What is the basal temperature before menstruation for 3. Factors that increase the temperature

Measurement Rules

To use BBT as an informative indicator, it is necessary to observe temperature fluctuations for several menstrual cycles, at least three. Measurement rules:

  • it is better to measure the temperature rectally - this way the influence of air temperature is less;
  • the procedure is carried out every morning, including the days of menstruation;
  • before thermometry, you can’t get up and engage in any activity, so it is recommended to bring down the thermometer and leave it by the bed in the evening, in preparation for bedtime;
  • indicators are recorded in a notebook, and at the end of each cycle a graph is built (one scale is the day of the cycle, the second is the thermometer readings on that day);
  • thermometry time - 10 minutes;
  • it is desirable to wake up at the same time every day;
  • sleep before measuring BBT should last at least 6 hours;
  • lack of sleep, alcohol abuse, medication, colds can cause an increase in basal body temperature, so these factors should be avoided.

As you can see, the method requires high motivation and discipline. However, if you have broken a rule, write it down in a note to the relevant day. If on this day the readings deviate significantly from the curve of the graph, they are not taken into account.

BT in the first phase of the cycle

First phase menstrual cycle called follicular, or menstrual.

The first day of the cycle is the first day menstrual bleeding. Usually the temperature in the follicular phase is lowered, is less than 37C in the rectum.

The duration of the phase is about 14 days. The end of the first phase corresponds to the moment of release of the egg from the follicle - ovulation. Before ovulation, BBT normally decreases, and after it increases, which is due to the production of the hormone progesterone by the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum forms at the site of the ruptured follicle and produces progesterone for 10-12 days.

BT in the second phase of the cycle

From the moment of ovulation, the luteal phase begins, it is also the phase corpus luteum. It lasts as long as the corpus luteum remains active (12-14 days).

BBT rises after ovulation, remaining about 0.4 C higher than before ovulation for about 10 days. The corpus luteum gradually degrades, and progesterone levels fall. At this stage, 2 scenarios are possible:

1. If fertilization has not occurred during the existence of the egg, that is, the woman has not become pregnant, BT decreases, and after a few days, menstruation begins, and the cycle begins from the beginning.

2. If fertilization has occurred, in the period before menstruation increases basal body temperature; after that, BBT continues to stay at an elevated level (about 37 C), and menstrual bleeding does not occur.

Changes in BBT during pregnancy

An increase in basal temperature during pregnancy occurs due to the work of the placenta. The placenta, the tissue that connects the mother and fetus, produces progesterone. Thus, although the corpus luteum is no longer active, heat maintained by placental progesterone activity.

Progesterone continues to be synthesized throughout almost the entire period of pregnancy, but usually the mother's body quickly adapts to this hormonal background, and body temperature drops to normal values.

Thus, if the temperature rises to 37 C before menstruation, and then there is a delay in menstruation, pregnancy can be suspected. However, the fact that body temperature rises before menstruation is not sufficient to confirm the presence of pregnancy.

It should be noted that when analyzing BT, more important role the difference in temperatures before, during, and after ovulation plays, and not the number on the thermometer on the day before menstruation.

That is, if the temperature before menstruation is 36.9 C, and before ovulation it was 36.7 C, this is less likely to indicate pregnancy than the readings of 36.6 C before menstruation in a woman who is characterized by a decrease in readings before ovulation up to 36.1 C.

In the first case, the difference is 0.2 C, and in the second - 0.5 C. That is why BT can be considered as diagnostic feature only if a woman watches her constantly for several cycles.

Factors that raise the temperature

Let's talk about factors that can cause an increase in basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle, and, in fact, before menstruation.

An increase in basal body temperature can also external causes not related to the hormonal background:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the body - viral or bacterial infection, the presence of a focus of inflammation (furuncle, abscess). Symptoms may be mild, especially if the infection is in initial stage or is sluggish.
  2. Gynecological problems.
    For example, in women with endometriosis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa), the body temperature rises before menstruation, and is usually 37.0-37.3 C.
  3. In some cases, the temperature rises with severe allergic reactions.
  4. Influence external factors listed in the list of restrictions during the BBT measurement period. These include alcohol use, stress, severe physical activity and overwork, active sex, drug use.

