What is the fat content of the cheese? low fat cheese

- the diet followed by people with diseases of the liver, biliary tract and gallbladder is a restriction in fats and cholesterol-containing foods. In the article "" I wrote that hard cheeses are high in protein, minerals, milk fat and cholesterol.

You obviously won’t eat much of such a product, given that the daily fat intake is limited to 90 grams, 30 of which should be of plant origin. How to be? Is it really possible to retire cheese from the post of the main morning product? To get started, try looking at a different shelf in the store. As an alternative to goudas, emmentals, Dutch and other high-calorie cheeses, I offer dietary Adyghe, ricotta and feta.

Feta - 290 kcal, fat content - 24%, proteins - 17 gr

Let's start from the end: the top five low-fat cheeses are closed by feta - the one without which it is impossible to imagine a Greek salad. The fat content of feta can reach up to 50%, we are satisfied with the option with 24%.

I’ll make a reservation right away: table number 5 does not allow frankly salty cheeses, like cheese. Feta, although stored in brine, is tender in taste. Therefore, there is no strict ban on it.

Feta takes a lot from sheep's milk, which is its basis. This cheese is rich in beta-carotene and vitamins A, E, K, D, group B, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, selenium, but most of all it contains calcium and sodium.

There are so many useful lactic acid bacteria in feta that they are quite enough to eliminate gastrointestinal disorders, including those caused by food poisoning. True, only feta made from natural and unpasteurized sheep's milk has such properties.

Mozzarella - 160-280 kcal, fat content - from 17 to 24%, proteins - 28 gr

Italian mozzarella is purely formal in our ranking in fourth place. In fact, she shares the same position with feta, since her fat content can reach the same 24%. But if you try, you can find a more dietary product with 17% fat content.

What is good about mozzarella? This young tender cheese is combined with almost all vegetables, herbs and even berries. Like any natural cheese, mozzarella is rich in phosphorus and calcium, contains easily digestible protein and healthy fatty acids. At the same time, it is worth noting that mozzarella is not a source of beneficial lactic acid bacteria: milk for it is fermented using rennet, without additional microflora.

! Natural mozzarella has a very short shelf life - 5-7 days.

If the label indicates an expiration date of more than a week, preservatives have definitely been added to such mozzarella.

Adyghe cheese - 240 kcal, fat content - 14%, proteins - 19 gr

Next in line is Adyghe cheese. For me, this is the perfect breakfast option. The previous two options are more associated with an afternoon snack or five o "clock tea - it's more of a light snack. It's easy to start your day with Adyghe. Unlike mozzarella, it is made by adding lactic acid bacteria to pasteurized milk. At the same time, it tastes almost the same as the Italian counterpart.

Adyghe cheese is an integral part of the diet of not only patients following diet No. 5, but also of all losing weight. It has only 14% fat, 19 grams of protein and no carbohydrates at all.

Ricotta - 172 kcal, fat content from 8 to 24%, proteins - 11 gr

Our rating of the most low-fat cheeses is headed by Italian - ricotta. It is often called cheese, but let's be honest, it's more like cottage cheese. Ricotta is made from whey, which remains after the preparation of other cheeses - mozzarella, for example. It does not contain ordinary milk proteins, only albumin protein, which is present in human blood (therefore, its absorption is faster and easier).

What cannot be taken away from ricotta is beneficial trace elements, vitamins and calcium. Cheese made from cow's milk has a lower fat content - 8% (for comparison, from goat's - up to 24%).

! The soft variety of ricotta has a shelf life of no more than 3 days, the hard one is stored for up to two weeks.

Tofu - 72-90 kcal, fat content up to 5%, proteins - 8 gr

Separately, I will say about soybean cheese - tofu. Yes, it has the lowest fat content among all the cheeses I have listed and should come first, but there is one “but”: tofu contributes to excessive gas formation, and therefore, with gastrointestinal diseases, it should be eaten in very limited quantities.

The rest of the tofu is priceless. It is an antioxidant that removes dioxin from the body, which causes cancerous tumors, and also reduces the level of "bad cholesterol". At the same time, tofu is not just a dietary, but a super dietary product: calories - 73 Kcal, proteins - 8 grams, fats - 4.5 grams, carbohydrates - 0.8 grams. So occasionally, for a change, you can afford tofu. Adding it to salads is a sweet thing, I tell you.

