Breastfeeding newborns: how to eat properly as a mother. When should you go on a strict diet? What to pay attention to

Breastfeeding is not an easy test; in some ways it changes not only the nutrition of the nursing mother, but also her overall lifestyle. In this material we will talk about the so-called lactation diet. The one that women think about even before giving birth.

Mother's nutrition breastfeeding should be slightly modernized. But you won’t need to exclude many products from the menu.

Does food from the mother's table get into her milk? Mother's milk is a very complex product in composition. That is why not a single industrial artificial mixture has yet been created that could replace it. Milk is formed from blood plasma components. This means that the nutrition of a nursing mother during breastfeeding affects the composition of milk in approximately the same way as the composition of blood. Some substances from food get there and theoretically can cause a negative, allergic reaction in the child’s body.

What are these products? There is no one product that would cause allergies in all infants. Mom can eat almost everything, but little by little. And especially pay attention to high-risk products that most often cause allergies in children. If your baby suddenly has a tummy ache, bloody streaks in the stool, or a rash on the body, remember what you ate in the last 1-2 days and exclude these foods from the diet.

What is prohibited or should be limited for a nursing mother?

1. Protein cow's milk. It contains high concentrations of whole cow's milk. Its composition is not similar to that of the mother, and better lactation its use does not lead. No matter what the grandmothers say. If a mother drinks milk regularly, her baby will probably develop intestinal colic, diathesis and diarrhea will occur.

Does this mean I should stop eating all dairy-based products? Of course not! After all, they are a source of calcium, the lack of which is common in women during lactation and a big problem. In fermented milk products cow protein takes a different form, and you can freely drink fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir, eat cottage cheese and cheese in moderate quantities. It is better to use pure milk only in non- large quantities when preparing your own porridge, for example.

2. Gluten. This is another foreign protein with strong allergic potential. Contained in cereals, especially in wheat. There is no gluten in buckwheat, rice and corn. It is good if in the first month the diet of a nursing mother contains cereals based on gluten-free grains.

3. Soy, fish, seafood, eggs, chicken. They also contain proteins that babies react to. But not all babies, of course. These products can be consumed by mother, but it is advisable to introduce them into your diet gradually, monitoring possible reactions child. And, while the child is very young, refuse seafood that is not traditional for the Russian table, for example, shrimp, mussels, octopus and others.

4. Vegetables and fruits are red. These are potential allergens, but only if consumed in large quantities. If you eat a few strawberries, a little cherries or cherries, the child will not have a reaction. But if you eat a plate of red berries or fruits, you will probably sprinkle it all over it. By the way, in maternity hospitals they always warn that a nursing mother’s diet during the first month should not contain red apples. In fact, you can eat them, and in quite large quantities, but first you need to peel the fruit from the red peel, which contains a potential allergen.

5. Exotic fruits, citrus fruits. It is better to start eating oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, mangoes, pineapple and the like a little later, not immediately after giving birth. If we take the Spaniards, for example, then oranges are a common fruit for them, just like apples are for us. But for us, oranges are not a traditional food, and therefore more often cause allergic reactions.

The only almost always safe “exotic” food for our women is bananas.

6. Products containing large quantities of chemical additives: sweeteners, flavor enhancers, etc. A young mother should try to consume as much as possible natural products. Many of the chemicals frequently used in our industry. additives cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before you eat any sausage, read its composition, and you will probably be very surprised. Modern sausages contain not only meat...

7. Herbs. It is not advisable to add hawthorn to drinks, as it affects arterial pressure and all circulatory system. Sweet clover reduces blood clotting, and ginseng causes sleep problems (not only for the mother, but also for the child, respectively). Euphorbia, a well-known weight loss remedy, will cause diarrhea. And hop cones, sage, leaves walnut will reduce lactation. If possible, do not use any herbs unless directed by a doctor while breastfeeding.

Nutrition for a young mother while breastfeeding - myths

There are several common myths about the menu of a nursing woman, which often have a detrimental effect on her body and spoil her mood. We will list them and provide comments.

- If mom has too much milk, she needs to drink less.

There is a direct relationship between the amount of milk produced and drinking regime Mommy is gone. Milk is produced as much as the baby “sucks”, that is, according to his needs. If there is too much milk left in the glands after feedings, you can express it a little until you get relief. Over the next 1-2 days, the excess milk will disappear, and the gland will adapt to the baby’s needs.

Mommy should drink as much as she wants.

To keep your milk supply in order and in sufficient quantity, you must drink at least one mug of hot tea before feeding.

The amount of milk depends only on the baby's needs. However, warm drinks drunk 10-20 minutes before feeding lead to a faster flow of milk during feeding, which means they make the baby’s task easier and reduce the time of feeding itself. Which is also a plus. However, this condition is not at all mandatory. If you don’t want to drink before feeding, you don’t need to.

- Mommy should eat “for two.”

A young mother has a lot of worries and problems, and part of the vitamins and microelements she receives goes into milk. Therefore, food should not be plentiful, but sufficient and varied. Of course, you shouldn’t eat bread rolls and other fast carbohydrates all day long. But if you use vegetables or fruits as a snack, it’s good for your health.

