The baby is teething. What can't be

From this article you will learn:

  • signs of teething in children
  • timing of eruption of milk teeth, permanent teeth,
  • teething in infants: photo.

Teething in children has a certain sequence, and should also be paired, i.e. identical teeth must erupt at the same time, for example, a pair of central incisors, a pair of lateral incisors or a pair of canines. Below in the diagrams you will find the timing and sequence of teething in children.

However, if you suddenly saw that your baby's teething time does not coincide with the average values, then you should not immediately panic about this. Approximately 50% of modern children have a shift in the timing of eruption of milk and permanent teeth. It happens due to certain reasons which we will also discuss below.

What teething looks like: photo

Teething in infants, infants and older children is fundamentally no different. What teething looks like in children - you can see in the photo 1-9. Below we will also list in detail all the symptoms of teething in children.

Gums during teething: photo

In some cases, 2-3 weeks before the eruption of the milk or permanent tooth a lump may appear on the gum, filled with a clear or bluish liquid (Fig. 6-7). This is not a pathology and is not associated with inflammation. No intervention (other than periodic inspection) is required. Only in the case when the bump becomes large enough - you can make a small incision and, thus, release the accumulated bloody fluid.

Terms and order of teething in a child -

As we said above: teeth should erupt in pairs, in a certain sequence, as well as on average terms (indicated in the tables below). However, in modern children, it is increasingly possible to observe premature or delayed teething. Premature or late eruption is considered to be a deviation from the average time of 2-3 months for milk teeth, as well as 2-4 years for permanent teeth.

1. The order of eruption of milk teeth -

In a newborn child, inside the upper and lower jaws there are 20 rudiments of temporary teeth (10 follicles for each jaw). As for the rudiments of permanent teeth, there are only 16 of them at the time of the birth of a child. But the remaining 16 rudiments of permanent teeth are formed in the jaws after the birth of a child. The central incisors usually erupt first. mandible.

Table / Scheme of eruption of milk teeth:

Causes of violation of the terms of eruption of milk teeth -

Studies show that the proportion of children with normal teething times (shown in the table) is only about 42% overall. The delay in the timing of eruption was observed in approximately 48% of children, and in 10% of all children - observed early eruption milk teeth. This is especially dependent on the type of feeding of the child, as well as the diseases suffered by the pregnant woman and the child himself in the first year of life.

  • Feeding in the first year of life
    research results clearly show the dependence of the timing of eruption of milk teeth on the type of feeding. Studies have shown that in children on artificial feeding, delayed eruption occurs 1.5 times more often - compared with children on breastfeeding, and 2.2 times more often than children on mixed feeding.

    In addition, early teething in the group of formula-fed children was observed 1.8 times more often - compared with children on breastfeeding, and was completely absent in the group of mixed-fed children.

    The researchers also give the following results: in mixed-fed children, the eruption terms were normal in 71.4% of cases, in breastfed children, such terms were observed in 53.7% of cases, and in artificial feeding normal timing eruption occurred only in 28% of children.

Other causes of violations of the eruption of milk teeth
can affect the timing of teething the following diseases pregnant woman...

  • toxicosis of the 1st-2nd half of pregnancy,
  • kidney disease,
  • transferred pneumonia or acute respiratory infections with high fever,
  • herpetic infection, rubella, toxoplasmosis,
  • constant chronic or short-term severe stress.

But the timing of eruption can be affected not only by the diseases of a pregnant woman, but also by diseases and conditions in the first year of the child's life -

  • sepsis of the newborn
  • transferred pneumonia, frequent acute respiratory infections,
  • convulsive states,
  • intestinal toxicosis,
  • prematurity and postmaturity,
  • rhesus conflict.

2. Terms of eruption of permanent teeth -

You can see the sequence and timing of teething in children in Scheme No. 2. Of the permanent teeth, the 6th teeth (1st molars) erupt first. These are the most important teeth in the entire dento-jaw system, which, unfortunately, are often immediately affected by caries. Therefore, immediately after their eruption, pediatric dentists always recommend making these teeth.

Graph / Scheme of teething in children:

Causes of violation of the terms of eruption of permanent teeth -

If in milk teeth a deviation from the average eruption time of 2-3 months is recognized as premature or late eruption, then for permanent teeth this figure is 2-4 years. Among the main reasons for the delay in the eruption of permanent teeth, it is especially worth highlighting the inflammatory processes that preceded this in the area of ​​​​the roots of milk teeth, as well as early removal milk molars.

