How to cure a terrible runny nose with folk remedies quickly. Runny nose: treatment quickly at home

A runny nose in humans often occurs against the background of infection with rhinoviruses, which are transmitted from person to person. Rhinovirus infection mainly develops in the cold season. At improper treatment an acute cold can develop into a chronic one. The common cold requires proper treatment which can be carried out folk medicine or traditional ways. You can not treat rhinitis on your own, before starting therapy, you should consult with a specialist. All traditional medicines have contraindications and, if used incorrectly, can be harmful to health.

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    The best folk recipes

    Folk medicines involve the use of medicinal plants and essential oils to treat snot for colds. In addition to affecting the rhinovirus itself, it is necessary to take care of the nasal mucosa, which, if damaged and swollen, makes breathing difficult. The following folk recipes will help you quickly get rid of rhinitis:

    1. 1. To relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, it is necessary to warm up. This recipe is not suitable for sinusitis and acute rhinitis, as heating can provoke a complication. To warm up, you need salt, which you need to heat in a pan, wrap in a handkerchief and put on the bridge of your nose. Warm up for 10-15 minutes.
    2. 2. Warming up the legs will help ease breathing. Pour 1 tablespoon of salt into a basin of hot water (50-60 degrees). Lower your legs into the pelvis and hold for 15 minutes. Then put on warm socks and lie under the covers for at least one hour.
    3. 3. A dry compress will help you breathe freely throughout the night. Take before bed mustard powder, put it in socks and put them on.
    4. 4. Instead of a dry compress, you can use alcohol. To do this, moisten gauze in alcohol or vodka, wrap your feet, put on woolen socks and cover yourself with a blanket. Keep the compress all night.
    5. 5. Nostrils can be lubricated with oil cubes. To do this, coat the ice cubes with sunflower oil and lubricate the nostrils. This tool will help relieve dryness and burning of the nasal mucosa.

    Compresses and warming can be done only if there is no high temperature, and the cold is not complicated by severe inflammatory processes.

    Juices for nasal instillation

    Drops prepared at home will help to better influence the problem. by the most effective drops are fruit and vegetable juices.

    They help fight bacteria, nourish with vitamins and minerals, and increase local immunity. natural drops gently affect the nasal mucosa, unlike pharmaceutical preparations, do not overdry it.


    1. 1. Used at the first symptoms of a cold. As soon as itching in the nose, you must immediately use this remedy.
    2. 2. To prepare the medicine, you will need to mix lemon juice with water in a 1: 1 ratio.
    3. 3. Drip 5 drops into each nostril and blow your nose, do the procedure three times.
    4. 4. After diluting 1 teaspoon of salt and the same amount of soda in a glass of boiled water and moisten a cotton pad in the solution.
    5. 5. Insert a cotton swab into each nostril and leave for 5 minutes. Lemon will help to disinfect the mucosa, and a solution of salt and soda will relieve swelling.


    1. 1. Squeeze the juice of 1 small beet and mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey.
    2. 2. Stir until the honey is completely dissolved. Bury in the nose 3 drops 4 times a day.
    3. 3. It is better to start treatment with one drop, as the remedy stings quite strongly. Gradually, there is an addiction to beetroot juice, which allows you to increase the dosage.

    Carrots and garlic:

    1. 1. Squeeze the juice of 1 carrot and mix it with the juice of 2 garlic cloves.
    2. 2. Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Bury in the nose three times a day.
    3. 3. The remedy will help to disinfect and soften the mucous membrane. At one time, 2 drops in each nostril are enough.


    1. 1. Grate the pulp of aloe and squeeze the juice through gauze.
    2. 2. Mix it with a teaspoon of honey.
    3. 3. Bury in the nose 2 drops 5 times a day. Such a folk remedy for the common cold is not suitable for the treatment of people prone to allergic reactions.


    1. 1. Mix the juice of a medicinal plant in equal proportions with honey or water if you are allergic to honey.
    2. 2. Bury two drops three times a day.
    3. 3. Before the procedure, rinse the sinuses with saline.


    They can be made using medicinal plants and various vegetables. Inhalation can be dry or steam:

    1. 1. For a dry procedure, it is enough to grate the onion, put the gruel on a plate and inhale for 10 minutes.
    2. 2. Grate horseradish, add it to boiling water. Breathe in pairs for 15 minutes, alternating inhalation through the mouth and nose. This procedure can be carried out for the treatment of sinusitis. It is enough to carry out the manipulation 2 times a day for several days.
    3. 3. Boil a glass of water in a saucepan, add eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, mint to it. Boil for a few minutes, remove from heat and add 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Inhale the vapors for 10 minutes.
    4. 4. Add a tablespoon of sea salt and the same amount of soda to boiling water. Inhale the vapors through the mouth and nose for 10 minutes.
    5. 5. Prepare a decoction of medicinal plants by adding 1 teaspoon of dry chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus to 300 ml of boiling water. Bring the solution for steam inhalation to a boil. At the tip of the knife, add the balm for rubbing "Asterisk" or "Doctor Mom". Carry out inhalation for 15 minutes. Then rub the sinuses with a balm.
    6. 6. Boil potatoes in their skins. Breathe over potato steam for 10 minutes. For the best effect, carry out steam inhalation directly while cooking the vegetable.

    After the procedures, you should not go out into the cold air. It is important to rest for 30-60 minutes, it is better to sleep.


    Washing the nasal passages helps to facilitate the discharge of mucus, make it less thick. Such folk remedies for the treatment of rhinitis in adults can be used to daily care behind the nasal mucosa. The solution for washing can be purchased ready-made or prepared independently.

Runny nose (rhinitis) is an inflammatory syndrome that affects the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, often accompanied by mucus flow (rhinorrhea). The disease is caused by exposure pathogenic microflora, against the background of hypothermia, gas contamination, dustiness and other adverse environmental factors.

Runny nose is concomitant symptom many diseases. The acute form develops in the presence of infectious diseases (flu, colds, gonorrhea, measles, diphtheria, scarlet fever) and, if not properly treated, can go into the chronic stage. Allergic rhinitis occurs when the body comes into contact with endogenous and exogenous allergens.

Absence adequate treatment can cause various complications (sinusitis, dacryocystitis, otitis media, hyposmia, pharyngitis, bronchopneumonia, polyp formation), which is fraught with infection of the brain and other body systems.

Warming the bridge of the nose with potatoes, eggs, salt

Warming up the nose during a runny nose provides a local increase in temperature in the affected tissues, enhances blood circulation, accelerates metabolic processes, prevents venous congestion. Allows you to eliminate swelling, reduce the intensity of rhinorrhea, restore damaged mucous membranes, facilitate breathing and speed up recovery.

An absolute contraindication is the presence of polyposis and purulent sinusitis. Warming up should be carried out with satisfactory health and normal temperature body. For this purpose, potatoes, salt and eggs are used at home. How to use potatoes:

  1. Boil medium-sized potatoes in their uniforms (1 - 2 pieces).
  2. A hot vegetable is wrapped in gauze and placed on the bridge of the nose.
  3. After the product has cooled, it must be discarded.

The duration of the procedure is up to 20 minutes. Potatoes can be used whole, cut into halves or crushed. The session is recommended before going to bed. Warming up the nose with salt (food, sea or iodized) is very popular:

  1. Half a cup of the product must be heated in a pan.
  2. Hot salt is poured into a fabric bag (cotton, flannel).
  3. The patient assumes a horizontal position. The pillow is removed, a small roller is placed under the neck.
  4. The agent is applied to the sinuses for 15 minutes.

To avoid skin burns, a fabric pad is placed under the salt heating pad, which is removed as the compress cools. At the end of the procedure, the person must remain in a supine position for half an hour. The use of eggs is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Eggs (1 - 2 pieces) are boiled hard.
  2. Each egg is wrapped in a piece of gauze and applied to the sinuses of the nose (if there is 1 egg, they are alternately rolled from one side to the other).
  3. When the surface of the product has cooled, the gauze is removed and heating is continued. The duration of the session is up to half an hour.
  4. Used eggs are thrown away. It is not recommended to eat this product.

Warming is highly effective in the initial stages of the disease. The optimal frequency of the procedure using any means is 3-5 times a day. The full course of treatment for the common cold is 5 to 10 days. The use of cellophane, plastic as a wrapping material is prohibited, since these synthetic compounds release toxic substances during the heating process.

Washing the sinuses with herbs, saline

Washing the nose significantly reduces tissue swelling, inflammation, moisturizes the mucosa, thins the resulting mucus, and helps to eliminate pathogenic microflora that provokes the occurrence of complications. It is assigned as preventive measure during periods of seasonal epidemics, prevents the development of sinusitis.

An effective remedy, widely used at home for a cold, is a saline solution. The drug is prepared as follows: 0.5 tsp. salt (sea, food) is dissolved in 200 ml of warm drinking water. Adding 2 drops of iodine is allowed. In the presence of a runny nose in children, the dosage of salt is reduced to 1/3 tsp. Sinus lavage method:

  1. The patient should lean to the side and forward 45 degrees.
  2. A teapot, a syringe or a mug with a spout is brought to the nostril.
  3. The working solution is slowly poured into the upper nasal opening. In the case of normal patency of the channels of the axillary cavities, the drug flows freely through the lower nostril. Ingestion of a small amount of the drug into the mouth is considered the norm.
  4. The procedure is repeated for the second nostril.

Washing for children under 3 years of age is carried out with a pipette: 0.5 - 1 ml of solution is poured into the nasal opening of the child lying in a horizontal position, after which the remaining liquid and liquefied mucus are removed using a pear or a children's aspirator. As a working solution for a cold, various medicinal plants with antiseptic properties can be used:

  • Alcohol tincture of calendula or eucalyptus (1 tsp) is dissolved in warm water (250 ml).
  • Freshly picked or dried chamomile flowers (3 tsp) are brewed with half a liter of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 5 minutes. Ready infusion must be cooled to the optimum temperature.
  • 1 st. l. vegetable raw materials (a mixture of sage, succession, calendula, chamomile) are poured with boiling water (300 ml), boiled for 15 minutes and insisted for half an hour. Honey (1.5 tsp) is added to the cooled broth.

