Febrile seizures in children at a temperature: how to recognize and what to do? Convulsions in a child: symptoms, treatment and prevention.

If a child begins to have seizures, it means that the nervous system has been damaged. Seizures are usually observed in children with epilepsy. This phenomenon in children can appear at different periods of life and depends on a variety of reasons. Toddlers are more likely to have seizures than older children. age category.

The progression of the disease can be provoked by causes, pathologies of the fetus in the womb, and a few months after the birth of the baby. Premature babies are more likely to have seizures. Visit immediately at the first symptoms medical institution to prescribe the correct treatment.

In children, especially premature ones, the excitability threshold of the central nervous system is low, the brain is not mature enough, and there is a strong tendency to convulsive muscle contractions. Non-epileptic convulsive reactions are common. The formation of convulsive reactions in infants can be the result of trauma during childbirth, a manifestation of abnormalities in the central nervous system, and prematurity of the fetus. Furthermore, convulsions may be the result of unsuccessful vaccination.

Causes of seizures in a child:

  • chronic or acute form brain diseases;
  • seizures in babies up to a year old, even in sleep, can occur as a result of toxic damage to the brain;
  • manifestation as side effect endocrine disorders;
  • cramps during sleep occur as a result of increased high temperature body;
  • convulsions as a reaction to vaccination;
  • convulsive syndrome occurs as a result of a strong fright, the baby may turn blue or lose consciousness;
  • disturbed mineral and carbohydrate metabolism, there is a decrease in the blood of sodium, magnesium, glucose, calcium, the work of the parathyroid glands is disturbed;
  • medication can be traced in children whose mothers are sick.



Tonic convulsive manifestations (tonic seizures) - a long contraction of the muscles of the arms, legs, in which there is a freezing of the arms and legs in a bent or unbent position. The body of the baby during a tonic seizure is stretched, the head is thrown back, there is a loss of consciousness. Muscle contractions are formed slowly, but last a long time. The appearance of a tonic form signals an overexcitation of brain structures.


Clonic convulsive manifestations - there is a dynamic muscle contraction, uncontrolled chaotic movement of the arms, legs and torso. Tonic-clonic clonic seizures are often observed during sleep in the prone position. There is a combination of symptoms of tonic and clonic seizures.


Febrile seizures in children - a form of the disease progresses in children under the age of 6 years. The reason is an increase in body temperature. There are seizures that have not previously manifested. Important factorgenetic predisposition baby to convulsive phenomena. As a result of the febrile form of seizures, an external detachment from the world occurs, loss of consciousness, the baby turns blue and holds its breath. Febrile convulsions in children are accompanied by disorientation, the patient does not understand anything and slowly comes to his senses.


Respiratory-affective convulsions - sudden manifestations occur as a result of a transferred baby a large number emotions. This form occurs in the age category from 6 months to 3 years, especially in premature babies, convulsions can occur during sleep in the prone position.


The causes of the formation of epileptic seizures are the formation of strong neural discharges in the cerebral cortex. have the following symptoms: the work of the arms and legs is disturbed, the muscles are reduced, the sensitivity is lost, the mental and mental function, loss of consciousness. Epileptic seizures are the most terrible, especially at night. The consequences are varied: injuries, a bitten off tongue.


If the child has seizures, symptoms are easy to recognize: the head is thrown back, arms and legs are stretched forward. The baby loses consciousness, clenching his teeth and rolling his eyes - everything happens involuntarily, often while sleeping on his stomach. Sometimes there is the appearance of foam on the lips. The whole body is tense, twitches are observed in the arms and legs. The child develops cyanosis of the lips, involuntary emptying may occur. After convulsive phenomena, the baby looks sleepy, tired, cannot explain what happened.

  • Interesting to read:

Symptoms of a typical generalized seizure occur abruptly, suddenly, are possible during sleep on the stomach. Signs: there is a floating movement of the eyeballs, loss of contact with the outside world.

Seizure time up to 20 seconds. There is a slowdown in the pulse, the baby can bite his tongue, breathing stops, there is a loss of consciousness. Tonic attacks last no more than one minute and are replaced by the restoration of consciousness. The consequences can be dire Small child may injure himself.

Clonic seizures begin with the fact that reduces the muscles of the face, then reduces the muscles of the arms and legs. Clonic seizures are characterized by noisy rapid breathing, loss of consciousness.

Clonic seizures are different duration, with repetitions. After the restoration of consciousness has occurred, the spasm of the arms, legs, face has passed, the baby falls asleep. Desirable urgent care specialist and the appointment of treatment, because clonic seizures are very dangerous. Untimely assistance can lead to death.

tetanic attack characterized by the fact that it reduces the muscles of the arms, legs, the attack occurs with painful sensations. The probability of occurrence at night while sleeping on the stomach is high.

Spasm time 10 - 15 seconds. Symptoms are pronounced, the cause is overexcitation during the day or a high temperature during the disease. Tetanic seizures are observed in children under the age of 2 years, especially in preterm infants.

In the process of active growth, the newborn may experience leg cramps. As soon as the first symptoms appear, and you do not know what to do, you need to seek help from a doctor. Urgent care is required and treatment is prescribed exclusively by qualified specialists.