  • Purulent inflammation at the roots of milk teeth
    if your child has (this may look like swelling or a bump on the gum), either painful biting on one of the teeth, or a fistula with purulent discharge may appear on the gum - this means that the tops of the root of the milk tooth have developed purulent inflammation. Most often, this disease is the result of untreated caries (you can see a carious cavity or filling on the causative tooth), or it is the result of a tooth injury, for example, as a result of a bruise.

    If we were talking about a permanent tooth, then the treatment would consist in removing the nerve from the tooth and filling the root canals. But due to the peculiarities of the structure of milk teeth, they cannot be subjected to such treatment. Such teeth, according to all textbooks on dentistry, should only be removed, because. a purulent process in the area of ​​the roots of a milk tooth is separated by only a few mm of bone from the germ of a permanent tooth. Many not very competent doctors do not recommend removing such teeth, citing the fact that it can affect the eruption of permanent teeth.

    Such doctors do not remove such teeth and leave children with a purulent infection in the mouth. However, studies have shown that pus and toxins from the area of ​​inflammation affect the rudiments of permanent teeth, leading not only to the same violations of the timing of eruption, but sometimes even to the death of the rudiment of a permanent tooth. Not to mention the fact that a purulent infection affects the entire growing body, increasing the risk of developing allergies, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and tonsillitis.

Other causes of delayed eruption of permanent teeth

  • underdevelopment of the jaw bones,
  • including - premature removal of milk molars,
  • incorrect position of the buds,
  • various diseases in childhood

Which permanent teeth are most likely to experience delayed eruption?

  • one of the fangs upper jaw- occurs in 43.64% of children,
  • 2 canines of the upper jaw at once - in 25.65%,
  • the second premolar of the lower jaw - in 12.84%,
  • immediately 2 canines of the upper jaw and second premolars of the lower jaw - in 10.34%,
  • both second premolars of the lower jaw - in 5.11%,
  • both lateral incisors of the upper jaw - in 2.61%.

Teething: symptoms

Signs of teething in infants usually begin 3-5 days before eruption. The symptoms of teething in a child continue exactly until the moment when the teeth appear through the mucous membrane of the gums.

1. The main symptoms of teething in infants -

  • swelling, swelling of the gums at the site of eruption,
  • irritability,
  • bad dream,
  • poor appetite, malnutrition,
  • the child tries to bite everything that is necessary, trying to relieve the itching in the gums,
  • increased salivation,
  • rash and irritation around the mouth and chin, as well as on the chest
    (due to drooling from the mouth).

2. Additional signs of eruption of the first teeth -

  • Teething: temperature -
    The temperature in a child during teething should not normally rise. A high temperature during teething is most likely the result of some concomitant inflammatory process that is not associated with teething, for example, SARS or herpetic viral stomatitis.

    Carefully examine the oral mucosa of the child for the presence of -
    → small bubbles filled with a clear or cloudy liquid,
    → small erosions surrounded by an inflamed bright red mucous membrane,
    → bright red inflamed gums.

    How to take care of baby teeth

    Oral hygiene should begin before the first teeth erupt. Usually cleaning the gums of babies is carried out twice a day. It is done either with the help of a special fabric fingertip, or a clean bandage wound around a finger and moistened with boiled water. When the teeth erupt, they are already needed special means hygiene

Is your baby naughty, does not sleep well, does he constantly salivate? it indirect signs that soon his teeth will begin to erupt. Of course, it may happen that one day you look into the child's mouth and suddenly see the first tooth there. More often, teething is accompanied by various problems.

Painful condition of the gums

Usually, teeth begin to grow somewhere from six months, although they can erupt earlier. And the baby can begin to feel unwell a month before. A milk tooth, pushing through the gum, causes pain in it, because of them, the baby may even refuse to eat. The gums itch, itch, your baby pulls everything that can be chewed into his mouth - fingers, toys, ribbons from clothes. How to help a little sufferer?

