caution.

If everyone the above drugs did not bring the desired effect, need to connect "heavy artillery", that is, powerful painkillers, the reception of which requires the consultation of a doctor. It:

  • Pentalgin;
  • Ketanov;
  • Ketorol;
  • Nimesulide.

There are a number of contraindications to taking these drugs, in particular - pregnancy and lactation, childhood. They are allowed to be taken only when the toothache is no longer bearable.

Enough in a simple way what and how to relieve acute toothache will be the use of classic painkillers that have been used in dentistry for many years. Namely - novocaine and lidocaine. This can be done in two ways. Either moisten a cotton swab and put it on the aching tooth, or try to inject their solution into the base of the tooth. This will relieve pain for at least 6 hours.

It should be noted that all of the above drugs only stop pain impulses, they do not treat the diseased tooth itself. Therefore, a visit to the dentist can not be avoided.

Methods of traditional medicine in the relief of toothache

What to do with acute toothache recommends and guide traditional medicine, which contains several recipes for its self-stopping. Moreover, many of them are quite effective, because some 50 years ago a visit to the dentist was serious test, and people suffered from bad teeth before. Some of them will seem incredible to you, but for relieving acute pain, all methods are good. Consider the most popular of them:

Traditional medicine methods are very effective in relieving toothache, but you should not delay visiting a doctor. Otherwise, you can miss the onset of serious complications that may require the help of a surgeon.

Massage as a way to relieve toothache at home

With pain in damaged teeth, many of us immediately turn to home first aid kit and begin to swallow painkillers, which give only a temporary effect. All this puts a heavy load on all organs of our body, especially the liver suffers. Therefore, if the pain is moderately expressed, You can try Japanese massage. will be especially effective the following items his methods:

  • Massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brush between the thumb and forefinger with a piece of ice;
  • Press intensively with three fingers of each hand on the temporal regions;
  • Massage carotid artery, kneading it in the direction of the diseased tooth;
  • Press on the cheek in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased tooth with three fingers;
  • Intensively massage the nasolabial cavity.

Surprisingly, these methods Japanese massage act. They can be safely adopted by those people who constantly put off visiting the dentist.

Relief of toothache in children and expectant mothers

Unfortunately, children are not immune from acute toothache. Milk teeth are short-lived and highly susceptible to caries, which in children younger age has a fast flow. In a matter of days, caries can completely destroy baby tooth and hit the pulp, which causes incredible suffering to the baby.

Toothache in children

Overtaking toothache and pregnant women. This happens especially often when the fetus begins to form bone and rudiments of teeth. For both children and expectant mothers, most of the methods listed in the previous sections are contraindicated. Can save them:

  • Lubrication of the cheek in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased tooth with an "asterisk";
  • Clove oil on an aching tooth;
  • Frequent rinsing with soda and salt, sage, chamomile;
  • A slice of lard applied to the gum.

Regardless of how effective your chosen method of pain relief has been, a visit to the dentist should be immediate and urgent. This will help you save a bad tooth and get rid of tangible discomfort that occurs at the most inopportune time.

Toothache appears at the most inopportune moment. Many people are not always able to immediately visit the dentist. To relieve toothache, it is allowed to apply different kind folk remedies. These may include dental treatment with both medications and homemade prescriptions. Note that most of them are aimed at temporary removal of pain, while there is no way to get to the dentist.

What can be done at home if a tooth hurts?

How to get rid of toothache at home? When a sharp severe pain suddenly appeared, then it is quite possible to remove it at home. In each first-aid kit there is Analgin - although the remedy is recognized as quite harmful to health, however, if Analgin is taken once, then nothing bad will happen.

To soothe a toothache at home, in addition to Analgin, is quite realistic with the use of other painkillers. It will also be useful to rinse with a solution of the usual baking soda- with the use of such therapy, it will turn out well to relieve pain, reduce inflammation. Often, to cure a tooth that aches, they use cloves, an asterisk and other means, which we will talk about in our review (we recommend reading:).