Washing scheme herbal infusions similar to the previous one. The temperature of the liquid should be + 36 ... + 37 degrees. Each procedure involves the use of a fresh portion of the product. The recommended frequency of sessions for a runny nose is three times a day for 6 to 10 days. In order to prevent the event is carried out 1 - 2 times a day for a month.

After washing the sinuses, you should not go outside (in the summer - half an hour, in the autumn-winter period - 2 hours). Treatment of rhinitis by this method is contraindicated in the presence of polyps and malignant neoplasms in the sinuses, nasal congestion, a tendency to nosebleeds, in case of a curvature of the septum, with a cold complicated by otitis media.

Steam inhalations with medicinal herbs, oils, sea salt

Carrying out steam inhalations normalizes the tone of the vessels of the circulatory network of the nasopharynx, helps to moisturize and soften the mucosa, reduces the severity of mucus flow, relieves inflammation. Regular inhalation eliminates swelling, facilitates the cleansing of the nasal cavity, improves well-being and reduces the duration of the disease. The method can be used in the presence of a runny nose during pregnancy and lactation.

Steam inhalation is carried out by means of a pan filled with hot water, or a steam inhaler. A popular remedy for a cold is a solution of sea salt. Using the inhaler requires following the instructions that come with the device. Home inhalation of the nasopharynx with a saucepan is carried out as follows:

  1. Pure water (1 l) is poured into a small saucepan and brought to a boil.
  2. Sea salt (1 tsp) is dissolved in hot water.
  3. The bowl is placed on the table. The person sits down next to her and deeply inhales the water vapor through the nose. The tilt height should be adjusted independently: based on own feelings, choose the optimal position of the body in order to avoid burns of the mucosa. As the solution cools, the head is lowered lower and covered with a towel.

Salt solution can be replaced with pharmacy saline. The procedure is carried out between meals. The session lasts 3 - 10 minutes, which depends on the state of health, tolerance of inhalation, the age of the patient. The optimal frequency of inhalation is twice or thrice a day. After each event, it is not recommended to visit the street for 1 hour. Medicinal plants are used as folk remedies to quickly cure a runny nose:

  • Leaves of coltsfoot (15 g) and blackberry (20 g) are poured with boiling water (400 ml) and infused for 1.5 hours.
  • Mint leaves, eucalyptus, chamomile flowers and pine buds, taken in equal proportions (1 tbsp each) are brewed with boiling water (850 ml) and kept until the broth cools.

The resulting infusions are diluted with hot water until a temperature suitable for the procedure is obtained and used for its intended purpose. Vegetable essential oils are highly effective in the presence of a runny nose:

  • 3 drops of eucalyptus oil are diluted in 300 ml of hot water.
  • In boiled water (650 ml), cooled to 85 degrees, add 5 drops of oil (fir, mint, juniper or eucalyptus to choose from).
  • In water (temperature 70 degrees, volume - half a liter) dissolve 4 drops of sea buckthorn ether.

Schemes for steam inhalation are similar for all the above decoctions. The use of a steam inhaler is possible at any age, activities using hot water containers are allowed from the age of 8, provided that adults are present during the session.

Nasal inhalation is contraindicated in case of chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, predisposition to nosebleeds, in the presence of hypertension, fever, individual intolerance to the ingredients used during the procedure. This method of treating the common cold is not suitable for people who have had a stroke or heart attack.

Nose drops with essential oils, juices, infusions

Homemade drops, created on the basis of natural ingredients, can be used both in the treatment of the common cold and for its prevention. These drugs reduce the swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, eliminate congestion, facilitate breathing and increase the body's resistance to pathogenic microflora.

Medicines based on essential oils are characterized by the presence of antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties. The basis of the drops is the base oil (grape seed, olive or avocado). Recipes for drops:

  • 10 ml of the base is mixed with tea tree oil, as well as lavender, basil, eucalyptus, thyme esters (1 drop of each ingredient).
  • For the treatment of nasal congestion, a mixture of juniper, rosemary, geranium oils (2 drops each) and sage, mint (1 drop each) is used. A mixture of esters is dissolved in the basis (10 ml).
  • To restore the sense of smell: eucalyptus, basil, tea tree oils (2 drops of each type) are added to the base (10 ml).
  • Recipe for children 1-3 years old: 10 ml of the base is mixed with lavender oil (1 drop) and tea tree oil (2 drops).
  • For children over 3 years old: oils of thyme or lavender (1 drop), tea tree (2 drops), eucalyptus (1 drop) are dissolved in 10 ml of the base.

The agent is dripped 1 - 2 drops into each nasal opening twice or thrice a day. The duration of the treatment course is no longer than 7 days. The use of vegetable oils is not recommended for infants, women during pregnancy and lactation, people suffering from epilepsy, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Effective means in the fight against the common cold are plant juices that have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, astringent properties. The flavonoids included in their composition provide an antioxidant, anti-allergic, tonic, antispasmodic effect. Options for the use of juices for a cold:

  • Aloe juice is combined with water in a ratio of 1:2 for adults or 1:5 for children. Frequency of use - up to 5 times (children up to 3 times) per day, 2 - 3 drops in each nasal opening per session. After the procedure, a nose massage is done.
  • Vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) is mixed with onion (1 teaspoon), chopped to a mushy state, left for 1 hour. The composition is filtered, the resulting liquid is dripped into the nose, 3 drops per approach twice a day.
  • Onion juice is combined with honey (1 tsp of each component) and saline or boiled water (1 tbsp). The remedy is used three times a day, 2 drops per dose in each nostril. Suitable for children over 5 years old.
  • Beetroot juice is combined with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1 and instilled into the nose three times a day, 2 drops for each nostril.
  • Carrot and beetroot juices are mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:1:2 and garlic juice (2-3 drops). Apply 2 times a day.

Infusions of medicinal herbs are highly effective in case of a runny nose. On their basis, both single-component decoctions and multi-component herbal preparations are created. You can cure a runny nose at home through recipes:

  • 5 g of chamomile flowers are brewed in boiling water (150 ml) for 15 minutes. Pour Kalanchoe juice (20 ml) into the broth. The drug is used 3 times a day, 5 drops per approach.
  • 15 g of vegetable raw materials, including plantain, coltsfoot, lilac, chamomile in equal proportions, pour boiling water (370 ml) and simmer over medium heat for 7 minutes. The finished infusion is kept under the lid for 1.5 hours, then filtered. The product is applied warm, 5 drops in each hole.

Drops created using medicinal plants are not recommended if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. The use of these drugs for children under 12 years of age must be previously agreed with the pediatrician.

Hot drinks with ginger, honey, lemon

Lemon, honey are natural immunostimulants that have a preventive and curative effect on colds. They suppress the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, have a tonic and tonic effect.

High performance in the fight against the common cold is demonstrated by recipes that include all 3 components. They warn further development infections, improve well-being, general state organism. Beverage options:

  • Ginger (1 tablespoon) is brewed with boiling water (1 liter), simmered on the stove for 8 minutes. After turning off the fire, add honey (2 tablespoons) to the broth, lemon juice(3 tsp).
  • Ground ginger is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, insisted for 1 hour, filtered through a piece of gauze. Honey is dissolved in the drink (2 - 3 tablespoons), 2 circles of lemon are added.
  • 4 tbsp. l. chopped ginger root is boiled in 1.5 liters of water for 5 minutes. Pour in 5 tbsp. l. lemon juice, pour 2 pinches of any spices. The broth is removed from the stove and incubated for 20 minutes. The cooled drink is sweetened with honey to taste.
  • Grated ginger (1 tablespoon), 3 slices of lemon with zest are thrown into boiling water (300 ml). The agent is infused for 5 minutes. Add 2 tsp to a warm broth. honey.

Such medicinal decoctions should not be used in the presence of hyperacidity gastric juice, peptic ulcer, heart disease, in case of hyperthermia, as well as children under 3 years of age.

Video: how to treat a runny nose with folk remedies in adults and children

This video provides a presentation on popular and effective folk remedies used for a runny nose, nasal congestion. Recipes for the preparation of drugs for instillation of the nose, its washing based on plant esters, Kalanchoe, saline, mint infusion are described. Advice on their correct use is given.

In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky talks about the causes of the common cold, the mechanisms of its development, the role of viral antibodies produced by the body during a cold. The doctor describes methods of treating a runny nose in children, contributing to their speedy recovery.

The use of traditional medicine for a cold is recommended to be combined with the intake of appropriate medications. The main condition in this case is the treatment of the underlying disease that provoked the occurrence of rhinitis. Treatment of the disease must first be agreed with the attending physician, since the methods and means used at home have certain contraindications.

Runny nose, or rhinitis, accompanied by the release of nasal mucus, is known to all. The concept of "snot appeared" accompanies us from early childhood to old age.

By the number of episodes of a cold that appeared during the year, they judge a person’s health and the state of his immunity. In ancient times, the “father of medicine,” the great Hippocrates, forbade blowing your nose, because he believed that a person’s brain substance comes out, although its role for ancient medicine was unclear. Modern concepts of the common cold are much more definite.

Runny nose (acute rhinitis) is a process of secretion of specific mucus by the glands of the nasopharynx, which develops as a response to inflammation caused by viruses and other causes (allergic reaction).

But not all viruses cause rhinorrhea, but only those that have an affinity for the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

The most famous of them are adenoviruses. Since the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is the first barrier to any infection, the risk of catching rhinitis is quite high, especially in the cold season.

Rhinitis in the expanded stage is an unpleasant sight. Considering that it is often accompanied by sneezing and sometimes coughing, a person is able to infect others through airborne transmission of the infection, so it is necessary to wear a mask.

