Is it possible to give a dog vaseline oil. vaseline oil for constipation in dogs

There is such a popular saying “It went like clockwork”. It doesn't say what kind of oil it is. But if you are facing such a nuisance as, excuse me, constipation, then any of them will do, which can alleviate the condition. In our case, we are talking about vaseline oil. And, so that you know, it is used not only as described above, but also given to animals, and also used for cosmetic purposes.

Origin of vaseline oil

Vaseline oil has no taste or color. Being a product of the distillation of oil fractions, the substance is completely devoid of harmful compounds and impurities. The oil is not absorbed into the intestinal walls, does not accumulate in the body, is not absorbed into the blood, it does not contain mutagenic, carcinogenic and toxic substances. The perfect product...

Liquid paraffin is also called vaseline oil. It has found application in veterinary medicine, and in medicine, and in cosmetology. Home craftswomen often use it in the preparation of creams, gels, ointments.

Vaseline or vaseline oil?

Do not confuse vaseline oil and petroleum jelly.

  • Vaseline oil is liquid and can be taken orally. Vaseline oil is produced from oil fractions that have undergone several degrees of purification. It is part of liniments and ointments, used for intramuscular injections, as a basis for suspensions.
  • Vaseline refers more to technical substances. It comes in white, yellow, and even black. It all depends on the quality of cleaning. The composition includes solid paraffinic hydrocarbons and mineral oil. Vaseline is used for technical purposes - they impregnate fabric and paper capacitors in the electrical industry, make greases. In medicine, Vaseline is used only externally, lubricating the tip of the pear for an enema, for massage, or as a basis for the preparation of creams and ointments (high-quality Vaseline).

Both substances are insoluble in alcohol, water and. To dissolve them, you will need chloroform, ether, vegetable oils.

Like clockwork

Vaseline oil is especially effective for constipation. Instructions for use states that, without being absorbed into the walls of the intestine, the oil is distributed over its surface and lubricates it, creates a barrier between the mucous membrane and the products of digestion. Since the oil has a viscous structure, it is able to stay on the vertical walls for some time.

After being digested in the stomach, the remains of the products pass through the intestines without getting stuck on the turns. The oil softens the feces, and they freely leave the human body in a natural way without injury or pain.

We take vaseline oil correctly

Cleansing and softening is the most valuable thing that vaseline oil has. Use for constipation is possible both externally and internally. For external use, they lubricate the tip during enema, for internal use, take a maximum of 2 tablespoons before or after meals. The interval is two hours.

A slightly lower dosage - 2 teaspoons, is also indicated for women who have just given birth for constipation and as a prophylaxis for hemorrhoids. The action will be noticeable six hours after ingestion.

You should not take vaseline oil constantly and as a prophylactic, the instruction warns that using the product for more than five days can lead to chronic atonic constipation, that is, a person cannot have a normal stool without oil. Although it is pure, it is still a synthetic substance. And it does not eliminate the causes of constipation, but only the symptoms.

And for regular cleansing of the body, including the intestines, it is better to eat right, not to litter the body. Drink herbal decoctions from,. Juice, decoctions from, fruits, St. John's wort will help.

And further. Common sense dictates that petroleum jelly creates a barrier and prevents toxins from being absorbed into the intestinal wall. But in the same way, useful substances will not be able to do this.

We take care of babies

Rarely, babies are also prescribed oral vaseline oil: up to three years, 0.5 teaspoon, over three years, 2 teaspoons. But again, don't give oil all the time. Cope with constipation and stop giving it. Next, it is better to lubricate the tip of the enema.

Babies often get diaper rash from diapers or disposable diapers. Moms against them use vaseline oil. Reviews laudatory. Lubricating the folds of newborns, mothers cheaply and angrily get rid of dry skin, irritations and diaper rash.

Do not forget that liquid paraffin is a substance with a high density. Its layer on the skin should be very thin, because newborn babies still breathe with their skin.

Mothers do not forget about themselves. Vaseline oil softens the nipples and dissolves hardening on the breast that occurs when blockage of lactose or breast milk. Use it as a compress.

We take care of our little brothers

Our pets need care just like babies. And vaseline oil will help with this. Instructions for use for cats and dogs are similar.

Cats are cats

Cats are incredibly clean. And they either sleep or constantly lick their fur coat. Their tongue is rough, the licked undercoat gets into the stomach. It accumulates in the stomach, then the cat regurgitates hairballs. If this does not happen, the cat or cat may experience disorders, constipation.

Give liquid paraffin. But how to give a cat vaseline oil? Everything is simple. Mustaches usually like the taste of petroleum jelly, so pour 4-5 cubes (measure with a syringe) of petroleum jelly into a spoon and let it lick. Can be added to food if it is natural. This dose is acceptable for cats weighing 5 kg.