In this way, fever body a few days before menstruation is not a reliable sign of pregnancy.

  • BT - good way monitoring the work of the female reproductive system;
  • the method helps to identify hormonal disorders;
  • BBT fluctuations throughout the cycle are caused by the work of the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone;
  • normally, in the absence of pregnancy, 2 drops in temperature are observed during the cycle - before ovulation and before menstruation;
  • the highest BBT is reached on the day of ovulation, when the egg breaks the follicle;
  • the absence of schedule fluctuations usually indicates the absence of ovulation;
  • during pregnancy, BT increases and may remain at an elevated level for several months;
  • the absence of a premenstrual decrease in BBT is not a reliable sign of pregnancy.

Anyone who is planning a baby in the near future or simply monitors their health is interested in the features of the body. Many women measure their basal temperature, because it helps to understand whether the reproductive system is functioning normally. To determine if everything is in order, you need to know what indicators a woman should have in different periods cycle.

Measurement Rules

Before talking about specific values, it is important to find out exactly how the basal temperature should be measured before menstruation. Most accurate readings will only be subject to a number of conditions. So, it is desirable to take measurements at the same time, in the morning, until the woman gets out of bed. Doctors recommend monitoring the basal temperature, and not taking measurements in the mouth or armpit. It is believed that in the rectum it is most reliable.

It is also important to sleep at least 4 hours before the measurement. In addition, it must be remembered that during illnesses that are accompanied by an increase in temperature, it makes no sense to carry out such measurements, the picture will be distorted. Any intestinal disorders, significant changes in the regime of the day, reception sleeping pills, alcohol can also affect morning performance. On these days, the temperature can be omitted or taken into account when calculating averages.


It should be noted that there are general average indicators of what the basal temperature should be before and after menstruation, during ovulation, as well as at other periods of the cycle. But each organism is individual, therefore, in order to understand whether there are problems with reproductive system, it is necessary to regularly record the obtained values ​​​​and build graphs. O possible diseases judged by temperature fluctuations, by the difference in indicators in the first and second phases, by the nature of their changes. The graph is constructed as follows: horizontal axis the days of the cycle are marked, and along the vertical - the values ​​of the measurements. Normally, two phases should be clearly visible on it. In the first of them, the temperature is lower and is at the level of 36.5 degrees, and in the second, which occurs after the release of the egg, it rises to 37 or more. To understand if there are any problems, doctors recommend counting the averages in each of the phases. The difference between them should be at least 0.4 degrees.

Cyclical changes

If it is clear with the indicators in the first and second phases, then the question of what the basal temperature should be before menstruation worries many women. Ideally, in the second phase, which begins after ovulation, the values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be above 37 degrees. By the beginning of menstruation, they may decrease slightly. The first days of menstruation are characterized by the fact that the temperature drops every day, reaching the level of 36.5-36.8 degrees by the end of them.

Before ovulation, it can fall even more and rise sharply immediately after the release of the egg. This indicates that the second phase has begun. If you measure the indicators regularly, then by the deviation of the values ​​you can suspect various problems. Despite the fact that many talk about the meaninglessness of measurements during critical days, the temperature during this period can tell you what aspects of women's health you should pay attention to. The basal temperature during menstruation should fall, if this does not happen, then you should think about passing the examination.

Possible diseases

On average, a couple of days before the start of the discharge, the indicators should begin to decrease. A gradual decrease in temperature should also occur during critical days. If, instead of lowering during menstruation, there is a sharp rise to about 37.6 degrees, then this may indicate the development of endometritis or endomyometritis. Of course, an increased basal temperature during menstruation should alert, but making a diagnosis using only one measurement is unacceptable.

But in the case when in the second phase the temperature barely reaches 37 degrees, but with the onset of critical days it rises above this level, inflammation of the appendages can be suspected. In addition, measurements provide an opportunity to identify problems with the tubes or cervix. Talk about probable inflammation of these organs is in cases where the temperature increases by the 4-5th day of menstruation. It is worth paying attention to those cases when the basal temperature before menstruation is 37.2. If at the same time it does not drop significantly with the onset of critical days, then it is better to do a test. Perhaps this is a pregnancy with a threatened abortion. But if the temperature has risen for one day, then you should not worry, this still does not mean anything. Also, do not forget that measurements alone are not enough to make a diagnosis; this will require a series of examinations.