Rhinitis is always a transitional form from health to illness: with the appearance of weakness, weakness, aching joints, fever, we can talk about the progression of the infection.

With normal nasal congestion, it never occurs to anyone to visit a doctor, or wait in line for hospitalization, because everyone is treated at home.

In order not to “get sick completely”, many are interested in: how to treat and cure a runny nose at home. Some of the methods and popular over-the-counter drugs will be discussed in this article.

Means for intranasal administration

As a rule, a variety of nasal drops, sprays and other means for local application. Let's imagine the most effective groups of drugs that are "ambulance" for the nose:

Drugs are decongestants.
"Congestio" - translated from Latin, means "dense formation", conglomerate. The task of these funds is to thin and facilitate the excretion of nasal mucus.

In the event that the mucus is excreted quickly, then the feeling of heaviness in the nasal passages, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes and maxillary sinuses decreases, nasal breathing normalizes and the chance of a headache decreases. Their mechanism of action is the narrowing of the small blood vessels of the mucous membrane, which reduces the formation of edema.

By the time of action they are:

  • short-acting (up to 6 hours): "Vizin", "Naftizin", "Sanorin";
  • medium action (up to 12 hours): "Galazolin", "Xymelin", "Dlyanos";
  • long-acting (more than 12 hours): "Nazol", "Advance", "Nazivin", "Rinazolin".

It should be mentioned that especially short-acting drugs are able to "dry" the mucous membrane, as well as cause chronic vasospasm with frequent use.

Preparations containing corticosteroid hormones. These drugs are indicated for severe and therapy-resistant cases of chronic rhinitis with a pronounced inflammatory component. It is known that corticosteroid hormones have the most pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, but their action is not as fast as that of anticongestants. Do not be afraid that hormones will have a harmful systemic effect and enter the bloodstream: they are specially designed for topical use. These medicines include: "Aldecin", "Baconase", "Nasobek". Combined mucoactive drugs. A prominent representative of this group is the drug "Rinofluimucil". It contains mucus-thinning acetylcysteine ​​and a vasoconstrictor. As a result, this drug produces double effect: cleanses, promotes the removal of mucus and prevents swelling. to content?

Warming up the nose with a runny nose

Is it possible to warm up the nose with a cold? It is possible, but only on condition that you have only the first symptoms, and the day of the disease is the first or second.

The fact is that if a secondary bacterial complication has joined, the discharge from the nasal passages has become purulent, then thermal procedures can give reverse effect: an increase in blood flow in the nasopharyngeal zone can contribute to the expansion of the focus of inflammation.

Thus, you can get an exacerbation of chronic sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis and other inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs. You can warm up as follows:

  • regular blue light. The advantages of the shortwave spectrum are that it heats the deeper tissues more than the skin, and this contributes to blood flow and the death of the virus;
  • dry heat. The classic solution to the problem at home is to use a bag of hot salt, warm dry sand. You can use hard-boiled eggs, or small potatoes while they are hot. It is better to cook a couple at once and keep on the wings of the nose for 20 minutes.
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How to wash the nose with a cold?

Drainage, or washing of the nasal sinuses, contributes to the rapid elimination of the pathogen from the surface of the mucosa, reducing the manifestations of inflammation (edema and hyperemia of the mucosa).

For washing, both disinfectant solutions and agents with significant osmotic activity, which are able to "pull" the liquid and infectious agents out. The most popular means for washing the nasal passages are as follows:

  • "Aquamaris". The drug is simply sterile sea water, which is available in the form of a spray and drops. Its analogue is Aqualor;
  • "Salin". It is a sodium chloride solution ( table salt), a concentration of 0.65%, which is available as a spray.
  • "Dolphin" - combination drug, which contains both sea salt and licorice extract (glycyrrhizin) and rosehip extract.
It should be noted that the blood plasma contains a concentration of sodium chloride equal to 0.85%, so a solution of 1% is hypertonic. It is the hypertonic solution that “draws” excess water from the mucosa, reducing swelling.

So, when diluting 1 teaspoon of table salt per 100 tablespoons (0.5 l), we get a solution of one percent concentration. Nasal lavage consists of drawing liquid into each nostril until it spills through the choanae into the oral cavity.

Up to 50 ml of solution can be spent on each washing, so it is better to prepare it yourself at home. The nature of the salt (sea or table) does not matter much.

Probably everyone knows how to cure a sore throat with inhalation and inhalation of healing steam. But how to cure a runny nose with inhalation? At first glance, there are some obstacles to this method:

  • nasal mucosa is more sensitive to high temperature, so when steam inhalation you can get burned;
  • in order to inhale through the nose, nasal breathing must be free.
These problems are easily resolvable. After all, inhalations were only previously carried out using steam inhalers of the Chamomile type. Now you can carry out cold inhalations - both with the help of an aerosol created by ultrasonic generators, and with the help of special inhalers for volatile substances (Mahold inhaler, nebulizers)

With regard to the problem of "free breathing", inhalation can be carried out after intranasal spraying of decongestants and obtaining the desired "popping" effect.

The most effective inhalations with the following components:

  • essential oils of eucalyptus, mint, tea tree, sea buckthorn, fir;
  • volatile phytoncides of garlic and onions, aloe.
  • decoctions of herbs (chamomile, thyme, oregano, calendula);

What matters is what popular remedy in the past, how inhaling over a "pot of potatoes" can be very dangerous, especially for young children. There is a high risk of getting burned during an awkward movement, and it is also possible to get a heat stroke.

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Treatment of the common cold with folk remedies at home

Treatment with folk remedies has already been partly described above. So, for example, the alternate drawing of salt water into each nasal passage is one of ancient means nasal congestion treatment.

In the event that you put a little grated garlic in the teapot and direct its spout into the nostril, then this inhalation is also considered an excellent folk remedy. Warming up the nose with hard-boiled eggs has also been known since time immemorial.

Instillation into the nasal passages also has a good immunomodulatory and cleansing effect. fresh juice ordinary aloe and kalanchoe (living tree), 2-3 drops in each nasal passage. Traditional medicine knows an excellent remedy for a cold: it is a Russian bath. A combination of a contrast shower, exposure to heat, inhalation of healing herbal steam and “controlled hyperthermia”, as well as drinking herbal teas after the bath (raspberry, Linden blossom with honey) allows you to cope with the signs of a cold and “snot” in one or two days.

The main condition is that you should not go to the bathhouse at the slightest sign of general malaise and fever.

In this case, simply prescribing powerful drugs (for example, hormonal agents) is very harmful. important A complex approach, which provides for an assessment of the state of immunity, takes into account the presence of chronic diseases, overwork, the presence of stress, bad habits and lifestyle analysis. Therefore, the most significant stages in the treatment of chronic rhinitis will be:

  • Getting rid of household dust, allergens, feather pillows, purchasing an ionizer and an air purifier;
  • The use of antiviral drugs both for local prophylaxis (oxolinic ointment) and for infection control: "Anaferon", "Arbidol", "Viferon" in the form of suppositories;
  • Examination of a smear and cultures of the discharged nasopharynx for microflora;
  • The use of physiotherapy procedures (quartz, UHF);
  • Hardening of the body and increase nonspecific resistance to infections.

Finally, chronic rhinitis can be vasomotor in nature, and develop as a reaction to permanent use vasoconstrictor drugs. In this case, similar treatment decongestants need to be stopped for a long time.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the appointment of all medications should be done by a doctor. As self-medication, you can use nasal lavage, inhalation, as well as warming up. It is important to prevent hypothermia, since rhinitis has a seasonal autumn-spring character.

How is the treatment of folk remedies for the common cold quickly and effectively

With a runny nose, treatment with folk remedies cannot be quickly carried out. If rhinitis has already begun, then it will last a week. But folk recipes for the treatment of the common cold allow you to abandon antibiotics and potent chemicals and are considered more benign.

Basic principles of treatment

Whatever means are used for this, the treatment of the common cold is always associated with the solution of three main tasks. First, you need to deal with pathogenic microorganisms which led to the development of this disease. Secondly, it is necessary from the very beginning to create optimal conditions for recovery. This means that any medicine for the common cold must be very gentle on the nasal mucosa. Therefore, you need to look for such recipes for a cold that will soften the mucous membrane, moisturize it, eliminate itching and burning. And, finally, the third task is to alleviate the main symptoms of a runny nose, that is, you need to free the stuffy nose, reduce mucous secretions, eliminate sneezing, and relieve headaches.

Interestingly, not all pharmaceutical products from a cold and a cold help to solve all three problems. While folk recipes boast a complex effect. That is why today the question of how to treat a runny nose with folk remedies is relevant.

It is necessary to highlight several procedures that should certainly be done, and for them - to select the appropriate means. For example, to get rid of mucus, you need to wash your nose. The most effective folk remedy for a cold in this case is salt water, and it is advisable to make it based on sea salt, which also includes many trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membranes. How to cure a runny nose with this remedy, some know from childhood, but it would be useful to recall. It is necessary to use salt water not only for washing the nose (how this is done will be described below), but also for irrigating the mucous membranes so that they do not dry out.

But still, the best folk remedy for a cold is propolis, a beekeeping product that has a pronounced bactericidal effect. It is effective against almost all types of pathogenic bacteria. And most importantly, this tool is easy to use at home. You can find it in any bee products store.

Traditionally, it is used in the form of a solution, it is instilled as ordinary drops. Important nuance: in order for such a folk recipe for a cold to work and not cause a burn of the mucous membrane, you need to take only natural propolis or its aqueous suspension. Propolis on alcohol is not categorically suitable, as it will lead to a burn. It is not necessary to make drops from it. You can dissolve natural propolis in warm olive oil (1 part of propolis to 10 parts of oil), then cool, apply a small amount on a cotton swab and insert it into the nostril for 10-15 minutes.

How to prepare drops based on propolis? You need to take 2 parts of carrot juice, the same number of parts of honey and half as much as an aqueous suspension of propolis. All this should be mixed and dripped into each nostril 3 drops. The tool can be used twice a day.

