Hypoplasia, aplasia or small size of the uterus.

A small uterus has many names: in a scientific way it is called hypoplasia or infantilism, and the term "children's uterus" is more often used by the people.

Hypoplasia is an abnormal condition of the uterus. It is expressed in its small size (compared to the norm), it can appear not only during the development of the fetus during pregnancy, but also in early childhood girls. It can be both germinal (after all, the laying of such vital important organs, as the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, begins even during prenatal development), and virgin, childish (when these two types of hypoplasia are formed later).

Small uterus: the reasons for its appearance

There are many reasons. It happens that a small uterus develops due to malnutrition, lack of vitamins. But most often, uterine infantilism develops after poisoning or serious illnesses. Most dangerous period age is considered to be from eleven to fifteen years. After all, it is in this time range that the formation of this important organ for every woman takes place.

It happens that a small uterus does not develop due to the fact that the ovaries are not sufficiently developed: the process is disrupted, the ovaries cannot produce the right amount of hormones.

With a child's uterus, other changes in the body can be observed: the fallopian tubes are tortuous, long, with narrow lumen, there is hypoplasia of the labia minora and labia majora, the vagina irregular shape. All these changes can be detected by visiting gynecologist both in a special outpatient examination and inpatient.

with infantilism

If the length of the uterus is from 5.5 to 7 centimeters, then infantilism is at the stage of the virgin uterus. If from 3.5 to 5.5 centimeters, it means hypoplasia at the stage of the baby uterus, but if the uterus is no more than three and a half centimeters long, the diagnosis is the embryonic uterus.

According to doctors, there are differences between the uterus, prone to hypoplasia and infantile. In the first case, a completely normal appearance body, only the size does not correspond to the norm. But in the second case, there may be various branches, curvatures, malformations of the uterus.

Medicamentous method of treatment of infantilism

If you have been diagnosed with a baby uterus, the treatment can only be selected by a professional doctor. What modern medicine can offer us is the treatment of a small uterus with hormonal drugs. Why hormonal? Yes, because the lack of hormones is the main cause of underdevelopment of the uterus. And for the normal functioning of this organ, for it to acquire a normal size, treatment with hormonal drugs is necessary.

Be prepared to take them for quite a long period of time. Also, with uterine hypoplasia, various physiotherapy procedures are indicated. Such as a certain effect of currents of the desired frequency on the lower abdomen of a woman, laser procedures, warming up. As a result, there is an improvement and, accordingly, it quickly takes on a normal physiological appearance.

Treatment of hypoplasia in the folk way

If you have a small uterus, treatment folk remedies may also give positive result. After all, most of the recipes have been tested by more than one generation of our ancestors. With a folk method of treating an ailment, it is necessary to stock up on such a component as natural clay. Clay needs to be sifted, diluted with water, not warm, to the density of sour cream. Then stick around the lower abdomen with the resulting composition, and put a regular plastic bag on top. The action of the compress is approximately two hours. Throw away the used clay after the specified time. The next day, repeat the procedure with new clay. Instead of water, you can (another name for the herb is an infusion from it. And it is best to combine the folk method of treatment with the drugs prescribed by the doctor.

It was then that the small uterus would definitely increase in size, reach normal indicators and let you enjoy the joy of motherhood.

Unfortunately, not all women can easily become pregnant and bear a healthy baby. The reasons for these difficulties are various diseases associated with the reproductive organs, as well as hormonal features women. For example, uterine hypoplasia, that is, an underdeveloped, small uterus. What to do if you have been diagnosed with such a diagnosis, as well as the causes and useful advice consider in this article.

causes of uterine hypoplasia in adult woman may become illnesses that she suffered back in adolescence when the reproductive organs were formed. These include: hormonal disruptions, infectious diseases genitourinary system and genital organs, diseases nervous system, as well as an insufficient number of some nutrients in the body. The latter refers to a situation where a girl at a young age limits herself to wholesome food, thereby provoking a deficiency. necessary elements in the body.

In order to determine how developed the uterus is, you need to be examined by a gynecologist and take measurements of the uterus using. However, there are some peculiarities here too. It is important to note that nulliparous women uterus and much smaller than those of those who gave birth safely. In addition, given the proportions of each woman, the size of the uterus is naturally very different. In a small woman with a low weight, small sizes will be considered normal, and in a woman with larger forms, therefore, much higher. Therefore, only a specialist can determine the presence or absence of uterine pathology.