We summarize: Adyghe cheese and ricotta fit best into the criteria for the fifth diet. They are not salty, not fatty, contain not much protein and are great for breakfast. Just what the doctor ordered. Just do not forget to count calories daily (it is more convenient to do this with the help) and take. Like diet, it is an essential element of a liver repair program.

Proper and dietary nutrition is a way of life. In this regard, many people are wondering what is the most fat-free cheese. It is important to understand what fat means. As you understand, a fermented milk product cannot be completely devoid of fat. Let's look into this issue.

List of cheeses with a fat content of up to 10%

Fat-free cottage cheese cheese is a fermented milk product that contains no more than 20% fat. If the percentage of fat content varies from 20 to 30 units, then such cheeses are classified as light dietary products. And when the fat mass exceeds 30%, such fermented milk products, even with a stretch, cannot be called dietary.

The palm on the dietary table is obtained by cheeses, the percentage of fat content of which does not exceed 10%. Tofu cheese can boast of low calorie content. It is prepared on a soy basis, the mass of fat in it varies from 1.5 to 4%. It is the cheese of this variety that has gained great popularity among losing weight.

On a note! Despite the minimum concentration of fat, the cheese of the above variety is enriched with useful micro and macro elements, in particular calcium.

The second place on the pedestal is occupied by granular cottage cheese. Most often, such a product contains no more than 5% fat. It can be called nutritious, but at the same time dietary.

In third place is another well-known fat-free cheese. The names of its varieties will help you quickly navigate and choose the right dish. So, approximately 7% of fat is contained in Gaudette cheese. In everyday life, this cheese product is known as "Gouda".

Many gourmets love cheese in the form of a pigtail. Most often it is served at the table as an appetizer for foamy drinks. Despite the level of salinity, such cheese is considered a dietary product, because the mass of fat in it varies from 5 to 10%. On the shelves of supermarkets, cheese of the Chechil variety is most often found.

More than 10% - a lot or a little?

Skimmed milk cheese, as well as products made from whey, can be easily found on supermarket shelves. Please note that even with a fat concentration of 10 to 20%, the product is considered dietary and low-calorie.

Italians are very fond of ricotta cheese. It is prepared on a whey basis. The share of fat in the described product reaches 13%. Despite this figure, cheese is very good for health, because it contains many useful substances, vitamins, micro and macro elements.

On the next step is Oltermani cheese. The mass of fat in such a dish is about 17%. The above delicacy is not very popular.

And now it's time to rejoice to all cheese lovers. This cheese with an amazing taste and aroma is added to salads by culinary specialists from all over the world. If you are closely watching your figure, then it's time to include cheese in your diet. Such a product can be attributed to the number of cheeses with a minimum fat content: its rate varies from 10 to 15%.

It is worth mentioning the feta cheese. Depending on the method of production, this cheese can be fatty and high in calories. Manufacturers offer a special product called "Light". The percentage of fat content of such cheese varies between 28-30%.

Cheese "Adyghe" can also be attributed to the number of low-calorie products of sour-milk fat content. The proportion of fat in it is approximately 19-20%.

Important! If you want to lose weight, and not exhaust yourself with a mono-diet, be sure to include hard cheese in your diet. Fat will in any case be contained in the product. The body needs it, like other elements and vitamins.

Ricotta at home

Recently, many housewives have begun to doubt the quality of store-bought cheeses. In this regard, every day there are more and more recipes for making hard cheese at home. Ricotta is one of the dietary cheeses. Let's cook it.


  • 0.3 l of skimmed cow's milk;
  • 0.2 tsp citric acid;
  • 0.2 tsp fine-grained salt.


On a note! About 200 g of exquisite and incredibly tasty Ricotta cheese can be made from 1 liter of skimmed cow's milk.

For the Dukan Diet

The Dukan Diet has become widespread. You can easily cook excellent low-calorie cheese at home, which you can safely introduce into your diet for health and figure benefits.


