Why does body temperature rise and fall? Other causes of high fever

A child’s temperature indicates his illness, but what to do in a situation where the signs of hyperthermia periodically change. When the temperature rises, children feel discomfort, weakness, lethargy and decreased activity. Before starting treatment, it is imperative to determine the causes developing disease. In the material we will pay attention to the question of why children’s temperature “jumps”, as well as what this threatens.

Why children's temperature fluctuates: reasons

What causes temperature fluctuations in a child? Before answering this question, it should be noted that there are many reasons for this phenomenon, and to determine it, you will need to show the baby to a doctor. In babies, body temperature can vary throughout the day within certain limits, which is not at all a cause for concern. If the thermometer readings increase significantly, then measures must be taken. In children, the temperature rises mainly in evening time, after exposure to the sun, as well as after feeding and during active play.

Typically, as your child's temperature rises, they show signs of fatigue, irritability, and nervousness. Fluctuations in body temperature within the normal range of up to 37.4 degrees in children under the age of 1 year are absolutely acceptable, and in this case there is no need to provide assistance to the baby. For children over the age of three, the thermometer readings should have less discrepancy, as the child’s body adapts to environment. In this situation, changes (depending on the values) will indicate the development of certain diseases. Next, we will consider why the temperature in children fluctuates, and what is the provoking factor of the phenomenon.

To begin with, it should be noted that sudden changes in temperature in babies occur due to the following factors:

  • active games;
  • overheating of the body;
  • eating and overeating;
  • sleep and awakening;
  • experiences and stress.

As you can see, the child’s temperature fluctuates various reasons, but it can be noted that such fluctuations generally do not go beyond the norm, that is, up to 37.5 degrees. Other reasons why a child shows signs of temperature changes are due to the following factors:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the body. A change in thermometer readings throughout the day can be caused by infection entering the child’s body, resulting in inflammation. Typically, an abrupt change in temperature indicates that inflammatory processes occur in hidden form, which complicates the process of diagnosing the disease.
  2. Respiratory types of ailments. The reason why children's temperature changes may be respiratory diseases. These types of diseases occur due to the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the body. Respiratory ailments include: sore throat, colds, ARVI, influenza, measles, chickenpox.
  3. Teething. In infants, teething occurs with symptoms of fever. Moreover, parents can diagnose such differences quite often. You can determine the reasons why a child’s temperature may fluctuate using the following: additional features like excessive salivation and redness of the gums in oral cavity. Moreover, changes due to teething can be observed not only in one year old baby, but also in a child over 5 years of age. When teething, the thermometer readings can reach 38 degrees, and in some isolated cases up to 39, but in this case, you should definitely show the baby to a doctor in order to exclude the development of serious complications and inflammatory processes.
  4. Experiences and stress. Children already have early age changes occur due to a disorder of the nervous system. And not necessarily in children who have pathological abnormalities. Various stresses, experiences, and overexcitement lead to the fact that children’s thermometer readings may change. Stressful situations arise against the background of factors such as a change in social circles, moving to another city, frequent quarrels between parents, teaching a child to kindergarten and school. Observation of temperature changes in a child can be observed during a fright.

The above reasons are the main ones, but to clarify the signs of illness, you should definitely go to the hospital. The doctor will not only determine the cause, but also prescribe a course therapeutic treatment if necessary.

It is important to know! A fluctuating temperature may be due to food or chemical poisoning of the baby occurring in mild form. At severe poisoning The temperature rises and stays constant.

Consequences of temperature fluctuations

If for a long time remains high, the consequences of this phenomenon may not be the most pleasant for the baby. With hyperthermia over 39 degrees develop febrile seizures. If babies have problems with nervous system, convulsions can also occur when the thermometer readings are above 38 degrees.

It is important to know! It is necessary to bring down the temperature in children if the thermometer reading exceeds 38.5-39 degrees. In children with disorders, it is necessary to start giving antipyretics when readings are above 37.8-38 degrees in order to promptly prevent the development of seizures.

The consequences of a baby’s temperature jumping can be very diverse. If the cause of their appearance is teething in a 2-year-old child, then there will be no consequences at all if parents monitor the child’s hygiene. In the case of infectious diseases, the consequences will not be the most pleasant. It all depends on whether measures have been taken to eliminate the resulting symptoms. The danger of such ailments lies in the exacerbation of pathology, the development of gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory organs, as well as the spread of the disease to chronic form.