It happens that cats turn up their noses from Vaseline. Then you have to use force. There is another way to introduce vaseline oil for constipation in cats.

  • Draw 4-5 cubes of the substance into the syringe.
  • Take the cat and sit it with its back to you. You can swaddle him like a doll so that he does not swing his paws in indignation.
  • Remove the needle from the syringe.
  • Slowly and carefully inject the oil into your mouth, being careful not to get on your tongue.
  • Do not spray down the throat, the cat may suffocate. It is better to pour a little sideways, but so that the oil flows down to the throat.

Are you sure the oil got in? Now release the cat and hide, otherwise he suddenly decides to take revenge.

Did not work out? Make an enema with vaseline oil. Yes, unpleasant and painful, because enemas for cats do not exist. But the animal must be saved.

Man is a dog's friend

Vaseline oil for dogs is also used to get rid of constipation. Dogs don't lick like cats, but they sniff every nook and cranny of the street. Therefore, they can be poisoned by gasoline, benzene, kerosene, carbon tetrachloride and other fat-soluble poisons.

Dosage when taken orally - up to 2 times a day at the rate of a tablespoon for every 20 kg of weight.

The softening effect of vaseline oil is also used for paws. If your dog does not have shoes (and the majority of ordinary owners have pets without shoes), the paw pads can dry out, especially during the protection of enterprises or walking on asphalt, concrete pavement. Massage your four-legged friend with Vaseline oil pads and he will lick your cheek in gratitude. It's better than starting to lick the oil off his paws.

By the way, if you are thinking about a separate first aid kit for a dog, we recommend that you watch this video (there is also vaseline oil in this first aid kit):

We care about beauty and household

Vaseline oil is used in cosmetology:

  • for rough skin of the face, knees, elbows;
  • for protection from cold and wind in winter;
  • if there are corns, grease the legs with oil at night and put on socks;
  • to soften dry skin and cuticles around nails;
  • the applied oil under the sunscreen will ensure an even tan;
  • soothe the skin after shaving, replacing the usual aftershave balm;
  • can be used as a gel around the eyes;
  • applied under the shadows, paraffin will not allow them to crumble;
  • petroleum jelly for hair will make them obedient and less dry, get rid of dandruff and protect when stained. But you need to use a little - the oil is poorly washed off;
  • chafed on the inside of your thighs? Lubricate them with oil.

And in the economy, oil is useful. To remove a ring from a finger or insert an earring into an ear, protect the terminals from rust or restore the appearance of a bag, shoes, to lubricate the mechanism of a toy or door hinges.

But with burns, individual sensitivity, pregnancy, fever, ulcers, or as lubricants, vaseline oil should not be used.

Constipation in a dog is a persistent violation of the function of defecation (lack of stool) for several days, accompanied by stagnation in the intestines and intoxication of the body. The causes of the disease are most often violations of the feeding regime, the ingress of foreign bodies into the digestive system.

In most cases, the owner can help the pet at home. However, when the intestines are blocked with bones, solid feces, qualified assistance will be needed, up to a surgical operation.

Read in this article

Bones and other causes of constipation

Violation of intestinal motility, leading to the development of coprostasis in dogs, according to veterinary specialists, can occur for the following reasons:

  • Overfeeding or underfeeding the animal. Large or, conversely, too small portions of food contribute to disruption of the movement of contents through the large intestine, caked into solid formations and make emptying difficult.
  • Insufficient fiber content in the diet. Often dog owners forget about this important component of their four-legged friends, especially if they use natural products for feeding. Fiber is necessary for the formation of fecal formations, the removal of toxic substances from the body.
  • Violation of the drinking regime. This is especially true for dogs fed dry food. Insufficient water intake leads to a violation of the absorption function of the intestine, the formation of hard feces that impede the process of defecation.
  • Hypodynamia and. The low physical activity of a pet living in a city apartment is a common cause of chronic constipation due to a decrease in the muscle tone of the smooth muscles of the digestive tube. Suffer from such atonic types of illness mainly elderly animals due to a decrease in motor activity.
  • The cause of persistent constipation can be neoplasms in the colon and rectum, polyps, diverticula.
  • Postoperative anesthesia can lead to temporary atony of the intestinal muscles.
  • Foreign objects. The selection of garbage, plastic bags, wrappers and other foreign objects by a pet on a walk often leads to the development of coprostasis. Foreign bodies impede the normal movement of feces through the intestines, causing not only constipation, but also obstruction.
  • Bones. Unfortunately, veterinarians often have to deal with the delusion of owners who believe that the bones are necessary for the dog and are a treat for him. The consequence of such an illiterate attitude to the health of the pet is chronic constipation, and in severe cases, intestinal volvulus.

