Dandelion jam. Dandelion jam: a dessert for treating the liver, losing weight and strong immunity

How delightful are the little suns blooming in the spring! Dandelions can be found everywhere and we are used to them. We pluck without regret, trample and diligently fight it in our gardens. But, unfortunately, so few of us know about it. healing power, as well as about ...

AT ancient China and the first settlers of the Americas have long used dandelions for food. Leaves and stems are rich in carotenoids (antioxidant substances) and B vitamins (a complex of vitamins involved in vital important processes organism) was used in salads and borscht, roasted roots served as a substitute for coffee, medicinal jam and wine can be made from flowers. AT traditional medicine from fresh leaves masks are made with a rejuvenating and nourishing effect, an infusion of flowers whitens freckles and age spots.

In 100 g of dandelion jam, about 192 kcal; 1g of protein, 49g of carbohydrates and no more than 0.15g of fat. Mineral composition rich in potassium - 231 mg, calcium - 139 mg, phosphorus - 41 mg, iron - 1.7 mg, zinc - 0.27 mg. Spring Treat Vitamins: vitamin C 1.8 mg, tocopherol 2.4 mg, B vitamins, choline, vitamins K and PP and others.

● Cleanses the body of toxins.

● Anemia treatment. able to increase hemoglobin levels.

● Active anti-inflammatory agent (eg, for colds)

● Soft laxative effect good for people suffering from chronic constipation.

● Normalizes appetite and also reduces acidity.

● Improves skin condition.

● Normalizes nervous system with insomnia, stress, irritability.

● Improves metabolic processes.

● Has a choleretic effect.

● Flower delicacy is used in the treatment of arthritis and gout.

And of course, every reader has a question: “Is there any harm and contraindications?”

Firstly, dandelions should be collected in ecologically clean areas (outside the city, in summer cottages). If you decide to make jam from flowers collected along the road or near your home in the metropolis, then you definitely won’t get any benefit.

Allergic reactions are possible only if you eat a whole jar of jam at a time. Treats are contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to iodine. You should not indulge yourself with this delicacy during an exacerbation of gastritis, in the presence of stones in gallbladder and if you are concerned about nausea and diarrhea.

Dandelion Jam - A simple step-by-step recipe with photos

Not difficult to prepare, but healthy and unusual in taste, a delicacy will delight you on long winter evenings.


  • Dandelion flowers - 200 pcs
  • water - 1 glass
  • citric acid - 1/2 tsp
  • sugar - 500 gr.


1. We collect flowers of 2 years old, they are larger than their counterparts and more useful. Choose flowers that are bright with no signs of wilting. We prepare on the same day that we collected it.

2. We cut off or tear off the voluminous green part, we only need flowers.

3. Rinse through a colander under running water.

4. Pour sugar into the pan, fill it with water. We put on fire and stir constantly, bring to the state of syrup (the mass should thicken).

5. Add flowers and citric acid. Stir constantly and cook for another 20 minutes after boiling. The fire at this time should be slightly below average.

6. We cool the resulting delicacy and let it brew for the night. Bring to a boil again and cook for 10 minutes after boiling. At this point, you can give the jam an individual taste by increasing the amount of citric acid or adding cherry leaves for flavor.

7. Cool down. The color of the jam shimmers with golden honey hues. We filter the finished mass through a sieve or cheesecloth.

8. The healing treat is ready! You can immediately serve with tea, or you can roll it into jars, like any other jam.

How to make lemon dandelion jam at home

Making dandelion jam or otherwise dandelion honey is not difficult process, as a result of which you will prepare a healing and fragrant treat. The power of dandelion + lemon rich in vitamin C will quickly get you back on your feet at the first sign of a cold and more…


  • Dandelion flowers 400 pieces
  • Water 500 ml
  • Lemon 3 pieces
  • Sugar 1.5 kg.


1. We collect dandelions. cut off most green mass of the flower.

2. We wash the dandelions and let them stand for about 8 hours.

3. Squeeze the flowers, lower them into the pan. Next, pour 500 ml of water. Bring the mass to a boil and cook for another 15 minutes.

4. Cut the lemons into slices along with the peel and add to the pan. Cook for 3 more minutes.

5. Remove from heat and leave for a day in a cool place.

6. After a day, pour sugar into the broth and cook for another 15 minutes, let it cool. In total, repeat the cooking for 15 minutes and cool 3 times. We filter the finished mass.

Dandelion lemon treat is ready!

Recipe for 300 grams

Dandelion treat like natural medicine from the most various ailments. If you use it warm every day, then you are guaranteed a beneficial effect for the liver! Now you know the recipe healthy sweets per 300 grams i.e. from approximately 400 dandelion inflorescences.

We will need:

  • 400 dandelion inflorescences - 300 grams
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon - 1 large.


1. We collect bright 2-year-old flowers outside the city and roads

and cut off most of the green mass.

2. We wash in a bowl of water, so small insects and dirt are carefully removed.

3. Fill cold water and let it brew for a day - the characteristic bitterness will go away.

4. After a day, we wash again and squeeze the flowers. Then

we shift the inflorescences into a deep pan. Soak the flowers in cold water.

5. Prepare the lemon: pour over boiling water and cut into small pieces with a peel. Add to saucepan.

6. Mix and put on a medium fire. Cook for 30 minutes without sugar. Remove from heat and let cool and infuse for 6-7 hours.