Note that uterine hypoplasia and all related diseases respond very well to treatment in modern medicine. Most often, experts prescribe hormonal preparations, which help not only to formulate the correct hormonal background, but also contribute to an increase in the size of the uterus. In some cases, uterine hypoplasia can be treated with vitamins without resorting to hormonal treatment.

Some women with uterine hypoplasia may be offered to increase the size of the uterus with the help of gynecological massage. The principle of this method lies in the intensive reproductive organs both from the outside and from the inside. Thus, during the procedure, blood circulation is stimulated, which allows you to slightly enlarge the small uterus.

Well, the last thing you should pay attention to is your own attitude towards a positive result. Don't be discouraged if the treatment takes a little longer than you'd like. Rest assured that everything will work out for you. Arm yourself with patience and support from loved ones - do not worry, believe in yourself and everything will be fine. Good luck to you and good health. And let another pair of happy eyes appear on the earth and a small, tiny bundle of happiness - your baby.

Specially for- Ira Romaniy

A woman finds out that she has a small uterus, usually after an ultrasound. Some first encounter such a diagnosis only during pregnancy. Sometimes the size of the uterus is slightly less than normal, but in some cases they can make a very specific conclusion: hypoplasia, aplasia, infantilism. The doctor may scare the patient by saying that she is unlikely to be able to become pregnant and bear a child.

However, many women with this pathology safely give birth to children. Adequate hormonal treatment plays an important role in this. Such a conclusion can mean both a subjective assessment and indicate a pathology that leads to miscarriage.

Causes leading to the formation of a small uterus

The normal size of this organ in gynecology: length 7-8 cm, width 4-5 cm, thickness of the myometrium 2-3 cm, neck length 2.5 cm. These are the average parameters that doctors take as a standard. However, a woman also has a normally functioning organ of other sizes.

It can be small, medium or large, but without pathologies in structure and work. Small sizes are often found in thin and petite ladies. This is due to the type of physique, equipment, physiology.

How to get pregnant with a pathologically small uterus if the organ is not able to fulfill its main function- bear a child?

If a comprehensive examination really confirmed a serious violation that prevents pregnancy, then the following diagnoses are often made:

  • Hypoplasia - insufficient development in size. The condition is accompanied by underdevelopment of other genital organs, hormonal imbalance;
  • Aplasia - the size of an organ in an adult woman is the same as in a newborn girl (no more than 3 cm);
  • Infantilism - the size does not exceed 5.5 cm.

In addition to a pathologically small organ, as a rule, other symptoms of the disorder are also present: an irregular menstrual cycle or complete absence menstruation, if they are present, they are quite painful, there is a weak sex drive, difficulty conceiving or bearing a child.

Violation in the formation of the reproductive system occurs either in the prenatal period or during puberty. If a woman had an infectious disease during pregnancy, had hormonal imbalance, suffered from a vitamin deficiency or was exposed to other adverse factors, this means that the fetus may experience developmental disorders, including anomalies of the reproductive system.

In a teenager, pathology can occur against the background of a disease (infectious-viral, genitourinary system), insufficient or poor-quality nutrition, vitamin deficiency, physical exhaustion, hard work or stress.

If the small size of the organ is not physiological feature body, then this condition is accompanied by other disorders, which together make it impossible to bear a child. If there is a hormonal imbalance, pathology of the tubes or the structure of the cervix at the same time, then pregnancy becomes problematic.

Diagnosis "small uterus": is it possible for a woman to successfully become pregnant?

If, along with the pathology, other violations are detected reproductive system, then planning a child must be prepared in a special way. Often such preparation does not involve drastic measures.

To increase blood circulation, to promote the growth of the uterine epithelium, a number of physiotherapeutic procedures can be prescribed. But most often used hormone therapy.

It is worth noting that this measure is very effective and many can become pregnant already in the first and next cycle after the abolition of oral contraceptives.

Hormonal drugs in combination with other activities contribute to an increase in the size of the reproductive organ. But, for example, with hypoplasia, a comprehensive examination is necessary, since the disease is often accompanied by other ailments that are a contraindication to taking hormonal drugs.