The sharp parts of the tubular bird bones injure the intestinal mucosa, leading to impaired peristalsis. Bones literally close the lumen of the digestive tube.

Veterinarians believe that stressful situations (moving to a new place, the appearance of a new family member or pet, a change of owner, etc.) can lead to chronic constipation in four-legged friends.

Symptoms in dogs

In a healthy adult dog, bowel movements should occur 1 to 2 times a day. If the chair is missing for at least one day, this should alert the owner. The following symptoms in a pet should disturb and cause a visit to a veterinarian:

  • No stool for more than 24 hours.
  • During the walk, the dog repeatedly sits down, settles down for the toilet, assumes a characteristic pose, but emptying does not occur or the volume of feces is insignificant.
  • During defecation, the animal is worried due to painful sensations.
  • Fecal masses have a small volume, dry, compressed, dark in color. Often the owner may notice foreign objects, an admixture of blood.
  • The dog loses its appetite. Becomes lethargic and inactive.
  • Belly swollen. On palpation of the peritoneum, the pet is worried because of pain.

If the disease is protracted (there is no stool for more than 2 days), the dog develops signs of intoxication: vomiting, dehydration, deterioration of the general condition. Similar symptoms are characteristic of the development of life-threatening intestinal obstruction of the animal.

Treatment at home

Without prior consultation, the use of laxatives and other methods of self-help is strictly prohibited. In the event that there is a blockage of the intestine with solid feces, obstruction of the digestive tube, the illiterate help of the owner can result in serious consequences for the pet, even death.

If constipation is detected, stop feeding your dog immediately. A new portion of food will lead to the expansion of the intestinal wall, the formation of blockage, severe pain. Water should be in unlimited quantities if there is no vomiting.

Vaseline oil

If the veterinarian considers that the health hazards of coprostasis are not

Vaseline oil

represents, vaseline oil can be prescribed to a pet. The tool has been successfully used in veterinary practice and is considered safe.

Being a product of oil refining, vaseline oil is not absorbed in the intestines. The mechanism of its action for constipation is to envelop the compacted fecal stones and make them easier to move when emptying the intestines.

The owner should be aware that the limitation in the use of vaseline oil is pregnancy and lactation in bitches. The remedy contributes not only to the reduction of the muscular layers of the intestine, but also to the uterus, which is unacceptable when carrying and feeding puppies.

It is forbidden to use vaseline oil in acute inflammatory processes in the intestines, obstruction, with symptoms of intestinal bleeding. Some dogs may have individual intolerance to the medication.

The dosage of the oil is set by the veterinarian, based on the size of the sick dog. For small breeds, 5-10 ml is used, for large pets, up to 50 ml of vaseline oil must be poured in order to achieve a therapeutic effect. The drug is used for chronic coprostasis 2-3 times a day, no more than 5 days in a row. The laxative effect occurs, as a rule, after 4-5 hours.


The most radical method of helping an animal is an enema. With its help at home, you can successfully cope with the problem. Veterinary experts recommend carrying out the procedure using warm vaseline oil. A large breed dog is injected with 200-250 ml of oil, 50 ml is enough for small pets, and no more than 25 ml for miniature dogs.

In the event that the oil cannot be introduced into the rectum, the manipulation should be stopped due to the risk of intestinal obstruction in the dog. In this case, the pet should be immediately delivered to a specialized institution for qualified assistance.

For information on how to give an enema to a dog, see this video:

Other traditional medicine methods

Having previously received advice from a veterinarian, the owner can use folk remedies to combat constipation. An effective laxative is a decoction of buckthorn bark. A tablespoon of raw materials is poured into 100 - 125 ml of boiling water and kept in a water bath for half an hour. Dilute half with water before use.

It is enough for a large dog to give 70 - 80 ml of such a decoction, for small breeds - up to 30 ml. The drug is not used for obstruction of the digestive tube.

No less effective for constipation in animals are folk remedies such as flaxseed oil, infusion of pumpkin seeds. Laxatives, including herbal ones, should be used only with the permission of a veterinarian.

Medications and laxatives

The use of laxatives is possible only with full confidence that the dog has not developed intestinal obstruction. As a rule, this is established by the veterinarian, using, if necessary, a contrast x-ray examination or ultrasound.

Of the laxatives in veterinary practice, Bimin and Magnesium sulfate (magnesia) are widely used. The action of Bimin is soft, the drug envelops the feces and facilitates their movement to the anus. Magnesia has a number of contraindications and is prescribed only by a veterinarian.