Traditional medicine for the common cold offers other remedies, such as essential oils. Of these, eucalyptus oil is considered the most effective, which is used to prevent and treat viral and bacterial infections. respiratory diseases. it effective way for the treatment of rhinitis at home. After all, eucalyptus oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, it has a stimulating effect on the nasal mucosa. Interestingly, it is included in many ready-made sprays and nasal drops. Any therapist will tell you how to cure a runny nose with eucalyptus essential oil, since this is the most popular remedy for inhalation. Just a couple of drops are added to hot water, this is enough for the product to work.

There is another essential oil that is used to treat colds. This is peppermint oil. It thins the mucus and has a bactericidal effect. Thus, it not only helps to ease breathing, but eliminates the very cause of the disease. In addition, peppermint essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties. At home, it is used mainly for inhalation.

An important nuance - both eucalyptus and mint can replace not only antibiotics, but also antiviral agents, because they destroy both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, some strains of viruses, and can even fight fungus. And since they stimulate sputum production, they help to cure coughs as well.

Considering the question of how to get rid of a cold with folk remedies, it is worth mentioning one more recipe. It is used when the runny nose is delayed. To do this, the nose must be warmed up with chicken eggs, pre-boiled hard-boiled, or linen bags filled with heated salt. Which way to use - depends only on personal preferences. pouches or chicken eggs apply to the nose on both sides and so warm it up. The whole procedure takes about 10-15 minutes, until these items cool down. This procedure is not done lying down. You will have to sit all this time with your head down so that the mucus can flow out of the nose as freely as possible. Immediately after warming up, it is recommended to go to bed. This procedure has contraindications. It can not be carried out at high temperature, as well as in the acute period of SARS. If there is a suspicion of otitis media, acute sinusitis or frontal sinusitis, then warming up can even be dangerous, as it will provoke the development of purulent inflammation.

How to treat acute rhinitis?

From rhinitis help a variety of folk remedies. But most of all, people are usually interested in how to beat acute rhinitis, in which the nose is stuffed up or flows heavily from it. To begin with, you need to keep in mind that this phenomenon is caused by pathogenic microorganisms or viruses. Mucus that flows from the nostrils or clogs the nose is defensive reaction organism to this invasion.

Contrary to popular misconception, folk methods treatment of the common cold is not limited to the use of home drops. There are other treatments as well. For example, the classic way is to drink plenty of water and lemon for a cold (can be consumed with sugar or honey). It is important to observe bed rest and take vitamins. But even here you can make a mistake.

For example, many people think that warm milk- this is a great way to cure not only a sore throat, but also a runny nose. But in fact, it only contributes to the increased production of mucus, as do foods such as white wheat bread, rice, pasta, bananas, and even muesli. But products such as garlic, mustard, cranberries, ginger, the already mentioned lemon and, oddly enough, help reduce the amount of mucus produced. carrot juice. All this will help to cure a severe runny nose.

Another way to get rid of a runny nose and cough, and at the same time "unblock" a stuffy nose, is to use honey, which is wonderful antibacterial agent better than antibiotics.

The most common cabbage will help to cope with a runny nose at home. At modern science there is an explanation for this. Cabbage contains the substance sulforaphane, which has antibacterial properties. It is curious that cauliflower and broccoli contain even more of it, but you should not get carried away with them, as this leads to flatulence.

How to prepare drops at home?

There are simple ingredients that can be used to prepare an alternative to ready-made drops at home. To do this, take an equal amount of raspberry and strawberry leaves, three times more beet leaves, pour 1 liter of boiling water. This composition is wrapped with a towel and insisted for an hour. The infusion is drunk during the day. The filtered agent can be dripped into the nostrils literally 2 drops each.

You can take olive or sunflower oil, boiled not directly, but in a water bath, and add 1 tbsp. l. fresh carrot juice. To this add 1-3 drops of garlic juice. This mixture is instilled into each nostril, 2 drops for 3 days. The mixture must be prepared fresh every day. An important nuance is that because of garlic (and this product always contains a different amount of oils), this remedy must be handled with extreme caution so that there is no burn of the mucous membranes. In addition, you need to check that there are no allergies to such homemade drops.

How to rinse your nose?

Doctors say that in order to cure a runny nose with folk remedies or even with antibiotics, it is also necessary to organize a good nasal lavage. The fact is that with a runny nose, mucus and pus accumulate on the mucous membrane, which create ideal conditions for the reproduction of bacteria and the spread of viruses. In addition, regardless of whether pharmaceutical preparations or folk remedies for colds are used for treatment, they are usually used in the form of drops. And in order for them to act on the mucous membranes of the nose, these tissues must be cleansed. If they are covered with mucus and crusts, then the drops will remain on it, and as a result, after sneezing or blowing your nose, they will come out with them.

Washing the nose is carried out using a conventional syringe or a fairly large syringe without a needle, the tip of which is inserted into one nostril. After that, you should bend over the sink and inject a saline solution under pressure into the nose. If the airway has not been compromised, the solution will pass through the nasopharynx and flow out through the free nostril. Not everyone knows how to wash their nose on their own, so in some cases it is better to seek help from a specialist.

As noted above, nasal lavage is carried out with a saline solution. For this, 0.5 tsp. sea ​​salt is dissolved in a glass of boiled water. It is very important not to overdo it, because if the solution is too concentrated, this liquid will irritate the mucous membrane and cause discomfort. Each person has his own threshold of sensitivity, so you don’t need to endure this burning sensation, you can simply prepare a new portion of the solution. Important point- the water temperature for it should be as close as possible to normal body temperature.

Very often, with acute respiratory infections, normal breathing is impossible due to mucosal edema. If in such a situation you start to rinse your nose, that is, apply a solution under pressure into the nostril, there is a chance that the liquid will enter the middle ear, and the bacteria or virus that caused the disease will also enter there with it. That is why, before washing, you need to make sure that the nose breathes, even if it is bad.

The effectiveness of nasal lavage is significantly reduced with a deviated nasal septum. In such cases, it is better to consult a doctor.

When rinsing the nose, rinse the throat too, to remove excess mucus flowing from the nose into the throat. For gargling, the same saline solutions and infusions of medicinal herbs, usually chamomile or sage, are used. The main thing is that there is no allergy to these herbs. The simplest solution for removing mucus and bacteria is a remedy based on 2 tbsp. l. salt and half the amount of sugar, diluted in 1 liter of water.

Errors in the treatment of folk remedies

Not all folk remedies for the common cold are equally useful. For example, this applies to popular recipes, as a treatment with onions, garlic or laundry soap. Sometimes even representatives of the older generation are advised to take a piece of onion or garlic, peel the transparent film and put it in each nostril. In extreme cases, you can replace with a piece of laundry soap.

In fact, such folk remedies against the common cold can do much harm. The fact is that the mucous membranes of the nose are a natural protective barrier of our body, which protects against the penetration of various infections. Onions and garlic (like soap) greatly dry out the mucous membranes, injure them and weaken these protective functions. If you still really want to try these folk remedies for the treatment of a runny nose, then it is better to take not the onion or garlic itself, but their juice, and then mix it with carrot juice, olive oil or even plain water.

With a cold a good remedy considered warming the legs. As a rule, traditional medicine recommends doing this in one of three main ways. For example, you can either pour mustard powder into your socks, or smear your feet with iodine, or arrange the effect of a steam room. All three types of procedures are usually done at night. The effect of the steam room means that you first need to moisten ordinary cotton socks in warm water, put them on your feet, pull plastic bags on top, and a couple more woolen socks on top. During sleep, the effect of the bath comes out, and the legs sweat a lot. Although it is very important to warm up with a cold, and this method provides such an effect, such remedies must be handled with extreme caution, since they can cause harm, for example, if the patient has a high fever at night.

Although nasal lavage is considered one of the most effective ways treatment of a runny nose, in fact, it can also be harmful if the procedure itself is performed with errors. As a rule, in hospitals or clinics, they use saline(it is characterized by the fact that the salt content in it corresponds to the concentration of these salts in the physiological fluids of the human body). But at home, salt water is usually used for washing (best of all based on sea salt). If such a saline solution enters the middle ear cavity through the ear-to-nose auditory tube, then otitis can begin. So in no case should you rinse your nose in cases where it is very stuffed up, you should not use too much saline. And one more nuance - the procedure is not recommended for people with injuries of the eardrum.


Summing up, you should know that folk remedies for the treatment of the common cold can be effective if you approach their choice carefully and first consult with your doctor.

We quickly get rid of the common cold in effective ways

If a person has caught a runny nose, then only a few patients immediately begin to look for ways to recover. Many people think that this is all nonsense and nasal congestion will go away on its own. But this is a wrong opinion, rhinitis can lead to the development of serious complications and therefore everyone should know how to quickly cure a runny nose. Treatment will not take much time and will not require the purchase of expensive drugs; you can be cured by many folk remedies that are in every home.

