Nutrition during breastfeeding by months. Food choices while breastfeeding

When you plan, conceive and give birth to a child, everything in your world takes on new amazing colors. No wonder it is believed that life is divided into before and after, when you have a baby. Newborn babies are very touching and defenseless creatures who are completely dependent on maternal care, love and a supportive environment.


The female body has many secret doors that are discovered after some changes and transformations. The milk that is produced in a woman's breasts after childbirth is dependent on hormones. Breast tissue under the influence of progesterone and estrogen grows, appears - the first stage is the formation of milk in the breast of a woman. Within 3 days after the formation of colostrum, full-fledged breast milk appears.

The hormone prolactin acts on lactocytes, which in turn produce breast milk. After your baby is first attached to the breast, a new batch of milk is produced under the influence of increased levels.

Thanks to the inhibitor, milk accumulates in the mammary glands and pains appear that indicate that the breast is full. The stronger the inhibitor factor is, the slower milk is produced. Sucking the baby provokes the production of a new batch of breast milk.

The process of feeding is individual. What you can eat also largely depends on the age of the child and his reaction to foods. Some children from infancy are immune to allergenic food, spicy and colored dishes that mother consumes. But in any case, it is better to stick to the standard diet for a nursing woman.

Food while breastfeeding

Most likely, the question of what mom can eat needs to be redirected in a different direction. It is generally accepted that a nursing woman should limit her diet in many ways to maintain the health of her baby. But, as a rule, the most insidious time in feeding for a new mother is infancy. It is during this period that you should especially think about what you can eat while breastfeeding and what not.

Mothers often think only of the child, forgetting that they have stressed their bodies. After all, pregnancy and childbirth are always shock therapy for anyone. female body. Therefore, do not forget about yourself. After childbirth, the body needs a lot of vitamins and minerals to recover. Therefore, the nutrition of a young mother should be not only hypoallergenic for the child, but also useful for herself. Answer the question of whether you can eat on your own. But there is a little hint - if there are no additives in it, then there will be no harmful effects. Choose cream or creme brulee.

After childbirth, the baby is no longer so closely connected with the mother's body, but still continues to use its derivative products. He feeds breast milk. In addition to hormones that help produce milk, the body takes nutrients from the woman's blood. All useful and necessary for the restoration and feeding of matter enter the blood through the intestines. From this it should be concluded that the mother's menu and the quality of milk for the child are interrelated. It is worth knowing what you can eat while breastfeeding a newborn.

This diet is approximate. Depending on the taste preferences, living conditions, time of year and financial opportunity, you can independently create your own personal nutrition menu. Learn what you can eat while breastfeeding and pay attention to your diet.

  • 8:00 - Cottage cheese casserole.
  • 11:00 - Boiled eggs and greens.
  • 14:00 - Noodles with chicken.
  • 17:00 - Oatmeal with milk.
  • 20:00 - for a couple.

This is an approximate answer to the question of what you can eat with HB. By following the recommendations, you will not only protect your baby from allergic reactions, but also be able to eat right. Which in the future will favorably affect your figure.

As for drinking, it is better not to limit its quantity. Drink more tea, eat nuts so that the milk is more fat. If you diversify your menu with vitamins, you will ensure growth and proper development baby.

Products to be consumed

What foods can you eat while breastfeeding, you will learn from the text below. It's no secret that vegetables and fruits from your own dacha are a hundred times more useful than their counterparts on the market. To eat natural products not only tasty and healthy, but also profitable. For example, women are wondering if it is possible to eat cherries while breastfeeding. Learn more.

List of hypoallergenic products

  1. Chicken meat, turkey meat.
  2. Boiled beef.
  3. Soups from cereals and vegetables.
  4. Oils - sunflower and olive.
  5. Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat.
  6. Natural yoghurts without additives.
  7. Curd without additives.
  8. Milk.
  9. Kefir.
  10. Yogurt.
  11. Brynza, suluguni.
  12. Green pea.
  13. Potato.
  14. Cucumbers.
  15. Greenery.
  16. Cabbage.
  17. Dried fruits compote.
  18. Unleavened lavash, wheat bread.