Human medicines are often used as laxatives: Dufalac, Lactusan, Bisacodyl. However, it is not recommended to give them on their own. Dosage, frequency of use, duration of the course is determined by the attending physician.


Depending on the condition of the pet, analgesic and antispasmodic drugs may be prescribed: No-shpa, Spazgan, Baralgin. They relieve muscle spasm, facilitate and anesthetize the process of defecation.

About the causes, symptoms and treatment of constipation in dogs, see this video:

Help from veterinarians in a difficult case

The owner can independently help a sick pet only in mild cases of uncomplicated constipation. If the process is in an advanced stage, solid fecal stones form in the rectum. They can only be removed in a specialized institution. The veterinarian, after examining and administering anesthesia to the animal, will remove the caked feces with tongs. After that, the dog will be given a cleansing enema.

If the veterinarian finds signs of dehydration in a caudate patient, fluid therapy will be performed using buffer solutions.

The owner can seek the help of a specialist not only if the pet is in a serious condition, but also if he is unsure of his abilities regarding the procedure for administering an enema to an animal.

In rare cases with coprostasis of the large intestine, as well as with the detection of obstruction, an emergency surgical operation is performed with resection of a section of the digestive tube. Laparotomy is performed under general anesthesia, requires the professionalism of a doctor and careful postoperative care.

Prevention of constipation

Based on many years of medical practice, veterinary specialists advise owners to adhere to the following rules and recommendations for the prevention of constipation in four-legged pets:

  • Dog food should be rich in fiber and easy to digest. Foods that cause bloating and increased gas formation are excluded from the diet. Useful vegetables: pumpkin, carrots, beets.

It is not uncommon for a dog to become constipated after surgery under general anesthesia. This is due to the phenomena of atony of the intestinal muscles.
You can help the animal by following the recommendations of veterinarians:

  • Use in the postoperative period special therapeutic feed with a laxative effect.
  • Use vaseline oil, laxatives in the recommended dosages as prescribed by the doctor.
  • The animal must consume enough water.
  • After surgery, the dog should be fed small meals 6 times a day. Food should be warm and liquid.
  • On the recommendation of a doctor, a pet can be done in the abdomen to prevent coprostasis.

Constipation in dogs is a common phenomenon and depends on many reasons. A characteristic sign of the problem is the absence of stool in the animal for more than a day, the difficult act of defecation. In uncomplicated cases, the owner can give the pet an enema, give laxatives, and adjust the diet. Severe cases require the intervention of a veterinary specialist up to a surgical solution to the problem.

Problems with bowel movements in pets are quite common. True, in most cases it means, but sometimes pets develop stagnation of feces. And constipation in dogs is a serious matter. If this pathology is not treated in any way, the matter will end badly. For example, a persistent, acute stagnation of feces will develop, fraught with severe intoxication and even death (including from pain shock when the intestine ruptures).

If you notice signs of some problems with bowel movements, you need to help your pet. In veterinary medicine, vaseline oil is often used for constipation in dogs: how suitable is it for home use and is it safe for your pet's health?

This is the name of the product obtained during oil refining. The second name is liquid paraffin. In fact, it is an analogue of mineral oil used for technical purposes. There is no need to worry that a petroleum product can be harmful to your pet's health: the specialty of vaseline oil is in its huge molecules. Under no circumstances can they "squeeze" through the intestinal pores and never enter the bloodstream.

In addition, the digestive system of dogs is physically incapable of in any way affecting the molecular structure of liquid paraffin. Simply put, liquid petroleum jelly, when taken internally by a dog, comes out of it in an almost unchanged state.

This product is completely neutral and cannot directly lead to any health problems for the dog.

The same remedy is quite widely used in medicine for the treatment of patients with constipation. The human digestive system also cannot digest liquid paraffin, which is excreted unchanged from the body along with feces.

The principle of action of this medicine is very simple:

  • It covers the surface of dryish stools with an oily coating, as a result of which feces can leave the body naturally.
  • Liquid paraffin envelops the intestinal wall from the inside. This not only facilitates the exit of hardened feces, but also prevents damage to the mucous membranes of the organ.
  • The drug has a weak tonic effect, being able to slightly increase the peristaltic contractions of the intestine.

Vaseline oil helps with moderate constipation, lasting no more than two days.


Alas, not everything is so good. Even such an "oak" and undemanding remedy has its side effects. It is for this reason that liquid paraffin is gradually withdrawn from medicine, and experienced veterinarians advise against using it for too long. What is the negative effect of this drug? The problem is that vaseline oil itself doesn't really react with the body's digestive enzymes, that's just fat-soluble vitamins, it washes perfectly.

