Lethargy and starvation in a dog - we find out and eliminate the causes. The dog has a poor appetite: why and what to do

Your four-legged friend no appetite, and he actively refuses to eat? Of course, this is an alarming sign that often causes panic among dog owners.

However, poor appetite in a dog is not always a sign of a serious illness. Before drawing any conclusions, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the lack of appetite in the dog, but it is better to immediately show the pet to the veterinarian.

Our article will help you understand in advance what could cause this condition and how to deal with it before visiting the veterinarian.

Why does a dog lose his appetite?

Loss of appetite in a dog can be caused by a number of reasons. We will tell you about the most common ones.

1. Dental diseases. Carefully examine your mouth pet. The dog may have lost his appetite due to broken teeth, inflammation or infection of the gums, damage to the coating oral cavity.

2. Pain. Quite often it pain cause dogs to refuse food. Watch your dog closely for other symptoms such as fever, shaking, fever, lethargy, decreased activity, hunchback, irritability, or drowsiness. If there are at least a couple of these symptoms, then something hurts the dog. Try to identify the source of pain and consult a doctor!

3. Ear infections. Ear infections can cause decreased appetite in dogs. Especially active in this case, dogs refuse solid food.

4. Carefully check the food you give your dog for freshness. Often they refuse to eat something that has begun to spoil.

5. Problems with the behavior of the dog. It is this reason that can provoke the "harmfulness" of the dog and, as a result, the refusal of food. It should be noted that it is better to feed the dog in a familiar environment.

If she refuses to eat, then after a while remove the bowl and offer the same food as next appointment food. More precisely, only a veterinarian can answer the question of why a dog has no appetite.

No appetite in a dog: a sign of illness or a natural state?

If your dog has lost his appetite, it does not mean that he is sick. Many veterinarians consider food refusal to be a somewhat natural condition that can be due to many different factors. Lack of appetite in a dog can be caused by hot weather or by feeding at odd hours.

Also, the reasons may be estrus or systematic overfeeding of the dog, from which it becomes too picky in food. Puppies large breeds often refuse food, alternating these periods with periods severe hunger. This is normal.

How to increase your dog's appetite

If the loss of appetite in a dog was not caused by diseases, the natural question arises: how to induce appetite in a dog? There are several proven methods. One of them is quite simple: walk more and play with your dog.

An increase in physical activity will force the dog to look for resources in order to replenish lost energy. Also, make sure your dog has correct mode nutrition. Food should be given twice a day. Moreover, the dog must eat the entire contents of the bowl.

If all else fails, you can buy special vitamins to increase appetite at a veterinary pharmacy. You can also use bitters - natural substances that increase appetite, which are sold in pharmacies. 1 tbsp such raw materials should be poured with boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Then strain and give the dog 1 tbsp. this solution half an hour before meals.

Does your four-legged friend have no appetite and actively refuse food? Of course, this is an alarming sign that often causes panic among dog owners.

However, poor appetite in a dog is not always a sign of a serious illness. Before drawing any conclusions, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the lack of appetite in the dog, but it is better to immediately show the pet to the veterinarian.

Our article will help you understand in advance what could cause this condition and how to deal with it before visiting the veterinarian.

Why does a dog lose his appetite?

Loss of appetite in a dog can be caused by a number of reasons. We will tell you about the most common ones.

1. Dental diseases. Carefully inspect the oral cavity of your pet. The dog may have lost its appetite due to broken teeth, inflammation or infection of the gums, or damage to the lining of the mouth.

2. Pain. Often it is pain that provokes refusal of food in dogs. Watch your dog closely for other symptoms such as fever, shaking, fever, lethargy, decreased activity, hunchback, irritability, or drowsiness. If there are at least a couple of these symptoms, then something hurts the dog. Try to identify the source of pain and consult a doctor!

3. Ear infections. Ear infections can cause decreased appetite in dogs. Especially active in this case, dogs refuse solid food.