7. We filter the broth through gauze or a fine sieve, squeeze the flowers.

8. Place the dandelion juice back in the pan and add 1 kg of sugar there. Cook over medium heat for 1-1.5 hours. It should be remembered that after cooling the syrup will cool even more.

9. The healing treat is ready!

Delicious dandelion jam with orange

Bright spring flowers combined with the invigorating scent of oranges... Who wouldn't want to try this dessert?


  • Inflorescences of 400 dandelions
  • chilled water - 500 ml
  • sugar - 1200 gr
  • oranges - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Collected flowers are separated from the stems. Rinse in a bowl and squeeze. Fill with cold water and let it brew for a day. Next, press again.

2. My oranges and cut with peel into small slices

3. Mix inflorescences and orange slices in a deep saucepan. Fill with water and bring to a boil. Cook for 5-7 minutes.

4. Filter the broth, add sugar to it and boil for another 30 minutes. We cool the finished mass.

5. Pour into banks. Add a slice of boiled orange on top.

6. Dandelion treat with hints of orange is ready!

Jam with flowers

Flower jam can be prepared using honey using the cold method. The method allows you to save maximum amount useful substances.

We will need:

  • Approximately 150-200 grams of flowers
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.


1. We collect flowers, cut off the stems, wash and squeeze.

2. Take a jar of 250 ml. Lay the dandelions in one row with the first layer, close the bottom. Add 1 tablespoon of honey on top.

3. Lay out a row of flowers again, then also a spoonful of honey and repeat another row.

4. We put the jar in a water bath, for about 2-3 minutes, to somewhat speed up the process of merging honey and dandelion flowers.

5. Mix the contents of the jar and add flowers to the top.

6. A flower treat prepared with a cold method with honey is ready! It only took 15 minutes to cook!

Bon appetit!!!

Dandelion jam is thick, fragrant, like concentrated sunlight in a jar. With the advent of cold weather, when it is drizzling outside the windows or a winter blizzard is fierce, there is nothing better than drinking a cup of warm tea with this dessert, remembering the warm summer days and getting a portion Have a good mood and health.

In order to make dandelion flower jam for the winter, it is not at all necessary to be the owner of your own garden or suburban area. It is enough to find the area where this plant grows, and just harvest the sunny flowers, observing all the conditions. environmental safety, transportation and processing.

If, while walking out of town, you spotted a clearing strewn with yellow, fully blooming baskets, you can assume that you are provided with raw materials for an original and tasty delicacy.

It remains only to learn how to make dandelion jam so that your preparations turn out tasty, healthy and stand enough time without the risk of spoilage.

In our article, you will not only get acquainted with step by step recipe dandelion jam with a photo, but also discover some secrets on how to maintain and improve natural taste this dessert with the help of other products.

How to cook dandelion jam a simple recipe

Let's start our acquaintance with the story of how to cook dandelion jam on your own. simple recipe with which any, even a novice hostess, can cope.

So, let's begin:

In order to prepare the right jam, only freshly picked flowers are used along with sepals, but without stems and leaves. The collection of plants is best done on a clear May afternoon, when the baskets are most open. And be sure to choose places away from industrial facilities and highways.

Dandelion jam with lemon

Our next recipe will be Dandelion Lemon Jam. When this citrus fruit is added, natural sweetness not only acquires a pleasant sourness, but also turns out to be more useful, because it greatly increases the content of vitamin C, which saves us from many viral diseases and strengthening our immune system.


  • 400 ripe dandelion baskets;
  • medium-sized lemons - 1 - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - at least 1 kg, maybe a little more;
  • pure water - 0.5 l.

The initial stage of preparing this version of the jam is exactly the same as in the previous recipe - the flowers need to be prepared, cleaned of dust and dirt, poured with water and let it brew for several hours. After that, add the lemon cut into large pieces along with the skin into the pan, boil, turn off the heat and set aside under the lid until it cools. This time is necessary for the lemon to completely transfer all its taste and aroma to the broth. Then the contents must be filtered, add sugar and cook like regular jam - over low heat, boiling to the desired degree of density.

If there was not a single lemon in your kitchen, and everything for dandelion jam has already been collected, you can safely use ordinary citric acid. For the amount indicated in the recipe, you will need half a teaspoon of food concentrated powder. Believe me, dandelion jam with citric acid will turn out no worse than using fresh fruits.

Dandelion jam with orange

The technology for making fragrant dandelion jam with orange is not too different from the method with the addition of lemon. But, there is one secret here, knowing which you will get an incomparable aroma, which will attract all interested households to the kitchen even at the cooking stage. Do you want to know? Then prepare:

  • the main ingredient is prepared dandelion flowers, about one 3-liter jar;
  • ripe - 3 pieces;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • water - 1500 ml;
  • sugar - 1500 kg;
  • cardamom - this is our "secret", because when combined with the smell of citrus, this spice gives a unique, rich smell to any dish - 3 - 4 grains.

Water with dandelions, which has already been infused for at least 6 hours, put on fire and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, wash the orange and cut it, removing the seeds and veins. The zest does not need to be removed, it is enough to thoroughly wash it from the remnants of chemical preservatives used in the transportation of citrus fruits from southern countries.

Cardamom seeds need to be crushed with a knife, simply by pressing them flat with a blade, or use a special mortar. You can use a whole pod, but only if you are making a larger amount of jam so that the smell of the spice does not overwhelm the rest of the flavors.

Add an orange and spices to the boiled flower water, boil for a couple of minutes, turn it off and let it brew for 5-6 hours. It is convenient to start cooking in the evening in order to continue the process right in the morning.

