Shoots in the lower abdomen on the left in women causes. Pain in the lower abdomen on the left? Aching pain in the lower abdomen, sharp, pulling or severe pain? The reasons

What to do if the left side starts to hurt? Which doctor should be contacted? Most often, at a doctor's appointment, patients complain of pain in the right side of the abdomen. Often it indicates the development acute appendicitis. When discomfort appears on the left, it is alarming.

Many people know that right side your appendix might hurt. But what to do if the left side of the lower abdomen hurts? On this side, there are many organs that are constantly exposed to adverse effects. This may include:

  • spleen;
  • thick and thin department intestines;
  • kidney and ureter;
  • ovary and fallopian tube;
  • hip joints, cartilage, or lymph nodes.

Pathological phenomena in the above organs give discomfort. However, they may be different localization and intensity.

Types of pain in the abdomen

When defeated internal organs and systems manifest pain of a different nature. To suggest a diagnosis, you need to correctly describe where and how the discomfort is formed. Accompanying symptoms and a thorough examination will help in diagnosing diseases.

Pain can be of various types:

  • aching and dull. Pain in the left side female half population can signal pathological processes in reproductive system, the development of ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis, inflammation in the bladder. If we talk about the pains that occur in both sexes, then this should include diseases in the form of hemorrhoids or lesions of the lymphatic system;
  • dull and pulling. in women and men, indicate inflammation in the reproductive system. Often wears an exhausting type. As preliminary diagnoses, tumor-like formations, inflammation in the scrotum and external genitalia, incarceration of a hernia in the spine are put;
  • sharp and sharp. Pain of this type often occurs with diseases of the kidneys, ureter, the passage of stones and sand. In women, this symptom may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, rupture of the fallopian tube or ovary;
  • pricking. can manifest themselves against the background of renal colic, when there is a discharge of stones. This symptom also occurs when increased gas formation in the intestines, inflammatory processes in the hip joints and ligaments.

When making a diagnosis Special attention it is worth paying attention to concomitant symptoms: nausea, vomiting, the presence or absence of bleeding in women, the presence of pregnancy, the nature of the emptying of the intestinal tract and bladder.

Pain in the spleen

The lower abdomen on the left can get sick due to the development pathological process into the spleen. This organ rarely makes itself felt, but if discomfort occurs, then some diseases may manifest. This should include:

  • oncological diseases. The pain manifests itself with an increase in the neoplasm in size. Unpleasant symptoms may occur after eating. The feeling of fullness comes pretty quickly. Additional signs are increased fatigue, weight loss, an increase in inguinal lymph nodes;
  • splenic infarction. Painful sensations are manifested against the background of blockage of blood vessels, which leads to the formation of necrosis at the site of the thrombus. increases during movement, deep inhalation of air;
  • volvulus of the spleen. There is a twisting of the vessels that feed this organ. As additional features excrete, nausea, vomiting, bloating of the digestive tract.

An unpleasant pain syndrome can be a harbinger of an abscess or an organ cyst.

Diseases of the kidneys and ureters

Since the kidney is a paired organ, the problem can be both unilateral and bilateral. If one kidney hurts, then the symptoms may be mild.

When it pricks on the left side of the lower abdomen, the reason may be hidden in the following:

  • urolithiasis. Leads to the appearance of renal colic. Occurs when stones or sand move from the kidney down the ureter. A painful feeling manifests itself when the walls are injured. The pain may be cramping or stabbing in nature;
  • hydroureteronephrosis. This disease involves overstretching renal pelvis. The cause of the pathological process may be a narrowing urinary tract. In the kidney, urine accumulates, as a result of which the tissue structures experience strong pressure.

To detect the presence of the disease, you need to undergo an ultrasound diagnosis.

Diseases of the reproductive type in women

Pain in the left side of the abdomen in women can talk about the development serious illnesses. This may include:

  • ectopic pregnancy. fertilized egg attached to the walls of the fallopian tube. With its growth, the tube begins to expand, which leads to the appearance of aching pain. If a timely treatment is absent, then the pipe breaks, against which bleeding opens and strong and sharp pain. In such cases, urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention are required;
  • Allen-Masters syndrome. The disease is formed due to damage or tearing ligamentous apparatus, which maintains the uterine cavity in the desired position. The most common cause is severe or rapid delivery. Painful feeling is cramping in nature. During the examination, the doctor sees that the uterine cavity is in a mobile state;
  • proliferation of the endometrium in neighboring organs: the ovary, cervix, peritoneum, vagina, rectum. As additional signs, infertility and pain during sex can be distinguished.

Often, women ignore the symptoms that appear, thereby worsening their condition. With the development of these anomalies, urgent surgical intervention is required.

Diseases of the lower digestive tract

When it hurts in the lower abdomen on the left side, the cause may be hiding in diseases of the large intestine. Discomfort can be caused by:

  • irritable bowel syndrome. The pain appears periodically and is characterized by spasms;
  • Crohn's disease. Accompanied by the formation of nodules in intestinal tract and the development of an inflammatory process. A typical symptom is pain in lower segment abdomen on the left;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis. The patient complains of colic. The causes of the disease are still not clear;
  • diverticulosis. This type of disease is accompanied by the formation of nodules on the intestinal walls;
  • neoplasms in the intestine in the form of polyposis and carcinoma. Then the pain syndrome is formed gradually. When the tumor is small, unpleasant feeling completely missing;
  • intestinal atony. Against the background of this pathology, the motor functionality of the digestive tract decreases.

Treatment depends on the type of pathology. When tumors appear, surgery is required. In other cases, it is enough to carry out drug therapy and observe strict diet.

Diseases of the articular tissues

Pressing the left side of the abdomen during movement can be with inflammation of the hip joint. Most often, pain radiates to groin, but it can rise a little higher.