If a runny nose does not go away for a very long time, then this can be caused not only by one cold, although colds are the most common cause of nasal congestion. There are several types of rhinitis and consider each of them in more detail:

  • allergic. Allergic rhinitis appears from exposure to an external allergen: plant pollen, animal hair, drugs, cosmetics, certain products, and much more. Seasonal nasal congestion appears during the flowering of plants - in summer or spring, and at other times a person feels great. It is worth noting that with an allergic rhinitis, transparent and abundant discharge comes from the nose, and a person also feels itchy in the nose area, sometimes itches near the eyes and ears. The patient's face swells and looks puffy. Runny nose may be accompanied by frequent paroxysmal sneezing;
  • vasomotor. Such a runny nose can appear from spicy foods, emotional experiences, exhaust fumes, tobacco smoke, or due to hormonal disorders. it chronic runny nose that affects the nasal mucosa and nasal cavity. A person begins to get annoyed, because the nose is constantly stuffed up, he has insomnia, his blood pressure rises and his memory worsens. It is worth noting that it lays one nostril in turn, then the second. Colorless mucus is released from the nasal cavity, itching appears in the nose, sneezing can also join the symptoms of the disease. People with a deviated nasal septum are most susceptible to chronic rhinitis;
  • infectious. It develops during influenza, SARS, measles, diphtheria, gonorrhea and many other bacterial or viral diseases. It can proceed as a normal nasal congestion or have its own specifics. And how to treat a runny nose in this case - the doctor will tell. Colorless may come from the nose clear slime, also, the discharge may not be as plentiful as in the first case, but they have a mucopurulent appearance. Sometimes there is no snot at all, the person just has a very stuffy nose;
  • medical. This type of rhinitis appears after prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drugs, since almost all such drugs have side effect in the form of addiction;
  • hypertensive. In hypertensive patients, the tissue of the nasal mucosa grows, and they complain that the runny nose does not go away, breathing becomes difficult, and mucopurulent discharge flows from the nose;
  • atrophic. Such a runny nose occurs due to atrophy (thinning) of the nasal mucosa, this phenomenon leads to dryness in the nose, crusts form there, and therefore a person’s sense of smell is disturbed and there is a burning sensation in the nose.

Infectious type of rhinitis is the most common

Typical mistakes in the treatment of the common cold

Many people are very tormented by the question of how to get rid of a runny nose, but they are treated incorrectly, they do not go to the doctor, and this leads to the fact that they themselves seriously undermine their health.

Here are the most common mistakes:

  1. a person urgently buys some drops in a pharmacy. At the same time, he does not consult a doctor and does not know for sure whether they will help him. He usually asks the pharmacists in the pharmacy and buys what they offer him. But pharmacists are not attending physicians and they cannot know about the characteristics of the body of a particular person, and why he has a nasal congestion and they are not very interested in how to cure a runny nose quickly. Most likely, you will be offered a medicine from a series of expensive ones, but the high cost does not always indicate the effectiveness of the drug;
  2. the patient is not treated at all and thinks that everything will pass by itself. And this is the wrong approach to treatment, rhinitis can quickly turn into bronchitis, sinusitis or wet cough and here a very good treatment is already needed;
  3. onion and garlic. Many people ask their friends how to quickly cure a runny nose with garlic and onions. They are advised to clean one of these components and just put it in their nose, this will kill the germs, and the runny nose will end. But is it a cure? Garlic and onions contain substances that can dry out the nasal mucosa, and to rhinitis you will also add an overdried, inflamed membrane in the nose;
  4. some people start taking antibiotics on their own. Usually this decision is influenced by advertising, which offers a drug that cures all ailments. But, in no case should you prescribe antibiotics to yourself without a doctor;
  5. the patient decides to warm up the legs. He does it this way: he soaks his socks in warm water and puts them on at night, then the legs in the socks are wrapped in polyethylene, and in the morning the socks are removed. But at night the temperature may rise if a runny nose is caused by a cold and such a kind of “water bath” will only harm your health;
  6. a person rinses his nose incorrectly. Folk remedies for a runny nose involve washing the clogged sinuses with sea or ordinary salt, but this must be done correctly. If you inhale very deeply water with salt from a vessel, then it can get into the canal inner ear and otitis starts. By the way, a severe runny nose is not treated with this method - you simply cannot inhale salt water normally;
  7. the patient begins to drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose. The desire to end rhinitis as soon as possible pushes us to buy the first such drugs that come across in a pharmacy. But vasoconstrictor drops from the common cold help in the first three days from the moment it appears. If you use them for a longer time, the sense of smell disappears for a week, the nasal mucosa dries out, and eventually the drug ceases to act effectively.

We begin to treat a runny nose

It is clear that everyone wants to know how to get rid of a runny nose, because it can turn a person’s life into a real nightmare: there is nothing to breathe, not to fall asleep at night, the sense of smell disappears. But first you need to find out the nature of its origin. For example, in the summer, during a long swim in the sea, it makes sense to think about the allergic origin of rhinitis. And if you get your feet wet and the temperature rises, the nature of the common cold is caused by SARS. But in any case, the origin of rhinitis is more likely to be determined by the doctor and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Drops and sprays from the common cold

There are a lot of drugs for the common cold, and again, it all depends on the nature of the disease; for the treatment of chronic rhinitis, completely different drops can be prescribed than for the common cold, which is caused by allergens.


Such drugs are prescribed at the first sign of a cold and for the prevention of SARS in the cold season. They suppress the viral infection and eliminate the causes of the disease.

Available in various forms:

  • in drops from the common cold, a good example is the drug Grippferon;
  • in capsules (Ardibol, Tamiflu);
  • in tablets (Rinza, Rematadin);
  • in rectal suppositories (Viferon, Kipferon).

Oxolinic ointment has excellent antiviral activity, which helps a weakened body fight viruses. But opinions differ about its use: one doctor says that only the space around the nose should be treated with ointment, while others prove that nothing bad will happen if you put the ointment in the nasal passages. It should be applied thin layer. But the doctor will help you figure this out, because he knows exactly how a runny nose is treated.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

Although they act temporarily, they are quite effective at the very beginning of treatment. Such a cold medicine will very quickly restore normal breathing through the nose.

In the nasal mucosa, the vessels narrow and this leads to:

  1. to reduce swelling in the nasal cavity;
  2. to reduce the amount of mucus secreted from the nose.

Frequently used drugs in this category are Galazolin, Otrivin, Nazol, Nazivin, Naphthyzin, Sanorin and many others.

Drops and sprays from the common cold cannot be used for a long time, as they are addictive

Antibacterial drugs

With the bacterial nature of rhinitis or in the event of complications, antibacterial drugs are used. They usually contain antibiotics, and only a doctor prescribes them. Most often produced in the form of aerosols. Very good spray from the common cold Bioparox, as well as Isofra and many others. It is very convenient to bury the nose with a spray, and during its use, the microparticles of the active medicinal substance are sprayed evenly in the nasal sinuses.

Antihistamine preparations

In the case of a runny nose caused by an allergy, the most important thing is to eliminate the irritant as quickly as possible and it does not matter what the allergy is caused by - cat hair or flower pollen. Such drugs are available in the form of sprays from the common cold, drops and gels. Vibrocil is considered the best, they can successfully treat both colds and allergic rhinitis. Do you want something interesting?

Homeopathic preparations

AT recent times homeopathy is becoming more and more popular. Preparations of this group have antiviral, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects.

They should be prescribed by an experienced homeopathic doctor, who takes into account the age and condition of the patient. Such have proven to be excellent homeopathic medicines, like Edas-131 drops, as well as Euphorbium Compositum and Delufen nasal drops.


The nebulizer helps a lot with a runny nose, which is a modern device, with its help inhalations are made.

The mechanism of operation of the nebulizer is based on dispersed spray medicinal solution, which is fed through a tube or mask. The medicine will quickly get to all parts of the nasal cavity and respiratory tract. During the inhalation procedure with a runny nose, you need to inhale the aerosol through the nose with deep and even breaths, hold your breath for a couple of seconds and then exhale completely through your mouth.

With a runny nose, the nebulizer can be filled with saline, mineral alkaline water, or sea ​​water. Can be applied various drugs and solutions diluted with saline and consider a couple of examples:

  1. inhalation with interferon. Dilute three ampoules of the drug with 10 ml of saline, which is preheated to 37 degrees. Do inhalations twice a day;
  2. use of olive oil. Effective in atrophic processes. Dilute a couple of drops of olive oil with 5 ml of saline. These inhalations with a nebulizer for a runny nose are recommended to be done twice a day;
  3. use of Naphthyzinum. Helps relieve severe swelling in the nose. Dilute Naphthyzine (0.1%) with saline in a ratio of one to ten. Take 3 ml of the resulting solution and carry out the procedure, it needs to be done only once.

Folk recipes

Treatment of the common cold with folk remedies in many cases brings best effect than using pharmacy drops and sprays.

We offer several popular effective recipes:

  • beetroot juice. Take a raw beetroot and squeeze the juice out of it. Put five or six drops of fresh beetroot juice into each nostril. You can soak a cotton swab in the juice and put it in your nose;
  • kalanchoe. The houseplant Kalanchoe helps with a runny nose very well, many housewives have it in apartments. All top part the plant has medicinal properties, for the treatment of rhinitis it is convenient to use the leaves of the flower. Before starting treatment, do not water the flower for a whole week, then cut off a few leaves from it. Wash them and put them in the refrigerator, where they need to be kept for five days, during this period of time, biologically active substances are formed and accumulate in the leaves of the plant, which help to heal various ailments including rhinitis. The next step is to chop the leaves in a non-metal bowl and grind them with a wooden spoon into a pulp. Now you can strain the juice through cheesecloth and you can store it in the refrigerator in a closed jar. Before using from runny nose kalanchoe its juice is heated in a water bath or aged for half an hour in a room. You can instill the juice two drops into each nostril three times a day. But get ready for the fact that when using Kalanchoe, you will sneeze a lot, and mucus will start to come out of your nose very strongly;
  • sunflower oil tincture with wild rosemary. It is also a good folk remedy for the common cold. For 100 g of butter, put 1 tbsp. pre-shredded wild rosemary. Infuse for three weeks in a dark place and shake the tincture every day. Then strain it, squeeze it out and drip one drop into the nose three times a day.

Treatment of the common cold in pregnant women

A runny nose during pregnancy can appear unexpectedly - with a cold, allergies, and this brings a lot of trouble to the expectant mother. During pregnancy, the use of any drugs is undesirable and even prohibited, as they can harm the baby. But the usual warming up of the nose can help, but they should be carried out only if there is no temperature. For heating, hard-boiled eggs in the shell or a cloth bag with salt heated in a pan are used.

During pregnancy, a runny nose is perfectly cured by inhalation. For this, the same nebulizer is used. For inhalations, herbal infusions of calendula and chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, thyme or sage are well suited.