It is not recommended to relieve pain without a visit to the doctor for a long time - you can only do harm. The fact is that the manifestation of sudden pain in the tooth may indicate different dental problems Oh. If swelling of the gums, their bleeding and other symptoms join the aching pain, then this most likely indicates the presence of diseases:

  • gingivitis;
  • caries (we recommend reading:);
  • pulpitis;
  • dental stone.

That is why it is extremely important to consult a dentist in time to remove the root cause of a toothache. Otherwise, it is easy to get a complication in the form of gum disease or even lose a tooth.

Tablets for toothache

To relieve pain at home, an adult is allowed to take painkillers that are available in his medicine cabinet. When taking the medicine, read the instructions for its use and consider all possible contraindications. It is not permissible to exceed the permissible daily and single dose, as well as to take alcohol the day before.

To calm a tooth that hurts, it is most convenient to use it effective pills. The drug Ketanov, produced in tablet form, has a very strong and fast analgesic effect. It is able to relieve the most severe pain, due to which it is often used to eliminate it in oncology, after operations, etc. A significant disadvantage of Ketanov is that in pharmacies this medicine unlikely to be bought without a prescription.

Good to remove toothache will also help Nurofen tablets. This drug has maximum performance anesthesia and minimal contraindications - it is used even during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, Nurofen is also available in the form of a suspension and syrup for children of different ages.

An excellent analgesic effect can provide tablets of the famous Paracetamol. Like Nurofen, this drug is allowed during pregnancy and lactation. Medicines based on Paracetamol in the form of suppositories and syrup are available for children of different age categories.

So, the medicines that are allowed to be taken for toothache at home (with a short list of contraindications):

  • Analgin, contraindicated in diseases of the liver and kidneys, during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Nurofen and Paracetamol, which should not be taken by patients with stomach ulcers;
  • Ketanov, produced by prescription;
  • Nimesil in the form of a water-soluble rinse powder;
  • topical anesthetic gels;
  • star.

Massage to relieve toothache

Ear massage has an unsurpassed effect on toothache, which helped to get rid of this trouble even in the most ancient times. You can easily do it at home on your own.

On the surface of the ear there is a mass of biologically active points, the correct pressing of which can stop pain in a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body (we recommend reading:). For massage auricle The following actions are recommended for pain in the tooth:

  • take on upper part ear with index finger and thumb;
  • descend to the lobe down with the most accurate and careful movements;
  • do the procedure until the pain subsides.

Folk remedies

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Despite the fact that today you can buy almost any pain reliever in pharmacies to relieve toothache, various kinds are still popular. folk recipes. For these purposes, decoctions of herbs, lotions from plants, compresses, tinctures for alcohol and improvised food are used. Folk remedies for toothache can be used both individually and in combination.

How quickly this or that remedy will help depends, first of all, on the frequency of its use. Note that folk recipes, despite their effectiveness in combating this kind of pain, can only be used temporarily.

Rinsing with soda

Mouth rinses have been used to treat toothache for a long time. One of the most popular rinses is the famous soda solution. To make it, take a glass of water and add 1 teaspoon of soda with a small slide. After thoroughly mixing the solution, you can start rinsing with it, which can be done every hour. Note that with the use of a soda solution, you can even cure pain in a tooth with a hole.

Garlic and onion

Good results in dental treatment folk ways shows the use of garlic for this purpose. As a rule, it is used in the form of lotions. For better and faster pain relief, onions are often used along with garlic.

To treat a tooth with a similar mixture, you must:

In order to relieve tooth pain using garlic, it can also be smeared on the wrist. The fact is that there are points on the wrist - massaging them with garlic, you can anesthetize the tooth.


If you have clove oil in your home, you can also use it to soothe a bad tooth. To do this, a few drops of clove oil are dripped onto a cotton swab, and then applied to the inflamed area. After some time, the pain will begin to subside. If this does not happen, then you can drop this oil on the tooth. This method of removing pain syndrome with clove oil is in great demand in home treatment.

plantain root

Psyllium root is effective in curing acute or aching pain in the tooth. Its application is surprisingly simple: psyllium root is placed in right ear if the pain overtook the left and vice versa. Despite the strangeness of this method, many argue that it is effective. Note that with the help of psyllium root it will be possible to get rid of pain in cases where it suddenly appeared during outdoor recreation.

