Smecta for children: instructions for use and what it is for, dosage, how to breed and take smecta for a child. Smecta - instructions for use, the principle of action, how to breed for children, during pregnancy, which helps

Preparation: SMEKTA ®
Active substance: diosmectite
ATX code: A07BC05
KFG: Antidiarrheal drug with adsorbent action
ICD-10 codes (indications): A09, K30, K59.1, P78.3, P78.9, R12, R14
KFU code: 11.02
Reg. number: P No. 015155/01
Date of registration: 13.04.09
The owner of the reg. acc.: BEAUFOUR IPSEN PHARMA (France)


Powder for suspension for oral administration (orange) from grayish-white to grayish-yellow color, from a slight non-specific to a slight vanilla smell.

Excipients: vanillin, dextrose monohydrate, sodium saccharinate.

3.76 g - sachets (10) - packs of cardboard.
3.76 g - bags (30) - packs of cardboard.

The description of the drug is approved by the manufacturer.


Antidiarrheal drug of natural origin. It has an adsorbing effect.

Stabilizes the mucous barrier, forms polyvalent bonds with mucus glycoproteins, increases the amount of mucus and improves its gastroprotective properties (in relation to the negative effect of hydrogen ions of hydrochloric acid, bile salts, microorganisms and their toxins).

Smecta ® has selective sorption properties, which are explained by its discoid-crystal structure; adsorbs bacteria and viruses located in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract.

Smecta ® in therapeutic doses does not affect intestinal motility.


Smecta ® is not absorbed. It is excreted from the body unchanged.


Acute and chronic diarrhea(allergic, medicinal genesis; in case of violation of the diet and the qualitative composition of food);

Diarrhea of ​​infectious origin (as part of complex therapy);

Symptomatic treatment of heartburn, bloating and abdominal discomfort in gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, prick.


Adults appoint 3 g (1 sachet) 3 times / day. Before taking the contents of 1 sachet should be dissolved in half a glass of water, gradually pouring the powder and stirring it evenly.

The daily dose of the drug for children depends on age:

The contents of the sachet are dissolved in a baby bottle for 50 ml of water and divided into several doses throughout the day, or thoroughly mixed with some semi-liquid product: soup, porridge, compote, puree, baby food.

The course of treatment is 3-7 days.


From the side digestive system: rarely - constipation (in this case, the drug can be continued by lowering the dose).

Others: allergic reactions.


Intestinal obstruction;

Fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome;

Insufficiency of sucrase-isomaltase;

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


It is possible to use the drug Smecta ® during pregnancy and lactation according to indications.


The interval between taking Smecta ® and other medicines should be 1-2 hours.


Possible constipation.


At simultaneous application Smecta ® may reduce the rate and extent of absorption of other drugs.


The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.


The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Shelf life - 3 years.

Medicines and medical preparations intended for use in children are subject to separate screening and testing. Such drugs are recognized as safe, they have little side effects. Medicines can be produced in a convenient (liquid) form. Today's article will talk about what "Smekta" is for children. You will learn about the indications for the use of this drug and will be able to get acquainted with its features.

Description of the drug: release form, composition and cost

"Smecta" for children is available in the form of a powder. This substance is intended for the preparation of a solution. The medication belongs to sorbents. It contains: flavors, and dextrose monohydrate. Contained in one bag of powder 3 grams of the main active ingredient.

You can buy medicine in a pharmacy, it is available for sale to any consumer. You do not need to first contact the doctor for a prescription. But experts do not advise self-medication, despite the safety of the drug. The cost of one sachet is about 15 rubles. More often, the drug is sold in a pack of 10, 20 or 30 sachets. The cost of such a tool grows in proportion to the number of packages.

Is there a children's "Smekta"?

You already know in what form and dosage the medication is produced. When it is prescribed to children, parents have a counter question: is there a "Smekta" for children? The manufacturer does not produce a separate medicine for children. But also conventional drug can be given to children from birth. This is evidenced by the instructions. It is important to take into account the contraindications that are given in the annotation. Many consumers have nicknamed the medicine "Smekta for children" for this. In addition, the medication has sweeteners (vanilla or orange flavor). This allows you to give medicine to a child without much difficulty.