And, by the way, the doctors figured it out. In the United States at the turn of the 60-70s of the last century, almost half of constipation was treated with the appointment of liquid paraffin. But soon in hospitals they encountered cases of rickets and osteoporosis, even in completely adult and previously healthy people who were fully fed and had no signs of hypodynamia.

If you do not want your pet to start breaking its paws out of the blue, or if you do not want problems with reproductive function (vitamin E, which is responsible for it, is also fat-soluble), do not use the product for more than a week. In cases where, for some reason, the treatment period has to be increased, the pet must be prescribed multivitamin preparations!

In some dogs, prolonged use of this oil causes cases of profuse diarrhea, vomiting, other problems with the digestive system may develop. If any of these signs appear, it is necessary to urgently stop the supply of the drug and immediately contact a veterinary specialist.

Important! If the dog does not drink liquid paraffin voluntarily and strongly resists attempts to introduce it, in no case try to pour large portions of the medicine into his throat! If vaseline oil enters the lungs, lipoid pneumonia can develop. This pathology is extremely difficult and often ends in death.

Oral administration of vaseline oil

As we have already said, the decision on the need to give vaseline oil is made if the dog cannot defecate for two days, no more. If your pet does not poop for a week or more, no oil can fix the situation, the animal needs to be urgently shown to the veterinarian!

How to know in advance that your dog has some difficulty with defecation? This is easy to do: if the pet does not walk during walks, but sits all the time under the nearest bush, painfully pushing and whining, there is every reason to visit the veterinary clinic. Also, animals with severe constipation become lethargic, try to move less, they can noticeably bloat their stomach (the intestines are full of feces and intestinal gases). In such cases, we would recommend that you definitely contact your veterinarian: even if he cannot examine your pet in person, he will certainly give advice on the dosage of petroleum jelly.

What is the dosage of liquid paraffin? If you do not have the opportunity to contact the clinic, focus on a dose of 0.5 ml per kilogram of pet's body weight. At one time, you should not take more than 20-30 ml of vaseline oil. If repeated administration of the drug is required, the dose should be completely reduced to 10-15 ml. But this applies only to animals whose weight is up to 8 kg. If your pet is noticeably heavier, the dose is halved. In severe cases, Vaseline is given every hour, but it is highly recommended to maintain a five-hour interval between doses. More than five times a day to give the drug is not worth it.

The main problem is that, despite the complete absence of smell and taste, liquid paraffin is a “delicacy” that does not stimulate the appetite of dogs too much. And therefore, very often you have to pour it directly into the dog's throat, using an ordinary syringe without a needle. We strongly advise you to make sure you swallow it and take your time! We have already said what happens to dogs who inhale vaseline oil.

You can try to mix the drug with thick porridge and give a spoonful to a capricious pet. Remember that when forcibly introducing vaseline oil, the dog must sit, but not lie down! It is very important. If the dog's weight does not exceed a couple of kilograms, enlist the help of an assistant: he will hold the animal in his arms, holding his head and paws, while you calmly pour the oil into the pet's mouth.

The introduction of oil with an enema

Given all of the above, it is not surprising that many veterinarians today advise using liquid paraffin exclusively. in the form of enemas. When administered rectally, the drug has the same effect, but you do not risk the pet's health.

Please note that pure vaseline oil should not be injected into the rectum of an animal.

It is pre-whipped with warm boiled water so that a stable, homogeneous emulsion is formed. Again, owners of large and strong dogs would like to recommend contacting a veterinarian in such cases, since they do not always succeed in coping with a pet on their own. If the dog resists, you, unwittingly, can damage his rectum.

Preventive actions

Thus, constipation is an extremely unpleasant pathology, the elimination of which can take a long time and take a lot of energy from you and your dog.

And that makes it even more important Prevention of this kind of digestive disorders:

  • In the dog's diet, be sure to introduce food enriched dietary fiber(pumpkin puree or beet pulp). Contrary to common misconception, not only dry food contributes to the development of constipation. Almost with the same frequency, this pathology is detected in dogs that have been eating only “natural” food for a long time. Remember that in nature, the ancestors of domestic dogs eat their victims along with all the veins, wool and intestinal contents. "Refined" meat and offal do not stimulate the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore can also lead to stagnation of feces.
  • Necessarily regulate the amount of food issued to the dog during the day. Constipation is a faithful companion of chronic overeating. In addition, it also leads to obesity, which in dogs is often accompanied by pathologies of the cardiovascular system, as well as diabetes.
  • Also, make sure your pet always has access to an unlimited supply of clean drinking. Be sure to change the drink in his bowls as regularly as possible.
  • Pay attention to walks. They are one of the main measures for the prevention of constipation. Remember that an adult dog should walk at least two hours a day. Hounds, greyhounds and other representatives of hunting breeds must be outside for at least five hours in just one day! Violation of this rule is fraught not only with obesity and constipation, but also with a sharply deteriorated temper of your dog.
  • Never and under no circumstances don't feed your dog bones! They are practically not digested, and eating them leads not only to constipation, but also to perforation of the intestinal walls.