  1. To relieve itching, relieve inflammation in the gums, go to the pharmacy. There are sold the so-called "teethers". These are toys that are comfortable to chew, while the baby's gums are massaged. The material from which they are made is very different - plastic, rubber, silicone (an article about teethers -).
  2. To relieve inflammation, special rings filled with liquid are designed. Put such a ring in the refrigerator, let the liquid cool, and then give it to the baby. He will happily chew on a cool toy, thereby soothing sore gums.
  3. You can peel a carrot or an apple and give it to your child strictly under your supervision. Let it “bite” them, it both massages the gums and cools them, relieves itching and inflammation.
  4. If there are no pharmacy tools, just take a piece of bandage or a cotton pad, soak in a cool boiled water and gently massage the baby's sore gums.
  5. Pharmacies sell special children's anesthetic gels for gums. They are sold without a prescription. The principle of their action is simple - when applying the gel on inflamed gum he anesthetizes her. If the gums are bothering the baby, apply the gel before each application to the breast (or bottle) and before going to bed. Important:
  6. Is teething difficult? The doctor will prescribe homeopathic remedies for pain relief.

General malaise in a child

When teething in a baby. The consequence of this may be an increase in body temperature, the appearance of mushy (but not liquid!) stools. The baby becomes capricious, cries. At this time, he needs your attention, care and affection more than ever. Do not be afraid to pick him up, shake him. Play with him, tell him how much you love him, kiss and caress him. It is easier for a child to cope with problems when mom and dad are nearby.

But if the body temperature of the baby is high, lasts more than two days, a rash, diarrhea appear - call a doctor, everything indicates a disease.

Teething temperature:

Early or late eruption

Parents are always worried if the baby's teeth come out too early or are late with the appearance. At very early appearance teeth, it is difficult for a mother to breastfeed a baby - he can injure her with sharp incisors. Of course, it hurts, but bearable. Much more serious problem- delay in the appearance of the first tooth. If your child is a year old, and he did not have a single tooth, be sure to consult a pediatric dentist.

Don't panic if your baby's first teeth grow a little asymmetrically or have irregular shape. Over time, milk teeth will be replaced by permanent, stronger and more beautiful, the dentition will close, and the correct bite will form.

It happens that a tooth grows outside the dentition or does not appear at all. This also requires the intervention of a doctor - a specialist.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Thrush, stomatitis and caries

Often, when teething against the background of weakened immunity, the child has more serious illness: thrush, stomatitis and even caries. These diseases are described separately in more detail. Here I am talking about them so that you carefully and carefully monitor the growth of your baby's teeth and do not miss the first signs of the disease.

  • manifested by the appearance of a white cheesy coating on the tongue and cheeks of the baby.
  • With stomatitis, the mucous membranes of the mouth become inflamed, become swollen, and ulcers may appear on them.
  • Yellowish will indicate caries - Brown color enamel of growing teeth.

These diseases of the oral cavity and teeth must be treated in a timely manner, in consultation with a doctor.

Video: children's caries how to deal with it. Dentist advice:

not to look nervous

Approximate teething time up to a year

By six months (plus or minus 2 months), the first tooth should come out of the baby.

Some children endure teething very painfully, and also with anxiety, teething occurs when fours and fives appear. The teeth, coming out with their sharp edges, cut through the gum tissue of the baby, and therefore the child begins to act up and experience discomfort when the gum begins to swell. Teething itself in a child occurs depending on its genetic parameters and biological age.

It is worth knowing that when the gums swell in a child, not only the exact place where the tooth is, but the entire mouth can hurt. A tooth may appear within a month, or it may not appear even on the surface of the gums in two months. It's all individual characteristics your baby, and you should not be upset if, with a constantly inflamed gum and going increased salivation the teeth never showed up.

A child under three years old should have 20 teeth, and their eruption can occur in different ways, so you should not find out which teeth were painfully erupted in other children.

Help with teething

There is only a small group of children who endure teething completely painlessly, but still many children in varying degrees suffer from pain that accompanies teething. About two months before the appearance of the first tooth, the child becomes whiny, capricious, his salivation increases, his appetite disappears, and sleep appears. This is due to the fact that the teeth are already inside the gums, and in the child's mouth you can find a slight swelling of that place, eruption.

At this time, the baby has feelings of pain or severe itching.

Suffering from pain, the child begins to behave restlessly and cry, if he cannot be distracted and calmed down by games, in this case special anesthetic gels can help you, they contain anti-inflammatory and antiseptic components. But such a gel can be used no more than three times a day, so try to use it in very extreme cases. When itching appears, the child will try to chew everything that can be put in his mouth, so do not scold your child for this behavior, but rather give him special teething toys. The surfaces of such toys have different irregularities, and this helps the child relieve the itching that has appeared.