What fruits can you eat while breastfeeding:

  • baked green apples;
  • pears;
  • sweet cherry;
  • currant;
  • peaches and nectarines;
  • Garnet;
  • watermelons;
  • bananas;
  • plum;
  • persimmon;
  • figs.

All of these fruits should be consumed in the season when they are ripe. If you are not in the ripening season for a particular fruit, then it is better not to experiment. Now you know what fruits you can eat for mom while breastfeeding. It is believed that fruits should be eaten depending on the region in which the nursing woman lives.

What is impossible and what is possible depends largely on specific features organism. For example, some mothers do not eat red berries because they can provoke allergic reaction, and doctors recommend them anyway, because berries contain a large amount of vitamins, and if you eat them in adequate proportions, then you will not harm yourself or your child.

Fruits to avoid while breastfeeding

  1. Grape. It can cause bloating in a child.
  2. Citrus. Everyone knows about their allergic properties, so it's best not to experiment with them.
  3. Exotic fruits. For example, feijoa, pineapple, kiwi, papaya. Them overuse may adversely affect health and appearance child. But if you use them within reasonable limits, there are no consequences, then you can continue.
  4. Berries. This item is more of a warning. If you use berries in correct proportions, then the consequences can be avoided.

Depending on the desires and characteristics of the body, choose vegetables, fruits and other foods. Don't be too hard on yourself when it comes to taking vitamins. Much worse if you don't rule out bad habits and loose lifestyle. So you will definitely harm the child.

The diet of proper nutrition for a nursing mother for a week

Today, women are in a hurry after giving birth to be slim and fit. Many people manage to achieve this result even on breastfeeding. If you eat well and wholesome food, then you can come to perfect figure and continue to feed the baby.

Monday dishes

  • Kashi, any. You can oatmeal, buckwheat, seven cereals.
  • Vegetable soup.
  • Rice with a steam cutlet.

Tuesday Dishes

  • Banana, sandwich.
  • Vegetable soup.
  • Mashed potatoes, cutlet.

Wednesday dishes

  • Pasta with greens.
  • Vegetable soup.
  • Steamed beef ragout and vegetables.

Thursday Dishes

  • Fruit salad.
  • Vegetable soup.
  • and beef stew.

Friday dishes

  • Cottage cheese casserole.
  • Vegetable soup.
  • Goulash with vegetables.

Saturday dishes

  • A sandwich.
  • Soup and meat dish.
  • Porridge.

Sunday dishes

  • Cottage cheese casserole.
  • Vegetable soup.
  • Unsweetened porridge with a steamed cutlet.

Prohibited Products

What you can eat while breastfeeding, you have already figured out. But what about prohibited foods and actions for the mother. Many women are mistaken when they think that if they do not eat red vegetables and fruits, they will drink alcoholic products, they will be able to avoid food allergies in a baby who is breastfeeding.

The mother is responsible for the life and health of the baby. Every woman wants her child to be happy and not sick. But in order to achieve such results, it is necessary to pull yourself together and follow not only daily menu but also eliminate bad habits.

If you don't get rid of bad habits and drinking habits during breastfeeding, that is, the likelihood that your baby will have diseases different kind. You must understand that the health of the baby who consumes breast milk depends only on the behavior of the mother and her diet.


If something hurts you, it is better to see a doctor. Medicines must not be abused. Depending on the source and nature pain syndrome try to get by with traditional medicine and natural preparations.

Medicine does not stand still, many medicines can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Their action will not affect either the fetus or the child who consumes breast milk.

Homeopathy can help you with many ailments and pains. Homeopathic remedies are usually harmless and cost a penny.

Another great way to get rid of ailments is to ethnoscience. Not without reason, our grandmothers were treated with herbs and decoctions. Learn what can be cured with herbs, find out how they work and when to use them. Such knowledge is always useful.

But do not neglect visiting a specialist. Be vigilant, your health is in your hands, and even more so the health of the baby, who is completely dependent on the mother.

There are many products on store shelves that can carry a hidden danger. To avoid misunderstandings, you should study the ingredients of products before purchasing them. As for confectionery, they contain some allergens that can adversely affect people's health. It is believed that the strongest allergic pathogens are chemical elements added to cakes, pastries and other sweets.