The causes of the disease lie in the following:

  • arthrosis hip joints. Additional symptoms lameness and mobility of articular tissues. Pain can radiate to the lower abdomen;
  • aseptic necrosis. There is a violation of blood flow and the death of cartilaginous and ligamentous tissues;
  • inflammatory processes of an infectious type;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • gouty arthritis.

These diseases are often chronic. They are not completely cured and haunt a person for life.

Treatment of diseases in the left side of the abdomen

What to do if there is pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women? It all depends on what character she has. The pain can be pulling, cutting, sharp, dull, stabbing. If the pain syndrome has acquired a cramping character, then you should pay attention to the accompanying symptoms: nausea, vomiting, stools, fever.

With the manifestation of pain from below, you can take a position in which the pain quickly passes. You need to be in a given position for at least 10 minutes. If the pain on the side does not go away, then you should call an ambulance.

Particular attention to the pain syndrome should be paid to women. If the unpleasant feeling is sharp and cutting in nature, while there are no periods for several days and the heavy bleeding then you need to go to the hospital immediately. These signs indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

In other situations, it is drug therapy, which involves taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, probiotics and prebiotics, antispasmodic drugs. For the treatment to be effective, a strict diet must be followed. It implies the rejection of carbonated and alcoholic drinks, salt, fried and fatty foods, sausages.

Pain can appear at the most unexpected moment. But it shouldn't be ignored. If she has a permanent or strong character, then you need to visit a doctor and undergo a thorough examination. But it's not worth doing anything on your own.

In life, it happens that even the biggest victories and successes do not bring happiness to a person when he is worried about pain. Sharp, aching, stabbing, pulling - pains can have a different character, but they are always visible signals that indicate a violation of the human body. And if the pain is localized in the left side abdominal cavity, they can be a sign of serious diseases. So, let's figure out why the left side of the lower abdomen can hurt.

Determine what hurts

Very often, many people do not attach much importance to the pain that occurs in the lower left abdomen. But scientists have proven that the stomach, or rather the digestive system, in human body plays no less a role than the heart or brain, and performs one of the most complex functions. In addition, it is in the left side that such important organs as:

  • pancreas
  • left kidney
  • spleen
  • stomach
  • female reproductive organs
  • intestines

Violation of the work of these organs with untimely diagnosis and treatment can lead to serious consequences. The thing is

the fact that most of the organs of the abdomen (gall bladder, intestines, etc.) are hollow, and if one of these organs fails, then a person's life may be in danger.

If the left side hurts at the top of the abdomen

Even the most insignificant pains, which are localized in the left hypochondrium, can often be a signal of "malfunctions" in the functioning of the organs.

gastrointestinal tract. Of course, such pains can be a consequence of overeating, eating excessively fatty or spicy food, but most often they are a symptom of diseases digestive system. Intense and frequent stabbing pains in the left hypochondrium can be felt by a person with a stomach ulcer, but if the pain has a pronounced aching character, then it can be a symptom chronic gastritis or pancreatitis. Similar pains are observed in oncological diseases of the intestine, stomach or pancreas.

Another cause for concern may be an enlarged spleen. Intensity and sharpness pain in this case depends on the nature of the course of the disease. In a chronic process, when the enlargement of the spleen occurs gradually, slight pulling pains can be observed. If there is a rupture of the spleen, then there is an acute pain syndrome.

With sudden pain on the left side, myocardial infarction should not be ruled out. AT medical practice there are times when severe pain in the region of the heart can spread not only to the neck or left arm, but also to left hypochondrium. In this case, it is very difficult to make a correct diagnosis, but do not forget that myocardial infarction is accompanied by a sharp blanching of the skin and a deterioration in general well-being.

If the left side of the lower abdomen hurts

No less dangerous are the painful sensations that are localized in the left side of the lower abdomen. Sometimes they are harbingers of dysfunction of the reproductive or urinary system.

The main causes of such pain can be:

1. Diseases of the urinary system. Colic in the lower abdomen can be a faithful companion of people suffering urolithiasis. As a rule, such pains are accompanied high temperature and cloudy urine.

2. Inflammation of the large intestine. If, along with pain in the lower abdomen on the left, you suffer from bloating, diarrhea, or

constipation, then you may have an inflamed intestine. If you follow the diet, the pain goes away within three days. If the pain does not disappear, you need to see a doctor.

3. Inflammation of the kidneys. Many people think that with inflammation of the kidneys, pain occurs in the lower back, but it can also spread to the abdominal cavity. It is not difficult to distinguish pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), because this disease is accompanied not only by acute pains in the lower abdomen, but also by many other symptoms (painful and frequent urination, swelling of the face, legs and hands, deterioration in general well-being).

If pain worries a woman

Doctors say that pain in the left lower segment of the abdominal cavity is especially dangerous for women's health, because in most cases such pain is associated with diseases of the female reproductive system.

Very often, such pain is characteristic of the following situations:

1. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes. With inflammation of the fallopian tubes, a woman is disturbed by severe pain and a feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen on the left

side, which can spread throughout the abdominal cavity. In this situation, pain rarely occurs on its own, usually it is accompanied by such accompanying symptoms like painful menstruation and the appearance copious discharge from the vagina.

2. Gynecological diseases. Even mild and tolerable pain in the lower abdomen on the left side can be a sign of a series gynecological diseases(acute adnexitis, endometriosis, etc.). If the pains are severe and are accompanied by severe vomiting and high fever, then they can be a symptom of torsion or rupture of the ovary.