You can use aloe juice slightly diluted with water. Can help carrot, beet and even Apple juice, but they will also have to be diluted with water and the juices should not be from bags bought at the store, but fresh.

Of the pharmaceutical preparations, pregnant women are allowed to use Pinosol drops, which have a softening effect and relieve swelling in the nose. Grippferon drops are allowed to be used at any stage of pregnancy. If there are no contraindications, the doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictor Sanorin.

So you have learned how to cure a runny nose quickly, because in any case, this condition can ruin our lives and knock us out of the usual working rhythm. Of course, you won’t get rid of nasal congestion in one day, but all the above tips will help to significantly alleviate the condition and in a week or even less there will be no trace of a runny nose.

This material is for informational purposes only, before using the information provided, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

How to cure a runny nose folk remedies?

The most common causes of a runny nose are viruses that cause SARS, as well as hypothermia and damp weather. No matter how easy this ailment may seem at first glance, it is imperative to treat it so as not to cause serious complications, such as sinusitis, otitis or chronic stage the cold itself.

Acute rhinitis requires immediate treatment immediately after the first appearance of symptoms such as nasal congestion, burning in the nasopharynx, severe headache, sneezing. An ideal treatment option is a foot bath with hot water (up to 45 degrees) and mustard.

And then - lime tea, a cup of tea with lemon or raspberry jam.

Most folk recipes help in the treatment of rhinitis, and their effective impact largely depends on the timeliness of the undertaking. But first of all, any treatment, whether it be folk remedies or traditional medicines, must be agreed with the attending physician.

And when choosing herbal remedies, you need to take into account the possibility of various allergic reactions, as well as individual intolerance to some components.

On the initial stage diseases can be applied:

  • Mustard applications to the soles of the feet. They are applied to the feet, and socks are put on top. You need to keep them as long as possible. Often, after such an evening procedure, rhinitis disappears by morning. This treatment should be avoided in people with kidney disease and of cardio-vascular system. Elderly people and children should also use mustard plasters with caution;
  • A clove of garlic, eaten slowly and thoroughly chewed, will also be of great help when a runny nose has just begun;
  • Freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice, which lubricates the nasal mucosa four times a day. Also, juice can be instilled into the nose, causing sneezing.

In the acute form of the common cold, the following remedies are used:

  • menthol oil, which lubricates the nose, forehead, temples;
  • onion gruel is injected into the nose to treat rhinitis and purulent otitis media;
  • inhalation with garlic or garlic oil;
  • instillation of garlic in the nose;
  • instillation with aloe juice;
  • instillations beetroot juice;
  • instillation with juice squeezed from the leaves of the coltsfoot;
  • warming the area of ​​​​the maxillary sinuses, using a hard-boiled egg or a bag with ordinary salt warmed up in a frying pan and poured into a linen bag.

Folk remedies for the treatment of a cold in a chronic form:

  • rinsing with salt water (a teaspoon per glass of water);
  • rinsing soda solution nasal sinuses with the addition of iodine (four teaspoons of soda and five drops of iodine per glass of water);
  • washing with herbal infusions (eucalyptus, horsetail, calendula). This procedure perfectly helps against chronic rhinitis and is performed as follows: pour a pre-cooked warm infusion into a wide bowl, which must be drawn in by the nose and released through the oral cavity. You need to repeat it three times a day;
  • snuff mixture with leafy initials (10 grams), hoofed root (10 grams) and rue grass (grams) crushed in a blender or Mriya. You need to smell them about five times a day.

We take five spoons of centaury, two spoons of horsetail, four - St. John's wort, one - corn silk, four - chopped wild rose and three tablespoons of dandelion root. Crush and mix everything. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with 300 milliliters of warm water and leave in a dark place for a day. Next, bring the infusion to a boil and pour into a thermos for four hours.

After filtering the herbal residue, and the liquid is taken 100 milliliters three times a day. Such a course of treatment allergic rhinitis six months.

Inhalations that help eliminate swelling of the mucosa are an excellent prophylaxis against bronchial asthma. For them, you will need mixed in equal proportions: mint, chamomile, lime blossom, oregano leaves. Pour six tablespoons of the mixture with a liter of boiling water and bring to a boil. We insist twenty minutes. Add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil. We breathe over the steam until the broth cools.

A teaspoon of honey mixed into tea instead of sugar will help reduce the body's susceptibility to an allergen. A few drops of Echinacea purpurea tincture, added to any drink, will noticeably harden the entire body.

  • Children up to a year can drip beetroot or carrot juice diluted with boiled water three times a day into each nasal passage. If the child resists, you need to insert cotton turundas into his nostrils, after soaking them with juice;
  • Helps older kids get rid of green snot garlic. The squeezed head of garlic is poured with refined olive or sunflower oil and infused for twelve hours. This miracle remedy is instilled two drops into the nostril twice a day;
  • Garlic or onion juice, diluted one to one with water - very effective remedy;
  • Aloe - irreplaceable plant, which is often used in medicinal purposes from the common cold in children who celebrated their first birthday. Aloe juice is mixed with honey (1:1) and dripped into the nose before the child goes to bed. There is one but - the plant must be older than three years.

Any rhinitis remedies used by pregnant women should be safe for the baby. Naturally, any pregnant woman in a position needs to monitor her health much more, since bacteria do not sleep, but first of all attack a weakened body. You should also avoid taking chemicals and use only folk recipes.

But do not forget to always consult your doctor about taking them. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables more often. Drink freshly squeezed juices, and the body itself will absorb those substances and vitamins that it needs, without an overabundance.

Both children and adults are worried about rhinitis very often. Many, getting used to this phenomenon, simply stop treating it. This approach is wrong. If proper treatment is not performed, this can lead to a disastrous outcome, in the form of complications with hearing or vision.

Be sure to visit a doctor! He will understand the causes of the disease and prescribe the appropriate procedures and drugs. Be healthy!

Runny nose- this is already the onset of inflammation of the nasal mucosa itself. The medical name is rhinitis, which is awakened by certain viruses or microbes. If you have already been tortured by a runny nose, then it can be cured with folk remedies.

Runny nose symptoms.

Stage number 1. The duration lasts from 3 hours and even up to 1.5 (days). Any patient will feel dryness in the mucosal membrane itself, many will have a burning sensation in their nose, and there is usually an uninterrupted tormenting itching. Breathing through the nose becomes quite difficult, the smell and quality of taste are noticeably disturbed.

Stage number 2. Here there is a rapid multiplication of viruses, accompanied by copious discharge from the nose itself. It's almost impossible to breathe through your nose. It comes, there is a temperature, sneezing does not leave, frequent lacrimation. A runny nose is manifested with a decline in proper appetite.

Stage number 3. After a general lesion, after about 4 days, this stage occurs. The nasopharynx, or rather its mucosa, is maximally damaged by viruses and various bacteria, so the discharge is already purulent.

Runny nose treatment with folk remedies quickly

1). Try to blow your nose correctly, this will avoid any complication. After all, it is possible to allow unfavorable bacteria to enter the Eustachian tube itself and provoke otitis media, as well as damage the ear shell. Follow the correct method, blow your nose with each of your nostrils only separately, your mouth should be open.

2). Refuse extraneous effects on the mucosa. beware cigarette smoke, any dust, physical exertion, hypothermia, frequent walking and other exercises.

3). Try to be treated with folk remedies, after informing your trusted doctor. Do not exceed the duration of any treatment. Less need to go out into the air, try to clean the nasal cavity more often with care. If the pressure in the nasal cavity increases, then ,, or pharyngitis may occur.

Ginger, honey and lemon. This combination has a pleasant taste, the necessary vitamins. This is a reliable and proven tool.

First recipe . Free from peel fresh root medicinal ginger(300 gr) and pass through a grater, minimum caliber. Peel 1 lemon (150 gr), get rid of the seeds and grind the pulp. Transfer to a glass container with a lid, add real honey (150 ml), mix everything well and store in your refrigerator.

Second recipe. Peeled fresh ginger root (3 cm), pass through a grater, there should be 2 tsp of porridge. Place in a mug, add a slice of healthy lemon and pour boiling water over it. Top with a suitable saucer and leave for 30 minutes. Immediately after this, add 2 teaspoons of good quality honey.

General applications. The first recipe is used even before a runny nose and any cold, with the onset of any cold weather, only 1 tsp daily before meals. It is allowed to give ½ part of tsp. children who are over 5 years old. The second described recipe is allowed with a runny nose. Drink this tea up to 4 times a day. If there is a dry cough, then combine the funds or keep it under the tongue itself without swallowing.

Important information!!! Contraindicated with, as well as a stomach ulcer, who has diabetes mellitus, or urinary bladder,,, pancreatitis, pregnancy, hepatitis, cholecystitis, heart failure, hemophilia.

Tui oil. This is the most used coniferous oil that can cope with a runny nose. It contains a sufficient amount of anti-inflammatory favorable substances. It is also an excellent immunomodulatory useful tool. True, do not use it as the only treatment, because it is not able to reduce mucus, completely relieve swelling. It is better to drip oil only with a dry runny nose.

Drip up to 4 drops of this oil, be sure to each of your nostrils before falling asleep. Before all this, carefully release the nasal passages. Separately, we note once again that drip when the runny nose is dry. When the runny nose is in full force, use a decoction of pine needles. For 500 ml of pure boiling water, 1 tbsp. l needles. Close the container and leave to infuse until its temperature is already at room temperature. Instill up to 4 normal drops into clean passages.

Important information!!! Any oil can cause an adverse allergy, so first make the necessary test. Apply 2 drops of this oil to the area under your nose. If after 18 hours there is no change, then it suits you.

Salt. Can be used even for chronic rhinitis. If you wash the nose using a mild salt solution, then pus, mucus will pass and further inflammation, including sinusitis, will stop. Sea salt contains the necessary natural substances that can soothe and disinfect the mucous membranes.

Important rules!!!

1). Eliminate hot water to speed up the complete dissolution of our salt. The best breeding temperature is considered to be between 39 and 43 C.

