Preliminary work for role-playing games with a professional plot. Role-playing games of modern children

SP d / s "Teremok" GBOU secondary school "OTs" with. Old Shentala

Plot - role-playing game:

"All professions are important"

in the senior group

Developed by: educator

Dorozhkina Galina Alexandrovna

Program tasks:

  • continue to teach children how to plan a game and independently select game material, necessary attributes;
  • continue learning the skills of role-playing interaction, in accordance with the norms of etiquette;
  • teach children to take on different roles, in accordance with the plot of the game;
  • enrichment of the social and play experience of children according to the plots: "Family", "Hairdresser's"
  • clarify and expand the vocabulary and speech material on the topics: “Hairdressing salon”;
  • to develop the dialogical speech of children;
  • contribute to the establishment in the game of role-playing interactions and relationships between the players
  • to form creative activity in the game, friendly relations with each other.

Game material:

  1. "Family"
  • attributes for room equipment
  • dishes
  • furniture
  • fruits
  1. "Salon"
  • hairdresser clothes
  • cape for the client
  • barber tools
  • hair swatch album

Preparing for the game:

  • compilation of the album "All professions are important";
  • conversations about people's professions using illustrations;
  • didactic game "Who needs what for work?";
  • production of attributes for the game;
  • conversations about the culture of behavior in public places;
  • reading Vasiliev-Gangnus "ABC of politeness";
  • role-playing games with children "Family".

Game progress: Children and the teacher stand in a circle, holding hands.

Educator: I am glad to see you all healthy and cheerful today! to me

I really want you to keep this mood until

evening itself. And for this, we must smile more often,

rejoice in each other. Smile at each other

and everyone will become brighter and happier.

Today we will talk with you about family and professions. Let's look at the illustrations! Who do the people depicted on them work?

(children tell who is shown in the illustrations, what they are wearing and by whom

can work)

Educator: Every morning, moms and dads take you to kindergarten. And where to

do they go later?

(children's answers)

Teacher: Well done guys! You know a lot about your parents' work. And

Their professions are so different and interesting. And who do you want

become when you grow up.

(Children's reasoning)

Educator: And let's play "family" with you!

What do we need to do to start the game?

(Children's reasoning)

Educator: Right! We need to assign roles.

For our game we need: mom, dad and daughters.

Educator: Who do you think we can choose? Why?

(Children choose mom, dad and children and justify their choice)

Educator: Mom will have a day off today, and she will go with

daughters to the hairdresser.

Who do we need to work in a barbershop?

Children: Hairdresser.

Morning has come! The family gathered at the table for breakfast.

Suggested actions:

Dad: What are you going to do today?

Mom: I have a day off today, the girls and I will go to


Dad: (Looks at his watch).

It's been a long time, I have to go to work. Meet me tonight (Goodbye)

Mom and daughters clean the dishes from the steel.

Mom: Girls, are you ready?

Daughter: Yes, we are ready, you can go.

Mom: First we will go to the hairdresser, I need to do my hair.

(Go to the hairdresser)


Mom and daughters go to the hairdresser. At this time, the hairdresser is busy with


Hairdresser: Good afternoon! Do you desire anything?

Mom: I would like to have my hair cut and styled.

Hairdresser: Please sit down and wait. Now I'm free and

I will invite you...

Please pass! Sit down.

The hairdresser serves my mother.

Mom: (Looks in the mirror).

Hairdresser: Do you like it?

Mom: Thank you very much, I really like it. How much do I owe you?

Hairdresser: 100 rubles, please.

Mom: Paying off the hairdresser.

Hairdresser: Thank you very much, come again. Goodbye.

Mom: Goodbye.

Mom and daughters leave the hairdresser.

At this time, the barbershop is closed. Everyone puts things in order at their workplaces and goes to a festive disco.

Director: And now, the most pleasant! We give everyone as a gift air

balloons. Please go to the main hall. There will be a festive disco for guests.

Fun music sounds. All participants in the game dance.