Features of reducing hyperthermia

If a child has a fever without symptoms long time, then you need to go to the hospital for help as soon as possible. If infants show sudden signs of hyperthermia rising to 38 degrees, then parents need to provide indoor comfortable conditions stay. To do this, you need to regularly ventilate the room, ensure humidity is at 75%, and the temperature is within 20-22 degrees. You should not wrap your child up if the room is warm, as this will not make him feel better.

With a slight increase in hyperthermia, it will be necessary to restore the fluid balance in the body. To do this, you need to regularly feed your baby with Regidron and homemade drinks: milk, juices, still water. In a child 1 year of age or younger, your local physician should be notified immediately of developing symptoms.

It is important to know! Parents should not worry if the second time measurements show an elevated temperature in a child under 3 years of age. These readings are acceptable, especially if measurements were taken after feeding or active play.

To say that the baby’s temperature is fluctuating, it must be measured correctly. In a child aged 3 years and older, measurements can be carried out using mercury thermometer. Electronic thermometers should be used in newborns from the first days of life. From the age of 2 months, the baby can measure the temperature in the ear canal, but with such measurements you should be very careful so as not to negatively affect the hearing organs.

Jumps in body temperature during the day can be caused by the physiological state of organs and systems, when the activation of their work is accompanied by an increase in temperature. During sleep, when the body is at rest, temperature indicators also decrease, so jumps in body temperature from 36 to 37 during the day in adults and children can be regarded as a variant of the norm.

Physiological conditions

In addition to sleep and wakefulness, fluctuations in body temperature during the day can be caused by other processes, such as:

  • overheat;
  • digestion process;
  • psycho-emotional arousal.
  • In all these cases, there may be a rise to low-grade fever. No correction is required in this case, since this increase is due to the physiological state of the body.

    The only exceptions can be those cases when hyperthermia is accompanied additional symptoms such as discomfort in the heart area, headache, the appearance of rash, shortness of breath, dyspeptic complaints. In these cases, it is necessary to consult with specialists, since hyperthermia can be a manifestation and allergic reaction, and vegetative-vascular dystonia, and endocrine disorders and etc.

    Causes of low-grade fever in women

    Temperature fluctuations during pregnancy are also due to physiological reasons. Due to the change hormonal levels Women during this period, due to increased production of progesterone, often experience an increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels. This is usually observed in the first trimester, but quite often throughout pregnancy. The danger when the temperature fluctuates during pregnancy can only be if there are additional complaints about the presence of catarrhal symptoms, dysuria, the appearance of abdominal pain, and rash. In these cases, consultation with specialists is required to rule out diseases caused by pathogenic agents, and prescribe the correct treatment.

    Changes in hormonal levels are also responsible for the presence of low-grade fever in a woman after ovulation. It is often accompanied by additional symptoms such as irritability, malaise, headache, increased appetite, and swelling. If such complaints disappear with the onset of menstruation, then additional examinations there is no need, a woman can feel calm, turning to a gynecologist only if her condition worsens.

    Body temperature also jumps during menopausal syndrome, also caused by changes in hormone production. Patients complain of hot flashes to the head, sweating, irritability, increased blood pressure, and irregularities in the heart area. The presence of such low-grade fever is not dangerous, but in combination with other complaints, in some cases it forces hormone replacement therapy.

    Hyperthermia in children

    In children, with their imperfect thermoregulation, temperature fluctuations during the day can be quite noticeable, and excessive wrapping of the child leads to hyperthermia as a result of overheating. In addition, the reasons for a jump in a child’s body temperature are often fear, prolonged crying, and excessive physical activity. The main guideline for the need to make some decisions in these cases is general state child. If there are no additional complaints, the child is active, with good appetite, parents can be calm and conduct thermometry at another time or better during sleep.

    In the absence of additional symptoms and examination, temperature fluctuations in a child under 5 years of age can be considered normal.


    In adolescents, the temperature may fluctuate due to thermoneurosis - a condition characterized by a rise in temperature to 37.5 after stress. Specify this pathology possible only by excluding more serious reasons for the development of hyperthermia. In doubtful cases, an aspirin test is indicated, which involves taking an antipyretic drug at a high temperature and monitoring its dynamics. If the values ​​are stable 40 minutes after taking the drug, we can speak more confidently about the presence of thermoneurosis. Treatment approaches in this case will consist of prescribing sedatives and general restorative procedures.

    The most common reasons when body temperature jumps in adults and children are:

    • infectious and purulent processes;
    • inflammatory diseases;
    • tumors;
    • injuries;
    • allergy;
    • autoimmune conditions;
    • endocrine pathology;
    • heart attacks;
    • hypothalamic syndrome.

    Exactly like this infectious processes, like tuberculosis or an abscess, are most often the causes of a condition when the body temperature jumps from 36 to 38 degrees. This is due to the pathogenesis of the disease. With the development of tuberculosis, fluctuations between morning and evening temperatures can reach several degrees. In severe cases, the temperature curve takes on a hectic shape. A similar picture is observed in purulent processes. The temperature rises to high levels, and when the infiltrate is opened, it drops to normal levels within a short time.

    Most other infectious and inflammatory processes occur with temperature fluctuations throughout the day. It is usually lower in the morning, rising in the evening.

    Exacerbation of such chronic processes as pharyngitis, sinusitis, pyelonephritis, adnexitis often occurs with an increase in temperature in the evening.

    Since hyperthermia in these cases is accompanied by the appearance of additional complaints, it is necessary to consult a specialist to conduct an examination and prescribe treatment for a specific disease. Antibiotic therapy, often prescribed for inflammatory diseases, will also help normalize the temperature.

    Hyperthermia caused by a tumor process, depending on the location of the process, can occur in different ways, causing jumps in body temperature, or persist for a long time at a constant low-grade level. To clarify the diagnosis in this case it is necessary comprehensive examination, including laboratory diagnostics, instrumental and hardware methods. A timely, accurate diagnosis can contribute to more effective treatment. These same approaches take place in hematology, where temperature fluctuations may be due to various forms leukemia, anemia.

    Common causes of fluctuations in body temperature are pathology endocrine system. With thyrotoxicosis occurring with hyperfunction thyroid gland, the reason for contacting an endocrinologist should be the presence of additional symptoms, such as weight loss, irritability, tearfulness, the presence of tachycardia, and interruptions in heart function. The prescribed examination, in addition to general clinical tests, ECG, and ultrasound of the organ, includes a study of the level of thyroid hormones, which allows for diagnosis and prescribing the correct treatment.

    Principles of treatment

    Approaches to the treatment of conditions accompanied by hyperthermia in children and adults are similar. They consist in the fact that in order to prescribe treatment it is necessary to find out the cause of the development of these symptoms. To do this, if elevated temperature body, it is necessary to examine the patient. After confirmation of the diagnosis, treatment is prescribed directly for the specified pathology. Depending on the situation, this may include antibiotic therapy, antiviral drugs, anti-inflammatory, hormone therapy, antihistamines, general strengthening measures, etc.

    As for the prescription of antipyretics, the approach to their prescription is as follows.

    Since the increase in temperature is defense mechanism, allowing the body to fight pathogenic agents faster and more effectively, then the prescription of antipyretic drugs is incorrect if the body temperature does not exceed the threshold of acceptable values.

    Typically, antipyretic drugs are prescribed when the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees. In children this threshold may be lower. According to Dr. E.O Komarovsky, if a child’s temperature fluctuates, then first you need to try to lower it in two ways:

    1. Drinking plenty of fluids helps increase sweating and, therefore, the possibility of heat transfer.
    2. Providing cool air in the room. This will lead to the need to warm the inhaled air, giving off heat.

    Typically, the measures taken make it possible to lower the temperature by 0.5-1 degrees, which leads to an improvement in the patient’s well-being in the case of colds or makes it possible to wait for the results of the examination and receive the correct treatment for the detected pathology. These principles are relevant for treatment of the adult population.

    Based on the above, temperature jumps can be observed as physiological conditions body, as well as in pathological ones. In order to confirm that hyperthermia in this case is not dangerous, it is necessary to exclude the pathological nature of this symptom. To do this, if the temperature rises over several days, you need to consult a specialist and undergo an examination. When identifying pathogenic agent treatment should be prescribed based on the updated diagnosis.

    Reduced body temperature in an adult often occurs due to individual characteristics the body and does not pose any harm to health. But more often hypothermia is evidence of the development of processes pathological nature. To return the indicators to normal, it is important to identify the main cause that provoked a sharp decline meanings.

    Long lasting low temperature body indicates the development of the disease

    What body temperature is considered low in adults?

    The indicator changes throughout the day, both for men and women - in the morning it is slightly lower than the usual value, and in the evening, on the contrary, it begins to increase. For a healthy adult, a temperature below 36 degrees for a long time is low.

    Why is low temperature dangerous?

    Low temperature poses a danger to the body and leads to deterioration in performance:

    • brain;
    • vestibular apparatus;
    • metabolic processes;
    • nervous system;
    • hearts.

    If body temperature drops critically below 32 degrees, a person may fall into a coma. Lack of timely medical assistance increases the risk of death.

    Why is body temperature lowered?

    Unstable temperature occurs due to the influence of external and internal factors.

    Causes Symptoms
    External factors Internal factors
    severe hypothermia weakened immune system headache, general weakness, chills, severe loss of energy, drowsiness, nausea, trembling or numbness of the limbs
    stress or shock poisoning by toxic or noxious substances
    busy work schedule exhaustion of the body
    drinking excessive amounts of alcohol lack of vitamins and microelements
    lack of rest and proper sleep the presence of burns and other skin injuries that stimulate the dilation of blood vessels
    following a strict diet, fasting long uncontrolled reception antidepressants, tranquilizers or sedatives
    A temperature below 35.5 degrees in a person is one of the symptoms of certain diseases.


    A decrease in temperature is observed with a cold due to severe hypothermia. It is necessary to warm up the room, lie down in bed and place a heating pad under your feet. To avoid causing further harm to health, rubbing with alcohol or vinegar is prohibited. With ARVI, as a result of severe exhaustion of the patient’s body, a drop in body temperature and tachycardia is observed.

    If you have a cold, be sure to warm your feet, for example with a heating pad.

    Vegetovascular dystonia

    In addition to a decrease in temperature, it is characterized by general weakness, migraine, sudden surges in blood pressure, nausea and dizziness. You should go through , and .

    With vegetative-vascular dystonia, frequent migraine attacks are observed


    In case of poisoning, intoxication of the body occurs, which leads to severe dehydration, weakness and a decrease in body temperature. Deterioration of the condition causes convulsions, decreased blood pressure and loss of consciousness. Needed in as soon as possible call a doctor who, depending on the severity of the condition, will prescribe necessary treatment or take the patient to the hospital. Before the doctor arrives, it is recommended to drink still water, green tea and dried fruit compote.

    A decrease in hemoglobin in the blood and a decrease in the number of red blood cells leads to oxygen starvation, and, as a result, a decrease in temperature, deterioration in performance, and severe pallor of the skin.

    With anemia, body temperature decreases

    Subsequently, the tongue becomes inflamed, a craving for unusual tastes such as raw meat occurs, and hair and nails become brittle. There is a general feeling of weakness and chilliness in the limbs. Treatment should be selected after testing your hemoglobin level.

    Pathology of the adrenal glands

    The condition is characterized by symptoms such as abdominal pain, frequent dizziness, heart failure, vomiting and loss of consciousness - treatment is required under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

    Frequent pain in the abdominal area indicates pathology of the adrenal glands

    Liver failure

    Leads to disruption of thermoregulation and lack of glycogen. The main symptoms are loss of appetite, sudden weight loss, nausea, memory loss, and the appearance of a yellowish tint. skin. Diagnosis is carried out using biochemical analysis blood and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

    If you have liver problems, your skin will turn yellow.

    Endocrine system diseases

    At diabetes mellitus noted frequent urination, severe thirst and dry mouth, numbness of the limbs, weight loss, increased appetite. Disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland are accompanied by a malfunction water-salt balance, which leads to jumps in value - after high temperature, after some time, a low rate is noted. Symptoms such as dry skin, causeless weight gain, constipation and severe swelling are also noted.

    You should be tested for blood sugar levels and thyroid hormone levels.

    With diseases of the endocrine system, limbs swell

    Viral and bacterial infections

    Work after illness immune system normalizes gradually; as recovery progresses, loss of strength and hypothermia are observed. main feature– during the day the indicator remains at 37 degrees and above, and in the evening it drops to 35, which is accompanied by heavy sweating and drowsiness. On average, this condition lasts up to 2 weeks.

    Viral pathologies are characterized by severe sweating


    The presence of benign or malignant neoplasms leads to impaired coordination of movements, decreased temperature, headaches and a constant feeling of cold in the extremities. We need to do a computed tomography scan.

    Carrying a child

    In women during pregnancy, the indicator is lower than normal - similar condition, in the absence of pain and deterioration of health, does not mean the presence of pathologies and does not require the help of a doctor.

    A decrease in body temperature during pregnancy is normal.

    There is a decrease in the indicator before the onset of menstruation or during menopause.

    Some people have congenital hypothermia - this means that for them low temperature is considered normal and does not lead to a feeling of discomfort.

    What to do at low temperatures

    To combat unstable temperatures, make changes to your usual lifestyle:

    1. Do exercises daily and take cold and hot shower. Go to bed in a pre-ventilated room.
    2. Keep your daily diet balanced and drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Eat dark chocolate, drink strong coffee, raspberry tea or warm milk with honey.
    3. Take vitamins to strengthen your immune system. Give up alcohol and cigarettes.
    4. Pay more attention to rest, avoid lack of sleep, overexertion and severe stress.
    5. Regularly maintain normal body temperature. Choose the right clothes so that they are not too hot or too cold.
    6. Refuse admission medical supplies without a doctor's prescription.

    You can increase the temperature using foot baths - in a container with warm water 5 drops should be added eucalyptus oil or 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder. Do the procedure for half an hour several days in a row.

    Described A complex approach It will help cleanse the body of toxins, dilate blood vessels, normalize metabolic processes and stimulate blood circulation. After the procedures, it is necessary to take temperature measurements again - if the indicator reaches permissible value, it is recommended to monitor the condition for several days. If your temperature rises or falls, you should be examined by a doctor.

    When to call an ambulance

    You should call a doctor if:

    • the patient has a dangerously low temperature, which led to loss of consciousness;
    • after acceptance necessary measures, the indicator continues to fall;
    • a low value was detected in an elderly person, while his health is deteriorating;
    • a decrease in temperature is accompanied frequent vomiting, excessive sweating, suffocation, severe pain, bleeding, too high or low blood pressure, impaired visual and auditory function.

    If the temperature drops to 34 degrees, a heart attack may develop, severe intoxication of the body, anaphylactic shock or internal bleeding- absence medical care may lead to death.

    You should be attentive to your health, there are many reasons for the appearance of hypothermia - an incorrect diagnosis, and incorrectly selected treatment will cause significant harm to the body.

    Sometimes parents notice that their child’s temperature rises and falls. With what it can be connected?

    Before looking for the cause of an increase in body temperature, it is necessary to determine the range of its fluctuations.

    In adults and children over two years of age, thermometer readings of 35.8–37.0 degrees are considered normal. It's about about measuring temperature in armpit. With rectal thermometry, these numbers increase by an average of 0.5–0.7 degrees.

    In children under two years of age, the temperature can reach 37.2 degrees, and this is also a variant of the norm. However, most parents are not aware of this and in such a situation rush to show the baby to the doctor. Sometimes pediatricians also perceive the number 37.2 as a sign of illness.

    If during the day the thermometer shows different meanings, but they fall within the normal age range, you need to leave the child alone. If after sleep his temperature is 35.9 degrees, and after a walk the temperature rises to 37.0, there is no talk of any pathology.

    Thermoregulation in childhood is still imperfect, so sharp fluctuations in this indicator are quite acceptable. But if the temperature rises above 37.0 (37.2 degrees in children), you need to think about visiting a doctor.

    Typically this situation is associated with the following conditions:

    • Overheating, increased physical activity.
    • Post-infectious subfebrile condition.
    • Outbreaks chronic infection.
    • Thermoneurosis.
    • Infectious diseases.


    Overheating in childhood is not uncommon. This is especially common in infants. Parents are afraid that the child will freeze while walking or sleeping and try to dress him as warmly as possible.

    Due to imperfect thermoregulation, this leads to an increase in temperature. If you measure it on a flushed, sweaty baby, the thermometer may show 37.3–37.5 degrees.

    This low-grade fever is not infectious. It quickly goes away on its own when it normalizes temperature regime. Parents should learn to dress their children like themselves or with one less layer of clothing. This will help avoid overheating.

    Transient hyperthermia can also occur with excessive physical activity. In children, outdoor games, running and jumping are very energy-consuming and are accompanied by the release of large quantity heat.

    If you measure the temperature at this time, it is often elevated, but quickly decreases with rest and quiet games. Also, the thermometer may rise above 37 degrees in a sweaty child, before this procedure axillary area should be wiped dry.

    Post-infectious low-grade fever

    Sometimes after acute respiratory viral infection, flu or other colds, the baby remains low-grade fever for a long time. During the day, body temperature rises to 37.3–37.5 degrees and then drops. Previously, pediatricians called this phenomenon a temperature plume or “tail.” Post-infectious low-grade fever is associated with the influence of viruses on the hypothalamic-pituitary system and the development of astheno-neurotic syndrome after certain diseases (for example, influenza).

    Since the child's thermoregulatory mechanism is imperfect, it can restore its function within two to four weeks. At the same time, the baby feels good. Parents can only note the following symptoms:

    • Slight weakness.
    • Fatigue.
    • Low-grade fever 37.3–37.5 degrees.

    If, upon examination by a doctor, no signs of illness are detected and all tests are normal, there is no need to worry. Body temperature will soon return to normal on its own.

    Foci of infection

    A rise in temperature and its normalization can occur if the child has chronic foci of infection. Typically these are the following diseases:

    • otitis;
    • tonsillitis;
    • pharyngitis;
    • adenoiditis;
    • advanced caries.

    More often in such a situation, a constant low-grade fever is observed, but temperature fluctuations can also occur. A child with foci of chronic infection should definitely be shown to an otolaryngologist and dentist to clarify the diagnosis and sanitize the organs.

    It is often noted moderate changes V general analysis blood – slight leukocytosis and increased ESR.

    Untreated foci of infection contribute to frequent relapses chronic diseases and worsen the child’s health.


    Thermoneurosis is the most common reason low-grade fever. It may be caused by past illnesses, stress, chronic viral diseases, intensive growth of the child, increased loads At school.

    The distinctive symptom of thermoneurosis is slight increase temperature that cannot be controlled by taking antipyretics.

    With this pathology, the thermometer never exceeds the threshold of 38 degrees; more often it fluctuates between 37.3–37.5 degrees. However, children have no symptoms infectious disease– runny nose, cough, rash.

    A drop in temperature is often observed when the baby gets carried away interesting activity, sports, games, normalization of sleep and rest. Sometimes the lungs can help sedatives– for example, herbal mixtures, valerian extract.

    Although thermoneurosis is very common in children, parents should be aware that this is a diagnosis of exclusion. Before installing it, you need to comprehensively examine the child so as not to miss a serious illness.

    Infectious diseases

    Some infectious diseases may appear as a wave-like flow. This is typical, for example, for adenovirus infection, Epstein–Barr virus.

    In this case, children will experience headaches, fatigue, abdominal pain, increased lymph nodes. If chronic persistence of the virus and associated temperature fluctuations are suspected, the pediatrician will refer the patient to a consultation with an infectious disease specialist and an immunologist.

    Tuberculosis and tuberculosis intoxication can also occur with erased clinical picture, minor cough. The main symptoms will be fluctuations low-grade fever, weakness, lack of appetite, weight loss.

    A classic disease in which regular rises in temperature to high numbers are observed is malaria. Attacks of fever usually occur on the third or fourth day of illness, depending on its type, and are self-limiting.

    Malaria is rare in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries, but isolated cases of the disease are registered annually. That is why doctors should always remember the possibility of this infectious pathology when sharp jumps temperature. The diagnosis can be confirmed by examining a thin smear and a thick drop of blood.

    Many parents observed jumps in their baby’s body temperature within one day. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to notice such changes in a child’s body. For example, a baby can be active and cheerful in the morning. But, after 2-3 hours, the baby is looking for a place to lie down, he becomes lethargic, passive, his eyes begin to shine, and a suspicious blush appears on his cheeks. Why does a child's temperature fluctuate?

    The reason for this change is not always clear to parents, so they begin to panic. But you shouldn't do this! We'll explain why later. Now let’s look in more detail at the question of why a child’s temperature fluctuates throughout the day for no apparent reason.

    The temperature is jumping - the opinion of pediatricians

    First, let’s find out what pediatricians say about this. In their opinion, the most compelling reason is the inflammatory process that occurs in the child’s body in a latent form. Sometimes, jumps in body temperature are observed with ARVI, sore throat, inflammatory process internal organs and so on. But when it comes to babies, this is most often the most natural process that we look forward to from the moment of birth - the eruption of the first tooth.

    Although in fairness it should be noted that jumps in body temperature can be caused by simple overheating of the baby. Therefore, you should not wrap your baby in warm weather. Make sure your child is comfortable.
    When it comes to preschoolers, the cause of this pathological phenomenon may even be stress or long walks in the hot sun. Children's body loses a lot of fluid, so the body reacts to this in its own way.

    The main task of parents is to correctly recognize the symptoms, be aware of the limits of normal body temperature, and in no case panic. Maintaining calm and a sober mind, as well as not getting sick after the child is the main task of parents. A unique herbal mixture can help with this, which will put your nerves in order and increase your immunity.

    Psycho-emotional state of the child

    Each person is an individual, with his own character, behavior patterns and immunity to diseases. Therefore, everyone has the right to their own individual body temperature. How to correctly recognize your baby's normal temperature? You just need to measure his body temperature throughout the day - before bed, during sleep, after waking up. However, you should keep in mind that body temperature will differ significantly if the baby is scared, crying or too wrapped up in a blanket.

    The baby’s cheeks turned purple, the father measures the temperature, and it’s already 38.2. Naturally, he calls the doctor and asks qualified assistance for your child.
    Luckily, my mother managed to return home in time and take control of the situation. Her calm behavior, pleasant and gentle voice, tactful examination of the throat and leading questions in a humorous manner calmed the baby. After making sure that her baby was healthy, she cheerfully explained to him that dad was joking and the baby was completely healthy. She invited him to play on the carpet with his favorite toys. After 5 minutes, the temperature subsided, and by the time the doctor arrived, the child was calmly playing on the floor.

    We conclude: first of all, it plays a big role psychological factor. Never panic around your child - this will not only prevent you from causing a rise in temperature, but will also protect his psycho-emotional state.

    Remember that in different time A child's temperature varies throughout the day. If in the morning the indicator is 36.6, then by 16.00 the temperature peak occurs - up to 37.2. The boundary state is 38 degrees, after which action must be taken.

    There are also cases when, after bronchitis or inflammation, there are low-grade fevers. This is a completely harmless condition that does not pose any danger. However, if such a condition occurs in the baby’s life, then as soon as the body temperature returns to normal, repeated tests should be taken.

    Fluctuations in temperature in newborns require increased caution. In infants, the temperature can rise in a matter of minutes. Therefore, waiting until it goes off scale is not recommended in this case. You need to take adequate measures, especially since many are available today effective drugs, which perfectly relieve fever.

    What does the famous pediatrician doctor Komarovsky recommend? In his opinion, children can easily tolerate temperatures up to 38.5, so he does not recommend lowering it. He explains his statements by saying that if you lower the temperature artificially, then we weaken and defensive reaction a baby who has just begun to fight the virus.

    If parents observe that the child’s temperature is too high, or they observe its fluctuations, then the baby must be shown to a doctor who will help determine the source of this behavior of the body and eliminate the cause.


    If the baby’s body temperature often rises and falls, then parents should show concern and tell the doctor about it at the next appointment. The pediatrician will definitely send the baby for tests. If, after receiving the results, the doctor just shrugs, because your baby is completely healthy, and the situation is not improving, then you should show the child to a neurologist. Most likely, the doctor will diagnose thermoneurosis. What it is? The well-known pediatric neurologist– Igor Voronov.

    With thermoneurosis, the body temperature does not rise above 37.5. This is often preceded by the child’s fatigue, unpleasant conflicts in the family, or physical trauma. The doctor gives the example of his patient, a first-grader whose temperature rose in the morning when he had to go to school. But at the same time, on weekends it remained within the normal range. After a thorough examination of the child, making sure that he was not pretending in any way, the doctor diagnosed him with thermoneurosis. This is the body's response to stressful situations. In the same way, some people may experience increased heart rate, increased arterial pressure or headache. This is how the body reacts to stress.

    How to determine that a child has thermoneurosis. Dr. Voronov recommends measuring body temperature several times a day and at night. As a rule, in children with thermoneurosis, the body temperature at night will be within normal limits. Whereas during the day physical activity rise to 37.5.

    At the same time, the doctor admits that sometimes he makes the diagnosis of thermoneurosis with caution for the reason that the next time the temperature rises, the parents may decide that high rate For their baby, this is the norm and they will miss the first symptoms of an acute illness. Therefore, if you observe fluctuations in your child’s temperature, be sure to control the situation, remaining completely calm. Watch your baby carefully so as not to miss the first signs of illness.