2). Do not exceed the dosage, because many sites advise even up to 1 tbsp. l salt in a glass of water. This will burn your mucous membranes and increase any runny nose. Just a little more than half of 1 tsp of salt will be enough.

3). A solution consisting of salt must be stirred completely so that there are not even small grains from the salt itself. These grains adversely affect the mucous membrane.

4). A solution consisting of salt should not be drawn in by the nose, but it must pass freely through any nostril.

Proper treatment.

1). Any adult is prescribed a dose - only 1 tsp per 500 ml clean water, better after boiling.

2). If a runny nose is accompanied by chronic sinusitis, add 2 drops of ordinary iodine and a little soda (a very small pinch).

3). If , then the salt concentration should be less, about 2 times.

4). Runny nose can be treated without flushing. Just moisten a napkin (1 glass needs 1 tablespoon of salt) and apply for 15 minutes. This well helps to facilitate breathing, stop the flow from the nose itself and moisturize the mucous membrane.

Runny nose to treat folk remedies

Kalanchoe. Many competent doctors believe controversial treatment using Kalanchoe. But this helps many wonderfully, it does not help others, and for some it even accelerates the aggravation. It is almost always impossible to predict in advance how the treatment will affect.

Therefore, we will announce all the current pluses, and of course the minuses. The juice of this plant destroys many known bacteria, interferes with their reproduction, can reduce discharge, effectively with congestion.

An allergic reaction that has occurred can be considered a minus, the mucous membrane may dry out or gradually become thinner, the aggravation of the common cold into a chronic form, or the spread of this disease to the ears and is caused in some people, unfavorable. In any case, all this happens quite rarely.

Proper treatment.

Any Kalanchoe before treatment must lie down in a home refrigerator, wrapped in a suitable cloth (2 hours). It is enough to drip up to 3 calendar days, preferably in the morning, the second time - in the evening. 2-3 ordinary drops are instilled, individually into each of their nostrils, after diluting with water that has been boiled.

Important tips!!! If the temperature is too high, then do not drip the juice. Allergic rhinitis is also not treated with this juice. Treatment begins only on the 3rd day of this disease and no more than 5 calendar days in a row.

Onion. Using such a garden plant, some people even had a runny nose in just 1 day. Onions contain a rare type of mineral that acts as an effective antibiotic, so it helps many at the most early stages the occurrence of a runny nose.

Peel the bulb small size, cut it into 4 even parts and squeeze out all the juice. Then strain it and dilute it with boiled water in the same proportion by volume. Medicinal drops are stored in the kitchen refrigerator, in a glass container. Try to avoid dripping onion drops. The procedure is repeated up to 4 times.

Mustard plasters. Most First stage the occurrence of an unfavorable rhinitis can be easily treated with the help of ordinary mustard plasters. Apply them to your feet, secure with a bandage and, if possible, insulate with woolen socks. After 1.5 hours, you can remove everything. Usually this procedure is done at night.

Beet. It is usually used in acute form of the common cold. Pass the beets through any grater and placing the porridge in gauze, squeeze out all the juice. Allow 2 hours for the juice to infuse. Add some good quality honey. Using moistened swabs, place them in the nostrils for 30 minutes. Repeat this every 1.5 hours all day. It is allowed to instill up to 4 drops into the nose.

Black currant. She is able to fight even with, because her composition was created for this. Drink from it delicious compote up to 4 mugs. If there are no fruits, then you can brew a handful of its branches (1000 ml of boiling water). Set on reduced heat and continue to simmer for up to 4 hours and add a little regular sugar. At night, drink exactly 2 cups of this warm decoction.

Proper drinking. When you are overtaken by a cold, accompanied by a runny nose, then there is a loss of water in your own body. And everyone knows that water is very necessary for any person, especially for any illness. The best option for a runny nose is a special tea of ​​medicinal origin.

Ginger. Use ginger root (1 tbsp), pureed healing cranberries (2 tsp), ground cinnamon (1 tsp). It is necessary to brew the listed ingredients in a teapot, wrap it warmly and wait 25 minutes. Drink up to 4 r per day before any meal. You can add honey if required. The very last reception should take place 4 hours before your sleep.

Soap. The most affordable and simplest treatment method. Laundry soap is selected, preferably dark in color. After lathering your finger, try to lubricate yourself inner surface both of his nostrils, thrice in 1 day, or whenever the nose becomes dry, after any kind of remedy.

Iodine. It is required to smear your own feet with ordinary iodine, warm yourself with woolen socks and lie down in your bed. Additionally, the wings of the nose itself are lubricated, the forehead area above your eyebrows. For many, a significant improvement was already observed in the morning.

The old method. Fold an ordinary scarf and iron it with a heated iron until hot. When you apply it to your face, you will need to breathe through your mouth until it cools. For the entire coming day, do this up to 4 times. This always allows you to feel the right relief.

Chronic runny nose very often worries many people. Also, this unfavorable type of runny nose can always become complicated and go into either, so always follow the treatment regimen.

Washing the nose.

1). A solution consisting of iodine and simple potassium permanganate is suitable. Stir them only in warm water to get a slightly reddish color. Washing is allowed up to 3 r per day, with a syringe or a rubber bulb.

2). Boil water, wait until it becomes warm and dilute salt in it (at the tip kitchen knife) and a tablet of furacilin. Usually after that, the water becomes yellowish. Rinse your own nose daily with a pear, and in its absence with a syringe.

3). It will take 1 tsp of healing calendula tincture, warm water with salt (0.5 l) and 2 drops of iodine. Washing is carried out 2 times a day.

essential oil . Suitable eucalyptus, menthol oil or fir oil. After applying soaked cotton swabs, put them in your nostrils before going to bed.

Calendula. It is necessary to take 15 grams of this medicinal plant, pour boiling water (300 ml). When this tincture cools completely and independently, can be used as a rinse.

Proper prevention of chronic rhinitis.

If you use constant prevention, then this will largely eliminate any complication, and most importantly, it will significantly speed up the full recovery. The most important thing is to prevent the fall of your own immunity, but if it does happen, then take immediate measures to effectively restore it. Always avoid any kind of hypothermia.

Inhalations. The purpose of any inhalation is to be able to warm up the throat and, most importantly, the nose. After the warming itself, the pores expand, which will lead to the proper absorption of all useful and healing substances. Steam thins the mucus, with its further removal. The people have always used an ordinary pot of hot water.

The most recognized decoctions for inhalation.

Collection. Select the same and equal amount of sage, lavender, healing coltsfoot, beneficial chamomile and thyme. The total weight of all these listed herbs should be 50 grams. Pour 500 ml of boiling water, and leave to infuse in a thermos.

Eucalyptus. For older children, a decoction based on healing eucalyptus leaves is suitable. Immerse 1 tbsp. l of these leaves in boiling water (0.5 l) and cook for about 10 more minutes. When the temperature drops to 30 C on its own, it is already necessary to start breathing.

Blackberry. The stems, as well as its dry leaves (20 g), are steamed in 200 ml of boiling water, followed by boiling for up to 10 minutes.

Important Tips!!! For special effectiveness, inhale up to 2 times. It is advisable to start any inhalation lasting up to 1 minute, and only then, gradually increase the period to 7 minutes. The total steam temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. Before any inhalation, ask for a competent recommendation from a pediatrician.

Important warnings!!! Refuse at any temperature if the snot is green or yellowish in color, if there is pus, signs of blood, pain in the ears, , , bleeding from his nose, heart problems.

Let's find out with compresses. After all, they are also able to participate in warming up. But any compress must be used only in the first stages of the disease.

Salt or buckwheat. Heat on a kitchen pan, any of these means. When hot, transfer everything to a pre-prepared suitable bag or a clean sock. Warm up the sinuses by applying this very bag to the wings of the child's nose.

Egg. This is a rather ancient folk way. Boil an ordinary homemade egg and gently apply to the sinuses. Such a warm egg quickly removes all the accumulated mucus.

Potato. Boil homemade potatoes and divide it into 2 parts. Wrap one half in a suitable fabric and place on your child's chest. Remove the cloth as it cools down. The duration of this compress lasts up to 20 minutes.

Important information!!! Any compresses are best done at bedtime. This will keep warm and the child will get complete peace. To avoid burns and other troubles, always control the temperature of any compress.

Anyone baby, rather weak own immunity. This provokes many diseases, including the common cold. But it is possible to treat a runny nose for babies only under the strict supervision of a doctor. Yes, and the doctor himself must make a diagnosis. Usually, up to 3 months, the mucous membrane is not yet formed, therefore, at this age, a runny nose is a rare disease.

After 10 months, the entire nasal mucosa is fully functioning. When snot appears without extraneous symptoms, then this is probably a physiological runny nose. Here it is important not to drink various potions, but to provide other assistance. Namely, to prevent complete drying of the mucous membrane of the child.

The temperature in his room should be around 19-22 degrees. If the temperature is more than 22 C, then the mucous membrane will dry out very quickly. Always maintain the correct humidity, set the water in a wide sized cup. Who feeds his milk, can bury it in the nose, 1 drop, no more than 3 days.

Treatment of a runny nose in infants with a catarrhal character.

Any runny nose that occurs, even in the smallest child, is just a natural reaction to a cold in a child and a variety of viruses. Here the main thing is not to let the mucosa dry out. You can fill your bath with warm water and add a couple of drops of lemon or fragrant lavender. Bring your child into your bath more often to breathe air that is saturated with moisture (up to 10 minutes). This will definitely help to thin the existing mucus with a subsequent exit.

It is allowed to instill saline solution into the child's nose (ask at pharmacies). If it is not possible to purchase it, make it yourself. Dilute exactly 1 teaspoon of sea salt in a total of 1 liter of warm water.

Important advice!!! Never rinse your child's nose with this solution. This tool is used only for instillation.