Is it possible to eat canned food, sausages, meat preservatives while breastfeeding?

Undesirably, they contain numerous substances that can influence the development of allergies. Dishes that a nursing mother eats should be fresh and made only from quality products. It is better not to eat canned food, fast food and other junk food. Sometimes even after heat treatment of products, they can cause an allergic reaction.

Consists of simple products. From them you can quickly cook any dish. Pay close attention to the food you eat, see what foods you are allergic to.

Completion of lactation

Many women do not know what to eat while breastfeeding and how to end breastfeeding properly. Numerous publications give different advice. Each mother chooses for herself until what age to breastfeed her child, in what way to complete this process.

Feeding is a psychological program to which both mother and baby are attached. It is believed that what older child the more difficult the process of weaning will be.

To whom, if not you, to know the peculiarities of the behavior of your baby. Only the mother can determine when to stop breastfeeding. In general, it is considered correct to breastfeed a child until the moment when he begins to eat regular food. This age occurs at about 1.5-2 years. Depending on the individual features baby, a woman is able to determine whether her baby is ready for weaning.

Some women leave the child for a while with their parents, so that the process is less painful, they bandage their breasts or drink special pills. But most the best way weaning will be a gradual reduction in doses and quantities of feeding. If you plan to complete lactation, then initially you need to set yourself up emotionally. The right attitude is the key to a successful business.

The child sensitively feels all the emotions of the mother, including confidence in her actions. Therefore, you must be convinced that it is time to end breastfeeding. So the first brick will be laid.

Eliminating daytime feedings is easy if you wear clothing that covers your breasts and feed your baby regular meals on time. If the baby requires a breast, then distract him. You already know what he likes. As soon as he asks to suck on the breast, offer your favorite game. It will take you a week, no more, to reduce your daily feedings to zero.

Consider weaning on the example of 3 days, with the number of feedings during the night - 3 pcs.

  • 1 day. Cut your nighttime feeds by one. Stop feeding before bed and during sleep.
  • Day 2 Cut back on the second nightly feed.
  • Day 3 Lay the baby down without breastfeeding. It may seem that this is impossible. But if you are determined, then everything will work out.

Do not neglect pumping. It will help alleviate pain in the chest in the early days. In the future, milk will become less and soon it will completely disappear.

Proper organization of the mother's nutrition during lactation is extremely important - it helps to prevent a lack of milk, to prolong the period as much as possible. breastfeeding, ensure the supply of all the nutrients necessary for mom and baby, avoid colic, dysbacteriosis, constipation and allergic manifestations in the baby.

Of particular importance is the nutrition of a nursing mother in the first month of breastfeeding - the gastrointestinal tract of the newborn is still immature, the microflora has not formed, so the dietary restrictions are quite strict.

Basic principles of nutrition

Compliance with the principles of healthy eating during lactation, recommended by nutritionists and pediatricians, will help to solve the listed problems:

  • Ensuring a full balanced nutrition mothers without overeating.
  • The gradual introduction of new foods and dishes with dietary adjustments depending on the reaction of the child.
  • The diet should not be a strict restriction - tasty and varied dishes (within the limits of what is permitted) should please the mother and promote the appetite of the crumbs.
  • With extreme caution, you need to add allergen products to the menu, especially if the mother herself is prone to allergic reactions.
  • All products must undergo the necessary processing, unhealthy goodies must be removed.

Necessary and sufficient

Breast shape and heredity do not affect lactation. With few exceptions, any woman can breastfeed. In general, the volume of the mother also does not affect the amount of milk - the child will take her anyway. Here it is more important to ensure all the needs of the mother's body, especially during the first month after childbirth, when recovery occurs.

It is necessary to avoid 2 extremes - excessive restrictions, when a freshly baked mother sits on one bread and water, and food for two - on the advice of grandmothers or girlfriends. Overeating and promiscuity in food will provoke colic and diathesis in the crumbs, and the scarcity of the menu will impoverish the taste of breast milk and reduce its nutritional value.

