How to properly give deworming tablets to kittens. How to give anthelmintic to a cat - schedule, tablets, tips How to give a cat medicine for worms

No matter how clean your cat is, it doesn’t matter whether she goes outside, eats raw meat or fish, or drinks purified water - if you haven’t treated the worms, she has them! Absolutely all animals and people, in the interests of maintaining health, should be regularly dewormed. When we're talking about about pets, the principle “do no harm” applies, it is necessary to choose the right anthelmintic for cats, know how to track the result and what to do if there is no effect or the animal is poisoned.

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Basic rules of deworming and prevention

Getting rid of worms simply by giving pills is a utopia. If the rules for keeping animals are regularly violated, the cat will become infected within a few days or weeks. As a preventative measure, be sure to follow these rules:

Features of the procedure

Primary deworming always carries risks. The animal may have allergies or congenital pathologies which the owner is not aware of. Brief instructions:

  • The cat must be completely healthy! Fleas "chase" to worms!
  • Be sure to “drive” worms 5–7 days before the scheduled vaccination!
  • Calculate your busy schedule and worm the cat on the weekend so that it is constantly under supervision.
  • Read the instructions for the drug carefully and follow them strictly.
  • Do not re-dose, even if not all of the drug is used as directed.
  • On the day of taking the drug, give the cat an injection of gamavit, or in advanced cases, fosprenil. Calculate the dose strictly according to weight; administration is subcutaneous or intramuscular depending on the age of the cat.
  • After taking the drug, after 4-6 hours, give an absorbent - enterosgel, Activated carbon or analogues.
  • Depending on how the drug works, monitor bowel movements for 6–8 hours. If your cat is constipated or tense abdominal wall it is necessary to give a veterinary laxative suspension, Duphalac or Vaseline oil.

Read also: Vakderm for cats: instructions for use

Never give your cat human food anthelmintics– poisoning is guaranteed!

Emergency care for intoxication or poisoning with anthelmintics

Are you experiencing lethargy, loss of consciousness, vomiting, a pre-coma state, decreased body temperature, tremors, or other signs of poisoning? - Let's act immediately!

  • Gamavit at the withers, dose according to instructions.
  • Saline solution at the withers, calculated by weight.
  • Repeated dose of absorbents is forced.
  • After 40-60 minutes - a drug that supports the kidneys, you can collect Detoxify.
  • Repeated dose of laxative - the animal must defecate!
  • In case of obvious poisoning, induce vomiting – forcibly.
  • Does the condition not improve within 2-3 hours? - To the doctor!

How to choose a dewormer for a cat

How to choose the best anthelmintic for cats is a controversial issue. And not because many products are counterfeited, some of them have a narrow range, are expensive, and do not work in advanced situations. The main “grain of contention” is the degree of harm to the body. Any anthelmintic is poison. Every owner tries to choose the most effective, but the most harmless remedy, let's look at the most popular of them.

Traditionally, a cat is wormed once every 3 months and before vaccination

Attention! It is important to know! Animals must be treated for worms two weeks before vaccination. If a cat has an organism weakened by helminths, he may not tolerate vaccination.

Signs of helminthiasis in a cat

Attention! It is important to know! Cats should not be given deworming tablets intended for humans. This action may lead to undesirable consequences in the animal's body.

Where does a walking cat become infected with worms?

  1. A small predator catches rodents and eats them.
  2. He communicates with his fellow vagabonds.
  3. Not to mention the fact that there is a lot of dust, grass and all kinds of objects on the street that are full of worm eggs.

Contact your veterinarian, he will help you determine the form of worms with which the animal is infected. Besides the dose of medicine for each animal is selected individually, depending on the weight and age of the animal. You should also keep in mind that your cat is pregnant. If you can’t see a specialist, buy medicine wide range actions. It will remove all types of helminths from the animal’s body.

To identify worms in a cat, blood and feces are given for analysis.

Attention! It is important to know! Many anthelmintic drugs are highly toxic and should not be given to weakened animals. If this rule is not followed, it can lead to serious illness or even death of the animal.

Monitor the animal during the day, it should go to the toilet. If a cat has problems with stool, he is given "Duphalac"(laxative syrup, sold in ordinary pharmacies). It is mixed into the animal’s food at the rate of five ml. per one kg. animal weight. Vaseline oil, in an amount of 5 to 10 ml, will also help the cat to empty its intestines. The laxative is poured into the animal’s mouth using a medical syringe.