  • 1 liter of milk with a fat concentration of 1.5%;
  • 2 pcs. chicken eggs;
  • 0.2 l of natural fat-free yogurt;
  • ½ st. l. dried tomatoes;
  • salt and spices to taste.


Cheese is considered a natural product and has been eaten for a long time. It has always been valued, as cheese is a healthy and nutritious food that is recommended for all people. Some varieties of cheese for dietary nutrition are more suitable, others less, but the value of cheese in any case can not be overestimated. The very concept of "low-fat cheese" is incorrect, since any of them contain fat. However, there is a division according to the amount of fat:

  • fat-free - less than twenty percent,
  • lungs - from twenty to thirty percent,
  • normal cheeses - from forty to fifty,
  • double fat - from sixty to seventy-five,
  • triple fat - more than seventy percent.

The first two types are made from skimmed milk, all the rest are made from whole milk with the addition of cream or only from cream.

Below are the varieties of low-fat cheeses.


Tofu - soy cheese . Fat content - from one and a half to four percent. Cheese contains high-quality proteins, so it can easily replace meat. Tofu cheese is recommended to be included in the menu for weight loss. This cheese is made from soy milk, however, it is often called cottage cheese. This is due to the fact that the consistency and color of the cheese resembles cheese. The product contains a lot of calcium, making it an ideal choice for the elderly. Tofu helps prevent the development of a disease such as osteoporosis. In addition, it will help lower cholesterol, which is the cause of many heart diseases. Tofu cheese can be consumed every day in combination with plant foods.

Cottage cheese

Low-fat cheese - grained cottage cheese. In European countries, it is often called village cheese. This cheese looks like curd grain mixed with fresh, slightly salted cream. The product can be an independent dish or an integral part of various salads. Cheese is considered one of the lowest calorie foods, so it is recommended by nutritionists even when following very strict diets. Cottage cheese contains a large amount of milk protein, amino acids important for the body, minerals, as well as vitamins C, B and PP. Experts advise eating this low-fat cheese at night. It works while you sleep, keeping you feeling full longer.


Ricotta cheese is a traditional Italian product. This low-fat cheese goes well with bread, crackers, and can be used as a dressing for potatoes. It is also often consumed with fresh vegetables or added to fruit desserts. A low-fat variety of Ricotta cheese is a source of healthy proteins and calcium, as well as an excellent dietary product.


Chechil cheese is a delicious smoked cheese. Its fat content is ten percent. In appearance, it differs from all other varieties - these are fibrous threads in structure, fixed in a bundle. The smell and taste are sour-milk, sharp, the surface of the product is rough. Due to its low fat and calorie content, chechil is widely used in a variety of diets. It contains a lot of calcium and vitamins, which manufacturers try to keep as much as possible. This is a very useful product, but real chechil can only be tasted in the Caucasus, in a house where the owners cook it themselves. Purchased cheese contains fewer nutrients, and the taste is very different from homemade.


Mozzarella cheese is an Italian product made from skimmed milk. Cheese contains numerous vitamins and minerals, making it easy to digest. Cheese Excellent for dietary nutrition, even when an increased amount of protein should be present in the diet, as it is considered a low-fat cheese. It contains phosphorus, calcium, so it is recommended to use it for pregnant women, as well as for children over three years old.


Arla Apetina Feta Cheese is a low-fat cheese with a slightly salty taste and soft texture. Great for making salads, and can also be an appetizer in combination with any bread. It is a product of Greek cuisine that has become popular in most countries. Feta is considered a fatty food with a lot of cholesterol. But there is also a light version of the variety - feta-light, which is made from goat's milk, due to which the fat content is reduced to thirty percent. Combined with vegetables, greens and olives, this low-fat cheese becomes a source of beneficial vitamins and minerals.


Chevrefin cheese is a cheese that is considered to be the birthplace of France. The product has a mild taste with a pleasant aroma of goat's milk. Low-fat varieties of Chevrefin cheese are ideal for a cheese plate. They can be served as an independent dish with bread, fruits and nuts. Cheese is especially good for salads.