- If a child has a rash on his skin, it’s because the mother ate something wrong.

Not always like this. Often children are allergic to the powder used to wash their clothes, bedding, or wool. Dry skin can be due to dry air from heating devices or too frequent bathing.

- The baby has colic green chair because mom ate too much peas and cucumbers.

This can only be true if the mother herself suffers from flatulence from some foods. The same cabbage, for example. Then the child will suffer later. But if the mother feels well, then it is unlikely that intestinal symptoms triggered by her food. Babies up to four months old have causeless attacks intestinal colic.

Green stools are most often the result of an allergic reaction. Then you need to remember that mommy ate from the products described earlier in our article. If there was nothing new and plentiful in the diet, perhaps the child simply sucked too much at the breast? Moreover, the foremilk, rich in lactose, was sucked out too much. In this case the best medicine is the complete emptying of one mammary gland by the child and only then can another be given. The idea is for the baby to receive more hindmilk, rich in fats, not carbohydrates. It doesn't make my stomach hurt.

- You can't eat sweets.

This prohibition is not categorical. You can eat almost everything as natural as possible, but not get too carried away. For example, nothing bad will happen from 2-4 cookies a day. But it is better to avoid chocolate in the first months of breastfeeding.

- You cannot add spices to dishes, they will spoil the taste of milk.

Scientists conducted a study that showed that babies nursed just as readily after their mother ate black pepper and garlic.

In fact, it's real. However, mommy will have to eat more legumes and whole grains to ensure her body gets enough protein.
Also, the problem will be a deficiency of vitamin B12. This can also negatively affect the child’s body. Therefore, it requires additional intake in the form of a food supplement. B12 is practically not found in plant foods.
To get enough calcium while avoiding dairy and fermented milk products, you should eat more sesame seeds, dill, beets, carrots, pumpkins, peaches, rich in this microelement.

As you can see, lactation is not a reason to follow a strict diet, only for proper, healthy nutrition.

Breastfeeding is a process that affects two organisms: mother and child. What should a mother eat so that her baby gets the necessary nutrients?

In utero, the child receives all the necessary nutrients through the placenta, with the blood. That is, the mother’s body processes and digests everything, and the baby only uses nutrients. Immediately after childbirth, the situation changes: now you have to digest it yourself, but at the same time the food is maximally adapted for the newborn’s body. Breast milk is ideal for a baby in composition and additionally contains enzymes for its own digestion.

Lactation for the female body is a natural continuation of pregnancy. Immediately after birth hormonal background changes in such a way that milk begins to be released from the mammary glands. The composition of breast milk is quite stable: the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it is the same, unless the mother is in an extreme degree of physical exhaustion. But the quality of proteins, carbohydrates and especially microelements and vitamins depends on the mother’s nutrition.


Milk production is regulated by the hormone prolactin, which is produced in the pituitary gland, and milk secretion is carried out under the influence of oxytocin. Usually, milk production is carried out according to the principle: the more the baby sucks, the more is produced. There are no magic products that suddenly make you produce a lot of milk. Lactation is influenced not so much by food as by emotional condition women, her physical form. For example, under stress, the hormone adrenaline is released into the blood, which inhibits the synthesis of oxytocin and milk secretion. The baby cannot suck it from the breast, and then the production itself is inhibited.

Therefore, for stable production of breast milk, the mother must, first of all, be calm, content and happy.

But sometimes the body gives alarm signals if the mother is simply hungry. This is especially true for women who are underweight. Many thin breastfeeding women noticed that with a significant break in food intake, there was less milk.

A large portion for lunch - and everything returns to normal. This is not some special reaction of nursing mothers. It often happens that on an empty stomach a person is more nervous and irritable than after lunch.

Formation of lactation

The secretion of colostrum from the mammary glands begins already in last weeks pregnancy and continues after childbirth. Colostrum is the first thing that a child sucks out during a physiological course. after birth period. It is released very little, only about 30 ml per day, but the composition of this product is unique. Colostrum contains a lot of proteins, mostly antibodies. A mother gives her child immune protection immediately after entering the big world.

Mom prepares for feeding even before the baby arrives

After a few days, transitional milk appears in the breast. It is much more liquid than colostrum and contains less protein. Transitional milk is a little watery, but it is perfectly adapted to the needs of a newborn at this age. After a few days, transitional milk is replaced by mature milk.

Mature milk is divided into two portions. It's like first and second for lunch: fore and hind milk. Foremilk is thinner and contains less fat but more carbohydrates. Hind milk is much fattier and more nutritious, but it comes out in the last portion; you have to work hard to get it.

Lactation in a woman is not just the mother’s ability to produce food for the baby. This is a functioning system: mother - baby. The quantity and quality of breast milk is ideally tailored to the needs of a particular baby.

Nutrition of a woman during lactation

WHO recommends breastfeeding a child until two years of age or longer. If a woman has not one, but two or three children, she will spend many years breastfeeding, which means that all aspects of feeding should be as comfortable as possible for her.

