Favorable days for conception calculator. How to calculate the day of ovulation

The reproductive function of the female body depends on the normal functioning of the ovaries and uterus. There is one day in the month - ovulation, when a woman can easily become pregnant. With a menstrual cycle of 28-30 days, it occurs 2 weeks before the start of the next period. Women should know how to calculate ovulation in order to correctly determine the period when the egg leaves the follicle and is ready for fertilization.

How to detect ovulation

Methods for detecting ovulation:

  • using ultrasound;
  • urine testing;
  • measuring basal temperature;
  • by external signs;
  • calendar method.

The most informative method is considered to be ultrasound diagnostics. Thanks to this method, you can monitor the development of follicles, correctly predict the date of ovulation, and see the release of the egg. This method also has its disadvantages:

  • the study does not allow us to judge the patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • To carry out diagnostics, you have to visit the clinic a couple of times a month.

An unqualified specialist will not be able to accurately calculate the required day.

They do a urine test at home. Using this method, the level of luteinizing hormone is determined. A small amount is always present in the urine, but the day before ovulation the level increases. The test is sometimes uninformative. Additionally, it is recommended to do an ultrasound.

A simple, accessible and cheap way is to measure basal temperature. Every morning, while in bed, a woman should measure the temperature in the rectum. During the period of ovulation and two days after, the temperature rises by an average of 0.4 degrees. A few days before menstruation, it drops by 0.3 degrees. You can record your body temperature data and plot it on a graph to see fluctuations. If there are no ups or downs between periods, this is a signal of possible infertility.

The onset of ovulation is also recognized by external signs. Women should listen carefully to their body in order to correctly determine the day when the genitals are ready for conception.

  • increased sexual desire (non-permanent symptom);
  • pain in the ovary area, lower abdomen;
  • breast swelling;
  • copious mucous discharge;
  • emotional instability.

During ovulation, women experience increased sexual desire. This is due to the function of hormones. Nature took special care to ensure that conception occurred on the most favorable day. But a woman’s libido depends on many factors, so the sign often turns out to be uninformative.

When the egg leaves the follicle, the woman feels pain in the lower abdomen. The discomfort may last a couple of minutes or several days. But not everyone experiences discomfort. If a woman felt fine, and then began to experience pain, this may indicate pathology.

During the maturation of the egg, the breasts become sensitive. She starts to ache a little. The painful state of the mammary glands in the middle of the menstrual cycle indicates the onset of a period during which conception is possible. Breasts swell to a greater extent before menstruation.

The mucus produced by the female genital organs is a favorable environment for conception. Before ovulation, its quantity increases, it becomes viscous, similar to egg white. Changes also occur in the cervix.

Sometimes watery vaginal discharge has pink streaks, yellow or brown spots. This indicates that the egg has already been released. The cause of bloody spots is rupture of the follicle. Mucus is a sure sign of fertility. When it is absent, fertilization is difficult or impossible.

Important! A woman behaves too emotionally during the period of possible conception. She becomes irritable, gets nervous over trifles, and sometimes cries for no reason. During this period, it is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air and not overreact to irritating factors.

Childbirth has a huge impact on a woman's condition. It takes some time for the menstrual cycle to resume. In the first months, menstruation may occur, but the maturation of the egg does not occur during this period. When breastfeeding, anovulatory cycles last longer.

You can determine the time of possible conception using the calendar method. To do this, women mark the day when menstruation begins and ends. You need to record this data every month. In this way, the timing of your fertility can be accurately calculated. It occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

How to calculate the day of ovulation

There is a way to calculate the day of ovulation. You need to take an ordinary calendar and regularly mark the date when menstruation begins and ends for 6 months. In this way the duration of the menstrual cycle is determined.

