Herpes 6 type ointment. Herpes virus types (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8): symptoms and treatment Skip to content

Herpes (Herpes) - translated from Greek as "a creeping, prone to spread skin disease." The disease is caused by the Herpesvirales virus, it is characterized by skin blisters all over the body and mucous membranes. Types of herpes depend on its location and pathogen, there are about 200 varieties in total, but a person is subject to only 8 of them. Each type has its own signs and causes. Types 7 and 8 of herpes are still not fully understood.

Herpes type 1

HHV 3 transmission routes:

  • through common items;
  • when talking, coughing, sneezing, yawning, kissing (even a friendly one).

How chickenpox manifests itself (symptoms):

  • unbearably itchy skin;
  • the temperature rises;
  • vesicles throughout the body.

The rash spreads over the skin where the affected nerves are located. The duration of the disease is about 14 days. A person who once had chickenpox becomes a carrier of the virus for life.

  • along the nerve processes, a person feels itching, burning and severe pain;
  • the general body temperature rises and weakness appears;
  • the affected areas are inflamed for 3 days;
  • on the 2-3rd day, a group of bubbles form at the same place.

Important! The duration of the illness is approximately 2 weeks. One of the consequences of herpes zoster is inflammation of the nerve node or several nodes (inflammation of the ganglia).

Treatment of patients with chicken pox or shingles is carried out either in the inpatient department or at home. Therapy is based on the intake and use of antiviral drugs, immunostimulants, vitamins. With chickenpox, vesicles are lubricated with brilliant green or Fukortsin.

Herpes 4 types

Epstein Barr virus and Human herpes virus type 4 (EBV or EBV). Herpetic infection is the source of mononucleosis. The infection affects the nasopharynx, lymph nodes, spleen and liver. Formations can lead to cancerous formations. The consequences of the transferred Epstein Barr virus are also otitis media, sinusitis, damage to the heart muscles, inflammation of the liver and brain.

Ways of infection:

  • airborne;
  • domestic;
  • sexual contact (including oral caresses).

The maximum amount of the virus is released during breathing and coughing. Teenagers and young adults are most susceptible to this disease.

The duration of the period from the entry of the virus into the body for its first symptoms is from 5 days to 7 weeks.

Symptoms of mononucleosis:

  • hyperthermia (increased body temperature);
  • swelling, inflammation and pain in the nasopharynx and;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • tonsils covered with white coating;
  • the formation of vesicles on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • the level of lymphocytes in the blood increases.

Diagnosis of Human herpes virus type 4 is carried out using PCR. With a positive analysis, the patient is observed by 3 specialists (immunologist, infectious disease specialist and ENT).

The disease is able to pass on its own, but it is better not to wait for this moment, as complications may arise and undergo the necessary course of treatment. Therapy of mononucleosis with mild and moderate forms is carried out at home, but the patient is isolated from others. If the case is severe, then hospitalization will be required.

There is no specific treatment regimen for type 4 herpes. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the symptoms.

Herpes type 5

Herpesvirus 5 strain (Human herpesvirus 5, cytomegalovirus, HCMV-5) is characterized by a latent form. Symptoms are more pronounced when the immune system is weakened. Men may not be aware that they are carriers of HCMV-5 for a long time. The disease affects the liver, spleen, pancreas, central nervous system and eyes.

How infection occurs and how it is transmitted:

  • with breastfeeding (HB);
  • in the womb;
  • with blood;
  • with saliva (kiss);
  • during sexual intercourse.

The period of time from the entry of the pathogen into the body until the manifestation of primary symptoms is 60 days.

Signs of herpes type 5:

  • elevated temperature;
  • headaches, pain in the joints and in the larynx.

Important! Despite significant soreness, the tonsils and lymph nodes do not succumb to inflammation.

The real danger of the disease is for HIV-infected people, as well as organ transplant recipients, cancer patients and those taking cytostatic drugs.

Cytomegalovirus also has negative consequences for pregnant women. Expectant mothers can give birth to a child with congenital pathologies (dysfunction of the brain, hearing, vision, breathing and digestion, skin problems and retarded development). Possibly a stillbirth.

To identify or exclude the presence of cytomegalovirus in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to do an ultrasound of the blood flow in the vessels of the umbilical cord and uterus, determine a pathologically small amount of amniotic fluid, measure heart rate, detect fetal developmental delays and abnormal development of internal organs. It is also important to undergo laboratory research methods (PCR, serological diagnostics).

The goal of treatment is to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, increase and correct immunity.

Herpes type 6

Herpesvirus 6 strain (HHV-6, HHV-6) is a DNA-containing virus.

There are 2 subtypes of HHV-6:

  1. Subtype "A" (VGCh-6A). People with immunodeficiency are more susceptible to it. In adults, it leads to multiple sclerosis (a chronic autoimmune disease), chronic fatigue, nervous system dysfunction, and viral progression.
  2. Subtype "B" (VGCh-6B). Children are often exposed to this subtype. The disease progresses to roseola infantum (the sixth disease, pseudorubella).

Important! In the absence of proper treatment of both subtypes, disability and isolation from society are inevitable.

Signs and symptoms:

  • small rashes (which is unusual for other types, the rash is not necessarily accompanied by itching, but the disease can also occur in an atypical form);
  • hyperthermia;
  • lack of appetite;
  • apathy, depression;
  • irritability;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • change in gait (unstability, lack of coordination, unsteadiness);
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • dysfunction of the organs of vision;
  • problems with speaking;
  • sudden changes in mood;
  • distraction;
  • impaired perception and changes in sensitivity;
  • convulsions.

If at least once, then the virus remains for life in a latent form and does not manifest itself. Relapses are possible with a noticeable decrease in immunity, but without the manifestation of external signs.

How HHV-6 is transmitted:

  • most often infection occurs through saliva;
  • sometimes the source of transmission is the palatine tonsils (airborne);
  • with breastfeeding and in utero (the possibility is practically excluded);
  • even less chance of infection during medical intervention.

In order to diagnose diseases, in addition to the usual examination of a doctor and questions, it is important to undergo an examination. To do this, it is necessary to take a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, undergo serodiagnosis and a virus test.

It is impossible to get rid of herpesvirus 6 strain, the goal of therapy is to combat its manifestation. To do this, drugs with different pharmacological effects are used (corticosteroids, antioxidants, angioprotectors, antiherpetic drugs, antipyretics, immunostimulants).

Herpes type 7

Herpesvirus type 7 (HHV-7, HHV-7) - often occurs in parallel with the virus strain 6, moreover, they are very similar to each other. The virus infects T-lymphocytes and monocytes, which leads to CFS and the development of cancerous diseases of the lymphoid tissues.

How is it transmitted:

  • the main source is airborne (since the localization of HHV-7 is saliva);
  • rarely occurs infection through the blood.

The main differences between HHV-7 and HHV-6:

  • strain 7 virus is not transmitted in utero;
  • HHV-7 affects children at least one year old, and HHV-6 can make itself felt as early as 7 months after birth.


  • temporary increase in temperature without rashes;
  • involuntary, paroxysmal muscle contraction;
  • inflammation of the brain and its membranes;
  • mononucleosis syndrome;
  • sudden exanthema or roseola infantum.

To identify the herpes virus type 7 in the body, it is necessary to undergo PCR diagnostics, ELISA, a test for the virus and make an immunogram.

Medical care is to deal with the symptoms that have manifested. To date, there are no specific drugs for the treatment of HHV-7.

Herpes type 8

Herpesvirus 8 strain (HHV-8, HHV-8, KSHV) - the last abbreviation is not a typo or an accident. These letters appeared from English literature, since there the disease is called Kaposhi Sarkoma Herpes Virus. The virus infects T- and B-lymphocytes, refers to DNA-containing viruses.

Virus 8 strain is transmitted in different ways:

  • sex with an infected person;
  • kiss;
  • blood (transplantation (engraftment) of organs or tissue sections, drug addicts are often infected when using one syringe);
  • a small percentage is given to infection in utero.

Important! The risk group includes people who have undergone organ transplantation, radiation, homosexuals and drug addicts.