Therefore, recommendations for all nursing mothers to adhere to a strict diet are fundamentally wrong. Mom should eat the way her whole family eats, observing all national traditions. This is very important not only for her psychological comfort, but also for preparing the baby’s digestive system for the transition to a common table.

The diet of a nursing mother should not differ much from the general diet

So, a nursing diet must satisfy several criteria.

    Milk should satisfy all nutritional needs infant, which means a woman’s diet should be varied.

    The period of breastfeeding should prepare the child’s digestive system as much as possible for “adult” foods consumed in a given area, in a given family. Therefore, a woman can eat dishes traditional to her people and her family. The same ones that the child will also consume.

    It is necessary that the diet meets all the mother’s needs for vitamins, microelements and nutrients. Vegetarians should be careful about the diet of the nursing mother; it may be necessary to introduce animal products into the menu. The same applies to religious women on fasting days.

    If the baby feels well and has no allergies, you can and should eat any food without restrictions. A similar diet should be used starting from the second month of a child’s life.

Restricted Products

But there are dishes that should be treated with caution, at least for a while.

  • Some foods are contraindicated when feeding a newborn. If a mother is feeding a baby who has intestinal colic, she should avoid foods that cause bloating. These are cabbage, peas, beans, beans, cucumbers, juices, fresh Rye bread, mushrooms. These products are not prohibited for the entire period of breastfeeding, but only for the first weeks, while the baby has colic. If your baby does not suffer from infant colic, you can try introducing these foods one at a time. In this case, you should carefully monitor the baby’s condition. Most likely, all these products can be introduced into the diet.

You should limit your baby from foods that cause allergies.

    An allergy, of course, can be caused by almost any product, but in some cases the likelihood of a reaction is higher. Such products are citrus fruits, red apples, eggs, nuts, kiwi, strawberries, chocolate. It is better to introduce these products into the diet gradually, starting from the second or third month of life.

    Each family has its own food traditions, but if there is a baby in the house, you should try to eat healthy, not eat fast food or ready-made semi-finished products. Breastfeeding time is a great opportunity to introduce new family traditions and finally give up sausages and sausages, hamburgers as a snack, food additives. It is worth reducing drinks such as Coca-Cola and canned food in your menu, and being careful with ketchup and mayonnaise.

    Some substances can have a stimulating effect on a child. This is, first of all, caffeine. It contains coffee and tea, as well as chocolate. If your child reacts to caffeine and becomes restless, reduce its intake.

Not everything that mom ate will necessarily end up in the breast milk, there is a certain barrier here. There is also the phenomenon of reverse absorption, that is reverse suction substances from milk. For example, advising a nursing mother not to drink alcohol seems extremely reasonable. But this is only until the moment when you understand that a woman is forced to give up alcoholic drinks for several years. For some, this is difficult, and, most importantly, it is not at all necessary, because it is for alcohol that the phenomenon of reverse absorption works fully. So, you can drink a glass of wine, but you must, of course, observe moderation. Naturally, no one advises a nursing mother to get drunk; she must stop before intoxication sets in. The basic rule is this: alcohol penetrates into milk, but from there it goes back into the blood.

  • If mom drank a little, there is no alcohol in the milk.
  • If she drank more, but did not get drunk, there is no alcohol in the milk.
  • If this fails, then as soon as the mother completely sobers up, there is no longer any alcohol in the milk.

To be sure, you can decant and pour out a small portion.

Nutrition of a woman in the first days after childbirth

Immediately after the birth of the baby, the body faces two tasks: to recover from childbirth and to begin producing milk.

After childbirth, as a rule, there is no appetite, but you really want to drink. This is natural, considering how much fluid a woman loses during childbirth. You can quench your thirst with tea, but it is best to use a decoction of dried fruits or compote with minimum quantity Sahara. This drink contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, and it perfectly quenches thirst.

On the first day after childbirth, appetite is often reduced, and the digestive system is actively adapting to new working conditions. You shouldn't eat now heavy food, it is better to eat dietary: vegetable soup, cutlets, dairy products. For now, it’s best to eat all vegetables boiled; the cutlets are steamed. In the very first days, mashed potatoes, broth, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, yogurt, and porridge are optimal. Among fruits, green apples, pears, and blueberries will not cause harm. It is better to leave the remaining delicacies for later.

But the diet can and should be expanded. True, at first it is better to introduce one product per day, carefully observing the baby’s reaction.

Ideally, by the end of the baby's first month, a nursing mother should eat everything that the family eats.

The role of various foods in nutrition

Milk and dairy products

If the mother herself tolerates milk well, she can drink it without restrictions. Some mothers claim that lactation increases with regular use tea with milk. The effect of this drink has not been scientifically confirmed, but if it helps, it is worth using it.

Dairy products have a positive effect on lactation

One of the most important products In the diet of a nursing mother is cottage cheese. First, it is an ideal, easy-to-digest source of protein. Secondly, it contains calcium, which is well absorbed from this product. During a year of breastfeeding, a baby accumulates up to 35 g of calcium in the body, which must come from mother's milk(It must be remembered that calcium is absorbed only in the presence of vitamin D). If a woman does not consume enough calcium through food, it will be washed out of her own body: from bones and teeth. And this leads not only to tooth decay, but also to osteoporosis and joint pain. Once upon a time it was believed that “a woman gives a tooth for every child.” But now it is no longer necessary to sacrifice so much, when balanced diet a woman will not suffer such losses.