What other effective home remedies are there?

In fact, there are a number of folk remedies for the treatment of toothache on their own.

  • It is allowed to use a solution of salt and iodine to rinse the mouth. To do this, take a glass of heated water, stir 1 teaspoon of salt in it and add 6 drops of iodine. With the resulting solution, it is necessary to rinse your mouth before going to bed, especially if the pain often returns at night (see also:).
  • Many have been treated for colds with potato inhalations. Few people know that quite intense toothache can be treated in the same way.
  • All kinds of rinsing with the help of different decoctions herbs. For the preparation of decoctions are used such medicinal plants like chamomile, sage, mint and St. John's wort.

For many years, the pain syndrome has been removed with the famous asterisk, for which a small amount of balm is applied with massaging movements to the cheek of an unhealthy tooth.

What to do with a toothache at night?

Tooth pain at night is a common occurrence that many people have to deal with. Night pain in the teeth in the prevailing cases appears as a result of pulpitis. As a rule, at the same time it has a sharp and pulsating character. I must say that usually this pain is quite strong, since at night other irritants are completely absent. The pain that appeared at night must be eliminated urgently, since it most likely will not allow the patient to sleep for a minute. In order for the tooth to pass and not hurt, it is allowed to drink a strong painkiller pill (Ketanov or Analgin), and go to the dentist in the morning.

Not letting go for a minute, familiar to many. But urgent matters and caring for loved ones, as a rule, put a visit to the dentist into the background. There are times when a person cannot get to a doctor at all - a trip to the country house or at night can prevent this. This article will be about how to relieve a toothache at home and spend time before visiting a specialist without excruciating suffering.

First aid for severe toothache

Often the cause of a sharp pain in the tooth is developing caries and inflammation of the nerve. Most often, the pain in this case occurs during meals or due to the reaction of the enamel to cold or hot drinks. In order to eliminate sharp pain in the tooth, you need to follow this algorithm:

  1. The first step is to stop eating and drinking.
  2. Brush your teeth. Determine the localization of pain and eliminate the remnants of food in this place with dental floss or a toothpick.
  3. Take an anesthetic pill. To avoid adverse reactions be sure to read the instructions contained in the package with the drug. On a sore spot, you can put a cotton swab moistened with Valocordin.
  4. You can quickly relieve pain by using a solution of soda. To do this, add half a teaspoon of soda to a glass of water at room temperature and rinse your mouth. A little iodine can be added to the resulting mixture.

Some try to relieve pain by applying ice to the problem area or rinsing. ice water. You can’t do this, because in this way you can chill the nerve, and temporary relief, most likely, will be replaced by more severe pain. Abuse of ice rinses often leads to flux. This is called inflammation of the periosteal tissue. The cheek begins to swell and swell, and then surgical intervention can no longer be avoided.

Medical relief of toothache

This method involves the presence of painkillers in the home medicine cabinet or the ability to get to the nearest pharmacy, having previously determined the appropriate drug option:

  • "Analgin". This drug helps with mild toothache. Initially, it is better to drink half the tablet, and if the pain has not receded after a while, take the rest. It is allowed to take no more than 4 tablets of "Analgin" per day. Except internal use, it is also practiced to apply medicine to an aching tooth. So active ingredients the drug will be absorbed into the blood faster and soothe the pain syndrome. Taking "Analgin" is contraindicated when drinking alcohol, with diseases of the kidneys and liver, pregnant women and women during lactation.

  • "Nurofen". Helps not only with toothache, but also with headaches. Take no more than 6 times a day for people who do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases, hearing loss or impaired kidney and liver function. It is not recommended to take pills for diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • Ketanov tablets can relieve severe toothache. The pain reliever also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Before taking this for the first time strong drug it is advisable to consult a specialist. The doctor should analyze the consequences of using the remedy, since in some cases there is an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. It is forbidden to take pills for children under 15 years of age, lactating and pregnant women, as well as for renal or hepatic insufficiency.