Duphalac is perfect as a laxative, especially since it can be bought in every pharmacy

Types of drugs for worms

Prazitel suspension is a drug that is used against all types of helminths

  1. Suspensions or pastes . They are inserted into the animal's cheek using a special syringe. It is sold complete with the medicine.
  2. Drip liquid. The animal is applied to the withers (a place where the animal cannot lick poisonous substance). It is easy to use and quickly absorbed.
  3. Tablets are a common, effective medicine. But the animals do not understand that deworming pills are given to them to improve their health, so they have to resort to some tricks.

How to give a cat a deworming tablet

The procedure is carried out by two people. The furry “scratchy” is unlikely to like this action. Wrap the animal in thick clothing or a blanket, open its mouth, put a pill in it; rinse the drug with water from the syringe.

It is important not to injure the animal either physically or mentally, and to avoid injury yourself.

Remember! Animals treated for worms in a timely and correct manner will delight you with their healthy appearance. You will save yourself and your loved ones from the danger of infection with worms.

Video on how to worm a cat and kittens

Along with the cat, the owner receives uninvited representatives of the fauna - helminths. According to statistics from veterinary specialists, the level of infection among domestic cats in rural areas reaches 95-99%, and in urban conditions – up to 50%. Helminths are dangerous to humans. To avoid infection, it is enough to follow the rules of hygiene and give glistone preparations to your tailed pets on time.

How to give a cat deworming medication

Cats are finicky pets. Despite the fact that the manufacturer indicated on the tablets that there is a taste of meat, many Muroks and Barsiks cannot be fooled. In the end, all tasty food eaten, but the tablet remained in the bowl.

What tricks can you use:

  1. Assess whether the drug has a specific taste; you can take your sensations as a basis by licking the cut of the broken tablet. If there is no pronounced taste, then you can grind the drug to a powder and mix it with a delicious pate, for example, Felix or Gourmet. A hungry cat will lick everything clean. However, if the drug has a taste, the animal will refuse to eat.
  2. The medicine can be dipped in sunflower oil and placed on a short time into the freezer. An oily crust will appear on it. Open the animal's mouth, place the tablet in the oil, close it and slightly move it along the throat from the lower jaw to the chest. This will cause reflex act swallowing. After swallowing and licking, open your pet's mouth again and make sure there is no tablet there.
  3. The method will require simple equipment, but with its help you can easily and quickly give tablets to even cunning and timid cats. You will need medical tweezers with long jaws and a flat joint surface. Hold the tablet or part of it in tweezers. Take the cat right ear and turn your face up. On the left side, move the tweezers with the tablet to the root of the tongue and release the drug. The medication immediately ends up in the esophagus, and the cat doesn’t have time to figure anything out.
  4. It is convenient to give a suspension or powder dissolved in water from a two-cc syringe. Take the cat by the right ear with your left hand and align the position of the muzzle so that you can see the tongue in the slightly open mouth. Place the syringe on the left side and slowly, without jerking, squeeze its contents onto the root of the tongue.
  5. If the cat strongly resists and hits the person with its paw, then it may have to be swaddled. This is done in a similar way to swaddling a baby.

Anthelmintic drug schedule

Pet cat owners often wonder how often to give tablets. There are no universal recommendations, but the cat’s lifestyle should be taken as a basis for making a decision. If she has the opportunity to hunt and leave the premises, then her risk of becoming infected with helminths from caught birds and mice is higher than that of a murka that runs between the sofa and the windowsill. Accordingly, anthelmintic should be given more often. At least once every 3-4 months.

If the cat has become less active or her appetite has worsened, then you cannot blame everything on helminths. What is best to prescribe in this case, the veterinarian must decide. If the animal’s disease is not associated with helminths, then the tablets will be harmful.

What to give a cat for worms

It is better if recommendations on the use of anthelmintic drugs are given by a veterinarian after assessing the animal’s condition. However, not all owners can afford frequent visits to the clinic, and in some areas there are no veterinary facilities. Therefore, the animal owner goes to a pet store or veterinary pharmacy, hoping for competent advice on what to give the cat for worms.

When a cat is given a deworming tablet and the owner is convinced that the animal ate it and did not spit it out, the result can be assessed within 1-3 days.