Teething is very important event in a baby's life. It usually starts between 3 and 12 months of age. Each child experiences this period differently. For some, it goes unnoticed, while for others it is very painful. Therefore, it is important to know how to help the baby alleviate his suffering.


There is currently great amount various special teething rings. Before giving such a toy to your baby, keep it for some time in the refrigerator. Cold can relieve swelling and inflammation.

Use an anesthetic gel ("Dentinox", "Kalgel", "Kamistad", "Mundizal", "Cholisal"). Use this drug according to a certain regimen: it hurts - smear, it does not hurt - do not smear. But do not get too carried away, it is better not to use more than 3-4 times a day and more than 3 days in a row. In addition, if the child is on, try not to use anesthetic gels, as this agent can get on the tongue, and it will be difficult for the baby to suckle.

Chamomile infusion is the safest, but no less effective means facilitating pain at at . To do this, pour 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers with 1 cup of boiling water. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Lubricate the baby's gums with this decoction. Chamomile, in addition to anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, also has a calming effect.

As you can see, there are several ways to make it easier discomfort at . Which method you choose is up to you. But most importantly depressant- this is your love and. Hold him in your arms more often, pay more attention, try to distract and calm him down.

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  • pain reliever for teething

The appearance of teeth in a child is an important and long-awaited moment in the life of a family. The first teeth indicate that the baby is physiologically ready for the gradual introduction of solid food. However, the process of teething does not always go smoothly and painlessly.


First of all, parents should know the timing and teething. Approximately in a child, the lower central incisors appear. At 8-9 months, the baby becomes the owner of the upper central incisors. Then the upper (10-) and lower (12-13 months) lateral incisors erupt. After a year, it is the turn of the upper and lower molars(they appear at about 13-15 months), (18-20 months) and second molars or (20-24). Thus, by the age of 2-3 years, the eruption of all twenty teeth ends.

In the sixth year of life, the process of replacing milk teeth with permanent ones begins. As a rule, it takes place in the same sequence and ends by the age of 11-12. At the age of 12-14 years, the second big teeth(molars). The third large molars, or teeth, come out the most. However, not all children have the same eruption time, there are deviations in one direction or another. The paired appearance of teeth is not always observed.

Late eruption of milk teeth may be a variant of the norm, especially if such a feature was noted in parents. Nevertheless, this situation should not be left without medical attention. common cause delayed teeth is a lack of calcium in the body, especially if the baby was weaned early. To exclude this factor, it is necessary to do an analysis of the calcium content in the blood serum. If a deficiency is detected, the doctor will prescribe appropriate calcium supplements, suitable for the child according to the age.

The very process of teething in children of the first years of life is often accompanied by swelling and redness of the gums, profuse salivation, irritability, disturbing dream and decreased appetite. The child tends to bite on something hard to relieve itching in the gums. For this purpose, silicone teethers are well suited, which are presented in a large assortment in pharmacies. Sometimes the appearance of teeth is accompanied by fever. In such cases, be sure to seek help from a pediatrician. It will help to distinguish the symptoms of teething from the signs of incipient infectious disease.

Any mother of a baby of the first year of life is faced with the problem of teething the first teeth of the crumbs. The child becomes capricious, restless, sometimes the temperature rises. To help the baby, you can use some methods.


To get started, try rubbing a tincture of valerian on your baby's gums to reduce gum itching for a while. Valerian has a very pleasant taste, but sharp and bad smell. Give your child about 6 drops periodically, not on an ongoing basis.

Infusions of products such as burdock root and chickweed will help the tooth come out. You need to rub a mixture of these infusions exactly in the place where the tooth is about to appear.

To anesthetize the child's teeth, let him gnaw on the roots of chicory or strawberries. Also, the roots of these plants will help scratch the gums of the baby.

Clove oil also helps to reduce pain during teething. Only rub it should be diluted in a ratio of 1.5: 1, along with one of the oils of sunflower, olive or almond.

Temporarily helps reduce toothache chewing on wet, chilled gauze or a new toothbrush for a 0-year-old baby.

Another way to help teething is to massage the baby's gums with the help of a mother's finger wrapped in cloth and soaked in a soda solution in the proportion of 1 teaspoon to 1 glass of water.

