How to get your baby to sleep at night. Breastfeeding and baby's nighttime sleep How to improve baby's daytime sleep

Elizabeth Pantley

This book was written by a mother of 4 children and the book is actually useful if you take it carefully. Thanks to the book, I was able to adjust Richard's daytime sleep in a week, and before that I suffered for more than a year.

Now we have a clear regimen before daytime and before nighttime sleep, which we always follow, and Richard falls asleep on his own, without a breast in his crib for a few minutes, with a smile on his face and hugging his beloved dog. I no longer breastfeed during the day. At night, Richard wakes up a maximum of 1 time in the morning and quickly falls asleep again. In principle, I can change this too, but this 1 awakening suits me. Richard sleeps for 10-11 hours at night.

If you have the opportunity, buy a book and read it carefully. Below are some points that I noted for myself in the process of reading the book. I apologize in advance for fragmentary, inaccurate and possible errors.

If any of the points you are particularly interested in, I can reveal it in more detail. The book also has special forms that will help you keep a kind of diary of your child's sleep.

  • It’s worth starting to think about how much the child’s nighttime awakenings really interfere with you, because. if the child is less than 3 years old, then 1-2 awakenings per night is quite normal. Of course, there are people in your environment whose children sleep for 10-12 hours at night almost from 3 months old, but this is more an exception than a rule and you should not be guided by them. Start from your own situation.
  • If, nevertheless, these awakenings bother you, then you should tune in positively and consistently get down to business. Sometimes mom is too tired to really change anything.
  • The child should eat healthy food throughout the day and consume all the required amount of calories during the day.
  • In the evening, it is worth feeding the child carbohydrates and protein, for example, cereals, brown rice, oats, yogurt, cheese, some meat, some fruit.

It is bad to give sweets at night, including cookies containing sugar.

  • If you are breastfeeding, you should not drink tea, coffee yourself at night, eat nuts, dairy, broccoli, legumes, cauliflower.
  • Bedding and sleepwear should be warm and comfortable.
  • An hour before bedtime, it is imperative to follow the regime and follow it every day, for example, a walk - dinner - bath - reading books - calm music - breastfeeding / bottle feeding - subdued light - bed. It's all about making associations.
  • It is very important to stick to the daily regimen before going to bed. Even if the mode shifts and you don’t have time for all the stages in full, then the time for each stage should be reduced, but still keep the sequence and, for example, read 1 book instead of three.
  • Sometimes you have to make exceptions and deviate from the regimen, but in general, you need to build your evening around the child's regimen.
  • Daytime sleep should also be at about the same time. This will help set the body's internal clock.
  • If the child is already yawning, then forget about the bathroom and books and quickly go to bed.
  • Children should be put to bed earlier so that they do not overwork and suffer from chronic sleep deprivation.

Ideally, you need to put the child to bed at 7 pm.

  • The opinion that the earlier you put your child to bed, the earlier he will wake up in the morning, is erroneous, even if you sometimes succeed in doing just that. Once you have a system, everything will change.
  • When a child actively runs around the house late at night, this is already a sign of overwork.
  • Opinion. That the more the child runs and the later he lies down, the better he will sleep through the night, is mistaken.
  • If the child falls asleep at 7-8 o'clock, then the whole evening will be free for you. You can spend it alone with your husband and go about your business.
  • To move the regime forward, you need to gradually bring night sleep closer by 15-30 minutes every 2-3 evenings.
  • Supervise the child from 18:30. As soon as you notice the first signs of fatigue - here in bed + silence, calm music, twilight.
  • If in this case the child thinks that this is another daytime dream and wakes up quickly, you need to run to him as fast as he can, while he is still sleepy and finally awake and put him to sleep again: shake, scold + darkness, silence or quiet quiet music. No talking. It's all about associations!

daytime sleep

How a child sleeps during the day affects how well he sleeps at night. Daytime sleep less than 45-60 minutes is not considered.