The settled liquid must be filtered, covered with sugar and boiled in several passes. At the last stage, 10 minutes before turning off the fire, add freshly squeezed lemon juice– you will immediately feel how “richer” the taste and aroma of your dessert will become.

Some housewives do not remove pieces of citrus from the workpiece, but cook with it until the orange pulp becomes soft. In this case, the finished jam becomes not so transparent, but this makes it no less tasty.

Dandelion jam without cooking

If your goal is to save as much as possible beneficial vitamins donated to medicinal dandelion by nature, then we advise you to prepare sweetness from it without the use of heat treatment.

There are two options for making dandelion jam without boiling, differing in the way raw materials are processed and in the set of ingredients. We will talk about each of them.

The first way to make jam without cooking

You will need:

  • prepared dandelion flowers, without stems and green parts - half a kilogram;
  • sugar - 750 - 800 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Place clean dry inflorescences in a three-liter jar in layers, interspersed with granulated sugar.
  2. We tightly close the container with a lid and put it in a dry, dark place.
  3. Stir the contents of the jar once a day.
  4. After three days, the plant, under the influence of sugar, will release all the juice, it remains only to separate the liquid part and pour it into dry, clean jars.

Jam prepared in this way should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator under nylon lids. Roll up for long term storage raw product Not recommended.

The second method of jam without cooking

The products used in this recipe do not have clear proportions. You can cook according to your taste and the available number of ingredients:

  • dandelion baskets;
  • fresh honey.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the flowers, remove insects, wash and dry thoroughly.
  2. Grind the prepared raw materials using a blender or a special nozzle of a food processor.
  3. Place the flower mass in an opaque bowl. It is better to use a clay or ceramic barrel with a lid.
  4. Pour in honey, mix thoroughly.
  5. Let it brew for 3 days.

Supervitamin dandelion jam without cooking with honey is ready!

Dandelion jam as a cure for the liver

Now that we know how to cook dandelion jam, it must be said that this natural delicacy can not only diversify our table in the form of a dessert, but also serve as a real healer for many body diseases.

It is known that in medicinal purposes dandelion jam is used for anemia, to increase immunity, leveling blood pressure, but one of the most sensitive organs to the components of the plant is our liver.

A couple of spoons of dandelion jam on an empty stomach can become the strongest biostimulant that will help liver cells regenerate faster and recover from painful conditions.

For those who care about their health, we post a recipe for dandelion jam for the treatment of the liver:

  1. Finely chop 500 pieces of prepared inflorescences.
  2. Wash and cut into slices.
  3. Combine the ingredients in a bowl with a lid. Fill with one liter clean water. Ideally, you should take well water free from impurities and harmful substances. But, if you do not have such an opportunity, use a clean, filtered liquid.
  4. Put the container in a dark, cool and dry place to infuse for a day, periodically stirring the contents.
  5. After the time has passed, put the pan on the stove, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Make sure that the flowers and lemon do not burn to the bottom, stir them during the cooking process.
  6. Add one kilogram of sugar to the broth and continue to cook for another 15 minutes.
  7. Turn off the fire and leave to cool completely.
  8. After that, we carefully filter, discard the plant cake and lemon slices, and boil again for 5-7 minutes or until the desired consistency.
  9. Jam resembles fresh flower honey in appearance. It can be closed in sterilized jars or immediately start tasting.

People who have serious problems with the liver, such as hepatitis or cirrhosis, of course, one cannot rely only on magical properties herbs and plants. It is necessary to take the prescribed therapy, exclude alcohol and adhere to the principles healthy eating. And phytotherapy will become you good helper on the road to recovery.

As you can see, making dandelion jam according to our recipes is quite easy. The main thing is to find clean, unpolluted places where you can collect a lot of flowers. Let it be meadows, forest clearings or river banks located far from urban smog, because dandelions, like forest mushrooms, are able to absorb not only useful, but also harmful substances from the soil, rain or chemical emissions into the atmosphere. But, if you have found such a place and harvested a large crop of these solar baskets, be sure to use them to prepare a delicious, and most importantly, very healthy treat. It's so nice to spend family evenings with a cup of tea with fragrant dandelion jam.

Honey or dandelion jam - unusual, but tasty and healthy treat. It is used not only as a dessert, but also for the treatment of diseases. Consider the benefits and harms of dandelion jam, how to collect a plant and prepare raw materials for honey, and what recipes for making delicacies exist in cooking.

Calorie content and composition

100 g of jam contains 191 kcal. The amount of carbohydrates predominates in the jam - 48 g per 100 g of the product, while proteins and fats are contained in small amounts - less than 1 g. The composition of dandelion jam includes:

  • vitamins A, B, C;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • copper.

Such a rich composition explains the beneficial properties of dandelion honey.

Benefits of dandelion jam

Such honey can be used both for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases. The product works in several directions at once:

  1. Renders beneficial effect on the liver - often the remedy is used for hepatitis.
  2. Increases immunity, destroys microbes and successfully fights colds, symptoms of cough, sore throats, bronchitis.
  3. Helps to restore the gallbladder after surgery.
  4. Improves digestion and metabolism.
  5. Eases asthma attacks.
  6. Reduces cholesterol levels.
  7. It has a mild laxative effect.
  8. Prevents heart disease, strengthens blood vessels.
  9. Helps with arthritis and osteochondrosis.

Among other things, jam rejuvenates, improves overall tone and renews the body, removing toxins from it and purifying the blood.

When and how to collect dandelions for jam

The ingredients for dandelion jam are readily available, so this delicacy is good alternative sweets from the supermarket. However, plants must be collected correctly.

Attention! The main condition for the collection is that you need to cut the flowers away from the roadway and industrial enterprises.

The best period for collecting is May and June. Most of the nectar in the flowers is found at noon, so this time of day is also the most favorable for harvesting raw materials.

Besides, a large number of dandelions store nectar in dry weather, so a rainy day and a day after a rain are not the best time for collection. It is recommended to cut only fully bloomed flowers.

Raw material preparation

Collected flowers are washed under running water. If the dandelions were harvested in a completely ecologically clean area, then it is not necessary to wash them for too long in order to avoid losing a significant part of the nectar. When cooking, it is the flowers that are used, the sepals must be removed.

Popular recipes for making dandelion honey

In cooking, there are many ways to make jam - from the simplest to the original, including additional ingredients to improve the taste of honey. Let's start with the easiest.

Easy Dandelion Jam Recipe

Easy-to-prepare honey from 300 dandelions is being prepared in the following way. 300 inflorescences are poured into 2 glasses cold water and boil for 2 minutes. Next, the broth is thrown into a colander covered with gauze. After cooling, the flowers should be squeezed out. Add 4 cups of sugar to the liquid and boil for 7 minutes. The finished jam is poured hot into clean jars and covered with paper. After cooling, honey is stored in the refrigerator.

Thick jam from dandelion flowers

How to cook dandelion jam to make it thick and viscous? It is necessary to grind about 350 inflorescences, add 400-500 ml of water and cook for 20 minutes. Next, you need to add 1 kg of sugar, then boil for an additional 7-10 minutes. Pour jam into glass jar and leave to cool.

400 dandelion honey with lemon

Dandelion jam with lemon is a little more difficult to prepare. It requires the following ingredients:

  • 400 pieces of dandelions;
  • 1 or 2 lemons;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1 tsp citric acid.

The day before cooking, the flowers are poured with salted water - this way it is easier to get rid of insects. A day later, the flowers need to be squeezed, add water and boil for 15-20 minutes. Then add sugar, grated lemon and citric acid together with the zest. Cook for 5 more minutes after boiling.

Dandelion jam without cooking

Put dandelions and sugar in layers in a jar. There are 2 parts of sugar for 1 part of flowers. The mass should be carefully compacted. Finish with a layer of sugar. Next, the jar is closed with a lid and left to stand in a sunny place for 2 weeks. After this period, the jam is stored in the refrigerator.

How to use dandelion jam

This healing product useful in a variety of recipes. However, for the treatment various diseases or ailments exist and different ways the use of honey.

For the treatment of inflammation and general tone

To reduce negative effect inflammatory processes, honey is added to the milk thistle solution. For general health organism, the agent can be added to green tea. It is recommended to dissolve a tablespoon of jam in a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach.

With nervous tension

The impact of excessive emotional stress on the body can be reduced with a few teaspoons of dandelion jam. In this case, the drug is drunk warm milk or herbal tea.

For the treatment of chronic constipation

With hepatitis

You need to mix a glass of honey, beet juice, horseradish, carrots, as well as 30 ml of vodka and juice of 2 lemons. The remedy is insisted and taken 1 tablespoon every day half an hour before meals.

Features of the use of dandelion jam during pregnancy

Dandelion honey will also be useful for women during pregnancy and lactation. Why is this delicacy especially useful at this time?

  1. Honey helps to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals needed female body during childbearing and breastfeeding.
  2. Dandelion jam helps to get rid of edema and improve skin condition.
  3. The tool strengthens the immune system and protects against colds, extremely undesirable during pregnancy.

However, dandelion jam should be used with caution during pregnancy. It is recommended to eat no more than 3 tablespoons per day. If the pregnancy proceeds with complications, then the risks side effects increase, so before use, you should always consult with your doctor.

Is it possible for children to make dandelion jam

Delicacy sometimes adversely affects the health of children. Babies under 5 years of age may have severe allergy on dandelion flowers.

Important! Dandelion jam can interfere with the formation of the skeleton, which is completed at 18 years of age. Therefore, before this age, it is better to take honey very rarely and in small quantities.

In any case, it is better not to take risks and consult a pediatrician before treating a child with such jam.

What can be combined with dandelion honey

Usually honey is eaten with tea and milk, spread on sandwiches and added to pastries. In addition to this easy use, dandelion jam goes well with lemon balm, cherry leaves, licorice, young pine needles, and various useful herbs.

Contraindications and harm to the product

Despite the enormous benefits of dandelion jam, this delicacy has a number of contraindications.

  1. Patients with diabetes It is not recommended to consume honey because of the high amount of sugar in it.
  2. People prone to allergies, especially to any honey, should take jam with caution, occasionally and in small quantities.
  3. Eating jam for hypotension can further reduce blood pressure.
  4. stomach ulcer, acute gastritis and a number of other pathologies gastrointestinal tract- diseases in which the abuse of dandelion honey is highly discouraged. Large quantities jams irritate the intestinal walls and the gastric mucosa.
  5. Due to the laxative effect of jam, it should not be consumed by people prone to liquid stool and intestinal disorders.

In addition, their dandelion jam is still a sweet treat. It contains a lot of sugar, so it should be consumed in moderation to avoid weight gain.


The benefits and harms of dandelion jam for everyone may differ depending on the state of health or age. Dandelion honey is a healthy, tasty and natural product that can replace dessert and various pharmaceutical products. However, despite the obvious benefits for the body, it is important to consider possible contraindications before using the remedy.

Good day to all!

One of the articles told how to cook one. The product, you see, is not quite usual for the preparation of any drinks.

However, most lovers note that the wine from these flowers is very tasty. But not everyone loves wine, and you won’t give it to children either. But another product from this flower will appeal to both adults and children.

It's about jam. Also not very common. However, jam, unlike wine, can be made from different plants. The main thing is to approach the process correctly.

Just like wine, jam can be made with or without petals. The cooking process with petals is not as laborious as without them. However, not everyone likes when you have tasteless plant fibers floating in your cup. Therefore, more often they make jam without petals.

How to cook this delicious product will be described in the article.

Useful properties of jam

But in the beginning, a few words about what is useful or not useful for this jam.

According to experts, for 100 g, which is 192 kcal, there are approximately 1 g of protein, 49 g of carbohydrates and 0.15 g of fat.

In addition, there you can find trace elements such as phosphorus (41 mg); potassium (231 mg); calcium (139 mg); iron (1.7 mg); zinc (0.27 mg); manganese (0.22 mg). This is all that is contained in the dandelion itself, and what it gives into the finished product.

As for vitamins, dandelion jam contains ascorbic acid, B vitamins such as riboflavin and pyridoxine, thiamine, as well as pantothenic and folic acid. There are also vitamins K and PP, beta-carotene in jam.

The range of its actions on the body is also quite wide. This product stimulates the nervous system, improves metabolic processes, normalizes appetite, and has a tonic effect. Also, it heals inflammatory processes, constipation, hemorrhoids.

Helps this jam reduce acid environment stomach. Therefore, it is useful for gastritis. Used as a remedy for food poisoning coli.

In folk medicine, it is used to treat arthritis and gout. But its greatest benefit is in the treatment of anemia, asthma, vitamin deficiency and hypertension.

Of course, jam helps with colds. Especially, these properties are manifested in combination with lemon and honey. And if there is one with herbal infusions from lemon balm or chamomile, mint or bergamot, then it will help to calm the nerves.

Tea connoisseurs prefer to drink this jam with green tea. In general, as you can see, the benefits of it are obvious.

The video below goes into great detail and details about all useful properties this seemingly weedy plant.

The time of mass flowering of dandelion begins, and if you decide to try making jam from it, then it's time to start collecting this plant. How to assemble it correctly, how to cook this tasty and healthy delicacy from it will be described further.

How to collect dandelion

You can say that there is nothing tricky in the collection. However, this is not quite true. It is necessary to take into account the fact that growing in industrial areas, on the streets of cities, where there is a lot of transport, they accumulate a lot of various harmful substances. Therefore, jam cooked from dandelions collected in such places will not bring anything but harm.

So it is necessary to collect the plant outside the city, well, or in extreme cases, in huge park areas outside the city.

For collection, it is necessary to choose large inflorescences, bright yellow color with no damage. For cooking, only the inflorescences themselves are needed, so we cut them without a stem under the flower itself. And then, you can use either only one petal, then we carefully “pluck” each flower, putting them in a prepared container, or whole flowers. But at the same time, the jam will be slightly bitter.

To make jam, the collected raw materials, even flowers, even petals, are best crushed. Although some cook and whole.

If you use whole flowers, then you can make syrup instead of jam. This is in case you need to use dandelion primarily as a medicine.

Therefore, the first recipe is the preparation of syrup

Dandelion syrup

  • Dandelion flowers - 300-400 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.
  • Water - 500 ml.

The washed flowers are placed in a saucepan, filled with water. After that, they are put on fire, brought to a boil. Next, cook for two minutes. After this time, the resulting broth is drained, and the flower broth is thrown away. They gave everything they needed and are no longer needed. Sugar is poured into the broth, boiled again for about 10 minutes. After that, the hot broth is poured into jars (if small) and stored.

Dandelion jam with lemon

So, the recipe for dandelion jam. You can, of course, use only the flowers themselves, but for a better taste, as well as good medicinal qualities of jam, it is better to add lemon to it.

For this recipe you will need:

  • Flowers - 400 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water - 1 l.

The plucked flowers are washed, filled with cold water. In order for them to brew well, it is necessary to leave for a day.

After that, the water is drained. The lemon must be cut, you can peel it, but it will be better with the zest. Sliced ​​lemon is placed in the infusion. After that, pour a liter of water, put on fire. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and set to infuse for two hours.

Dandelion jam with honey

This is the second version of the medicinal jam. In general, honey is a very versatile product, the main thing is to use it in moderation.

To prepare it you will need:

  • Dandelion flowers - 300-400 inflorescences
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons per half liter of flower mass.
  • Water - 1-2 liters (depending on the amount of ground mass of flowers).

Dandelion flowers must first be washed and dried.

The next step is to crush the flowers. To do this, you can use either a food processor or a meat grinder.

Add honey to the resulting flower mass at the rate of two tablespoons per half liter of grated flowers. Honey is best used liquid. This makes it easier to dissolve.

Everything is thoroughly mixed to get a homogeneous mass. We close the pan in which honey and dandelions were mixed with a lid, leave to infuse for twelve hours. Periodically stir the mass, every 2-3 hours.

After the set time has elapsed, the jam on honey will be ready. True, this is not quite jam in the sense that it was not boiled. On the one hand, this is good because many useful elements stored, but on the other hand, it cannot be stored for a long time. But this is already an amateur.

The classic jam

Unlike the previous options, this jam is made without any additives. Only used here:

  • Dandelion flowers - 400 pcs.
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Dandelion flowers are sorted, washed and placed in a pot. Next, fill with water, put on fire. Bring to a boil, keep on fire for 2-3 minutes.

Spread gauze in a colander, filter the finished broth in this way to remove flowers from it.

You can, of course, leave it as it is, but then there will be boiled petals in the jam, and they are not entirely palatable, because the jam will not be expectedly pleasant.

Add sugar to the drained broth, put everything on fire again. We have been cooking here for 15 minutes.

We prepare jars for jam - we sterilize them. Pour the finished jam into jars, roll up the lids for storage

We turn the rolled cans upside down, wrap them in a towel. The jars stand under the cloth for a day, after which they can be stored.

The principle of making jam is the same, only the composition of the additives can change. In addition to lemons, it can be other citrus fruits, such as oranges. You can add a pear or apple, add melon, mint.

In general, here you can experiment. Try to add something of your own, if you succeed, be sure to share with readers.

Video on how to make dandelion jam

Good afternoon friends! I would like to continue the spring theme of blanks. Last time we learned how to harvest and preserve, and this time I offer you a selection, after reading which you will learn not only how to cook dandelion jam deliciously, but also learn about the benefits and harms this product.

Today I have collected all the recipes in one pile so that you can choose and find the right option for yourself. And for those who are interested, and you want to experiment, you can look in, there I shared with quite original and old options, I even gave the ancient Greek way of cooking.

In general, I wanted to ask and take an interest, do you prepare such a miracle of nature for the winter? or you just admire these flowers. As a child, I loved to weave wreaths of them, it was so much fun, and most importantly beautiful. Too bad they fade quickly.

Undoubtedly, since this plant was given to us by nature itself, it has both positive properties and there are contraindications to its use.

Let's take a look at all of it first. healing properties, there are many more, and it's cool).

So the benefit is this.

  • If you monitor your health, in particular, do not want to get better, then it is used for medicinal purposes, as a means for losing weight. It slows down the process of obesity.
  • If you suffer from diseases such as gastritis or other stomach ailments, then this delicacy will also help to cope with such a problem. It will help to produce less gastric juice.
  • If you have poor appetite, then this will just help you raise it, and establish the whole digestive system as a whole.
  • Dandelion jam is used very often for edema, it is able to remove perfectly all excess liquid from the body.
  • Helps quite often in the fight against fever.

That's not all, dandelions themselves contain a large amount of iodine, copper, manganese, iron, potassium, etc., in general, the periodic table is straight. This is also the case with vitamins, it has A, groups B, PP, K, E and many others.

But in order for all these healing properties to work, you must also take care of where and how you will collect flowers. Predominantly, it is better to do this in a meadow and a little longer from civilization, where there are no roads, no smoke and other filth, especially from cars.

Do not forget that the flowers should be fully open, not closed, that is, collect in sunny and clear weather closer to dinner.

So, now let's figure it out and cook and play weird in the kitchen. The most interesting thing is that you will have to count these suns when collecting, are you ready for this? Well, or measure the proportions on the scales or cups, plastic bottles.

Who can use this delicacy? How do you think? Doctors do not recommend eating it for children under 5-7 years old, as well as for those who have diarrhea and frequent diathesis for sweets. Also, if you are aggravated chronic diseases stomach.

You can use this jam 1 teaspoon a day strictly on an empty stomach, if you want to use it for prevention. And if you are treating any disease, it is best to contact your doctor to tell you about the dosage.

You can also use it as a dessert, but in moderation.

Dandelion jam recipe without additives

First of all, I want to tell you about this option, I think everyone is chasing it. But I not only want to describe the whole cooking process, but also show another video, after seeing which, you will definitely learn this simple art.

This recipe is extremely simple, any novice hostess can handle it, and even an experienced one even more so. So let's boost your immunity folk remedies and we will prepare for the future such a miracle of nature.

This option will be designed for about 400-500 pieces of inflorescences, so run to the forest or meadow to collect these lovely flowers.

We will need:

  • dandelions - 400-500 pcs.
  • sugar - 500 ml
  • water - 7 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. preliminary work will be like this, wash the flowers very carefully, sort them out and remove all bugs and spiders. If you come across rotten or heavily polluted dandelions, it is better to discard them immediately.

Important! To make it easier, after washing the raw materials, dry them with ordinary paper towels.

2. After the work done, pour seven glasses of chilled water, stir, cover and let stand and brew all night.

3. And in the morning, when you get up, immediately turn on the stove and put this saucepan on the fire to boil, the mixture should boil, simmer for about 5 minutes, stir every 30 seconds.

4. Feel what flavor goes? Oh, such that you can fall in love directly). Take a sieve and strain this brown tincture through it. Do not forget about the flowers, press them directly with a spoon so that all the accumulated moisture is glass.

5. Add sugar to the brown liquid, stir. Put on the stove to cook, stir. As soon as you see bubbles, start skimming off the resulting foam.

Important! Simmer on fire after boiling for about 5-10 minutes. The flame must be very weak.

6. If you are a thicker lover, rather than prefer liquid jam, then in order to achieve density, you will need to repeat the cooking procedure 2-3 times until you achieve the desired consistency.

7. And finally, to save such a miracle, you will have to place it in sterilized jars and close the lids. Store the jam in a cool place in the refrigerator or cellar until next season. Although it will definitely not live up to it, eat it in the fall).

Such a beauty turned out, sweet and very pleasant and tasty, and if you want to change and add some refreshing note, then read the next cooking option.

How to cook dandelion jam with liver benefits with lemon?

Have you ever thought about this? I honestly do not, but I know that lemon contains a large amount of vitamin C, although when boiled, as many say, it disappears. But, nevertheless, if you read the relevant literature, then we can say that such a combination will raise and increase human immunity in the very season of colds and viruses. Somehow, it's also sweet.)

Lemon will give a little sourness, it will be the highlight of this dish. If you do not have it fresh, then you can get by with ordinary citric acid, use it at your discretion.

We will need:

  • dandelion flowers without legs - 300 g
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon - 1 lemon
  • water - 1 l

Cooking method:

1. Pick up fun buds, bring them home, and wow, you'll see them close and panic. Place them in a bowl and rinse well with water.

Then fill with cold water and let them brew for one day. Yes, you will have to wait, without such an infusion there will be no desired effect.

This is done so that all unnecessary bitterness comes out.

2. The next day, wring them out thoroughly with your hands, remove all moisture. Transfer to the bowl in which you will continue to make the workpiece.

Interesting! In the people, such a miracle is called dandelion honey of its own production.

3. Now fill with one liter of water. Pour the lemon well with boiling water.

4. Right in the place with the zest, cut the fruit into small pieces.

5. And send the slices to the flowers. Stir. Put on the stove and cook until boiling, then remove all the foam, reduce the heat and continue to cook for another 30 minutes on the slowest fire, and then turn it off. The smell will be very pleasant and will remind you of herbs. Cover with a lid and leave for 6 hours to simmer and brew.

6. And after the time has passed, strain through cheesecloth and squeeze well. You can use an ordinary tablespoon or a potato masher for this.

7. Now add sugar to this juice. Stir and send back to the stove to cook.

9. Adjust this process yourself, depending on what consistency of jam you want. If you like thinner, then cook on low heat for about 30 minutes, and if thicker, then 110 minutes.

10. Keep in mind that it will thicken over time and when it cools down. It is necessary to pour strictly into sterile jars. From this amount of ingredients came out two half-liter jars. You might get more if you leave it liquid and don't boil it down so much.

Eat for health, add to tea in winter to feel the aroma of spring and summer. It can also be taken before bed to help you sleep well and have sweet dreams.

11. Here is the beauty of nature, like flower honey, light and completely fragrant, created by you with love and care for your loved ones. This definitely will not deteriorate and will not settle over time.

The best recipe from Alla Kovalchuk

Readers and subscribers really asked for this option, which they somehow heard on their TV, I found that video and I am publishing its cooking secret now here in this post. Although there seems to be nothing special in this option. Well, since you asked, I cannot refuse, read and cook with this famous TV presenter.

A feature of this product is that the actress recommends not using citrus peels, but cooking without them. They give a bitter taste, but you can do it differently, because all the same, the zest also has a lot of vitamins and nutrients.

We will need:

  • Dandelions - 150 g
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Water - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. Squeeze the lemon juice into a bowl, do not forget to wash it well before that. Add sugar and water to this liquid, stir and cook over a fire until the grains are completely dissolved.

2. Dandelion flowers must be washed in advance and dried on paper towels. And then put them in lemon syrup. Boil for about 20 minutes after boiling. Then cover with a lid and let the mixture rest and infuse for about 6 hours.

If you have big time, you can leave it overnight or for 12 hours. It will be even better!

3. After the time you need has elapsed, remove the “berries”, use a sieve, pour the jam into clean sterile jars, tighten with metal iron lids. Store in a cool and dark place. Bon appetit!

Quick recipe without straining and boiling

Do you think this is even possible? At first I thought that people meant tincture, but no, as it turned out. They need jam, but not processed. Is it possible? Yes, definitely.

Replace the granulated sugar with something viscous and flowery, oh, you guessed it, honey of course. Moreover, when two natural product, then in general the dish will turn out just a fairy tale. Just two in one.

You can weigh the flowers, or you can count them, I know that many people cook for 100, 200 pieces, if the family is small, and if there are more, then, of course, they take huge proportions of 500-700 pieces.

Such a delicious dessert is very useful, because it contains all necessary elements, especially since honey in general is a storehouse of the entire periodic table.

We will need:

  • honey - 100 g
  • dandelion inflorescences and their stems - 0.5 kg

Cooking method:

1. This option is good because all parts of this plant will be used, except for the leaves. Rinse the plants well with water, and then pass them through a meat grinder. By the way, if you don’t like this option, then go ahead, there I gave a different recipe for this cool dish.

2. Now add honey to the dandelion mixture and stir until smooth.

Honey should be tender and soft texture.

3. Cover the container with a lid and let stand warm for about a day. But, at the same time, stir occasionally during this time.

Cook with orange and flowers

It seems to me that first of all, everyone first looks at appearance jam, according to this recipe it will turn out like amber in color. You can use any citrus fruit, they even make it from grapefruit, if you like its bitterness, then try replacing it and putting it in place of an orange.

The option is given for a small portion, you will need to find only about 100 flowers.

We will need:

  • dandelions - 100 pcs.
  • sugar - 320 g
  • water - 250 ml or 1 tbsp.
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the yellow ones thoroughly with water). According to ancient traditions, you need to soak them further, do this and leave them overnight, so it will be better, or at least for 8-10 hours.

In the morning, drain the liquid and shake through a colander.

2. The preparatory work on this is not over, you now need to cut off all the sepals and, accordingly, the receptacle with a knife. For those who do not understand this, I explain, in Russian to say this is “butt”, leave only the yellow petals.

3. Place this flowery mixture in a saucepan and pour the desired amount of water, namely one glass. Stir and simmer until boiling, after the mixture boils, remove the foam, it may occur. And then cook for 10 minutes.

4. After such manipulations, you have to squeeze the flowers through a cloth or sieve.

5. And add citrus fruits to the resulting broth. Rinse them well and cut into small slices, right with the peel. See that the skins are not spoiled, and especially that they do not have any flaws on their surface.

Now there is also a shortage of granulated sugar, bring it here as soon as possible.

6. As you guessed, you will have to bring the jam with fruit to a boil and cook, and occasionally stirring, the cooking time is about 15-20 minutes.

7. It already looks great, some people remove the crusts, while others leave them on the contrary to get even more rich taste.

Remember that after cooking, you need to pour the healing mixture only into sterile jars or bottles. Store in the cellar, and then eat to health. Bon appetit!

If you have any difficulties with this option, then it may be useful for you, here is a similar video from the YouTube channel. Yes, by the way, the hostess uses grapefruit in it, I don’t like them enough, but how do you look at this matter?

Dandelion jam - recipe with citric acid

We got to another very interesting option, so to speak, in a hurry, when the flowers had already been collected, and it was too late to run to the store, because the plucked creations must be immediately put into action, and not wait until they wither and turn sour.

And then, you know, it will already be or. By the way, do you cook such delicacies from dandelions?

We will need:

  • medicinal plant dandelion - 200 pcs.
  • water - 500 ml
  • sugar - 750 g
  • lemon or citric acid

Cooking method:

1. Pour the suns into a colander and rinse in water. It is not necessary to cut the sepals, here they are used necessarily. This is a feature of this product.

2. Wash the lemon well in hot water, scrub it with a brush. After all, the zest will also go here.

If you cook without lemon, then use citric acid to your taste instead, about 3-5 g.

The next step, turn off the stove, cover with a lid and leave for 24 hours to give up all your nutrients.

4. And then strain through two layers of gauze, it will be much more convenient. Here is the bag.

5. The liquid will be yellowish-green, this is the base, into which add granulated sugar and cook for 30 minutes on low heat after boiling.

6. And then cool it until warm state and pour into sterilized jars, self-tightening lids can be used. In jars, it will thicken as it cools completely. Keep until next spring. Take with green tea or black tea.

Dandelion jelly

Often jelly is used as a filling or decoration on cakes, and not only. This delicacy can simply be consumed by spreading it on a piece of loaf or fresh bread. Its color is beautiful and light, and most importantly transparent and not dark, and all because lemon juice is included in the composition.

Follow these proportions and you will definitely succeed.

We will need:

  • Flowers - 4 tbsp.
  • Water - 1 l
  • Pectin - 4.5 tbsp
  • Sugar - 0.8 kg
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. After you can take on the sunny creations, the first thing to do is sort them out so that ants and all kinds of insects do not get caught. For this healing mixture, you will only need flowers, no leaves, and a receptacle with a sepal.

Tear off only the yellow and white fluffy leaves, rinse them under running water, and then strain through a strainer.

Next, place all this mass in 1 liter of water and put on the stove to cook, as soon as it boils, remove the foam and cook for about 4 minutes over low heat. Then turn off and let the mixture stand in this broth and simmer, cover with a lid.

As soon as some time has passed and the broth has cooled, strain it through cheesecloth or a sieve.

2. Put granulated sugar and pectin into this resulting infusion, stir and bring the liquid to the desired bubbling state.

Important! Do not forget to stir everything thoroughly so that the sugar and pectin are well dissolved in this syrup.

As soon as everything has dissolved, drip natural freshly squeezed lemon juice, boil for another 1 minute and turn off the heat.

3. Now it remains to wait a little for the jelly to cool, and then pack it in sterilized jars, close it with boiled nylon lids.

If you plan to eat this fragrant jelly almost immediately, then the jars can not be sterilized, then such a miracle will be stored in your refrigerator for 14 days, keep this in mind.

In any case, store in a cool place and eat healthy!

An interesting recipe with rhubarb for the whole family

In my last note, I already gave you one recipe, I want to repeat it here, only slightly modify it and make it with cherry petals, or you can add bird cherry. After all, rhubarb and these suns can be harvested at about the same time, it all depends on where you live, in which regions of our country.

We will need:

  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 400 g
  • dandelions - 180 g
  • water - 950 ml.
  • rhubarb - 300 g
  • cherry leaves - 70 g

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly wash the rhubarb stem and dandelion heads. Remove skin from rhubarb and cut into cubes with a knife.

2. Next do sugar syrup, pour water into a container and put sugar, turn on the fire and cook until the sugar dissolves. After that, add pieces of rhubarb, and dandelion flowers, cherry leaves. The mixture should boil over low heat for about 20 minutes.

On this, friends, I end this post, I wish you to pick up more raw materials and make a huge barrel of sweet and fragrant potion))). Have a great day and good week everyone! Join the group in contact and write your comments and suggestions. See you later! Till!