Remember that constant attempts may not always indicate constipation. For example, this happens when foreign bodies are swallowed. In these cases, it is strictly forbidden to give vaseline oil!

Is it possible to treat constipation in a cat at home? What means to use and is it effective to treat constipation in cats with vaseline oil? Is it safe to use and are there any contraindications? We'll talk about all this below.

We note right away that problems with digestion and defecation in animals are quite difficult to notice. Even experienced owners often overlook the first symptoms. Cats are naturally very secretive animals and may not show discomfort until their health deteriorates to a critical degree.

a cat is considered to be unable to defecate for 2-3 days. It should also be noted here that too abundant excretion of fatty feces and feces in the form of dry balls is also constipation.

  • In the first case, we are talking about the intestines, that is, it is emptied only after it overflows.
  • In the second case, we are talking about a violation of the intestinal motility, that is, feces do not leave it on time.

Constipation is a condition in which defecation is impossible or difficult for a number of reasons. The longer the stool is in the intestines, the more water is absorbed by the mucous membranes. Prolongation of situations leads to the formation of dry hard plugs that clog the intestines.

Due to congestion, the animal's body is exposed, and the intestinal mucosa is injured. The first visual signs are reflected in the condition of the coat and skin.

There are a lot of possible reasons for the development of constipation in a cat, we will focus only on the most common of them.

The first most popular reason is. The animal is able to restrain the urge to defecate for 1–5 days when it enters an unfamiliar or dangerous environment. Stressful environments include moving, the arrival of guests, going to the veterinary clinic or grooming salon, and so on.

The second most popular reason is similar in its development mechanism. Cat holding back bowel movements intentionally, the body adapts to this state, which leads to a slowdown in metabolism and digestion of food. Restraining the urge to defecate can lead to:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Narrowing or expansion of the intestine.
  • Neoplasms in the intestine.
  • Injury to the walls of the intestine or anus.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Metabolic disorders.

A blockage in the intestines can lead to constipation in a cat at any age. Most often, this leads to helminthic invasion, eating foreign objects, or the accumulation of wool in the intestines.

In accordance with the rules for keeping pets, the cat must receive prophylactic drugs at least once every three months. If this scheme has been violated, the probability of being infected with worms is very high. The most common worms in the habitat of cats multiply rapidly and fill the intestines.

Read also: Enterosgel for a kitten with diarrhea: action, dosage, contraindications

If anthelmintic measures were carried out 4-6 (or more) months after infection, there is a high probability of blockage. Dead worms begin to move through the intestines and intertwine in a lump that gets stuck in the lumen. This problem can be solved with the timely use of laxatives and adsorbents.

Cats take care of themselves, lick their fur. During the molting period, especially in long-haired animals, blockage of the stomach or intestines with wool may occur. The outer hair has a coarse structure and is practically not affected by stomach acids. With abundant ingestion of wool in the cat's digestive system, it gathers in a lump and can get stuck in the lumen of the stomach or intestines.

Important! To prevent blockage of the intestines with wool, the pet must be combed regularly. For long-haired cats and animals with hard outer hair, it is recommended to use special layers that change the structure of the hair that has already entered the cat's stomach.

Occurred as a result of eating inedible objects, is considered the most dangerous. Most often, this condition occurs after eating cellophane or Christmas tree tinsel. The problem is that the intestinal lumen is completely clogged, feces accumulate, intoxication develops in the body, and without intervention ... the animal dies in a matter of days.

Improper feeding can lead to the development of chronic constipation and intestinal blockage. Cats should absolutely not be given tubular bones that break into sharp fragments, they can clog the intestines or even break it.

The cat's diet must be balanced. When feeding exclusively on protein foods, the cat develops constipation due to a lack of hard fibers. When feeding carbohydrate food, the animal develops dysbacteriosis, intestinal motility may be disturbed and chronic constipation may develop.

When compiling the diet of a domestic cat, it is necessary to rely on the natural way of feeding the wild ancestors of our pets. In nature, a cat feeds on its prey, eating it with the intestines and its contents, wool and bones. In the natural environment, a cat cannot get large bones or clean meat as food. Occasionally, in order to prevent congestion in the intestines, wild. For pets, it is recommended to grow special lawn grass at home.