Dor Blue

Cheese Dor Blue is a delicate spicy cheese with blue mold. The product belongs to exquisite low-fat varieties of cheese, has ideal taste qualities. Cheese contains many vitamins, minerals, easily digestible proteins, which has a positive effect on the immune system. Mold improves bowel activity. Amino acids improve the functioning of the nervous system, so Dor Blue cheese is recommended for insomnia, irritability and depression. In addition, cheese increases concentration, memory and activates human brain activity. The product is useful during the rehabilitation period after fractures and operations. It can be eaten even with lactose intolerance, as it contains practically no lactose.


President Camembert Legey Cheese is a creamy French cheese made from cow's milk. The product has a color from white to light creamy, spicy and piquant taste, on the outside of Camembert there is a white fluffy crust, which is formed by a special cheese mold. The benefits of cheese are due to its composition: essential amino acids, vitamins, cheese mold. All this saturates the body with only useful substances. Therefore, nutritionists recommend the use of this low-fat cheese to everyone without exception. But there is a limitation in quantity - in fact, fifty grams of cheese is enough not to harm the body.


Oltermani cheese is a traditional Finnish cheese with a delicate creamy taste and pleasant aroma. The zest to this cheese is given by a slight sourness. Oltermani cheese is popular in many countries. It can be used in salads, creamy soups, pastries and sandwiches. Cheese has a low percentage of fat, but at the same time contains a lot of calcium, proteins and other minerals. This low-fat cheese is suitable for diet food.

People who care about the figure usually choose all products with the lowest possible fat content. What can I say, this is the right strategy. Eat less sweets, flour products, fatty foods and add sports - harmony will quickly appear on the horizon.

Cheese is considered a rather fatty product. Of course, it is rich in useful minerals, vitamins; There is much more protein in cheese than even in meat. In fact, cheese is considered a milk concentrate, it contains 20-25% protein. For comparison: only 3.2% of protein in milk. However, in dietary nutrition, the consumption of cheese is severely limited or completely excluded.

It is not necessary to do this, it is not necessary to deprive the body of such a useful and easily digestible product, to risk health. After all, there are low-fat and low-fat varieties of cheese, they can be a great alternative for a diet that limits the intake of fatty foods.

Most of the cheeses we are used to have a fat content of about 50-70% (in other words, for every 100 g of the product there is 50-70 g of fat). If there is a desire to maintain harmony, then you should give preference to dietary cheeses with a specially reduced fat content (within 20-30%). It is this product that is considered light.

There is also fat-free cheese (up to 20%). From any milk, cream is preliminarily and carefully removed, only then diet cheese is created. Similar products can be found in hypermarkets or specialized expensive stores. You can't argue that this is the best option for losing weight, an ideal alternative for people who want to maintain weight.

By the way, nutritionists have long developed a special cheese diet, where the basis of the diet (2/3) are different varieties of cheese with a fat content of up to 35%. For 10 days of such a diet, it’s really possible to lose 5 kg or more of excess weight. The emphasis is on tofu, cheese, goudette, ricotta, chechil, cottage cheese and other healthy and varied cheeses, which we will discuss below. Some of them can be easily prepared at home.

The best low-fat cheeses

Sometimes low-fat cheeses are required to be consumed not only to maintain the thinness of the waist, but also for health reasons. So, the therapeutic diet No. 5, used for diseases of the gallbladder and liver, also involves a restriction in fatty foods (maximum 90 g of fat per day), and therefore there is a switch to low-fat cheeses in the diet. Ricotta, Adyghe cheese are perfect.

Here is a list of the most famous dietary cheeses.

Tofu (1.5-4%)

This cheese is created from soy milk, it is considered cottage cheese. Most of all it resembles cheese, but unsalted. It should be noted the highest content of high-quality protein, tofu can replace meat and eggs in this indicator. Calorie content - up to 90 kcal. Nutritionists note the healing properties of tofu, because this cheese helps lower "bad" cholesterol and prevents vascular diseases, osteoporosis, heart problems, etc.

Tofu contains phytoestrogens, so it is an ideal dish for women with hormonal imbalances, during menopause, etc. The only “but”: tofu can contribute to excessive gas formation.

Important: this cheese can be kept in the refrigerator for up to a week, be sure to store it in an aqueous solution.