The use of herbal medicines for pain relief

How to relieve a toothache if contraindications interfere with the use of painkillers or there is no way to get to a pharmacy and ask for help from a pharmacist? In this case, help medicinal herbs, perfectly relieving pain in the oral cavity. You need to know which of them are suitable for rinsing and how to prepare a decoction. Scroll natural remedies for the treatment of toothache:

  • Sage. To prepare a decoction, dilute with a glass hot water a tablespoon of sage. The mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat, strain and let cool. Rinsing should be carried out with a warm decoction approximately every 10 minutes. It is not recommended to use the cooled solution, it is better to brew a new one.
  • Oregano. An infusion of oregano is prepared in a ratio of 1:10, that is, 10 parts of boiling water is taken for 1 part of dried flowers. The grass is poured with water and left to infuse for a while. When the infusion becomes warm, it is filtered and used for rinsing, paying special attention to the diseased tooth during the procedure.
  • Propolis. This natural component is considered truly unique, helping with many diseases, strengthening the immune system and providing a general healing effect on the body. However, it should be used with caution, especially for those who are prone to allergic reactions. Taking a small amount of propolis and applying it to the problem area can relieve toothache.
  • Plantain. The plantain leaf, familiar to everyone since childhood, needs to be chewed and put on the aching tooth, holding it for a while.
  • Aloe. Cut along the leaf of a home plant, apply the pulp to the sore spot and hold until the pain subsides.

Folk remedies in the fight against toothache

People have been thinking about how to make it easier for a long time. Ways to eliminate toothache have been passed down from generation to generation, many of them have survived to this day, replenished with some modern variations:

  • Mass of onion, garlic and salt. Vegetables should be thoroughly washed, peeled and ground into a homogeneous mass. Take garlic, onion and salt in equal proportions and mix, then put on the aching tooth, covering with a cotton swab on top.
  • Alcohol. Rinsing your mouth with vodka will help relieve toothache at home. It must be taken into the mouth and held on a sore spot, while the tooth is disinfected, and the gum becomes less sensitive under the influence of ethyl alcohol. After holding for a while, you need to spit out the vodka.
  • Cucumber. Apply a small slice to the tooth and hold until the pain dulls.
  • Potato. Attached to aching tooth a small slice of raw potatoes must be kept until the discomfort disappears.
  • Warm salt water. For rinsing, a quarter tablespoon of salt is dissolved in 200 ml of warm water. Such procedures help to remove fluid from the tissues, so that inflammation will gradually decrease. In addition, salt prevents the growth of microbes.

  • Apple vinegar. A swab soaked in liquid is applied to the tooth for several minutes. The pain should subside little by little.
  • Salo. A small piece of salty lard is cleaned of salt and applied to a sore spot. You can also use the product raw.

Essential oils

How to relieve a toothache if you have oils in your arsenal medicinal plants? It is enough to soak a cotton swab with oil or plant juice and apply to the sore spot, then close the jaw and hold until the pain syndrome is eliminated.

Suitable for this purpose:

  1. Fir oil.
  2. Lavender oil.
  3. Vanilla extract.
  4. Oil tea tree.
  5. Wheatgrass juice, which must be obtained by grinding them. It is considered an excellent remedy for caries, and also has antibacterial properties.
  6. Juice of guava or spinach leaves.
  7. Clove oil, which is considered to be the best remedy to overcome toothache. It is a natural anesthetic and antioxidant, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Acupressure for pain relief

Followers oriental medicine developed their own methodology on how to relieve severe toothache. This can be done using technology acupressure. The procedure will not cure the tooth, but will help relieve acute pain. For treatment, it is necessary to find a point located on inner surface brushes. To do this, you need to mentally draw two straight lines along the thumb and index finger to the wrist, putting a dot at the place where they intersect. You need to massage this place until appearance of mild pain.

On the face, the points for massage are in the middle of the distance from upper lip to the base of the nose, as well as at the intersection of a straight line passing through the pupil and a line running along the cheekbone. A variation of acupressure is compression of the earlobe.