  • During the day, you need to put the child to sleep IMMEDIATELY, as soon as you notice the first signs of fatigue, i.e. when a child loses interest in games, calms down, reduces activity, rubs his eyes, fusses, yawns, lies on the floor, asks to be held, easily irritated.
  • If the child shows signs of fatigue, but you first decided to wash his hands, change his diaper, change clothes, answer the phone, then the train has left and time is lost. Next opportune moment easy to put to sleep It might only be two hours later.
  • A rested child sleeps better at night.
  • If the child wakes up quickly, it is because sleep is divided into cycles. Moments close to awakening are repeated regularly and are characteristic of all people, both adults and children, but adults will twist a little in bed, straighten the pillow, roll over to the other side and fall asleep again, but the child himself does not know how to do it yet. The child wakes up not because he finally woke up, but because the next cycle of sleep has ended, he is uncomfortable, he wants attention, the usual calm. The main task is to teach the child to fall asleep on his own again.
  • It is necessary to help the child to love his bed, to give the opportunity to play there during the day.

How to put to sleep without tears

If the child is accustomed to a certain way of falling asleep (at the breast, with a pacifier, in the process of motion sickness, etc.), then you should try to change the associations. To begin with, you need to make sure that the child falls asleep in different ways every day, for example, in a car, on a swing, in a stroller, sometimes at the chest, etc. After that, try moving the sleepy baby to bed. Once that week has passed, try creating new sleep associations and putting your tired, sleepy baby to bed right away. To begin with, you can experiment to create these associations with daytime sleep.

  • It is worth accustoming the child to some kind of soft toy or soft object that the child would love and get used to falling asleep with him. It can be a soft toy, a blanket. It's good when the child makes his own choice, but you can choose for yourself. First place this item between you and your baby each time you breastfeed/bottle. Maybe the child already has such a favorite subject.
  • The child must learn to distinguish daytime sleep from night sleep in order to be able to fall asleep again at night.
  • If the child woke up at night, then at first he is still sleepy and you need to catch this moment. No need to talk a lot, but only repeat the same words, for example, “Tshshsh”, “Good night”, etc. Don't turn on the light. Be quiet and calm. Do not change diapers unless absolutely necessary. Darken the windows. Do not keep toys next to the bed, except for one favorite.

Let the child associate a night's sleep with certain words. Do not use this phrase in other situations.

  • Turn on calm music with a repeating melody. Choose what you like and what helped you to relax yourself.
  • If the child woke up at night, repeat your catchphrase for the night and turn the music back on.
  • Some babies fall asleep with a breast, with a bottle, with a pacifier. In principle, there is nothing wrong with falling asleep with a breast, if it suits you. The bottle can cause tooth decay and lead to overeating. There is nothing wrong with a nipple between 3 months and 2 years. A nipple up to 3 months can interfere with lactation, and after 2 years it can damage bite and speech development. In addition, there are frequent cases when it is then difficult to wean a child from a pacifier. If you do choose the pacifier option, try putting a few nipples in bed with your rebec so he can find the lost pacifier himself.

How to wean from night feedings

If you make the decision to wean your baby off night feeds/bottles, then you need to be prepared to sacrifice your sleep for a week or even a month while there is a transition period. It will be an investment in the future.

  • If the baby woke up at night and cries, then start to calm him down in the usual way: breast, bottle, pacifier, but do not stop there. Wait a few minutes for the baby to suckle and try weaning/pacifier/bottle while falling asleep. The baby may start looking for them again with his mouth, try to gently hold your chin so that the mouth remains closed, repeat your soothing phrase “Shh”, “Sleep well” ... It is easier to take the breast / nipple out of the mouth if you carefully observe the sucking and pull the breast out when sucking movements will stop. You may need several attempts and may need to nurse/nipple again for a short time. If everything worked out, put the child in bed. If you wake up a little again, say your soothing phrase again + calm music, darkness, peace. Be patient and persistent. Over time, you will be able to lull a child who has woken up after the end of the next phase of sleep again at a distance, simply by repeating “Shh, spiii”.
  • The process of falling asleep at night is important. It depends on this in many respects how the night will pass and whether the child will be able to fall asleep again after the next phase. All because of associations. Ideally, the child should fall asleep on his own in his bed in a good mood with his favorite toy. In this case, waking up at night, it will be easier for the child to fall asleep again in a familiar environment. If the child always falls asleep only at the breast, then he is transferred to bed, then waking up, the child expects to see his mother and breast, because. what he saw before going to bed, and not wake up alone in his bed. It's like if you yourself lay down in an ordinary bed, and suddenly woke up at night on the kitchen floor. Surely you would also be offended and incomprehensible.
  • If you are a supporter of breastfeeding and co-sleeping, then you can try to make sure that the child will sleep better with you all night. Stop automatically giving your baby a breast for every squeak and rustle. Sometimes a child just yells and makes sounds in a dream, this does not mean that he woke up. Better listen to these sounds, do not move, pretend to be asleep. Reduce your nighttime compulsions by weaning as described above. Sometimes while doing this, you can put the child’s hand on your chest, it calms. You can try to move away from the baby when he is already asleep so that the milk is not so close.
  • If you want to discourage your child from co-sleeping, then you can try to put the child on the mattress next to your bed for a start, feed the child on this mattress and then leave. Over time, you can shift this mattress to the child's room. You can, on the contrary, leave the child in a large bed, and leave later. You can immediately go to bed with the child in the nursery, then leave, leaving the toy behind. If the child wakes up, quickly come to him, feed again and leave again. Soon the child will get used to the fact that the parents are nearby. You can first put a baby bed next to your own by removing the partition. Then install the partition again and move the bed further. If the child is older, then you can explain that the child himself can slowly come to his parents without waking them. If you have older children, you can try putting them together.