Ricotta (2-24%)

True, this is not cheese, at least in the sense we are used to, rather, cottage cheese. The consistency is like sandwich paste. Manufacturers often add sugar to ricotta, even dried fruits, turning the dietary product into a curd mass. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the cheese is free of these additives.

Made from leftover whey from other cheeses. There are no usual milk proteins in ricotta, there is only albumin protein present in human blood (the reason why the absorption of ricotta occurs many times faster and easier). Its calorie content is a maximum of 172 kcal.

Ricotta has a lower fat content - 8% - from cheeses made from cow's milk (from goat - up to 24%). It contains the minimum amount of Na. This product is highly nutritious, quickly saturates the body. It also heals the nervous system, improves visual acuity, and normalizes the condition of hypertensive patients.

Interesting: ricotta is the best cheese for protecting the liver, because it contains methionine, a sulfur-containing amino acid. True, this variety in a soft state is not stored for a long time - a maximum of 3 days; in solid - up to 2 weeks.

Adyghe cheese (14%)

It is produced by introducing lactic acid bacteria into already pasteurized milk. Similar in taste to their Italian counterparts. Adyghe cheese is an obligatory part of the diet of those who are losing weight, as well as following the diet of diet No. 5. For it lacks carbohydrates and as much as 19 g of protein.

Mozzarella (17-24%)

You cannot call it a source of necessary, beneficial bacteria, because milk for such cheese is fermented thanks to rennet; the addition of any additional microflora is not provided.

Important: really natural mozzarella has a short shelf life - up to a week. If the shelf life on the label is longer, the cheese definitely has preservatives added.

Feta (24-50%), aka light cheese

The basis of cheese is sheep's milk, the product is rich in calcium, beta-carotene, vitamins, sodium. Stored in light brine. The product is delicate in taste, therefore it is allowed at table number 5. Feta is rich in beneficial lactic acid bacteria. Therefore, its use helps to cope with food poisoning, it is advisable to choose cheese with a fat content of 27%.

All those who are losing weight should pay attention to the feta light version, it is made from goat's milk, so it has a lower limit of fat content.

Cottage cheese (5%)

Basically, it's low-fat cottage cheese. Some people in Russia call it Lithuanian cottage cheese or homemade cheese. And in Europe - rural. Calorie content - only 85 kcal. The texture is soft, creamy, slightly salty.

Chechil (5-10%)

This is a fibrous product. Somewhat reminiscent of Suluguni. Usually created in the form of threads. Often sold already twisted into a pigtail. Chechil fibers are often smoked. Not like any other cheese, it ripens in a special brine, sometimes it is mixed with other cheese, cottage cheese.

Fitness cheeses

This is a special invention for losing weight. Such versions of cheeses are now available from many manufacturers. By replacing fatty cheese in the usual homemade recipes with such an alternative, you can significantly cut the calorie and fat content of the diet, which means you can lose weight more quickly. Now you do not need to choose between healthy teeth, hair and a thin waist. We list the most popular names.

  • Gaudette (7%). It is semi-solid, has a delicate piquant taste, high calcium content. This is an analogue of regular Gouda cheese, but fat-free.
  • Viola Polar, Grünlander (5-10%), Fitness Cheese. Excellent product for diet, sometimes contains 5% yogurt, which adds to the usefulness.
  • Oltermani (16-17%) fat. It has a pleasant aftertaste of milk, a dense and fairly homogeneous structure; A find for lovers of healthy food.
  • Dietary Ichalki (12.8%), Natura. It is considered a semi-solid variety, has a light yellow color, a pronounced creamy taste. You can store up to a week. Rich in Mg, K and a number of vitamins.
  • Lakomo Light (20%). Made from cow's milk. Free from carbohydrates. Usually sold sliced.

For a diet, solid varieties are also excellent, however, with a reduced fat content. They can have a fairly high calorie content, but if you use them in modest amounts, then the figure will definitely not harm. Such cheeses contain lecithin, which only improves our metabolism, stimulates the breakdown of fats, and at the same time normalizes cholesterol levels.

So, the following varieties can be safely attributed to this kind of cheese.