If the average cycle is 28 days, then the egg will mature on the fourteenth day. After 14 days, the woman will begin her period. But the egg does not mature regularly, and in some months ovulation does not occur. There are cases when a woman experiences two ovulations in one cycle. There are periods of late maturation of the egg. This is observed with concomitant endocrine and gynecological diseases, over the age of forty years.

If a woman is completely healthy, her menstruation regularly begins on the 2nd of each month, the cycle is 28 days, then ovulation will occur on the 16th. It happens that ovulation occurs two days earlier or later than the due date, that is, not on the 14th day, but on the 12th or 16th.

Calculation formula for monthly periods:

  • date of ovulation = day of onset of menstruation – 14 days.

If the duration of the cycle is 26 or 30 days, then the number of days of the cycle must be added to the first day of the onset of menstruation. This determines the beginning of the next menstruation. Then you need to subtract 14 (13-15), you get the date of maturation of the egg. With regular menstruation, ovulation occurs two weeks before the start of the next menstruation.

Important! To get pregnant, you need to have sex every two days during the ovulation period (for a week), not more often, otherwise the fertility of male sperm decreases. If pregnancy is undesirable, special attention should be paid to birth control at this time.

How to calculate ovulation with an irregular cycle

An irregular menstrual cycle is not a cause of infertility. This condition can be caused by gynecological diseases or nervous disorders. The norm is considered to be menstruation, which occurs at regular intervals (28-30 days). If you have an irregular cycle, you cannot use the calendar method to calculate the best day to conceive a child. Ultrasound provides useful information.

At home, you can use a test to determine the level of luteinizing hormone in your urine. In this case, on the 9th day after the start of menstruation with a 26-day cycle or on the 13th day with a 30-day cycle, you need to test your urine twice a day for 5 days in a row. For irregular periods, the shortest cycle is taken as the basis.

Important! When using tests, you should drink less fluid so as not to change the level of hormones in your urine. Before testing, you must not urinate for 3 hours.

How to conceive a boy or girl

When planning a pregnancy, many parents want to have a boy or, conversely, a girl. This requires knowing the exact day of ovulation. According to the theory of Dr. L. Shettles, the sex of the child is determined by the chromosomes of the sperm that fertilizes the egg.

If the sperm has a Y chromosome, then a boy will be born, and if it has an X chromosome, then a girl will be born. Male chromosomes are very active, but they die quickly, while female chromosomes live longer. Having sex the day before, at the time the egg is released and two days after ovulation, helps to conceive a boy. To give birth to a girl, you need to have sex 4 days before the release of the egg, and after its maturation, abstain from sexual relations for one week.

Important! The less often a couple has sex, the higher the likelihood of conceiving a girl. It is believed that infrequent sex leads to the formation of antibodies to the Y chromosomes. Sperm with X chromosomes have a greater chance of fertilizing an egg, which means there is a greater chance that a girl will be born.

How to determine the gender of your unborn child using a table

The sex of the unborn baby can be determined using a special Chinese table. The left column indicates the mother’s age, and the right column indicates the month in which conception is planned. Depending on how old the expectant mother is and when she plans to get pregnant, the sex of the unborn baby is determined.

To get pregnant, you need to accurately determine the date of egg maturation. Having sex during this period can guarantee conception. The sex of the unborn baby depends on the individual characteristics of the mother’s body and sperm activity.

The female ovulation calendar, which is very easy to calculate, is necessary in order to determine the day for conceiving a child as accurately as possible. You can calculate the ovulation calendar online on our website using the service located on this page.

Ovulation is the process of release of a mature egg from the ovary. It is at this moment that a child can be conceived. During ovulation, the egg is in the second-order oocyte maturation stage.

Online ovulation calendar for conceiving a child

For women who are planning to get pregnant, an online ovulation calculator will help calculate the days of ovulation on the calendar to increase the chances of conceiving a child.

Some women may feel the onset of ovulation days that are ideal for conceiving a child, focusing on subjective signs. For example, some women and girls may experience pain in the lower abdomen or increased breast tenderness during ovulation days.