You can attract someone close to you to wean from night feedings. Then dad or grandmother will go to bed in the evening with the child.

Rituals and associations with sleep

Gradually, you need to reduce and simplify night sleep. With children about 2 years old, you can stick together a book with photographs of the child himself, which captures all the moments when he goes to bed, i.e. a photo as you read, a photo in a bath, in pajamas, a photo of a sleeping child + small comments. Instead of photographs, you can cut similar pictures from magazines / old books. This book can be read before bed. Such a book can also help weaning, if at the end it says something like: "Richard is now a big boy, he does this ..., then ..., then ... Now he just needs to kiss his mother before bed and say Goodnight." Such a book may contain the following pages:

  • put on pajamas
  • have a bite to eat
  • Read 3 books with mom/dad
  • drink water
  • Go potty
  • Switch the lights off
  • kisses, hugs
  • The child falls asleep
  • Mom and dad fall asleep too

With older children, you can already come up with a whole game, giving the child special cards equal in number to the number of allowed awakenings at night, and the child will give such a card to mom every time. It is necessary to encourage in every possible way if the child slept through the night.

It is difficult to change everything at once and start following all the tips above, but if you use at least some of them, you will soon see small improvements in your child's sleep. These improvements may seem small to you: 2 steps forward, 1 step back, but over time everything will return to normal.

5 hours of sound sleep for a child is already a huge achievement!

If after several weeks of following all the tips you do not see the slightest improvement in either daytime or nighttime sleep, re-read EVERYTHING again. Children are all different, but not that much. Don't expect momentary miracles. Perhaps you just haven't noticed any improvement yourself and let's say your child already goes to bed 1 hour earlier or you already need less time to go back to sleep.

There are medical or age-related features that interfere with sleep:

  • Growing teeth
  • The child grows up and begins to understand that mom is not always there, that sometimes she leaves. In this case, you need to spend more time with the child during the day, not disappear unnoticed, put a photo of mom and dad by the bed, always leave the child in a good mood and radiate confidence. If the child woke up at night, you should immediately respond and say “Tshsh”, “Mom is nearby”, “Sleep well”, “Everything is fine”. Teach the child to stay alone in the room for a while, leaving for a few minutes in another room, singing, whistling, so that the child knows that nothing terrible has happened, you are nearby.
  • Sometimes during a period of active growth or when a child has just learned to do something new, sleep can temporarily worsen.
  • Colds, vaccinations. In this case, more fluid, more fluid, less activity.
  • Gas, colic (ages 3 weeks to 4 months)
  • Ear infection
  • Heartburn
  • Allergy, asthma
  • Nightmares, scary dreams
  • Snoring, difficulty breathing, enlarged tonsils, adenoids

(Each of these points is covered in detail in the book.)