You can conceive a child even after vitamin therapy. You just need to drink a course of a complex of vitamins and minerals, balance the diet, adjust the daily routine.

What to do if a small uterus is diagnosed

As already mentioned, hormones influence the development of this organ. In addition, an increase can occur with regular sexual activity. The main cause of hypoplasia is hormonal imbalance, which means that treatment will be associated with correction hormonal background. Treatment of a small uterus with this method, as a rule, takes quite a long time.

Various physiotherapy procedures are aimed at improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs. You can eliminate the violation with the help of electric shock. Also shown gynecological massage, which consists in the active stimulation of the reproductive organs. Treatment of a small uterus is not complete without a complex of vitamins and minerals.

As for folk methods, the most popular is the recipe with clay. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. Clay is diluted with water to a creamy state and applied in a thick layer to the lower abdomen. Then put a piece on top food film or cellophane.

Such a kind of compress is kept for about 2 hours, and then washed off with running water. Procedures must be done daily, each time using a fresh portion of clay. Folk methods treatments complement the main therapy prescribed by the doctor.

Small uterus during pregnancy: what does it mean

After the diagnosis is made, an ultrasound scan is necessary to confirm it. It is worth noting that a small uterus and pregnancy are often quite compatible conditions. In addition, many ladies learn about this phenomenon already during the gestation period.

As a rule, as the term increases, the uterus grows along with the fetus. This is facilitated by hormones that are actively produced female body at that time. However, it is quite possible that it will be necessary to additionally take special hormonal preparations.

The main reasons that cause difficulties in bearing are hormone deficiency, thin loose myometrium, short neck and other disorders of the reproductive system. The consequences of such conditions include: miscarriage, premature birth, weak labor activity, difficult opening of the cervix. However modern techniques management of pregnancy significantly reduce the negative risks.

After childbirth, the organ will take on its former size, and it may also happen that the pathology disappears without a trace. In addition, sometimes other violations of the development of the organs of the reproductive system, for example, bending of the pipes, also eliminate themselves.

The real difficulties arise with a very small and poorly developed uterus. And with aplasia, pregnancy naturally becomes almost impossible. But even in such situations reproductive technologies very effectively help a woman to become a mother.

A woman's uterus is smaller than her gestational age

Successful gestation is judged by several parameters: the amount of amniotic fluid, the size of the fetus, its presentation, the number of fetuses, etc. The height of the bottom (namely, this parameter is taken into account during pregnancy) can vary significantly from case to case, for example, in large ladies who have wide pelvis, this indicator is less than the norm, and in women with a narrow - more.

It is no secret that many women fail to conceive a child the first time. There can be many reasons for this. However, often future mothers are given a disappointing diagnosis of "small uterus". In this article, we will look at the features of gestation and the chances of birth. healthy baby in this situation.

normal uterus nulliparous girl should reach 7 cm in length and 40 g in weight. For women who have given birth, there are other normative indicators. The length of the uterus should not be less than 8-9 cm, and the mass of the organ should be in the range from 50 g to 70 g. The normal width is 4-5 cm. The formation and formation of the reproductive system begins during fetal development. The uterus of a newborn girl reaches 3-4 cm, and at the age of 7-8 her intensive growth begins. It acquires its final dimensions when the girl reaches the age of thirteen.

If the uterus is not long enough, but its width is normal, then there should be no difficulties with the course of pregnancy. Today, experts trace the relationship between the state of the reproductive sphere and the emotional background. If a woman, after the news that her uterus does not meet the required standards, gives in to stress, then this can provoke a dysfunction of the reproductive organs. emotional stress becomes the cause of psychosomatic deviations, which can lead to such disappointing consequences.

There are 3 stages of this deviation:

  • hypoplasia - the woman's uterus at the same time corresponds to the size of a teenage organ;
  • infantilism - with this pathology in a woman reproductive age a baby uterus is diagnosed, which does not exceed 5.5 cm;
  • aplasia - a deviation in which the size of the uterus of a woman corresponds to the uterus of a newborn girl and reaches only 3 cm.

The first and second stages are treatable, a woman has every chance of becoming pregnant and carrying a baby. Unfortunately, the third stage cannot be corrected, but in this case, do not despair. If ovarian function is preserved, conception is possible by in vitro fertilization.