(In the course of the game, I help create a game environment, with the help of questions, advice, suggestions. I pay attention to the relationship of children in the game).

Game results.

Teacher: Well done guys! Did you enjoy playing? What roles did you play in the game? What were your characters doing? How do you think you coped with your roles? Who do you think did the best in their role? Why?

I really liked how you played today. We will play with you more than once and learn a lot more about professions, make additional attributes, and the game will become even more interesting.


1. Gubanova N.F. Development of gaming activity.

2. The system of work in the middle group of the kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the profession of a doctor, seller, hairdresser.


  1. To help create a game environment, to establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles.
  2. To form in children the ability to play according to their own plan, to stimulate the creative activity of children in the game.
  3. To form friendly relations in the game, activity, responsibility, friendliness.

game progress:

Children enter the group, stand around the teacher.

Educator: For you, for everyone, years grow. There will be seventeen.

Where do you work then, what do you do?

Educator: Children, let's talk with you about what professions you know

Children: doctor, salesman...

Educator: But in order to work as a doctor, hairdresser, salesman, you must first grow up, finish school, get a specialty. But how long to wait. And so I want right now to become an adult and work. Truth?

Educator: And let's go on a trip to a magical town. It is called "City of masters" . All children, getting there, immediately become adults and can choose a profession for themselves. Do you want to go there?

Educator: And we will go there on this bus. (There are chairs in a row of three in a group). You will be the passengers and I will be the driver.

Kachu, I'm flying at full speed.
I am the driver and the motor itself!
I press the pedal and the car rushes into the distance.
And so, let's go!

Teacher: Everyone is here! Come out, please. Here is our magical city "City of masters" . You look at each other. Everyone has grown up. That would work, right? And where you can work, I'll show you now.

Here we have "Salon"

It's bright and interesting here.
Mirrors, perfumes and armchairs, a large hall,
But apparently, even
Better than your trellis.

Now we are in the store - All products on display:
Tea, sweets, sausage - Eyes run wide.
Come buy
Give money to the cashier.

Look, here we have "Hospital"

Always attentive, loving. Our doctor treats you guys.
When He improves your health - He is most happy!

Educator: Now you see how many interesting things are in our town. You can work wherever you like.

During the game, the educator helps to create a game environment, to establish relationships between those who have chosen certain roles; helps to realize in the game the impressions received by children earlier.

Educator: Evening has come in our town, the working day is over, the hospital and the store are closing. Everyone gets on the bus and returns to the kindergarten.

And if you guys liked the town, you and I will go there every day.

"Role-playing games of modern children"


Blokhina N.V.

senior group teacher

welcomes you senior group "DROP"

Educational area "SOCIALIZATION" Development of gaming activities; Introduction to the generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults; Formation of gender, family, citizenship, a sense of belonging to the global community.

Role-playing games

Improve and expand game ideas and skills;

Develop the ability to coordinate their actions

with the actions of partners;

Contribute to the strengthening of sustainable children's play associations;

Learn to develop the plot of the game based on knowledge;

They develop the ability to coordinate the theme of the game, distribute roles, prepare the necessary conditions, agree on

sequence of joint actions.

“In our beauty salon, stylists will make you the most fashionable hairstyles”

Role-playing game


Expands knowledge

children about the profession


stylist, educates



to each other

“If the master takes up the case, then the matter is being argued”

Role-playing game

"Car service"

Introduces children to the profession

car mechanic, brings up respect

to male labor, desire

finish what you started

“We live happily together, all adversity is nothing!”

Role-playing game

"Daughters-mothers", "House", "Family"

Forms an idea of ​​the content

understanding of the social roles of men and

women, helps to realize the meaning

nie labor of parents at home,

learn business skills


“If a policeman is standing, remember the path is closed”

Role-playing game

"Post DPS"

Reinforces children's knowledge of

traffic rules,

road signs, signals

traffic light, children get acquainted

with the work of employees

road guard


“We all have a glorious doctor, will fly - just class!