It should be noted that in all cases, the massage is performed on the side of the body opposite to the one where the diseased tooth is located. Actions are performed with fingertips, slow circular movements with light pressure. On average, the massage lasts 7-10 minutes, first counterclockwise, then along it.

Alternative ways to get rid of toothache

How to relieve toothache with homeopathy? The opinion of dentists on this matter is very ambiguous. Doctors are skeptical about this type of treatment, but for some people this method works great. Consider the main homeopathic preparations for the treatment of oral pain:

  • "Aconite". A drug that relieves tooth pain associated with colds.
  • "Arnica". Excellent remedy healing small wounds. It is used after the extraction of a tooth or after ending with a slight bleeding.
  • "Coffee". A drug aimed at eliminating toothache caused by nerves.
  • Nux vomica. Perfectly relieves toothache in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, abusing coffee and alcohol.
  • "Nux moshata". Experts suggest this drug to relieve toothache in pregnant women and young children.

Relief of toothache in pregnant women

Expectant mothers, when experiencing discomfort, always think about how to relieve a toothache without harming the baby. Many of the above methods for external use will help relieve discomfort and will not harm either the mother or her unborn child. Potent drugs are strictly prohibited for pregnant women, but with acute pain, the doctor may allow single dose"Paracetamol".

Recommendations on how to relieve toothache at home for pregnant women in the absence of the opportunity to visit the dentist include rinsing the mouth with Furacilin solution or hydrogen peroxide. However, even if the pain subsided, you should consult a doctor. Modern used by specialists can be used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women. In addition, they perfectly eliminate discomfort, and the treatment or extraction of a tooth will be comfortable.

Treatment of toothache in a child

In young children, discomfort in the oral cavity is most often caused by caries. If they occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. But how to alleviate if it appeared late in the evening or on weekends, when there is no way to go to the dentist? Warm rinses are suitable for a growing organism. soda solution or decoction of sage. If there is an obvious carious cavity in the diseased tooth, moisten a small cotton swab with peppermint oil and insert it into the hole.

How to relieve a toothache if folk remedies do not bring relief to a child? From medicines suitable "Nurofen" in the form of syrup. Before giving medicine to a child, you need to read the instructions: the dosage of the drug depends on weight and age. Children are allowed "Ibuprofen" and "Paracetamol", as well as other drugs based on them.

In order to avoid exacerbation of pain and swelling of the tumor, in the list of methods explaining how to quickly relieve toothache, dentists have identified several rules:

1. Do not warm up the affected area. Warm pads or bags of hot salt will increase blood flow to the aching tooth, and the pain will become even worse. It is recommended, on the contrary, to apply ice. Wrapping a small piece in a cloth, you need to attach it to the sore cheek. It is impossible to apply cold directly to the tooth itself, so as not to freeze the nerve.

2. Less horizontal. When a person lies, blood flow to the jaw increases, pressure in the tissues increases, thereby irritating the nerve endings in the tooth. Pain syndrome this will make it even more noticeable.

3. Warm rinsing of the mouth helps to eliminate food debris from the carious hole, as well as relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

4. soda rinse it is necessary to cook without diluting the soda in warm water, but pouring it with boiling water. Start rinsing only after the solution has cooled down.

It should be noted that the sooner you visit dental office the easier the treatment will be. Preventive examination teeth and gums should be checked by a specialist at least once every six months, especially when it comes to the child's oral cavity. This will help prevent diseases and avoid unbearable toothache.

One of the most annoying and exhausting pains is toothache. Everyone who encounters it loses the ability to think well, especially if there is no chance to get rid of the problem right now.

It's great if there is a pharmacy nearby, and even better - a good dentist. But what if the pain caught you on vacation or on a day off, and the necessary medicines are not at hand?

We share with you a few tricks that will help you cope with pain and survive until a visit to the dentist.

How to quickly get rid of a toothache

1. Garlic
In addition to being vampire warding off, garlic is a true medicinal miracle, being effective antiseptic with powerful antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. AT medical purposes it has been used for many thousands of years. What gives it such strength is called allicin, which is released when garlic is crushed.