You need to eat "for two" - healthy diet should provide mother and baby with energy, contain essential vitamins and minerals, while the calorie content increases by only 500-600 kcal. You should also drink a lot - up to 2 liters during the day.


The body of each newborn is unique, so the reaction to various products, eaten by mom, can be unpredictable. You can not enter several products at the same time.

Each product must be added to the diet in the first half of the day, observing the condition of the baby for the next 2 days. If a negative reactions no, enter next product etc.

Keeping a food diary will help track all the changes, for example, in this form:

food diary

The document contains a list of all introduced products and the reaction to them, helps to correct the mother's diet in time for dysbacteriosis, diathesis, increased gas formation, stool disorders or anxiety in the baby.

Tasty and healthy

During lactation, it is recommended to eat the same way as during pregnancy, giving preference to healthy foods: fruits and vegetables, greens, whole grain bread and cereals, lean meat and poultry, dairy products, vegetable oils.

Optimal drinks are green and herbal teas, it is possible with the addition of low-fat milk, compotes, uzvars and pure water.

- dried fruits, bread, dryers, bagels, baked apples.

Decoctions of herbs naturally stimulate lactation: fennel, anise, nettle, cumin. You can make your own or use ready-made ones. pharmacy fees and granulated lactagon teas. With nuts - be careful, although they increase the fat content of milk, they often cause allergies, besides, they make milk more viscous - it is more difficult for a baby to “get it”.


Pollution environment, the abundance of artificial additives in food has led to the extreme prevalence of allergic reactions. Especially relevant will be the problem of preventing diathesis in crumbs, if the mother herself is allergic.

In the 1st month of lactation (and with a tendency to allergic manifestations– longer) avoid:

  • Chocolate and other cocoa products.
  • Whole milk - replace it with fermented milk products.
  • Gluten - semolina, wheat, oatmeal.
  • Citrus.
  • Strawberries and other red berries and fruits.
  • Honey.
  • Seafood and red fish.
  • Rich broths.
  • Orekhov.
  • Chicken eggs - you can quail.
  • Products with artificial colors, flavors and preservatives, canned food.
  • Any exotic.


Breastfeeding promotes seeding of the baby's intestines correct microflora. However, it is necessary to ensure that everything that mom eats is safe from this point of view - all dishes must be freshly prepared, undergo sufficient heat treatment, you should strictly adhere to the shelf life of products, especially perishable ones - meat, dairy. Prefer boiling or baking for frying.

  • Alcohol.
  • Allergens.
  • Legumes, whole milk, raisins, fruits and raw vegetables, black bread, white cabbage, cucumbers - cause increased gas formation at the baby.
  • Sweets, fresh bread and muffins - lead to violations of the stool in an infant.
  • Drinks with excess sugar - carbonated water and juices in packages.
  • Black tea and coffee are stimulating.
  • Spicy, smoked and salty - their use retains fluid in the mother's body, worsens the taste of milk, causes anxiety in the child.
  • Fast food, semi-finished products, margarine, mayonnaise, sausages, processed cheese.
  • salou and fatty varieties meat - poorly digested.
  • All meals allergic and flatulence in a nursing mother.

After natural childbirth

In 1-2 days after childbirth, you can eat:

  • weak “second” chicken broth (the first broth is drained and the meat is boiled a second time);
  • buckwheat or oatmeal in water with a small amount of vegetable oil;
  • boiled lean meat (beef or chicken without skin, well cooked);
  • some hard cheese;
  • bran bread, dry yeast-free bread.

You need to drink a lot at this time - up to 2 liters per day. There is no milk yet - colostrum is released, a unique and invaluable liquid in its rich composition, which is necessary for the health and maturation of all systems of the baby's body.

Milk arrives on the 3rd day. The volume of fluid intake should be sharply reduced to 1 liter per day to avoid excessive engorgement. mammary glands and lactostasis.

The diet can include:

  • lean soups - cereal or vegetable, with potatoes, cauliflower or zucchini;
  • baked apples;
  • steamed or baked vegetables;
  • milk or dairy products- 1 glass per day;
  • cereals from whole grains;
  • for the prevention of constipation - bran or bread with bran.