If no advice helps, the child constantly wakes up, you are on the verge of a breakdown, then:

  • Take 2 weeks off, stop struggling with sleep and do what you've always done and what works the fastest. Put away the clock, go to bed yourself as early as possible, rest as much as possible, sleep during the day.
  • Then start following the plan seriously, and not just by filling out all the forms (There are special forms in the book for filling out and observing the child)
  • Try to let the child cry, BUT at the same time:
  1. Spend more time with your child during the day
  2. Do it after 1 year
  3. Teach your child to distinguish between day and night, dark and light
  4. Explain that when it is dark they sleep and repeat this to the child at night
  5. Get ready to cry and don't worry yourself
  6. Whisper soothing words
  7. If you can't take any more crying, calm your baby down in the usual way.
  8. Limit the time of crying by deciding in advance that you will let cry until such and such a time.
  9. Let crying in your arms

It is important for young parents to understand how the rest period of the baby should go. Sleep for a newborn is a time when the body rests and gains new strength, babies grow in a dream. How to understand how much a newborn should sleep? Is it worth introducing a special mode, and what are the phases of sleep for a child? All these important questions are faced by moms and dads.

Sleep duration of babies

Children are born weak, so the first weeks of their lives are spent building up the strength required for development. Being in the womb, the child got used to the aquatic environment. At birth, he finds himself in a different space, with a different atmospheric pressure, which he has to get used to again. For adults, the world around us seems simple: it is easy to breathe air, the pressure of the atmospheric column goes unnoticed. Newborns have to make a lot of effort in order to breathe and make simple movements. Therefore, the first days of life, the baby sleeps more, gains strength and gets used to the world. In the first month, the duration of rest is much longer than the period of wakefulness: babies sleep for about 20 hours, the rest of the time they eat. In the future, the baby sleeps less and less, more strength will appear to explore the world around him.

Sleep duration by months up to a year

The sleep of the baby at first depends on how much time has passed since his birth. Further, the duration of sleep in newborns varies by month:

  • The sleep of a newborn for the first 2 weeks of life takes almost a whole day (20-22 hours). He sleeps at this time with breaks, because the baby does not yet understand when day and night come. During the day, the baby sleeps in a row for 2-3 hours, at night a little longer. He periodically wakes up to refresh himself. If he does not receive milk every 3-4 hours, he will not have enough strength, so frequent awakenings are the norm.
  • Over the next few weeks, the duration of rest is slowly reduced to 16-18 hours per day. The baby is accustomed to the environment and can do at night without feeding for about 6 hours. In the afternoon after feeding, he will not immediately fall asleep. Now he will study the world around him, only after that he will get tired.
  • Sleep in infants by months begins to change from the third. By the end of this period, it is enough for the baby to pour out 15-16 total hours per day.
  • In the period up to six months, there is a transition to night rest, but he still needs rest breaks in the daytime. In total, it will also take about 15 hours to rest, of which 8-10 are at night, the rest is divided into short dreams in the baby during the day for 1-1.5 hours.
  • Over the next 3 months (from 6 to 9), the total rest time is reduced to 12 hours per day. Most of the time, the baby rests at night. During the day, rest is required in the pre-lunch time and in the afternoon for 1-1.5 hours.
  • From 9 months to a year, children need 10-11 hours of rest, which includes two short rest breaks during the day. Parents try to establish a daily routine for the crumbs and not violate it.

How to organize a child's sleep

How much the children will sleep depends on the parents. Sleep in newborns at night can be made longer by introducing an approximate regimen from 2-3 months. Gradually, babies get used to the routine and quickly switch to nighttime rest. To introduce the regimen, parents do the following:

  • They try to observe the same time every day when they put the baby on daytime rest.
  • The period of wakefulness before going to bed is slightly lengthened to tire the baby.
  • In order for the baby to sleep soundly at night, they bathe him, feed him, communicate with him, sometimes they walk. All of these activities are important for babies to sleep.

Attention! It is not worth delaying the period of wakefulness, otherwise the baby will be capricious and it will be more difficult to fall asleep.

Starting from six months, children better grasp the daily routine - this is the ideal time to introduce a clearer regimen. Many parents during this period try to accustom the baby to the procedures:

  • In the morning, his mother washes him.
  • Bathes in the evening in the bath.
  • All procedures are accompanied by repetitive words, songs, so that a reaction to familiar actions is triggered.

Sleep of a child in the 1st year

Parents can track sleep by months in a newborn using a short table.