4. Carefully check the food you give your dog for freshness. Often they refuse to eat something that has begun to spoil.

5. Problems with the behavior of the dog. It is this reason that can provoke the "harmfulness" of the dog and, as a result, the refusal of food. It should be noted that it is better to feed the dog in a familiar environment.

If she refuses to eat, then after a while remove the bowl and offer the same food as the next meal. More precisely, only a veterinarian can answer the question of why a dog has no appetite.

No appetite in a dog: a sign of illness or a natural state?

If your dog has lost his appetite, it does not mean that he is sick. Many veterinarians consider food refusal to be a somewhat natural condition that can be due to many different factors. Lack of appetite in a dog can be caused by hot weather or by feeding at odd hours.

Also, the reasons may be estrus or systematic overfeeding of the dog, from which it becomes too picky in food. Puppies of large breeds often refuse food, alternating these periods with periods of severe hunger. This is normal.

How to increase your dog's appetite

If the loss of appetite in a dog was not caused by diseases, the natural question arises: how to induce appetite in a dog? There are several proven methods. One of them is quite simple: walk more and play with your dog.

An increase in physical activity will force the dog to look for resources in order to replenish lost energy. Also, make sure your dog has the right diet. Food should be given twice a day. Moreover, the dog must eat the entire contents of the bowl.

If all else fails, you can buy special vitamins to increase appetite at a veterinary pharmacy. You can also use bitters - natural substances that increase appetite, which are sold in pharmacies. 1 tbsp such raw materials should be poured with boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Then strain and give the dog 1 tbsp. this solution half an hour before meals.

Caring owners of four-legged pets treat their pets with great trepidation, so they worry about the slightest changes in their condition. Dogs may refuse to eat different reasons, starting with low physical activity, ending with heat and simply unwillingness to eat. Today we will cover everything about this to save you from worry.

Reasons why the dog does not eat

If you notice that a four-legged pet does not eat well, there are explanations for this. Try to find out and eliminate the causes, only then try to feed the dog (if circumstances so require). Problems, as you know, are serious or harmless, the latter are eliminated by themselves.

  1. Not necessarily the dog loses cravings for food due to illness. With excessive heat and humidity, not only humans, but also animals lose their appetite. This applies to pets long hair who live in apartment conditions and are constantly at temperatures above 25 degrees.
  2. If a pet is in heat, she may lose her cravings for food due to estrus. When this period ends, the bitch gradually returns to a normal diet, begins to eat and drink water.
  3. In cases where the animal is being treated with a vitamin-mineral complex, all substances valuable to the body are supplied in the proper amount. Therefore, there is simply no need for food.
  4. Some breeds, by their characteristics, eat little and rarely. This includes large representatives, these are their features. Also, the dog does not eat well due to large portion sizes.
  5. If we talk about young animals, during the change of teeth or their long growth, the dog may lose his appetite. Since the whole process of chewing is painful, the pet tries not to injure himself once again. Check to see if your dog has a toothache.
  6. It is worth paying attention to the physical activity of a four-legged friend. If you hardly walk your dog once a day, as a result of which he sits at home all day, of course, the animal will not want to eat. The dog simply does not lose energy, so there is no need to replenish supplies.
  7. All experienced dog breeders know that dogs tend to worry powerful emotions. If the dog is stressed, then he will not be able to eat or sleep. Everything is the same as with a person. It is important to find out the cause of stress and eliminate it as soon as possible.
  8. Strongly whimsical in food, dogs refuse their usual food, because they are tired of it. This usually applies to animals that have been transferred from one type of food to another. If your dog is tired of the diet, change it, introduce something new and tasty.
  9. There are many other factors that affect a pet's diet. In particular, he may refuse to eat due to a recent vaccination or deworming (prevention of worms). The same list includes ailments gastrointestinal tract(for example, constipation), medication, etc.

When to worry

If you touched the pet's nose and found dryness, you notice apathy and lethargy in the pet's condition, the dog refuses to eat for more than 2-3 days, then it's time to worry. Stick to the following algorithm.

It is not uncommon that after the examination, the specialist does not reveal anything bad. It turns out that a healthy dog ​​simply refuses to eat. To increase your pet's appetite, you should follow some rules.

  1. It is forbidden to pamper the animal with various goodies and snacks throughout the day. It is strictly forbidden to give a dog human food from the table. It's no secret that a pet will prefer a piece of sausage instead of a balanced diet.
  2. If the dog does not finish eating the prescribed portion, there is nothing to worry about. Remove leftover food. In the future, portions are recommended to be made smaller. Focus on the needs of the animal. Don't give your dog large meals.
  3. try most spend time outdoors with your pet. Play more often. The animal must spend a large number of energy to wake up a normal appetite. In addition, the pet can be given special means to increase appetite.

So that the dog always has a good appetite, it needs to be fed daily and at the same time. Provide the animal balanced diet. Opt for premium food. Walk more and play with animals. Against the background of low activity, the pet may not need to eat, hence the half-eaten food or a completely untouched bowl.

Video: what to do if the dog does not eat and why does this happen?

Lethargy with a simultaneous lack of appetite can serve as signs of illness in many living beings, including. But you can observe these in a healthy animal, if, for example, the dog ran for a long time and a lot in hot weather, and bitches are characterized by a decrease in appetite and some lethargy during estrus.

Animal lethargy can be caused by stomatitis or other gum infections. His characteristic features are sores, small abscesses both in the mouth and on the gums of the dog. Ear infections that are accompanied by discharge that has bad smell, also delivered to the dog discomfort and she becomes lethargic, loses her desire to play and run. Such infections are also dangerous because, out of ignorance, you can grab the dog by the diseased ear and cause an involuntary aggressive reaction in it. Therefore, pay attention if the dog begins to shake his head, tilts it to one side or the other, if the ears are touched.

Ear infections can be signs of allergies caused by food sensitivities or atopic dermatitis. In this case, the dog should be transferred to a special hypoallergenic food and consult a veterinarian who will select her diet. However, in all these cases, you should not self-medicate, but show the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

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It happens that a pet suddenly refuses food, not paying attention to either the bowl of food or the knock of the refrigerator door. Then the question arises before the owner, why is he not eating, what to do with it, and how dangerous is it?

First of all, take another look at what you are trying to feed your dog. Perhaps you gave her new food, which the dog for some reason does not consider edible? Or did you cook fresh porridge with meat, deciding to add carrots instead of the usual cabbage, which confused your pet? It could also happen that you came across low-quality food or meat; you didn’t notice it, but the dog immediately smelled it and decided to refuse food.

Think about whether you pamper your dog? Perhaps you give him treats from your table so often that your pet does not consider it necessary to eat ordinary food, hoping that he will get something tasty.

Of course, there are dogs that are ready to eat any amount of food at any time of the day, but your dog may not be one of them. healthy dog may well refuse to eat, as she is full. This usually happens with young dogs when the owner incorrectly calculates the amount of food the pet needs. Perhaps your dog should be fed twice a day instead of three, or reduce the portions.

If everything is in order with the products and the amount of food, refusal to eat may be the first sign that the animal is not feeling well. Take your dog's temperature. To do this, insert the tip of the thermometer, after lubricating it with petroleum jelly, into the rectum of the animal and hold for one and a half to two minutes. If the temperature managed to rise above 38.5 - your pet is sick. Go to the vet because fever in a dog does not mean at all that she has caught a cold. This can be a sign of anything from fleas to piroplasmosis.

If your dog refuses to eat, watch him for a while. How does she behave? Is your animal active? Has the dog refused to eat only once, or is it more than the first meal he skips? In the end, even an animal may simply not have an appetite.

Among the diseases that occur in cats, piroplasmosis is quite common. This infection is transmitted from an infected tick when it bites pet. To protect the cat unpleasant consequences, it is important to carry out as early as possible proper treatment.

How does piroplasmosis occur in animals?

How to recognize a disease in a cat?

Piroplasmosis in cats occurs in acute or chronic form, diseases, as a rule, occur 1-4 days after the bite of an ixodid tick. It is very important to notice changes in the behavior and condition of the animal, which makes it possible to conduct a pet in a timely manner, avoiding the development of many complications.

The disease in cats is manifested by the following symptoms:
- increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
- rapid breathing;
- lack of appetite;
- lethargy and apathy.

Attentive cat owners may notice that the conjunctiva and mucous membrane of the eyes have become yellow color, which is caused by damage to the kidneys. All these signs of piroplasmosis are especially noticeable in young animals, therefore, in order to detect the disease in older cats, it is necessary to carefully monitor them during the period of tick spread.

How to treat piroplasmosis in a cat?

If you find signs of piroplasmosis, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Treatment must be carried out in the first two days from the moment the first symptoms of piroplasmosis appear. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using a blood test taken from auricle pet.

Veterinarians recommend that pet owners use special protective equipment from ticks, since such actions are a reliable prevention of piroplasmosis. Such prophylactic available in the form of shampoos, ointments, gels or collars. It is also important to strengthen the cat's immunity, this can be done through the use of echination. It is often used in the production process of biologically active additives produced in the form of mixtures. Preventive actions will increase the resistance of the cat's body to various infections that are dangerous to their health.


  • Piroplasmosis in 2019
  • Piroplasmosis in cats in 2019

Distemper is one of the most serious diseases of carnivorous animals (including domestic dogs). The disease can affect the brain and nervous system, any internal organ and limbs. In severe cases, animals that have survived the disease remain disabled.

What is a plague

Plague is contagious viral disease, to which domestic dogs and wild carnivores such as mink, ferrets and others are susceptible. The causative agent is a group of paramyxoviruses. Other pets and humans this disease not passed. An ill dog develops immunity. The main risk group includes from 2 to a year. This is due to the fact that the body of babies is weakened due to the change of teeth and active growth. Puppies fed on their mother's milk get protective antibodies and less prone to infection. All breeds are susceptible to this disease, without exception, but purebreds are at an increased risk compared to mongrels. Among canine diseases, distemper is considered the most terrible disease after the frenzy.

Routes of infection and vectors

Carnivores are characterized by infection in any of three ways: through Airways(nose), digestive (mouth), or hearing aids(ears). Once in the body, the virus penetrates the blood and tissues. The disease is transmitted at any time of the year, but spreads faster in bad "dirty" weather (spring). "Favorable" factors contributing to the disease are: lack of vitamins in the dog's diet, colds, poor conditions of detention, inadequate feeding.

The main sources of infection are sick and recovered animals (with direct and indirect), infected objects external environment(feed, water, air, excretions of sick animals, feeders, rooms and bedding, care items - everything that was used and where sick individuals were kept). In addition, humans can be carriers vehicles, birds and even insects and worms.

AT environment the virus comes out with urine, dead skin epithelium, feces, with discharge from the nose, eyes and mouth. A sick dog, even before the first symptoms appear, is able to infect other individuals with its breath. Incubation period illness is 2-3 weeks, depending on the form of the disease. A cured dog retains the ability to infect other animals for 2-3 months.

Studies have shown that the distemper virus completely disappears from the blood 2-3 days after the onset of the first symptoms. The disease continues, mainly due to the development of a secondary infection. Although the virus is no longer present in the blood, it still lives in other parts of the body, and on late stages often causes very serious damage to internal organs.

Unambiguous and effective treatment this terrible disease does not exist. Healing procedures are aimed mainly at maintaining the vital functions of the body, raising immunity and blocking the spread of possible secondary infections. All manipulations with a sick animal are made based on the severity of his condition.

Despite their best efforts, they are practically powerless against the plague. And death rates are still high.
This is due to the fact that in the body of a dog, as in the body of every animal, there are beneficial bacteria that are involved in the process of digestion. With a sharp change in diet, the number of bacteria changes dramatically, and they do not bring the desired benefit. The result is indigestion, diarrhea, vomiting, gas or constipation.

Scheme of transfer to a new feed

The dog must be accustomed to food for 10-12 days. This period must be divided into 4 parts - 2-3 days each.

In the first 2-3 days, prepare a single feed rate as follows: mix 75% of the old feed with 25% of the new feed. In the second 2-3 days, prepare a single feed rate in the proportion of 50% of the old and 50% of the new feed. In the next 2-3 days - 25% old and 75% new. The final stage is the presence of 100% new food in the diet. If in the process of transferring from one food to another, the condition of the dog and the stool have not changed, continue to feed according to the scheme. Otherwise, the new food should be discarded and another one chosen.

If the dog is reluctant to eat the food on the first day, the proportion of the new food should be reduced. Let's say, increase the amount of feed not by 25%, but by 20 or 10%. Thus, the period of transfer to a new feed should be divided not into 4, but into 5-10 parts. It is also advisable to increase the transfer time itself so that the dog gets used to the taste and smell of the new food.

Food varieties

Each food is focused on certain breeds of dogs and contains micro and macro elements aimed at maintaining the health of your pet.

For example, each manufacturer in its assortment has food for puppies, sterile, lactating and elderly animals.

This is due to the fact that at a certain period of life an animal needs a different set of vitamins and microelements to increase the activity or maintain a certain organ or system, for example, to maintain liver function or genitourinary system.

In my own way appearance feed is divided into dry - moisture content less than 14% (granular feed, biscuits, croquettes, etc.), semi-dry (boiled meat containing preservatives) and feed with high content moisture - frozen and canned meat products.

Lack of appetite in a dog is a problem that owners of four-legged friends often face. This behavior can be caused serious illness, signs of which at first glance and no. But at the same time, the pet may not eat for more trivial reasons, because of which you should not worry. After all, everyone has periods therapeutic fasting". And animals are no exception. How to determine: in front of us serious occasion for anxiety or just a normal situation? Consider the reasons why a dog may have a poor appetite, and what to do in this case.

Why does a dog refuse to eat?

If you notice a poor appetite in a dog, the first thing to do is find out the cause. It can be both harmless - then the problem is eliminated by itself, and quite serious, when it is impossible to solve the situation without the intervention of specialists.

Loss of appetite in a dog is not always associated with its illness. natural causes are:

  • Heat. If the temperature outside is over 30 degrees, then this can already cause a short-term lack of appetite in the dog.
  • Estrus. Often the animal refuses to eat during the period of sexual hunting. When it ends, the pet returns to its usual diet.
  • If the animal receives additional vitamins and minerals, it can be satiated nutrients and refuse regular food.
  • Features of the breed. Some animals may refuse to eat just like that. Most often this is done by representatives of large breeds.
  • Tooth growth. At this time, puppies often feel unwell and try not to eat, as the sensations can be quite painful. The problem disappears by itself after the formation of teeth.

In addition, a loss of appetite in a dog can be related to stress. A recent move, the appearance of a new pet in the family, a change in food can cause such a problem. These situations are natural, the owner does not need to treat the pet, visit the veterinary clinic. What is the best way to stimulate a dog's appetite in this case? You can try giving her some treats. After the cause is eliminated, the pet's appetite usually returns.