7 days after giving birth, you can return to drinking plenty of water if you wish - up to 2.5 liters of fluid per day (this includes all drinks and liquid from first courses).

It is allowed to add to the menu:

  • broths on lean meat;
  • brown rice;
  • boiled fish;
  • cottage cheese of medium fat content;
  • hypoallergenic vegetables and fruits.

3 weeks after birth, the baby has basically already formed intestinal microflora and you can expand your mom's diet. Products are introduced alternately and gradually - 1 product in 2-3 days, and the child's reaction is noted in the food diary - stools, gases, cleanliness of the skin, anxiety.

After caesarean section

1 day

At general anesthesia the woman will be in the ward after the operation intensive care, nutrients come to her through droppers, you can’t eat, you can drink - it’s better to have mineral non-carbonated water with a drop lemon juice. At the same time, the child is given an adapted milk formula for newborns.

With epidural anesthesia, it is possible cohabitation with a child in a common room. Midwives will help organize the feeding of the baby.

2 days

Mom and newborn are together. In the menu of a nursing mother, you can enter low-fat broth, buckwheat or herculean unsweetened porridge. Meals - 6-7 meals a day with a small amount of portions. Drink at will.

3 days

You need to eat 5-6 times a day, reduce the volume of liquid - milk is expected to arrive. Add to the menu:

  • boiled and mashed meat in a blender;
  • cottage cheese;
  • compotes, jelly, rosehip broth.

4 days

If you have an independent stool on this day, you can switch to the same diet of a nursing mother as after natural delivery. But it is better to avoid excessively hot and cold dishes, as well as to introduce solid foods with caution. Moderate will help ease stools. physical exercise and some bananas or prunes.

From 2 weeks after birth, the nutrition of a nursing mother with any method of delivery is the same. The main thing is not to rush to add new ones, especially allergenic products and track the reaction of the crumbs to all innovations.

Breastfeeding is good for both the baby and the mother. healthy eating- one of critical factors successful lactation. Compliance simple recommendations, the gradual expansion of the mother's diet and the correction of the menu, depending on the reaction of the baby, will help the early formation strong immunity baby. If you manage to introduce the whole family to proper nutrition, then this will be a great additional bonus for all its members.

A nursing mother, especially in the first few months after childbirth, must remember that a newborn baby is completely dependent on her physical and mental health. You need to choose products for the daily menu so that the dishes prepared from them cannot harm both parties, since proper nutrition during breastfeeding is a guarantee successful development child.

To understand how to eat a nursing mother, you need to consider a few recommendations:

  1. Do not think that with the advent of the baby, the life of the mother will change completely. Of course, some habits will have to be adjusted, but as for nutrition, then change it drastically, sitting down on the strictest diet with the inclusion of new products, will be incorrect.
  2. All food ingredients must be fresh and of good quality. It is advisable to buy them in trusted places, always studying the expiration date and composition on the package.
  3. To prevent development infectious diseases Foods eaten raw should be thoroughly washed and poured over with boiling water. Components that are subjected to heat treatment should preferably be stewed, baked or boiled, but not fried.
  4. During the GV period, you should eat often, but little by little. All foods for a nursing mother prepared for the day are best divided into small portions.
  5. A new mother should drink enough. It is especially important to follow the rule in the first months, when the lactation process is just getting better.

Prohibited Products

Most common problem, tormenting children up to six months, are colic. Their appearance is associated with the mother's diet indirectly. But help gastrointestinal tract adapt to new conditions, dangerous products, is necessary.

Foods that are not advisable for a nursing mother to avoid increasing gas formation:

  • raw onions, garlic, radishes, radishes, cucumbers, grapes, pears;
  • fresh baking;
  • legumes and cruciferous (cabbage) vegetables;
  • fast food dishes;
  • overly sweet and fatty desserts.

Foods that are potential allergens should also be used with caution. These include:

  • red vegetables and fruits - tomatoes, strawberries, apples;
  • citrus fruits - lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits;
  • nuts and honey;
  • chicken eggs;
  • whole milk;
  • fatty fish;
  • chicken;
  • chocolate.