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The appearance of the first milk tooth in a baby is a real event for parents. It is not only joyful, but also fraught with difficulties and trials, because the teeth are cut very painfully. What should parents do, how to alleviate the suffering of the crumbs and what should be done after the teeth erupt?

The eruption process

You can even find out that your baby will soon become toothy, even by his behavior. At first, the child begins to constantly pull everything into his mouth, salivation increases, and behavior becomes more excitable. In some cases, the temperature may even rise to 40 degrees, the stool may be disturbed. Usually these symptoms appear by six to eight months, although they may well appear earlier.

The two lower central incisors are cut first, then the two upper ones, the next in line are the lateral incisors, canines and molars (or chewing). In general, the process can take up to 2.5-3 years, when the baby already has about twenty milk teeth.

Eruption Features

Most parents expect this period with some apprehension and fear, because not only the baby will suffer, but also mom and dad. True, for some it is completely painless, the mother will not have time to notice, as the first one has already appeared in the child’s mouth. baby tooth ik. Those who are not so lucky can alleviate the suffering of the child using special cooling gels, and in case of fever, even give antipyretics. In any case, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician and strictly follow the instructions for the preparations.

Most safe option relief of mild pain - the use of a special teether toy, which can be bought at any pharmacy. Bearing in mind that the toy will always be in the baby's mouth, it should be rinsed from time to time warm water with soap to keep germs out. Children during this period put everything in their mouths, and you should carefully monitor the state of cleanliness of hands, especially after the street or when in contact with animals.

Prevention and care of teeth

And, finally, the appearance of teeth, even milk ones, obliges us not to forget about their care. Regular cleaning is required either with a latex finger brush or a regular baby brush.

For accustoming to brushing your teeth, you can first use warm boiled water. The brush is immersed in it and the gums are massaged and. This procedure allows you to remove plaque and teach the baby to hold the brush and oral hygiene. At first, the baby may begin to gnaw on the brush, play with it, but this is absolutely normal. Over time, he will learn to handle it correctly, if he is shown how to do it. Parents are great role models for children.

Regarding toothpaste, the opinions of experts differ: someone supports it, someone considers it inappropriate. However, if the parents decide to teach the baby how to brush their teeth, then you should choose exactly the nursery toothpaste, which is semi-edible, which means that if swallowed, it will not harm the child. Regular care behind the oral cavity will save the baby from bottle caries, allowing the molars to grow healthy and strong.

Babies' teeth are temporary, but they also cause a lot of trouble. Painfully cut through, deteriorate, often in children, plaque can be observed on the teeth, often pulpitis or caries develops on milk teeth.

The appearance of plaque

As a rule, all problems with teeth in age begin precisely with education. If a parent finds that a child has plaque, this should be a signal that more attention should be paid to hygiene procedures and the condition of the oral cavity.

Plaque is a collection of bacteria. It is he who often causes the development of caries, inflammation in the gums and the formation of tartar. It is worth noting that plaque on the teeth of babies does not always appear due to poor conduct or total absence oral hygiene. It can often be a symptom of disease. gastrointestinal tract and other diseases.

Most often in childhood, yellowish or white plaque can be observed. It usually consists of particles of the epithelium, bacteria and food residues. Such a plaque is usually especially actively formed at night, when microorganisms that make up the natural microflora of the oral cavity multiply rapidly. Good oral hygiene will be enough to get rid of yellowish or white plaque.

Remember: it is very important to teach children to brush their teeth both in the morning and in the evening.

Additional care should be taken, the color of the plaque is darker, from brown to greenish or black. As a rule, this phenomenon indicates the development of dysbacteriosis in a child. In this case, a comprehensive and mandatory consultation with a dentist will be required.

Brown, gray or intense yellow plaque on the child's teeth speaks of possible development caries. Often we are talking about the so-called bottle caries. It develops in infants who suck on a bottle of juice, a sweet milk formula at night. If the baby is still too young to treat the teeth at the dentist, the specialist will recommend making the enamel coating with active calcium or silver.

Such measures are temporary. Should be held complete treatment as soon as the baby grows up.

Treatment and prevention of dental plaque

In most cases, you can get rid of plaque only by contacting a dentist for help. qualified specialist. The doctor will determine true reason occurrence of this problem and advise effective methods for its elimination.

If the plaque on the teeth is very intensive, then systematic brushing of the teeth can help. Similar procedure are currently carried out not only for adults, but also for small children.