Signs of a small uterus

  1. One of the main signs indicating insufficient size of the uterus is delayed puberty. At the same time, menstruation begins at the age of 15-16.
  2. Often, along with this problem, women experience underdevelopment of the labia, vagina, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  3. Hypoplasia of the uterus can also be determined based on the general physical data of the girl. The presence of this pathology is evidenced by a narrow pelvis, short stature, narrow rib cage, small size chest.
  4. In adulthood, women experience little or no sex drive.
  5. Symptoms such as irregular cycle complete absence of menstruation pain, problems with conception.

Reasons for the deviation

The causes of deviations in the formation of the uterus are negative factors, to which the girl was exposed during fetal development and during puberty.

  1. This reproductive organ is formed at the last stage of the first - at the beginning of the second trimester. If a woman carrying a girl is exposed during this period infectious diseases, is faced with hormonal imbalance, does not receive enough nutrients and vitamins, there is a possibility of developing this pathology.
  2. Hypoplasia may be the result of a violation of the activity of the hypothalamus - the part of the brain that ensures the functioning endocrine glands. As well as hypofunction of the ovaries, which produce female sex hormones.
  3. Diseases of the genitourinary system suffered by a girl in adolescence can lead to similar consequences, viral infections, deficiency of nutrients and vitamins, severe physical exercise and stressful conditions effects on the body of toxic substances.

All of these factors have a direct impact on a woman's reproductive capacity when she reaches adulthood.

A small cervix during pregnancy can also interfere with successful gestation. Normally, this organ has a cylindrical shape. However, in the presence of deviations, the shape of the neck resembles a cone. With hypoplasia of the cervix, fertilization occurs freely, but complications may arise during the course of pregnancy. The reason for this is isthmic-cervical insufficiency. This means that the muscles at the junction of the cervix with the uterus are weak. As a result, the reproductive organs are not able to hold the fetus, the weight of which is constantly increasing. There is a risk of termination of pregnancy at the stage of 20 to 30 weeks.

Diagnosis of the size of the uterus

The doctor gets an idea of ​​the size of the uterus based on ultrasound. However, it is worth considering that diagnostics should not be limited only to this method. Minor sizes this body do not always indicate the presence of pathology. A small uterus can be observed in women asthenic physique in the absence of any problems in the reproductive sphere.

In addition to the ultrasound examination, gynecological examination. If the doctor finds a small height of the uterine fundus, this will confirm the diagnosis. way laboratory examination it is necessary to determine the concentration of hormonal substances that are responsible for the development of the organs of the reproductive system, in particular, the uterus. A study of the uterine cavity is also carried out.

Small uterus treatment

A small uterus during pregnancy can provoke the development of an embryo outside the uterine cavity. Therapy is aimed at increasing it to a size that allows you to bear the fetus without problems. For achievement given result woman are assigned medicines, whose action is aimed at stabilizing hormonal balance and stimulation of organ growth. For this purpose, apply vitamin preparations. In some cases, the situation can be normalized only with the help of vitamins and there is no need to take hormonal drugs.
Apart from medications gynecological massage is also prescribed. This method improves blood circulation, which stimulates the growth of the uterus. It consists in massaging the external and internal reproductive organs. In addition, doctors recommend physiotherapy procedures - paraffin therapy, mud therapy, laser therapy, UHF.

There are also folk methods treatment of this pathology. But before using them, without fail you need to consult a specialist. It should not be forgotten that self-treatment may not only not give the desired result, but also exacerbate the problem. One of the options offered folk medicine is the use of blue or red clay.

It needs to be crushed, sifted, and then add water. The consistency of the mixture should resemble thick sour cream. The clay prepared in this way is applied in a thick layer on the lower abdomen. Top the mixture with a warm cloth or film for food purposes and leave for 2 hours. After this time, the clay is washed off. The procedure is repeated daily for 10 days. It must be remembered that the treatment of folk remedies should be combined with drug therapy.

small uterus during pregnancy

There is no unequivocal opinion regarding the influence of this pathology on the onset and course of pregnancy. Some doctors consider the underdevelopment of the uterus as a serious obstacle to conception and gestation. Other experts do not share this opinion. The uterus has sufficient elasticity, and pregnancy can occur even with some deviations from the norm. If hypoplasia is not accompanied by other pathologies, a woman will be able to endure healthy child. But at hormonal disorders or the absence of the ovulation process, certain problems may arise.
The small size of the uterus is not an obstacle to conception. Many women learn about this peculiarity already during pregnancy. As the fetus grows, so will the uterus. To minimize the chance of spontaneous abortion, expectant mother hormonal therapy is prescribed. Also, a woman should be careful during the days of pregnancy, which are the most dangerous.