Restricted use: Please note important information

In what situations is Smekta (children's) not used? The instruction says that the drug is forbidden to be used for children and adults with hypersensitivity to the components. It is not prescribed for lactase deficiency and diabetes. The reason for this is additional substances. It is contraindicated to use the powder when intestinal obstruction or suspicion of it. If a child has acute pain in the abdomen, then it is better not to experiment, but to contact medical institution.

The effectiveness of the drug: how does Smekta work?

Children's powder "Smecta" refers to sorbents of natural origin. The drug binds together harmful substances, collects toxins and gases on its surface, normalizes the condition of the intestinal mucosa and is excreted unchanged. The drug has a selective sorption effect, antioxidant and cleansing. The medicine is able to remove not only toxins and alkaloids, but also bacteria with viruses. Therefore, the drug is effective in many pathologies. gastrointestinal tract. So, what does the medicine help with?

Indications for use of the powder

The drug is often used in combination with other drugs to treat many diseases. The medicine is prescribed for intoxications of a different nature, poisoning, fever, and so on.

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • diarrhea and bloating;
  • abdominal pain accompanied by diarrhea;
  • allergic reaction;
  • diarrhea and vomiting infectious nature or in case of poisoning;
  • dyspepsia;
  • colic in infants;
  • frequent stools associated with a change in diet and diet.

Often the drug is used to cleanse the body. But it is important to know how to take the composition correctly. detailed instructions always included in the package medicinal product.

"Smekta" for children: how to breed and use?

The drug is taken orally, but before that it must be diluted in water. Please note that the liquid must be clean. If you are not sure about the sterility of the water, then boil it first. Take and open the sachet of the drug "Smecta". Instructions for use recommends slowly pouring the powder into the liquid, stirring constantly. This will help you avoid clumps. The portion of the medicine prescribed by the doctor should be divided into three applications. The extent to which Smecta is used depends on the age and condition of the patient.

Children's dosage has the following meanings:

  • at acute diarrhea adolescents from 14 years old are prescribed 6 sachets;
  • dyspepsia, flatulence and gastrointestinal disturbances suggest the use of 3 packets per day;
  • children from one year old take 4 sachets for acute diarrhea and 2-3 packets in other cases.

Treatment of colic in infants "Smecta"

The drug is used to treat bloating in young children. Often this manifestation is encountered by newborns and infants in the first six months of life. "Smekta" with these manifestations is effective tool which also normalizes intestinal motility. How to give the drug to a child?

The dosage for children up to a year is 1-2 sachets per day. If colic is not accompanied by diarrhea, then the minimum dose is selected - 1 sachet. It is necessary to dilute the drug in baby food to which the child is accustomed. If the baby eats an adapted mixture, then you can add the medicine directly to the bottle. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the child will take the drug during meals. The manufacturer also allows you to add the sorbent to porridge or liquid puree. If the child can drink the medication separately from food, then this is even better. The frequency of use of the drug for newborns is the same as for grown-up children - three times. Please note that ready solution cannot be stored. The medicine should be used immediately, and the rest should be thrown away. On the next move preparing a new batch.

side effects

As you may have noticed, Smekta is often used for children with diarrhea. It does not matter the reason for which this symptom arose. Diarrhea can develop from improper combination of food, due to poisoning, infection, and so on. In case of an overdose, the drug can give the exact opposite effect: Smecta causes constipation. If you encounter this, then you need to temporarily stop therapy or reduce the dose of the drug. Additional laxatives are usually not required.

There is evidence that the drug causes allergies. It is manifested by Quincke's edema, urticaria, itching and rash. But such adverse reactions occur quite rarely. If you pay attention to contraindications and do not use the drug if there are any, then backfire you are not threatened.

Additional information about the sorbent

  • Despite the fact that the drug "Smecta" is predominantly for children, the instructions for use recommend using it for adults as well. The dosage is selected individually depending on the manifestation of the pathology. Daily rate is from 2 to 6 sachets. The prescribed volume must be divided into three doses.
  • The manufacturer says the following about the Smecta drug: the drug is safe and effective, it can be used even during pregnancy and lactation, since the active substance is not absorbed into the bloodstream, does not enter breast milk and does not cross the placental barrier.
  • It is important to use the sorbent separately from other medicines. If you are prescribed for treatment additional drugs, then the break between them should be at least two hours. With the simultaneous use of "Smecta" reduces or completely eliminates the effectiveness of other medicines.
  • If the sorbent is used to treat diarrhea, then rehydration therapy should be carried out together.