The crumbs of dishes saturated with spices will not benefit the body. When cooking, you can use salt, but you should not overdo it with it. In addition, in the first months of lactation, pickles, marinades and smoked meats, alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks, mushrooms are prohibited.

The list of products prohibited for consumption in the first months after the birth of a baby is quite large. But sticking to it is only at first. If the baby is not worried about anything, you can introduce new dishes into your diet, but at the same time monitor his condition. If allergic reactions occur in the form of rashes or other symptoms, you should return to the original menu.

Approved Products

Despite the established opinion, the list of dishes that a mom’s diet should consist of is just as extensive. Proper nutrition while breastfeeding does not mean that it should be scarce and not saturated. beneficial substances. On the contrary, without replenishing the reserves of vitamins and minerals, there is no need to talk about the full health of a woman.

What should a breastfeeding mother eat? First of all, cereals - buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal, but boiled in water. They, being safe for the baby, are able to saturate the body for long time so they are best eaten for breakfast.

A complete menu should also include dishes from low-fat varieties meat. The most useful and commonly used are rabbit meat, beef, certain parts of pork, and turkey. It is advisable not to introduce chicken meat in the first months after childbirth, since it is strong allergen. Fish is also on the list of permitted foods. Sea and river varieties can be eaten boiled, steamed or baked with vegetables.

Eggs are a source of many vitamins necessary for the full development, so they need to be included in the menu. However, given that chicken products are an allergen, it is better to eat quail.

Since pastries and pastries from higher grades of wheat can cause fermentation in the stomach even in an adult, it should be replaced with cereal or bran bread. Of the desserts, it is allowed to eat marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, dry cookies, provided that they are prepared without the addition of artificial additives and dyes.

To maintain vitamin balance, mom should eat vegetables.(zucchini, potatoes, cauliflower, beets, carrots, celery), seasonal berries and fruits (cherries, currants, plums, apples, persimmons). The exception is products that fall on the prohibited list.

sample menu

In order to streamline knowledge about allowed foods, there is a nutrition table for a nursing mother. It presents options sample menu, focusing on which in the first months you can eat meals without worrying about the health of the baby.

Menu #1

Breakfast - oatmeal on water, with the addition of sugar and seasonal berries, weak tea or compote.

Lunch - a green apple or a serving of cottage cheese

Lunch - vegetable soup without frying, boiled beef, garnish - steamed or stewed vegetables, grain bread, tea.

Snack - a glass of kefir.

Dinner - boiled lean fish with salad, tea.

Menu #2

Breakfast - buckwheat porridge with a little butter, tea or compote.

Lunch - lettuce, natural hard cheese.

Lunch - soup on a weak meat broth with rice, stewed or baked fish, salad of allowed vegetables, tea, grain bread.

Snack - a glass of natural yogurt, a banana.

Dinner - baked rabbit, stewed vegetables, tea.

Menu #3

Breakfast - millet porridge with oil, tea or compote.

Lunch - crackers, an apple or a banana.

Lunch - soup on meat broth with buckwheat, steam cutlets from dietary meat with baked potatoes, cereal bread, tea.

Snack - a glass of kefir or a serving of cottage cheese, a banana.

Dinner - ear from not oily fish, tea.

Products to improve lactation

In addition to the allowed ones, there is a list of products that promote lactation. As you know, in the first months after childbirth, this process is only getting better. Therefore, it is very important to support it by any means.

Useful foods that a nursing mother should eat during this period are as follows:

  • carrots, which for better absorption should be taken in the form of juice or salad with sour cream;
  • onions, but only boiled as an addition to main dishes, since a raw vegetable spoils the taste of milk;
  • cumin is one of the few spices allowed to be added to food;
  • dill - an herb known for its soothing effect on the tummy, as well as a lactation stimulant; added to dishes raw, but it is more effective to drink tea from dill seeds;
  • lettuce leaves that complement the taste of any allowed dishes;
  • soft cheeses - Adyghe, cheese, ricotta;
  • sunflower seeds in moderation;
  • buckwheat porridge, characterized by high nutritional value and nutritional value;
  • compote prepared with the addition of dried fruits;
  • rosehip tea;
  • tea from mint or lemon balm.

For a warning undesirable consequences, the menu for enhancing lactation is best agreed with the doctor. He will be able to suggest whether to include certain products, or take other actions to solve the problem.

The menu of a nursing mother should be balanced and rich. However, we must not forget that the body of each child is individual, therefore, what suits one is bad for another. If you already eat foods from the prohibited list, and the grown-up baby feels great, you can eat them, but in moderation.

” №8/2007 03.12.12

The baby was born, and now your main task is to provide him with full-fledged breast milk.

The diet of a nursing mother must be complete. Not only that, after pregnancy and childbirth, a woman needs to restore strength and health. The quality of her milk depends entirely on nutrition while breastfeeding. The daily routine is also very important: it is desirable that breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner always take place at the same time.

Nutrition during breastfeeding. What can a nursing mother do?

If you have been exclusively breastfeeding your baby for several months, then you are producing great amount milk - about 1 liter per day. This takes away from you 10 g of protein, 70 g of lactose, 40 g of fat, 800 kilocalories. In order for milk to continue to be produced in the right quantities, such costs of the body must be immediately reimbursed with the help of nutrition while breastfeeding. Therefore, you should eat, and most importantly drink more than usual. Especially do not forget that it is important for you to get an increased amount of any liquid - it can be tea, juice, water.

Your food should be tasty and varied. Make sure that your menu includes daily dishes prepared from products of all groups. These are dairy, meat, fish products, cereals, fruits, vegetables, sweets.

You also need to ensure that dietary fiber is supplied to the body through nutrition while breastfeeding- of bread coarse grinding, prunes, raw vegetables. They are very useful because during lactation you may have a tendency to constipation, so the intestines must be helped to clear.

Vitamins should also be taken while breastfeeding. But keep an eye on how the child reacts to them. If he doesn't get a rash or tummy ache, be sure to keep drinking them. Ordinary suits you vitamin complexes recommended, as well as special vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant and lactating women.

What is not allowed for a nursing mother?

A nursing mother must certainly limit the consumption of foods that can harm the health of the child. Their list, unfortunately, is quite long.

You need to exclude from your diet the entire group of allergenic foods: peanuts, citrus fruits, tropical fruits, strawberries, raspberries, bananas, mackerel, crayfish, shrimps, chocolate, chocolates.

Everything that irritates the gastric mucosa should also be abandoned, since nutrition while breastfeeding easily pass into the blood, and from there into milk. These are products containing significant amounts of extractive substances (fish and meat broths); containing large amounts of organic acids (sour apples, cherries, cranberries, pickled and pickled vegetables and fruits); containing in large quantities essential oils(garlic and onion); products with high content sugar, salt, food coloring and food additives(sweet curd curds, curd pastes, sweet soft drinks, smoked sausage, salted and smoked fish, pickles).

Kefir, milk, yoghurts are recommended only "pure", that is, not containing fruit additives. As a last resort, choose those that are complemented by neutral fruits - an apple or a pear. After all, it is not known how your child will react to yogurt, say, with passion fruit. Maybe everything will go fine, or maybe he will develop digestive problems or a rash.

Alcoholic beverages should not be consumed while breastfeeding.

Means that increase lactation

It is useful for a nursing mother to use special lactation stimulants. These are teas from cumin, anise, fennel. Also available homeopathic preparations that increase the level of prolactin in the blood - the main hormone that regulates the production of milk in the female body.

There are also special nutrition while breastfeeding, increasing lactation, made on the basis of cow's milk, as well as goat milk with added vitamins and minerals. It is produced both here, in Russia, and abroad.

Increases milk supply and maintains lactation acupressure breasts, warm showers, and especially the on-demand feeding regimen established by the child himself.

How to keep lactating

In order for your body to produce complete milk, you must follow healthy lifestyle life and diet, provide yourself good sleep and good mood, good nutrition while breastfeeding. A calm and friendly atmosphere in the family, the help of loved ones are very important.

But the most great importance has your positive attitude: you must constantly convince yourself during pregnancy and after childbirth that you are able to feed the child with your own milk, that this is both pleasant and useful for both - both mother and baby. Scientists know that the percentage of congenital hypogalactia (lack of milk) is only 4-5 percent. It turns out that almost all women can breastfeed!