But if you think that this is too much, you can use a menstruation calculator or an online ovulation calendar, which will help you calculate the day of conception without any hassle.

Online ovulation calendar to determine safe days

Calculating the days of ovulation using the online conception calendar will be useful not only for women who are planning a pregnancy, but also for those who are protected by the method of interrupted coitus. In this case, by calculating the days of ovulation online using a calendar, you can determine the dates on which the conception of a child is most likely and avoid unwanted pregnancy.

In this case, it is worth remembering that although the egg lives only 12-24 hours after ovulation, sperm, after entering the woman’s body, can remain active for up to 5 days. That is, even though the online ovulation calendar calculates the day of ovulation, you must remember that pregnancy can occur even if you did not have intercourse on the day of ovulation according to the table.

How does an online ovulation calendar work?

The online ovulation calendar is compiled based on data about your menstrual cycle. But how are the menstrual cycle, which can be calculated using a period calculator, and the ovulation calendar related to each other?

A woman's menstrual cycle usually lasts 28-32 days: from the first day of her period until the first day of the next cycle. During this time, an egg matures in the woman’s body in the ovaries, which prepares for conceiving a child. At the same time, the inner lining of the uterus prepares for implantation of the embryo. If the child is conceived, and therefore implantation does not occur, menstruation begins.

Ovulation, according to the calendar, occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, on the 14th day. In order to accurately calculate the day of conception of a child and create an ovulation calendar, you need to know the exact dates of the start of the last menstruation.

Now you know everything you need about ovulation and the menstrual cycle in order to calculate the ovulation calendar and the date of conception of a child online.

Absolutely all women want to know the date of ovulation. Only the goal is different - some want to determine it in order to conceive a child, others want to prevent pregnancy. Ovulation is the determining factor in a woman’s ability to conceive. These days there are several ways. Some of them give 100% results, exact date.

A full menstrual cycle and regular periods are considered a sign of good women's health. But the arrival of the next period does not mean at all that ovulation was present in it. It is considered normal if there are no more than 2 such cycles per year. The date of ovulation, theoretically, coincides with the middle of the menstrual cycle. In practice, it can move up or down. This is due to numerous external and internal factors. This is the main difficulty of accurate .

Numerous transformations and hormonal changes occur in the body throughout the menstrual cycle. This affects the general health and well-being of a woman. You can determine the moment of release of the egg by your own feelings. But not everyone succeeds in doing this.

The beginning of a new menstrual cycle coincides with the 1st day of menstruation. The maturation of the egg begins. In the absence of unfavorable factors, the process lasts about 13 days. The date of ovulation is 14-16 days of the menstrual cycle. The egg is ripe to meet the sperm and is ready for fertilization. After the egg is released, its further functioning depends on whether it meets a sperm or not. It remains in working condition for 24 hours. And everything would be simple if it weren’t for the vitality of sperm. One day in the middle of the cycle, refuse sexual intercourse, there is no pregnancy. But then difficulties would arise for those women who long to conceive. Nature has provided the following.

The sperm, entering the vagina, remains in working condition for several days. In some cases this period is 7 days. The meeting can occur immediately after the release of the egg. Or the sperm will enter the uterus when the egg is in working condition. This means that pregnancy can occur through sexual intercourse a week before the release of the egg. And within 2 days of the ovulation period.

Methods for determining egg yield

Determining ovulation puzzles women of all generations. Currently there are several ways. From fairly simple to complex ones using special equipment. And of course, with varying accuracy in determining the date. Some of them are extended over time, allowing you to assess the situation six months or a year later. Others require adherence to a certain sleep, nutrition, and sex schedule. Still others are currently inaccessible to the general public due to their high cost.

Ovulation is determined using:

  • calendar method;
  • test use;
  • observation method;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • measuring basal temperature.