Role-playing game


Clarifies children's ideas about work

doctor, his duties, equipment

necessary for work, educates

respect for the people of this profession

"Captain, captain smile, because a smile is a friend of a ship!”

Role-playing game

"We are sailors"

Expands children's knowledge about

male professions: captain,

sailor, cabin boy, educates

courage, courage,

responsibility for assigned


“In our superstore, behind the counter, finally, Wherever you go, you meets the seller!

Role-playing game


Forms ideas about

labor activities of the seller,

develops communication skills

buyers, educates

respect for the work of adults

"The work of the master is afraid!"

Role-playing game

"Carpentry Workshop"

Introduces children to male

carpentry profession, various

carpentry tools,

instills hard work

responsible attitude

to male duties

"At the center of the Young Reader" joy and dream awaits you: magic lines of the alphabet, marvelous beauty of fairy tales!

Role-playing game "Library"

Contributes to the establishment of role interaction and the assimilation of role relationships: librarian-reader, brings up respect for the work of a librarian, forms awareness of the importance of this profession

"The locomotive rushes along the rails ..."

Role-playing game


about the driver's job. Develops

moral and volitional qualities,

typical for boys

forms an adequate sex

behavior pattern

“I love my kindergarten, in it full of guys"

Role-playing game


Expands children's ideas

about teaching professions

kindergarten staff. Introduces

with working conditions and labor

duties, educates kindly

affectionate relationship with each other

"Our plane flies like a bird, and is not afraid of obstacles!

Role-playing game

"We are pilots"

Introduces children to the profession

pilot, educates

respect for the people

professions, develops


courage and responsibility

Thus, a long-term creative role-playing game is fraught with tremendous opportunities for the development of children's thinking. In such games, the child shows more independence, imagination and creativity in choosing actions in the distribution of roles and the use of substitute objects. And the active participation of children in the distribution of roles contributes to the formation of collectivist feelings. Children learn to respect opinion peers, taking into account the possibilities and each other's desires.


Publication date: 01/13/18

Card file of role-playing games "Modern Professions" for children of senior preschool age

« Rescuers»

Target: Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the work of the service salvation lifeguard profession.

Tasks: To learn to find their own way out of a difficult situation, to act in an organized, coordinated manner.

To develop creative activity in children, coherent speech, enrich vocabulary.

Continue to teach children to observe the rules of etiquette in communication and behavior. To instill in children respect for people of this profession.

preliminary work: didactic games, reading books, watching television about the operation of the service salvation in extreme conditions (fire, earthquake, flood, explosion, etc.). Considering illustrations on the topics of extreme situations and compiling stories on them. Demonstration by the nurse of the correct provision of first aid. Creating and solving problems with children situations:"What would you do?","What to do, if" Acquaintance of children with the rules of behavior and evacuation in case of fire, about fire prevention measures (do not play with matches, gas and electrical appliances, etc.)

"Tourist agency"

Target: To expand the knowledge of children about the professions of employees of the Travel Agency: director, manager, tour operator, guide, courier.

Tasks: To form the knowledge and ideas of preschoolers about what a "travel agency" is, its purpose.

Clarify and enrich children's knowledge about the professions of the tourism business: director of a travel agency, manager, courier, cashier, tour guide.

Improve communication and dialogue skills.

To cultivate respect for the work of employees of a travel agency.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversations about family travels of children;
  • Cognitive conversations with children on the topic: "Journey to geography";
  • Acquaintance with the professions of the Travel Agency employees: director, manager, tour operator, tour guide, courier. Cashier, tourist;
  • Examination of illustrations, photographs of different countries (postcards, magazines, booklets);
  • Coming up with a logo, the name of a travel agency;
  • Production of attributes, replenishment of the developing environment for the game;
  • Reading poems by Iraida Reutova "Around the World", "Journey";
  • Listening and singing the songs “We are going, we are going, we are going”, “The Song of Friends” from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”.