Important! When feeding, it is necessary to provide the pet with unhindered access to the drinker. Ignoring this rule will lead to dehydration and chronic constipation.

The next most common cause of constipation is aggressive treatment. Most often, prolonged treatment with antibiotics leads to the development of digestive disorders. Due to the use of strong drugs, the friendly intestinal microflora dies and arises. This disorder may be accompanied by alternating diarrhea and constipation.

Almost always, after the application of anesthesia, the cat develops constipation or diarrhea. Deep anesthesia is used during operations. After coming out of anesthesia within two to three days, the cat may experience digestive disorders, including chronic constipation. The work of the digestive system is restored even without intervention, but in order to avoid intoxication, it is better to use prophylactic agents.

Read also: Amitrazine for cats: instructions for use

Signs of constipation in a cat

What are the signs of constipation in a cat? First of all, you will find that there are behavioral signs of feeling unwell. The cat will become restless, may meow for no reason, ask to be held or hide in a secluded place.

As soon as you notice the slightest changes in behavior, it is necessary to measure the body temperature of the animal in order to exclude the development of infectious and viral pathologies. Check the tray for faeces at least 2-3 times a day. If you determine that the animal does not go to the toilet for more than 2 days, it is necessary to start treatment or take the animal to the veterinarian. It is best to have your pet treated by a doctor, as the symptoms of constipation may be associated with other, secretly developing diseases.

Judging by the feedback from the owners, the diagnosis and treatment of constipation was overlooked at an early stage, because not everyone understands that:

  • Dry feces in the form of sticks or pancakes - are observed with constipation due to dehydration.
  • Feces in the form of balls - often observed with constipation after sterilization.
  • Abundant fatty feces is constipation due to atony of the intestine or the consumption of too fatty foods (often seen in kittens that overeat).
  • Clots and puddles of clear mucus or mucus with inclusions of feces is constipation, which is also “defined” as false diarrhea.

Important! Never use laxatives or water-absorbing medications until you are certain of the diagnosis. No matter what digestive disorder the animal suffers from, your task is not to aggravate the situation!

Vaseline oil for constipation in a cat

Petrolatum jelly has been used as a constipation remedy for many years, let's see why. Vaseline oil has an enveloping, protective and laxative effect. Against the background of complex care, vaseline oil practically does not decompose in the animal's body and is not absorbed by the intestinal walls. It should be noted that this drug does not always help, but is effective in the early stages of constipation.

Vaseline oil can and should be used if you are sure that the cat is constipated. The product is safe for kittens, adults and older animals. Against the background of taking vaseline oil, it is necessary to observe starvation diet.

Note! It is better to refrain from evaporating a large amount of oil at a time. The required dose can be divided into equal parts and drunk at intervals of 10-15 minutes.

There are contraindications for the use of vaseline oil. Oil and other laxatives should not be used if volvulus or intestinal blockage is suspected. In this case, the animal must be urgently delivered to the veterinarian, because if the situation drags on, the cat may die.

Have a pet at home? Why is it common to use petroleum jelly for constipation in dogs and what properties does it have? Is vaseline oil as harmless as it is commonly believed? Let's take a closer look.

Most dog owners often overlook the first symptoms of a digestive disorder. Normally, an adult dog empties its bowels once or twice a day. If a bowel movement does not occur for more than 2 days, the dog may be suffering from constipation.

Note that the main threat of constipation lies in, and in the acute stage it threatens to damage the intestinal walls. Dogs are diagnosed with different types of constipation. Differences in types depend on the reasons for which the malaise divorced. Two types of constipation that are difficult to diagnose without the intervention of a veterinarian are:

  • Atonic constipation- the dog defecates copious, shapeless, moist stools. This condition is considered constipation, since there is no contractile activity in the intestines, emptying occurs only when it is full.
  • False diarrhea- owners often confuse constipation with diarrhea, if during the process of defecation, a large amount of mucus is released from the intestines of the animal with small inclusions of feces. In fact, this symptom indicates acute constipation or intestinal blockage.

With other types of constipation, defecation is complicated or impossible, due to the fact that the feces have become dry and hard. The compressed masses cause acute pain to the animal while moving through the intestines. If constipation lasts more than 2 days, the dog develops intoxication. Behavioral signs are more subtle, but can be detected earlier:

  • Apathy.
  • whining.
  • Careful walking movements.
  • Tension of the peritoneum during palpation and palpation.

Important! With constipation against the background of injury to the intestinal walls, there is a violation of the absorption of nutrients and water. The first visual signs of constipation are the deterioration of the coat and skin.