All dairy products can be present in a woman’s diet: cheese, kefir, yoghurt (in the first month it is better without additives).


In the diet of a nursing woman, meat is the main source of amino acids and proteins. Breast milk contains only about 1.5% proteins, but it is important that their amino acid composition is varied. Therefore, it is worthwhile to diversify your meat: eat not only beef and pork, but also lamb, turkey and rabbit. In the first days, it is better to boil the meat, and then it is quite possible to eat stewed meat and cutlets. You should only approach chicken with caution. Potentially, chicken and chicken eggs can cause allergies, so it is better to do without it for the first month.

You should definitely avoid processed meats, hamburgers, sausages, and grilled chicken. There is really very little in these products healthy proteins, but there are a lot of dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers. All these additives can cause allergies in the baby.


Egg white is ideal in its composition, but can cause allergies. Therefore, in the first month after childbirth, it is better to refrain from eating chicken eggs. They can be easily replaced quail eggs. They are smaller, more expensive, but not inferior chicken eggs according to taste characteristics and composition.


Vegetables are a source of fiber and vitamins. Fiber is important for intestinal motility, especially great importance this occurs immediately after childbirth. But some vegetables can cause increased gas formation. These are all cruciferous vegetables, that is, beans, peas, cucumbers and all types of cabbage.

At first, it is best to boil the vegetables, but then, starting from the baby’s month, you can eat them as usual. Seasonal vegetables are especially important because they provide natural, natural vitamins. Large amounts of onion and garlic in food can change the taste of breast milk.


Some caution should be exercised when consuming strawberries, kiwi and citrus fruits, and all other fruits and berries usually do not cause allergies. You should not introduce exotic fruits into your diet.

Bread, rolls and confectionery

Yeast bread can cause increased gas formation in the intestines, but this is only relevant for the first month of a child’s life. In the future, all these products can be consumed without fear. But many mothers want to restore their figure as quickly as possible, so they limit the consumption of buns and pastries.

Tea and coffee contain caffeine. Not everyone is ready to give up these drinks for a long time. Coffee can be replaced with a decaffeinated analogue, and tea with herbal, fruit or green. But mother should not feel deprived of something. It is much better for a baby to be breastfed by a coffee-drinking mother than to switch to formula early.

Juices and lemonade

If the juice is prepared independently from apples grown in the garden, it is wonderful, healthy drink. But boxed juices contain preservatives and colorings. They are not useful. You can drink lemonade on a holiday, but it is not suitable as a daily drink for a nursing mother.

Drinking regime

Lactation requires more than a liter excess liquid per day. This must be taken into account. You can drink tea, tea with milk, compote, or just water. Very good action a cup of tea shortly before feeding. Tea with cookies calms you down, which means your milk will flow better.

Lactation and excess weight

Most controversial issue is the ratio of breastfeeding and excess weight. There are two opposing points of view.

  • During lactation, everyone gets fat because they constantly have to eat so that the milk does not disappear. You can only lose weight after you finish breastfeeding.
  • While breastfeeding, you can lose weight without special effort, because this process requires a lot of energy: up to 1000 additional calories per day.

So much attention is paid to the diet of a nursing mother that it seems complicated and time-consuming. In fact, there are significant restrictions only during the neonatal period; the rest of the time it is enough to observe moderation in everything and adhere to the principles of a healthy diet.

Mother's milk, containing the ideal ratio of nutrients, is a natural food for a newborn. Today there is no longer any need to prove to new mothers all the benefits and importance of breastfeeding. Therefore, we will not duplicate well-known postulates and colorfully describe the advantages of natural feeding, but will only recall the basic information about it.

Natural feeding is:

  • excellent immunity, good digestion and reduced allergic risk for infants;
  • active contraction of the uterus after childbirth, returning weight to normal, reducing the risk of breast cancer for the mother;
  • the best way to feed.

If you are determined to breastfeed your baby, it is important to think about a proper and healthy diet in advance.

Relatives are tirelessly fussing around the heroine of the day, trying to feed her by any means to the fullest, and meanwhile the young mother’s head begins to spin about how to properly establish nutrition.

Is it so important for a nursing mother to eat “for two”? And what should an optimal diet look like during lactation? Let's figure it out.

For breastfeeding balanced diet mothers solve many problems:

  1. Prevent insufficient production milk female body and prolong breastfeeding as much as possible.
  2. Provide the young mother and her baby with important nutrients, including micro- and macroelements and vitamins.
  3. Prevent tummy problems and...

In addition, there is an opinion that the food entering the mother’s body will definitely affect the taste of the milk.

How should you eat?

