Sore armpits in women before menstruation. What is the "armpit" and what can hurt there

The processes taking place in female body in each menstrual cycle, are reflected in the work of all life support systems. Changes also apply to lymph circulation. Before and during menstruation, a woman may notice soreness and swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpits and groin. The reason for the origin of this phenomenon is judged by the accompanying symptoms.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits before menstruation

Development premenstrual syndrome caused by fluctuations in hormone levels. This affects the functioning of the whole organism. There are symptoms that make the woman uncomfortable. These include increased irritability, lower back pain, breast engorgement, and increased lymph nodes. causes of inflammation and pain in the lymph nodes in the armpits are as follows:

  1. Before the beginning critical days going on fluid retention in the body. This is manifested in the swelling of the tissues. Due to this, the mammary glands increase, as well as the lymph nodes, which can be easily detected by palpation.
  2. At the onset of menstruation escalate chronic diseases . Lymph nodes are an element immune system, so they become inflamed, performing a protective function.
  3. If there are lumps in the chest pain before menstruation are more pronounced. Tumors and cysts affect the functioning thoracic ducts. As a result, the load on the nodes located in the armpits increases.
  4. Under influenced by hormonal changes the breast enlarges and puts pressure on the duct that connects the collarbone to the lymph nodes in the armpits. This leads to the appearance of unpleasant sensations, which are aggravated by movement and raising the arms up. The pain syndrome is aching in nature. It becomes more pronounced with age.
  5. Forced hormonal intake drugs provoke pain in the chest and armpits. This is one of the most common side effects. The pain disappears after the treatment is discontinued.

If each of us knows firsthand about headaches, then the case when it hurts under the arm can cause real confusion. Since in this part human body neither from the left nor from right side not located vitally important organs, it is very difficult to establish the cause of the pain on your own. Most likely, for this you will have to apply for medical care.

What can hurt under the arm?

The axilla (armpit for short) gets its name from its physiological location under the muscle. On the one hand, it is limited to the shoulder joint, and on the other - to the chest.

AT armpit glands, lymph nodes and hair follicles.

With a high probability, a violation of the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands leads to a serious disease - hyperhidrosis.

The armpit can hurt both on the right and on the left.

The nature of the pain is varied:

  • sharp or dull;
  • constant and periodic;
  • cutting and pulling;
  • in motion and at rest;
  • with redness;
  • with itching.

Among all the causes of pain, it is worth highlighting those that do not indicate the presence of pathology.


  1. Postoperative period when pain occurs due to the fact that the nerve endings were damaged during surgery on the chest.
  2. Pain due to hormonal changes in women (mastalgia), appearing due to seals in the mammary glands.

Pathological causes

Pain under the arm often causes local problems in this area:

  1. Stretching of the joints and muscles, hematoma. They arise due to an unsuccessful sudden movement, weight lifting, impact. The pain is characterized as constant, pulling, not allowing to make sudden movements or limiting them.
  2. Allergic reaction that occurs when the skin interacts with various cosmetic products. It manifests itself as swelling of tissues, itching, burning. Typically, it is associated with common features allergies, such as rhinitis.
  3. The appearance of a boil, that is, the occurrence of an inflammatory process affecting the hair root or sebaceous gland. It occurs due to mechanical damage to the skin, neglect of personal hygiene, and a decrease in immunity. Initially, a boil is just a painful seal, but in the absence adequate treatment it entails a general intoxication of the body.
  4. Lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the lymphatic tissue (lymph nodes), which can be caused by the presence in the body bacterial infection or specific disease(eg tuberculosis). In this case, painful nodes can be felt in the armpit, which can increase as the disease develops.
  5. Hydradenitis is an infectious disease. In the armpit, at first, a burning sensation and itching are felt, then the skin turns red and swelling appears. The lymph nodes are enlarged. If treatment measures are not taken, then abscesses form, which become larger. With a breakthrough of such a formation, there is a risk of infection of surrounding tissues.
  6. Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicle located in the armpit. It starts from mechanical damage epidermis when shaving and other methods of removal unwanted hair. Sometimes it occurs in connection with a violation of the activity endocrine system and is called staphylococcal sycosis with a large affected area.
  7. Carbuncle is an inflammation that spreads to subcutaneous fat. The situation is greatly complicated by the fact that the cavity with pus is formed not on the surface of the epidermis, but much deeper. The pain significantly limits the mobility of the arm and is quite severe.