Vaseline oil - a universal remedy for constipation in a dog

Vaseline oil is popularly called liquid paraffin. The drug is packaged in bottles, has an oily structure and medium density. The smell and taste of vaseline oil is neutral.

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It does not contain hazardous components for the animal's body. Numerous studies have confirmed that vaseline oil is not absorbed by the body of mammals and comes out unchanged. When using vaseline oil to eliminate constipation, the active substances do not affect the absorption of nutrients from food in the intestines.

Petroleum jelly acts like a thin film that coats the intestines, allowing slow down water absorption. Remaining in the intestines, water is absorbed into the feces, softens and simplifies their movement to the large intestine. When enveloping the mucous membranes, the degree of their irritation decreases, which leads to more active peristalsis.

The use of petroleum jelly to relieve constipation helps protect the intestinal mucosa from physical irritation and injury. The drug helps to eliminate constipation and reduce pain from intestinal spasms. It is known that vaseline oil has a beneficial effect on irritated intestinal walls, reduces the activity of gas formation, and eliminates acute pain during flatulence.

Note! Vaseline oil is used if the dog has swallowed a foreign object and a blockage has begun. However, in this case, there is a risk that the manipulations will not help solve the problem and you will lose time.

How to use petroleum jelly for constipation in a dog?

For constipation, petroleum jelly or liquid paraffin is used in three forms:

  • Oil for oral use.
  • Anal candles.
  • Enemas with water.

Regardless of the type of therapy, bowel movements may occur immediately after application (within 10-15 minutes) or after 2-3 hours. Most often, the owners manage to take the dog outside so that it empties its intestines without too much stress. Vaseline oil is used at intervals of 2-3 hours, and if the stage of constipation is acute, several times a day. The drug is not recommended to be used more than 4 times in one day or longer than 3 days.

Intensive therapy with vaseline oil can cause acute constipation to become chronic. In addition, with prolonged use of vaseline oil, the absorption of nutrients and water in the intestines is disrupted, which will lead to a general weakening of the body.

Important! Laxatives are not recommended to be used too often, as the digestive system gets used to the excipients, which reduces its natural contractile activity.

With oral administration of pure oil, the dose of the drug is calculated based on the weight of the dog. For an animal weighing 10–15 kg, no more than one teaspoon of oil is given at one time. If the dog continues to eat, vaseline oil is added to food or fed to the dog 10–20 minutes before meals. If during the day, with acute constipation, defecation did not occur, you should contact your veterinarian.

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Dosage when using suppositories with petroleum jelly is carried out according to a similar algorithm. For small dogs weighing up to 8 kg, it is recommended to divide the candle into 2 parts. Candles are inserted into the anus dogs, after which the tail of the animal must be pressed and held for 2-3 minutes.

An effective method of eliminating constipation in dogs is an enema with vaseline oil. This technique has no contraindications for the age and size of the animal. Of course, bowel lavage is an unpleasant procedure, but according to the experience of veterinarians, it provides the fastest and gentlest help even with acute constipation.

The dosage of vaseline oil, for the preparation of an enema, is calculated from the proportion 20 ml oil per 100 ml pure water. For small dogs, the dosage is reduced to 10-15 ml, depending on the severity of constipation. Before the introduction of fluid into the anus, it must be heated to a comfortable temperature (37-38 degrees). Since the oil does not dissolve in water, the fluid reservoir must be shaken vigorously just prior to administration.

It is most convenient to do an enema to a dog while in the bathroom. If the animal is calm about the bath, its bottom must be covered with moisture-absorbing diapers and the pet should be laid on its side. Before introducing an enema into the anus, its nose must be carefully lubricated with petroleum jelly or cream.

After the introduction of fluid into the intestines, the dog's tail must be pressed against the anus, and the abdominal cavity should be massaged with the free hand. Massage is performed clockwise with slight palpation. If, in response to palpation, the dog tightens the peritoneum, this indicates spasmodic pains.

If the peritoneum is firm and not palpable, there is a risk of intestinal volvulus or severe spasms. If you are sure that there is no intestinal volvulus, universal antispasmodics can be used without a prescription from a veterinarian. However, do not give your dog a full dose of an antispasmodic, as it will reduce intestinal contractility.

Note! Reception of vaseline oil should be stopped if oily spots appear on the bed or other places where the dog lies. This sign indicates that the oil passes through the intestines "in transit" and does not have the expected effect.

Rarely, dogs develop individual reaction after applying the oil. Allergy symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and vomiting. Side effects include involuntary bowel movements, that is, when the dog empties the intestines and cannot control this process.