It is allowed to replace such a saline solution with the correct infusion of herbs. It is required to mix only 1 tsp of medicinal calendula and healing yarrow. Pour this mixture in a volume of 1 tsp into a glass of boiling water and be sure to simmer in a water bath for only 20 minutes. Be sure to strain well after it has cooled. Drip just exactly 2 pipette drops, always in both of his nostrils.

Conclusion of the article. The main thing in any treatment is the permissible permission of the doctor. Consult him first for any method, question, remedy, and prescription. If he approves and agrees, only then begin to be treated with traditional medicine. Reveal your treatments by posting them on this site, in the available comments. Or tell others about these recipes using your social network. All network buttons are located at the very bottom of any page of this site.


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Nose stuffed up - nonsense, so many people think. A week and everything will pass. But not everything is so simple. Remember the sensations you experienced when you had a runny nose. The smell of food is not felt - appetite disappears. You cannot communicate normally - you lose business partners. Due to the fact that you cannot breathe freely, you do not get enough sleep and, as a rule, decreases performance. Here he is, a banal runny nose.

In medical parlance, a runny nose is called rhinitis. Rhinitis is the eternal companion of SARS. If a runny nose is not treated, serious complications are likely, one of which is sinusitis. Pay attention to the color of the discharge. They turned yellow-green - an alarm! bacteria can spread into the maxillary sinuses and then sinusitis can no longer be avoided. Therefore, at the first sign of a runny nose, begin to be treated. Traditional medicine recommends nose drops, drugs that make it easier for the nasal passage of mucus and with frequent runny nose - special bacterial vaccines.

Types of runny nose

The symptoms of a runny nose are similar, but despite this, physicians distinguish its varieties. So, is there a runny nose?

It's spicy short-term rhinitis. With the disease, there is a sharp expansion of the vessels of the mucosa. If the irritation factor is eliminated, and this, as a rule, is the temperature contrast of the inhaled air, then the runny nose stops.
The name of this type of rhinitis speaks for itself. If the allergy is caused by the flowering of any kind of plants, then this is a seasonal runny nose. When the allergen is dust, you have a chronic runny nose. In order to get rid of it, you need to remove the source of the allergen and the runny nose goes away.
This runny nose is always a faithful companion of acute respiratory infections, SARS and influenza. If the treatment is not delayed, then two to three days are enough to eliminate it.
If you constantly use drops and sprays, atrophy and swelling of the mucosa is guaranteed to you. Drug rhinitis is a chronic form of the common cold.
If the mucosa has undergone one of the types of injury, diagnosed traumatic rhinitis. In mild cases of injury, the mucosa recovering herself in a few days. Otherwise, medical intervention is required.
hypertrophic and atrophic
These are the most popular types. At hypertrophic rhinitis thickens and expands the mucosa, mucus constantly flows from the nose. Atrophic appearance - tissues, on the contrary, become thinner, dry out. In severe untreated cases, it entails a complete loss of the sense of smell.

What does traditional medicine offer us?


  1. As soon as you feel the approach of a cold, take two mustard plasters, apply them to your feet, on top - socks made of natural wool. Let your heels warm for two hours. After you take off your socks with mustard plasters, it is recommended to walk at a fast pace for about a minute and immediately go to bed.
  2. Drip about five drops of freshly squeezed houseplant aloe juice into your nose.
  3. Squeeze beet juice, add a little bit of honey. Twist the flagella from the bandage, soak them in the medicinal mixture and insert into both nostrils.
  4. It helps if you sniff each nostril in turn with a swab moistened with ammonia.
  5. Draw an iodine grid on the heels. Pour some mustard powder into natural wool socks and put them on your feet.

old recipes

  1. Take a sip of vodka in your mouth (do not swallow!) Place your feet in warm salted water so that they are knee-deep. Spit out the vodka after ten minutes. Consolidate the treatment by drinking two glasses of mint tea sweetened with raspberry jam. Go to bed with your head warm.
  2. Sleep all night in warm socks, smearing your heels with iodine before going to bed.
  3. Make a compress of kerosene and apply to the soles of the feet. Top - waterproof material and warm socks.
  4. And another amazing old procedure. Heat the iron, fold the handkerchief several times. Iron it so that the handkerchief becomes hot. Apply to your face and breathe through the heated handkerchief with your mouth open until it cools down. An old medical publication claims that relief is felt immediately. You can repeat 2-3 procedures per day.

  1. If possible, then warm yourself in the bath, if not - in the bath. After heating, rub the sacrum with a mixture of grated radish and horseradish prepared in advance, adding a little honey and salt. Get dressed and after drinking tea from raspberries or St. John's wort, go to bed. In the morning you won't even remember a runny nose.
  2. Menthol oil will help to cope with the onset of rhinitis if you smear it with whiskey, the back of the head, forehead and wings of the nose.
  3. They say that kerosene helps if you smear your feet with it at night, cover it with a cloth soaked in kerosene, and socks on top. Sleep under a warm blanket.
  4. Washing the nose with a runny nose is a mandatory procedure. And if you do it by adding tincture to the washing water
  5. calendula or eucalyptus, the therapeutic effect will increase significantly.
    This treatment is not very pleasant, but it helps a lot. Squeeze the juice from one lemon, add the same amount of water. Make a saline solution from half a glass of water and half a spoonful of salt. We start the procedure. Take a good dish and try to draw lemon juice into the nostril. You need to act like this - they pulled in and immediately blew your nose. Repeat five times. Happened ? Now soak cotton swabs in saline solution and inject for half a minute into both nostrils. The procedure is unpleasant, but it helps very quickly.
  6. Essential oils of garlic and onions are an effective remedy for this problem. Grate them on a fine grater and inhale its smell through the nose. In addition to the fact that you will defeat a runny nose, during the flu epidemic it acts as preventive means .
  7. If you peel the bulb, you will see a transparent film on the surface of the scales. She is what we need. Put the film in each nostril and keep it for two hours. Then change to fresh. Two days and you will get rid of a cold. At night, the film does not need to be invested.
  8. Horseradish inhalations will defeat any runny nose. Transfer the grated horseradish to a jar and close tightly. Fifteen minutes later, open the jar and inhale through your mouth, hold your breath for three seconds, exhale through your nose. Breathe in - breathe out as much as you can.
  9. If a runny nose is your frequent guest, or just in case, prepare a “weapon” against him in the spring. In the period when lilies of the valley bloom, pick flowers. Dry them together with the stalks and grind them into powder. Pour into a glass jar and seal tightly. Store in a dark cabinet. As soon as you feel the first symptoms of a runny nose, take out a jar and sniff it in a manner similar to snuff.

  10. Remove the husk from the onion , dry it well . Set fire and breathe over the smoke for five minutes. Two to three treatments a day are great for colds.
  11. Boil potatoes in their skins. Cool slightly so that you can endure the hand. Start rolling the potato from your forehead to your nose, over your ears. Then cut a potato and put one part on the forehead, the other on the wings of the nose. Once the potatoes have cooled , tie a warm scarf around your forehead . Up to four such procedures can be done per day.
  12. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and grate the horseradish. Mix evenly. Eat one scoop four times a day before meals per half an hour. At first will appear lacrimation. But together With him stop and flow from nose. If a you made a lot of suckslemon medicines, store his in refrigerator.

Oily funds

Oil infusions of herbs - an effective remedy

  1. Oil on the St. John's wort. 25 grams colors Hypericum pour in 250 ml refined oils. Through 21 day insistence and regular shaking strain. Drip in nostrils on 3 drops and runny nose retreat.
  2. Oil on the roots burdock already after first treatment brings relief. crushed root fall asleep in dark crockery, pour unrefined vegetable oil. Put on the 14 days in cupboard. Strain out not should, before application shake. Flagella from bandage damp in burdock oil and enter in nostrils on the quarter hours three once in day. Helps not only at runny nose, but and at sinusitis.
  3. cook oil tincture wild rosemary, and at you always under hand will be powerful means from runny nose. stir co 100 grams vegetable oils one spoon finely chopped wild rosemary. Through three weeks insistence and permanent agitation, wring out. At runny nose drip on drop three times in day, but not more seven days.
  4. Put on the steam bath 50 ml vegetable oils on the half an hour. Per time, bye it cools down, clear four cloves garlic and middle bulb, cut off from her quarter. grind them and lay out mass in cooled down oil. Through two hours means ready. Lubrication nostril this oily infusion helps at congestion and secretions from nose will become much less.

Ointments from runny nose

  1. This ointment need smear in nose thrice in day and, if disease accompanied cough, on the night lubricate breast. For cooking take on half a glass honey and vegetable oil. Two grams wax and propolis, streptocide two tablets, a littlea little propolis, two spoons juice aloe, can replace juice kalanchoe. Wax, oil and honey put on the stove and Keep before complete dissolution wax. Rest constituents crush how can smaller and add in honeywaxyoil mass. Mix and pour in juice aloe. More once mix. After use this ointments disease retreats very fast.
  2. To cook ointment, need buy black economic soap. Measure out on one big spoon milk, honey, alcohol, sunflower oils, juice onion Luke. Soap scold very finely and take also one spoon. All place in one crockery and place on the steam bath before complete dissolution soap. Take ointment cotton wand and lubricate every nostril. Through fifteen minutes wash up nose. procedure repeat three times in day.

Children's runny nose

AT small spoon dial a little less half honey. Squeeze out juice aloe and drip in honey so many drops, How many full years to kid. Hold above candle or gas burner before connections ingredients. cool down and drip on two droplets in children's spout several once in day.

dotted massage from runny nose

Dot 1 . Spend fingers from nose bridge in sides. few below graduation lines brows located first dot.

Dot 2 . Barely conspicuous pits a little farther from end brows. Impact produce simultaneously on the both points.
Dot 3 . points, located directly at internal the edges eye.
Dot 4 . symmetrical points near wings nose.
On the massage points need influence fingers on 60 seconds on the every. Click With force, but not before pain. This massage reinforces inflow blood and accelerates recovery.

Video - Treatment of the common cold with folk remedies