3. Ectopic pregnancy. There is an opinion that an ectopic pregnancy can only be diagnosed by ultrasound. However, if

listen to your body, then you can suspect an ectopic pregnancy on your own. Perhaps the first sign of this problem is acute pain in the lower abdomen, which can be flowing from left to right. Very often, the pain increases with walking and turning the torso. At the first suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, hospitalization and surgical intervention are required, otherwise, a rupture of the fallopian tube is possible, which causes unbearable pain and can be very dangerous for the woman's health.

4. Menstruation and ovulation. In many women, spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right can sometimes be associated with such physiological processes like ovulation and menstruation. As a rule, such pains are not dangerous for a woman and disappear on their own after a few days. If the pain is accompanied by uncharacteristic discharge from the vagina, then they can be a signal of inflammatory processes and infection of the female genital organs.

Call an ambulance - when you need it

Many people who are concerned about pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen sometimes underestimate the seriousness of the situation. But in some cases, the occurrence of abdominal pain requires emergency measures, otherwise serious consequences cannot be avoided.

Call for emergency help if:

  • intense sharp pain in the left side came on suddenly and does not stop within one hour;
  • severe pain in the abdomen on the left side is accompanied by fever (above 38ºС), loss of consciousness, vomiting or diarrhea mixed with blood;

Which doctor can help

What to do if the pain does not disappear within 2-3 days? The only answer is to see a doctor. In the treatment of diseases that provoke abdominal pain, specialize:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • traumatologist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • surgeon.

Video: Abdominal pain (Stomach hurts. Neurologist explains about abdominal pain. Doctor's advice)

As you can see, there are many causes of pain in the left side of the lower abdomen. Of course, such pain may not always be a symptom of a disease, but only a specialist can make a correct and accurate diagnosis, and only after a series of clinical research. Be healthy!

With the help of pain, the body signals the presence of certain problems. They may be ideological in nature, but in most cases they appear as a result of pathology. It is important to be able to recognize the disease in time and begin its treatment.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Pain in the lower abdomen in women on the left

Pain in the lower abdomen may indicate the development of an infectious inflammatory process or other pathologies. To understand the cause that provoked the onset of pain, it is necessary to determine the area of ​​localization and the form of discomfort. Most often, women experience the following types of pain:

  • dull or sharp;
  • intense or weak;
  • pulling or aching;
  • constant or paroxysmal;
  • pulsating.

According to the group of factors that provoke the occurrence of pain, functional and organic varieties are distinguished. The first category includes an unpleasant sensation that occurs during menstruation or complicated ovulation. The second group includes various kinds of pathologies of an inflammatory nature, diseases of the genitourinary and gastrointestinal systems, as well as a neoplasm in the pelvic organs. It is necessary to pay attention to the frequency of occurrence of pain syndrome. If he for a long time does not go away, this is a reason to see a doctor.

Causes of pain depending on the nature

Diseases can cause pain in the lower abdomen on the left genitourinary system, gynecological diseases, the use of contraception, as well as pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to pay attention not only to the place of localization of unpleasant sensations, but also to their nature. On it, you can suspect the root cause of the pain.

The pain is sharp

If the pain is sharp, this may indicate the development of pathologies of the most important organs. provoke similar phenomenon capable, inflammation of the kidneys, acute pancreatitis, giardiasis, or an increase in the size of the bladder. Soreness of a sharp nature can occur in the case of a breakthrough of a cyst, or an accumulation of purulent contents in the fallopian tubes.

Blunt pain

Soreness of this nature does not lead to severe discomfort in the patient. However, a disease whose symptom is soreness can pose a threat to a person's health or even life. Often such pain occurs with inflammation of the spleen or irritable bowel syndrome. Other pathologies that affect this organ can also cause dull pain. Intestinal diseases are accompanied by nausea and a feeling of heaviness.

However dull pain may also arise as a result physiological reasons. Overeating, increased physical activity, indigestion or overexertion can lead to their appearance.

Nagging pain

Drawing pain often appears as a result of overexertion and hypothermia. A similar symptom is sprained inguinal ligaments, hernias, chronic inflammation or irritable bowel syndrome. Symptoms also occur in the case of cyst development, as well as bleeding.

Aching and throbbing pain

Usually, aching pain occurs with various gynecological pathologies of the ovaries and uterus. Unpleasant sensations can occur at rest or during physical exertion. In addition to these, there may be bleeding from the genitals. In some cases, painful sensations of a aching nature can indicate the development of chronic, the appearance of a tumor, inflammation of the hemorrhoid vein, intestinal defects, and varicose veins.

Disease of the spleen, ulcers and hernia can also present with a similar symptom. Often, the above conditions are accompanied by nausea and flatulence. If throbbing pain occurs in the left side below the navel, this may indicate intestinal obstruction, pathologies of the urinary tract.

Cutting and stabbing pain

Stitching pain accompanies the pathology of the kidneys and intestines. It can occur during the passage of stones through the left ureter. Inflammation of the joints, cartilage or lumbar may also lead to the development stabbing pain. Tingling in the lower abdomen on the left may indicate:

  • dysentery;
  • intestinal lesions;
  • ulcerative colitis.

Cutting pain also signals the formation of inflammatory processes. In this case discomfort intensify during movement. However, the rule is not always followed. Cutting pain may occur with bleeding. The appearance of such a symptom during pregnancy is very dangerous. The condition in which it occurs can lead to miscarriage.

Strong pain

The occurrence of severe pain requires urgent hospitalization. You should not hesitate to call an ambulance if the pain is accompanied strong rise temperature, nausea and In some cases, immediate surgery may be required. This is possible in the following situations:

  1. There has been an infringement. The condition occurs suddenly. Most often it occurs due to strong physical tension. Initially, the infringement may be manifested by nausea, and liquid stool. Over time, the rejection of gases stops and the occurrence occurs. At this point, the patient's condition worsens greatly.
  2. There was a torsion of the legs of the ovarian cyst. Severe pain occurs as a result of impaired blood circulation in the neoplasm. Blood stops flowing into the cyst. This leads to its death. The disease is accompanied by severe pain, nausea, and fever.
  3. Has arisen. When the disease occurs, hemorrhage into the peritoneum. There is blood loss. In addition to severe pain, localized in the lower abdomen, the woman feels weakness, dizziness, and nausea.
  4. There was a sudden retention of urine. This can happen as a result of bladder stones or the development of cancer. The person feels the urge to urinate. He is tormented by the feeling that bladder crowded. The condition is accompanied by severe pain.
  5. Developed. The woman feels severe pain in the lower part of the abdominal cavity. Usually manifests itself as pain on the right side. However, its atypical location can lead to the fact that discomfort occurs on the left sides. The patient experiences nausea with. Sometimes there is a fever.
  6. Sometimes surgery is prescribed for inflammation occurring in the intestines. Pathology is accompanied by diarrhea and flatulence. So, the indication for surgery is intestinal obstruction.

acute pain

Acute pain is often accompanied by severe swelling. They may indicate torsion of the cyst stem, ovarian abscess, or acute. During the last situation, there is sudden deterioration the patient's condition. It is accompanied by nausea and. The temperature rises. If appropriate therapy is not available, peritonitis may develop. Acute pain is also characteristic of the following pathologies:

  • Renal colic;
  • volvulus of the spleen;
  • inflammation digestive organs or sigmoid colon;
  • rupture of the fallopian tube.

Ideological reasons are also capable of provoking phenomena. So, acute pain in the left lower abdomen may appear in an untrained person after exercise. exercise. In this case, therapy is not required. The discomfort will disappear on its own.

Pain during pregnancy

During soreness in the left side or lower abdomen may indicate a threat of miscarriage or. The appearance on the left during pregnancy may also indicate the development of the following pathological conditions:

  • Hypertension of the uterus;
  • disorder of the digestive process;
  • development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • braxton hicks contraction;
  • the beginning of a miscarriage.

At a later date pulling sensations become normal. They result from the pressure of the uterus on other organs and muscle strain. Therapeutic intervention is not required.

If the pains are intense, sharp character and localization in the left side of the lower abdomen, this may indicate placental abruption. This is an alarming symptom that requires immediate attention.

Diagnostic studies

If a woman is faced with the occurrence of abdominal pain on the right, diagnostic studies will have to be performed. Only with their help will it be possible to find out the causes of pain. The doctor may refer the patient to undergo:

  1. General blood test. It will allow you to identify the beginning of the development of inflammatory processes. If present, the analysis will show increased amount leukocytes in the blood.
  2. . Allows you to determine whether there is a pathology in the genitourinary system.
  3. Test for . The study is being carried out in without fail if there is even the slightest suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy.
  4. ultrasound. It is the main source of information for finding out the cause of the appearance in women. During the study, an ectopic pregnancy, tumors of the appendages, or inflammation of the pelvic organs can be detected.
  5. Laparoscopy. Allows you to visualize the state of the small pelvis. This makes it possible in the future to choose the most effective treatment.

First of all, you need to contact a therapist or gynecologist. They will refer the patient to diagnostic study. Based on the data received, the woman can be redirected to other specialists.

Treatment of pathology

Severe unbearable pain often requires surgical intervention. It may not be possible to get rid of them in any other way. The use of analgesics for pain relief is not recommended. This group of drugs has a large number of side effects and contraindications. If pain occurs during intestinal colic your doctor may prescribe:

If pain occurs during menstruation, an appointment may be made hormonal contraceptives. Their reception must be coordinated with the attending physician. drug groups have side effects. Additionally, it is worth considering existing contraindications to application. Quickly relieve pain during menstruation can rectal suppositories with a beauty

Preventive measures

The best preventive measure is a timely visit to a specialist. Treat the disease for early stage much easier. This will minimize the chance of complications. To prevent the recurrence of intestinal diseases, you will need to follow a diet. It's usually enough to stick to the rules. proper nutrition. Prevention and diseases of the urinary system usually consists of observing the rules of hygiene. Additionally, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist at least once every six months. Most gynecological diseases at an early stage are asymptomatic. It's hard to spot them on your own.

Pregnancy should take place completely under the supervision of a physician. You need to register on time. A woman should undergo all preventive examinations. You should not refuse hospitalization, even if the doctor recommends it for preventive purposes or with a slight threat.

Only the most common diseases that cause abdominal pain on the right and left. This is material for preliminary determination of the cause of occurrence stomach ache, not for staging accurate diagnoses without going to the doctor. Remember - self-medication leads to complication of diseases. When stomach ache must be called " ambulance", or consult by phone with the dispatcher, call or visit the surgeon of the polyclinic. In case of strong pain, prolonged pain, recurring pain in the abdomen (right or left) be sure to consult a doctor - these can be symptoms of very serious diseases.

The main groups of diseases and pathological conditions leading to abdominal pain on the left

First of all, feeling abdominal pain, right or left, determine the place of the greatest localization of pain. Try to understand exactly where hurts: on the left, on the right, above, below, in the chest, in the back, in the lower back. Try to define character stomach ache: blunt, aching, pressing (as if something is squeezing), sharp, dagger (as if a knife was thrust in with a swing), bursting (as if they swallowed a ball and take it apart).

The doctor or ambulance team will ask you to answer the following questions:

Strong, cutting stomach ache may indicate the presence of appendicitis, stomach ulcers or 12 duodenal ulcers, strangulated hernia, volvulus. Even if you have very severe pain Do not place a heating pad filled with hot water or ice on your stomach. Take an antispasmodic such as no-shpy or drotaverine. Call an ambulance or see a surgeon the next day.