Diseases of the chest

Causes of pain can be diseases of the organs chest. They help make clinical picture diseases. Sometimes pain is accompanied by other signs, for example, a lump is felt in the armpit, discomfort is observed in the cervical spine.

Among chest diseases that cause discomfort in the armpit:

  1. Mastopathy- a symptom of changes in the mammary glands in a woman. As a rule, in the armpits it can pull and whine on both sides. It accompanies pregnancy, the period after surgery, sometimes occurs during breastfeeding.
  2. Problems with the cardiovascular system, which are determined by a sharp stabbing or pulling pain.
  3. Diseases nervous system can cause pain in the armpit, as a rule, it is accompanied by pain in different parts body, such as in the chest and abdomen.
  4. Osteochondrosis thoracic and cervical spine. When offset intervertebral discs changes the position of the spinal column, there is pain when moving.
  5. Tumors soft tissues have aching and pulling character of pain.

Pain in different armpits

If it hurts left armpit, and problems of a local nature are not determined, it can be assumed that their cause is heart disease. In this case, consultation with a cardiologist is required.

The most common:

  • ischemic disease;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • angina.

With ischemia, pain seems to radiate to the left armpit, it is accompanied by shortness of breath, weakness, swelling of the legs.

Myocardial infarction can be recognized by a sharp blanching of the skin, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness and a feeling of heaviness in the chest.

It is worth paying attention to the pain in the armpit, even if they are not expressed, but are combined with other symptoms. Sometimes this helps prevent many serious problems with heart. Moreover, it is necessary to consult a doctor in the case when the pain appears systematically.

If the right armpit hurts, then the reasons are the same, only a heart attack is excluded. Most often discomfort causes osteochondrosis or neuralgia. They severely restrict movement, each of which is accompanied by severe painful attacks. The person experiencing them tries to move the limb as little as possible, preferring a state of rest.

What to do with pain?

Before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to find out why the armpit hurts.

Before you seek medical attention, you can:

  • make an independent examination of the armpit for redness, swelling, seals, etc.;
  • palpate the armpit to exclude the presence of neoplasms;
  • treat the armpit with soap and water and an antiseptic (for example, hydrogen peroxide);
  • inspect linen and clothing to clean skin irritant element, if found.

Even if you didn't find obvious signs developing disease or infection, it is worth seeking the help of specialists with a long-term pain syndrome.

Getting tested is the first step to finding out the causes of discomfort. You can do a blood test for infections, such as tuberculosis, or check your hormone levels.

Any pain of unknown origin causes anxiety in a person. If it occurs in the armpits, then the first thing that comes to mind and makes you urgently run for a check-up with a doctor is a suspicion of oncology. However, pain in the armpit can also occur for many other reasons, not always so dangerous. To find out why it hurts in this particular area, various methods of modern instrumental and laboratory diagnostics. How earlier man consult a doctor, the more chances to get rid of pathologies.


General information. Possible nature of pain

Hair growth in the armpit is a sign that is common to both men and women. The hair is supposed to soften the friction that occurs when the hands move. In the armpit area there are many hair follicles, as well as sebaceous and sweat glands. Particularly careful care is required for this part of the body in order to prevent the multiplication of bacteria that enter the skin.

Lymph nodes are also located here - clusters of immune cells that protect the body from harmful microorganisms. Any inflammatory process is associated with a rapid increase in the number of microbes. In this case, the lymph nodes swell and begin to hurt.

Armpits are located in close proximity to mammary glands, as well as some internal organs. Here are the major blood vessels. The reasons that something hurts in this area can be not only pathological processes, but also the state of the body, which have a physiological nature.