  • Swiss (45%). It has a pronounced sweetish taste, outwardly there are small eyes. Contains 380 calories.
  • Parmesan (32%), known for its specific smell, as well as a light aftertaste. Calorie content - 292.
  • Dutch (45%). The product is yellow in color with a salty aftertaste. Calorie content - 345 kcal.
  • Cheddar. Often found in the dietary version (33%). It has a nutty flavor, sometimes slightly sour. Contains 380 kcal.
  • Russian (50%). It has a creamy and slightly sweet taste. It has 360 calories.

Features of choice

Of course, dietary cheese should be selected according to fat content. When you need to lose weight, preference should be given to products with a fat content of up to 30. It is also important to pay attention to the calorie content of cheese. Particularly cunning manufacturers indicate a fat content of 29%, but the calorie content of the product may exceed 390 kcal (for example, higher than the nutritional value of Maasdam). Foods that have a spicy or too salty taste are absolutely not suitable for dietary nutrition.

What you should pay attention to in order to choose a really high-quality cheese:

  • fresh smell;
  • uniform color (without stains, any traces of washing, cleaning);
  • lack of palm oil;
  • complete packaging;
  • the presence of vegetable fats;
  • the cut should remain even, without crumbling edges (the exception is the Idiazabal variety).

Keep in mind that absolutely any processed cheese will have lower fat content, but much less calcium. At the same time, hard fat-free cheese is many times more nutritious, but with its maximum content.

Among hard cheeses, a minimum of fat is found in white varieties. Vivid examples: Gouda, Edamer, Mozzarella.

Remember that spicy cheeses with various molds are leaders in fat content, it is better to avoid them for losing weight.

Rules for use and recipes

Most cheeses don't keep very long even in the refrigerator, so this is important to consider. Expired cheese should not be consumed without risk to health.

No matter how low-calorie and low-fat cheese is, it is still important to focus on the amount of this product consumed when dieting - therapeutic or for weight loss. On average, it is advisable to eat even dietary cheese no more than 100-150 g, and not dietary cheese with a fat content of more than 30% - up to 50 g for the whole day.

No one will argue that the most useful home-made product will be, where you know exactly what ingredients you put in. The cooking process does not take much time and everyone can do it.

Homemade hard cheese recipe (value: 78 kcal)

Take half a liter of milk (ideally 0.5 percent fat), half a kilogram of cottage cheese (0%), half a spoon of soda, an egg, a pinch of salt; to taste garlic, chopped herbs, seasonings, carrots.

We heat the milk, pour the cottage cheese to it and mix. We do everything in a water bath. Transfer the mixture to cheesecloth. We hang it so that the whey we don’t need is faster to glass. Now, in another container, beat the egg, soda. If the serum is glass, you need to transfer the cheese mass into a bowl of a suitable size, where to add the egg, spices. Again we put everything in a water bath; It is important to stir vigorously, otherwise there will be lumps. As soon as the mass becomes more homogeneous - remove from the stove, cool. It remains only to remove the cheese to infuse in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Wrap the bowl with cling film first.

Homemade mozzarella recipe (52 kcal)

You will need: one and a half liters of milk (cannot be pasteurized), 0.25 liters of water, 2 tablets of the drug acidin pepsin (available in pharmacies, necessary for normal milk clotting), 0.4 tsp. citric acid, a spoonful of salt.

We heat the milk to 25 ° C, pour citric acid into it (dissolve it in half the water). We bring it to 35 ° C, stirring constantly. At the same time, dissolve the pepsin acidin tablets in the remaining water, pour them into the milk. We warm it up to 40 ° C. We remove from the stove, at this moment the milk should already begin to curdle: cheese flakes will begin to form at the top. Keep covered for another 20 minutes. As a result, the curdled mass turns out to be thick and barely yellow in color. We mix.