For an infected person with normal immunity, HHV-8 is not dangerous and does not manifest itself in any way. He is able to “uncover” his negative sides with a decrease in the body's defenses. HHV-8 provokes the appearance and development of Kaposi's Sarcoma, primary lymphoma and Castleman's disease.

Depending on what disease the patient has. There are also symptoms.

  1. Kaposi's sarcoma. The place of localization is concentrated on the skin, lymph nodes, mucous membranes and internal organs. There are 4 types of the disease (classic, endemic, immunosuppressive, epidemic), each of them has its own characteristics.
  2. primary lymphoma. Oncological disease that affects the central nervous system, serous membranes.
  3. Multifocal Castellamne disease (MBD, angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia, multifocal lymph node hyperplasia, angiofollicular lymphoma). A rare type of cancer that is activated against the background of HIV infection. The virus infects the lungs, lymph nodes in the mesentery and subclavian lymph nodes.

As with other agents of herpes infection, there is also no specific treatment for HHV-8. Usually prescribed drug therapy with chemotherapy, radiation, cosmetic procedures (phototherapy), in rare cases - surgery.

Only an experienced specialist can correctly determine the type of viral disease, its etiology and prescribe treatment. Although a drug against herpes infection has not yet been created, the pathology requires special attention. Timely detection of the virus in the body will help save a person from unpleasant symptoms and consequences.

Today, epidemiologists have more than 100 different herpes viruses found in many animals, such as dogs, mice, rabbits, horses, and so on. In humans, there are 8 types of the virus (HHV), one of which is the human herpes virus type 6.

It has been determined that the human herpes virus type 6 (HHV-6) reproduces in macrophages and lymphocytes, affecting predominantly T-lymphocytes. There are two subtypes of the virus - A and B, which have epidemiological and genetic differences. Subtype B is more common, and subtype A is found predominantly in patients with immunodeficiency problems.

Ways and mechanisms of transmission of HHV-6 have not yet been studied enough. It is known that the infection spreads by oral-oral and airborne routes, so it is natural that HHV-6 is found in the saliva and nasopharyngeal mucus of the infected. There is also the possibility of infection during organ transplantation, blood transfusions, through medical instruments that are contaminated with the human herpes virus type 6. Drug addicts and healthcare workers can become infected when they accidentally prick a syringe containing the blood of a sick or infected person with a needle.

Studies show that the infection is quite widespread. From 60% to 96% of the adult population are carriers of the human herpes virus type 6. Patients with hemoblastoses and HIV-infected are especially susceptible to HHV-6.

Virtually all those infected with VCG-6 have a latent infection. But predominantly clinical syndromes and diseases associated with the etiological factor of the virus are described. In particular, the impact of the human herpes virus type 6 causes the appearance of acute febrile illnesses and sudden exanthems of a mononucleosis-like syndrome.

Some types of lymphoma, chronic fatigue syndrome, and in immunocompromised patients, encephalitis are associated with the human herpes virus type 6.

Sudden exanthema, a disease common among children aged 4 months. up to 3 years, characterized by an acute onset - the temperature often rises to 39 °, in the following days moderate intoxication is observed. On the fourth day, the temperature drops, almost simultaneously, signs of a rash appear in the form of pale pink discrete elements of 2-5 mm. in diameter.

Most often, rashes appear on the back, subsequently moving to the chest and abdomen, to the extensor surfaces of the arms and legs. After 2-3 days, the rash disappears, leaving mostly no traces.

Peripheral blood studies show the presence of neutropenia, leukopenia, monocytosis, and relative lymphocytosis. Also, the appearance of a pink rash and a fatal hemophagocytic syndrome in newborns is associated with HHV-6.

With an infection caused by the human herpes virus type 6, the appearance of chronic fatigue syndrome is also associated, the characteristic features of which are: sore throat; sharp flu-like onset, when the temperature rises to 38 °; generalized muscle weakness of unexplained origin; a slight increase in the occipital, cervical and axillary lymph nodes; arthralgia; migrating myalgia; sleep disorders; increased fatigue, turning into prolonged fatigue; irritability.

There are suspicions that the human herpes virus type 6 causes symptoms of histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis, encephalitis with signs of convulsive syndromes, as well as fulminant encephalomyelitis in the case of primary infection in patients with severe forms of immunodeficiency.

For recipients of various organs, the human herpes virus type 6 also carries a threat in the form of leukopenia, hepatitis, meningoencephalitis, and interstitial pneumonia. There are suspicions that HHV-6 is involved in the development of lymphadenopathy and other lymphoproliferative diseases of benign, as well as malignant lymphforms.

When diagnosing HHV-6, immunochemical (ELISA) and molecular biological (PCR, hybridization) methods are most often used.

Eugene 2019-11-20 15:49:47

Good afternoon! Passed a blood test (PCR) in a 3-year-old child for HHV-6 DNA. A result of 9.5 C/100,000 cells (0.98 lgC/100,000 cells) was obtained. We cannot understand how this result compares with the previous one (500 copies / ml), which was given six months earlier. Increase or decrease in new analysis? Thank you!

Good afternoon. The provided data of the analysis results differ in interpretation (different parameters), most likely. analyzes were carried out on different analyzers. For the clarity of the picture, additional parameters are needed. Thank you.

Natalia 2019-10-26 21:07:53

Hello! My son (5 years old) has a rash that does not go away for 7 months, then almost the whole body is stronger, then less (folds, the outer side of the feet and hands, face and even eyelids). It started after visiting the water park and a mild virus (snot, cough) after visiting, sprinkled the whole body with a rash similar to hives, then it began to merge into spots and peel off! They put pink lichen, atopic dermatitis. The child is atopic, there were earlier manifestations. It has nothing to do with food, we went to the sea twice in the summer, the manifestations did not completely go away, sometimes they worsened (usually it always went away at sea). They took a lot of tests, only changes: alkaline phosphatase above the norm by 100 units (Vit D, calcium, phosphorus are normal, the rest of the biochemistry is normal), eosinophilic cationic protein 111 (normal> 13), there is a reaction only ige cat 0.63 low concentration , the allergist says this is not from the cat, there is no direct dependence; analysis (blood, feces) did not reveal worms; herpeviruses blood showed hhv6<1, остальные не обнаружены. Может ли герпес 6типа провоцировать высыпания? Нужно ли его лечить и чем? К какому специалисту обратиться, если нужно?

Korobkova Elena Vladimirovna Obstetrician-gynecologist answers:

Good afternoon. Because there are skin manifestations, then, of course, be observed by a dermatologist and an allergist-immunologist. The virus can provoke rashes, as well as an increase in phosphatase, but given the data from laboratory studies, the number of virus / clinic is doubtful. You can be advised to consult with such specialists as a gastroenterologist (having examined the biliary tract, possibly an analysis for Giardia), an infectious disease specialist with an extended immunogram. Thank you.

Svetlana 2019-01-23 14:48:49

They made a child a swab from the oropharynx, DNA of the herpes virus type 6 (HHV6), the result is 5.14 * 10. Symptoms, only tonsils are enlarged, but not inflamed. Should I sound the alarm?

Marina 2018-12-10 12:44:21

the doctor prescribed an analysis for CMV, a virus. Einstein's method, Herpes type 6 by DNA. We do either ELISA or PCR. What to pass. There is no way to contact the doctor by phone

Maria 2018-11-01 12:27:45

Good afternoon! I am 32 years old. I am planning a pregnancy. Herpes type 6 was found in saliva 1.22 * 10 in 4 degrees copies / ml. Herpes type 6 was not detected in the blood. (All other tests are negative!) Please tell me if this is critical or not see a doctor. Many thanks in advance.

Good afternoon. The result of the analysis is not clinically significant. You don't need to see a doctor.

Igor 2018-10-11 17:40:25

Hello, my grandson is 12 years old. Saliva analysis is 135 copies / ml (herpesvirus type 6). What are my actions? Thanks...