Feeding a nursing mother after childbirth

It is difficult to overestimate the value proper nutrition mommies, breastfeeding newborn baby and especially in the first month from the moment the child is born . In this article, we will tell you in detail about how to organize a complete and harmless for the health of the newborn baby breastfeeding mother's nutrition. Below you will find a list of products recommended by nutritionists and pediatricians. for nursing mothers , as well as a list of foods that should be avoided during the feeding period breastfeeding to avoid an allergic reaction in the baby, colic and bloating . We will also learn how to breastfeeding mom menu with 6 meals.

Mother's milk is the best nutrition for a newborn baby . This product is easily absorbed by the baby's body, it contains the optimal amount of minerals and vitamins, as well as specialized proteins: lysozyme, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins. Lactation suggests a significant correction lactating diet a young mother after childbirth, because the baby’s fragile body needs healthy, balanced and safe food. It is especially important to properly organize breastfeeding mother's first month,as digestive system a newborn baby is just adapting to the digestion and assimilation of mother's milk.
There is an opinion that
diet of a breastfeeding young mother very limited and apart from porridge, she can eat little. This is the wrong approach. A woman in labor should consume basic types of products: dairy products and milk (in the first month from the moment the baby is born, you should still ), cereals, pasta, bread, eggs, fish and meat, vegetables, berries, fruits, juices, butter and vegetable oil, sugar and even confectionery. But it should be borne in mind that the child eats all this with milk. nursing mother , it is necessary to control the proportions of the products used.

Some of them may cause colic and bloating (grapes, sweet cottage cheese, confectionery in in large numbers, sugary soft drinks, and anything high in sugar). Also Newborns often have food allergies for chocolate, honey, smoked meats, sausages, dried foods, spicy and salty dishes, canned food, citrus fruits, marinades - these products should be excluded from the nursing menu . Doctors do not recommend nursing mothers (especially immediately after childbirth) eat these types of food. Asparagus, garlic, cabbage and onions change the taste of milk, the baby will not like it, maybe even does not want to breastfeed if these products are included.

Proper nutrition of a nursing mother and plentiful drink help increase the volume of milk, which is especially important in the first month after childbirth. 10-15 minutes before how to put baby to breast It is recommended to drink some liquid. 35 milliliters of water per 1 kilogram of a woman's weight - daily rate for the nurse. This is taking into account the water that is in food. young nursing mothers it is useful to drink tea, freshly prepared juices from apples, plums and quince, milk and sour-milk products.

Compiling breastfeeding mom menu(six meals a day for a nursing mother)
One day diet plan for mom who feeds the baby with her milk:
6:30 - a glass of fresh milk
9:00 - porridge (can be replaced with cottage cheese with sour cream or casserole) and a sandwich with tea.
12:00 - fruit or freshly squeezed juice
14:00 - for the first - soup; on the second - vegetables and meat, salad + compote.
17:00 - cookies or a bun with a sour-milk drink.
19:30 - porridge (can be replaced with vegetables), meat or fish, tea.
Before going to bed - a glass of milk.

When a woman regularly experiences hunger, it is better not to eat a lot of cookies, but to eat something hearty (cottage cheese, fish, meat).

The menu of a nursing mother, which we posted above, clearly demonstrates the principle frequent use food. The nutrition of a nursing mother for the first month is more subordinated to feeding the baby with milk - so that the newborn baby receives a sufficient amount of substances necessary for the developing body It is important to eat well as many times as you need to breastfeed your baby. Next, we will tell you in detail about how the diet after childbirth and the correct breastfeeding mother's diet important for the full development of the newborn . You will find a list of foods that you would like to include in your daily menu for nursing mothers after childbirth.

Complete nutrition nursing mothers 5-6 times a day promotes prevention many childhood diseases , which in last years show steady growth in newborn babies . Try as fast as you can eliminate from your diet those foods that cause an allergic reaction in the baby and provoke colic or severe bloating . The menu for nursing mothers necessarily includes all the main food groups and abundant fluid intake (very desirable - mineral water without gases, freshly squeezed juices).