Often and in small portions - this is the optimal diet. The menu for the day may look like this:

After waking up (around 6-7 am) 250 ml of fermented baked milk, snowball or natural yoghurt without additional additives.
After 2 hours, breakfast No. 1 (9.00) Low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream/casserole made from it/any permitted porridge, sandwich with butter and cheese, weak tea.
At noon breakfast No. 2 (12.00) Pear or apple juice/fresh fruit
2 hours later lunch
Light soup, salad from permitted products, a dish of lean meat or fish for the main course, boiled or baked vegetables as a side dish, fruit or berry compote.
In 3 hours
Ryazhenka, snowball + yesterday's bun/biscuits.
Dinner in 2 hours
Any permitted porridge or vegetable dish with fish/lean meat + weak tea.
Before bedtime 250 ml of kefir, snowball or fermented baked milk.

If there is constant desire have a snack carbohydrate products, and the basis of the diet consists of cookies, the menu should be revised in favor of healthy food. It could be sea ​​fish or lean meat, and cottage cheese is ideal as a light snack. Eating fresh baked goods with a cup of tea will not lead to anything good; besides, only a rationally designed menu, and not empty calories, will help relieve hunger.

How much can you eat?

During the first month, a newborn will require approximately a liter of mother's milk per day. It contains at least 12 g of protein, 35 to 40 g of fat, and 70 to 75 g of carbohydrates. To compensate for these energy costs, you can increase the calorie content of your diet by 450, or maximum 500 kcal, which has nothing to do with the popular opinion of eating “for two.”

Diet of a nursing mother in the first days of a newborn’s life

Porridges: dairy-free ones are carefully introduced. You can start with barley, oatmeal, pearl barley and wheat, adding a small piece butter. The introduction of milk porridges should be done with caution - an allergic reaction of the baby to milk protein. Any pasta is allowed.

Vegetables: you can diversify the menu and composition of salads with bell peppers (yellow and green), eggplant, light-skinned pumpkin or turnip; Little by little you can try white cabbage, boiled corn, and carrots. Dishes are seasoned with dill, parsley leaves, allowed leaf salad. Vegetables are served stewed or boiled to avoid the formation of gas in the baby. You can bake vegetable dishes. During the first weeks after the birth of the baby, it is not advisable for a nursing mother to eat fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, legumes and any orange or red vegetables. Taboo on garlic and onions.

Meat: it is recommended to consume only dietary varieties(rabbit, veal and turkey meat). Boiled beef will help diversify your diet. It is not advisable to include any types of offal in the menu. Lamb, pork and chicken are strictly prohibited. Daily norm for a nursing mother - about 200 g of lean meat: steamed cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, as well as boiled pieces.

Dairy products: it is allowed to add whole milk little by little (1 tablespoon per serving) to porridge, but if a rash on the baby’s skin or an increase in the formation of gases is noticed, then milk and products from it will have to be excluded. Drinking unsweetened fermented milk drinks is allowed (1/2 liter per day). 200 g of cottage cheese with low fat content 5-9% can be eaten once every 3 days after heat treatment(cheesecakes, casseroles). Low-fat sour cream (10-15%) with a short shelf life can be eaten daily, seasoning soup, cottage cheese and light salads with it. From a couple of thin pieces low-fat cheese(from 20 to 30%) you can make sandwiches in the morning without harmful additives. It is necessary that the table has dairy products with reduced fat content, but not completely fat-free: with them the baby will get everything necessary elements, and extra calories will not be deposited on mommy’s waist.

Confectionery products: crackers and dryers, berry or fruit jam, apple, pear, plum and blackcurrant jam, cookies without any additives, regular unglazed caramel without fillings, natural jelly, which is prepared from juice with gelatin, are safe for a young mother. Bread should be black or white, but without additives.

Fruits: local varieties of apples, pears and plums are allowed - bake everything in the oven. Raw fruits other than banana will cause colic. However, you should not eat more than 1 banana per day, so as not to cause constipation. Among the berries, carefully try white or red currants. Gooseberries, chokeberries, honeysuckle and lingonberries are not prohibited. Dried fruits from prunes, pears and apples, light dried apricots (2 pieces). It is undesirable to eat any raisins, like fresh grapes, otherwise gas formation will occur.

Vegetable oils. During lactation, it is allowed to add oils from mustard, olives, sunflower and corn to dishes.

A woman’s diet when feeding newborns excludes the presence of red and river varieties of fish, caviar and seafood, as well as a taboo on nuts and any chocolate.

What to do if the mother’s diet is not suitable for the baby?

If the baby has an acute reaction to a product in the mother’s diet, you will have to remove the allergen from the menu, and after a month try to carefully introduce it. The digestive system of a newborn baby is improved in several stages, so it is possible that after some time negative reaction will not appear.

It is important to remember that you can add no more than 1 new product to your daily diet every 3 days, carefully observing the baby’s reaction. It is necessary to evaluate not only the general condition of the baby, but also monitor the appearance of rashes, redness, and crusts on the body. The baby's stool has a yellowish tint without greenery or impurities; small milky inclusions are possible. When adding another product to the diet, the baby should not be bothered by gas or colic. If the baby has an acute reaction to all the products on the mother’s menu, the strict diet will have to be extended until the baby is 3 months old. Additionally, the diet of a nursing mother is being reviewed.