First phase

Having dealt with the temperature during critical days, you can find out how the body should behave after they end. Normally, the thermometer readings should be at a level of about 36.6, but they will depend on the personal characteristics of each girl or woman. For some, they will stay at the level of 36.4 throughout the first phase, for others they can rise to 36.8 degrees. But both cases described are perfectly acceptable.

But a more significant rise in temperature indicates that it is better for a woman to consult a gynecologist. If the indicators in the first phase approach 37 degrees, then this may indicate a lack of estrogen. But this can only be confirmed with a blood test for hormones. You should also be wary of a rise in basal temperature during menstruation and its periodic increase by 1-2 days throughout the first phase to a mark of 37 degrees and above. This may indicate inflammation.

Indicators during ovulation

An unusual basal temperature before or during your period may indicate a number of problems. But measurements on other days are no less revealing. Normally, the next morning after the release of the egg, a woman observes an increase in temperature. It can be either abrupt or gradual. For some, on the very first day, it increases by 0.4 degrees, for others, this difference is gained in 2-3 days. Both of these situations are perfectly acceptable. In the event that the rise in values ​​takes more than 3 days, one can suspect the inferiority of the egg released from the ovary or a lack of estrogens. As a rule, it is almost impossible to get pregnant in such a cycle.

Start of the second phase

If the indicators after the release of the egg do not reach 37 degrees, then this may indicate the inferiority of the corpus luteum. But it is not worth talking about the insufficiency of the second phase only by the temperature value. It is important to look not at the indicators themselves, but at the difference in the values ​​that were in the first and second parts of the cycle. If measurements are taken in degrees Celsius, then it will be 0.4 or even higher during normal functioning of the body. Although it is not worth making any diagnoses without an examination. The insufficiency of the second phase and the appointment of progesterone preparations is possible only after an appropriate analysis.

End of the second phase

Regardless of what kind of values ​​a woman had after and before ovulation, the basal temperature before menstruation should begin to decrease. At the same time, its value by the first day of the cycle should normally not exceed 37 degrees. If, according to the schedule, ovulation took place more than 14 days ago, and the temperature does not drop, then you can do a test that helps to early stages diagnose the conception of a baby. The basal temperature before menstruation is 37 degrees is considered quite normal. But at the same time, it is important that it decreases with the onset of secretions. If menstruation began, and the fever lasted a few more days and fell only by the end of the critical days, then this may indicate an aborted pregnancy.

Phase duration

In addition to knowing what the basal temperature should be before menstruation, it is important to know how long each part of the cycle can last. So, the length of only the second part of it is relatively constant, depending on the characteristics of the body of each particular woman, it can be 12-16 days. But the ideal option is considered in which it lasts 14 days. But the long first part of the cycle can range from 10-12 days to several weeks. Of course, with a cycle of 28 days, it lasts about 14 days, during which time the follicle has time to mature and ovulation occurs. But for some women, it can be much longer. At the same time, all the necessary stages go through in their body: the growth and maturation of the follicle, the release of the egg, the formation and functioning of the corpus luteum.

Norm Options

It is not worth talking about some diseases only by the level of temperatures. But this information is needed in order to suspect some problems and pass necessary research to confirm or refute the diagnosis. At the same time, it is impossible to judge only by one cycle, it is necessary to carry out measurements at least for three months. If the picture repeats every month, then together with the gynecologist, you can draw any conclusions by analyzing how the basal temperature changes before menstruation. The norm for it cannot be set in absolute values. It depends both on the values ​​in the second and in the first phase. If a woman's indicators before ovulation are around the mark of 36.4 degrees, then after it they may not exceed 36.9. At the same time, an increase in temperature to 37 by the day of menstruation will not speak of approaching critical days, but of the onset of pregnancy.

Anovulatory cycles

Ideally, a woman should have a biphasic basal temperature chart. Before menstruation, it decreases slightly, but at the same time, the difference between the averages of the first and second half of the cycle fits into the norm. But it is quite acceptable if ovulation is absent once or twice a year. In this case, the indicators can change every day, the temperature can rise sharply, then fall. This does not indicate any problems, just this month there will be no ovulation.

Important nuances

If on any of the days before the measurements were violated normal mode day, the temperature will not be indicative. If you drank alcohol in the evening, got up a couple of hours before the measurement to go to the toilet, or in the morning there was closeness, then the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bmay differ significantly. Even a banal indigestion or stress the day before can cause fluctuations in the temperature curve. This, by the way, is one of the reasons why it is impossible to judge the state of a woman's health on the basis of one graph alone. But at the same time, it should also be noted that even an ideal schedule in which two clear phases emerge with a good difference in indicators, and the basal temperature before menstruation is 36.9 degrees, does not mean that the woman is in excellent health. For example, measurements will not give any information about the size of the endometrium in the uterus or adhesions in the tubes. Therefore, even with normal indicators, visits to the gynecologist should not be neglected.

Every woman before the onset of menstruation begins to carefully listen to the signals of her body. One of them is the basal temperature before menstruation. Not all the fair sex represent what it is. What can basal temperature show and how to measure it correctly?

What is basal body temperature?

BT is temperature internal organs, which is usually different from skin temperature. Changes in basal temperature in women are closely related to reproductive function. However, it is not measured in the armpit, as is traditionally done with a cold or infectious diseases. There are 3 ways to measure basal temperature:

  • in the oral cavity;
  • in the vagina;
  • in the anus.

There are certain patterns in the change in the basal temperature of a woman throughout the entire menstrual cycle, which goes through 3 phases:

  • follicular;
  • ovulation;
  • luteal.

If the "planned" change in basal temperature is violated, we can talk about pregnancy or pathological processes in the body. Also, using the basal temperature chart, you can calculate:

  • days of the so-called calendar contraception, when sexual intercourse will not lead to conception;
  • days on which conception is most likely;
  • beginning of menstruation.

Apply basal temperature readings for conclusions about own health or reproductive function a woman can, if it is not possible to visit a doctor regularly or when planning and soon waiting interesting position.

What is the BT norm?

Before judging the deviations, it is worth deciding what the basal temperature should be before menstruation.

A week before the start of critical days, the basal temperature can increase to 37.1-37.4 degrees, then it begins to drop to 36.8-36.9. After menstruation, the indicators can stay within 36.8-36.9 or drop by another 1-2 tenths of a degree. Such changes are considered normal. In the process, the numbers rise again by half a degree, and this change occurs quite sharply. After the completion of ovulation, the basal temperature again corresponds to the standard and then rises shortly before menstruation.

Read also:

Usually, the average BT should not exceed 36.7 degrees, however, each woman may have her own indicator. To do this, it is necessary to carry out measurements for 6 months or even a year, regularly recording the resulting figures. However, women should not use contraceptives and she is required to conduct healthy lifestyle life.

BT during ovulation

The basal temperature steadily rises by 0.4-0.5 degrees before ovulation, while the change occurs abruptly. To calculate the days of egg formation, it is necessary to carefully analyze the measurement indicators and draw up a graph. Those days when the graph line jumps sharply up are the time of ovulation. This usually occurs between the 12th and 16th day of the menstrual cycle and is associated with the release of the hormone progesterone, which affects thermoregulation.

When the temperature returns to normal levels again, this means that the time of ovulation has passed, and the egg is preparing to leave the "habitat" - the ovary.

BT during pregnancy

A sure sign of an interesting situation is a prolonged increase in basal temperature during the period of ovulation (an additional 3 days or more) and the absence of menstruation. For example, if before jump temperature since the beginning of the last menstruation, 12 days have passed, then during pregnancy the second phase will be 16 days or more.

Another sign of conception that has occurred is a basal temperature above 37 degrees for 3 weeks.

The onset of pregnancy can also be judged by the schedule, which will consist not of 2, but of 3 phases.

BT and pathologies

Changes in the basal temperature chart may indicate the development in the body of a woman pathological processes. Particularly high is the risk of gynecological diseases before menstruation, when the cervix opens slightly, and pathogenic bacteria can penetrate into it. So, if your basal temperature of 37.2 lasts until the onset of menstrual bleeding and you do not know what this means before menstruation, you can suspect inflammatory processes in the female genital organs. The most characteristic indicators of deviation from the norm are the following.

  • Inflammatory process in the ovarian appendages. characteristic feature such a disease is sharp rise temperature before menstruation up to 40 degrees. This symptom is accompanied by weakness, pain in the lower abdomen, vomiting and nausea. AT follicular phase basal temperature can reach 37 degrees. Averages will also be slightly increased.
  • Endometriosis. In this case, the average basal temperature before menstruation is below the usual level. During menstruation, it can rise to 37.3-37.4 degrees. Along with these symptoms, chills, pain in the lower abdomen, tachycardia, elevated level leukocytes.
  • Hormonal disorders. With a lack of the hormone estrogen, an increase in basal temperature to 37.4 degrees will be observed. If there is not enough progesterone, then increased rates will be determined during the luteal phase. In both cases, it is better to consult a doctor, because with hormonal disorders pregnancy becomes impossible.
  • Risk of miscarriage. Basal temperature before menstruation is 36.9 degrees and above, spotting, slight discharge during menstruation may indicate a threat of miscarriage. There can be many reasons for this condition, and a specialist should determine them. An increase in temperature up to 38 degrees may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Premenstrual syndrome. In general, this condition is not a pathology and is characterized by an increase in temperature to 37.4-37.6 degrees. In parallel, irritability, pain in the chest, headaches can be observed.

If deviations from the norms of changes in basal temperature were noticed, you should consult a doctor. However, to be sure of the detection of pathology, it is necessary to make accurate measurements for a long time.

How to measure BT, so as not to be mistaken?

Exist strict rules measurements of basal temperature, thanks to which you can get the most accurate indicators:

  • it is necessary to measure BT at the same time, it is best in the morning before 8.00;
  • before taking readings, the duration of uninterrupted sleep should be at least 3 hours;
  • measurements should be made with the same mercury thermometer by placing it near the bed in advance;
  • take measurements in the prone position before the first manifestations of activity;
  • it is best to insert the tip of the thermometer into anus: in this case, the readings will be as accurate as possible;
  • you need to measure at least 3-6 minutes;
  • immediately record the received data in a specially designated for these purposes notebook and draw up a schedule based on them.

Can affect the outcome of measurements general state women, namely:

  • illness, overwork;
  • the use of alcoholic beverages the day before;
  • not enough sleep;
  • sexual intercourse that took place less than 6 hours before manipulating the thermometer;
  • taking medication, side effect which may be an increase in body temperature.

Basal temperature before menstruation is a good way to analyze women Health. However, self-measurement of BT requires regularity and patience from a woman. Only in this case can reliable indicators be obtained. Subsequently, they can be used to plan pregnancy, identify days of calendar contraception, or simply check the stability of one's own health.

Basal temperature control technology has been used by gynecologists for a long time. It is considered one of the most reliable means to trace existing female body processes.

The basal temperature before menstruation is within certain limits. Its inconsistency with the usual meaning for a girl may indicate some changes in the functioning of the body. Therefore, this diagnostic method is recognized as informative enough for a medical specialist. On its basis, additional examinations are prescribed.

The concept of basal temperature

Basal body temperature (BT) is one of the reliable methods for diagnosing the functioning of body systems. It has been widely used in the last century. This method examines the temperature state of the mucous membranes, the fluctuations of which are provoked by sex hormones.

Exactly this low value, which is usually determined during sleep. What should be the temperature during the cycle, a woman just needs to understand. Deviations from the standards should be a reason to visit a gynecologist.

How to measure temperature?

To get true results, it is necessary to measure BBT strictly in accordance with existing instructions. It can be fixed in the vagina, rectum or mouth. Most often this is done in the rectum, as this method is the most reliable. In this case, the result is called rectal temperature.

The measurements are presented in the form of graphs. To evaluate indicators, it is necessary to collect data for at least 3 months, and preferably more than six months. How longer woman controls her schedule, the more accurate the conclusions about the state of her health.

Measurement in the secretory phase will tell a lot to the medical specialist. However, a woman is obliged to follow clear rules when measuring. She must not take contraceptives. Should be removed contraceptive coil. You can only protect yourself with condoms.

Measurement rules

After deciding to measure such body temperature as rectal, it would be advisable to familiarize yourself with the technique of performing such a manipulation. It is recommended to strictly adhere to the rules, otherwise the study will turn out to be wrong:

  1. BBT measurements are made exactly in one morning hour. It doesn't matter if it's a weekend or a work day.
  2. It is necessary to measure after a continuous sleep of at least 4 hours.
  3. Without getting up, moving as little as possible, you should take a pre-prepared thermometer. The less activity, the more correct the measurement result will be.
  4. The narrow side of the thermometer must be inserted into the rectum (no more than 2 cm). Do not cover yourself with a blanket that is too thick.
  5. When measuring, you can not have sex in the morning until the result is obtained. Go to sleep as much as possible calm state. Stress, insomnia affect the result.
  6. You should stop taking alcohol.
  7. Measurement of rectal body temperature lasts 5 minutes. Then you can look at the thermometer and write down the readings in a notebook.

An increase in temperature before menstruation on days close to menstruation may indicate both violations in the functioning of body systems, and some fairly common conditions for the female body.

Fulfilling all the rules of measurement, it turns out pretty exact result. Any stressful situations, incorrect actions during the measurement and other factors will affect the graph, distorting it. Therefore, after each case of non-compliance with the measurement rules, it is necessary to indicate this in the comments.

Why use the method?

A doctor may advise a girl to monitor BBT in her rectum for a number of reasons. Basal temperature during menstruation is recognized as an indicator of the state of health of the body. Even without a doctor's appointment, it will be quite wise to track the work of your body using the presented method. It is used for a number of reasons:

  1. Suspicion of hormonal abnormalities.
  2. Possible infertility.
  3. Determination of the moment for conception.
  4. Prevention of unwanted pregnancy.
  5. Inflammation diagnosis.
  6. The likelihood of menstruation.

This allows you to draw conclusions about the processes in the female body during the entire cycle. However, the indicator before menstruation and during them can tell a lot of interesting things about the health of the fair sex.

Second phase

The follicular phase on the graph pages lasts 14–20 days, depending on the individual cycle. During this period, the data normally have a value of 36.4–36.8 degrees. Normal result BBT studies for the second (luteal) phase of the cycle should be different from these values.

Regulations for the second phase

Basal body temperature before menstruation classic version should be in the range of 37.2–37.3 degrees. This indicates that the release of the egg from the ovary has occurred. The body has produced an ovum destined for fertilization. However, the temperature difference between the first and second phases is important here. It should rise no less than 0.4 degrees.

In the case when the basal temperature of 36.9 degrees is observed in the luteal phase of the cycle and before menstruation, this indicates the absence of ovulation. This situation is possible even in healthy women once a year or every six months. This should not cause concern, subject to passing scheduled inspection and the absence of any disease.

3 days before period rectal temperature the body should be a little lower. This is considered a normal decline. The basal temperature during menstruation should be less than in the entire luteal phase.

Temperature rise to menstruation

After ovulation occurs, the production of progesterone increases. This hormone affects the process of thermoregulation. Therefore, the basal temperature before menstruation can decrease already in a week. After it starts, the value of BT decreases again.

AT normal condition the temperature during menstruation should be 37.0–37.1. Further, it decreases further. If, in the second phase, the indicator rose, but did not fall from next menstruation, this can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • Inflammation of the appendages.
  • Endometritis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Estrogen deficiency.

Transferred stresses, illnesses, inflammatory processes are the main factors why the value rises to 37.3 degrees. Whatever the reason for such an increase, you need to find it out with your doctor.

When the basal temperature before menstruation exceeds 37.4 degrees, this can be an indicator of estrogen deficiency. Whatever result is determined as a result of studies in the luteal phase of the cycle, if it is above the norm, you should contact a gynecologist. After passing the tests, medical specialist will be able to deduce why the level can rise so much.

BT can be an indicator of estrogen deficiency. Whatever result is determined as a result of studies in the luteal phase of the cycle, if it is above the norm, you should contact a gynecologist. After passing the tests, the medical specialist will be able to conclude why the level can rise so much.

If the result before menstruation rises no more than 37.2 degrees, and there are no periods, this most likely indicates a pregnancy. In this case, the increase is absolutely natural. You will need to do a test and see a doctor. The correctness of this assumption will be confirmed by the results of laboratory studies.

By controlling the processes occurring in the body with the help of measurements over a certain period of time, a woman and her doctor can quickly identify abnormalities in the body and eliminate them. Therefore, this technique is recommended to be used by almost any girl.

For women, it is no longer a problem to calculate the most effective days in order to get pregnant. Almost every girl leads menstrual calendars, and ovulation tests are sold in every pharmacy. But there is another rather simple way to establish have a good day- calculation of basal temperature.

BBT (basal temperature) is the body temperature that a woman can measure in the vagina, in the rectum or in the mouth. It completely depends on the hormonal composition of the body and their quantity, therefore it can vary depending on the period of the cycle. Its maximum indicator can be 37.5 grams.

One of better ways to determine pregnancy at home, it is considered to measure basal body temperature before the very beginning of menstruation. To find out the exact result, you need to carefully follow the graph of its changes.

If a woman does not ovulate at this time and she is not pregnant, then 36.9 (before menstruation) is considered normal basal temperature. This condition indicates that the girl either does not ovulate now, or she has an anovulatory menstrual cycle.

If the level of basal temperature during menstruation is quite high (37 - 37.3 degrees), then this may mean that the woman is pregnant. You don't have to wait for a period anymore.

If the basal temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees, then you should definitely contact a gynecologist. This level of BT indicates the presence of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. This issue cannot be triggered. And only a doctor can find out the reason for such a deviation and prescribe the right treatment.

Also, such a level of basal temperature may indicate a reduced amount of a hormone such as estrogen. Its insufficient amount can lead to infertility, so before starting treatment, you should consult an endocrinologist or gynecologist.

During menstruation, BT should be above 37 degrees. If it is less than this level, doctors talk about possible problems with the conception of a child.

In such cases, BBT may be normal on the first day of the cycle, and then decrease. Therefore, women need to understand that basal temperature measurements should be done every day for several menstrual cycles.

Why and how measurements are taken

Measurement of basal temperature is not only completely free, but also very effective method definition of ovulation. To make this process truly effective, you need to follow the following rules and rules:

  • you need to explore BT in the morning, choose the same hour every day;
  • you need to carry out the procedure after the end of sleep, you can not even get out of bed;
  • before that you need to sleep at least 4 hours;
  • you need to measure for 8-10 minutes;
  • the thermometer must be inserted into the anus or vagina in a supine position;
  • before the procedure, it is better not to make any movements and generally move as little as possible (it is better to put a thermometer nearby in the evening);
  • if possible, you do not even need to open your eyes (light increases the growth of hormones);
  • in case BBT is measured in the mouth, it is still not recommended to do sudden movements, sit down and perform other actions;
  • if a girl suddenly wants to go to the toilet (during measurements), then it is better to try on first, and then go;
  • it is not recommended to replace the thermometer with another one (its readings may differ);
  • you need to keep a graph of changes in basal temperature, writing in it not only the figure itself, but also the reasons that could affect it.

The result can be seen only after taking measurements of 3-4 menstrual cycles.

Plotting and causes of deviation from the norm

At least once, but almost all women in the world noticed that she had a fever. And at the same time, the general condition of the body is quite normal. And if we consider 36.6 degrees as the norm, then on some days for women this figure can reach 37.3 and higher.

This is due to the fact that the body of a woman in different cases unevenly produces hormones. Therefore, temperatures are constantly changing.

The normal basal temperature will be as follows:

  • 36.7, if there are 2-3 days left before menstruation;
  • 37 - 37.3, if the third week of the cycle is on (14-20 days) and the progesterone phase period.

If a woman becomes pregnant, then her BT will also be increased. Moreover, secretions in menstrual days should not be. If they are still there, then you need to be wary of a miscarriage.

There are many sites on the Internet that offer to schedule BT. Moreover, the programs that calculate it take into account all factors. But this can be done independently, if you carefully record all the indicators.

There are several good reasons for creating a BBT chart:

  • with all the desire, the girl cannot become pregnant within a year;
  • the level of hormones in the body may be disturbed;
  • it is possible to determine infertility;
  • if a couple has a desire to give birth to a child of a certain gender.

Creating such a graph helps to find out the following:

  • on what days does the maturation of the egg occur and whether it occurs at all;
  • there was ovulation or it was not;
  • check the correct functioning of the endocrine system;
  • whether there are violations in the reproductive system;
  • what violations can be identified;
  • do the ovaries produce required amount hormones;
  • you can determine what day the next menstruation will be;
  • whether you managed to get pregnant.