To prevent the formation of plaque on the teeth, children should be taught to brush their teeth as early as possible. To do this, purchase a special toothbrush and paste appropriate for the age of the child.

Pull out milky tooth in a baby, timing is especially important. If this is not done, when it starts to stagger, the next tooth, growing under it, can go to the side and tooth the row will be curved. dairy tooth you can in domestic conditions, but the indigenous is undesirable. The root system of permanent tooth ov is developed in contrast to dairy. You can completely remove the root only with special tongs. Therefore, if you have a problem with the root tooth Oh, see a dentist.

The appearance of the first tooth in a child is eagerly awaited by all parents. Timely teething in children is considered one of the indicators of normal development. However, the joy at the sight of the first incisor is often overshadowed by changes in the behavior of the baby. Proper parental behavior and child care during this difficult time will help ease the pain of teething.

Eruption of milk teeth

Have you ever wondered why the first teeth are called milk teeth? This name was given to them by Hippocrates due to the fact that they appear while feeding the baby. breast milk. Milk teeth are laid at 6-7 weeks of gestation, and at 20 weeks, the rudiments of permanent teeth form in the baby. The eruption process, as a rule, begins after six months. Full squad milk teeth, that is, 20 pieces, the child acquires by the age of three.

The number of teeth that a child should have by a certain age can be calculated using the formula. To do this, subtract six from the age in months. The resulting difference will show the number of teeth that is normal for a particular age. The order of teething in a child is as follows:

  1. At 6-8 months, the central lower incisors appear;
  2. At 7-10 months, the central upper incisors erupt;
  3. At 9-12 months, the second upper and lower incisors fall into place;
  4. At 12-16 months, the first milk molars erupt, giving way to fangs;
  5. At 16-20 months, the turn of fangs comes out;
  6. At 2-2.5 years, the second milk molars appear.

This is the order in which teeth appear in most children. There were cases when the eruption of the first teeth began at 3-4 months. Sometimes, on the contrary, the long-awaited teeth are "late" in time. This is considered normal. It even happens that children are already born with teeth. Such early teeth are pulled out to enable the baby to feed on breast milk without any problems.

Reasons for excitement

Timely teething in infants confirms the normal development of the baby's body. But in this process, atypical situations sometimes arise, which may be the result of pathology. The parents' job is to pay attention to them and inform the pediatrician. Mom and dad should be alert:

  • Early teething. It can talk about problems with the endocrine system.
  • Delayed appearance of teeth. This may be hereditary or indicate rickets, a change in metabolism, an infectious disease. Enough long delay may indicate that the baby has no rudiments of teeth. You can find out by doing X-ray- Strictly prescribed by a doctor.
  • The teeth come out in the wrong order. This situation may be due to diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy or anomalies in the development of the baby.
  • Unusual formation of teeth, noticeable in shape, size, position. The doctor should find out the reasons for this.

Distinctive features of teething

A small child cannot say what is bothering him. All of it negative emotions expressed by crying. Therefore, parents have to guess on their own about the causes of tears and behavior changes. One of obvious reasons the anxiety of a six-month-old baby is pain when he is teething. The symptoms are as follows:

  • Increased salivation;
  • swelling of the gums;
  • Refusal to eat;
  • Attempts to put something in the mouth;
  • Cry;
  • Increased excitability, capriciousness.

Many parents also erroneously cite fever and liquid stool. The temperature during teething may rise, but not significantly. 39-40° is not normal. Hyperthermia causes inflammatory process oral mucosa or other infection that has developed against the background of teething. Thus, if a child has raised teeth during the appearance of teeth heat, need to see a pediatrician, not take it normal manifestation this state.

Loose stools are the result of a change in diet. Teething in babies is usually accompanied by a refusal to eat. You don't have to force your child to eat. It is better to offer him to drink more fluids.