If the dog has a dry nose, lethargy, she has not eaten for 3-4 days, then there are already reasons for excitement. The owner must do the following:

  • The first step is to check the pet's food for freshness. Exclude products that are in doubt, including those that were given to the animal for the first time - perhaps he just didn’t like something.
  • Watch your pet. If, against the background of the fact that the dog has lost its appetite, it still has apathy, lethargy, then these are signs of illness. The dog may also have a dry nose, which is also an indicator of a problem.
  • It is necessary to examine the oral cavity, if there is inflammation, problems with the teeth.
  • Check the animal's ears - diseases that develop in the hearing organs can cause pain when chewing food.
  • A dog that has a dry nose and no appetite should have their temperature taken. Normal performance should be like this: small breeds- 38.6 - 39.3 (puppies), 38.5 - 39 (adults); average - 38.3 - 39.1 and 37.5 - 39; large - 38.3 - 39.1 and 37.4 - 38.3. The temperature may rise slightly in hot conditions, under stress, or after intense physical activity.
  • The pet should be examined for the presence of volvulus. This is done as follows: the pet is laid on its side and the stomach is felt. If the dog is acting irritable, this may indicate a problem. An urgent need to seek help from a veterinarian.

What to do if lethargy, restlessness or other signs of illness are not detected, but the dog still has a poor appetite? You should definitely visit the veterinary clinic.

When do you need veterinary help? The owner must immediately show the pet to the veterinarian if, in addition to refusing food, the animal has vomiting, fever, lethargy, anxiety, he shows anxiety or aggression.

Factors Affecting a Dog's Appetite

There are a number of other reasons why a dog may have a poor appetite.

  • stress and depression
  • Worms
  • New and unusual food
  • Dental problems
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines
  • Side effects medicines
  • Vaccination

When determining the reasons, the above factors should also be taken into account. If the animal has been treated, vaccinated or prescribed any drugs, you need to notify the veterinarian conducting the study.

Features of diagnostics in the clinic

After that, the doctor makes a conclusion and, if necessary, prescribes treatment. He can also prescribe what to give the dog to improve his appetite.

Healthy dog ​​refuses to eat

Often there are cases when diseases are excluded, but the pet still does not fit the bowl. What to do in this case and how to increase the dog's appetite? The following recommendations will help:

  1. You should not pamper your pet with snacks, you should not give goodies from your table. It's no secret that most pets will prefer a piece of steak to their food.
  2. If the pet does not finish the serving, make it smaller and remove the bowl with the leftovers.
  3. Do not give the animal large portions.
  4. Play more with the dog and walk outside - physical activity May increase a dog's appetite.

In addition, the dog can be given special drugs to increase appetite. They are sold in veterinary pharmacies. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian before buying anything.

Prevention of Appetite Loss in Dogs

Here are some basic tips to improve your dog's appetite.

The first and most important rule: the animal must be fed daily at the same time. The pet should get used to this mode. And by the time she eats, her appetite should wake up. If the animal is too energetic and distracted from eating, it should be left alone in the kitchen, and after a while - for example, 20 minutes, come and hide the bowl of food. After a while, the pet will understand that you need to finish everything when he is given such an opportunity.

Also, among the ways to increase a dog's appetite, the following is distinguished: you need to make its food more tasty. This can be done with special sauces or by diluting dry food with canned food.

If your dog has lost his appetite, you can try a different food. For example, replace dry canned, or change the brand. This should be done gradually: adding new food in old food. A sudden change in diet can lead to problems with the digestive tract.

There are many reasons why a dog may lose its appetite. Among them there are both harmless: for example, overeating, estrus, teeth growth; and quite serious: volvulus, gastrointestinal diseases, inflammation of the oral cavity. What the owner should do depends on why the dog has no appetite. In some cases, nothing needs to be done, and the problem will resolve itself within 1-2 days. But at the same time, the owner needs to be attentive and monitor the mood, behavior and health of the pet. So, if the dog has no appetite and lethargy, apathy appears, it should be shown to the veterinarian. It's not worth the visit. And if the pet does not come to the bowl for more than 2 days, it is better to take him to the hospital. You can’t joke with these, as some diseases can be fatal.