Sleep intervals up to a year

Night time

At first, the baby will sleep almost around the clock. Periods for night and day rest are not separated. From 3 months, when babies get better sleep at night, the intervals between feedings also increase. At night, the baby can go without feeding longer. Gradually, children begin to sleep continuously at night, by the year the duration of night rest in total decreases to 10 hours.

Day time for rest

Daytime rest is formed in infants from 3 months, when during this period they rest more at night. Up to six months, children sleep in small intervals three times a day. From 6-9 months, daytime rest is required twice a day. Gradually, by the year, parents can introduce 1 rest break.

Sleep phases in infants

The sleep of an adult contains about 6 phases. When children are not yet a year old, they distinguish only two phases:

  1. Deep. Children during this period are relaxed, the rest of the body is happening right now.
  2. Surface. The baby continues to rest, but this is accompanied by body movements: he can open his mouth, open his eyes, change facial expressions. During this period, children are easy to wake up, they themselves often wake up from their own touch of the hand or a start.

Phase influence

Most of a child's dream is occupied by the deep phase (60%), the rest is superficial. For the entire period of rest, these phases alternately replace each other every 20-30 minutes. In children up to six months, the phase change cycle is about 50-60 minutes: 30/40 minutes of deep sleep and 20 minutes of superficial sleep. Up to a year, this cycle increases to 70 minutes.

After a year, children will gradually add other phases. In order not to disturb them, parents keep silence and switch to subdued lighting (they draw the curtains, turn on the night light).

If the baby confuses day and night

For healthy development, the baby sleeps the prescribed number of hours at night and daytime, but it happens that he seems to confuse the time of day. The reasons why this happens can be different:

  • Difficulties with night sleep occur when a child has poor and restless daytime sleep - often wakes up. He does not have time to rest, he is overexcited and sleeps more restlessly at night.
  • Strong children's rest is possible in comfortable conditions. If the baby has wet diapers, too hot clothes, dry indoor air - all this can affect anxiety. From this, the night hours of rest are shifted.
  • Lack of fresh air can interfere with sleep. Before going to bed, try to ventilate the room.
  • Walking on the street tires the baby in a timely manner and helps to fall asleep more soundly. In winter, frost contributes to deep sleep; in summer, children get tired of the heat faster.
  • The cause of concern may lie in the pain in the abdomen.

How to improve sleep

In order for children to develop according to their age, they need rest. Problems with falling asleep and sound sleep parents can foresee in advance.

Often children get used to sleeping with their mother and feel fear without her presence. Resting in a baby crib will be calmer. Here the baby feels comfortable. To organize a relaxing holiday, the mother tries to satisfy all the needs of the baby before going to bed.

When the baby is put to bed, the parents stay close and talk to him. He falls asleep more calmly when he feels the closeness of his parents. Parents can leave when they are sure that the baby is fast asleep, leave the door open. If he starts screaming and crying, they react immediately.

From birth to a year old, the sleep period in children changes smoothly every couple of months. Parents are guided by the above norm for time, but this is not a mandatory number of hours, it may differ for everyone. The gradual introduction of the regime allows you to transfer the child first to a night's rest, then evens out the daily regimen.


Newborn sleep pattern

In the first days of his life, the baby only sleeps and eats. He does not have a strict sleep schedule, as the newborn gets used to the time of the world around him.

As a rule, the child sleeps from 18 to 20 hours a day. This time is enough to restore the strength and energy that the baby spends on learning the outside world, as well as for the development of all body systems.

Phases and duration of sleep of a newborn 1 week of life

Children for almost a day. At the same time, they wake up every 2-3 hours to eat.

Those babies who are breastfed can wake up after 1.5 hours. After all, breast milk takes 75 minutes to digest.

During the day, a child needs 9 hours of sleep, and at night he needs from 10 to 11 hours to rest.

Causes of restless sleep in a newborn in the first week of life

Night at the kid of this age comes at 21 o'clock and comes to an end at 9 in the morning. It is during this period that the newborn should sleep soundly. But do not forget, it needs to be fed 3-4 times a night.

Day and night sleep patterns can be disturbed if the room is stuffy.

You need to ventilate the room.

Also, in order for the baby to sleep soundly, it is necessary to swaddle him. He should be comfortable, warm, but not hot.

How much should a baby sleep in the second week from birth?