The most dangerous in this regard is the first trimester. During this period it happens largest number miscarriages. At the stage of 2-3 weeks, implantation occurs gestational sac. A number of unfavorable factors may prevent this process. In addition to the insufficient size of the uterus, they include pathologies of the placenta, taking some medicines, viral diseases, hormonal disorders.
From 4 to 7 weeks, all the vital systems and organs of the baby begin to form. The danger of this period lies in the occurrence possible pathologies and anomalies. At the stage of 8-12 weeks, intensive formation of the placenta occurs. If her detachment occurs, the pregnancy will be terminated.
The second trimester is considered relatively safe. But even at this time, a woman may face complications. The period from 18 to 22 weeks is dangerous, when the uterus is rapidly increasing in size.

In the third trimester, care must be taken from 28 to 32 weeks. The danger of this time period lies in the possibility of disturbances in the activity of the placenta, which leads to premature birth or intrauterine death fetus.

A small uterus should not be considered as a contraindication or an obstacle to pregnancy. Difficulties that a woman may encounter in bearing cause concomitant deviations. This is a lack of hormonal elements and thin myometrium.

There are situations when the size of the uterus is less than the gestational age. There may be several reasons for this. This condition is diagnosed with an insufficient amount of amniotic fluid, an erroneously set period, an abnormal presentation of the fetus, and the presence of a wide pelvis in a woman.


The small size of the uterus should not be considered as an obstacle to the onset of conception and gestation. Taking modern medications will normalize the growth of this reproductive organ and regular examinations will help to exclude the development of complications. A woman should not worry, even if the uterus is less than the gestational age. It is possible that the date was set incorrectly.

Features and dimensions of the uterus during pregnancy. Video:

In official terminology, this term is called uterine hypoplasia - underdevelopment of the organ and is included in a larger group of diseases of the female genital organs - genital infantilism, from the word "infant" - "child".

This is a fairly broad group of states, which includes various options underdevelopment, reduction in size, decrease in the functional load of the genital organs - the uterus, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina.

There is an isolated decrease in the size of the uterus with a preserved volume of the ovaries and other genital organs - "pure" hypoplasia. In some cases, in addition to reducing the size of the uterus, there are congenital anomalies and underdevelopment of other units of the sexual sphere. An extreme manifestation of such anomalies of the GPO, for example, is the Rokitansky syndrome - a congenital pronounced underdevelopment of the uterine body, its cervix, and vagina.

There are many reasons for a small uterus. It is important to separate the two initial, so to speak, germinal situations of the formation of an organ defect:

  • Congenital malformations of the organ - so to speak, the initially incorrect laying of the organ and its subsequent abnormal development.
  • Secondary changes in the complex system of hormonal and neurohumoral regulation growth and development of female genital organs in adolescence.

The fact is that initially a girl is born with a "baby" uterus - this is clear and logical - it is small, like all organs in the baby's body. Its structural features are the volume of the body of the uterus, a special ratio of the length of the body of the uterus and the length of the cervix, the location of the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

However, gradually with age, the female genital organs, like all systems of the child's body, grow, increase in size, change their position. The main surge in the growth of the genital organs falls on the period of adolescence - under the influence of a progressively increasing level of sex hormones. If at this stage there are any provoking factors, the uterus may slow down in growth and development.

In this picture you can see how the uterus looks and changes with age in girls and girls.

Changes in the uterus with age. Source: http://prozachatie.ru

So, the factors of development of primary genital infantilism, in which there are initial defects in the laying of the organ.

Genetic diseases and breakdowns are the most common and common group of causes of developmental disorders of the genital organs in women. The most important in this matter are the so-called sex chromosomes - XX in women.