The armpits can hurt on one side only or on both at the same time. If it hurts only on the left, then in the absence of injuries, tumors and inflammation of the skin, it is suggested that discomfort is associated with heart disease. And if it starts to hurt in the right armpit, this is often a sign of osteochondrosis.

Painful sensations are weak or strong. They can be permanent or occur, for example, when moving the hands. By the nature of the pain is pulling, cutting, aching, sharp or dull. Often there are accompanying symptoms, such as itching, redness of the skin in the armpit, the appearance of rashes on it.

Video: What the condition of the armpits says. Signs of pathologies

What causes armpit pain

There are reasons why armpits hurt people regardless of their gender and age. These include:

  • mechanical irritation of the skin (rubbing with rough clothes or friction between the skin of the armpits and hands);
  • pathology in the lymph nodes;
  • inflammation of the sebaceous or sweat glands;
  • injuries and operations in areas of the body adjacent to the armpits;
  • appearance malignant neoplasms;
  • allergic reaction;
  • neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

The appearance of pain in the armpits in women is, among other things, associated with hormonal changes occurring during menstrual cycle. There are other reasons related to the condition of the mammary glands, including age-related changes(for example, involution).

Why does it hurt in the armpit with pathologies in the lymph nodes

There are 2 types inflammatory pathologies that can occur in the lymph nodes: lymphadenopathy and lymphadenitis. The reason for their occurrence is the defeat of the nodes themselves or organs with which they have a connection.


Is not independent disease but a symptom of other pathologies. Lymphadenopathy occurs due to an increase in lymph nodes, which indicates the accumulation of pathogens of various infections in the body. They can be tubercle bacilli, brucella (causative agents of brucellosis), rubella viruses and other dangerous diseases.

Is also concomitant symptom benign and malignant diseases of the mammary glands. The reason for its occurrence may even be the installation of a low-quality silicone implant.

With lymphadenopathy, not only does a painful enlargement of the lymph nodes occur, but other symptoms of pathologies are also observed, due to which this condition occurs. Often a person loses weight, his temperature rises, sweating increases, the liver and spleen increase and hurt.


This is the name of an infectious inflammatory process that occurs directly in the lymph node. The patient's condition is gradually deteriorating. Lymph nodes at first simply increase, remaining soft and mobile. Then they thicken, the skin becomes red and hot. The person is shivering, his head hurts. There is a general malaise. On site inflamed lymph node an abscess appears, which breaks after ripening. After that, the patient gets better, the pain disappears. In place of healed wounds, small dense nodules remain.

Inflammatory diseases of the skin, glands and follicles

On the surface of the skin are constantly various microorganisms that can penetrate into it through the pores. Activation of fungi and harmful bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and others) may occur due to insufficient hygiene care behind the armpits. Such care is especially necessary after a person sweats in the heat or goes in for sports, physical labor.

The reason for the entry of bacteria into the skin can also be its accidental damage. The occurrence of inflammatory processes is usually provoked by a sharp weakening of the immune system.


Hydradenitis is called purulent inflammation sweat glands. This disease usually occurs in adults. In children and adolescents sweat glands they do not work so actively, so there are no prerequisites for the development of hydradenitis.

At the beginning of the disease, the skin of the armpits turns red, begins to itch and hurt. Then multiple abscesses appear in this area, purple edema and increasing pain occurs. Inflammation leads to the formation of an abscess (popularly called "bitch's udder"). It matures in about 15 days. After the abscess breaks through, the wound heals, a scar with retracted skin remains, the axillary region stops hurting.

Allergy manifestations

The reason that irritation appears on the skin in the armpit, it begins to hurt, may be the occurrence allergic reaction. It sometimes appears when using certain cosmetics(deodorants, lotions, soaps), as well as antiseptics used during hair removal. The small red rash is very itchy. When combing, an infection is introduced into the skin, inflammation of various elements of the skin occurs.

Cardiovascular diseases

With such diseases, the heart muscle hurts. The pain radiates to the armpit area (as a rule, it is felt on the left side). At the same time, just as with neuralgic diseases, the picture of cardiac pathology is smoothed out, a person does not always understand how dangerous it is. Armpit usually hurts coronary disease heart or as a result of myocardial infarction. During an attack atrial fibrillation there is also a painful throbbing in the armpit.