Cats usually tolerate the procedure without external manifestations. Less frequent stools and refusal to eat are attributed to side effects medicines. In order not to reduce the effectiveness of the active substance, you should not give sorbents to your cat. And the absence of stool within 12-24 hours after giving an anti-worm tablet should alert the owner. This is a reason to give a laxative in the form of drops or a dose of Vaseline oil orally. Dead helminths in combination with constipation can become a source of intoxication for the animal.

When should you not give deworming tablets?

Despite the fact that timely anthelmintic treatment improves general state animal, there are situations in which it is better not to use anthelmintic drugs. It is better not to give them to a pregnant cat unless absolutely necessary. If you see live or dead worms in your stool, then it is worth discussing the feasibility and safety of a single dose of anthelmintic drugs with your veterinarian.

  1. Digestive disorders, most often soft stools.
  2. Itching in the area anus(the cat constantly licks under its tail and can “ride” on its butt).
  3. Weight loss, lack of appetite.
  4. Problems with the coat (loss of shine, hair loss, dishevelment).
  5. The abdomen is swollen and hard to the touch.
  6. Apathetic state of the cat, drowsiness, lethargy.

In small kittens, it is more difficult to determine helminths, since the above signs may not be present. But, if a kitten has a hard and swollen tummy, which even to the eye seems disproportionately large, the likelihood of infecting the baby with worms is very high.

Video - How to determine that a cat has worms and how to treat them

Cat deworming medications: what to choose

Table 1. Deworming tablets for cats

NameProperties, dosageapproximate cost

Directed against helminths different stages development (larvae and mature individuals). The active ingredients are milbemycin and praziquantel. Dosage – one pink pill per 1-2 kilograms of cat’s body weight, one red tablet per 4-8 kilograms of cat’s body weightAbout 450 rubles for two tablets

Destroys nematodes and cestodes, active ingredients– praziquantel and pyrantel. Effective at all stages of helminth development. Dosage – one tablet per 3 kilograms of cat’s body weightAbout 40 rubles for two tablets

Contains milbemycin and praziquantel; a component with a meat aroma has been added to make it more attractive to the animal. Dosage – one tablet per 1-2 kilograms of cat’s body weightAbout 370 rubles for two tablets

Contains praziquantel, pyrantel and febantel. Effective against nematodes, cestodes, mixed infestations. Dosage – one tablet per 5 kilograms of animal body weightAbout 150 rubles for six tablets

It comes in the form of sugar cubes that taste good. Contains niclosamide and oxybendazole. Effective against roundworms, nematodes and cestodes. Dosage – half a cube per 2 kilograms of cat’s body weightAbout 80 rubles for one sugar cube

Giving the cat an anthelmintic tablet: instructions

When the drug is selected and purchased, the most crucial moment comes - feeding the tablet to the pet. Most cats are not enthusiastic about this procedure, although it does not cause them much discomfort. Therefore, the owner must be careful and persistent. So, how do you give your cat a deworming pill?

Step one. Preparing the medicine

Regardless of which drug is chosen, it must contain instructions for use, the most important point of which is dosage. Be sure to weigh the cat before treatment. The easiest way to do this at home is to pick up the animal and step on the scale, then the person should weigh himself without the cat and calculate the difference in weight.

A tablet is prepared according to the instructions. You may need to divide it into several parts - use a sharp knife for this. If you plan to give a tablet diluted with water, you need to crush it into powder; it is most convenient to crush the drug in a mortar or crush it, pressing it between two spoons. After this, the powder is mixed with water and drawn into a syringe without a needle.

Step two. Fixing the cat

In order for the tablet to be eaten, the animal must be recorded. It is most convenient to wrap the cat in a large towel, blanket or blanket so that only its head remains outside. It is better that the treatment is carried out by two people - one will hold the animal, the second will give it the drug.

Step three. We give the drug

After the tablet is prepared and the cat is securely fixed, you can begin the procedure itself. There may be several options for how to give an anthelmintic tablet:

  1. The tablet is ground to a powder, then it is mixed with water or milk, and poured into the cat’s mouth through a syringe (without a needle) or a bulb-syringe.
  2. The tablet is given from tweezers, first dipped in sour cream, butter or yogurt.
  3. The tablet is given through a special device - a piller, which resembles a syringe.
  4. The tablet is masked with a treat, such as cheese or a piece of meat. In this case, the tablet should be small so that the animal can swallow it along with food.