Sleep schedule for 2 week old baby

A two-week-old baby sleeps from 18 to 20 hours a day. During this time it grows. His body develops, all systems begin to adapt, mainly the nervous one. In addition, during sleep, energy appears that the child spends on learning about the world around him.

Phases and duration of good sleep in infants of the second week of life at night and daytime

During the day, a newborn sleeps from 8 to 9 hours, and at night - from 10 to 11. His sleep is interrupted in order to eat.

Note that babies wake up after 1.5-2 hours. And those children who are fed mixtures can sleep up to 3 hours.

Why does a child sleep poorly or not sleep in the second week of life?

A baby can sleep poorly for several reasons.

  • Firstly he might get hot. Keep him warm under the covers. And to make it cozy, try to swaddle the baby.
  • Secondly influenced by the room temperature. To keep the room from being stuffy, it should be ventilated.

How and how much do newborn babies sleep in the third week of life?

Sleep and wakefulness in infants at the age of three weeks

At this age, children begin to show activity. They can consciously move their hands, raise their heads for a few seconds and look at an object of interest for a long time. Moreover, children wake up before the allotted time calculated for feeding, and go to bed not immediately after eating, but later.

To gain strength, kids need 18 hours a day of sound sleep.

Phases and duration of sleep in a newborn three weeks of life at night and during the day

A three-week-old baby sleeps steadily during the day for 8 hours, and at night 10. At the same time, he wakes up every 2-3 hours to refresh himself and examine the external environment.

Many mothers notice that babies have the strongest sleep from 11 pm to 9 am.

Why does a baby sleep poorly at the age of 3 weeks of life

The baby may not sleep due to the fact that he feels discomfort.

  • For example, he might be hot.

Usually babies are swaddled and covered with a blanket on top. To check if the baby is hot, you should stick your finger behind the collar. If the back does not sweat, then everything is normal.

  • Also, the baby may be cold.

You can check this by a frozen nose.

  • By the way, the stuffiness in the room also prevents you from falling asleep.

How much does a baby normally sleep in the fourth week after birth?

Features of daytime and nighttime sleep in infants of four weeks

In a month, the child already begins to understand what day and night are. He has a sleep pattern.

In total, the baby rests 18 hours a day. This time is enough for the growth and development of the body, as well as to restore the energy spent on the knowledge of the new world.

Sleep duration and phases of a four-week-old newborn

Already in a month, the crumbs form 4 daytime periods of sleep, and one nighttime.

In total, babies sleep 8 hours a day. This time is divided into two morning periods of 3 hours, and two evening superficial sleep - 30-40 minutes each.

Many mothers have noticed that their children sleep 4 times for 2 hours. This habit negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of the child.

At night, children sleep for 10 hours.

Sleep disturbance in a newborn 4 weeks of life: the main causes

A newborn may not sleep for several reasons.

  • Firstly , he may be disturbed by an external stimulus such as music or conversation. It is advisable to monitor the surrounding factors.
  • Secondly , the child may be cold or hot. It needs to be swaddled so that it feels comfortable.
  • Third , room conditions, such as stuffiness or humidity, can affect sleep. Be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed.

How do newborn babies sleep in the fifth week of life?

5 week old baby sleep chart

A child of this age sleeps 18 hours a day. This time is enough to replenish the reserves of strength and energy.

A five-week-old baby needs more parental attention, as he can be awake up to 3-4 hours daily.

In addition, the baby adheres to 4 naps during the day and 2 naps at night.

Duration and sleep phases of infants at 5 weeks of life at night and daytime

During the day, the child's sleep is divided into 4 periods, and is 8 hours.

As a rule, in the first two daily periods, the baby sleeps for 3 hours, and in the last two evening periods - for 30-40 minutes. This time is enough to get enough sleep and “not go” into a deep sleep.

At night, mothers can already sleep more peacefully, since within 10 hours the child will need to be fed 1-2 times.

Why does a baby sleep restlessly or not sleep at all at 5 weeks?

  • Stuffy rooms are a common cause of poor sleep. Before laying down the child, it should be ventilated.
  • Also, the baby may not sleep because of an uncomfortable pillow or duvet. It is advisable to check if it is not hot or cold for him.
  • And the cause of restless sleep can be pain in the abdomen. They appear due to the fact that a nursing mother ate a product that she had not used before.