There are a lot of both well-studied and little-known diseases associated with a defect in the sex chromosomes. The most common of these is Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, in which a girl from the moment of conception lacks one sex chromosome. Such a syndrome occurs in a pure form with vivid clinical manifestations and a typical type of patients, as well as the so-called mosaicism, in which some of the cells have a normal set of chromosomes, and some are pathological.

Exposure to toxins and so-called teratogenic or disfiguring factors - certain drugs, poisons, ionizing radiation, chemicals. All these factors act on the female fetus in the womb, through the body of the pregnant mother. That's why it's so important healthy lifestyle the life of a pregnant woman, the mode of her work, the rational use of medicines.

It is important to understand that this section of genital infantilism rarely has a small uterus as the only manifestation of the pathology of the GPO. In this case, combinations with other anomalies in the structure of both the genital organs (anomalies in the shape of the uterus, the absence of ovaries or their underdevelopment, a short or rudimentary vagina), and defects in other organ systems - urinary, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and so on.

Such patients, as a rule, come to the attention of doctors as early as childhood or adolescence, and by the time of puberty they already have one or another diagnosis.

Factors in the development of secondary infantilism of the genital organs, in which the initially correctly laid down and formed organ begins to lag behind in growth and development:

  • Malnutrition, starvation, deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Fortunately, such risk factors are mainly relevant for third world countries and socially disadvantaged segments of the population, but they still have a place to be. It is very important to monitor the nutrition of the child, provide him complete diet, especially during puberty, when girls massively go on diets, refuse many foods, join vegan movements, and so on.
  • Infectious diseases, mainly of a viral nature. There are a number of diseases severe course which can have a fatal effect both on the genital organs themselves and on the organs that affect their development (brain structures, adrenal glands, thyroid gland). Such diseases include mumps or "mumps", severe flu, meningitis and other neuroinfections, a common herpetic infection.
  • Diseases endocrine system, especially dysfunction thyroid gland, adrenal glands, hormone-producing pituitary adenomas, adrenal tumors, hormone-active ovarian tumors, diabetes the first type.
    Strong emotional stress, overload, lack of sleep, improperly organized rest regimen. This, unlike starvation, is the real scourge of our time. Children and teenagers study a lot, do not go to fresh air sleep poorly, constantly experiencing stress at home and at school.
  • Radiation and chemotherapy oncological diseases. Unfortunately, cancer diseases sometimes even very young children are not spared. Row medical measures negatively affect the state of the gonads and can cause secondary genital infantilism.

Also, the size of the uterus can change in adulthood, for example, in the background long-term treatment antihormonal drugs (Tamoxifen, Zoladex, and so on) after surgery for breast cancer and other hormone-dependent cancers.


We are moving on to the most important section in our article - namely clinical manifestations given state.

It is very important to understand that it is not enough just to say that a woman has a small uterus by measuring its size on ultrasound examination. This is NOT a diagnosis! Hypoplasia of the uterus is always a combination of instrumental methods for measuring three sizes of the uterus and clinical manifestations!

Violations menstrual cycle- the basis for the diagnosis of genital infantilism. Options here can be like primary amenorrhea - that is, the complete absence of menstruation from the very beginning puberty, secondary amenorrhea - long, over 6 months delay in menstruation, oligomenorrhea - rare and scanty menstruation. Irregular (every 2-4 months), not enough heavy menstruation- basic clinical symptom uterine hypoplasia.

Infertility is the absence of pregnancy in married couple with regular sexual activity for a year without using any contraceptives. This is the second significant symptom, which can be combined with both the size of the small size of the uterus, the inferiority of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, and other concomitant disorders in the genital area - ovarian underdevelopment, low hormonal levels, fallopian tube hypoplasia, and so on.

Recurrent miscarriage is two or more consecutive miscarriages. Uterine hypoplasia is characterized by early spontaneous miscarriage, often after several days of delayed menstruation with a positive pregnancy test.

Usually, primary diagnosis genital infantilism is not particularly difficult. It is more difficult to define primary cause such a state.

The appearance of the patient is often the first clue to the doctor. Patients, especially those with genetic diseases have a fairly typical appearance, like. For example, patients with Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome. It is also important to pay attention to the nature and intensity of hair growth, the degree of development of the mammary glands and external genital organs, the shape and size of the pelvis.

Inspection on the chair is also very important. The doctor can evaluate the size and shape of the cervix, the size of the body of the uterus, the hormonal nature of vaginal discharge.
Ultrasound examination is a real help to a gynecologist, allowing to assess the size of the uterus, its relationship with the cervix, determine the size and ovarian follicular apparatus, and also evaluate the effect of the treatment.

The size of the uterus depends on the age of the patient, the number of pregnancies and childbirth in the past and are compiled in special tables. Once again, we emphasize that only measurements of the size of the uterus during scanning do not give the right to make a diagnosis of uterine hypoplasia!

The diagnosis is exposed at a combination of the reduced sizes and symptoms! It is impossible to tell a patient with the size of the uterus reduced by ultrasound or an incorrect index of the lengths of the cervix and body of the uterus that she has genital infantilism if she has had normal regular full-fledged periods since the age of 12. We must not forget about individual features every organism.

Hysterosalpingography or HSG is very valuable X-ray method study of the state of the uterine cavity and the patency of the fallopian tubes. Such a study is necessarily indicated for patients with infertility, since underdevelopment of the uterus is often combined with similar hypoplasia of the fallopian tubes, and pathological tortuosity and, consequently, obstruction.

Blood tests for sex hormones, adrenal and thyroid hormones, blood sugar and insulin are very important diagnostic criteria, which make it possible to exclude secondary causes infantilism and determine the direction of treatment.

Karyotyping - determination of the set of chromosomes and consultation with a geneticist are required for patients with primary amenorrhea and long periods secondary, to exclude genetic defects.


The treatment of the "small uterus" is very complex and quite Long procces which occurs at the intersection of specialties. Gynecologists, endocrinologists, when observing a patient for infertility, and reproductologists are involved in this process.

The basis of treatment is the elimination of the root causes of this condition. It is the basis for the development of hypoplasia that will be decisive in the line of therapy.

With a lack of body weight, a full-fledged varied diet is required for the normal synthesis of sex hormones and the growth of the uterus.

If the hormonal background is disturbed, its correction is necessary, for example, thyroid hormones are prescribed for hypothyroidism, bromocriptine preparations for hyperprolactinemia, and glucocorticoids for disorders of the adrenal glands.
With a combination of a deficiency of sex hormones and a decrease in the size of the uterus, substitution schemes for sex hormones - estrogens and gestagens by phases of the cycle have proven themselves to be excellent.

In recent years, drugs that were originally created for hormone replacement therapy for menopause, for example, Femoston, Estrogel, CycloProginova and others, have been successfully used for this purpose. Such drugs for 1-2 years of constant use help to increase the small uterus to normal sizes and the patient becomes pregnant.

Physiotherapy works well in the complex - impulse stimulation of the cervix, magnetotherapy, laser, different kinds electrophoresis, which improves blood flow in the genitals, which stimulates both growth and function.
Features of the onset and course of pregnancy.

Little uterus and pregnancy

I just want to reassure our readers, a small uterus during pregnancy is not a sentence. With the right and timely treatment offensive is possible natural pregnancy, its normal course and the birth of a healthy child.

Features of such pregnancies are:

  • Frequent pregnancy on the background of hormonal support, for example, while taking Femoston II similar drugs. It is important to understand that such drugs should be canceled immediately after the first positive test by agreement with the doctor.
  • As a rule, immediately after the cancellation combination drug the patient is prescribed from or another progestogen to support pregnancy. The patient should clearly know what exactly she needs to take when pregnancy occurs immediately after the withdrawal of the estrogen-progestogen drug.
  • Quite often, such pregnancies are accompanied by the threat of termination at various times, so that such patients are identified as a risk group for miscarriage and appropriate preventive measures are taken.
  • Often these patients have features of the course of childbirth - namely, primary and secondary weakness labor activity, discoordination of labor, delayed maturation of the cervix before childbirth, and therefore childbirth often ends with a caesarean section.

Unfortunately, at genetic disorders associated with the loss or defect of sex chromosomes, treatment is mainly symptomatic. Hormone replacement therapy allows the patient to acquire secondary sexual characteristics, have a menstrual-like reaction, but own pregnancy almost impossible for them. However, modern reproductive medicine works wonders - there are children born from donor eggs, surrogate motherhood, which makes it possible for such patients to have a child.