The most common method for determining ovulation at home is measurement. Taking into account the data of the calendar method, monitoring one’s own body. Using the test is not a procedure accessible to everyone. Some pharmacies simply don’t have them, while in others the price is high. An ultrasound examination is usually performed in case of problems with conception. A woman will not undergo this procedure every month to prevent pregnancy.

Determining ovulation using the calendar method

The method is quite simple in terms of implementation. But the result can be obtained after 1 year of regular entries and marks on the calendar. It is necessary to note the day of the beginning and end of menstruation. The notebook contains notes about illnesses, stressful situations, and all factors that could affect the duration of the menstrual cycle and egg maturation. It is necessary to analyze the resulting picture. The longest menstrual cycle and the shortest are calculated. To determine the date of the earliest release of the egg, it is necessary to subtract 18 days from the shortest menstrual cycle. To find out the latest date for the release of the egg, you need to subtract 11 days from the long menstrual cycle. The interval between the obtained values ​​will indicate the period of ovulation. But it is impossible to determine the exact date using this method. Theoretical calculations.

An example of determining the release of an egg using the calendar method

A woman's short menstrual cycle is 25 days. The long cycle lasts 31 days.

  • Earliest date of egg release: 25-18=7. A week after the start of menstruation, ovulation may occur.
  • The latest date of release of the egg: 31-11=20. The onset of ovulation can occur 20 days after the start of the menstrual cycle.

The moment of release of the egg can be from 7 to 20 days. If your menstrual cycle is regular, the results will be more accurate.

It is not entirely logical to rely on the fact that ovulation will occur on days 12-16 of the menstrual cycle. Because the female body is not a clockwork mechanism. Possible failures. Sometimes ovulation occurs just before menstruation. And in some cases, 2 eggs manage to mature, or ovulation occurs 2 times during the entire cycle. All this must be taken into account

Determination of ovulation by monitoring the state of the body

For a woman who is sensitive to her own feelings and monitors her health, determining the date of ovulation will not be difficult. Signs by which you can find out when the egg is released:

  1. Selection changes. Before ovulation, the discharge becomes profuse with a yellowish tint. During ovulation, they look like egg whites. Transparent, viscous, plentiful. In some cases, rupture of the follicle is accompanied by bleeding. The discharge becomes pink or brown. They need to be assessed every day.
  2. I have a stomachache. Unpleasant sensations are observed on one side of the abdomen. They can be aching, cutting, cramping.
  3. Increases libido. A strong desire for intimacy is dictated by nature. At this moment conception should occur. This symptom is especially noticeable in women who have an irregular sex life. It is necessary to listen to desires.
  4. There is a change in the cervix. To ensure the release of the egg, the cervix softens and opens slightly. The woman herself will not be able to see this, but feeling it is quite possible. It is necessary to carry out the procedure several cycles in a row every day. Then the change will be noticeable.
  5. Breast pain. Hardening, swelling of the nipples, and painful sensations occur immediately before ovulation, and during the process. If in the middle of the cycle changes appear in the breasts for no apparent reason, this is the date of ovulation.
  6. Crystallization of saliva. You'll have to get a microscope. Scientists have determined changes in a woman's saliva immediately before the onset of ovulation and during its process. Under a microscope you can see that it crystallizes and looks like frost. You need to do this every day.
  7. Changing taste preferences. A woman may suddenly want something that she didn’t want before. Be it sweets, salted fish, chips, hot dog, milk, beer. The sense of smell is heightened. A woman refuses perfumes or uses others. Notices the smell of furniture, clothes, paper.
  8. Flatulence, intestinal upset. Increased gas formation, diarrhea, and pain in the lower abdomen are observed.

The accuracy of determining ovulation by this method is very questionable. Signs appear on the eve of ovulation, during its process, or are weakly expressed.