Smecta is a popular and effective drug from the group of sorbents. It is used for various intoxications, poisonings and diseases, has a small number of contraindications. In this article, we examined how to breed smecta for a child and an adult, indications and contraindications for taking this drug, analogues.

Description of the drug

Smecta is a modern sorbent. Sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Produced in doses, in sachets of 3 g in the form of a powder. In the pharmacy, you can buy sachets individually or in a pack of 10 pieces.

Remember that self-administration of smecta is possible only when the patient is given the first first aid at acute poisoning. Long-term use must be approved by the attending physician.

How the drug works

Smekta, getting into the stomach, adsorbs toxins and dangerous substances. She binds them, neutralizes them, after which they are excreted along with stool from the intestine.

Also, the action of smecta is aimed at protecting the gastric mucosa from annoying factors, including from own gastric juice. This drug stimulates the production a large number mucus, which, enveloping the gastric walls, protects them and helps to remove inflammatory process in them.

Unlike most sorbents, smectite, provided it is taken in the correct dosage, does not lead to constipation. This drug does not reduce the motility of the digestive tract.

Indications for admission

As we mentioned above, smecta can be used by people on their own at the stage of providing the poisoned person with the first medical care. This drug, when dosed correctly, is not dangerous to the human body.

Below we have compiled a list pathological conditions for which this medicinal product may be used:

  • Diarrhea various etiologies resulting from poisoning intestinal infection intolerance to certain foods, inflammatory diseases intestines.
  • Sensation of heartburn and reflux, belching with a sour or bitter taste.
  • Aggravation chronic gastritis, which is accompanied by a feeling of bloating and discomfort in the stomach.
  • Various dyspeptic manifestations.
  • Intestinal bloating, increased flatulence.

The drug smecta is approved for treatment in pregnant women and breastfeeding women. It is not absorbed into the bloodstream from the intestines and does not have a systemic effect on the body.

Contraindications for use

Smekta has a number of contraindications, conditions in which it is prohibited to use it. These include:

  • Individual intolerance, hypersensitivity to it or its individual components.
  • Complete or partial intestinal obstruction. This condition can be suspected acute pain in the abdomen, an increase in temperature, the cessation of the discharge of gases and feces.
  • Fructose intolerance (it is part of this drug).
  • Glucose-galactose malabsorption.
  • Sugarase-isomaltase deficiency.
  • (manifested by dark vomiting and black diarrhea). In this condition, it is forbidden to take anything until the ambulance arrives. Even a drug such as smecta can lead to increased bleeding and an increase in blood loss.


On pharmacy counters you can find analogues of smecta: diosmectite and neosmectin. These drugs have the same active ingredient.

Dosing and dilution rules for analogues may differ from smecta. Before taking them, you need to carefully read the instructions.

How to properly breed smecta

It is absolutely not difficult to prepare smecta from powder at home. Before taking this drug, you must carefully read the instructions.

In order to properly breed smecta for an adult, you need to pour the contents of a sachet of smecta into a glass and pour warm water up to half a glass. Apply hot or cold water forbidden. The drug should be diluted only with plain table water, without any additives, sugar, salt.

How to properly breed smecta for children? For babies, prepare a solution of this drug should be a little different. For them, it is also necessary to dilute smecta in water at room temperature, but not as much as adults, but in a smaller volume. For children up to a year, 50 ml of water is enough. Smecta is allowed for newborns, but it should be given under the supervision of doctors. Children after three years can dissolve the smect as well as adults.

If the child refuses to take smecta in pure form, it can be in the form of a mixture with baby juice or puree. In this form, the baby will happily eat it.

You can store the diluted smectite for one day in the refrigerator. Before each use, the prepared solution should be thoroughly stirred, as active ingredients may precipitate, but do not add water.