This category contains liquids and products that are prohibited during breastfeeding, the consumption of which by the mother during breastfeeding can be dangerous for the baby. As a rule, it is recommended to exclude all allergens from the diet for breastfeeding women. In particular, a nursing mother can eat vegetables and fruits, but not orange or red. I think you've heard that food during breastfeeding should not contain tangerines, oranges, red apples, carrots and other “dangerous” foods. That is, all orange and red foods are prohibited when breastfeeding, due to their possible allergenicity. However, the baby may not be allergic to these products, but it’s definitely not worth checking before 6 months, and then with caution - one slice is unlikely to do any harm.

What breastfeeding foods should absolutely not contain is alcohol. Calming herself with the thought that one glass of red wine will not affect the baby in any way, the mother must be aware that any alcohol, without exception, is 100% absorbed into the baby’s blood along with breast milk!

The list of prohibited foods when breastfeeding includes fresh and canned spicy and spicy foods. Such as onions, garlic, hot pepper, wild garlic, mayonnaise, hot sauces and other concentrated, rich foods. They give the milk a spicy taste and can cause breast refusal, heartburn and other digestive problems for the baby.

Mustard, horseradish, black strong coffee (especially instant), dark chocolate containing more than 70% cocoa, blue cheeses and soft, so to speak “fresh” cheeses with various herb additives - a list of products that make milk bitter, and are not recommended for use in breastfeeding mothers.

Food during breastfeeding should not contain spicy herring, mussels, squid, octopus, especially in sauce. Mom should not eat cod caviar, pollock, especially those containing additives. In addition to possible allergies and a heavy load on the kidneys, they make the milk salty.

Foods prohibited when breastfeeding include fresh or canned tuna and shrimp. These products provoke allergic reactions.


There are a number of various products, which until recently pediatricians forbade nursing mothers to eat. Modern doctors came to the opposite opinion. Eating these products is not only possible, but even necessary, but they should be introduced into the diet during breastfeeding carefully, gradually and in small quantities.

Eat little by little and sometimes you can melon, beets, fresh kefir, beans, peas, vegetable oil. If there is an excess of them in the mother’s diet, this leads to bloating and upset bowel movements in the baby.

Pears, persimmons, pomegranates, rice, shortbread, fresh bread - a list of foods that can stick together when breastfeeding and, if in excess, cause constipation.

Cow's milk, grapefruits, oranges, black currants, red fish and caviar, eggs, semolina, corn and millet porridge - of course healthy foods, but can cause allergic reactions in a child.


The list of foods marked with this “food traffic light” color can be eaten without hesitation or special restrictions while breastfeeding. It’s good for both you and the baby!

Dill, parsley - contribute to your baby's visual acuity.

Lettuce, gooseberries, black currants are foods that increase immunity.

Pumpkin, zucchini, perch, cod - contribute rapid development and the growth of the baby.

Natural yogurt, cottage cheese - necessary for skeletal system, and dental health.

Ryazhenka, kefir, ayran, oatmeal, cauliflower, broccoli - promote better digestion.

And of course, allowed foods during breastfeeding are:

  1. natural meat (chicken, quail, rabbit, beef, veal);
  2. porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, corn, barley, wheat);
  3. lean soups;
  4. cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, corn, millet, wheat, pearl barley);
  5. legumes and beans (from 6 months);
  6. seafood;
  7. fish (boiled or stewed);
  8. vegetables (boiled, baked or stewed);
  9. baked, boiled potatoes;
  10. pasta in small quantities;
  11. eggs (chicken is fine, but quail is better);
  12. fermented milk products - fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese - preferably homemade;
  13. hard, mild cheeses;
  14. gray bread, bread with bran, white bread - only dried or slightly stale, not freshly baked!
  15. seasonal fruits;
  16. nuts, excluding peanuts and pistachios;
  17. greens and spices (parsley, dill - from birth; mint, savory, celery, basil, lemon balm, oregano, thyme, tarragon - from 3 months);
  18. onions (in soups from birth, fresh - from 3 months), garlic - no earlier than 6 months;
  19. honey (rich in calcium and vitamins) – introduced from 3 months, and pollen– starting from 6 months;
  20. drink freshly squeezed juices, combining them to taste, but introduce them carefully, one at a time and starting no earlier than 3 months of age;
  21. compotes and decoctions of dried fruits and rose hips without sugar;
  22. make homemade compotes and fruit drinks (from blueberries, lingonberries, cherries, gooseberries) - from 1 month;
  23. herbal tea (yarrow, chamomile, linden, horsetail, mint, lemon balm, eucalyptus, nettle, coltsfoot, elderberry, Bogorodskaya herb (thyme), string, calendula - one at a time or combining 2-3 types of herbs, no more), brew teas from branches of fruit trees ;
  24. green tea (without additives, loose leaf); weak black tea; teas for lactation;
  25. distilled or spring water, table mineral waters.


Let's summarize. So, nutrition during breastfeeding can include everything you ate during pregnancy. By the way, this also applies to the so-called generally accepted allergenic products. The only exceptions can be considered cases of real allergies in a woman to certain foods or dishes. If you have an allergic reaction to food products If the mother has it, it will most likely manifest itself in a breastfed baby.