A sign of heart disease is the pallor of the face, the appearance of shortness of breath, dizziness in the patient. Usually a person suffering from angina pectoris carries nitroglycerin tablets with him, which relieve sharp pain in the heart, giving under the armpit.

Causes of axillary pain, characteristic of women

Women have specific reasons the occurrence of pain in armpit. The appearance of such a symptom may be associated with the course of natural processes in the body that do not pose a threat to health. On the other hand, serious diseases can be the cause of chest pain.


These are painful sensations that occur in the mammary glands due to a change in the level of female sex hormones, a hormone that affects the development of glands and milk production.

Hormonal changes that occur monthly during the cycle (cyclic mastalgia) lead to swelling of the mammary gland tissues, sprains, compression of nerve endings. The woman feels as if a bruise has formed in her chest. And, of course, the pain is given in the axillary region, spreading to it through common ligaments and nerves. As a rule, already at the end of menstruation, when the level of sex hormones decreases, the pain disappears.

Similar discomfort occurs at the very beginning of pregnancy, as well as in women during menopause (non-cyclic mastalgia). Soreness in the chest and armpit is often encountered by patients who take hormonal preparations(for example, in the treatment of infertility or to eliminate the symptoms of menopause).

Addition: Sometimes in women who have large sagging mammary glands, the axillary fossae also hurt due to the tension of the ligaments (there is pain like mastalgia).

Diseases of the mammary glands

The cause of pain radiating to the armpit can be the following diseases mammary glands:

  • mastitis and abscess (purulent inflammatory processes);
  • mastopathy (benign changes in the state of glandular, fibrous and adipose tissue);
  • benign tumors;

In inflammatory and malignant diseases of the mammary glands, often become inflamed axillary lymph nodes, which is an additional factor contributing to the onset of pain. The cause of pain can also be compression of nerve endings, growth of tumors in the armpit area.

postoperative pain

After performing operations to remove cysts, benign and malignant neoplasms for several months, a woman has pain not only in the mammary glands, but also in the armpits. Nerves are damaged at the incision site. In addition to pain, there is numbness of the skin. In the first days after the operation, the patient is prescribed painkillers. During the radiotherapy there is an effect on the nerve endings located in the skin, as well as its burn, which further increases the pain.

What to do if the armpit area hurts

If pain occurs, attention should be paid to appearance armpits to notice any swelling, redness of the skin, the appearance of rashes. If it is found that an abscess is brewing in the armpit, then you need to contact a dermatologist or surgeon. Antibiotics are usually prescribed antiseptic treatment boils or anti-inflammatory ointments.

If the surface of the skin is clean and the pain is strong enough, you should visit a therapist who will refer you to a neurologist or cardiologist to find out if neuralgia or cardiac pathologies are the cause of the pain. Any other accompanying symptoms are also taken into account.

Even before going to the doctor, it is necessary to examine the chest, carefully palpate the mammary glands and axillary region. If suspicious seals are found, you should immediately contact a mammologist.

Regardless of whether it was possible to independently notice obvious changes in the condition of the skin or other signs of disease, it is required to protect the painful area from rubbing with seams on clothes, irritation with synthetic fabrics. Also, stop using deodorants.

Armpits should be carefully looked after, especially when they hurt. For washing, baby soap is used and warm water. Ulcers are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. Any ointments, creams, folk remedies can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor after an examination and determination of the cause of the pain.

To find out the reason why the armpit can hurt, a blood test is usually prescribed to detect infectious agents, determine the condition hormonal background, the presence of tumor markers. Additionally, an X-ray examination, ultrasound, CT or MRI is prescribed.

Treatment depends on the type of pathology found. medications, physiotherapy, surgical opening of the abscess or removal of tumors.