Can there be an overdose of smecta

An overdose of smecta can develop if it uncontrolled intake in high dosage. At the same time, a person may begin constipation, intestinal motility may decrease.

But smectite cannot cause acute poisoning and intoxication, since it is not absorbed into the bloodstream. This drug is excreted unchanged from the intestine. Constipation, which may occur in the background overuse this drug often resolves on its own after stopping its use.

Is smecta enough at the stage of first aid in case of poisoning?

As we have already said, smecta can be used for acute poisoning in the form of a drug for first aid. But, as a rule, it alone is not enough to alleviate the condition of a poisoned person.

If the patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating, his body temperature rises, profuse diarrhea appears and repeated vomiting, strong pain in the abdomen, weakness, shortness of breath increases, the pulse quickens, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

Before the arrival of doctors, first of all, you need to try to remove from the stomach the remnants of toxins that provoked poisoning. To do this, you need to drink a liter of plain water in one gulp and induce a vomiting attack by pressing your finger on the root of the tongue.

After cleansing the gastric cavity, you can take smectite or any other sorbent. Suitable even Activated carbon. Before taking any sorbents, you should carefully read the instructions.

Before taking sorbents, you should check the date of their manufacture. Expired drugs can lead to acute poisoning and severe intoxication, or simply be ineffective.

After sorbents, you need to give the patient water to drink. Suitable as a regular dining room, and mineral alkaline water. Drink little and often. For example, a few sips every five minutes. The drink should not be hot or cold. It is best to use water at room temperature.

Smecta is modern drug from the group of sorbents. It is used for diarrhea, poisoning, dyspepsia. Before taking it, you should read the instructions. Its long-term use is possible only after consulting a doctor. Preparing a smectite solution is simple, and anyone can do it at home. The drug should be diluted in plain warm table water. In acute poisoning, one smecta is not enough to alleviate the patient's condition. A poisoned person also needs a gastric lavage, plentiful drink and further medical examination and treatment.

Problems with the baby's tummy - every mother knows firsthand about such a misfortune. In newborn babies and infants, due to the immaturity of the intestines, symptoms such as gastrointestinal upset, discomfort and bloating are not uncommon. To alleviate the condition of the baby, you need a reliable and proven medicinal product. In such cases, Smecta comes to the rescue. In the article we will tell you how to give Smect to a child, at what dosage and whether it can be used this drug with vomiting.

Smecta - instructions and principle of action of the drug

The drug Smecta belongs to the group of antidiarrheals. Release form - powder white color with a slight smell of vanilla, which must be carefully diluted in 50 ml of water before taking. The annotation to the medicine says that 1 sachet is needed at one time, it contains 3 g of medicine - this is a universal one-time proportion for children of any age.

The composition of the emulsion powder includes:

  • – diosmectite;
  • - dextrose monohydrate;
  • - sodium saccharinate;
  • - orange/vanilla flavor.

The action of Smecta takes place on the principle of an absorbent, which, like a magnet, connects all the microbes, viruses, toxic compounds that cause discomfort and removes them from the body. It also removes accumulations of intestinal gases and food residues that have remained undigested.

Neutralizing pathogenic microflora, Smekta is able to absorb and eliminate staphylococci, leaves no chance even for fungi and some coli. With an excess of digestive acids, whether bile or gastric, Smecta copes without problems. In more detail, the gastroprotective effect of the drug is described by the instructions for the use of smecta for children.

Thus it is modern facility with an adsorbing action after taking it solves a whole range of problems:

  • adsorbs and removes harmful substances from the body;

In what cases can Smecta be given to a child?

Smecta is one of those drugs that is worth having in home first aid kit. This is a real salvation for parents when the child suddenly began to have colic due to bloating, when it is necessary to cope with increased gas formation(and it causes severe discomfort to babies), or diarrhea has begun for no reason, and it is not possible to visit a doctor in the next few hours.

Many mothers question taking the drug baby, and whether Smekta is suitable for newborns. We hasten to reassure - the medicine is allowed for use from the first days of the baby's life. And if your baby is already 6 months old, or 9, 10, 11 months old, then you can safely apply it if necessary. The main thing is the exact observance of the dosage.