In addition to being attentive to the condition of the baby during the eruption of the first teeth, it is necessary to alleviate his pain as much as possible. Few children do not suffer when milk teeth first break through the gums. Their parents are very lucky. Everyone else needs to remember a set of auxiliary procedures:

  • Use special cutters. As a rule, they are rings or toys, often filled with liquid or gel. Gel teethers are briefly placed in the refrigerator (not in the freezer!), Then they are given to the baby. Cold relieves swelling and soothes pain.
  • Wipe the child's face from saliva in a timely manner. Due to excessive salivation, teething problems occur, which are expressed in irritation of the delicate skin of the face and neck. To avoid this, you can put a bib on the child, and during sleep put a napkin under the cheek.
  • Fill your baby's diet with calcium. He is especially needed children's body during teething. If dietary calcium is not enough, the pediatrician may prescribe additional calcium gluconate.
  • Massage your baby's gums with a clean finger.
  • When a child's teeth are painfully cut, special anesthetic gels can be used.
  • Freeze teethers until firm. This can damage the baby's gums.
  • Do not let your baby chew bread crusts. Sharp crumbs can hurt the gums painfully.
  • When using teething rings, do not tie them to a ribbon or cord around your baby's neck. He might get confused.
  • The pain of teething in children should not be alleviated by applying a painkiller tablet to the gum.
  • Do not use alcohol solutions to lubricate the gums of the baby.

Milk teeth in young children must be provided proper care. First, regular hygiene procedures the oral cavity will teach the baby to cleanliness, and secondly, it will help to avoid many health problems. The widespread opinion that “milk teeth do not need to be protected - they will fall out anyway” is erroneous. And the point here is not only in caries, but also in the correct formation of the bite and facial skeleton.

  • Milk teeth of children under one year old should be cleaned with a special silicone fingertip brush.
  • Do not lick the nipple or try the baby's food from his spoon. Thus, you will not bring harmful "adult" bacteria into the baby's mouth.
  • Get in the habit of giving your child a few sips after meals. clean water, and when he gets older, teach him to rinse his mouth.
  • Reduce the amount of sweets in your child's diet.
  • Watch for the presence of foods containing calcium in the baby's menu. Vitamin D is also needed - they work in pairs.
  • Try to prevent situations in which the child can damage the teeth. With destroyed enamel, they undergo caries faster.

First aid for teething - attention and tenderness of parents

Knowledge is power. Knowing how many months teeth are cut, the symptoms of this process, ways to relieve pain and the rules for caring for the first “pearls”, parents can be calm about their baby. But if teething causes a child severe pain, to which he reacts with constant crying, parents should show maximum patience and understanding. Caress and tenderness can greatly enhance the effect of the most powerful painkillers. Love your child and take care of his teeth. Time will pass, and he, with gratitude to his parents and dazzling smile walk proudly through life.

Teething is one of the main stages in a baby's life. At this moment, mom and dad are often interested in the question, when do the first teeth of a child begin to climb and how will this manifest itself? What signs of the appearance of incisors can be attributed to the norm and pathology? The teeth can erupt quickly or come out in an irregular pattern, appear easily, or keep the baby awake for about two weeks. To determine if everything is going well, the information in the article will help.

When does a child start teething?

Usually the first teeth come in at 6-8 months. It doesn't mean they can't erupt sooner or later established by doctors medium term. The body of each child is individual, so milk units can suddenly climb at any age - this is neither good nor bad. The first incisors can be observed at 2-3 months, or they will begin to break through only at 10.

Ejection of incisors depends on a number of factors. First of all - food. Important role plays how you feed your baby (breast or formula). Second important factor - climatic conditions. According to experts, in babies living in hotter areas, the incisors begin to climb faster.

In addition, the time of appearance of incisors is affected by hereditary factor and genetic predisposition. If mom, dad or grandparents already had signs of the first milk units in a couple of months, then it is likely that they will climb in the baby at the same age.

Of great importance is the health of the mother during the period of bearing a child. Here you need to pay attention to how you ate future mom What was her state of health and lifestyle. Did her body receive enough vitamins for the baby to be big and healthy.

Is a 3 month old baby's teeth normal?

If teeth began to be cut earlier by 1.5–2 months, then there is no need to worry. Most often, the first incisors appear at three months, if the mother drank multivitamins or additional during pregnancy. mineral complexes with the content of vitamin D and C. Also, the eruption of incisors is affected by the use a large number fermented milk products. If the baby's teeth came out at 3 months, and at the same time he is on artificial feeding, then it is better to visit the dentist - in this young age children often have bottle caries.

First teeth at 4-5 months

The eruption of milk units is an important stage of life that every child goes through. In an infant, this period may fall on different age. What should young parents do if the incisors began to appear as early as 4 months? Each baby grows and develops individually. If a child's first teeth appeared at 4 months, this is quite normal.