To open the cat's mouth, you need to lightly press on the base of the jaw and fix it with your finger. We recommend wearing thick gloves to prevent your pet from clinging to a person’s hand and feeling discomfort.

Step four. Making sure the cat swallowed the pill

You need to understand that it is not enough to place the tablet in oral cavity cats. Most likely, as soon as the animal is free, it will spit out the drug, and all efforts will be in vain. In addition, the owner will believe that the pet has received the necessary treatment, but in reality this will not be true.

So, when the tablet or powder solution is in the cat’s mouth, you need to close the jaws and lightly hold the animal’s muzzle, while stroking the cat in the neck area, provoking swallowing reflex. Only after the cat has swallowed several times (this can be seen or felt) can you let go of its muzzle. It is better to hold the animal for a couple more minutes to make sure that the tablet is swallowed and the pet is not going to spit it out.

Rules for anthelmintic treatment

Regardless of which drug is used to treat a cat against helminths, you need to follow a few general rules. Firstly, the drug must be given on an empty stomach, preferably on morning time, before feeding. If your cat's food is freely available, you need to remove the bowl the night before. In addition, before anthelmintic treatment, you need to check whether the cat has fleas, which are carriers of worms. If fleas are found, you first need to rid your pet of them (spray, special shampoo, drops), and after a couple of days, worm the animal.

If annual vaccination is scheduled, worms should be removed two weeks before vaccination. In preventive mode, if worms are not found in feces and there is no specific signs infection, the treatment is carried out once, but if the worms are present or came out after the tablet, the treatment is repeated after ten days, it is better to use another drug for the secondary procedure.

After the pet has received anthelmintic, it is necessary to ensure that the animal goes to the toilet “in a big way” within eight to twelve hours after the procedure. If this does not happen, you need to give the cat a laxative. Its role can be vaseline oil (half a teaspoon), or human syrup “Lactusan” or “Duphalac” (5-7 milliliters).

What should I do if my cat feels unwell after treatment?

After an animal has received a deworming tablet, two conditions may occur:

In this situation, vomiting, severe diarrhea, an increase in the pet’s body temperature are possible, the cat becomes apathetic, refuses to eat, tries to stay in a secluded place, and does not respond to calls and affection.

The owner’s independent actions can only worsen the animal’s condition, so the cat must be taken to a veterinary hospital immediately. Veterinarian It is necessary to inform what drug and in what dosage the animal received; it is better to have a package of the drug with you.

To be so unwanted side effects did not result from anthelmintic treatment, you must adhere to the following rules:

It is necessary to postpone anthelmintic treatment if the cat is sick with something (until full recovery), after vaccination within a month, as well as for an injured, exhausted or weak animal. Also, contraindications for helminthization include the second half of pregnancy, the age of the kitten up to three weeks, diseases of the liver, kidneys, and genitourinary system.

On later Pregnant cats are prohibited from deworming


The most important thing is to correctly calculate the dose of the drug, since any deworming tablet puts a serious strain on the pet’s immunity and liver. Therefore, the slightest excess of the dose can be extremely dangerous for your furry pet. Otherwise, the owner should not have any difficulties if he acts confidently and quickly. Good luck!

Video - How to give a cat an anti-worm tablet?

Caring for a pet is not limited to just feeding, hygiene measures And play activities. It also includes caring for the health of your four-legged pet. Cat owners are often forced to give their furry creatures their own anthelmintics, vitamins in tablet form, as well as medications prescribed by the veterinarian.

Unfortunately, most cats try their best to evade from taking bitter pills: they begin to scratch and kick with their hind legs, and immediately try to spit out the pill sent into the mouth. In this regard, it is important to master the basic techniques that allow you to give your cat tablets without unnecessary hassle. This will greatly simplify the treatment process and save wellness animal. How to give a cat an anti-worm tablet without causing inconvenience to yourself or your ward?

What symptoms indicate that a cat needs anthelmintic therapy?

Rules for treating worms with tablets

How can you give a pill to a cat?

Many tablets, with rare exceptions, are bitter, but if a capsule or dragee cannot be replaced with an injection, the owner has no choice but to adapt to the behavior pattern of his pet and take advantage of the most in a suitable way, with the help of which the tablet will be in the cat’s stomach. To the delight of pet owners, there are many clever and effective techniques.