Determining ovulation by measuring basal temperature

Throughout the monthly cycle, body temperature changes. You can get a complete picture and draw a conclusion about the date of ovulation after 3-6 months of constant measurements. The basal temperature method requires compliance with the following rules:

  • You must use 1 thermometer throughout the month.
  • The temperature is measured immediately after waking up. Sleep should be at least 6 hours.
  • You can measure in the mouth, vagina, rectum. The last method gives the most complete picture. You cannot change the method until the end of the cycle.
  • Temperatures are taken from 6 to 8 am. At other times, the data is distorted.
  • The duration of temperature measurement is from 5 to 10 minutes.

Additional notes must be kept in the notebook. Since changes in basal temperature are influenced by several factors:

  • taking medications;
  • cold, viral infection with fever;
  • alcohol;
  • nervous tension, stress;
  • physical fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • moving;
  • heightened emotional state.

All temperature measurement data is transferred to the graph. The X axis should indicate the day, and the Y axis should indicate the basal temperature. In the first half, the temperature remains at 36.3-36.8 degrees Celsius. The day before ovulation, the temperature drops sharply. This is followed by an increase to 37-37.5 degrees. This is the moment of ovulation. After 2 days the temperature drops slightly and remains until the onset of menstruation. Directly in front of them it descends again.

The method of determining ovulation by measuring basal temperature gives a complete picture. You can accurately determine the moment of possible conception. But due to the influence of a large number of internal and external factors, it is quite complex.

Determining ovulation using a test

You can determine ovulation using a test. Morning urine is used for analysis. The analysis is carried out daily. The result is based on the level of LH hormones. They are constantly present in urine. . The day before ovulation, a change in the balance of hormones occurs. The second stripe is clearly visible. This way you can determine the moment of possible conception. The method is quite simple. It does not require women to follow the rules or extra effort. A false result can occur with diseases of the thyroid gland, reproductive system, and adrenal glands. When pregnancy occurs. In other cases the result is 100%. Typically, such tests are used not to prevent pregnancy, but to determine the favorable moment of conception.


This method allows you to accurately determine the moment of ovulation. You will need to do 3-4 ultrasounds. The first study should be carried out 5-8 days after the start of menstruation. On the monitor, the specialist will see the location of the egg. 2 An ultrasound must be performed to determine its movement. Based on the data obtained, you can determine the moment of ovulation. 3-4 ultrasounds must be done to confirm the result. The accuracy is 100%. Couples who cannot conceive a child resort to this method. The doctor helps to identify a favorable moment.

To independently determine the date of ovulation, you need to listen to your own body, observe the discharge, and measure your basal temperature. Keep notes in a diary and analyze the situation.

For women who want to get pregnant, it is very important to know the exact date of ovulation. It is on such days that the likelihood of fertilization is highest. What is ovulation and how to calculate it is described below in the article. We hope that the information contained in it will be useful to you.

What is ovulation

The word "ovulation" comes from the Latin ovum, which translates as "egg". This concept refers to one of the periods of the menstrual cycle when a mature follicle ruptures. After this, the egg, ripe for fertilization, is released from the ovary into the abdominal cavity. It travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus itself, which takes an average of 24 hours.

It is during this period of time that there is the greatest likelihood that a sperm will meet an egg and fertilize it. If this happens, then, once in the uterus, the egg attaches there, after which pregnancy occurs and the fetus begins to develop. Ovulation is regulated by the hypothalamus, which controls the release of hormones.

The ovulation cycle is individual. It begins upon reaching reproductive age, along with the appearance of menstruation. From this moment on, the body is ready to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. This usually occurs between 12 and 14 years of age and lasts until menopause at the age of 47-55.

A woman undergoes cyclical changes every month in her ovaries and endometrium. They are called the menstrual cycle. It lasts on average 24-35 days. The countdown starts from the first day of menstruation and ends with the beginning of the next one. Ovulation is closely related to this cycle. Usually it happens in the middle. If a woman wants to get pregnant, the exact date of ovulation is very important. Experts offer several methods for determining it.