Standard order and eruption pattern

Let's explore a little more optimal time and the order of eruption of the first teeth in children (more in the article:). Do not be upset if the baby's teeth began to grow a little on a different schedule, as this is individual. If at 3 months the incisors begin to appear in the baby, then there is no need to sound the alarm. There is standard scheme the appearance of the first milk teeth in babies older than 4 months:

  • 5–7 months - one or two lower incisors;
  • 8–10 months - first upper incisors;
  • 10–12 months - a pair of upper lateral incisors;
  • 11–14 months - lower lateral incisors;
  • 12–15 months - the first upper molars, then the lower ones;
  • 16–23 months - upper fangs, then lower fangs (more in the article:);
  • 24–30 months - all other teeth.

What affects the rate of tooth formation?

Several important circumstances affect the rate of eruption of root units:

It is important to keep an eye on the appearance of permanent teeth. They should be cut only after the loss of all milk units. Early loss can lead to undesirable results: neighboring teeth will move, filling the resulting void, and the permanent root will have nowhere to grow, and it will come out crooked or sideways.

Atypical timing of appearance

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Timely, gradual growth of teeth indicates normal development child. Let us analyze several examples of non-standard situations in which some factors indicate wrong development. It is worth saying that this is only a probability, not a diagnosis. To find out exactly what is happening with the child, the pediatrician will help:

Newborn with teeth

Sometimes a baby is born already with teeth. It is usually seen in girls. Such an anomaly is caused by a genetic predisposition, it is transmitted from generation to generation.

If this greatly worries the mother and baby, then it is worth showing it to the dentist and taking an x-ray. He will evaluate what is happening with the teeth and whether medical assistance. Additional ones are not left, they are removed after birth so that they do not get into the lungs. Milk teeth that are firmly held in the gums can leave if they are in the correct position and do not have points.

A tooth came out in 1-2 months - is it good or bad?

Often, inexperienced parents give in to panic, noticing in an infant signs of the appearance of the first units at 2 months. How to react? Should I go to the doctor immediately or is this normal?

Compared with statistics, the first teeth at the age of 2 months are considered early, it is advisable to show the child to the doctor.

Parents should be alert if babies cut several teeth together. The reasons for this pathology can be serious:

Causes of late teething

Usually the first teeth should appear before the year, but in rare cases, the teeth grow much later. Late eruption has been linked to an unbalanced diet or malnutrition in the child. Sometimes the absence of teeth indicates the presence of the following serious diseases:

  • rickets;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • digestive problems;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • adentia.

Teeth should be cut according to the pattern, but deviations are acceptable. If the process does not start for a long time, it is possible that the baby does not have enough trace elements for teething.

You need to rethink your child's diet. Food must be rich useful minerals and vitamins for the healthy growth of the baby.

Teeth are cut: symptoms in infants

Cutting is an individual process. It may be accompanied different symptoms: pain and swelling of the gums, reddening of the surface, the child does not eat well, is naughty and does not sleep. Most often, the main sign of the appearance of the first tooth in infants is fever due to ongoing transformations in the body.

Obvious signs of the imminent appearance of teeth in a child

The main symptom of eruption of milk units is a change in the color and shape of the gums. There may be redness and swelling, or, conversely, pallor and thinness of the gums. Small white spots appear (these are the rudiments of the teeth).

Desna acquires normal view only after the tooth has fully erupted through bone tissue and mucous membrane. The process of appearance of teeth takes 3-6 days. Sometimes it drags on for a week. Because of this, it can be traced:

Due to sore gums in children during this period, there is a decrease in appetite. When teething, the gum becomes inflamed and can cause itching (see also:). Trying to remove it, the child can pull everything into his mouth and scratch the mucous membrane. It is recommended that the baby be given special toys or food to scratch the gums. It is worth remembering that snot, cough and high fever are not signs of teething (we recommend reading:). These are symptoms of both an infectious disease and other serious pathologies.

What can be confused with teething?

Teething is often confused with a cold. The disease and the appearance of teeth have common signs. At acute form diseases can be observed irritation of the nasal mucosa, sneezing, drowsiness and fatigue. At chronic rhinitis parents find nasal congestion and swelling.

None of the signs match. typical symptoms the appearance of milk units (except elevated temperature bodies). This is not enough to say that the baby has some kind of disease. It is necessary to carefully monitor the course of the disease and, if necessary, contact a pediatrician.