Finely chop one clove of garlic, then crush the pieces with a knife and leave for 10 minutes to activate the allicin. Apply a small amount of garlic mass on a sore spot in the mouth. Leave on for a few minutes and rinse with warm salt water, which will help clear the infection and kill bacteria.

This will also help fight the infection from the inside, as you probably have swelling or inflammation in the sore spot. Also try to add as much garlic to your diet as possible. You can even eat it yourself, after crushing it and allowing the allicin to activate. Remember that, unlike antibacterial drugs, bacteria do not develop resistance to garlic, so you can eat it all the time, and then eat parsley to remove the unpleasant odor.

2. Clove oil

Clove has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and anesthetic properties which will help relieve toothache and fight infection. This is the main oil that is used to get rid of dental problems if it is not possible to go to the dentist right now.

So useful in the fight against dental problems because of one component that is part of it. It's about about eugenol, a natural anesthetic. It fights all kinds of toothache. Clove oil can also be found in many dental products. Take half a liter of water, add a few drops of clove oil and rinse your mouth with the solution, you can also apply clove oil on a cotton pad and very gently treat the aching tooth and the area around it. The pain will go away very quickly.

How to relieve toothache

3. Peppermint

Along with clove oil, peppermint oil has crazy properties that will help relieve toothache. Peppermint is one of the strongest and most effective pain relievers in nature.

The easiest way to use it is to apply a bag of mint tea to the affected area. Place the sachet in the refrigerator or freezer (if you are not sensitive to cold, then skip this step). Then apply the sachet to the affected area for 20 minutes.

You will probably have to repeat the procedure quite often as the pain may return. Peppermint works this way thanks to its menthol, which is known as an analgesic agent that desensitizes the sore spot through the cold menthol receptor.

If you do not have mint tea on hand, but have essential oil mint, then just put a few drops on a cotton pad and apply to the aching tooth. You can also rinse your mouth with a very strong infusion of mint. Of course, the problem will not disappear from this, but for that evening you will cope with the pain.

4. Bourbon or whiskey

While the American Dental Association says there is no reason to use alcohol as a " home remedy» to combat pain, yet in this case it is worth mentioning this remedy.

There is no scientific evidence of effectiveness, but a huge number of people over the centuries confirm it. While drinking alcohol by mouth won't exactly help relieve pain, applying it locally to the source of the pain will help calm it down. In fairness, it should be said that in the fight against bacteria or infection, this method is ineffective.

If you decide to drink alcohol with a toothache in order to relieve pain, then keep in mind that although it can somewhat slow down the pain reactions of the central nervous system you will likely end up feeling even worse.

Soak a cotton pad in whiskey or bourbon, apply to the affected area and hold for 10-15 minutes. You can also easily massage the affected area.

Pain reliever for toothache

5. Acupressure

Acupressure can help stop toothache by releasing endorphins, hormones of happiness. But still, pregnant women are not recommended to use this remedy in the fight against toothache. There are several different ways to deal with toothache with acupressure, including the following:

Press on the ankle from the back of the leg, hold for about a minute; don't press too hard, use your fingertip.

Find the point of intersection of the big and index finger; press it with the thumb of the other hand, press with moderate force for about 10 minutes.

Grasp the nail plate of the second toe with the thumb and forefinger of the corresponding hand; apply moderate pressure on the part of the nail that is farthest from thumb legs; hold for about 2 minutes or until the pain subsides.

6. Salt solution

Salt copes very well with viruses and bacteria, respectively, with toothache. In order to get rid of pain, add a small amount of salt (preferably sea salt) to warm water(the water should be warm so as not to injure the nerves once again). Keep the solution in your mouth for about 30 seconds, spit it out. Repeat one more time.

How to relieve toothache at home

7. Bow

Onions have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that help destroy bacteria in the mouth, causing appearance pain. Attach a piece raw onion over the painful area. Even dentists recommend doing this. You can try sucking the onion a little more, it certainly doesn't sound so nice, but if the method works, then it's definitely worth a try, right?

Simply cut off a piece of onion that fits comfortably in your mouth. It is important that the cut is freshly cut, as onion juice. Hold it on the affected tooth for about five minutes, or longer.