"Sewing Studio"

Target: to expand and consolidate the knowledge of children about working in a sewing studio about the profession of a tailor.

Tasks: to form an initial idea that a lot of work is spent on the manufacture of each thing, to strengthen the skills of social behavior, to thank for the help and care provided, to develop and strengthen friendly relationships between children.

Preliminary work: Reading of works: S. Mikhalkov "The tailor's hare", Viktorov "I sewed a dress for my mother", Grinberg "Olin apron". Didactic game "What do you have woolen?" Examining tissue samples. Conversation "What fabric can be sewn from?" Looking at fashion magazines. Application "Doll in a beautiful dress."

"We are oilmen"

Target games: To expand the knowledge of children about the profession of an oil production operator, driller, laboratory assistant.

Tasks: develop in children imagination initiative. Develop the ability to act in accordance with the role taken on and the overall game plan. introduce children with the properties of oil and its usefulness in human life.

preliminary work:

looking at pictures « Drilling » ,"Driller","Oilman","First Prey","Fire Department","Laboratory"; reading of books: "How they searched for oil","Gold of Samotlor"; familiarity with the relief of the soil: sand, clay, water, oil, stone. Experiments with sand, clay, water.

"Veterinary Clinic"

Target: introduce children to the profession of a veterinarian

Tasks: arouse in children an interest in the profession of a veterinarian; to cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards animals, kindness, responsiveness, a culture of communication.

Game actions: Sick animals are brought to the veterinary clinic. The veterinarian receives patients, carefully listens to the complaints of their owner, asks questions, examines a sick animal, listens with a phonendoscope, measures the temperature, and makes an appointment. The nurse writes a prescription. The animal is taken to the treatment room. The nurse gives injections, treats and bandages wounds, lubricates with ointment, etc. The nurse cleans the office, changes the towel. After the reception, the owner of the sick animal goes to the veterinary pharmacy and buys the medicine prescribed by the doctor for further treatment at home.

Preliminary work: Conversation with children about the work of a veterinarian. Drawing “My favorite animal” Making with children attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, etc.)

"Photo Studio"

Tasks: expand and consolidate children's knowledge about working in a photo studio, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite treatment of elders and each other, teach gratitude for the help and service provided.

Game actions: The cashier takes the order, receives the money, knocks out the check. The client greets, places an order, pays, takes off outerwear, puts himself in order, takes a picture, thanks for the service. The photographer takes pictures, takes pictures. In the photo studio you can take a picture, develop film, view the film on a special device, take photographs (including for documents), enlarge, restore photographs, buy a photo album, photographic film.

Preliminary work: Ethical conversation about the culture of behavior in public places. Viewing an album with sample photos. Introduction to the camera. Examination of a child's and a real camera. Looking at family photos. Making attributes for the game with children.

"Airplane Travel"

Target:To introduce children to such professions as: pilot, stewardess, radio operator, dispatcher.
Tasks: To expand the knowledge of children about air modes of transport, about the purpose of the aircraft, about how to maintain the aircraft

Game actions: the teacher invites the children to take a flight on an airplane. Children distribute among themselves the roles of Pilot, Stewardess, Radio Operator, Dispatcher, Loader. Those who wish to purchase tickets at the box office, show them to the Stewardess and board the plane. The movers are loading. The dispatcher announces the departure of the aircraft. During the flight, Passengers view from the porthole (images in pictures) various views - seas, mountains, rivers, forests, tundra. Arrive at a given city. Walk the streets, admire the sights. Upon their return, the children share their impressions.

SP d / s "Teremok" GBOU secondary school "OTs" with. Old Shentala

Plot - role-playing game:

"All professions are important"

in the senior group

Developed by: educator

Dorozhkina Galina Alexandrovna

Program tasks:

  • continue to teach children how to plan a game and independently select game material, necessary attributes;
  • continue learning the skills of role-playing interaction, in accordance with the norms of etiquette;
  • teach children to take on different roles, in accordance with the plot of the game;
  • enrichment of the social and play experience of children according to the plots: "Family", "Hairdresser's"
  • clarify and expand the vocabulary and speech material on the topics: “Hairdressing salon”;
  • to develop the dialogical speech of children;
  • contribute to the establishment in the game of role-playing interactions and relationships between the players
  • to form creative activity in the game, friendly relations with each other.