What can harm

Regardless of where it hurts: on the right, on the left, on both sides, it is impossible, without consulting a doctor, to apply warm compresses to the painful area or warm the sore spot in any other way. If the cause of the pain is an inflammatory process, then warming up will accelerate it. It is possible for pus to enter the bloodstream and cause sepsis. Warming up is no less dangerous if there is a tumor in the chest or under the armpit. It can cause a rapid increase in neoplasm.

Massaging or rubbing the diseased area, self-illiterate treatment can also cause great harm. Painkillers and sedatives should not be taken without a doctor's prescription. If the armpit area stops hurting, this does not mean that recovery has come. By masking the symptom, you can complicate the diagnosis and miss the opportunity to start treatment of a dangerous disease in a timely manner.

The armpit is a specific area of ​​the human body located on the side of the chest, next to the shoulder joint. Anteriorly, the axillary fossa is located between the thoracic and dorsal muscles. Fat and sweat glands are located in this area. Quite often there is such a thing as pain under the armpit of the left hand in women.

The most common diseases for which this symptom may be characteristic are: tumors and formations in the chest, an allergic reaction, lymphadenopathy, inflammation of the lymph nodes, hydradenitis, atheroma, boils, pyoderma, and heart failure.

Pain during an allergic reaction can be caused by individual intolerance to certain components - for example, those that are part of toilet water or deodorants. This phenomenon occurs in both men and women.

Traumatic injuries

Forceful or sudden movements of the arm lead to pain in the armpit. This is due to the fact that with such movements, the muscles located in the shoulder are stretched. It is observed in people who often lift weights, engage in heavy sports, as well as in those sleeping in awkward posture. The nature of the pain is often unexpressed, but it is constantly present, it gives both on the right and on the left. Muscles pull with movements made by the shoulder, but their mobility may be completely limited.

postoperative pain

It occurs only among the owners of the fair sex who have undergone surgical intervention on the chest. During the operation, the nerves that surround the gland are damaged. After the operation, patients experience pain for a long time, it is impossible to cope with it on their own, so doctors prescribe potent analgesics.

But over time, the pain subsides. If a woman experiences itching in this area, then recovery is coming. With the positive dynamics of postoperative intervention, the discomfort, as a rule, disappears. We must not forget that in some cases, surgeons introduce drainage to women, and it can also cause pain in the armpit.

Cyclic and aching pain

This symptom occurs during the development of a condition such as mastalgia. Pain appears in last days monthly, and in some women - before the start of the menstrual cycle. Doctors explain this process by the fact that before critical days small bumps form in the mammary gland. And if this occurs in the upper or outer areas of the chest, then the pain emanating from the formed seals on the left gives off to the armpit.

This phenomenon is explained by a violation of the lymphatic outflow, the cause of which is swelling under the armpit in women before menstruation. Sometimes pain occurs due to inflammation of the lymph nodes, but in many cases, patients do not feel discomfort. When enlarged, the lymph nodes become softer and painless. Usually the pain with mastalgia is aching and mild. But still, sometimes it is so strong that the movement of the hand will cause severe discomfort.

Do not forget that a woman's breasts need permanent care otherwise mastopathy may develop. If time does not begin to treat this disease, it can develop into a more serious disease.

Mastalgic pain usually disappears in more adulthood, during menopause, but may appear as a result of taking hormonal drugs. In addition, pain can occur with hormonal failure.

Neoplasm in the breast

On the early stage cancer or benign tumor there is no pain in the mammary gland, and indeed there are no symptoms at all. modern medicine able to diagnose before symptoms appear. Examination is carried out using mammography or preventive examination at the doctor's. The following factors contribute to the development of a neoplasm:

Pain with a tumor can be felt both under the arm and below. For neoplasms in the breast characteristic symptoms are:

Lymphadenopathy in women

Lymphadenopathy is a significant enlargement of the lymph nodes, which develops only in conjunction with another pathology. The main symptom is an increase in the size of the nodes. There are other symptoms associated with this disease, such as:

  1. Decreased appetite leading to weight loss.
  2. Profuse sweating at night.
  3. Periodic rise in temperature.
  4. Enlargement of the liver and spleen.
  5. Tonsillitis, tonsillitis and other colds.