8. Cucumber

Cucumber is known for its calming and hemostatic effect, so for sure each of us has heard of it as an excellent tool for combating circles under the eyes. When using cucumber to treat toothache, its hemostatic effects help reduce blood flow to the affected tooth, which ultimately reduces or relieves pain.

Take the cucumber out of the refrigerator, it should not be cold, especially if you are sensitive to cold, otherwise it may only increase the pain. Cut off a circle and apply it to the sore spot. Among other things, you can rub a cucumber circle with a little sea salt to enhance the effect.

For toothache at home

9. Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass has natural antibacterial properties that fight tooth decay and relieve toothache. Also, the substances included in them are natural antibiotics that protect teeth and gums from infections.

For maximum effect, chew the sprouts directly with your aching tooth. The juice from the sprouts can be used as a mouthwash, it will draw out toxins from the gums, reduce the growth of bacteria, and also keep the infection under control until the issue is dealt with by a specialist.

10. Hydrogen peroxide

The use of hydrogen peroxide is one of the most common ways to solve problems with teeth and gums. Gargling with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution will help relieve pain temporarily, especially if your toothache is accompanied by a fever and/or a bad taste in your mouth (these are signs of an infection).

Hydrogen peroxide acts as a cleanser and is even more effective than saline because it attacks bacteria instead of just washing it away.

Gargle your mouth for 30 seconds and then rinse your mouth several times with water, which is sure to spit it out. Repeat once or twice a day until you get to the dentist.

Toothache remedy

11. Turmeric

Turmeric is the most wonderful spice, it seems as if nothing is impossible for it. In addition to all of its many health benefits, it has long been used as a natural remedy for the treatment of toothache.

It has strong antiseptic, analgesic and antibacterial properties that can stop pain. It is effective against dental infections, infections in the gums, as well as painful abscesses.

Make a creamy paste by mixing a teaspoon of turmeric with necessary quantity water. Apply the paste to a cotton pad and apply to the affected area. The paste can also be mixed with half a teaspoon of organic honey, which with its powerful antibacterial properties enhance the effect.

12. Thyme

Thyme has been scientifically proven to have one of the strongest antimicrobial properties of any essential oil. Among other things, it has antifungal and antiseptic properties, which give him the ability to cope with toothache and gum pain. There are several ways to use thyme for toothache relief.

Some people drink thyme tea to relieve toothache (in this case, you need to hold the tea in your mouth for about 30 seconds before swallowing), but The best way The use of thyme in this case is to chew the leaves. Here it is important to chew on the opposite side of the mouth from the pain so that the affected tooth is not involved in the process. If the leaf gets on an aching tooth, this can exacerbate the problem.

You need the juice that the leaf exudes. The juice will help relieve pain and heal bleeding gums. Another option involves the use of thyme essential oil in combination and olive oil. You need to make an aqueous solution with a few drops of each oil and rinse your mouth with it.

This will help soothe the pain and fight off the infection. Thyme essential oil can also be applied to a cotton pad and applied to the affected area, but in this case it is important to remember that the amount of oil should be minimal, one drop will be enough.

Folk remedies for toothache

13. Salt water + oregano essential oil + colloidal silver

This very powerful combination of ingredients is considered one of the best for relieving toothache resulting from an abscess or other type of infection.

Start by taking a few drops of oregano essential oil under your tongue, hold it there for a few minutes, and then spit it out. Now you need to rinse your mouth with warm water mixed with sea ​​salt. Then rinse your mouth with colloidal silver, then rinse your mouth with plain water 3-4 times. Finish off by rubbing oregano essential oil on your gums.

14. Ice

Few people know about this method, but in fact it is not necessary to rinse your mouth various solutions to get rid of toothache. Try just rubbing an ice cube between your index finger and thumb. This must be done for at least five minutes. In the process of friction, the impulses will pass along the same neural pathway like a toothache.

15. Tea tree oil

Place a few drops of tea tree oil on a cotton pad and apply to the affected tooth. It is necessary to keep a few minutes so that in the next few hours you forget about the pain.