Game material:

  1. "Family"
  • attributes for room equipment
  • dishes
  • furniture
  • fruits
  1. "Salon"
  • hairdresser clothes
  • cape for the client
  • barber tools
  • hair swatch album

Preparing for the game:

  • compilation of the album "All professions are important";
  • conversations about people's professions using illustrations;
  • didactic game "Who needs what for work?";
  • production of attributes for the game;
  • conversations about the culture of behavior in public places;
  • reading Vasiliev-Gangnus "ABC of politeness";
  • role-playing games with children "Family".

Game progress: Children and the teacher stand in a circle, holding hands.

Educator: I am glad to see you all healthy and cheerful today! to me

I really want you to keep this mood until

evening itself. And for this, we must smile more often,

rejoice in each other. Smile at each other

and everyone will become brighter and happier.

Today we will talk with you about family and professions. Let's look at the illustrations! Who do the people depicted on them work?

(children tell who is shown in the illustrations, what they are wearing and by whom

can work)

Educator: Every morning, moms and dads take you to kindergarten. And where to

do they go later?

(children's answers)

Teacher: Well done guys! You know a lot about your parents' work. And

Their professions are so different and interesting. And who do you want

become when you grow up.

(Children's reasoning)

Educator: And let's play "family" with you!

What do we need to do to start the game?

(Children's reasoning)

Educator: Right! We need to assign roles.

For our game we need: mom, dad and daughters.

Educator: Who do you think we can choose? Why?

(Children choose mom, dad and children and justify their choice)

Educator: Mom will have a day off today, and she will go with

daughters to the hairdresser.

Who do we need to work in a barbershop?

Children: Hairdresser.

Morning has come! The family gathered at the table for breakfast.

Suggested actions:

Dad: What are you going to do today?

Mom: I have a day off today, the girls and I will go to


Dad: (Looks at his watch).

It's been a long time, I have to go to work. Meet me tonight (Goodbye)

Mom and daughters clean the dishes from the steel.

Mom: Girls, are you ready?

Daughter: Yes, we are ready, you can go.

Mom: First we will go to the hairdresser, I need to do my hair.

(Go to the hairdresser)


Mom and daughters go to the hairdresser. At this time, the hairdresser is busy with


Hairdresser: Good afternoon! Do you desire anything?

Mom: I would like to have my hair cut and styled.

Hairdresser: Please sit down and wait. Now I'm free and

I will invite you...

Please pass! Sit down.

The hairdresser serves my mother.

Mom: (Looks in the mirror).

Hairdresser: Do you like it?

Mom: Thank you very much, I really like it. How much do I owe you?

Hairdresser: 100 rubles, please.

Mom: Paying off the hairdresser.

Hairdresser: Thank you very much, come again. Goodbye.

Mom: Goodbye.

Mom and daughters leave the hairdresser.

At this time, the barbershop is closed. Everyone puts things in order at their workplaces and goes to a festive disco.

Director: And now, the most pleasant! We give everyone as a gift air

balloons. Please go to the main hall. There will be a festive disco for guests.

Fun music sounds. All participants in the game dance.

(In the course of the game, I help create a game environment, with the help of questions, advice, suggestions. I pay attention to the relationship of children in the game).

Game results.

Teacher: Well done guys! Did you enjoy playing? What roles did you play in the game? What were your characters doing? How do you think you coped with your roles? Who do you think did the best in their role? Why?

I really liked how you played today. We will play with you more than once and learn a lot more about professions, make additional attributes, and the game will become even more interesting.


1. Gubanova N.F. Development of gaming activity.

2. The system of work in the middle group of the kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012