Of course, this rule only works if the measure is followed. That is, you can easily eat one peach, or 10 strawberries, if you really want to. A piece of chocolate will not do any harm if you are not allergic to it. To identify foods that are really not suitable for your baby, enter food diary , and monitor all your baby’s reactions to new foods. Introduce everything new gradually and step by step, making sure it is safe for the baby.

In the first months of life, in 90% of cases, various rashes appear on the skin of babies - some have less, some have more - as a rule, this is normal. Often, products that are suspected of being allergenic, when tested again after a couple of weeks, do not give any allergic reaction, including a rash. Most often, the reaction occurs to flavors and dyes in food products for breastfeeding mothers. Therefore, the most important thing is that the mother’s food is natural, the dishes are prepared independently, and consumed freshly prepared. And of course, everything should be in moderation!

You can also drink almost anything, it is advisable to be careful with new juices, and the most common drinking clean water should prevail in the diet.

Remember: before the introduction of complementary foods, that is, up to 6 months, the baby must try everything through mother’s milk!

· List of prohibited foods when breastfeeding:

  1. highly allergenic food products - caviar, fish, seafood, mushrooms, eggs, nuts (except walnuts), honey, chocolate, cocoa, coffee;
  2. vegetables, fruits and berries of orange and bright red color, as well as exotic pineapples, avocados, kiwis, and cucumbers;
  3. marinades, broths, canned food, spicy and salty dishes, smoked fish and meat, spices;
  4. products containing preservatives and dyes;
  5. sauerkraut, radish, radish, fermented cheeses (Suluguni, feta cheese, Adyghe), sausages, ham;
  6. legumes;
  7. carbonated drinks, kvass;
  8. alcohol.

· Breastfeeding: limited foods allowed

  1. sour cream - only in dishes, whole milk - diluted and only in porridges;
  2. pasta and bakery products from premium flour, semolina;
  3. sweets, confectionery;
  4. sugar;
  5. salt.

· Breastfeeding: permitted foods

1. fermented milk products (kefir, plain yoghurts, bifikefir, bifidok, etc.);

2. cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, corn, etc.);

3. bread – rye, with bran, 2nd grade wheat;

4. fruits and vegetables (green, white);

5. meat - lean pork, beef, turkey fillet, stewed and boiled chicken, steam cutlets;

6. soups – vegetarian;

7. drinks - tea, fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes.

· Strong allergens for nursing mothers and newborns:

MILK. There is still a common misconception that a woman needs to specifically drink up to a liter of goat or cow milk per day in order to increase the nutritional value of breast milk. In fact, it increases the risk of your baby developing a lactose allergy. Whole milk contains more than 20 substances that can cause an allergic reaction. Milk proteins are particularly resistant to heat, which means that it should not be drunk in large quantities, even when boiled. In a one-time case, an allergy may appear skin rashes, with a regular attack by allergens, the baby may develop intolerance to milk and any dairy products, and even to mother’s breast milk, which is the worst thing. When breastfeeding it is better to give preference fermented milk products, and add milk to porridge, diluting with water.

EGG WHITES. This product may be a serious allergen for the baby. This mainly applies to chicken eggs; less often, allergies are provoked by goose or duck eggs. Quails become irritants in extremely rare cases, almost never. It is recommended that a nursing mother eat only one hard-boiled egg per week.

STEAM MEAT. This product should not be included in a woman’s diet while breastfeeding. This is especially true for the “lower parts” of the carcass, as it contains the most dangerous substances. Buy fresh, fresh meat and place it in the freezer of your refrigerator - after freezing and further thawing, the concentration of allergens in the meat decreases.

P.S. There’s no need to talk about what “nonsense” this is. I myself don’t agree with a lot of things. This article is here for general information; it may help someone in some way.

One of the most important points after childbirth is the mother’s nutrition.You need to set yourself up and be prepared that a strict diet is necessary. Since the baby adapts toexternalthe world for the first time, only with the help of maternal care and breast milk. Everyone knows that breast milk contains all kinds of vitamins and essential useful microelements, which are so necessary for a child in the first period of life, and the quality and quantity of this milk depends directly on the diet during breastfeeding. There are many tips and opinions on the topic proper nutrition.

Let us note that there is no need, as they say, to eat for two. The calorie intake should be approximately five hundred calories higher than during pregnancy. The mother's body accumulates and stores useful material, which the baby then receives through milk. It is enough to introduce a light dinner into your regime, which will be balanced with vitamins from fruits and vegetables. The main thing here is not the quantity, but the quality of what you consume during breastfeeding. As a rule, the child adapts in the first months and may react differently to milk, there is a possibility of gases and colic. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, since it was said earlier that the child is just beginning to understand his body and get used to nutrition.

Advice, try keeping a diary and recording what you ate the day before and the baby’s reaction to the last feeding.