How much should a baby sleep in the sixth week of life?

The sleep pattern of a six-week-old baby at night and during the day

By 6 months, the newborn develops a stable sleep and wakefulness pattern.

During the day, the child continues to sleep 4 times. And at night it can be interrupted 1-2 times for feeding.

In total, the baby sleeps 18 hours a day. This time is enough to gain strength and begin to learn about the world around us again.

At this age, the child already independently holds his head in an upright position, follows objects by turning his neck.

How much should a baby sleep at 6 weeks in time?

Daytime sleep crumbs is divided into 4 periods and is 8 hours. The baby needs two deep sleeps of 3 hours and two superficial sleeps of 30-40 minutes.

And the night sleep of the child is limited to 10 hours. At the same time, it can also be divided into 2-3 periods, since the child must be fed at night.

Why does a 6 week old baby sleep restlessly at night/day?

  • The most common cause of poor sleep in a child of this age is incorrect sleep associations. That is, he can wake up at night, cry and fall asleep only after he is shaken or picked up.
  • The baby may wake up from shuddering. Swaddling saves them.
  • By the way, stuffiness in the room or illness can also become the causes of poor sleep.

How much sleep should a child of seven weeks from birth normally sleep?

Sleep pattern in children at seven weeks of age day and night

At 7 months, the child begins to show himself energetically.

Parents should accustom him to active games in the morning, and to quiet activities in the afternoon. Then the baby will sleep well.

For a child of this age, 18 hours of sleep is enough for a day. If your child sleeps longer, then he may not feel well.

From the mode of sleep and wakefulness, the baby should not be unlearned.

How much and how should a baby sleep at 7 weeks?

The daytime sleep of a 7-week-old baby is no different from a 6-week-old baby.

Rest is divided into 4 periods: 2 for 3 hours and 2 for 30-40 minutes.

It is desirable that the first periods of deep sleep take place in the first half of the day, and the second superficial periods in the evening.

In just a day, the baby can sleep up to 8 hours. And he needs 10 hours for a night's rest.

Why does a child sleep poorly at night and during the day at seven weeks of life: reasons

We wrote about active games above, they should take place during the day.

And another reason for poor sleep is an uncomfortable pillow or mattress. Since the baby is already starting to move, then, of course, he can crawl during sleep and lie down as he wants.

In this problem, swaddling saves parents. Wrapped up in a warm blanket, the child will not want to crawl anywhere and move.

By the way, swaddling also prevents the baby from shuddering.

How much does a newborn baby sleep at the eighth week of life?

Sleep schedule for children at eight weeks of age during the day and at night

The sleep regimen in children of 8 weeks does not differ from the regimen of babies of 5,6,7 weeks. As a rule, they need 18 hours a day to rest.

Toddlers can already hold their heads upright or lying on their stomachs.

In addition, children already distinguish between the concepts of day and night.

Sleep phases and duration in an 8 week old baby

At this age, babies sleep at night for 10 hours. Moms get up to them only 1 time to feed and swaddle.

And during the day, children have 8 hours of sleep. It is divided into 4 periods: 2 deep sleeps of 3 hours and 2 superficial sleeps of 30-40 minutes.

Sleep disturbance in a child at 8 weeks of age: causes

As a rule, at this age the baby sleeps peacefully. But if he is disturbed by an external stimulus, voice or music, he will wake up.

  • Also, the cause of poor sleep can be a disease. When a child is ill, he will not sleep.
  • In addition, if he is hot or cold, the child may begin to cry.
  • And the stuffiness in the room can also be the cause. Ventilate the room half an hour before bedtime.

How and how much does a baby sleep in the ninth week of life?

Proper sleep schedule for children 9 weeks of age

A stable 4-day rest is also maintained in 9-week-old children. But in time it decreases by 1 hour.

A night's sleep does not change. In total, babies need 17 hours to rest.

They need strength in order to study the world around them, learn to keep their heads straight and lean on their forearms, lying on their stomach, and also to turn on their side.

How much sleep should a child have during the day and night?

The duration of a child's daytime sleep changes by 1 hour and is 7 hours.

In addition, the child sleeps 4 times a day: 2 deep sleeps for 2-3 hours and 2 superficial ones for 30-40 minutes. As a rule, the first pass before lunch, the second after.