Now we need to put our future cheese on a sieve, grind it. The resulting product should stick together. We put it in water (up to 70 ° C), wait until it starts to melt a little. We squeeze it, again getting rid of all excess whey. At this stage, add seasonings. Stretch the mozzarella a couple more times and heat through. Then give the desired shape to your cheese and remove to infuse in the refrigerator.

tofu cheese recipe

It will take only 1 liter of soy milk and the juice of one lemon. It is necessary to heat the milk to a boil, leave it to infuse on the stove for 7 minutes. Then add lemon juice. The mass will begin to curl, it is important to stir it well. Carefully squeeze out moisture from the product and place it under pressure in the refrigerator.

ricotta recipe

We take 5 liters of whey from cow's or sheep's milk, 50 g of water, half a teaspoon of citric acid. We heat the serum to 90 degrees, introduce water with citric acid previously added to it. Mix thoroughly. We filter the cheese flakes with gauze and remove the mass in the refrigerator.

paneer recipe

Another product of Indian cuisine that is not very familiar to us. We take 1 liter of milk (0% fat), spices, 0.5 cups of lemon juice and 0.5 liters of kefir. We heat the milk, add kefir to it (as usual - a water bath), introduce lemon juice when the milk begins to curdle. It is important not to miss the moment. Then the resulting mass is carefully filtered and mixed with your favorite spices. Put under pressure in the refrigerator to infuse for 6 hours.

How to cook diet cheese, see the following video.

Calorie content (energy value) of food - the amount of energy received by the body after its complete assimilation. In order to determine the energy value of the product, it is burned in a calorimeter. Then determine the amount of heat that is released into the environment. If a person eats more calories per day than they used up, excess weight appears.

The maximum number of calories is produced in the process of digestion of fatty foods, extra "folds" appear on the body. Dreaming of getting rid of a few extra pounds, you need to select low-calorie foods. It is customary to call nutrition rational, implying the observance of the proportion between animal and vegetable proteins 55% to 45%, vegetable and animal fats as 30% to 70%.

Diet foods are foods with a negative or minimal amount of calories. Dietary nutrition involves the use of a significant amount of fluid, at least 1.5 liters per day, and low-calorie foods.

Can you lose weight by eating cheese?

Cheese is a non-sweet dairy product that contains a significant amount of protein. Among the main disadvantages of cheeses, high fat content should be noted. The increased calorie content of this product for a long time made it inappropriate for dietary nutrition.

Currently, special diets are being offered that allow the use of special varieties of cheese that have a reduced fat content.

The problem of buying low-fat cheese

How effective is the cheese diet? Similar to a variety of protein, you can try the “cheese” version of weight loss.

Among the proven and effective variants of the cheese diet, one can note a 7-10 day low-calorie diet based on cheese and other protein products, which includes supplements from vegetables and fruits. The calorie content of this food option is 1500-1900 kcal, additional physical activity is expected. Staying on such a diet for 10 days allows you to reduce weight by 3-5 kilograms. Such a diet is not balanced, however, it gives an excellent result.

Less common are longer cheese diets, which involve severe restrictions on the type of cheese eaten. Variants with a minimum fat content are rarely found on the shelves of ordinary grocery stores. Basically, buyers are offered varieties of cheeses, the fat content of which is more than 40%. For example, such a popular cheese as Maasdam, which has a fat content of 45%, has a calorie content of 348 kcal per 100 grams. Such characteristics do not allow us to consider that it is the lowest calorie cheese, and it is not worth recommending it for dietary nutrition.

How to choose a low-calorie cheese?

For a long time, nutritionists cannot decide on the variety of the lowest-calorie cheese, their opinions differed. The line between "dietary" and "ordinary" cheeses was set at around 30 percent. Some cheese producers indicate the fat content in their product is 29%, but the calorie content will be about 360 kcal, which exceeds the calorie content of the Maasdam described above. Do not forget to ensure that the product has the “correct” numbers, because otherwise you risk not losing weight, but gaining extra pounds.

Eight leanest cheeses

Here are some options for low-calorie cheeses, the use of which will help you maintain a slim and beautiful figure. To do this, instead of Roquefort, you need to take curd cheese. You can find such products on the shelves of large supermarkets:

When choosing low-fat light cheese for yourself, do not forget that for weight loss, only keeping a sense of proportion in the process of “eating light cheeses” will give the desired result - weight loss. And the cheese diet does not mean that only cheese is worth eating - you need to harmoniously combine it with a lot of vegetables and fruits.