Different types of epileptic seizures have the following symptoms:

  • Generalized tonic-clonic. Symptoms of the clonic stage are a sharp loss of consciousness, the patient falls, arms and legs twitch. Then there is a tonic stage - the body tenses up, a cry. The tonic stage lasts no more than 20 seconds. Generalized types of seizures occur as a result of lack of sleep. Generalized seizures are characterized by a fall muscle tone. In time, it lasts from 10 seconds. Often occur during sleep on the stomach.
  • Absences. The causes of this type of epileptic seizure are the formation of epidischarges localized in the occipital zone. There is a violation of consciousness, a slight twitching of the arms and legs.
  • Myoclonus. Felt in the legs swipe, reduces the body. Sometimes there is muscle twitching. The time of this type of attack is from 1 to 15 seconds.
  • Final attacks. In children, they are extremely rare, but very dangerous. Possible high temperature.
  • focal. The reason why a focal attack occurs is the formation of epidischarges in the occipital zone. The patient sees hallucinations, "butterflies" are felt in the stomach, heard, voices and music are varied. There is tingling in the legs, hands go numb.


When diagnosing an attack, qualified specialists are primarily interested in hereditary factor, find out why an attack occurred, what ailments were previously transferred during the gestation period, whether there were pathologies during the period labor activity or childbirth. It is determined in what period and what provoked convulsive seizures, the amount of time between seizures.

To determine the cause of spasms, the child needs to undergo a detailed neurological and somatic examination. Delivery is due general analysis blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid.

Electroencephalography is also scheduled. An examination of the fundus is practiced, which allows you to find certain pathologies in children. If necessary, small patients are prescribed the passage computed tomography and spinal puncture.


First aid

As soon as the parents notice the onset of an attack, emergency care is needed in the form of an ambulance call. Waiting for the medics, start active actions, no panic. Timely help can save a child's life.

  1. The child is relieved of tight clothing.
  2. Lay on a flat, not soft surface on its side. If it does not work out on its side, the head turns to the side.
  3. Provides airway patency.
  4. Clean the mouth so that the baby does not bite the tongue, put something hard between the teeth.
  5. Provides access to fresh air.

When the spasm occurred during the period nervous excitement crumbs, a calm atmosphere is created. There is a reflex recovery of breathing. It is necessary to sprinkle water on the child, gently press on the root of the tongue with a spoon, bring cotton wool with ammonia. Gently pat on the cheeks, after bringing to life a sedative medicine is given. Valerian will be enough, dosage based on the age of the child: 1 drop for one year.

With febrile convulsions in children, urgent measures are taken to help lower the body temperature. The baby is given an antipyretic, you can do a rubdown with vinegar.

Do not take your eyes off the little patient until the convulsions have passed. If the attack does not go away, moreover, pallor occurs skin, bluish lips - the use of vinegar is prohibited. Most dangerous attacks- at night, while sleeping on your stomach, as there may not be anyone nearby.

After giving a small patient the first medical care hospitalized in the neurological department of the hospital. Treatment is prescribed as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed. Doctors prescribe treatment for the baby in the form of anticonvulsant medications, massages and thermal procedures are prescribed.


Medications are prescribed to improve performance metabolic processes body. If seizures occur intermittently, treatment is urgently needed. In the worst case, swelling of the brain will occur, breathing will be disturbed. If the weather is hot, keep an eye on water balance baby, don't get dehydrated. To improve blood circulation, treatment is necessary in the form of alternating a hot compress with a cold one on the affected areas. Do not ignore the rise in temperature, you need to do something. If the temperature is high, give antipyretic syrups.

If it is impossible to diagnose the disease at the moment, treatment is carried out in the form symptomatic therapy with the help of medications that help block convulsive paroxysm.

Treatment is aimed at restoring normal breathing, reducing the excitability of the central uneven system. What to do? It is impossible to stop the attack that has begun, to reduce the time of the attack, to alleviate the symptoms - all that can help the child.

Temperature in children under 6 years old can be accompanied by a very unpleasant and frightening phenomenon - convulsions. This happens about 5% of the time. At the sight of this, many parents panic, thinking that convulsions can threaten the life of the baby.

However, are spasms at a temperature in young children really that dangerous? How to determine why this happened, and what to do if convulsions appear at a high temperature? Is it necessary to see a doctor? For this you need to understand real reason seizures at a temperature: knowing this issue will help identify the danger to the health of the baby, if any.

The reasons

Spasmodic seizures during hyperthermia are also called febrile convulsions. At what temperature do seizures start in a child? They begin at temperatures above 38 ºС. In some cases, they also occur at temperatures below this.

Hyperthermia with convulsive manifestations is caused by colds, respiratory tract infections, and anything that can cause a feverish state. Sometimes it can even be teething.

The main cause of seizures in the background high temperature in children younger age- imperfection of the nervous system. The child's body is still developing, and therefore the processes of excitation in the brain are stronger than the processes of inhibition. Spasms are the result of corresponding processes in the cerebral cortex.

One contributing factor is heredity.. If relatives, especially parents, had a similar body reaction to temperature in childhood, this increases the predisposition to such manifestations in their children. The presence of epilepsy in one of the close relatives also affects.

Febrile seizures in children under 6 years of age are not a disease. This is a feature of the children's nervous system, and it does not cause harm to health.

Do not immediately think that the baby has epilepsy. It is diagnosed in only 2% of children with febrile seizures. However, if you experience this phenomenon, consult a doctor to rule out the risk of serious diseases.

If a spasms with hyperthermia are observed in children over 6 years old - this is an alarming sign.