The nature of a woman is designed in such a way that if a nursing mother’s diet is not sufficiently nutritious, then the child will still receive what is necessary for growth, but only from the mother’s body, which, of course, can negatively affect general condition woman's health. Because of this, a nursing mother is likely to experience health complications, which will subsequently trigger a complete cessation of lactation. And therefore, it is very important for the nutrition of the lactating woman herself, like any person, to maintain health, you need to eat balanced and regularly.

So, now let's take a closer look at what you can and cannot eat in food.periodbreastfeeding. The nutrition of a young mother has little effect on the level of protein in milk, but fats, nutrients and balanced vitamins directly depend on the diet of the nursing mother. Various foods can contribute to the formation of colic and bloating in a child, others even cause allergies, and sometimes provoke diarrhea. General rule will:

  • Of course, alcohol and tobacco are prohibited. Toxins instantly penetrate the baby’s body through milk and have a negative effect;
  • Minimize the consumption of drinks that have an effect on nervous system mother and baby - coffee, tea;
  • It is necessary to reduce the consumption of fried, arranged, smoked foods;
  • Legumes can cause colic and bloating in a child.
  • Confectionery pastries, buns, cakes, etc. are also prohibited in order to avoid constipation in the baby;
  • I can also provoke allergies in a child with citrus fruits, red berries and vegetables. For example, strawberries, tomatoes, watermelon. The beta-carotene they contain causes peeling of the skin.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks. In addition to dyes, they contain a large number of Sahara.
  • Seafood (squid, shrimp, mussels) themselves are also allergic foods; there is no need to risk it.

It is worth focusing on fiber-rich foods, usually fresh vegetables.

Of course, you should consume all kinds of food groups, namely eggs, milk, cereals, bread, fish and meat, pasta is no exception, butter and vegetable oil, vegetables and fruits, juices are allowed.

Keep in mind some of the limitations that we wrote earlier, everything is good in moderation. Let's look at the groups in detail:

  • The source of protein, of course, is beef, chicken, and fish. Milk-containing products provide the body with calcium. For example, kefir, yogurt without additives, cottage cheese with a fat content of up to nine percent, no more. Two hundred grams/milliliter of product per day is enough. When it comes to oil, it is better to give preference to olive oil, corn oil, and a little creamy one is allowed. Bread coarse with bran.
  • The group of fruit and vegetable products is especially necessary during this period. It is recommended to start with apples; start consuming them baked. Gradually introduce other fruits with minimal acid content into your diet.
  • Vegetables in the first period, eat only green flowers. At first, eat colored ones boiled. In soups, stews, in small doses. Of course, sweets are not advisable, but if you really want them, a little marshmallows, natural marmalade, jams, and dried fruits are allowed. It is better to abstain from honey. Also, shortbread cookies and biscuits are allowed. From drinks, green and herbal tea, fruit drinks, compotes, non-carbonated mineral water.
  • Fluid intake is not a small aspect of this period. It is necessary to drink at least more water in addition to the standard amount of water500 gramsliquids in the form of tea, milk, various decoctions. But this should be done gradually, no earlier than the fourth day after birth, otherwise it may lead to excess milk. You need to eat in small portions, at least five meals a day.

Let us remind you once again that everything is possible in moderation. For a more accurate menu selection, you can contact a specialist who will create a diet for you based on your individual characteristics.

Experts recommend using specializedplants thatcontained in tea, for example, with anise, nettle, lemon balm(Ocheck the contents of the tea on the packaging) .

Important! so that drinks do not contain artificial additives and are marked BIO. It is enough to drink a cup of tea fifteen minutes before feeding the baby.

Also, soups, not fatty broths, increase lactation. Among vegetables, carrots, radishes, and pumpkin are especially recommended. Greens will also help you in increasing lactation - cumin, anise, dill, but you should refrain from eating onions and garlic(milk acquires a specific taste and the baby may refuse it).Eat liver once a week; it contains a lot of iron, which reduces the risk of anemia. But remember that sometimes due to anatomical features women, it is not possible to increase lactation(most often due to genetic predisposition).

Mom’s diet will be little different if her health is fine and there are no allergies in the family. But, unfortunately, genetic predisposition does not guarantee against an allergic reaction. Lately this is not due to quality products food and in a less than clean environment.

Cause allergies during breastfeeding, can:

  • chocolate;
  • legumes;
  • exotic fruits, vegetables, all citrus fruits;
  • soy, and any non-natural proteins contained in beef, fish, poultry;
  • of course dyes, preservatives, formaldehydes, additives.

If you are predisposed to allergic reaction mother or child, these foods should be excluded during the first period. The allergy reaction manifests itself in redness of the cheeks, peeling skin on the knees and elbows, bloating. But here's what interesting thing, introducing allergens in small doses through breast milk helps improve the baby’s body’s resistance. And it can prevent your child from developing allergies in the future.

Pay attention to your clothing, wear loose clothing fromnaturalfabrics, pay special attention tobrait should not only support the breasts, but also be made of fabrics that are pleasant to the touch.

Clothes that are too tight can reduce your milk supply. Walk more fresh air. But how a mother should eat properly is, of course, up to her to decide. All general recommendations suited purely individually. Look at your feelings and observe the baby and his behavior.