Most often, Smecta for babies is prescribed by pediatricians under the following conditions:

  • diarrhea with a sharp change (violation) of the usual diet;
  • acute diarrhea with poor-quality food eaten (poisoning);
  • dysbacteriosis in the acute or chronic stage;
  • diarrhea with a portable infection (rotavirus infection, etc.);
  • heartburn, vomiting;
  • painful bloating.

Now you know when you can give Smect to a child. With diarrhea, Smekta up to a year is recommended for taking a quantity of 2 sachets per day / 3 days, then - 1 sachet per day. If the child is 1, 2, 3 or 4 years old, then maximum amount sachets per day - 4, after 3 days the dosage of sachets is halved. Take until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

For other reasons that require taking medication - Smecta for infants is prescribed 1 sachet per day, Smecta for one year old baby and older - 2 sachets.

Smekta with vomiting - to accept or not?

If a child has diarrhea alternating with vomiting, then do not even hesitate - Smecta in vomiting in children is actively recommended by doctors and helps to stop vomiting. Nausea disappears half an hour after taking the suspension. But there are a few nuances to be aware of.

  • To speed up the action of Smecta during vomiting and remove toxins from the stomach, it is necessary to first wash it.
  • With diarrhea and vomiting, water leaves the body intensively. replenish at home water-salt balance can be small, but frequent drinking with any liquid that the baby drinks (15 minutes for a dessert spoon). After taking the suspension, it is good to take Regidron.
  • How to properly breed Smecta for a child

    The drug, which is a powder, is very easy to prepare a suspension for oral administration. But not every child can drink 50 ml of the suspension in one sitting, so the mother can dissolve Smecta for the child in that semi-liquid product that will be easier for the baby to eat or drink. It can be:

    • - breast milk;
    • boiled water;
    • - milk mixture;
    • - compote;
    • - porridge;
    • - puree;
    • - other baby food.

    The main method of application: drink the child with Smecta in a teaspoon every 2-3 minutes. Due to the flavoring, the suspension has a sweetish aftertaste, so the baby may not resist taking the medicine, even if you just dilute it in water and let it drink through the bottle. The drug should be taken correctly within 15-30 minutes after dilution.

    Side effects when taking Smecta

    Smekta for babies is used very actively and is considered safe drug, which is favorably tolerated by children, without causing any negative consequences. But, nevertheless, the drug has contraindications that should be taken into account:

    • - suspicion of intestinal obstruction;
    • - congenital fructose intolerance;
    • - allergic reactions to the drug due to hypersensitivity to one or more components of the drug.

    Side effects while taking Smecta are very rare and can manifest as mild constipation or individual intolerance to the drug (itching, urticaria).

Smecta is effective medicine enterosorbent used in the treatment of disorders (diarrhea) of any origin and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug has natural origin and quickly cleanses the body of adults and children from toxins and accumulated toxins. The list of possible side effects is minimal. Smecta has a pronounced protective, adsorbing effect and neutralizes viruses and bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Does not impair intestinal motility. Today we will talk about the effect of Smecta on the child's body.

The composition of the drug

Smecta release form - sachets with powder for the preparation of a suspension. Net weight of 1 portion - 3 grams. The active substance of Smecta is dioctahedral smectite, which is a double silicate of magnesium and aluminum. The composition of the drug includes Excipients: glucose monohydrate (0.68 grams), sodium saccharin (21 milligrams), vanilla or orange flavors (50 and 10 mg respectively).

Indications for use Smecta

The use of Smecta is necessary if the child has symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Once in the human intestine, the active ingredient of the drug actively absorbs pathogenic bacteria without affecting the microorganisms that are beneficial for the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Taking the drug is safe, so Smecta is used to treat children from the first months of life. We list the main indications for the use of the drug:

  • Indigestion caused by any reason;
  • intestinal colic;
  • Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Frequent diarrhea of ​​an acute, allergic or chronic nature;
  • food poisoning, vomiting;
  • Treatment of dysbacteriosis;
  • Mitigation of the manifestations of diseases of the digestive tract: flatulence, bloating, heartburn, discomfort in the area of ​​the intestine.