Details about the causes of seizures, when they may appear:

The most affordable antipyretic is and the instructions for use will help to stop the temperature rise in time.

Can be used as a syrup for very crumbs Ibuprofen: instructions for use for children and other aspects of its administration - c.

Sometimes, as an antipyretic, the doctor prescribes Nurofen syrup, dosage for children and precautions -.

Seizures can manifest themselves as a number of diseases:

Symptoms and signs

Seizures are easily recognizable. They manifest themselves differently depending on the type, but they are difficult to confuse with something else.

Here are their main types:

  • Local- they are characterized by twitching of the limbs and rolling of the eyes. Such spasms capture individual muscle groups.
  • tonic- they act on the whole body, therefore they are accompanied by unnatural tension, flexion or straightening of the limbs, which are replaced by twitching of body parts.
  • Atonic- the opposite of tonic spasms, expressed in complete relaxation of all muscles, sometimes accompanied by involuntary urination or defecation.

During spasms, the baby does not respond to external influences, he can hold his breath, look away. Sometimes the baby's skin even turns blue. In some cases, he loses consciousness.

Typically, muscle contractions last no more than 15 minutes. Attacks can be repeated several times.

How to recognize febrile spasms and distinguish them from others

Sometimes the described phenomenon can still be confused with others. For example, depending on the nature of the convulsions, with twitching in sleep or an epileptic fit.

This phenomenon occurs only with hyperthermia. If your child is under 6 years old and you are experiencing these symptoms, it is most likely febrile convulsions, because of all children suffering from convulsive phenomena, only 2% are sick with epilepsy.

Sometimes attacks begin in a dream. If you notice that in a dream at a temperature the child has cramps in the legs or arms, he twitches his limbs or arches his body, wake him up. If the baby does not immediately respond to your actions, does not hear you and is as if unconscious, then these are febrile convulsions. After that, he may complain of pain or not be able to explain what happened at all.

To know if a son or daughter suffers from epilepsy, you need to do an electroencephalogram. Only on the basis of the results of this procedure can a diagnosis be made.

How convulsions look and manifest at a high temperature in an infant or an older child, the video will show:

Possible consequences

Febrile convulsions that occurred in early childhood, do not affect the future life and health of a person. The only danger that may arise is spasmodic phenomena in children after 6 years of age.

They can lead to underdevelopment of the nervous system in the future. The chance of developing epilepsy is very low.

During spasmodic attacks, the baby can injure himself or hit himself hard. This can lead to injury, so you should take action during an attack.

First aid

In case of convulsions, call ambulance. Before her arrival, lay the baby on a straight surface on its side so that the head is turned to the surface. So he will not choke on vomit if the child vomits at a temperature and convulsions. Make sure that he does not hit his head during a convulsive fit.

Never try to give the patient medicine during a seizure. Do not pour liquid medicine or tablets into your mouth, as breathing is difficult during convulsions, the baby may suffocate.

Before the arrival of doctors, you can use a wet compress. Sometimes ambulance doctors give advice over the phone on what to do while the ambulance is on the way.

Try to remember how long the seizure lasted, what happened, if the baby lost consciousness, for how long, etc. This will help the doctor understand big picture diseases and, in case of suspicion of serious deviations from the norm, refer you for tests.

If it so happened that there is no way to call an ambulance, you need to get rid of hyperthermia. To do this, after an attack of spasms, when the baby is in a calm state, you need to give an antipyretic. It can be a syrup or a tablet, and for babies it can be used.

Open the window: it is desirable to let more oxygen into the room in order to facilitate the patient's breathing.

Detailed treatment strategy

It is worth thinking about treatment if seizures last more than 15 minutes or if there was more than one seizure per day. Treatment consists of taking anticonvulsant drugs.

Usually it is Phenobarbital, which prevents the risk of relapse by 90%. It is administered during an attack or after it, the dose is up to 5 mg per kg of body weight. Please note that a medical worker should give injections during an attack.

It is possible to treat convulsive seizures with Diazepam, the dose is up to 0.5 mg per kg once a day. Another anticonvulsant that can help the baby is Lorazepam. It should be used in an amount of up to 0.2 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day.

There are 3 types of treatment available:

  • taking antiepileptic drugs;
  • taking anticonvulsant drugs;
  • the use of antipyretics.

Antipyretics will only help bring down the temperature, but do not guarantee that with hyperthermia in a baby in again no seizure will occur.

Many of the drugs have side effects, and the body is still weak, so that they pass completely without a trace. You need to be treated, you just need to calculate the dosage very accurately, and only a doctor will help you with this.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky believes that febrile convulsions in children under 6 years of age are not dangerous. The child's body is simply sensitive to hyperthermia. Children outgrow this phenomenon without harm to health.

Komarovsky says that you need to ensure that the temperature in children does not rise above 38 degrees. Antipyretics should be used when the temperature has just appeared. Means of combating spasm - antipyretic and sedatives.

How to avoid seizures at a temperature in children? It's hard to talk about prevention, because in young children the temperature can rise quickly, and you will not have time to bring it down.

It is necessary to measure the baby's body temperature as often as possible when he is sick, so that if it starts to rise, immediately give an antipyretic and avoid an attack of spasms.

There is also a general strengthening therapy, which can also serve as a preventive measure. It includes taking drugs to strengthen the nervous system.

If the child cannot take pills or he is just small, then the appointment will help to comply with the dosage and still give him medicine.