And the night time does not change. The baby needs 10 hours of sleep. Of course, at night, mommy will have to get up 1 time for feeding.

Why does a 9 week old baby sleep poorly during the day or at night?

  • To ensure that the child sleeps soundly, wrap him in a soft warm sheet, and then cover him with a blanket (in case the room is cold).
  • Pay attention to external stimuli - music, radio, TV. Disable them.
  • Before putting the child to bed, ventilate the room, suddenly it will be stuffy.
  • And, of course, teach your baby to fall asleep on their own. He doesn't have to wake up to feel your hands or wiggle.
  • By the way, the cause of poor sleep can be pain in the abdomen and other diseases.

How should I sleep at the tenth week of birth?

How much sleep should a child sleep at night and during the day?

As soon as the baby's viewing area has increased due to the fact that he has learned to hold his head while lying on his stomach, he begins to follow the surrounding objects.

In order for the crumbs to have a lot of strength and enough energy for 7 hours of daily wakefulness, he must sleep at least 17 hours a day.

The duration and phases of sleep in a child at the age of 10 weeks

The daytime sleep of the baby is divided into 4 periods, of which 2 deep sleeps of 2-3 hours and 2 superficial sleeps of 30-40 minutes. It is desirable that the first fall on the day, and the second on the evening.

Babies need 10 hours for a night's rest. During the night, a mother can disturb her child 1 time to feed.

Why the child cannot sleep during the day or at night, what worries him?

Often the cause of sleep disturbance is abdominal pain. The mother of the baby must watch what she eats. A bottle-fed baby can be switched to another formula.

Also, a child may not sleep well due to an uncomfortable mattress, a hot blanket, a stuffy room, or simply hunger.

How much sleep should a baby sleep in the eleventh week of life?

Sleep patterns in children aged 11 weeks of life at night and during the day

The sleep schedule of a child at this age hardly changes. The baby should sleep 16-17 hours a day.

He "walks" a little longer than usual, and can sleep less during the day. In addition, 4-time daytime sleep is maintained. It is necessary for the child to have the strength for active games.

Sleep phases and duration in an 11 week old baby

In children of this age, daytime sleep is divided into 4 periods. Babies sleep 2 times in the morning for 2-3 hours and 2 times in the afternoon for 30-40 minutes. Note that the night regimen in children of 11 weeks does not change, it is 10 hours. You can also feed 1 time per night.

Why a child at 11 weeks of life does not sleep well during the day or at night: reasons

Overwork can be the cause of sleep disturbance. The baby can overwork, lying on his stomach, holding his head. Also, overwork will appear due to muscle tension, because a child at this age will try to crawl to toys and turn on its side.

Also, poor sleep can be caused by hunger, stuffiness in the room, a hard mattress, an uncomfortable pillow, heat, cold, nighttime tremors, or illness.

Sleep of children at the twelfth week from birth

Features of daytime and nighttime sleep in infants 12 weeks

By three months, the child should learn not only to hold his head, but also to move it to the sides: up, down, right, left. He should also lean on his forearms, lying on his stomach, and turn on his side.

In order for the baby to be in a good mood and have enough strength and energy to develop his own abilities, he will need 16-17 hours of sleep.

At the same time, his 4-time daytime sleep should also be maintained.

Sleep phases and duration in children 12 weeks of age

Many mothers notice that a baby's sleep at 3 months does not last more than 4 hours in a row.

Despite this regime, daytime rest takes place in 4 periods. Kids sleep 2 times for 2-3 hours in the first half of the day, and after dinner 2 times for 30-40 minutes. The norm of daytime sleep for a child of 12 weeks is 6-7 hours.

And the night schedule of the crumbs does not change, he needs 10 hours for sleep. In this case, the child can oversleep all night and not wake up to eat.

Causes of Poor Sleep in Babies at 12 Weeks

  • By this age, babies should be sleeping on their own. They do not need to be rocked or picked up. The baby will not be able to sleep if the parents have changed their motion sickness tactics.
  • Sleep can also be disturbed due to illness, often children have a tummy ache.

Also, the causes of poor sleep are stuffiness or humidity in the room, cold, heat, uncomfortable bedding (pillow, mattress, blanket), external stimuli (music, TV, voice, telephone).