Menshchikova Galina Vladimirovna Dermatovenereologist, dermatooncologist. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Doctor of the first category. Over 15 years experience:


Herpes type 6

LLC Feron

Human herpes virus type 6 is an infection no less common than herpes viruses of types 1 and 2 known to many. At first, this virus long remained a "virus without disease", but recently its possible role as the cause of many human diseases has been increasingly discussed. Type 6 virus is found in all countries of the world and requires the closest attention of scientists.

Currently, the attention of doctors of all specialties is attracted by diseases caused by representatives of the huge family of herpes viruses. The relevance of herpesvirus infections is due to their so-called "universality" and the ability to lead to the development of acute and chronic diseases of various organs and systems.

The thing is that the human herpes virus ( Human Herpes Virus) can cause a much more formidable disease than most people realize. It can cause the development of many diseases, including severe lesions of the central nervous system, liver, gastrointestinal tract, lungs and bone marrow. Also, herpes leads to premature birth in pregnant women, prevents the proper development of newborns, and can even lead to disability of the child. Viruses of the Herpes viridae family are able to avoid the influence of immune defense, which allows them to exist in the body for a long time.

Learn five facts about the herpes virus

Five facts about herpes type 6

  1. According to the structure of the virion and biological properties, 3 subfamilies of the herpes virus are distinguished in the family: alpha, beta and gammaherpesviruses (α, β and γ). Type 6 virus belongs to the subfamily of β-herpesviruses, the genus Roseolovirus. It is still little studied. In its structure and amino acids, HHV-6 is most similar to HHV-7 and cytomegalovirus infection.
  2. For the first time, type 6 herpes was talked about relatively recently, in 1985. This disease has been found in people suffering from lymphoreticular diseases and infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. Starting to study HHV-6, scientists came to the conclusion that the virus can be divided into two subtypes: HHV-6A and HHV-6B. Both of these subtypes, although similar to each other, have a different structure and lead to different diseases. It has also been found that HHV can affect both immunocompromised individuals and those with normal immune defenses.
  3. Herpes type 6 enhances the manifestations of other diseases. HHV-6A infection, according to scientists, plays an important role in the development of epilepsy and status epilepticus, multiple sclerosis, and can interfere with organ transplantation, causing infection after surgery. HSV-6B can lead to acute febrile conditions and the development of sudden exanthema, an acute infectious disease in young children that occurs with fever and skin rashes.
  4. In addition, HHV-6 increases a person's sensitivity to many drugs.. This, when taking medications, leads to severe systemic reactions, which are manifested by a rash, fever, and disruption of the internal organs and systems.
  5. According to one version, this type of herpes is also the cause of one of the most mysterious and controversial diseases of our time - chronic fatigue syndrome. In 1992, scientists conducted a study and found that 70% of patients with complaints of constant physical and mental weakness that arose for an unknown reason and lasted more than six months, HHV-6 was detected.

How is the herpes virus type 6 transmitted?

The source of infection are patients with obvious clinical signs of the disease and carriers of HHV-6. The leading route of transmission is airborne, but other routes are not excluded, in particular, household contact, although this happens less frequently. It is also possible to transmit the virus sexually, through the transfusion of infected blood and transplantation of organs and tissues from infected donors. Vertical transmission of the virus from an infected mother to the fetus is possible both during pregnancy and after childbirth. The virus can even be transmitted through saliva.

According to American and Japanese scientists, children most often become infected with the virus between the ages of 6 months and a year.

Symptoms of herpes type 6 in children and its manifestations in adults

Symptoms and conditions that should alert and force you to see a doctor:

  • an increase in body temperature and the appearance of a pink maculopapular rash on the skin;
  • blisters on the skin;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • immunodeficiency states.

An analysis for the detection of herpesvirus type 6 must also be passed for diseases such as rubella, measles, infectious erythema, enterovirus infection, otitis media, meningitis, bacterial pneumonia, drug allergies, blood poisoning. During preventive screening studies, such a diagnosis may also be required.

What analysis is taken to detect herpes 6?

Differentiation between types A and B cannot be made on the basis of serological tests and the detection of IgM (antibodies formed upon first contact with an infection) and / or IgG (antibodies showing earlier contact with an infection, i.e. they appear after an infectious disease) in the blood. For this purpose, PCR is carried out - an experimental method of molecular biology, a method for significantly increasing low concentrations of certain nucleic acid fragments (DNA) in biological material. For PCR, blood, saliva or cerebrospinal fluid can be used.

Symptoms of HHV-6 in children

In young children (0.5-3 years old), infection with the herpes virus of the sixth type may be indicated by the development of sudden erythema (baby roseola), which makes itself felt by a sudden increase in body temperature up to 40 ° C. In this case, any other symptoms are most often absent. After the temperature drops, a pink rash appears on the child's body, which first covers the face, chest and abdomen, and then spreads throughout the body. As a rule, after the appearance of the rash, the body temperature no longer rises. There may be an increase in the lymph glands. Baby roseola should not be confused with chickenpox or SARS. A sick child should be isolated until the disappearance of clinical signs and immediately consult a doctor.

What other manifestations of HHV-6 are found in adults

If you are worried about subfebrile body temperature for a long time, increased night sweats, sleep problems, weakness, lethargy, a feeling of depression, it has become difficult for you to do your usual activities and all this does not go away even after rest - you may have chronic fatigue syndrome, and at the same time this way you are infected with herpes type 6. You also need specialist help.

Treatment of herpes type 6 in children

It is probably not a secret for anyone that it is much more difficult for a child to choose drugs that will help get rid of the disease and at the same time do no harm, than for adults. Many medicines cannot be used in newborns and children under one year old, which creates a huge problem for both parents and doctors. But still, there are drugs that can be used to combat type 6 herpes, even in newborn babies. One of these drugs is the drug VIFERON Candles (suppositories), which contains human recombinant interferon alpha-2b. The course of treatment is five days, VIFERON Candles 150,000ME apply once every 12 hours. If necessary, the doctor can choose a different dosage for the child.

Learn more about the safety of VIFERON preparations

The drug has passed a full cycle of clinical trials for a wide range of pathologies in leading clinics in Russia. The result of the studies was the proof of the therapeutic and prophylactic and immunocorrective efficacy of the drug VIFERON in various infectious and inflammatory diseases in adults and children. It has been scientifically proven that the formulation provides the drug with unique pharmacodynamic characteristics, and the presence of highly active antioxidants, vitamins E and C, enhances the antiviral activity of interferon. It should also be noted that there are no side effects inherent in parenteral preparations of recombinant interferons (injected). course with a high risk of complications and the development of chronic foci of infection. Timely use of an antiviral drug can help avoid complications and a severe course of the disease.

The scheme of application of the drug VIFERON Gel and Ointment for children

For the treatment of children of all ages, including newborns, you can also use the antiviral drug VIFERON Gel. To combat the manifestations of herpes type 6, it is necessary to apply a strip of gel no more than 0.5 cm long 3-5 times a day for 5-6 days to a previously dried affected surface with a spatula or cotton swab.

VIFERON Ointment is used in children older than a year. For the treatment of herpes of the sixth type, it is necessary 3-4 times a day for a thin layer on a previously dried affected surface. The combined use of suppositories VIFERON and VIFERON Ointment / Gel allows you to enhance the clinical effects of the therapy.

Treatment of herpes type 6 in adults

For the treatment of adults, VIFERON 1,000,000 IU is used twice a day for 10 days. Therapy of diseases associated with herpes type 6 is a laborious and lengthy task, so it may be necessary to repeat the course of treatment several times at short intervals.

What to take during pregnancy

Pregnant women from the 14th week of gestation are recommended the drug VIFERON Suppositories at a dosage of 500,000 IU with further administration of maintenance courses according to the instructions for medical use. Gestation is, in fact, the same pregnancy, only its term is determined by the number of full weeks of gestation that have passed from the date of the first day of the last menstruation to the birth of the child.

Scheme of using the drug VIFERON Gel and Ointment for HHV-6 during pregnancy

General doctor

Reference and information material

Herpetic infection is one of the most "many-faced" diseases. In total, doctors distinguish over a hundred different types of herpes pathogens. About 8-9 species are found in humans, they can be called relatively studied. They differ in external manifestations, the degree of threat to human health, the nature of the course of the disease, but all are considered equally contagious. According to some reports, from 80 to 96% of the world's inhabitants are infected with the herpes virus type 6. He is one of the most dangerous representatives of his class.

Type Features

The sixth type of herpes virus was discovered relatively recently (in the mid-80s of the twentieth century). This is a DNA-containing viral agent that affects T-lymphocytes (responsible for the immune response). His study continues to this day. Within HHV type 6, two subspecies of pathogens can be distinguished:

  • 6A (HHV-6). It is more typical for adults. The virus negatively affects the work of the central nervous system, presumably, the development of sclerosis is associated with its presence in the body,
  • 6B (HHV-6-B). The variety is most often diagnosed in younger patients.

Herpes type 6 is classified as an incurable disease. Antiviral drugs can reduce the activity of the pathogen and achieve remission, but it is impossible to completely cure a herpes infection at the current level of medicine.

Often, primary immunity to the disease is innate (if the mother has antibodies to this type of herpes). Therefore, for the first six months of life, such babies are protected from infection, they are extremely rarely diagnosed with type 6 herpes (children from 7 months to a year are in the main risk group). Infection, as a rule, occurs during the first 3 years of life, after which specific immunity develops, which makes it possible to endure re-infection almost asymptomatically.

The virus remains in the human body in a latent form. It begins to actively multiply and have a devastating effect on health only during periods of a significant decrease in immunity.

In most cases, the herpesvirus type 6 is diagnosed in patients with HIV (during immunodeficiency studies, it was discovered for the first time).

A feature of the virus is that the external signs of infection often mimic completely different diseases (colds, allergic rashes, measles or rubella). This complicates the diagnosis.

Ways of infection

Viral agents are found in saliva, vaginal secretions, blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and sputum. Known methods of infection:

  • by airborne droplets,
  • vertical transmission to the child from the mother during labor,
  • contact method of infection (including the possibility of infection through kissing and sexual contact),
  • during medical manipulations - during blood transfusion and during operations.

The latest research has proven the possibility of transmission of the virus, integrated into the DNA of the parents, already at the time of conception.

Primary infection usually occurs during childhood. The younger the child, the harder the infection is tolerated. At the same time, a stable immunity is formed, which suppresses the development and external manifestations of the disease throughout a person’s life.

Carriers of the virus are usually unaware of its presence in the body. Even in the absence of pronounced symptoms, the disease can be transmitted from them to healthy people.

Signs of defeat

External symptoms have age-related features. After the incubation period (1-2 weeks after the virus enters the body), the child has the following symptoms:

  • a rapid rise in temperature, sometimes up to 40o, which is difficult to bring down,
  • swollen lymph nodes,
  • fever, lethargy, loss of appetite,
  • rarely - convulsions, rolling eyes,
  • sometimes - redness of the throat, rhinitis.

The fever persists for 3 days, then the above symptoms disappear, but instead a rash appears (roseola, sudden exanthema). However, infection in almost half of cases (about 40%) is not accompanied by skin rashes.

Primary infection with type 6 herpesvirus in adults is extremely rare. When this happens, the symptoms are similar to those of children, but manifest to a lesser extent - fever, lethargy, swollen lymph nodes.

More often, signs of pathology in adulthood are noticeable with a relapse of infection, provoked by a decrease in immunity. They are usually mistaken for a cold or flu:

  • high temperature, fever,
  • intoxication,
  • joint pain,
  • rhinitis, discomfort in the throat.

Activation of the virus provokes changes in mental state. Chronic fatigue appears for no apparent reason, apathy, in some - irritability and aggressive behavior.

Sometimes the 6th type of herpes infection is mistakenly called HSV. This is not true, since only types 1 and 2 are classified as HSV - herpes simplex viruses (a characteristic feature is the appearance of itchy vesicles on the lips and genitals). The sixth type, which provokes roseola in childhood, and in adults serious pathologies of various organs, does not belong to this group.

The danger of HHV 6 and possible consequences

The virus becomes a threat to health and even life when there is a pronounced decrease in immunity. This happens in the following cases:

  • the presence of severe chronic diseases that are not treated for a long time,
  • lack of vitamins
  • prolonged and severe overwork, stress,
  • hormone therapy,
  • radiation exposure, the development of radiation sickness,
  • cancer treatment - chemotherapy,
  • immunodeficiency, AIDS.
  • prevention of rejection of transplanted organs with the help of immunosuppressants.

The “awakened” virus begins to have a devastating effect, affecting various systems and organs. Often this manifests itself in the form of diseases of the blood, liver, central nervous system, lymph nodes, kidneys and salivary glands. With a high degree of probability, a connection has been established between the 6th type of herpes and the development of the following pathologies:

If a woman planning a pregnancy has a primary infection with HHV (human herpesvirus), then conception should be postponed until the formation of specific immunity (the appearance of antibodies in the blood). Otherwise, the risk of miscarriage increases.

During the period of remission, the type 6 virus does not pose a threat, but against the background of a decrease in immunity, the infection worsens, which is extremely dangerous. It contributes to the development of serious diseases, up to death.

Diagnosis and treatment

Herpes infection type 6 is one of the most difficult to diagnose pathologies in people of any age. The reason lies in the similarity of external signs of infection with other common diseases.

Recognize HHV type 6 in adults is possible only with the help of special tests. For this purpose, the following types of studies are usually used:

  • polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This method detects viral DNA,
  • ELISA - enzyme immunoassay. Finds out the DNA of the viral agent, determines whether the disease is a relapse or primary infection,
  • special virological studies (for example, the cultivation of the pathogen).

The effectiveness and accuracy of diagnosis largely depends on the state of immunity, the stage of the disease, and a number of other factors. In some cases, a positive test result may be false.

A feature of type 6 infection is its low sensitivity to drugs.

In cases where an exacerbation of the virus needs to be treated, adults may be recommended special antiviral chemotherapy, or complex drug tactics using:

  • antiviral agents (Ganciclovir, Foscarnet, Cidofovir),
  • immunomodulators (Kipferon, Derinat, Viferon),
  • antipyretic drugs (ibuprofen, paracetamol),
  • vitamin and mineral complexes (Supradin, Alphabet, Complivit).

Treatment with folk remedies in case of a severe course of the disease is unlikely to be effective, but sometimes they still resort to it. Traditional medicine suggests fighting the virus using medicinal plants:

  • celandine,
  • horseradish,
  • dogwood,
  • liquorice root,
  • black poplar.

They are credited with antiviral properties and the ability to increase immunity.

It is impossible to destroy pathogenic microorganisms; all therapeutic measures are aimed at reducing the acute stage and transferring the infection to a state of remission.


It is almost impossible to avoid infection with herpes type 6. Therefore, preventive measures are mainly aimed at keeping the virus in a dormant state. There is a standard set of actions necessary to maintain health and maintain immunity at a high level:

  • quitting smoking and alcohol,
  • adherence to the correct daily routine,
  • complete rest,
  • balanced diet,
  • timely diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, including infectious diseases,
  • physical activity,
  • adequate exposure to fresh air.

All this in combination allows you to maintain a state of remission and protect the body from the harmful effects of HHF agents.

Despite the proven association of the virus with a group of extremely dangerous diseases, its presence in the body does not affect the quality and duration of life if the immune system is functioning normally.

Therefore, even if an infection is diagnosed in a person, this is not a sentence. It is enough to monitor your health and prevent a decrease in immunity.

The human herpes virus (HHV) has 8 most studied strains of viruses, one of them is herpes type 6. A feature of herpes type 6 is the defeat of lymphocytes. It is very resistant to antiviral drugs and has 2 types. In children, the virus usually causes childhood roseola, and in adults, chronic fatigue syndrome and other diseases, which we will discuss below. In this article, we will talk about type 6 herpes in adults, its symptoms and treatment methods, as well as about the possible diseases and complications that this strain of herpes virus leads to.

What is herpes type 6

A type of herpes called HHV-6 (HHV-6) attacks only humans. This virus tends to replicate in T-lymphocytes, which are responsible for the correct immune response of the body to the effects of harmful organisms. Herpes of the sixth type is classified into two types:

  1. Subtype A. The HHV-6A strain is rarely diagnosed. Often, it affects the body of a person who has a severely weakened immune system due to HIV infection, diseases of the nerve fibers, or hemoblastosis. Such a type 6 virus appears, both in children and in adult patients.
  2. Subtype B is considered more common. Its carriers are more than 90% of the adult population of the planet. Such a herpesvirus can be inactive for a long time, and then its activation begins against the background of a certain disease (pneumonia, hepatitis, encephalitis, and so on). According to pediatricians, children under 2 years of age are especially susceptible to the herpes virus of the 6th B-type. Doctors call this infection “pseudo rubella” and “sixth disease”.

General information about the virus

Herpes simplex virus type 6 belongs to the genus Roseolovirus and infects macrophages and lymphocytes (immune blood cells), which provide resistance to foreign microorganisms. Often this pathogen is called human (human) herpesvirus.

The causative agent of VChG-6 has two subspecies:

  1. Species A, which is not common. It is usually detected in patients with immunodeficiency - patients with cancers of the blood and lymph system, HIV-infected.
  2. Type B. More common, present in a dormant state in most adults. It is activated with provoking factors - serious illnesses, weakened immunity. Most often, children under 18-24 months of age are exposed to HHV-6. In babies, the pathogen causes a disease such as baby roseola. In pediatrics, this pathology is also referred to by other terms - pseudorubella, sixth disease, children's three-day fever, sudden exanthema.

Features of herpes type 6

Like any other disease, type six herpes has its own personal characteristics:

  1. The virus may not show up at first. After the passage of the incubation period (1-2 weeks), the first signs of infection appear.
  2. Herpesvirus type 6 is different in that the body is able to develop protection against it. If a person once had this form of herpes, then in most cases a relapse does not occur or the disease will proceed unnoticed, without symptoms.
  3. Sometimes the human herpesvirus type 6 masquerades as other diseases, which greatly complicates the diagnosis and treatment of infection.
  4. Herpesvirus type six lives in cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, and vaginal secretions.


All diseases provoked by HHV-6 are complications. Even CFS and baby roseola. But consider the most serious diseases that can develop due to activation or primary infection with HHV-6:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • encephalitis;
  • myocarditis;
  • children's roseola with a severe course;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • diseases associated with disorders of the central nervous system;
  • retrobulbar neuritis;
  • liver failure;
  • pink lichen.

These diseases can occur for other reasons, and it is impossible to say for sure that this is due to type HHV-6. But scientific medicine has found patterns in the presence of a recurrence of this strain of herpes with the course of the above diseases. The problem is that it is possible that these diseases cause relapse of HHV-6, and not vice versa.

Summing up, it is worth paying attention that the sixth type of herpesvirus does not always need treatment. It rarely shows up and causes visible problems. Only one of the two human herpesviruses of this strain has shown frequent activity, and this usually manifests itself in the form of baby roseola.


The herpes virus of the sixth type does not always have symptoms, sometimes the development of the infection does not give itself away at all. But sometimes a child and an adult may experience such clinical signs of the disease:

  • severe exanthema (acute viral infection in infants and young children);
  • meningitis, acute hemiplegia;
  • hepatitis;
  • lesions of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, severe abdominal pain, diarrhea;
  • febrile convulsions;
  • manifestation of SARS;
  • herpes sixth type causes fever;
  • severe general malaise, weakness, decreased performance and memory, irritability, sleep disturbance;
  • pancytopenia (deficiency of all types of blood cells);
  • infectious form of mononucleosis.
  • HSV types 1 and 2 - what is this disease, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, medication and alternative treatment
  • Herpes on the body of a child: symptoms and treatment
  • The cure for herpes - the most effective and new injections, ointments, tablets with descriptions and prices

In children

From the day the infection enters the child's body until the first signs appear, one to two weeks pass. Herpes virus type 6 in children is distinguished by its symptoms. The main symptom is a rash on the skin (roseola). It causes intense itching and itching. This symptom appears on the back, moving to the neck, upper and lower limbs, stomach. In general, the health of the little patient does not change, the appetite does not disappear, cheerfulness and normal sleep remain. The rash itself disappears in a couple of days, but after it small wounds remain on the skin (as in the photo).

There is type 6 HHV in children of an atypical form (without rashes). At the same time, the child's temperature rises sharply (up to 40 degrees). The state of health of a patient with such a diagnosis is severe, the crumbs have fever, convulsions, rolling eyes, swollen lymph nodes. Sometimes children's HHV 6 provokes purulent rhinitis, cough, bouts of nausea and indigestion.

In adults

Doctors identify a number of symptoms that provoke the herpes virus type 6 in adults:

  • a significant increase in body temperature;
  • redness of the throat;
  • fever, severe chills;
  • diarrhea may occur;
  • apathy, fatigue and weakness that does not go away for a long period of time;
  • aggression, irritability.

As the infection worsens, the following symptoms may occur:

  • herpes sixth type can cause dizziness;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • speech and vision disorders;
  • shaky, unsteady gait;
  • removal of arms and legs - a symptom of herpes of the sixth type;
  • partial paralysis (paresis) of muscles;
  • convulsions;
  • coughing fits;
  • herpes virus type 6 causes breathing problems;
  • the appearance of a severe runny nose with pus;
  • enlargement of the lymph nodes.

Clinical picture

The herpes simplex virus of all varieties is manifested by rashes. The sixth type is no exception. However, skin manifestations occur more often in children. Adults do not complain about the appearance of a rash. In this case, the disease is accompanied by additional manifestations that make the patient confuse the infection with another pathology: influenza, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia, or something else.

Manifestations of the disease begin with hyperthermia. The temperature rise can be critical and reach 40 degrees. This condition is especially dangerous for young children. Due to the fact that the main part of the virus is present in the saliva and lymphatic system, the disease is accompanied by catarrhal manifestations: dryness and burning in the nose, runny nose, sneezing and swelling of the nasal mucosa. The patient is worried about pain and sore throat, dry unproductive cough. Soreness of the joints and muscles suggests the idea of ​​​​infection with the flu. Often, with such an incorrect conclusion, patients begin to carry out ineffective treatment, which only aggravates their condition. Also, when infected, lymph nodes increase in patients. Painful tubercles are determined in the neck and neck, in the armpits.

How is it transmitted

There are several options for infecting a person with herpes of the sixth type:

  1. Airborne route. It is often transmitted through the saliva of the carrier, especially if there are rashes in his oral cavity.
  2. Another way HHV-6 enters the body is through plasma transfusion and organ transplantation.
  3. Interaction of a sexual type can also lead to infection if there are rashes on the genital mucosa.
  4. The vertical route of infection is from mother to baby in utero. In this case, the child may have serious complications of a chronic plan.

Preventive actions

Summing up, we can say that the main goal when a pathogen is detected in the body is to prevent its activation. To do this, you must follow certain rules:

  • strengthen the body by hardening;
  • adhere to the daily routine, sleep at least 7 hours a day;
  • lead an active lifestyle, play sports in the absence of contraindications;
  • stick to the right diet, consume a large amount of seasonal vegetables and fruits, remove fatty foods from your menu;
  • eliminate bad habits, do not smoke and minimize the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • do not take medicines on your own, especially antibiotics.

When the first signs of malaise appear (with primary infection or during an exacerbation), it is necessary to seek medical help. It is impossible to independently recognize the 6th type of herpetic infection, and infection for each person is inevitable, since even in the latent stage, the infection is excreted from the body with saliva.


Herpes simplex virus type 6 in children and adults is often carried out by two methods:

  1. PCR analysis (polymerase chain reaction). This study helps detect viral DNA.
  2. ELISA (enzymatic immunoassay). This type of diagnostics refers to very accurate methods. It allows you to differentiate the DNA of herpesvirus type 6, is able to determine the initial infection or gives a chance to establish a recurrence of the disease.
  • Is meningitis contagious - ways of transmission from person to person and how to protect yourself from a dangerous disease
  • Herpes on the back in children and adults - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment with antiviral drugs
  • Herpes on the leg in a child or adult - causes, symptoms and manifestations, drugs for treatment

Doctors do not always give directions for tests to detect a herpes infection in the body. Often the diagnosis is made on the basis of obvious external symptoms. Laboratory examinations are necessary in those controversial cases when there is an uncertainty in the choice of medicines for therapy or in situations where the patient is in serious condition. If the examination is passed, then there are four options for decoding it:

  1. Immunoglobulins M and G type negative (IgM -, IgG -). No antibodies and no immune response to exposure to herpesvirus. This indicates the danger of primary infection.
  2. Positive M and G (IgM+, IgG+). The result signals a relapse of the disease, but the immune response is present. The doctor prescribes therapy.
  3. Immunoglobulins M are negative, and G are positive (IgM -, IgG +). There is an immune defense against the effects of the virus. The next outbreak of infection activity depends on the strength of the immune system.
  4. Positive M and negative G (IgM+, IgG -). This result indicates the primary stage of infection. Medical measures are appointed urgently.

Transmission routes

The herpes virus is one of the most aggressive viruses in terms of the way it searches for a carrier and one of the most tenacious. The virus is transmitted in three ways:

  • through saliva - this is the most frequent penetration of the virus into a new organism, usually type 6 herpes is transmitted from mother to child;
  • through blood - the virus can be transmitted both through cuts and through blood transfusion from an infected person to a healthy one;
  • during childbirth - we are talking about childbirth, and not about transfer through the placenta, infection occurs when the child passes through the birth canal.

Infection with herpesvirus type 6 occurs in 90% of cases in childhood from six months to two years. Until the age of six months, the baby, if he was not infected through the birth canal, has class G immunoglobulins transmitted from maternal immunity. After the formation of its own immune system, the child is susceptible to infection. The older he gets, the lower the risk of infection.

Treatment of herpes type 6

When the decoding of the analyzes shows that the norm for the number of antibodies is too high, then HHV-6 requires the appointment of urgent therapy. Today, there are no medical remedies that absolutely rid the body of a child or adult of type 6 herpesvirus completely. The infection can only be brought under control by means of special medicines. Antiviral chemotherapy is considered the most effective way of adequate therapy, and other options are less effective.


When the disease has no complications, the suppression of the herpes virus is carried out with the help of complex therapy. It well eliminates the symptoms of the disease, strengthens the immune system, “lulls” the herpes virus for a long time. There are five groups of modern medicines that help to cope with herpes of the sixth type:

  1. Immunomodulators. These drugs are needed to restore and maintain normal body defenses against viruses (Neovir, Viferon, Kipferon).
  2. Antiviral drugs. They do an excellent job of eliminating herpes Foscarnet (local use and local), Ganciclovir (droppers).
  3. Antipyretic medications are used in the presence of characteristic symptoms of infection, especially in the case of an exacerbation of type six herpes (Paracetamol, Nurofen, Analgin).
  4. Immunoglobulins. This group of drugs can effectively influence the production of antibodies (Amixin, Likopid, Gerpimun 6).
  5. It is advisable to treat herpes and through vitamins. This option is used to further strengthen the immune system. It is better to use useful complexes containing vitamins A, C, E.

Prevention of recurrence of the disease

To prevent repeated exacerbations of the disease, it is necessary:

  1. Maintain high body resistance with the help of periodic intake of mineral-vitamin complexes as prescribed by a doctor. These are drugs that stimulate the immune system, as well as herbal remedies - echinacea, eleutherococcus, pantocrine, mummy.
  2. Timely diagnose and treat infectious and inflammatory pathologies, during which immunity is weakened.

The body's defenses will be strengthened if you lead a healthy active lifestyle, exclude alcohol and nicotine, maintain a sufficient level of physical activity, and prevent physical overwork and emotional exhaustion.


Herpesvirus type six, as a rule, does not lead to death, but causes a variety of pathologies and provokes their complications. The main consequences of the disease are:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • myocarditis can often be associated with herpesvirus sixth degree;
  • the formation of liver failure;
  • pneumonitis;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • cancerous tumors (leukemia, lymphoma, neoplasms in the brain);
  • there may be violations of the endocrine, lymphatic system;
  • epilepsy;
  • meningoencephalitis;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • fulminant hepatitis.

Causes and ways of infection

Herpes virus strains number more than 100 units. All adults are infected with this infection, while medicine has not yet invented a tool that can completely destroy it.

The causative agent of the virus is contained in saliva, so the route of transmission of the infection is airborne, but other options are not excluded - sexual and perinatal. Infection is possible during the transfusion of blood and its components or during organ transplantation.

Prerequisites for the development of herpesvirus type 6A in adults are immune disorders.

Prevention of infection with herpes

To significantly reduce the recurrence of the "sixth" herpes and avoid the occurrence of complications, you should follow simple rules:

  1. More often walk in the fresh air, if possible, harden.
  2. Do physical exercises regularly.
  3. Include fresh vegetables, fruits and berries in your daily diet.
  4. Ensure normal regular rest, sleep well, do not overwork.
  5. Try not to expose yourself to the risk of contracting infectious diseases.
  6. Take vitamins (especially in the cold season).

Pathogen and incubation period

Human Herpes virus is the causative agent of the disease.
The causative agent of the disease is Human Herpes virus, in which a sudden exanthema develops. In adults, 2 strains appear that provoke pathology: HHV 6A and B. The DNA of the herpes virus subform A is classified as a neurovirulent disease that injures the nervous system and causes multiple sclerosis in adults. This subtype is typical for patients suffering from HIV infection. Herpesvirus subtype B is more common in children or adolescents who develop pneumonia, encephalitis, and bone marrow abnormalities.

Every adult will experience symptoms to varying degrees and at different times after infection. With weakened immunity, the incubation period is reduced and is 2-3 days. If the immune system is stronger, then symptoms may appear 2-3 months after the herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 6 enters the body of an adult. If the patient once had a type VI virus, then he develops specific antibodies to the pathology.

Mode and nutrition

The fight against herpes infection takes a lot of resources from the baby's body, so it is important to provide the baby with proper nutrition and create a regimen that is optimal for a speedy recovery.

The nutrition of a sick child should be balanced: he should receive vitamin-rich vegetables, fruits, meat and fish products, and slow carbohydrates. At the same time, it is important to take into account the baby's appetite - in its absence, you should not force-feed the child, as soon as the fever subsides, he will ask to eat himself. In the event that the baby is sick, it is important to continue breastfeeding as much as possible, which can be supplemented with the usual complementary foods. At the same time, it is important to refuse to introduce new complementary foods into the baby’s diet for the duration of the illness.

Foods rich in fast carbohydrates and fats stimulate the activity of the virus - during illness, their use should be limited.

Methods of treatment

All methods of treating diseases caused by type 6 herpesvirus are only a fight against its manifestations (the so-called symptomatic treatment). Medicine still does not have the means to completely rid the body of this virus. And the fight against a primary infection can be considered meaningless at all - it is wiser to give the body the opportunity to develop immunity for life.

When symptoms of the disease appear, a typical set of drugs is usually used to combat herpes viruses.

If a small child is ill, he must first be shown to the doctor. True, doctors can not always distinguish roseola from rubella, but be that as it may, the doctor will prescribe a set of drugs in accordance with the individual characteristics of the baby.

Most often, the drug complex includes:

  • Ganciclovir, most effective against HHV-6B;
  • Cidofovir;
  • Foscarnet, which performs equally well against both types of HHV-6.

At the same time, Ganciclovir and Foscarnet are allowed for use by children from the age of 12, but in the West, in cases of complicated infections, Ganciclovir is used more often.

Acyclovir, which is very common today against herpes type 6, demonstrates very low efficiency.

In parallel, in different countries of the world, the possibilities of using drugs such as Lobucavir, Cidofovir, Adefovir in the treatment of type 6 herpes are being studied, but there are no clear results on their testing yet. Nor have even experimental versions of vaccines against the HHV-6 virus been developed.

Antipyretics based on paracetamol and ibuprofen are used as medications to relieve symptoms. Most often, children are prescribed Panadol and Nurofen. With an increase in the temperature of the child, you should often and plentifully drink water, compotes and herbal teas.

A big plus of roseola is the absence of itching in places of redness. The child does not worry and does not scratch these rashes, and therefore, there is no need to worry that he will bring any additional infection under the skin.

Throughout the entire period of illness, the child should be given vitamin preparations containing vitamins A, E and C. You should consult a doctor about which particular drug to give in each individual case.

In adults, the same symptoms as in children can appear during organ transplants, when the immune system is suppressed so that new tissues are not rejected. At the same time, it is rather difficult to treat herpes at this moment due to the need to support the patient's low immune status.

Although rather unpleasant, but an obvious fact is the poor attention of medical specialists to the study of the characteristics of the course of type 6 herpes in patients in Russia. For all the time science has been familiar with this infection in our country, isolated studies have been carried out, of which the examination of children in the Children's Infectious Diseases Hospital of St. Petersburg from April to September 2007 was quite large-scale. Then a total of 52 patients with pronounced roseola were identified. Of these, the presence of the virus was confirmed in 31 by laboratory data of serological analysis, and 15 patients did not come to donate blood for the detection of IgG antibodies.

In general, in our country, the diagnosis of rubella or an allergic rash is the norm in the presence of obvious roseola in children. At the same time, not only are undesirable and rather dangerous antibiotics prescribed to patients, but complications after roseola, such as meningitis or hepatitis, often occur quite often. In many cases, this state of affairs is due to the fact that the description and treatment of roseola is not described in professional guidelines for infectious diseases.

Doctors noted that taking drugs based on interferon helps to reduce the risk of recurrence of type 6 herpes infection. However, just for the sake of preventing the reactivation of the virus, you should not drink drugs with interferon. It is much more reasonable to carry out a comprehensive prevention of exacerbation of herpes.

Necessary treatment

Preparations for herpes type 6 in adults

Herpes of the sixth type is affected only by complex therapy, which includes drugs that strengthen the immune system. And even with the help of medicines, it will not be possible to completely eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, you can only suppress their activity. Doctors often recommend that adults fight the type 6 virus through antiviral chemotherapy. The table shows the main medications to eliminate type 6 herpes in adults.

Folk remedies

It is possible to get rid of HHV 6 with the help of natural ingredients, but a doctor's consultation is required before using them.

Folk remedies are used in conjunction with medications. They have an antiviral effect and are able to increase the protection of the immune system. The following medicinal herbs and substances are recommended:

  • large celandine;
  • common dogwood;
  • black poplar;
  • ordinary horseradish;
  • glycyrrhizic acid;
  • spikelet lavender;
  • liquorice root.


Treatment consists of taking drugs orally and applying topical drugs for rashes. Appointed:

  • Acyclovir topically and orally. Necessary for the destruction of a pathogenic organism. Reduces the duration of the course of the disease to several days, a maximum of a week.
  • Glycine, Actovegin, Piracetam. Support cerebral structures, normalizing the state of the brain.
  • More effective than Acyclovir are Ganciclovir and Foscarnet.
  • Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Analgin.
  • The introduction of specific immunoglobulins is practiced.
  • Viferon, Interferon.

It is required to treat the disease comprehensively. Treatment for adults and children is identical.

Herpes of the sixth type is characterized by extreme aggressiveness and high resistance to drugs.. To choose a competent treatment regimen, inpatient treatment is recommended. Moreover, the risk of death and serious complications is high.

What is dangerous?

Multiple sclerosis can develop against the background of a virus.
Sudden exanthema is fraught with dangerous consequences. The virus poses a particular threat during pregnancy, which leads to infection of the fetus, premature birth or miscarriage. Most often, in adults against the background of type 6 herpes, the following complications are noted:

  • dysfunction of the central nervous system;
  • development of multiple sclerosis;
  • brain inflammation;
  • autoimmune diseases.

In the absence of proper treatment or if the patient began to treat the pathology at the wrong time, then the following consequences are possible:

  • myocardial muscle damage;
  • deviations in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • meningoencephalitis;
  • cancerous lymphoma;
  • liver failure;
  • fulminant hepatitis;
  • inflammation of the necrotic lymph nodes.

Herpes type 6 is a predisposing factor for the development of AIDS. If strain 7 joins this type of herpes, then the likelihood of carcinoma in the cervical area increases.

Prevention of HHV-6

To prevent the development of the herpes virus of the 6th variety in yourself or your child, the prevention of this disease will help, because the infection is a consequence of a weakened immune system. It is necessary to carry out activities aimed at strengthening it. These include:

  • Proper and balanced eating - it is useful to include more fruits and vegetables in your menu, this is especially important in the autumn-winter period.
  • Newborn children really need breastfeeding, because it is mother's milk that contains the full composition of the nutrients necessary for the development of the body, which will have a beneficial effect on immunity in the future.
  • Active life - physical activity strengthens the body, preventing the development of viruses or other diseases.
  • The correct mode of the day - there should be a clear separation between work and rest. Each person must find a daily regimen in which his body will be most comfortable. In no case should you forget about a full sleep.
  • Taking vitamins - in winter it is quite difficult to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. In this regard, the supply of the body with useful vitamins and elements practically stops. To maintain your health, you need to take vitamin complexes (Vitrum, Alphabet), which can significantly strengthen the body. But, it is worth considering that before you start taking any drugs, you need to consult a specialist.

Thus, although HHV-6 is incurable and difficult to diagnose, its occurrence can be avoided through careful health care. If the first symptoms are observed in an adult or a child, then an immediate appeal to a specialist is necessary to further determine the therapeutic measures.


Symptoms vary from person to person, some immediately after infection, some after an illness, or for some other reason of a poor immune response. The clinic of the disease in adults and the child is also significantly different and similar to the manifestations of herpes simplex.

In childhood, the clinic may not appear at all or look like a herpes simplex virus. It is not easy to treat in the absence of manifestations, but it is possible to make a diagnosis. Treatment consists not only in reducing symptoms, but also in suppressing the virus.

In newborns, the virus does not manifest itself until the mother's antibodies suppress viral cells, but this happens if the infection came from her. If the infection has entered the body from another person, the symptoms appear immediately, since there are no antibodies to fight.

It is not easy to immediately determine virus infection by symptoms, often herpes disguises itself as other diseases, and is located deep in the DNA, and the signs are similar to other common diseases.

The main symptom of this type of herpes is the appearance of a rash all over the body, which is often confused with infantile rubella and is called pseudo rubella. The rash is characterized by the absence of pain and burning in the affected area of ​​the skin, and the rash looks like a swollen reddening of the dermis. The rash is preceded by a temperature that drops sharply before the rash appears.

The absence of symptoms or individual signs, which is often the case with herpes, increases the chances of confusing it with another disease. Similar ailments include:

  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • allergic reaction;
  • erythema;
  • otitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • meningitis.

The rash on the body does not last long, and then disappears without a trace. In addition to fever and external manifestations, herpes is accompanied by general symptoms:

  • general malaise;
  • drowsiness;
  • loss of activity;
  • lack of appetite;
  • psychological disorders;
  • swollen lymph nodes.

Herpes is often accompanied by serious disorders in the body, which spoil the general symptoms and manifest as herpes. During the period of exacerbation, herpes can manifest itself as serious disorders.

In adults who have had manifestations of type 6 herpes in childhood, antibodies persist for life and relapses are extremely rare, and there are no symptoms at all, then treatment is not needed.

If the infection occurs in adulthood, everything develops, as in children with fever, rash and malaise. In an adult, it is more difficult to confuse the symptoms of herpes with another disease, but it happens that herpes is confused with an allergy to medications.

Provoking factors

Almost everyone is infected with HSV (herpes), but not everyone gets sick, why is this happening? A healthy human body is able to keep the pathogenic structure under control. If the immune system fails, the pathological process flares up. For what reasons the body's defense system can become insufficiently efficient:

  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Excess alcohol. Ethanol in large quantities adversely affects the state of the immune system.
  • Long-term smoking is especially at risk for long-term smokers.
  • Prolonged or chronic stress.
  • Frequent colds, acute respiratory infections and other infectious processes.

The degree, incubation period and nature of the disease also depends on the strength of the immune response.

In children

Most children get this infection at an early age. Herpes in children is acute. A few days before the onset of the rash, the temperature rises to 38ºС. It is febrile in nature, appears simultaneously with a rash, pain in the throat and persists for several days.

Despite hyperthermia, the child retains physical activity. The rash does not last long on the body, it can disappear after a few hours.

In rare cases, convulsions, convulsions, inflammation of the brain may appear. Due to convulsions, epilepsy may develop.

Ways of transmission and signs of herpesvirus type 6 in adults

Herpes is a fairly well-studied virus, the strains of which number more than a hundred units.

Among them, type 6 herpes stands out - scientists know what kind of pathogen it is and how to deal with it. Almost all human populations are infected with HHV-6. The harm of the strain for the body is explained by the fact that it affects T-lymphocytes - cells important for immunity.

The prerequisites for the development of herpesvirus infection of the A-subtype are a weak immune system, HIV infection, and hemoblastosis. HSV-6 subtype B usually affects children with chronic fatigue syndrome. The HHV-6A strain lives in the adult human body.

Ways of transmission and signs of herpesvirus type 6

Herpes type 6 is contained in saliva, so it becomes a source of infection. The causative agent is found in 90% of people. In rare cases, the virus is localized on the palatine tonsils.

Infection occurs by contact or airborne droplets. It is difficult to prevent its penetration into the body, because. infection often occurs during infancy. It is not possible to completely eliminate the pathogen due to its belonging to DNA viruses.

When infected with herpes type 6, symptoms in adult patients may resemble the clinic of tonsillitis, pneumonia, and influenza. Deterioration of health is sometimes similar to mononucleosis syndrome. At the doctor's appointment, the patient presents various complaints:

  • Nasal congestion.
  • Throat discomfort.
  • Hyperthermia (the mercury column reaches 40°C).
  • The transformation of lymph nodes into large painful bumps.
  • Musculo-articular pains in different parts of the limbs.

Chronic fatigue syndrome as a sign of herpes infection in adults proceeds like the flu. A person notes frequent headaches and temperature fluctuations up to 38 ° C, enlargement of the lymph nodes under the armpits, on the neck and nape. There is a feeling of weakness and overwork.

Poor sleep affects the nervous system - the patient breaks down over trifles. With severely weakened immunity, encephalitis joins CFS.

An exacerbation of type 6 herpesvirus gives signs of infectious mononucleosis, lymphogranulomatosis, and malignant lymphomas. If the patient suffers from AIDS, its course is aggravated. The HHV-6A strain is also capable of causing multiple sclerosis. Primary symptoms of this condition include:

  1. Shaky gait.
  2. Fast fatiguability.
  3. Hypersensitivity.
  4. uncoordinated movements.

The described symptoms often occur after infectious diseases and disappear on their own. Later, however, the signs of multiple sclerosis worsen. The list of patient complaints becomes more extensive:

  • Muscle paresis.
  • Speech problems.
  • Dizziness.
  • Double vision.
  • Increased fatigue of the arms and legs.
  • Problems with swallowing and emptying.
  • Loss of vision in one eye.

These violations are dangerous paralysis of the patient with the loss of important vital functions.

Doctors see symptoms of herpes lesions of the nervous system in irritability, tearfulness, insomnia and anxiety of the patient.

Diagnosis and treatment

Three diagnostic measures help to confirm the guess about the infection of the human body with the herpes virus type 6:

  1. PCR - polymerase chain reaction. The method allows you to determine the DNA of the pathogen.
  2. ELISA is an enzyme immunoassay that detects antibodies to HHV-6A.
  3. cultural method. It is carried out as a sowing of biological fluids on nutrient media. During the study, the laboratory assistant identifies and establishes the pathogen.

If infection with the herpes virus type 6 in adults is diagnosed for the first time, specialists prescribe symptomatic treatment due to the poor effectiveness of many antiviral agents. A stable therapeutic effect against the pathogen was observed from the use of three drugs - these are Foscarnet, Cidofovir and Ganciclovir.

Doctors also include immunomodulators in treatment regimens: Cycloferon, Amiksin, Likopid, Polyoxidonium. Herpetic vaccination is carried out according to indications in order to strengthen immunity.

To prescribe adequate therapy, it is important to differentiate human herpesvirus type 6 from rubella, measles, infectious erythema, bacterial pneumonia, and drug allergies.

What is dangerous herpes HHV-6

Herpes infection type 6 does not threaten the life of an adult. However, its presence in the body contributes to the development of other pathological conditions and entails their complications. The patient is diagnosed with:

  • Myocarditis.
  • Meningoencephalitis.
  • Fulminant hepatitis.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • endocrine disorders.
  • liver failure.
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
  • Oncological neoplasms.
  • thrombocytopenic purpura.

Activation of HSV-6 does not pass without a trace for the body. It always provokes other conditions that require mandatory medical intervention.

Pregnant women need especially careful monitoring, since they are more susceptible to infection during the period of bearing a child. In infected mothers, children are born carriers of herpesvirus type 6.

That is why it is so important to engage in the prevention of herpes infection and contact the clinic in a timely manner when the primary symptoms appear.

How to protect yourself from HSV-6 infection

Prevention of infection with herpesvirus type 6 comes down to maintaining a healthy immune system.

To achieve this is simple, just follow a few recommendations of virologists:

  • Regularly breathe fresh air and temper.
  • Timely treat any infectious diseases.
  • Develop a schedule of work and rest that is optimal for the body.
  • Set aside time for exercise and be physically active.
  • Enrich the diet with berries, vegetables and fruits. At the peak of colds, increase their consumption.

In the cold season, when the body is exhausted without useful substances, you can get vitamins from the Complivit, Aevit, Alfavit, Multi Tabs Immuno + pharmacy complexes.

In adults

In adults, the disease occurs without a rash. It is easy to confuse it with an enteroviral lesion. Manifestations of herpes type 6 are able to disguise themselves as other dangerous pathologies:

  • rubella;
  • measles;
  • meningococcal infection;
  • inflammation of the middle and inner ear;
  • pneumonia;
  • erythema.

When reactivated, herpes type 6 can cause severe CNS damage.

Often the disease occurs with a lack of vitamins, trace elements. Some studies indicate that in women, herpesvirus infection can cause intrauterine death of the child and premature birth.

Key features of the virus

The HHV-6 virus is one of nine herpesviruses for which humans are either the sole or primary carrier. Simply put, it is not normal for these nine types of viruses to infect animals.

Further, like most other herpesviruses, type 6 herpes lives unnoticed in most of its hosts: having manifested itself once, it forces the immune system to develop such protection that will further suppress the development of infection throughout a person's life. Moreover, human immunity reacts more strongly to the herpes virus type 6 than to the type 1 virus, which usually causes the well-known “cold” on the lips. Because of this, even after past illnesses, stress and a seasonal decrease in immunity, the recurrence of type 6 herpes is almost always asymptomatic.

As a result, most people who carry HHV-6 are not even aware of its presence in the body. Like other human herpesviruses, it is indestructible: today medicine has no medicine capable of completely destroying this virus in the body.

And, perhaps, most importantly, the sixth type of herpesvirus most often and pronouncedly manifests itself in children. Today, scientists believe that this infection is most often transmitted through saliva, and therefore young children catch this disease almost from the very first days of contact with their mother or other people who are carriers of the virus.

However, in the first few months of life, infection of the child does not lead to any consequences: the innate immunity transmitted from the mother confidently suppresses viral particles. Only in the event that the mother's body is not familiar with this infection, and the child becomes infected from another person, typical symptoms of the disease can occur in an infant already in the first months of his life. Children usually get sick between the ages of 4 and 13 months.

The herpes virus type 6 can mask its manifestations under the symptoms of other diseases. Often in medical practice there is an error in which the presence of a pathogen in the body is determined by the presence in the blood of immunoglobulins that are common or very similar to those for the herpes virus type 7. Due to this cross-reaction and some other reasons, misdiagnosis is often made, and the actual statistics of type 6 herpes are very inaccurate.