Main features

There are several symptoms that indicate that a woman has ovulated - the day of her cycle when an egg is released from the ovary. All signs are divided into objective and subjective. The first, more reliable, are ultrasound studies and laboratory test results. The latter do not provide a 100% guarantee of determination. They rely on the sensations of the woman herself and her observations of her own body.

The main symptoms of upcoming ovulation are:

All of the above symptoms can appear individually or together, weakly or intensely. If a woman listens to her own body, she will definitely understand how to calculate ovulation based on her own feelings.

Reasons for absence

If for some reason the egg does not leave the follicle, ovulation does not occur, and then the woman cannot become pregnant. In this case, menstruation may proceed as usual or be absent altogether. In the second option, or if it is impossible to get pregnant for one to two years, you should check with specialists.

In every healthy young woman, failures in ovulation occur once or twice a year, and at an older age, reproduction decreases and alternate more and more often. In a normally functioning body, ovulation is absent during pregnancy, regular lactation, or taking oral contraceptives. Its absence can be caused by stress or overwork. This also happens with metabolism, underweight or overweight, and gynecological diseases. In any of these cases, examination and consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Calculation by cycle

What is ovulation? And how to calculate it? The answer to the first question has already been described above. And in order to independently calculate days favorable for pregnancy, you should keep a calendar of the menstrual cycle for at least six months, since this is all very individual, and for more accurate results you should know your indicators for a couple of months. You need to mark the start of each period. From the recorded data, you can find out the length of the cycle, which ranges from 19 to 40 days. Ovulation occurs two weeks before the start of menstruation.

With an average frequency of 28 days, the days of the cycle from the 13th to the 15th are considered favorable for conception. If its duration is longer or shorter, the date of egg maturation shifts. How to calculate ovulation in this case? You need to add the number of days of the menstrual cycle to the start date of your last period to find out the date when the next ones should start. We subtract two weeks from the result obtained. The final date is the time of ovulation. The coming days are also added to it.

Determination by calculator

Today, many publications offer various tables with which you can keep a calendar of menstruation and ovulation. Using them, it is very easy to calculate the days that are favorable for conception and days that are safe for unprotected sexual intercourse.

In order to calculate the required dates using an ovulation calculator, you should enter the following data into it: the start date of the last menstruation and the length of the cycle. After this, calculate the result. A reliable date can only be obtained with a stable regular cycle, so you should not rely 100% on such tables. They may be an additional screening option, but not a stand-alone method of contraception.

Basal temperature measurement

Most women who want to get pregnant or, conversely, determine, carefully study what ovulation is and how to calculate it using their own body. This method is one of the most reliable. However, it requires care and daily implementation of the procedure for three menstrual cycles.

Measurements are taken in the morning. They should be performed while lying in bed, immediately after waking up. The temperature is measured in the rectum with a regular thermometer. A woman needs to keep a table in which she must enter the data received every day. You can make it in the form of a graph to make it easier to track the dynamics. The obtained indicators are compared with the control ones:

  • in the first half of the cycle, the basal temperature is less than 37 ° C;
  • a day before the release of the egg, the temperature decreases slightly;
  • during ovulation there is an increase to 37-37.4 °C.

This method shows false information after sexual intercourse, during illness, or when taking certain medications or alcohol.

Ovulation test

If you cannot calculate the exact date using a calendar, thermometer or ovulation calculator, you can try another method - a special test. You can buy it at the pharmacy. The principle of operation is a reaction to an increase in urine levels. This indicates the maturation of the egg.

If you want to determine days favorable for conception, you need to start doing this ovulation test in advance and twice a day (morning urine is not good). Reviews about it are different, some get reliable results, and some of the women are disappointed in this method. After all, a hormonal surge can also occur during an anovulatory cycle, but the reagents will still react to it and show a positive result - two stripes. But still, in most cases the result is correct.