Disguise as food

First you need to make sure it won't disappear therapeutic effect from taking the pill if you use this method. Typically, such information is contained in the instructions for the medicinal product. means:

  1. The tablet is pre-crushed.
  2. A small amount of the crushed drug is mixed with the pet’s favorite treat.
  3. Make sure that the entire portion is swallowed without any leftovers. If the food is not completely eaten, it is possible that the proper result of treatment will not be achieved.
  4. The tablet, divided into several parts, can be hidden in sausage or minced meat. The animal will try to chew large pieces, and some types of medications require slower absorption, so it is not recommended to crush them.

Using a piece of butter

All attempts to spit out the oiled tablet will be futile. Milk product due to its fatty consistency it will promote pills by throat:

  1. If the pill is small, then it is dipped in butter.
  2. The tablet is placed closer to the base of the tongue.
  3. A large tablet is first divided in half.

By stimulating the swallowing reflex

By stimulating the root of the cat's tongue, you can trigger the swallowing reflex. Holding Put the cat's mouth in one hand and place the pill with the other, trying to push it as deep as possible, but without pressing, otherwise belching or vomiting will occur. After the tablet is where it is needed, they close the animal’s mouth and hold the jaws for some time. As a rule, these manipulations are enough for the cat to swallow the tablet.

Grab the cat by the scruff of the neck

If you grab a cat by the scruff of the neck and lift it slightly above the ground, his jaw will automatically drop. lower jaw. The main thing is to grab it with your hand as much as possible more skin. There is no need to be afraid of causing pain to your pet, as this procedure is absolutely painless. In addition, it does not traumatize the cat psychologically, unlike the same forceful unclenching of the jaw, which is so often recommended by inexperienced specialists. Slightly throw back back the cat's head, then throw a tablet onto the root of the tongue. The further it moves, the higher the chances that the animal will not be able to spit it out. Then they close their mouths and raise their head, stroking the pet’s neck, thereby helping him swallow the medicine.

Using a peeler

Piller- a medical device that looks like an ordinary syringe. It makes the input process easier medicinal product animal.

Using a syringe

If the cat refuses or cannot for some reason swallow the whole tablet, there is an option using a syringe (without a needle). The crushed tablet is stirred in a small amount of water and syringe injected into the cat's mouth. In this case, the cat must be in sitting position, and the muzzle is lifted up to the ceiling. The syringe is inserted into the gap between the back teeth and poured medicinal substance. In order for the animal to swallow the medicine, its muzzle is lifted up and gently stroked along the neck. You should not give more than 1 ml of medication at one time.

Using a sheet

If all the described tricks are unsuccessful, and the cat completely refuses to swallow the deworming tablet, move on to radical measures– immobilize the animal using a sheet or towel. This measure has proven itself well when dealing with wayward cats who need an injection. Carefully fix the front and hind legs so that the cat does not have the opportunity to escape, and only then they open its mouth and put a pill on its tongue. There is a chance that an assistant will be needed, especially if the animal is large and aggressive.

To swaddle a cat you will need at least a square meter of cloth. This can be either a regular towel or a sheet.

The cat is wrapped in a towel so that the front legs are pressed tightly against the body and the hind legs do not stick out from under the fabric. To avoid injury to the animal, you need to be extremely careful when wrapping your pet's body. Necessarily leave a small space around the cat's neck so that she can swallow the tablet without difficulty.

If a cat is struggling to get out of a kind of confinement, then it is better to postpone the procedure until better times, otherwise the attempt will fail.

So, the animal is seated with its back to the person, and the owner himself prevents the pet from running away with one hand, the other hand will remain free.

Important comment. The person does not press the cat with his body, but kneels down, creating additional fixation.

Move on to the most crucial moment. Taking the tablet with your free hand and lifting the cat’s head with the other, they push it thumb into his mouth. The main thing is not to overdo it when pushing the pill into the cat's mouth. Also, do not open the cat's mouth too wide.

Valid promptly, because to a pet It is unlikely that you will like to be immobilized. In attempts to free himself, he will actively turn his head.

As soon as the mouth is open, move away top part head back and throw the pill onto the central part of the base of the tongue. It is strictly forbidden to push the tablet down your throat with your finger. If the tablet is close to the tip of the tongue, then the taste buds will certainly be determined bad taste, and the cat will want to spit out the bitter medicine.

At the end, they quickly close the mouth and hold it with their hand, lowering the head, otherwise it will be difficult to swallow.

By blowing a little into the cat's nostrils, you can stimulate swallowing.