If the schedule is drawn up correctly, then the woman has the opportunity to identify the problem even before it aggravates. But it never hurts to get checked out by a doctor.

The BT schedule should include the following items:

  • exact number;
  • cycle day;
  • number of BTs;
  • the notes should indicate those factors that have an impact on the result.

If a woman notices any failures, then you should definitely contact a gynecologist. You can calculate the changes yourself, but this result will not be one hundred percent accurate.

What should be the basal temperature before menstruation

The level of BT before menstruation always decreases slightly. During this period, it should be about 36.7 degrees. Its decrease occurs 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation. If it is over 37 degrees, then the woman is most likely pregnant.

In some women, a few days before menstruation, the temperature may jump a little. During menstruation, it falls. Such a reaction happens very rarely, but in such female representatives it is not considered a deviation.

If the rectal temperature jumped a little after the end of ovulation, and fell again before the menstruation itself, the woman is not pregnant. If it does not fall, the long-awaited incident has happened.

But deviations from the norm of BT can also mean health problems:

  • inflammatory processes in the uterus;
  • insufficiency of progesterone;
  • if during menstruation a high temperature is maintained, but the discharge continues to go on, there may be a threat of miscarriage.

If you observe the basal temperature before menstruation, then you can determine not only pregnancy, but also deviations in the body.

Indicators for menstruation

During menstruation, BT should be kept at 36.7 degrees. Deviation is possible only in case of pregnancy. But to check whether a woman is pregnant or not, this indicator alone is not enough. You also need a delay and, ultimately, confirmation from a gynecologist.

Also, an increase in BBT during menstruation may indicate violations in the hormonal state of the body. Also, this condition can cause inflammation in the uterus and uterine appendages.

What should be the basal temperature during and after ovulation

During ovulation, BBT may increase slightly (up to 37.2 degrees). it normal process and then the temperature drops to normal level. But if this did not happen, a woman may be diagnosed with such diseases:

  • insufficient amount of progesterone in the body of a woman;
  • the presence of endometritis;
  • inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • even the threat of miscarriage.

Also, such indicators can talk about pregnancy.

What should be the basal temperature during pregnancy

Conception is directly related to the course of the menstrual cycle. There is a complete dependence on him. Therefore, those women who regularly maintain a BT schedule will immediately notice a fluctuation in the results.

This may indicate pregnancy. But in order for the result to be truly truthful, all measurements and records must be made exclusively according to the rules.

If everything was done correctly, then the following changes can be seen in the schedule:

  • for more than three days, the basal temperature has exceeded 37 degrees;
  • normally, two waves of BT should be present in the schedule, while a third one appears during pregnancy;
  • if increased number BT lasts more than 3 weeks, then the woman is definitely pregnant.

Some girls use the schedule for the opposite purposes. So they determine the days on which, in their opinion, it is impossible to conceive a child. Doctors argue about this, not considering this method of “prevention” to be very effective, but the girls continue to use it.

When to sound the alarm?

If in the first days of delay BBT falls below 37 degrees, a woman should worry about her health and the health of her unborn child. First of all, such a factor indicates violations in the course of pregnancy. In such cases, you may experience:

  • ectopic pregnancy - the egg does not attach to the wall of the uterus (progesterone in such cases is usually released in large quantities);
  • missed pregnancy - progesterone is not produced, the fetus does not develop, a threat of miscarriage is possible.

Low BBT during pregnancy is always a threat to pregnancy healthy child. If at this time the basal temperature stays below 37 degrees for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor. The main symptom that speaks of health problems will be bleeding from the uterus.

But sometimes you can just make a mistake in the measurements. In such cases, it is better to carry out the procedure several more times to ensure the validity of the results.


Measurement of basal temperature can help determine both pregnancy and abnormalities in a woman's health. Basal temperature affects a woman's ability to endure and give birth to a healthy child, and some deviations from its norm can even speak of infertility.

To take measurements correctly and get a real result, you need to carefully approach the process itself, follow all the rules and carefully schedule. It is necessary to record not only the data that was obtained as a result of the measurement, but also the factors that could affect them.

A short lecture on what basal temperature is and how it is measured is in the next video.