Pain in the upper abdomen on the left.

Left upper quadrant of the abdomen contains its own organs, and you have to know them to recognize the symptoms: here lie the spleen, stomach, pancreas (remember, it crosses the upper half of the abdomen), loops of intestines (as elsewhere in the abdomen), and left side diaphragm. There is no liver and gallbladder, so in general pain in the left upper quadrant less than pain in the right upper. But they still happen.

Is it pain in the spleen?

When the spleen increases in size - this happens with a number of various diseases, - the capsule, its wrapper, is stretched, and this causes pain. Any careless movement, blow or push can rupture the enlarged spleen - the second reason why your doctor does not squeeze you too hard when examining it. Sometimes an enlarged spleen ruptures on its own. A signal sign of a ruptured spleen, in addition to pain and sensitivity in the corresponding area, is cyanosis of the skin around the navel. This "television" tint is due to the accumulation of blood (which, by the way, is blue before it touches the air) in this area.

Is it intestinal pain?

Your symptoms other than pain on the left will also include diarrhea and/or constipation, blood and/or mucus in the stool, and a slight fever.

Is it stomach pain?

Anything that irritates the stomach lining, gastritis, or functional dyspepsia(it doesn't matter if alcohol is an irritant, bad food or daily intake aspirin) will cause pain. It is usually not too sharp, often aching and often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Antacids will render good help. If the pain persists for more than a day, see a doctor - you may have an ulcer. Much more likely, however, that it is a simple gastritis.

Is it a hernia?

Due to acidic stomach contents, you feel pain in the left upper quadrant, but sometimes also in the chest. This, of course, causes concern about the heart, but there is this difference between the symptoms: the discomfort of a herniated diaphragm is almost always aggravated by bending or lying flat, while heart pain usually does not respond to this. But since this distinction is not always clear, examine each case chest pain regardless of your assumptions.

Does it hurt your pancreas?

You should suspect pancreas if the pain on the left side is very sharp, comes from within and is accompanied by fever, nausea and vomiting, and if you are at high risk for pancreatic disease, ie. you have a problem with gallbladder, you smoke, drink heavily, suffer from diabetes, take diuretics or steroid hormones.

Pain in the abdomen on the left - what else?

Viral pleurisy, pneumonia, or any process that irritates the lungs causes sharp, needle-like pain when you do deep breath. If the irritation captures the diaphragm, it seems to you that the pain originates in the abdomen. Rib pain gets worse when you cough, sneeze, move, or press on the area where it hurts. ulcers duodenum also often give pain in the left upper quadrant.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left.

If a woman has missed her next period and suddenly feels severe pain in the left or right lower abdomen, think first - and quickly - of an ectopic pregnancy rupture. Pain that worsens during menses suggests endometriosis.

There are millions of people among us with a disorder that exists under various titles: "nervous stomach"," spasmodic colon "," irritable bowel syndrome. "Sometimes painful phenomena can be relieved by medication or by removing any emotional factors that can worsen the condition.

When there is pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women, they turn to a gynecologist. But this can also occur with other pathologies, namely, the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, spleen, etc. Topographically, in the left lower lateral part of the abdomen are: the left kidney and ureter, spleen, part small intestine, part of the descending colon, its sigmoid part. Pathology may also be in them.

The reproductive organs in the left lower abdomen are represented by the left appendages - the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, their supporting ligaments, as well as the main organ - the left side of the uterus. Although other organs of the gastrointestinal tract are located higher - in the meso- and epigastrium, pain from them often radiates to the left iliac region. Their nature can be very different: sharp and dull, aching, stabbing, pulsating, cramping, constant or periodic, occurring only at night or during the day. For correct diagnosis disease pain symptom must be correctly described, classified.

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    Causes of pain

    Pain symptoms in the lower left in the abdomen can appear with disorders of the genital area in the uterus itself and outside it, with pathologies of the urological organs, with intestinal problems, and neurological disorders. For convenience, all types of pain are combined into 2 large groups: organic and functional. In the first case, the causes of pain are those in which there is a violation of the structure of organs: all kinds of inflammation, circulatory disorders, dystrophic changes, etc. - they can be observed with pathologies of the genitals, improper installation of the IUD, diseases of the urinary tract, intestinal diseases, problems during pregnancy. Functional reasons the occurrence of pain occurs with violations of the cycle, ovulatory syndrome, stagnation of blood during the bending of the uterus, flatulence, etc.

    Pain is always a sign of trouble. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment with heating pads, taking analgesics can simply obscure the picture of the disease, and a serious pathology will be missed. Pain may result from inflammation, dystrophic changes, at infectious lesions, muscle spasms, circulatory disorders. They can also be of a physiological nature, for example, during ovulation, pregnancy without complications. They do not require treatment, they pass on their own. Pain syndrome of this localization is more typical for women reproductive age, according to statistics, this occurs in every seventh woman.

    Classification of pathologies

    Pathologies listed reasons may be like this:

    1. 1. Gynecological - ectopic pregnancy, adhesive disease, any problems with the ovaries: cyst, torsion of its legs, apoplexy, tumors, fibroids, left-sided endometriosis.
    2. 2. Intestinal - intestinal infections, colitis, non-ulcerative sigmoiditis, Crohn's disease, appendicitis.
    3. 3. Splenic - tumors, abscesses, torsion of the spleen, heart attack, wandering spleen.
    4. 4. Urological - pyelitis, pyelonephritis, ICD, cystitis, nephritis.

    The most common diseases and their symptoms

    Pain in the lower abdomen can come directly from the affected organ at its location or radiate from others, remote. But at the same time, for example, bowel diseases do not give radiating pain, renal pathology always gives to the lower back, thigh and groin, in gynecological patients pain is also given to the lower back, perineum, rectum. It is equally important to know the initial appearance of pain at the very beginning: for example, with appendicitis, pain appears around the navel, then shifts to the right and down. Main clinical manifestations gynecological pathologies can be considered: pain in the lower abdomen (increased before menstruation), menstrual irregularities, leucorrhoea (often mucopurulent), infertility, itching in the perineum (with an inflammatory process), general fatigue and weakness, frequent urination.

    Ectopic disorders occupy pathological conditions vagina and appendages. These include left-sided diseases: endometriosis; adhesive disease, ovarian cysts, tubal or ectopic pregnancy, salpingitis and salpingoophoritis (adnexitis), syndromes - ovulatory and residual ovary.

    With endometriosis, there is an increased uncontrolled growth of the uterine mucosa beyond its limits into other tissues and organs. At the same time, these cells can settle in other organs - pipes, ovaries, intestines. Endometrial cells remain functionally intact, therefore, being in other organs and undergoing changes characteristic of the usual menstrual cycle, they begin to cause bleeding. This, in turn, causes inflammation of the surrounding tissues, which is automatically accompanied by pain on the left with their left-sided localization. The process is more common in young women under 35 years of age. The symptoms are such that initially the pains appear as premenstrual, then they no longer go away, becoming permanent, manifest themselves during sex, urination, defecation. There are violations of the cycle: menstruation can become scarce or, conversely, abundant.

    Adhesive disease develops with prolonged inflammation: with STIs and insufficient hygiene, an infection penetrates the genitals. Microbes multiply in the warm, humid environment of the vagina, and can penetrate through the cervix into the uterine cavity, tubes, ovaries, even the peritoneum and bladder. Prolonged inflammation in these areas leads to the development connective tissue, and spikes occur. With adhesions in the tubes, a complication is often the onset of pregnancy, which in this case is ectopic. The same picture is observed after an abortion. Of the main signs, irregular aching pains in the lower left side can be called.

    An ovarian cyst is formed as a result of hormonal disorders. Functional cysts (follicular and corpus luteum) resolve on their own, and non-functional cysts are removed only by surgery. At the same time, there is a pulling pain from the side of the lesion, menstrual cycle also violated in the direction of shortening, while menstruation can be scanty or plentiful. When the pedicle is torn or the cyst is suppurated, peritonitis usually occurs, when an operation is required. emergency operation: the temperature rises sharply, nausea, vomiting, intense persistent dagger pains on the side of the lesion appear.

    Apoplexy does not develop in all women; during ovulation, the vessels of the ovary may rupture, and blood may flow into the abdominal cavity and the ovary itself. Therefore, this pathology appears in the middle between menstruation. This happens with increased physical exertion, after intimacy during the period of ovulation. If a hemorrhage occurs in the abdominal cavity, the peritoneum is affected, and symptoms of its inflammation may appear: pains are acute, not passing, Shchetkin-Blumberg's symptom is positive. At heavy bleeding anemia, a drop in blood pressure, and loss of consciousness may also develop. The condition requires urgent surgery.

    Torsion of the leg of an ovarian cyst can occur as a result of sudden movements, with increased physical exertion. If the leg is twisted only 90 °, the blood circulation is partially disturbed: only outflow venous blood, swelling of the cyst develops. If the torsion is 360 °, blood does not enter the cyst at all, the pains become sharp, cutting, vomiting appears, fever, the lower back is also involved in this pain, urination is disturbed. The operation is necessary, because. the leg is not able to unwind on its own, necrosis occurs, the cyst is removed completely.

    With salpingitis and adnexitis, the inflammation process develops in fallopian tubes often involving the ovaries. It is caused by the penetration of bacteria, but it can also develop after any manipulations on the genitals with insufficient observance of sterility. Pain in the abdomen of a dagger type, radiating to the rectum. There is a lack of menstruation, fever, purulent discharge, dyspareunia, frequent urination with pain. With the transition to the chronic form, the state of health improves, but the pain remains, becoming aching and constant on the left side of the abdomen.

    Residual ovary syndrome is so called because during any operation on the ovary, a piece of tissue may remain when it is removed. Then, closer to the left iliac region, pain occurs that requires a second operation.

    The exact etiology of ovulatory syndrome is unknown, its rare occurrence refers to manifestations of physiology. It is observed not always and not at all. It is believed that with this syndrome, when a mature egg leaves the follicle, part of the blood enters directly into the pelvic cavity and irritates the peritoneum. Spikes can also contribute to the development of pathology. In this case, there may be such symptoms: pulls the lower abdomen and lower back on one side, intimacy becomes painful, nausea, weakness, bloody meager discharge from the vagina in the form of a few drops of blood. The development of symptoms occurs in the middle of the cycle, they do not cause great and sharp discomfort, they pass on their own. But if the work of the ovary takes place according to this scheme constantly and regularly, you need to undergo an examination.

    Uterine reproductive pathologies. These include: adenomyosis (genital endometriosis), endometritis, fibroids, polyps, dysmenorrhea, and a misplaced IUD.

    Adenomyosis is the growth and ingrowth of the endometrium into the myometrium. The cause may be heredity, hormonal imbalance, diagnostic curettage, Navy. Symptoms: premenstrual and menstrual pain, dyspareunia, hypermenorrhea, intermenstrual discharge, cycle disorders.

    Endometritis has infectious nature, same reasons. With left-sided localization, pain is observed on the left side, as well as temperature, bleeding, discharge with a smell. At chronic form inflammation in the lower abdomen, there are constant aching pains that radiate to the lower back and sometimes to the rectum, the cycle is disrupted. On palpation, the uterus is always painful, tense, the woman notes a feeling of heaviness in the ovaries on the sides of the uterus.

    Myoma - benign tumor from muscle tissue. The reason for her hormonal imbalance. Symptoms: an obligatory component is cramping pain during menstruation, which is determined by the location of the tumor, cycle disorders, hypermenorrhea. Growing fibroids can put pressure on neighboring organs - the bladder and rectum, disrupting their function.

    With uterine polyps, hyperplasia occurs, i.e. uncontrolled growth of the uterine mucosa - its endometrium. According to its structure, hyperplasia can be of several types - with the involvement of glandular tissue, mixed type etc., which appears with hormonal imbalance. Contribute to the appearance of hyperplasia of infection, curettage of the uterus. There are violations of the cycle, permanent aching pains in the lower abdomen with movement to the affected side.

    Dysmenorrhea - the appearance of pain during menstruation, which are associated with sharp spasms of the uterus. They occur before menstruation 1-2 days before its onset; by nature they are sharp, pulling, cutting, they can radiate to the perineum, lower back, rectum. This is due to the fact that during menstruation in some women, the uterus, with contractions and rejection of unnecessary endometrium, causes discomfort, which is quite painful in some categories. This is considered physiological and does not require treatment. This can be observed with an abnormal location of the uterus, its infantilism, a low threshold of pain sensitivity of nerve endings, if the uterus swells strongly before menstruation and is close to large ganglions, there is a Navy. In addition, age is of some importance: in girls, the process proceeds much more smoothly.

    What else can be?

    A manifestation of physiology will be the appearance of pain after abortion, the restoration of menstruation after childbirth and lactation. Pain during menstruation secondary symptoms may be in the presence of inflammatory processes in the uterus, myous nodes, after gynecological operations.

    Pain in the lower abdomen can also appear with PMS - this condition develops in some women a week before the onset of menstruation and is characterized by increased nervous excitability, in which physical and psychological symptoms. In addition to abdominal pain, there may be: a bad low mood, tearfulness, causeless anxiety, irritability, increased appetite, aggressiveness, fatigue, chest tightness, drowsiness or insomnia.

    The appearance of pain before menstruation, as a rule, occurs during the formation of the cycle and the development of the genital organs in young girls, girls. Pain after menstruation is not the norm, they can appear with endometriosis, endometritis, ovarian cyst, in which case it is worth visiting a doctor.

    An improperly selected IUD almost always causes algomenorrhea, hypermenorrhea, pain in the lower abdomen and on the left if it is not installed asymmetrically.

    If the tumors are localized on the ovaries, then as they grow, they begin to constrain neighboring organs and tissues, and cause pain. They behave like this most of the time benign formations, at malignant symptoms, except for pain, usually does not happen until the collapse of the tumor and cancerous intoxication. Pain on the left can appear at an early stage of the tumor, while they are cramping, appear abundant watery discharge. More often the picture develops in the period of menopause.

    The bend of the uterus is congenital and acquired. In the latter case, this happens with adhesive processes and inflammation. The main complaints at the same time: pain in the lower abdomen, which may be on the left, hypo- or hypermenorrhea;, conception problem, dyspareunia.

    Intestinal disorders

    Very often, pain on the left is due to the pathology of the sigmoid colon, which is located in the left lower abdomen. Her anatomical structure contributes to this to a great extent. Its S-shape results in stool easily stagnate in it, not advancing further. This is provided by nature specifically for the formation of fecal masses, but at the same time it also contributes to the occurrence of intestinal ailments. Against the background of stagnation, inflammatory and degenerative processes easily occur in this part of the intestine, tumors appear. Left-sided lesion of the colon occurs in 28%, and rectosigmoiditis - in 54% of cases. Despite some difference in their etiology, pathologies have many similar symptoms: unstable stools with a tendency to diarrhea, pain during and before defecation, mucus and blood in the feces, and an unpleasant odor of feces.

    With an intestinal tumor, pain appears with the growth of the neoplasm, which is accompanied by bleeding, blood in the stool and other symptoms of general anemia.

    Intestinal infections can be different, there are quite a lot of them. They cause cramping pains in the abdomen, depending on their location. With them, general intoxication of the body often develops. This is due to the fact that any pathogen in the process of its reproduction releases toxic substances.

    Chronic non-ulcerative sigmoiditis can develop with infections, malnutrition, antibiotics, hereditary factors, allergies. Pain in the left side of the abdomen is aggravated after walking, when driving on a rough road. In this disease, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, the pain has a bursting character. She gives in lower divisions: left groin, perineum, increases with exertion. At other times the pain is weak, common symptom become tenesmus, instability of the chair.

    With Crohn's disease, cracks, fistulas, adhesions appear in the walls of the intestine. They are located in sections, segmentally. The pain appears before a bowel movement and goes away after a bowel movement. In advanced cases, it becomes permanent.

    With appendicitis, pain occurs in the right iliac region, but the option of pain on the left is not excluded - these cases are not typical, but they exist. The task of the doctor is to remember the atypical manifestations of inflammation appendix and correctly diagnose where there is always a threat of peritonitis.

    Nonspecific ulcerative colitis - chronic inflammation large intestine with ulcerative lesion its mucosa - starts from the rectum and spreads upwards. The reasons are unknown. Manifested rectal bleeding, diarrhea with mucus and blood, pain in the left iliac region, hyperthermia, weight loss and anorexia are noted.

    Diverticulosis of the large intestine is a pathology when pockets-protrusions form in the intestinal wall, more often in the descending colon and sigmoid colon. Causes: obesity, constipation, flatulence, frequent use laxatives. As the pathology progresses, pains appear in the left lower abdomen, stool instability and flatulence.

    With left-sided localization, colon polyps cause pain on this side. Take place intestinal bleeding, stool disorders with alternating diarrhea and constipation.

    When localized in sigma, colon cancer will give pain symptoms in the lower left abdomen. They are dull, aching in nature, there are stool disorders, bleeding, tenesmus, flatulence, weight loss, admixture of pus and mucus in the feces.

    Etiology associated with the spleen

    Tumors, wandering of the organ, its volvulus, abscesses, etc. can be noted here. With many of them, the pain is just characteristic of its localization at the bottom left:

    1. 1. Lymphatic and myeloid leukemia - malignant tumors with the development of the process in the lymphatic tissue. Of the symptoms, one can note: fever, loss of appetite and weight, aching pains in the lower abdomen on the left side, in the groin, pelvic bones and joints, lymphangitis, splenomegaly, etc. This pathology affects both children and adults.
    2. 2. Abscess of the spleen develops secondarily against the background of infections in other organs and systems, the infection enters the spleen by the hematogenous route blood vessels. At small sizes and in the case of their singularity, they can heal themselves, in other cases they can be opened into other cavities, including the abdominal one. In these cases, the pain becomes diffuse and peritonitis develops.
    3. 3. The cause of volvulus of the spleen is trauma to the spleen, when the fascial ligaments holding the spleen are stretched. In this case, the pain is sharp, reaches the groin, other symptoms include constipation, flatulence, vomiting, nausea. The more twist, the sharper the pain.

    Urological problems

    In the vast majority of cases, the pathology of the urinary tract is of an infectious origin. With pyelonephritis, the lower abdomen hurts and the lower back, as a rule, gives to the lower back and pulls the lower back periodically. The temperature may rise, nausea, urination is disturbed, the nature of the urine: often it becomes cloudy, with flakes, sometimes with bad smell. But the most basic symptom is a cutting pain in the lower abdomen.

    ICD is characterized by the formation of a different composition, depending on the impaired nutrition of calculi (stones). Stones can form in different parts of the urinary tract, depending on this, and the pain will be localized accordingly. The main symptom in ICD is renal colic: the pain with it is very intense, it does not respond well to analgesics, the patient rushes about, the pain does not tend to subside. At the same time, mictions become more frequent, become painful, hematuria may be noted. Pain can be provoked by physical activity, sudden movements, diet violations, driving over bumps, jumping, i.e. everything that will move any calculus from its place.

    Pain during pregnancy

    They can be divided into natural and pathological. Physiology is discussed when the embryo is attached to the left side of the uterine wall, on early dates the body produces an increased amount of the pregnancy hormone - progesterone, which relaxes the uterus. The uterus itself, when enlarged, is also capable of projecting pulling pains in the lower abdomen. But if the pulling pains are replaced by sharp ones, there is a discharge of blood from the vagina, we can talk about the threat of a miscarriage. With the threat of miscarriage up to 22 weeks, the pains become cutting, stabbing, they appear from uterine contractions. Pain may also appear in the back. Practically unpleasant sensations are present in all pregnant women with different parties. This is due to the growth of the fetus and its pressure on the surrounding space - all these pains can be attributed to obstetric.

    Another group of pain sensations is not associated with the fetus - these are non-obstetric causes. These include: ectopic pregnancy, premature detachment of the placenta, the threat of miscarriage; problems with the gastrointestinal tract, stretching of the supporting ligaments of the uterus, surgical pathologies. When the ligaments are sprained, the pains are throbbing, tingling, they appear when sudden movements, body turns. They usually go away quickly and on their own.

    Threat of miscarriage - pains become sharp, in the form of contractions, occur suddenly, without visible reasons. There are highlights that shouldn't be there. If bleeding occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Pain in premature placental abruption begins from the lower corner of the abdomen. This condition may develop after mechanical injuries, illnesses during pregnancy, overloads. There is bleeding, blood is poured into the abdominal cavity. Pain in the form of cutting, very strong. Aching, closer to the groin, may appear when the pubic joint diverges during pregnancy.

    A few more reasons

    Ectopic pregnancy - proceeds at first as usual. It is interrupted for a period of 2-3 to 10-12 weeks, and a tubal abortion occurs. At the same time, there are sharp paroxysmal, dagger-like pains in the lower abdomen with irradiation to the anus, weakness, bleeding, dizziness, a drop in blood pressure, and pallor of the skin increases due to blood loss. When a tube breaks, blood flows into the abdominal cavity, an ambulance should be called immediately.

    Pain may also appear after intercourse. If in this case it is the lower abdomen that pulls, most likely, there is a moral dissatisfaction with an unsuccessful sexual intercourse. Usually such pain is not strong, it goes away on its own after the woman calms down. But if it becomes regular, pulls constantly, you need to go to the doctor.

    Diagnostic measures

    Given such a large selection of causes and pathologies, many methods can be prescribed to identify them. But there are basic ones: an x-ray of the abdominal cavity (standing, on its side, on the back), ultrasound, CT, MRI, and an x-ray of the pelvis and spine, irrigoscopy may be needed. Endoscopic methods research: cystoscopy, colonoscopy, gynecologists - laparoscopy. KLA, OAM, analysis for hCG, sowing of cervical mucus are taken.

    Special mention should be made of laparoscopy: the method is currently very popular, accessible and informative. Can identify all causes of violations of pain in the lower abdomen. Laparoscopy is remarkable in that it can combine both diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities. It is performed using a laparoscope, an endoscopic instrument. Unlike the traditional surgical incision of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity with a rather handicapped, it is made through small holes measuring 2-4 mm. The device is equipped with lenses that provide high definition of the organ under study, and a video camera that transmits the image to the monitor. Treatment is carried out after establishing the etiology of pain according to the relevant indications.