How not to age a woman after 30. How long not to age - the secrets of longevity

There are many women who seem to not age at all with age. And the skin is clean, and there are almost no wrinkles, except for mimic ones - in the corners of the eyes. And they smile so often, as if everything is always fine with them ... And ask them the secret of their youth! I assure you, it turns out that everyone has their own secrets! But there is also something in common. Some basic principles. Here we will try to highlight them.

First rule. Watch your digestion.

The intestines must work like clockwork. Constipation is a poisoning of the body, it is flabby and dull skin. Small intestine, according to beliefs oriental medicine are the roots of our body. If the roots of the tree are good, strong, then, accordingly, the tree flourishes, it is beautiful. And with rotten roots, the tree withers, dries. The same is true of our intestines: if it is healthy, whole, then, accordingly, the body will flourish. And the person will live long. The health of our intestines, first of all, depends on food: fresh vegetables and fruits, pure water, less pastry, salads and cereals, as well as chamomile tea and linseed oil in the morning is very conducive to the beauty of the skin.

By the way, about water: the condition of the skin, the harmony of the body and energy to a large extent depend on the quantity and quality of the water that we drink.

Let's start with the structure of the skin. In the epidermis there are protein fibers - collagens, which have a remarkable ability: when they enter the water, they increase in volume. Swollen collagens from the inside increase pressure on the skin, which, due to this, is smoothed out, wrinkles disappear or decrease.

The smoothness of the skin depends on this process. And the most affordable way to preserve her youth and solve a lot of health problems - drink 1.5-2 liters of unboiled water daily natural water. Water to fill your body life energy and oxygen. And soon you will see the result on your face (in the literal sense of the word): your skin will be smooth, radiant and velvety.

Second rule. Complete sleep.

Sleep deprivation is worst enemy skin and hair beauty! Try to go to bed at a time that will allow you to get a good night's sleep. I have a friend who values ​​her beauty so much that she goes to bed at 9 pm. But what does she look like at 36! It's just amazing!

Sleep is a wonderful gift to a person. Thanks to sleep, a person, in addition to bodily relaxation, is morally cleansed - after sleep, emotions and unnecessary information are erased, and only a fact remains in memory.

Third rule. Fresh air is a friend of beauty!

If you sit in the office all day, walk home at least a few stops. Vents and windows should be constantly open, and in winter as often as possible. Take long walks on weekends fresh air. In order for a person to feel relatively normal, he needs about thirty cubic meters of fresh air per hour.

And one more important secret of preserving beauty and youth - BATH! Our skin is a living organism, and toxins accumulate in this organism ( toxic substances), from which we must constantly free ourselves. A person must excrete through the pores of his skin THREE AND A HALF TIMES MORE WASTE THAN THROUGH THE RECTUM AND KIDNEYS! This can only be achieved with a steam bath with a broom.

It is especially good when everything in the bath is made of wood. In addition, healers have been doing very much in the basin since the evening. saline solution, soak a shaggy towel with this solution and squeeze it out a little. When your body turns red as a lobster after being rubbed with a shaggy salty towel, you can consider that your skin is a living organism. At the same time, it is advised not to use soap, but corn flour, which is not harmful in a hot space.

Fourth rule. Vitamins!!!

Where are the vitamins, even children know. Of course, not in cigarettes, not in alcohol and not in cakes! In winter, most vitamins can be found not in greenhouse vegetables, but in dried fruits. So lean on dried fruit compote, add dried apricots and raisins to oat flakes in the morning, and regularly drink rosehip infusion, it should taste sour, only then it has enough vitamins.

"A few tablespoons of oatmeal, a tomato, an orange, a cup of tea and yogurt, a portion of all other products daily - and you can forget about old age and fatigue. Unless, of course, you do not forget about playing sports," Pratt said. Among the "miracle foods", the specialist singled out: beans and blueberries, broccoli and oatmeal, oranges, yellow pumpkin, soybeans, salmon, spinach, black and green tea, tomatoes, turkey, nuts and yogurt. In order for the diet to bring results, all of the listed products must be eaten at least 4 times a week.

Fifth rule. Inner mood and state of mind!

The secret to staying young is to avoid ugly emotions. This is no less important than all of the above! If you have not forgotten how to joke and laugh, as in your youth, if you are friendly and do not envy anyone, if you have a favorite pastime, then your old age will have a beautiful young face, and you will not need plastic surgery!

And finally - the "elixir of youth". It is believed that this composition really powerfully rejuvenates cells, it is recommended to drink it from the age of 30. 200 grams of chamomile, 100 - immortelle, 100 - St. John's wort and 100 grams of birch buds mix, chop. 1 tbsp mixture insist in 0.5 l hot water, (in a thermos), strain. Drink in the evening before going to bed one glass of infusion with a spoonful of honey and in the morning half an hour before meals.
Drink for a month. Repeated course - in five years.

The sixth rule (small but important). The age of a woman is given out by her neck and hands.

We often forget about hands. We get used to their appearance and cannot always catch the moment when wrinkles are already too obvious and the bones on the hands protrude. Yes, and the skin on the hands suffers from temperature changes and insecurity is much stronger than the cheeks covered with protective and foundation creams. With the same hands, you have to wash, wash the dishes, hide them in your pockets because of the gloves forgotten at home.

It was not for nothing that our great-grandmothers wore thin gloves in spring and autumn - they protected the skin of their hands, prolonging its youth. Ideally, the glove season should be opened as soon as the temperature outside drops to +4 degrees. So buying thin elegant spring gloves is not pampering, but a banal means of protection.

After 25 years, the years fly by faster and faster. You won’t have time to look back already 30, 40, and there you look and fifty dollars has wound up. How you don't want to get old. How not to grow old after 30, 40, 50, what to do in order not to grow old for a long time? How to keep longer youth?
How not to age with your face - this problem has already been solved by cosmetology: dysport, fillers, mesothreads, facial plastic ... But what should be done so that the body does not age for a long time?
In order not to age and look in good shape at 40, 50, 60, it is necessary that the body does not age. This is already more difficult work, but you can try to stop old age a little.

The body is subject to aging for several reasons, according to modern scientists. Free radicals contribute to intense skin changes, which are associated with age-related changes. To reduce negative impact these unstable radical molecules, antioxidants are needed. The latter are found more in food plant origin. The production of insulin above the norm also affects the aging process, so only balanced diet can delay the onset of old age.

Cosmetic procedures that are performed for the purpose of rejuvenation give a short-term result. To stay young and healthy for as long as possible, you need to add the following antioxidant foods to your daily diet.

Greens and leafy green vegetables

Protect the human body from negative impact toxins and free radicals will help fresh vegetables: cabbage different types(white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), spinach, lettuce. It has been proven that eating spinach for several weeks rejuvenates the skin by almost 40 percent.

A variety of greens also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

The use of basil, parsley, mint, cloves and other spices not only improves the taste of various dishes, but also protects your body from the effects of negative factors environment (stressful situations, ultraviolet radiation). Greens can free the body from toxic heavy metals, which significantly reduce the strength immune system organism.

The power of beans

Legumes not only have a lot of protein, but also hyaluronic acid. With age, its amount changes, therefore, after 35 years, a decrease in skin elasticity and firmness is noticeable.

Beans and beans are an indispensable food for those who are young in body and soul. These products are able to give the body a sufficient amount nutrients, as a result of which the aging process slows down significantly, and the skin remains smooth, without wrinkles.

Goji berries

The famous goji berries today occupy a place of honor in dietology, as the fame of their rejuvenating effect spreads at lightning speed among the interested category of society. One gram of these berries contains more than 500 times more vitamin C than an orange.

The use of goji berries contributes to the intensive production of collagen - the material for skin elasticity. Linoleic acid well smoothes small wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones. At the same time, the skin is saturated with moisture and does not suffer from dryness.


This dried fruit in its composition has a sufficient amount of antioxidants that prevent the destruction of tissues, thereby preventing the skin from aging. In order for the skin to shine with health, it is necessary to eat 5-7 pieces of prunes daily. It's healthy and tasty. Prunes compote will also come in handy.


This overseas canned product is able to cope with age fine wrinkles no worse than an expensive anti-aging cream. Thanks to oleic acid, which helps to smooth wrinkles and lines, olives are especially popular among antioxidants.

Black chocolate

For those with a sweet tooth, dark chocolate is offered. It turns out that cocoa is extremely beneficial for the skin. Sufficient quantity antioxidants neutralizes harmful effect ultraviolet.

Regular consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits will not only give health to your body, but will also noticeably affect the condition of the skin. Anti-aging products will rid the body of toxins and toxins, prolonging your youth.

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What really determines how long we will live and how we will look? From genetics? “Including,” scientists do not deny. But in fact, genetics makes up only one quarter of all factors that determine life expectancy. The remaining three-quarters of the reasons are due to the way of life that we adhere to, and first of all, what we eat. What products will help preserve beauty, health and, most importantly, youth? It turns out that for each age there is a “rejuvenating” set:


We are no longer growing (even in sleep), but our bones are still getting stronger. And this means that one of essential elements diet should be foods rich in calcium: whole milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, broccoli, fish (salmon, sardines). The motto of youth is to take everything from life! Intensive study and vigorous promotion career ladder require not only physical strength but also enormous mental costs. Means, the body needs iodine, which helps alleviate the high load on the brain and nervous system. The best choice- seafood (mussels, shrimp, scallops). Beef and veal liver, lean meat (for example, rabbit), green salad, cabbage and, of course, a maximum of vegetables and fruits (especially green and orange) will help to recover and relieve stress. Even if you don’t think about offspring yet, remember that enriching the menu with useful vegetable oils(olive, pumpkin, linseed, mustard) has a very beneficial effect on the health of the reproductive system!


All large quantity women now give birth to children not earlier than 30 years. When preparing for pregnancy, do not forget that the body will need additional reserves of energy and ... iron! Start eating lean red meat, poultry, and fish. Dark green vegetables and legumes also contain a lot of iron, but "vegetable" iron is absorbed longer than "animal". If you are a staunch vegetarian (or strive to be), try eating sources of “plant-based” iron along with foods rich in vitamin C - this will facilitate the absorption of a valuable trace element.

“After thirty” is also the age when we notice the first signs of aging. That's why it is necessary to include antioxidant products in the menu, which contribute to the removal of free radicals from the body - the main enemies of the radiant elastic skin . Load up on cranberries and blackberries, soybeans, carrots, beans, celery, asparagus, spinach, onions, and eggplant. You should try to reduce the amount of carbohydrates (bread, pasta), but on the contrary, increase the amount of proteins. Combined with regular fitness activities protein food help you keep ideal proportions and clear contours of the silhouette. It is also recommended to reduce the amount of “milk” in the diet: one type is enough once a day (optimally in the morning: an omelet, a sandwich with curd cheese, cottage cheese with fruit). What do we categorically refuse? From animal fats (sausages, cream, fatty cheeses) and flavor enhancers industrial production(mayonnaise, ketchup). We also learn to drink clean still water (at least 1.5 liters per day) and green tea.


Psychotherapists consider this age to be a crisis. And at this time, the body especially needs foods that can protect against depression and mood swings. Hormone Have a good mood- serotonin - found in the usual, but often unloved by us oatmeal, delicious meat turkey, red bell pepper and, of course, chocolate. Let them know and hormonal changes: the body produces less of the hormone thyroxine, which speeds up the metabolism. The amount of food and its calorie content must be reduced: in adulthood the ability to absorb fats decreases, but the formation of fat from carbohydrates increases. All this can imperceptibly lead to obesity, which not only does not paint anyone, but also adversely affects health. We say a firm "no" to fatty meats and high-carbohydrate foods (pastries, confectionery, white bread). Firmly keep weight under control, rich in fluid and fiber will help leaf salad, asparagus and celery. So that the "girl's memory" does not imperceptibly turn into senile sclerosis, do not forget about the fish! The polyunsaturated fats contained in it not only protect the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol, but also activate memory and improve mental abilities. And return the extinct was sexual attraction oysters and nuts will help.


For many women, premenopause occurs at this turn (behind which menopause insidiously awaits). Because of this, estrogen levels begin to decrease, and a tendency to fluid retention appears. After 50 years, bones become more fragile, joints weaken, arthritis and arthrosis occur. That's why during this period, calcium and vitamin D are very important for the body! Taking them regularly will help stop bone loss and help prevent osteoporosis (brittle bones). Your the daily diet must necessarily include whole milk or cottage cheese (at least 2.5% fat content), as well as fish fat and eggs rich in vitamin D. Seafood is indispensable for healthy joints: they relieve inflammation and reduce the amount of active toxic substances that corrode cartilage.

Often it is at this age that the arrow of floor scales begins to quickly creep up, because changes in work endocrine system not the most in the best way affect metabolism. You can fight with completeness as with medical assistance(for example, hormone replacement therapy), and with the "support" of a special menu based on easy vegetable food. Make the main focus on vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries - they perfectly saturate, and the fiber they contain regulates intestinal activity, preventing constipation, and promotes elimination from the body harmful products formed in the intestine during digestion. It is better to eat meat and fish once or twice a week, and devote the rest of the time to inventing dishes based on “rejuvenating” vegetables - tomatoes, onions, garlic, eggplants, zucchini, radishes.


The older we get, the less we sleep and ... eat. In "aged" people, the appetite is really not as good as it used to be. Meat and fish products as they age, they are absorbed worse, so it is better to reduce their consumption. And here foods with antioxidants should always be in the refrigerator. What is it? Primarily, vegetables rich in potassium and beta-carotene (potatoes, eggplants, persimmons, apricots). Fruits, berries and greens should also appear on the table every day - they are rich in nutrients and not only compensate for the loss of appetite, but also prevent problems with the intestines and remove cholesterol. Seasonings - allspice, cloves, rosemary, cardamom - will also help stimulate the feeling of hunger. They also provide positive influence on the nervous system and help to literally feel the taste for life.

Scientists managed to find out that being active, a person stimulates the production of growth hormone and joy in his pituitary gland. And getting pleasant moments of life has a great effect on the overall psychological and physical condition person.

The next point is the issue of weight. Be sure to control your weight. After all, body weight that exceeds the accepted norm worsens the quality of life and leads to the appearance of diseases associated with the activity of the heart and blood vessels, veins and provokes high pressure which shorten human life.

Brain training

Don't forget also about mental activity. After all, the brain, as well as the body, needs constant training. Scientists, after conducting a series of experiments, came to the conclusion that many people grow old due to the laziness of the mind. To maintain the activity of the function of brain cells, you need to count in your mind, memorize songs and poems, solve crossword puzzles, and so on. All this will only stimulate the rejuvenating effect. It is worth remembering that mental activity affects the circulation in the capillaries of the blood.

Solving the problem of youth and beauty, one should not forget about vitamins. Vitamins of group B are especially useful after thirty years, although the rest are no less important. And of course, proper nutrition because the art of youth, activity and well-being are largely directly dependent on proper metabolism. However, after the third decade lived, the metabolism becomes much more lazy. You should outwit him to make him work, as in his younger years.

diet for old age

After forty years, you should eat less red meat. The fact is that the substances contained in such meat do not work to obtain energy: only oxidative processes occur, leading to the appearance of diseases. of cardio-vascular system, oncology.

More should be greens - dill and parsley, salads, because these substances are rich in vitamin K, which is very important to prolong life. To increase immunity, the presence of spices in the diet is required. Turmeric and black pepper, ginger are the first helpers in solving this problem.

And in conclusion, it is worth recalling that daily brushing of teeth will really prolong youth and life. This is explained by the fact that in oral cavity there are up to three hundred and fifty species of bacteria that, when entering the bloodstream, cause the formation of blood clots.

Ecology of health and beauty: Scientists have discovered a nutrition system that allows you to age more slowly. Include these foods in your diet to rejuvenate your body for cellular level! There are foods that effectively activate anti-aging genes, the researchers say. you can forget about strict diets stop counting calories and indulge in sweets. The whole effect is to simply add foods to your diet that affect how your genes work.

Scientists have discovered a nutrition system that allows you to age more slowly. Include these foods in your diet to rejuvenate your body at the cellular level!

There are foods that effectively activate anti-aging genes, the researchers say. You can forget about strict diets, stop counting calories and indulge in sweets. The whole effect is to simply add foods to your diet that affect how your genes work. Wonderful and simple recipe good health and eternal youth!

The first to publicly declare that food can affect the work of genes was the American dermatologist Nicholas Perricone.

The author of several bestselling books has argued that the genetic makeup within an organism is not constant. They are amenable to modification during a person's life. And the most important way to influence them is what we eat. According to the physician, it is not the number of calories that matters, but the benefits of the nutrients that are contained in food. Some products are simply youth pills that can slow down the aging of the body.

Perricone claims that by following the diet of youth recommended by him, you can easily look 40 at 60.

Proper nutrition allows the genes of rejuvenation to work even at an age when they are usually turned off.

The medic says:

We inherit our set of genes, having a predisposition to early or late aging, as well as to a set of certain diseases. But some types of products with regular use can make adjustments to this global plan.

Many recent studies show that Perricone's view is not without merit. For example, the American nutritionist Brunilda Nazario believes that a diet based on the ideas of Perricone does not contradict the principles of modern dietology and is fully justified.

This way of eating does not imply serious restrictions on products. She only proposes to focus on the regular use of certain types of food that help the body fight aging.

10 products, regular use which allows you to challenge aging.

Black chocolate

This is chocolate with the highest cocoa content. Cocoa contains procyanidin-b2, an antioxidant that has phenomenal abilities to protect the body from various infections.

First of all, this substance is good for the skin. Therefore, cocoa is simply necessary for women who want to keep their skin fresh until old age.


Perricone shares the view of most nutritionists that salmon and other cold water fish should be eaten regularly.

Such fish contains omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, and is also a source of proteins, necessary for the body for tissue building. All three of these elements are key to rejuvenation of the body, since their presence in the diet in every way helps to activate the genes that rejuvenate the body, says Perricone.


This spice not only gives an elegant flavor to some dishes and drinks, but is unique means life extension. Cinnamon regulates blood sugar levels, improves brain function and improves concentration.

Perricone also claims that the antioxidants found in cinnamon may reduce the risk of melanoma. In fact, cinnamon can play the same role in the body as watercress - act as a "switch" of some genes that actively support the immune system.


Most modern diets fungi are absent as a class. It is believed that these are difficult to digest products that do not have particularly valuable nutritional properties. However, in last years research is increasingly showing that some types of fungi have beneficial effect on the immune system, improve metabolism and strengthen the liver, emphasizes Perricone.

In particular, shiitake mushrooms contain many beneficial antioxidants. Popular chanterelles are rich in selenium, which is extremely beneficial for the kidneys and genitourinary system. In addition, most types of mushrooms are rich in vitamin D, so they are useful for people who rarely go out into the sun.


In our country, this vegetable of water origin is also called watercress. And again, it's all about antioxidants, which increase the ability of the immune system to fight infections and harmful substances, oxidize free radicals, which are the main agents of aging in the body.

In addition, the water vegetable is natural diuretic- a diuretic that can remove harmful salts from the body, protect the kidneys, liver and reduce the load on the cardiovascular system.

According to Perricone, regular consumption of watercress activates certain genes in the body that produce substances that are essential for the immune system.

sage seeds

Sage is considered medicinal plant for several thousand years, however, doctors most often treat it with disdain, as well as most other means of "traditional medicine".

Perricone claims that this is not true, but he himself makes adjustments to the traditional attitude towards sage, suggesting that we regularly eat not the herb itself, but its seeds.

They are rich fatty acids omega-3, literally turning on the genes for rejuvenation in the body. In addition, these seeds contain a high concentration of vitamin E and calcium, which is necessary for the construction of bone tissue.

Green tea

Green tea varieties are rich in catechins - natural antioxidants that prevent aging and promote weight loss by slowing down the absorption of excess fats in the body.

According to this study, regular consumption of green tea speeds up fat burning in the body by 15-20%.

Some studies show that green tea is a serious “turn-on” for genes that can protect the body from cancer. For example, breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.

Also, green tea rejuvenates the skin and improves brain function, Perricone is convinced.

Red wine

The only one alcoholic beverages recommended for regular use.

It's all about resveratrol - an active enzyme that slows down the deposition of fat in the body by blocking the receptors of fat cells.

In addition, resveratrol, according to some recent studies, is able to prevent many diseases of the cardiovascular system and even cancer.


One of the key elements in the fight against obesity. Ginger contains essential oils that stimulate the production gastric juice and improve digestion. Due to this, the body spends more energy and burns fat cells.

Also, some studies show that regular use of ginger improves skin condition.

And according to this study, two grams of ginger a day is enough to lower blood sugar levels by 20%. In other words, ginger helps fight diabetes.


The benefits of grapefruit have long been proven and beyond doubt. New research only adds to previous findings and shows that grapefruit is even underestimated.

His strength is not only and not so much in high content vitamin C, how much in the ability to regulate blood insulin levels.

This will be of interest to you:

And bitter membranes, which many throw away, actually need to be eaten with the pulp - they contain naringin, an antioxidant that helps burn fat in the body and remove excess bile. published