Doctors prescribe baby syrup Ibufen, and the instructions will help you choose exactly the right dosage- learn about the rules of admission.


Febrile seizures are not uncommon. If your baby still has them, do not panic.

Do not grab his hands during an attack and try to forcefully return the body to its natural position, as you can injure it.

Just try hold him carefully and make sure that he does not choke on saliva and harm himself. After an attack, many children fall asleep - this is also normal, because involuntary muscle contractions take away energy from the body.

Now you know exactly what febrile convulsions look like and what is dangerous in a child with a temperature. If you are worried that spasms at a temperature are a harbinger dangerous disease visit your neurologist and therapist regularly, and serious problems can be avoided.

In contact with

Seizures in a child can occur at any age. Sometimes this does not pose any threat to his health. But there are cases when such manifestations threaten not only normal development nervous system, but also the life of the baby. How to recognize dangerous convulsions in time and how to solve this problem?

Causes of seizures in children

It is rather difficult to determine the exact causes of seizures, because they largely depend on their specific type. If we talk about harmless muscle contractions, they often occur as a result of sending impulses to nerve endings. This includes nighttime jerks when the child is dreaming or a temporary tic.

  1. Convulsions in newborn babies can occur due to a violation of the birth process, asphyxia and lack of oxygen, trauma during childbirth, as well as due to metabolic disorders, the presence of diabetes in the mother or poor heredity.
  2. In the first year of life, babies may be disturbed by convulsions caused by a mismatch in the development of organs and the nervous system, infection in the body that affects the central nervous system, a reaction to vaccination or colds.
  3. For children older than 3 years, the number of causes increases dramatically. This already includes infectious diseases, head injuries, poisoning, spasms, hysterical seizures. In more serious cases, childhood neurosis can be the cause.

As a result, we can distinguish such provoking factors for the occurrence of seizures:

  • emotional and mental disorders;
  • brain immaturity;
  • violations in the development and work of the central nervous system;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • neuroinfection;
  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • epilepsy;
  • tumor or cyst;
  • genetic disorders;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • diabetes;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • fever;
  • meningitis;
  • birth injury;
  • asphyxia;
  • hysteria;
  • internal hemorrhages.

Signs of childhood seizures

A spasm is an involuntary muscle contraction due to a signal sent through the nerve endings. It is quite easy to notice them, because in most cases they have a pronounced character.

How seizures manifest:

  • involuntary muscle contraction: twitching, tic, movement of limbs, distortion of facial features, pulsation;
  • eye rolling;
  • jaw clenching, teeth grinding;
  • tension of the limbs, and constriction or pulling;
  • blue lips and skin;
  • involuntary urination;
  • in severe cases, foam from the mouth and vomiting.

Alarm signs can be signs of neuropathy and hyperkinetic syndrome: muscle twitching, nervous tick, limb tremor.

How to recognize an epileptic seizure:

  • the child falls to the floor;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • eyes roll back;
  • the whole body convulses;
  • jaws tightly clenched;
  • foam appears on the lips;
  • possible urination;
  • at the end of the seizure, all muscles relax, and the child falls asleep. After awakening, memory loss is often observed for the period of the attack.

Types of spasms

Muscle contractions are not the same. There are such types of them:

  1. Tonic - intense muscle tension, which is held for quite a long time.
  2. Clonic - short-term tension alternates with relaxation, there is a pulsation or the so-called muscle twitching.

In addition, there are focal and generalized seizures. In the first case, the spasm occurs in a separate area and is concentrated locally. In the second, almost all muscle groups are involved, which leads to complete paralysis for a certain time. There are also groups of febrile and non-febrile spasms.


Febrile seizures often occur in children during a cold or flu. Muscle contraction is observed at high temperatures.

This is a side effect of fever. Of course, their occurrence is not the norm, but such short-term seizures do not pose any particular danger. They pass along with the cause of their occurrence - an infectious or viral disease, so the treatment should be addressed specifically to him.


Not only at temperature convulsions can occur. Non-febrile seizures occur due to a temporary disruption of adequate brain function. Often such events are isolated.

Seizures that occur during sleep are often associated with increased activity brain, i.e. dreams. However, in the presence of pathologies that provoke their appearance, involuntary urination of a sleeping child can be observed. At the age of 3 years, such a nuisance does not always indicate any disease. But in older children, this is out of the norm.

In the waking state of the child, such convulsions are much easier to notice. Epilepsy also belongs to this category. Often non-febrile seizures are accompanied by loss of consciousness. It can be either complete or partial, when the patient manages to cope with his body. In this case, there may be a stupor or a short-term loss of coordination.

Why are seizures dangerous?

The most dangerous are generalized convulsive conditions. They are characterized by a complete loss of control of the child over his body, a blackout of consciousness, and serious consequences of convulsions.

The consequences of seizures are unpredictable.

During a seizure, the work of the brain is paralyzed, the supply of oxygen to its tissues stops.

This can provoke necrotic processes, affect the nervous and mental development child. Often such phenomena lead to a lag in the psycho-emotional, mental and physical development, decrease in intelligence.

At night, convulsions are most dangerous, because the child may need help, but no one will be around. They can even cause death, as they provoke a shutdown of vital necessary processes, lead to respiratory arrest, asphyxia.

There are cases when the victim suffocates due to getting into Airways foamed saliva, vomit, or due to tongue retraction. Epileptic seizures are dangerous because the child can injure himself or even bite off his tongue.

What to do if a child has seizures

What should I do if my child suddenly has seizures? Here much depends on the intensity and localization of the attack. If he cramps his legs, the best way relieve tension is stretching the limbs, massage. It is also recommended to act on the affected muscle with pain, for example, pinch or prick.

If your teeth are tightly clenched, do not try to unclench them. No medication or water should be given until the seizure is over. When the convulsions stop, check the child's pulse and breathing, the position of the tongue. Be sure to call an ambulance.


After first aid has been provided, it is necessary to go to the hospital to find out the causes of the seizure and eliminate them. First of all, you need to contact your pediatrician. If the problem lies in the disruption of the central nervous system, in this case it will help narrowly qualified specialist- a neurologist or a neuropathologist, in case of metabolic disorders - an endocrinologist.

If the seizures are non-febrile in origin, an examination must first be carried out. A blood test can indicate a deficiency or excess of certain elements in the body. An important step is to study the state of the brain. For this, electroencephalography (EEG) is performed, which allows you to observe especially active areas of the brain. If there are serious problems, a CT or MRI may be needed.

Treatment of the disease

  1. If seizures are not associated with age-related changes in the body and have pathological character need urgent treatment.
  2. At high temperatures, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs.
  3. Additionally, other methods of lowering the temperature are used: sponging, cold compresses.
  4. If the child loses consciousness, it is advisable to bring him to his senses and hold it until the doctors arrive. Ammonia, maintaining a conversation, tactile and visual contact will help. Do not allow yourself or the little patient to panic. The doctor, if necessary, can inject a drug that relieves spasm. Once diagnosed, medications to suppress seizures, sedatives, and symptomatic medications may be prescribed.

The exact direction of treatment is determined by the final diagnosis. CNS disorders are treated with medications, psychotherapy, and other methods. Reflexology, massages, exercise therapy, wave and impulse effects on nerve endings and the cerebral cortex can become effective. Surgery may be required for severe brain disorders. In this case, a more detailed study is carried out, the child is prepared with the help of medicines.


The recovery process after a serious treatment of diseases that provoke seizures can last a couple of weeks or several years, it all depends on the specific type of pathology. Some diseases are not completely curable, so constant maintenance of therapy is necessary.

Often a child who has had seizures and the treatment of this problem needs rest. Stressful situations, great physical and intellectual stress should not be allowed. Art work helps a lot. AT postoperative period it is mandatory to take medications that are prescribed only by the attending physician.

To observe the effects of seizures, it is necessary to undergo an examination from time to time. This includes not only monitoring the functioning of the brain and the nervous system as a whole, but also monitoring cardiac activity, endocrine system and other directions. In the first year, the ECG is mandatory measure. Subject to the recommendations of the doctor, the child will return to the usual rhythm of life very soon.

Prognosis and complications

Seizures can be either a single manifestation or have adverse effect throughout the child's life.

With minor disorders or febrile manifestations, severe consequences are extremely rare. The prognosis in such cases is very favorable.

In the presence of serious problems, the prognosis worsens.

Prolonged lack of treatment or progression of the underlying disease can lead to developmental delay, impaired motor function, metabolic processes, cause cerebral palsy and other pathologies.


In order to reduce the likelihood of seizures, you need to take care of the correct mental and physical development of your child. Important role in this regard, walks in the fresh air, physical activity, frequent contact with parents, especially mother. Older children should do exercises, and adults should help with this. It is also necessary to take care of the correct and balanced diet, because the lack of minerals and vitamins can also cause this problem.

doctor advises

If you notice convulsions in a child, do not ignore them, because it is better to play it safe and make sure that everything is in order. It is much better to fix the problem before it becomes permanent. And since children are not yet able to take care of their health on their own, the responsibility lies entirely with their parents.

Video for the article

In children under three years of age, convulsive conditions are most common. The younger the child, the higher his convulsive readiness due to the immaturity of the brain.

Seizures can be due to both unfavorable heredity and various harmful factors affecting the fetus during prenatal development, during childbirth, as well as in connection with the diverse exogenous influences on the child's body in the postnatal period. Some of them can be the direct cause of convulsive seizures, while others play a provoking role. A seizure is always just a sign of increased neural activity, which can be observed during various diseases nervous system and internal organs.

A seizure may be a single episode in early childhood. Convulsive states may occur due to a temporary metabolic shift that changes the threshold of CNS excitability, or the action of an excessive stimulus. If such a situation is not repeated in the future, then the genesis of the existing attack often remains undeciphered. The etiology of seizures may remain unspecified in 5-25% of cases. On the other hand, adults with epilepsy tend to have had seizures in childhood. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor children for a long time even after a single convulsive state, a thorough examination and individual approach to therapy.

Seizures are signs of disorders in the brain. Seizures are caused by congenital defects in the development of the central nervous system, hereditary diseases metabolism, as well as focal lesions of the brain (tumor, abscess). The muscles of the patient begin to twitch, in especially severe cases the whole body begins to shake feverishly.

Seizures can take the most different forms. Sometimes they appear simply as a loss of muscle tone. Blurred eyes, unintelligible muttering, muscle trembling are all symptoms of seizures. In some cases, a seizure leads to a violation of mental activity.

Seizures are usually a single episode in a child's life. The cause of seizures can be a high temperature, as well as a number of the most various diseases. When a child has seizures, parents experience understandable fear. In such a situation, the child needs to undergo a thorough medical examination.

Seizures are caused by abnormal electrical impulses in the brain. The result depends on in which area of ​​the brain this discharge occurs. When it comes to seizures, many people immediately think of a so-called "generalized" seizure that affects the entire brain. In this case, the person loses consciousness and begins to have convulsive twitches of the arms and legs. However, convulsive seizures can affect only certain small areas of the brain. In such cases, the person remains conscious and feels convulsions only in certain parts body. Sometimes he may briefly lose consciousness or stare fixedly at one point.

When a child has a generalized seizure, it is very frightening for parents. His eyes roll back, his jaw tightens tightly, and his body twitches convulsively. He is breathing heavily, and foam may appear on his lips. In some cases, involuntary urination and bowel movements occur. In most cases, seizures are not dangerous in and of themselves and stop after a while, even if nothing is done.

Febrile seizures in children

In preschool children, convulsions are most often associated with a feverish state - they are one of the symptoms of high fever. These seizures are called febrile seizures and usually last less than five minutes. These seizures are most common in children aged 6 months to 6 years. Some scientists have suggested that febrile convulsions can cause significant harm to the health of the child (in particular, we are talking about such negative consequences, as damage to certain areas of the brain, a tendency to epilepsy, recurrent convulsions). This assumption, however, has not been scientifically substantiated. When we are faced with febrile convulsions, it is necessary first of all to determine and eliminate the cause of the febrile state - the whole process of treatment comes down to this formula.

Non-febrile seizures in children

Convulsions that are not accompanied by high fever are, as a rule, single episodes in a child's life. The cause of such convulsions is a temporary disruption of brain functions. 1-2% of children suffer from this chronic disease like epilepsy (periodically recurring convulsions).

If your child has seizures regularly, the doctor may suspect chronic form epilepsy. He will conduct an appropriate examination and put accurate diagnosis. Children with epilepsy are usually prescribed anticonvulsant drugs (such drugs are selected individually depending on the nature of the seizures).

Epilepsy refers to convulsive seizures that occur repeatedly and are not the result of high fever or any other medical condition. The reasons for this phenomenon in most cases remain unclear. There are two main forms of epilepsy - "major" and "small" epileptic seizures. In a major seizure, the person completely loses consciousness and convulsively twitches the whole body.

In partial or small seizures, the seizures happen so quickly that the person does not have time to fall or lose control of their body. He may simply freeze in immobility or his gaze stops.

Every case of epilepsy should be examined by a neurologist. Although this disease is usually chronic, there are medications that can help get rid of seizures or make them much less frequent.

Generalized seizures in children

Here typical symptoms Generalized seizures: the child falls, loses consciousness, his muscles tense up, his arms and legs tremble feverishly. Sometimes spontaneous urination can occur during a seizure.

In this situation, try to remain calm. Lay the child on a flat surface, remove all cutting and piercing objects from the room, otherwise the child may injure himself. Unbutton the collar, free the child from tight clothing. Turn the child's head to the side so that the vomit and saliva run off to the side and do not obstruct breathing. In no case do not try to unclench your child's teeth and put anything in his mouth. Not. one should also splash water on the face and pour water into the mouth.

Do not try to ease the convulsions - after a while they will stop by themselves. After a seizure, the child usually experiences severe weakness so it's better to send him to sleep.

When the seizure is over, contact your child's doctor. Describe the nature of the convulsions in as much detail as possible. The doctor will probably ask you a few clarifying questions: how did the child behave before the onset of the seizure? How long did the seizure last? What do you think caused the seizure? The doctor will likely want to examine the child immediately (the examination is usually done within one to two days).

There are other types of seizures, the symptoms of which are not so dramatic compared to the situation that we described above. In some children, the seizure is expressed only in a characteristic twitching of the facial muscles or muscles of the hands. Sometimes a child may experience distortions in the perception of the world around them.

Fortunately, modern drugs that suppress the hypertrophied activity of brain cells come to the aid of sick children. Nearly 80% of children with seizures are using these drugs.

Anticonvulsant drugs are usually taken for a long time. These drugs only relieve the symptoms of the disease, but do not cure it. Your child should take their medications regularly and follow all the doctor's instructions exactly. Take care that in your home first aid kit always had a supply of necessary medicines: If a child stops taking medications prescribed by a doctor, the likelihood of a seizure increases dramatically.
All anticonvulsant medications have some side effect and your pediatrician should take this into account. The most common side effects are dizziness, insomnia, drowsiness, incoordination, nausea. Some drugs adversely affect the liver, circulatory system and other organs, so children taking such drugs need to be constantly monitored chemical composition blood.

If the disease does not respond well to treatment, the doctor may recommend that the child limit physical activity(this is especially true for extreme sports, such as diving and rock climbing). In this situation, the child should refuse and contact species sports. If your child is swimming, be sure to have one of the adults next to him.
Some children have to take anticonvulsant drugs throughout their lives, but sometimes other situations arise. If the symptoms of the disease did not appear in the child for a year, the doctor may gradually reduce the dose of drugs, and then completely stop them.

There are the following convulsions:

  1. Tonic - short-term muscle tension.
  2. Clonic - rhythmically repeated flexion movements of the limbs.
  3. The most common are mixed tonic-clonic seizures.

When convulsions are involved various groups muscles: oculomotor, mimic, muscles of the limbs, torso. Characteristic loss of consciousness varying degrees expressiveness. After convulsions, sleep, confusion, amnesia may occur.

Often there are propulsive (along with loss of consciousness, forward movement, “nods”, “pecks”) and retropulsive seizures (with a sudden tilting of the head, rolling of the eyeballs). There may be myoclonic paroxysms - attacks of general shuddering.

The main causes of seizures in children

  1. Hereditary diseases: chromosomal aberrations, monogenic metabolic disorders, neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis.
  2. Pre- and perinatal lesions of the central nervous system: IUI, hypoxia, birth trauma, intracranial hemorrhage, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, kernicterus, hypo-glycemic state.
  3. CNS infections.
  4. Intracranial injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebrovascular accident.
  5. Brain tumors, malformations of the brain.
  6. Metabolic disorders in somatic diseases: hypocalcemia in rickets, hyperparathyroidism, hypomagnesemia in kidney failure, hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus, cyanotic crises in CHD, vitamin D poisoning.
  7. Epilepsy and febrile convulsions.
  8. Affective-respiratory convulsions, hysteria.
  9. Action toxic substances: poisoning carbon monoxide, alcohol and drugs.

Age features

In children of the first six months of life, the most common causes of seizures are perinatal lesions of the central nervous system, neuroinfections, intoxication in infectious diseases.

In the second half of life, the first occurring convulsions are more often caused by metabolic disorders with somatic and hereditary diseases.

Urgent care

Includes general measures to prevent and eliminate mechanical asphyxia (laying on one side to prevent aspiration of stomach contents, freeing the oral cavity from foreign bodies and vomit, preventing retraction of the tongue, maintaining airway patency).

Diazepine group drugs (diazepam, seduxen, valium) are administered at the rate of 0.1 ml of a 0.5% solution per kg of body weight. It is acceptable to replace diazepines with magnesium sulfate at a dose of 0.2 ml of a 25% solution per 1 kg of body weight.

Features of the examination of children who have had convulsions

The examination requires a thorough history taking, clarification of medication intake (antiepileptic drugs, insulin, vitamin D), the possibility of injury, and the elimination of symptoms of infection, neuroinfection.

ECG is shown, determination of the level of glucose, calcium, sodium in the blood, according to indications, screening of toxic substances and alcohol in the blood is carried out. A consultation with a cardiologist and a cardiological examination is carried out if a heart disease is suspected. It is mandatory to consult a neurologist with an examination, including NSG, EEG, MRI or CT. It is necessary to examine an ophthalmologist, especially if hereditary metabolic defects are suspected, consultation and examination by a geneticist.

Hospitalization is carried out with repeated and intractable convulsions, with suspicion of brain injury, neuroinfection.

First aid for seizures in children

A general convulsive attack in appearance is a rather terrible sight. However, in this case, the main thing is to remain calm and understand that there is no immediate threat to the life of the child. Place the child in a position where he cannot harm himself, for example on a carpet away from the furniture. Just lay it on its side so that the saliva and tongue flowing out of the mouth do not block the airways. Call your doctor or an ambulance right away.

Seizures are a fairly common symptom for many, including serious illnesses. Their presence always requires qualified medical care to clarify the cause of the occurrence and administration of anticonvulsants in most cases.

Highly common cause convulsions in young children is a high body temperature, especially above 39 degrees. Seizures can also occur for other reasons, such as infectious diseases, increased intracranial pressure, trauma, and other conditions. Increased tendency to seizures in children infancy due to the immaturity of the central nervous system.


During convulsions, the child throws back his head and freezes with his arms and legs convulsively stretched forward. In most cases, during an attack, the baby loses consciousness, his eyes roll back, his teeth are tightly clenched. Sometimes foam appears on the lips. Against the background of general tension, twitches can be observed, more often of the arms and legs, or they freeze in maximum extension. During an attack, the lips may turn blue due to insufficiently good breathing, often the child may wet or crap one's pants. Sometimes cramps occur only in certain muscle groups. An attack can last from a few seconds to 10 minutes or more. After an attack, lethargy, drowsiness is noted, the children do not remember what happened to them, they do not orient themselves in space.

First aid

  • call an ambulance
  • free your child from tight clothing
  • put the child on its side (if the child is on the back, be sure to turn the head to the side)
  • a tightly folded, clean handkerchief can be placed between the teeth to prevent tongue biting
  • provide fresh air, open a window
  • if an attack occurs against a background of high temperature, give an antipyretic, undress the child, alcohol or vinegar rubdowns, fanning, applying ice to the carotid or femoral artery.
  • if convulsions began against the background of strong crying, the child “went in”, turned blue, it is necessary to reflexively restore breathing: sprinkle with water, let it breathe ammonia, spoon press on the root of the tongue. Then give a sedative (valerian tincture 1 cap per year of life)

Be prepared for the fact that the attack may recur. Pay attention to how long the attacks lasted, and how much time passed between them, this information may be needed by the doctor. The doctor will need information such as: what happened shortly before the seizures, what temperature he had, what the child ate, whether he could have eaten any medications, something from household chemicals or others toxic substances than and when the child was sick shortly before the attack.

Most often in children of the first years of life there are two types of seizures, the predisposing factors in both cases are the aggravated course of pregnancy and childbirth. In most cases, they are benign, do not require constant use of anticonvulsants, and disappear with age. Nevertheless, such children need a consultation with a neurologist and special supervision.

What is a febrile seizure in a child

Febrile seizures are a type of seizures, the main provoking factor of which is elevated body temperature or prolonged exposure of the child to a hot room or in the sun. These seizures usually occur in children under 5 years of age. If such convulsions occur, it is further recommended to take antipyretics already when the temperature rises to 37.5 degrees. Such babies should not be taken to the bath, especially to the steam room, it is necessary to limit the stay in the heat on the street, it is necessary to wear panama hats, it is better to sunbathe in the shade. When an attack occurs, always call a doctor. You will not be able to distinguish febrile convulsions from others on your own. You need to give your child first aid and remember all the factors and details that preceded the seizures in order to help the doctor more accurately determine their cause. If the child has a tendency to such convulsions when the body temperature rises, never leave him alone.

What are affective respiratory spasms

One of the types of seizures characteristic of children from 6 months to 3 years of age with increased neuro-reflex excitability. They are provoked by fright, anger, strong joy, force-feeding of the child. During crying, the breath is held while inhaling, the child turns blue, against this background, a short-term convulsive attack occurs. It is recommended to provide first aid, call a doctor, then consult a neurologist in order to select drugs that improve metabolism in the nervous system and have a sedative effect.

Features of different types of seizures

epileptic attack.

Characteristic beginning: with the cry of a child, then loss of consciousness, convulsions.

Tonic phase about 10-20 sec. Signs: facial muscles tense, eyeballs deflected to the side, there is an extension of the skeletal muscles. The child has pale skin which then turns red. The pupils are wide. Respiration is not observed.

Clonic phase from a few seconds to several minutes. Signs: short muscle contractions (convulsions). After a while, the spasms subside. The child does not remember what happened.

Convulsions in meningitis and encephalitis.

are observed. Paresis, paralysis, pathological changes in sensitivity are possible.

Affective-respiratory convulsions.

Usually provoked by factors: strong pain, crying, strong fright, anger. Convulsions are accompanied by holding the breath while inhaling, the child's lips turn blue, loss of consciousness is possible.

Convulsions in spasmophilia.

The usual age for such seizures: 3-4 months - 1.5 years.

The main reason: a pathological decrease in calcium in the blood.

An obvious form of spasmophilia: tonic convulsions that are observed on the face, hands, feet. There is laryngospasm, convulsions become generalized. The child loses consciousness.

Latent spasmophilia is represented by three different possible symptoms.

Symptom of Trousseau - when squeezing the neurovascular bundle in the shoulder region, an arm spasm is observed.

Khvostek's symptom - when tapping between the zygomatic arch and the corner of the mouth, a muscle spasm appears near the mouth, nose, and eyelids.

Maslov's symptom - with skin injections, a short-term cessation of breathing appears on inspiration.

Children with frequent attacks seizures are subject to careful examination and treatment to identify the causes of the convulsive state and prevent new seizures.

Article editor Anastasia Andreevna Koval,
pediatrician, graduated from the Kirov State Medical Institute mom with experience

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Hope 31.01.2019 17:42
I'll tell you honestly, I know from a neighbor such a situation with a child. To begin with, even though I myself am not a pediatrician, I have been drinking for a long time various additives to food brands Fitline, for each of them consulted with their representatives, as well as with our therapist. And that's when I found out that 10 month old baby my good friend, we live in the same entrance, this is practically such a situation - spasmophilia, we decided to ask their pediatrician whether it is possible to drink the Restoreate supplement with such a problem, here on the Fitlineshop.ru website they bought it for a child, doctors allow children up to 1 to drink it year on certain indications, because in addition to calcium it contains iron, magnesium and selenium - very important trace elements, and they may not be enough in your child's body. Very often, due to a lack of magnesium, convulsive seizures appear. But still - you need permission from a pediatrician or other pediatric narrow specialist. Magnesium, which is contained in this supplement, must also be drunk by nursing mothers, this mineral is given to the child through milk, thereby tempering his body and relieves convulsions different types. This also applies to pregnant women.

Elena 26.01.2017 23:09
Please tell me. My son, 1 year and 5 months old, began to have convulsions with a turnover. His face turns blue, his arms and back stretch out and his face turns blue. The seizures have passed for 5 months. Now they have appeared again. The child starts crying and everything is attacking. I am so afraid for him. Help me, please. What tests and examinations do we need to undergo? tell me please. He didn’t dare to do an EEG, he screamed on the ECG, tore everything off himself .. They did ultrasound and the brain. The blood flow is good. Ultrasound of the heart too.

Alyona 24.03.2015 10:16
Hello, my son is 12 years old after purulent meningitis transferred in August, we started having cramps in the legs, the doctors don’t say anything, but I’m worried. What could it be?

Guzel 01.03.2015 00:57
Hello! son is 3 years old. Today, 3 times the temperature rose to 40. She gave an antipyretic. She called an ambulance when convulsions began (the son threw back his head, his body straightened up, his eyes were thrown back a little, he didn’t hear me and didn’t see me as if, he clenched his hands), the doctors arrived and gave an injection of analgin and diphenhydramine. But after 1.5 hours it started again and more often, every 15-20 seconds. Tell me what to do! This is 3 cases in 3 years.

Lily 15.09.2014 12:09
Hello! my daughter had convulsions at 6 months due to a temperature of 39 and at 1 year and 1 month. They did an ultrasound of the heads, an ECG and measured the fundus of the eye - everything is in order. explain from what can be? Are these seizures very harmful to the brain?