In addition to determining the concentration of hormones in urine, there is another test for ovulation, reviews of which from women are very good. It acts on the basis of saliva, which also reacts to changes in the female body by increasing the amount of salts in the composition.

Ultrasound diagnostics

The most correct result about the presence of ovulation can be obtained using a modern method - monitoring folliculogenesis using an ultrasound machine. If the result is positive, then its progress can be monitored and controlled, and if it is negative, violations can be identified.

The exact time for the examination is determined by the doctor. Typically, with a regular 28-day cycle, the first monitoring is carried out on the 8-10th day after its start. Then the procedure is repeated every 1-2 days until the fact of ovulation is recorded. If it is absent, further examination is carried out to correctly diagnose the cause of the failure.

Medical methods

In addition to the methods described above for determining ovulation, there are several others that are only available when visiting a doctor. One of them is a blood test for increased concentrations of hormones. It is rarely used due to its high cost and the need to have blood tested several times.

Another medical method is the “fern symptom”. A smear is taken from the patient and applied to a laboratory glass. When ovulation occurs, cervical mucus crystallizes - and then under a microscope you can see a characteristic pattern in the form of fern leaves. This occurs due to the increased concentration of sodium chloride. This method is labor intensive. A woman needs to visit a doctor several days in a row. Because of this, it is rarely used.

Determining ovulation with an irregular cycle

Unfortunately, not every woman can boast of a stable periodicity of menstruation. How is ovulation determined in an irregular cycle? in this case it will be ineffective.

If your cycle is disrupted, doctors will help determine the exact date of ovulation using ultrasound monitoring. You can also use the method of measuring basal temperature or purchase special tests to detect increased concentrations of hormones.

So, we told you what ovulation is and how to calculate it. We hope that this information will help in determining the days favorable for conceiving a baby. Those who want to learn about the safe time for unprotected sexual intercourse will also find a lot of useful information in the article.

An ovulation calendar can be very useful for those women who are planning a pregnancy in the near future. There are many ways to determine the only day in the cycle when fertilization of an egg can occur, but using the program is still easier. We will tell you how the ovulation and conception calendar works, how to use it and what other methods exist to identify the “right” day.

The program is configured in such a way that it calculates the exact middle of the menstrual cycle depending on its duration, this is the day the egg is released from the ovary. A few more days before and after this are considered possible for fertilization, the rest are safe. The ovulation calendar allows you to calculate all these points and visually see the result in the form of dates marked in different colors.

In addition, you can use non-automatic methods, such as: an increase in basal temperature, some subjective sensations, special tests and even ultrasound.

The most accurate of the above is ultrasound. But to get a reliable result, you will have to do it for several days in a row, and this is not a cheap pleasure. It’s much more profitable to calculate the ovulation calendar online. However, in the case of true infertility, ultrasound monitoring cannot be avoided.

To learn how to determine the phases of your menstrual cycle by measuring basal temperature, you will also need to learn how to draw up the correct schedule and carry out measurements according to all the rules, otherwise annoying mistakes may occur. If you intend to create a calendar of ovulation and conception on your own, then you must get used to not getting up at night to go to the toilet (the temperature is measured after at least 6 hours of being in a calm, lying position), buy a good thermometer (a simple mercury thermometer will do), and know what temperature values ​​mean what. So, during ovulation, the rectal temperature slightly exceeds 37 degrees, and before it ranges from 36.6 to 36.9. A basal temperature chart may also be needed for a doctor so that he can at least superficially judge the state of your reproductive system, or more precisely, your hormonal levels.

In addition, a day favorable for conception can be easily determined by girls who carefully monitor their health. For example, in the middle of the cycle, the amount of colorless or slightly whitish vaginal discharge may increase, or the stomach may not hurt much. If you try to calculate the ovulation calendar online, you can make sure that it is on those days that pregnancy is likely to occur.

For less sensitive girls, special ovulation tests can be purchased. Good luck!