Dosage for children of different ages

A child can take medicine to treat dysbacteriosis or diarrhea from the first months of life if there are obvious problems with bloating or intestinal colic. In the future, babies may experience some digestive difficulties due to an improper diet or diet. If the body cannot cope with the disease on its own, the doctor may prescribe this drug. Remember that Smektu should be given to children 1 year old and younger only on the advice of doctors.

The child does not have time to grow up, as problems with the digestive system pass to the next stage. Preschool and younger children school age often suffer from poisoning, failures in proper nutrition, which often develops into chronic diseases. In such cases, Smecta can be prescribed as a remedy included in complex treatment. The drug is able to remove more than 85% of pathogenic rotaviruses from the intestines.

Children under 3 years old

In acute disorders in a child under 1 year old, he can be given 1 sachet twice a day, for other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - 1 sachet per day. For older children, the dosage can be increased. The instructions note that children from 1 to 3 years old can take Smecta with acute disorders 3 times a day, with other diseases - no more than 2 times.

3 to 12 years old

Remember that Smecta is not recommended to be consumed in a course longer than 1 week. Regarding taking the drug at the same time as other drugs, you should consult with a specialist. Children from three to twelve years old need to take Smecta sachets according to the following instructions:

  • In acute disorders, the number of doses per day should not exceed 4-5 times;
  • For other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the dosage of the drug is 3 sachets per day.

How to take Smecta for children?

Apply for treatment painful colic, diarrhea, poisoning Smektu - practically no alternative solution if we are talking about kids. The tool facilitates the condition of the child. After full course taking the drug Smecta, the intestines are completely cleared of harmful toxins and pathogenic bacteria, as a result of which the digestion process is stabilized.

The drug is allowed to be taken exclusively in the form of a suspension. Moreover, the preparation of the mixture should precede its direct use. It is not recommended to store the finished solution for more than 30 minutes or reuse it. The fact is that when in contact with air, the components of the drug lose their effectiveness. In addition, the consumption of the previously prepared solution may cause unpleasant feeling burning.

It is advisable to give smecta half an hour before meals. Another option is also allowed: take 1 hour before or after meals. The drug should be given in a dosage adjusted to the age of the child. If 2-3 days of treatment with Smecta did not improve general state baby, contact the nearest medical institution: a doctor's consultation in this case is necessary.

How to breed smecta for a child

The drug should be taken after dilution in a liquid. The powder should be poured gradually, mixing thoroughly until completely dissolved. Instructions for the use of Smecta vary, depending on the age of the child:

  • Children under 1 year old- 1 sachet of the product is diluted in 50-100 milliliters of warm liquid (boiled water, compote, milk, milk mixture or juice). If the baby cannot drink the entire mixture at a time, divide the medication into several stages, but do not forget that it is necessary to prepare the mixture immediately before use.
  • Child aged 1 to 2 years- you can dilute a bag of smecta in half a glass of warm water (125 milliliters). Eating should be no earlier than 30 minutes after consumption of the solution.
  • Children under 12- the drug must be diluted in 125 milliliters of warm water. Only the allowable dosage increases: up to 4-5 sachets can be taken per day.

Contraindications and side effects

The list of contraindications to the use of Smecta is minimal. It is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, fructose intolerance and sucrose-isomaltose deficiency. Drinking the drug for treatment is undesirable for intestinal obstruction and severe chronic constipation.

Side effects, as indicated in the instructions, are rare. Smecta is tolerated by the child's body very well. However, we list them: constipation (with them, the medication can be continued, only in smaller doses), a slight increase in body temperature, vomiting.

Drug prices in pharmacies

  • Smecta suspension with orange flavor, 3 g, 10 pcs. Manufacturer: Beafour Ipsen (France) - 142-181 rubles.
  • Smecta suspension with vanilla flavor, 3 g, 10 pcs. Manufacturer: Beafour Ipsen (France) - 145-184 rubles.

Video of Dr. Komarovsky about the treatment of dysbacteriosis

The use of the drug allows you to quickly get rid of dysbacteriosis, diarrhea and other unpleasant conditions. Reception of the funds also ensures the replenishment of the deficit of important for normal operation Gastrointestinal substances, such as potassium and sodium cations. You can learn more about the treatment of dysbacteriosis by watching the following video: