Medical glass jars. Relieve pain syndrome

Medical banks in the pharmacy are over. “Man, better buy mustard plasters,” the pharmacist said somewhat haughtily. “Banks are bad for health.” Here are those times! For as long as I can remember, they always put jars in me during a cold, because it was believed that medical banksuniversal remedy at respiratory infections. And now, then, banks are harmful and that's it? However, as it turned out, in vain I was so excited. No one forbade banks in our country, and many pharmacies have them. However, there are currently no doctors among consensus about the benefits or harms of this treatment method.

Banks in medicine have been used for a long time. The Chinese were the first to use them; they believed that banks increased resilience to harmful effects, activate the circulation of blood and vital energy "qi".

When the jar touches the patient's body, the skin is sucked in. This leads to an increase in blood flow to the area. Banks actively stimulate blood circulation, cell renewal, improve metabolism. Moreover, not only bronchitis and pneumonia were treated with this method. Cupping treatment was believed to help with headaches, pain in the abdomen, back, lower back, and joints. They were treated (and are still being treated in Chinese medicine) dizziness, cough, asthma and even diarrhea.

And today the so-called vacuum therapy is in fashion, which just uses jars of different sizes and configurations. They say that even ordinary mayonnaise, as well as half-liter and seven-hundred-gram containers are used (this is if treated at home). Proponents of vacuum therapy have no doubt that with the help of cans it is possible to cure the most various diseases: osteochondrosis, muscle spasms, sciatica, lumbago, bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma; diseases of cardio-vascular system, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum etc.

I remember that one of the reasons for my dislike for cupping was the spots that remained on the skin after this procedure. It was inconvenient to appear in public (in a bath, for example, or in a pool), with a spotted back. I always thought those spots were just bruises.

But here is the doctor Pavel Mikhailichenko, who, in fact, developed and introduced into practice vacuum gradient therapy(method of deep tissue study), says that these are not hematomas at all, but “blood effusion through the walls of blood vessels”. According to him, in this "effusion" there are "not only blood elements, but also protein substrates of blood plasma, physiologically active substances such as histamine, prostaglandins, neurotransmitters, hormones, etc.” That is, “slags”, which are only removed in this way.

Moreover, by the color of the spots after the procedure, one can tell how far the disease has gone and how clogged with toxins the body is. You can also be treated with vacuum therapy at home (if we are not talking about complex diseases). Banks will help eliminate pain that occurs in the neck, back, lower back, with increased blood pressure, insomnia, headache, overwork. Of course, not everyone can put banks. It is forbidden to do so when serious illnesses hearts (sharp inflammatory processes in the myocardium, endocardium, pericardium, heart defects, hypertension of 3-4 degrees, myocardial infarction in acute period, frequent seizures angina pectoris, acute cardiovascular failure); with acute infectious diseases, sclerosis and vascular thrombosis; with significant depletion of the body; loss of skin elasticity and a number of other diseases. That is, before you self-medicate, you need to consult a doctor.

Medical banks are placed as follows. Cotton wool is wound around the stick, it is dipped in alcohol and lit. A burning stick is introduced through the neck into the jar, removed from there, and the jar is immediately placed on the patient's body. It should stick to the skin. The first time the banks should stand no more than 1 minute; from the second - already 15 minutes.

During the procedure, the patient should have a pleasant feeling of warmth. If he suddenly feels pain, the jar should be removed immediately. It is necessary to ensure that the banks stick properly - otherwise it decreases therapeutic effect. If there is a need to repeat the treatment, then the interval between procedures should be at least one day, and preferably 2-3 days. At the same time, banks should be put in new places.

However, today some doctors do not approve of cupping. In America, for example, medical banks have been banned and removed from the arsenal for 20 years medicinal products. First of all, they are not advised to use them as a treatment for respiratory diseases, because, according to American experts, banks not only do not stop the infection, but, on the contrary, contribute to its spread in the body. American doctors say that under the influence of "canning" therapy, bacteria from the bronchi penetrate further and reach the lungs, writes

It is especially dangerous to use cans to treat pneumonia, as pneumothorax, that is, a rupture, can occur. lung tissue. This, of course, does not mean that every patient will suffer from cans. But doctors believe that even if a rupture of the lung tissue occurs in one patient out of a hundred, it is still impossible to risk it. It is likely that in some ways they are right, but in many countries banks are successfully used to this day.


Banks in medical practice have been using for a long time. They were first used in China: it was the Chinese who believed that banks would increase resistance to various harmful effects, normalize blood flow, stimulate energy flow and improve the condition of the human body.

How effective are they in treating certain diseases? Is it possible to harm health using banks? How to put banks on the back? What are the banks? You can get comprehensive answers to these questions.

In what cases are banks put on their backs?

Medical banks are classified as non-drug methods of treatment. They are considered by specialists as a means of non-specific therapy, the main purpose of which is to increase the effectiveness of a drug course of treatment. They enhance natural defensive forces body, improve blood circulation of organs and tissues located under the skin, enhance metabolic processes in them, accelerate the resorption of inflammation.

Cupping is possible only after consultation with a doctor who will make a diagnosis and be able to accurately determine whether a person has contraindications to this therapy. Proponents of such treatment have no doubt that this method helps in the fight against a variety of diseases.

Operating principle

After installation in banks a vacuum arises. The skin under them will slightly retract with a further increase and deformation of the lumen of the vessels. Thus, the volume of blood that circulates in the depths of the tissues increases. The body will begin intensive work on the supply of these places. large quantity oxygen and nutrients. Minor surface damage will speed up the metabolic process.

When a tumor has formed in a person, cupping therapy will help change the localization of the tumor, which will lead to easier treatment or simplified surgical intervention- the tumor can be easily removed from organs that are not vital.

Increased blood flow to certain parts of the body will relieve inflammation, pain, spasms. There will be a gradual regeneration of body cells.

Stories from our readers!
"I cured my sore back on my own. It's been 2 months since I forgot about back pain. Oh, how I used to suffer, my back and knees hurt, in recent times I couldn’t really walk normally ... How many times I went to polyclinics, but there they only prescribed expensive pills and ointments, which were of no use at all.

And now the 7th week has gone, as the joints of the back do not bother a bit, in a day I go to the country to work, and from the bus it’s 3 km, so I walk easily! All thanks to this article. Anyone with back pain should read this!

Efficiency and rules for placing cans on the back

So, if there are no contraindications, you can start setting cans.

This must be done by following some simple rules:

  • Skin - only healthy and without damage, because after them bruises (bruises) form. It should not be forgotten that hands must be thoroughly washed with soap and water before the procedure.
  • So that the cans can adhere more firmly to the body, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly or cream (preferably for children) on your back.
  • Inside the can you need to defuse the air, the only way she can stick to the back. To do this, make a small torch. Take a stick about 10 cm long, wrap it with cotton wool and soak it with alcohol or cologne. Ignite and enter into the jar.
  • Quickly remove and attach the jar to the body, directly to the skin area indicated by the doctor.
  • Most often they are placed in the back, chest, lower back and sides.
  • Try to quickly put the bank, otherwise air will get into it and it will not stick to the patient's body.
  • You need to extinguish the wick in a jar filled with water.
  • Newly delivered cans can be covered with a diaper to keep warm and cover the patient.
  • After all cans are removed, remove from skin leftover vaseline oil using a small amount of dry cotton wool or cotton wool with alcohol.
  • It is recommended that a person lie down after the procedure for at least half an hour in a comfortable position.
  • Wash jars and wipe dry after use.

What areas of the body should not be cupped?

  • In the zone of the kidneys and heart.
  • Women - at too close a distance from the mammary glands.
  • Along the line of the spine.

Depending on the age of the patient, from 6 to 14 cans can be used simultaneously. The first procedure should take only a few minutes, gradually this time increases up to 10-15 minutes. During the procedure, a person should feel warm.

When sharp pains don't have to be patient, you should immediately remove the jar. This is done without special efforts: lightly press the skin near the jar with your fingers, let air enter inside. Then she will fall off on her own. Keep a close eye on the fact that the banks are well sucked - after all, the benefits obtained as a result of the procedure depend on this.

If it becomes necessary to repeat the setting, remember that you can’t set cans every day! You need to take a break for at least a day, maybe 2-3. It is not recommended to put them in the same places.

Read about here.


  • Be very careful when placing cans. so as not to burn the patient when the wick is tan.
  • Do not use ether as fuel, it is explosive.
  • If the exposure time of cans is increased for one reason or another, this may result in the appearance of bubbles., which will contain serous fluid. They will need to be carefully cut using sterile scissors, and then applied to the skin with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Suitable as a substitute for Vaseline Vaseline oil, any fatty cream or oil (technical mixtures cannot be used).
  • The wick stem must be metal This will help prevent fire.
  • A jar of water must be kept in sight- so you can quickly extinguish the wick.

Pain and crunching in the back over time can lead to dire consequences- local or complete restriction of movements, up to disability.

People, taught by bitter experience, use natural remedy recommended by orthopedists...


Experts have formed two diametrically opposed opinions regarding vacuum therapy. Among modern specialists, it is generally accepted that the decision of cans does not have a significant effect on the body and only medical preparations contribute to a complete recovery.

But still, it is worth saying a few words about the advisability of using cans. They, along with mustard plasters and other physiotherapeutic procedures, are prescribed only at the stage of resolving diseases. respiratory tract. On the initial stages(with dry cough, elevated temperature bodies) they are not prescribed! It is used only when sputum begins to leave when coughing. body temperature does not rise.

In particular, banks are placed on the back when:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the bronchi, pleura or lungs.
  • Congestion in the lungs (with normal temperature body).
  • Inflammation in muscles and nerve trunks.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • , radiculitis, acute and chronic myositis.
  • Moderate elevations in blood pressure.

We covered the topic here.

With pneumonia, banks are dangerous to use for treatment - this can result in pneumothorax (rupture of lung tissue). This fact does not mean at all that this can happen to everyone. But experts say: if such a disappointing outcome occurs in at least one patient out of a hundred, one cannot risk human life.


You can't put them on:

  1. Hypersensitivity of the skin, inflammation of the skin.
  2. A state of general exhaustion of the body.
  3. Tuberculosis of any form.
  4. Neoplasms in the area chest.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Heart defects.
  7. Body temperature exceeding 38 degrees.
  8. Thrombosis or vascular sclerosis.
  9. acute infections.
  10. Pneumonia.
  11. A state of mental excitement.

No need to self-medicate. Before using cans, be sure to consult your doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications. Can be used to treat children over 3 years old. It is not recommended to apply if the patient's age exceeds 60 years.

Statement of medical vacuum jars with a balloon

Vacuum cans with a balloon continue to be used to improve the body (massage). It has been scientifically proven that a unique therapeutic effect can be achieved through improved blood flow. The dynamics of processes is influenced by pressure, which is achieved artificially, arising between the vacuum and the external environment.

In this way:

  • Stagnation is eliminated.
  • Metabolic processes are enhanced.
  • The skin respiration of the massed areas increases many times.

It is noted that similar procedures significantly increase the resistance of the skin to mechanical and even chemical influences. The mechanisms of restoration of the skin and adjacent organs are launched.

The rush of blood leads to an increase in metabolism depending on the place of application, the productive work of the lungs and bronchi, a more complete circulation of the liver, an increase in the functional absorption of fluid by the kidneys, nerve impulses begin to signal at a normal speed. The presence of a small pump accompanies an increase in the difference between the pressures on the outer and inner sides of the can, which leads to an increase in the effect on the subcutaneous tissues.

The air is removed from the cans using a special pump with the creation of a negative pressure of 0.06 MPa, providing 10 full cycles of pressing. The vacuum effect created by banks at the time of pumping out air masses, renders positive influence on cells, normalizes blood circulation.

In inner part cans can be placed a magnetic nozzle, so that a weak magnetic field has an effect on the body. It penetrates deep into the cells by about 7-9 centimeters. The level of oxygen in the blood and in the heart muscle, the brain increases, which increases the protective and restorative properties in the body.

Massage jars with a balloon are used for various ailments, in particular:

Medical banks

Medical banks- glass vessels with a rounded bottom and thickened edges with a capacity of 30-70 ml. The use of cans is common among many peoples. The first description of the use of cans refers to XVI century. The very procedure for setting cans is associated primarily with traditional medicine.

Standard medical jars

With the development of technology, the design of medical cups was supplemented with a balloon to create a vacuum, which made it possible to simplify the treatment procedure and avoid possible burns.

Operating principle

The medical jar, due to the vacuum created in it, sticks to the skin and, as is commonly believed, enhances lymph and blood circulation in the skin and deeper tissues and organs, which improves tissue nutrition, contributing, in turn, to faster resolution of inflammation. Also, it is assumed that such a massage increases muscle tone and elasticity, skin elasticity.

Efficacy and safety

To date, there is no scientific evidence in favor of any effectiveness of this procedure. Among doctors, there is now no consensus on the benefits or harms of this treatment method. When placing glass jars, minor skin damage and burns are likely to occur. When setting up medical vacuum cans with a PVC balloon, minor skin damage is possible if the vacuum is excessively applied.

Indications and contraindications

Methods for the use of cans that meet the criteria of scientificity have not been developed. Indications for cupping are usually determined by a doctor, but "self-treatment" with cups is also common. It is possible to single out the main diseases in which medical banks are traditionally used. These are inflammatory processes in the organs of the chest (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.), intercostal neuralgia, radiculitis, acute and chronic myositis. Contraindications to cupping are: pulmonary hemorrhage, pulmonary tuberculosis, malignant tumors, diseases and skin lesions, general exhaustion, fever, agitated state of the patient.

Setting medical glass jars (vacuum therapy)

Banks are placed on such parts of the body that are distinguished by a good muscle and subcutaneous fat layer (subclavian, subscapular, interscapular regions, etc.).

The following equipment is required for this procedure:

  • ethyl alcohol 70 ° (you can use Triple cologne);
  • medical banks;
  • matches;
  • forceps or tweezers (metal);
  • towel.

The patient lies on his stomach, turning his head to the side and clasping the pillow with both hands. A thin layer of Vaseline is applied to his back (or to another desired place). A wick is made (from cotton wool and forceps). The wick is wetted with alcohol, set on fire and placed in a jar for 0.5-1 s. Then the jar is applied to the skin (the flame fills the jar with warm gas, the pressure of which decreases when cooled to room temperature, and the skin is drawn into the jar, then acquiring a bright red or crimson color). The patient is covered with a towel / bedspread and a blanket and lies like this for 10-15 minutes. The jars are removed one by one by tilting the jar to the side and pressing the skin at the edge of the jar with a finger. After removing all the cans, the skin is wiped with cotton or gauze.

After vacuum therapy, the patient needs to lie down warmly covered for 20-30 minutes.

Cups for neck massage

Statement of medical vacuum jars (vacuum therapy) with a balloon

To date, the simplest procedure for vacuum therapy. For its implementation, only medical vacuum cans with a balloon and some neutral fats, such as petroleum jelly. The further procedure is identical to the vacuum therapy with glass jars without the use of fire. The PVC bladder allows you to regulate the internal vacuum in the can, thereby controlling the degree of vacuum generation and reducing pain. Cans are removed by lightly squeezing the balloon.

Cupping massage

Cupping massage, unlike static vacuum therapy, involves the performance of certain movements and the application of specific efforts to certain parts body.


Banks are medical device repeated application. Banks consist of two parts: a tank and a cylinder for creating a vacuum in the tank.

A set of massage jars of different diameters

Kinetic vacuum therapy - cupping massage:

  • the patient is in a supine or sitting position in a relaxed state;
  • lubricate the massaged surface with massage cream, sterile vegetable oil or vaseline;
  • before installing cans, check the surface adjacent to the patient's skin for cracks and chips.
  • One jar is installed, adjusting the vacuum force by compressing the balloon, while taking into account the sensitivity of the patient's skin, his age and physical state without causing severe pain.
  • With a suction jar, smooth sliding movements are made in the direction of the massage lines (shown in the figure), holding the jar by the glass reservoir.
  • To massage the area around the eyes and eyelids, an autohemotherapy technique is used, which consists in applying a jar to the skin for 2-5 seconds without moving it.
  • The frequency of cupping massage procedures is determined by the attending physician.
  • After the procedure, you must rest for at least 30 minutes in a warm room.

Therapeutic effects of cupping massage

  1. With osteochondrosis, sliding massage movements from waist to neck. Special attention give massage to zones located at a distance of 2-3 cm from the spinous processes of the spine. The movements are rectilinear, while the jar is moved upwards with effort so that a fold of skin “walks” in front of the jar, downward movements are effortless.
  2. At cervical osteochondrosis make movements with a jar along the cervical vertebrae. Particular attention should be paid to the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra (to find it, you need to tilt your head, feel cervical vertebrae, this will be the most protruding vertebra). The duration of the massage is 1-1.5 minutes. After that, the trapezius muscles are massaged from the head to the shoulders.
  3. For colds, bronchitis, pneumonia - massage the back from the lower corners of the shoulder blades to the shoulders, side surfaces chest, as well as from the xiphoid process of the sternum to the left and right shoulder. Under the influence of cupping massage, sputum is removed, breathing improves, body temperature decreases. After the end of the procedure, the patient should be wrapped in a blanket, given a glass of tea with lemon or raspberries.
  4. With myositis of the lumbar muscles, massage along the waist, with myositis of the muscles of the forearm - the muscles of the back of the neck and back. With lumbosacral sciatica - the lumbar region, and if the pain radiates to the leg, then the back surface of the leg from the popliteal fossa to the gluteal fold.
  5. With cellulite, cupping massage of the muscles of the thigh and buttocks is carried out. The movement of the jar is circular, zigzag, rectilinear (all types of movements 5-6 times). Under the influence of cupping massage, a mechanical rupture of fat cells occurs. To enhance the effect, lubricate the massaged surface with an anti-cellulite cream. Massage course - 1 month.
  6. In order to increase immunity in weakened, long-term ill patients, a technique is used, which consists in applying cans to the skin of the buttocks for 30–60 seconds in a high vacuum mode. Massage course - 10 days.
  7. Massage for injuries is used in the post-immobilization period to normalize blood and lymph flow, relieve pain, resolve edema, regenerate and repair tissues, and normalize redox processes. Massage begins to be done above the site of edema (reflex-distracting), gradually descending to areas adjacent to the affected area.


Pulmonary bleeding, active pulmonary tuberculosis, malignant and benign tumors, hemorrhagic diathesis, skin diseases and its sharp sensitivity, blood diseases, severe exhaustion of the patient, heart rhythm disturbances, hypertonic disease 3 degrees, high temperature. You can not put banks on the spine, on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart, kidneys and mammary glands in women. All procedures must be agreed with the attending physician.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

    I Banks medical cylindrical glass vessels with a thickened edge and an expanded hemispherical bottom, with a capacity of 30 70 ml (Fig.); are used to create temporary intradermal hyperemia with extravasation for the purpose of reflex therapy ... ... Medical Encyclopedia

    I Banks are special economic institutions that carry out: accumulation Money and savings, granting a loan, conducting cash settlements, issuing certain types money, the issue of securities and transactions with them and ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Banks- The sequence of the procedure for setting medical jars. The sequence of the procedure for setting medical jars: a - heating the air inside the jar; b - setting cans on the back of the patient; c - removal ... ... First health care- popular encyclopedia

    Banks: Banks medical (English fire cupping) Banks, Wilma American silent film actress of Hungarian origin. Banks, Donat inventor of the carburetor. See also Bank Bank ... Wikipedia

    Glass vessels with a volume of 30-70 ml with thickened smooth edges and an expanded semicircular bottom, designed to temporarily cause intradermal hyperemia by creating reduced pressure air over the corresponding area ... Big Medical Dictionary

    - "Mayonnaise jar" with a volume of 250 ml. A jar (jar) from under mayonnaise (mayonnaise jar) is a glass (usually) vessel in which mayonnaise was sold, and which can be used in different ways after the mayonnaise is no longer left in the jar. ... ... Wikipedia

Banks in medicine have been used for a long time. The Chinese were the first to use them; they believed that banks increase resistance to harmful effects, activate the circulation of blood and vital energy "qi". When the jar touches the patient's body, the skin is sucked in. This leads to an increase in blood flow to the area. Banks actively stimulate blood circulation, cell renewal, improve metabolism. Moreover, not only bronchitis and pneumonia were treated with this method. Cupping treatment was believed to help with headaches, pain in the abdomen, back, lower back, and joints. They were treated (and still are treated in Chinese medicine), cough, asthma and even diarrhea.

And today the so-called vacuum therapy is in fashion, which just uses jars of different sizes and configurations. They say that even ordinary mayonnaise, as well as half-liter and seven-hundred-gram containers are used (this is if treated at home). Proponents of vacuum therapy have no doubt that a variety of diseases can be cured with the help of cans: osteochondrosis, muscle spasms, sciatica, lumbago, bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma; diseases of the cardiovascular system, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, etc.

Doctor Pavel Mikhailichenko, who, in fact, developed and put into practice vacuum gradient therapy (a method of deep tissue study), says that these are not hematomas at all, but “blood effusion through the walls of blood vessels.” According to him, this “effusion” contains “not only blood elements, but also protein substrates of blood plasma, physiologically active substances such as histamine, prostaglandins, neurotransmitters, hormones, etc.” That is, “slags”, which are only removed in this way.

Moreover, by the color of the spots after the procedure, one can tell how far the disease has gone and how clogged with toxins the body is. You can also be treated with vacuum therapy at home (if we are not talking about complex diseases). Banks will help eliminate pain that occurs in the neck, back, lower back, with high blood pressure, insomnia, headache, overwork.

Of course, not everyone can bet banks. It is forbidden to do this in case of serious heart diseases (acute inflammatory processes in the myocardium, endocardium, pericardium, heart defects, hypertension of 3-4 degrees, myocardial infarction in the acute period, frequent attacks of angina pectoris, acute cardiovascular insufficiency); in acute infectious diseases, sclerosis and vascular thrombosis; with significant depletion of the body; loss of skin elasticity and a number of other diseases. That is, before you self-medicate, you need to consult a doctor.

Used to treat medical cups for a number of diseases bronchopulmonary system, with neuralgia and neuritis, with myositis, etc. Despite its former popularity and enough high efficiency, in recent medicine, jars are a rather original invention of ancient healers (mankind knew jars even before they knew glass; the first jars were made from the hollow horns of a large cattle) are used less frequently. This is probably due to the emergence of more and more effective and easier-to-use tools.

The mechanism of action of cans can be called twofold. On the one hand, medical banks have a pronounced distracting effect; they cause a rush of blood and lymph to a certain area of ​​the body, which cannot but improve the nutrition of this area, cannot but accelerate the process of resorption of inflammation, if any, in this area; in addition, the rush of blood warms the tissues, and we know that heat reduces pain. On the other hand, under the action of negative pressure, a skin area is sucked into the cavity of the jar and subcutaneous tissue; under the same negative pressure, many small blood vessels, having expanded extremely, they are torn, which leads to multiple small hemorrhages (the place where the medical jar stood is a purple spot due to small hemorrhages); we can consider these hemorrhages as a kind of autohemotherapy, stimulating the immune (defensive) forces of the body.

They put medical cups for treatment near the focus of inflammation, on areas of the skin under which subcutaneous fat and muscle layers are expressed, since in areas where there is bony prominences The banks just won't hold. In case of diseases of the bronchi and lungs (in pediatric practice, banks are used mainly for these diseases), banks are placed on the back - along the spinal column, under the shoulder blades, on the chest - under the collarbone and in the area of ​​​​the lung projection on the right; banks cannot be placed on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart.

Before being used for treatment, medical jars must first be prepared. They wash in warm water, rinsed in cold and carefully wiped dry, compiled on a tray. In addition to the cans themselves, for the procedure you will need a metal probe with threads or forceps (metal tongs with serrated inner surface branches), a little cotton wool, matches, a vial of alcohol, petroleum jelly (or vaseline oil, or any vegetable oil; turpentine ointment is quite suitable).

The patient should be placed on the stomach, applied to the skin very thin layer petroleum jelly or wipe the skin with a cotton swab soaked in vegetable oil (the greasy layer provides better adhesion of the jar to the skin); then with the left hand we take the probe with a cotton wool wrapped around it and soaked in alcohol, we light it, right hand we take a jar, quickly bring fire into the cavity of the jar and put the jar with the neck on the body - at the same time we see how the skin is immediately drawn into the jar; without wasting time, we put the second jar, the third, etc. - as much as necessary. After all the banks are placed, cover the patient with a blanket and wait 8-10 minutes. At this time, you can rub the soles with turpentine ointment; you need to rub actively - until you feel warmth in the palm of your hand; in combination with banks, rubbing the soles with turpentine ointment gives a good therapeutic effect- sometimes completely relieves cough ... After the specified time, we remove the cans one by one; this is done as follows: you need to press your finger on the skin near the edge of the jar - in this place the coupling of the jar with the skin is broken, air enters the cavity of the jar, the jar disappears by itself. When the banks are removed, the patient's skin is wiped with a dry towel and covered with a blanket. Banks can be placed every day.

Never use ether instead of alcohol. And it is recommended to moisten the cotton wool slightly with alcohol; if the cotton wool has absorbed too much alcohol, it is better to squeeze out the excess alcohol; otherwise, a drop of burning alcohol may fall off the cotton wool and cause a burn.

Banks can be placed in children every other day, two days later; better evening before going to bed so that the child sleeps immediately after the procedure.

Note that children have different attitudes towards banks. Small child may be frightened of the procedure, especially if he has not done this procedure before: everything looks very mysterious, and impressive, and unusual - shiny jars, a sparkling probe (or forceps), matches, fire, some excitement of parents, etc .; therefore, it is better to arrange everything so that the child does not see the actual procedure - the baby lies on his stomach, the mother distracts the child with conversations, and the father at this time does everything that is necessary. If a before dad did not have to put cans, he should try to put them on one of the adults, and after acquiring the skill, apply his skill in treating the child. not bad healing effect gives alternate use of cans and mustard plasters: today mom puts mustard plasters, tomorrow dad puts cans, etc.

A couple of decades ago, medical banks were widely used to treat colds. In our time, this method of dealing with these ailments is almost forgotten. BUT modern medicine This treatment is classified as a traditional medicine. Yes, and the opinions of doctors about their benefits diverged. For example, in America, banks have not been used or sold in pharmacies for about 20 years. Their doctors claim that in case of a cold, jars do not help cure the disease, but rather help the infection spread. American doctors sure that the use of medical cups for pneumonia can provoke a rupture of the lung tissue (pneumothorax). Of course, the degree of such risk is minimal, but it is better to prevent undesirable consequences than to fight them later, the Americans believe. In some countries, banks are successfully used even now.

Medical banks: benefits and harms

How effective is treatment with medical banks and what ailments continue to be treated with them in our country? Are banks really as bad as the Americans claim? Now let's try to deal with all this.

Our medical banks are not prohibited and anyone can use them. In pharmacies, you can buy their improved version - polymer massage jars. Although those who use this method treatments are inclined to conclude that the glass jars that our grandmothers used are more effective. But, nevertheless, modern vacuum cans are more convenient than their outdated counterpart. After all, their use does not require an open fire, so the possibility of getting a burn is excluded.

  1. Even the ancient Chinese used banks. They were sure that when applied, it activates Vital energy, increases the body's resistance to harmful bacteria and increases blood circulation.
  2. Medical cups, which are placed on the patient's body, pull the skin inward. Thus, blood flow is increased. Thus, blood circulation is stimulated, body cells are renewed, and metabolism is improved.
  3. With the help of medical cans, pneumonia and bronchitis, back pain, lower back are treated. In Asian countries, asthma and cough are still treated with the method.
  4. If a person is often sick colds or he is tormented by rheumatic pains, myositis and bronchitis, then the use of cans can improve the situation.
  1. After their application, round spots remain on the body.
  2. Cupping can be harmful if used to treat pneumonia
  3. If you put them in the presence high temperature, the result can be unpredictable.
  4. They are harmful if present. skin diseases on the body and neoplasms.

Banks are medical, application:

  1. Banks can be put in children already in the third year of life. But for people over 60, it is not recommended to use banks for treatment.
  2. For pain in the abdomen during menstruation, jars are recommended to be placed in the navel.
  3. On the outside their hips are placed if the sciatic nerve is inflamed.
  4. On the inside hip banks are placed in case of pain in the heels, with hernia and hemorrhoids.
  5. With the help of medical cups, you can restore regularity menstrual cycle, if you put them to the anus.
  6. If you feel heaviness in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids and eyebrows, itchy eyes or smells bad from the mouth, then you can get rid of these problems if you put the jars on the occipital cavity.
  7. Banks between the shoulder blades can ease the pain in the shoulders and head
  8. Banks placed under the knee will relieve shooting pains in it.
  9. With influenza, banks are placed in the chest area, avoiding the heart and stomach areas.
  10. For pain in the spine, they are placed on the back, but at the same time, the zones around the spine and shoulder blades are excluded.
  11. Put on the calves of the legs - will purify the blood and increase menstrual bleeding.
  12. For the throat, face and teeth, jars placed under the chin will benefit.

Important tips for using jars:

  1. To dampen the cotton, use alcohol in small amounts to avoid burns. Ether is not recommended.
  2. Banks are not advisable for small children under the age of 2 years.
  3. If it is not possible to remove the jar from the body easily, then you need to gently press the body near the edge of the jar with your hand to let the air in and everything will work out as it should.
  4. If you have been in a bath or sauna, then it is not recommended to use cans. But at night, before going to bed, it is best to put them.

If there are malignant or benign tumors in the body, then it is forbidden to put jars! Their use is also not recommended for pneumonia, bronchitis, acute laryngitis, tracheitis. And all because during their application, deep-lying tissues are involved, the so-called Kohn's pores and Lambert's canals in the lungs expand. In this case, pathogenic microbes can easily migrate through them. And increased blood flow contributes to the fact that the infection can freely capture all new parts of the body.

The use of cans is also contraindicated in:

  • skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, fungus, dermatitis, calluses, small wounds, purulent inflammations.
  • treatment with steroids
  • first trimester of pregnancy
  • decreased skin clotting
  • bleeding
  • high temperature
  • oncological diseases
  • hypertension
  • heart disease

Banks can be used only after the doctor has accurately established the diagnosis and determines if there are any contraindications for this procedure.