Lymphadenopathy is also associated with other ailments, such as:

It can also occur after implant surgery. artificial breast. normal size lymph node does not exceed 1 cm in diameter. With its increase, first of all, the capsule is stretched, in which the lymphatic system, and this is the cause of pain in the armpit.

Inflammation with suppuration

The formation of suppuration occurs with hemorrhage in the lymph nodes, as well as with their malignant lesions. Lymphadenitis is an inflammatory process in the lymph nodes caused by infectious lesion. With lymphadenitis, not only the armpits are affected, but also inguinal zone. With progressive inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpit, painful seals are formed, consisting of a chain of inflamed nodes.

At the same time, red spots appear on the skin of the chest, and the chest itself becomes hot and motionless. There is a thinning of the skin, which acquires a pronounced cherry hue. After some time, changes occur in the inflamed area. Subsequently, the purulent fluid breaks through and pours out. After that, the abscess is cleared, the symptoms of the disease recede, recovery comes. The development of lymphadenitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. High body temperature.
  2. Chills.
  3. Pain in the head.
  4. Profuse sweating.
  5. Weakness and malaise.

An infection gets into the lymph nodes if a person has chronic lymphadenitis. At first, the enlargement is almost painless, but over time, the lymph nodes scar and harden, turning into nodules.

Pain with hydradenitis

Hidradenitis is a purulent process that occurs in the sweat glands of the armpit. The causative agent of hidradenitis are staphylococci. Only adults and adolescents get sick, since in children the sweat glands do not function until a certain age. The disease overtakes the body slowly and gradually. First, itching, swelling and pain appear, the skin begins to peel off, and then a hard swelling appears, having a diameter of about 2 cm.

Over time, the size and redness increase even more, as does the intensity. pain syndrome. The skin in this place becomes purple-red, as a result, the abscess bursts, and the contents flow out. Over time development purulent pimple happens within 2 weeks. After the defeat of one area sweat glands the inflammatory process also occupies other areas of the axillary glands.

After that, the skin in the armpit becomes bumpy, and as more and more inflammation occurs, the disease stretches for a longer period. Those who have had hidradenitis at least once can get sick again. In addition to pain in the armpit, with hidradenitis, there are such symptoms:

  • intoxication of the body;
  • rapid fatigue and weakness;
  • temperature rise;
  • headache.

Blockage of the sebaceous glands - atheroma

Atheroma is a neoplasm that occurs when the sebaceous glands in the armpit are clogged. main feature diseases - the presence of a dense and mobile formation with a clear contour. Pain in the armpit occurs due to the process of suppuration of atheroma. In addition to pain, there is swelling, fever, there is a feeling that the whole body is baking. With an independent breakthrough of atheroma, pus is released outward.

In no case should you open it yourself, otherwise it will lead to the formation of an ulcer. Quite rarely, atheroma causes malignancy. Pain occurs if a furuncle is present - an inflammatory process in the hair follicle and in the surrounding tissue. The cause of development are pus-like bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus. However, this is not the only reason, there are others, for example:

  1. Injury to the skin with subsequent contamination of the wound.
  2. Increased sweating.
  3. Wrong nutrition.
  4. Disturbed metabolism in the body.
  5. Decreased activity of the immune system.

At the initial manifestation of a boil, a small and painful rash appears on the body, in the middle of which there is a purulent core. After the pus breaks out, relief and recovery come, but the scar remains. Multiple occurrence boils are called furunculosis. Untimely treatment of furunculosis leads to the formation of a carbuncle.

Pyoderma in adults and children

Pyoderma is a purulent infection of the cells of the skin, which occurs as a result of the ingress of purulent bacteria into it. The causative agents are staphylococcus and streptococcus. development This disease is accompanied by the following factors:

  1. Cuts, scratches, injections.
  2. Skin contamination.
  3. Frostbite or severe overheating of the skin, for example, obtained in a sauna.
  4. Violations in the work of internal organs.
  5. Damage to the nervous system.
  6. Individual intolerance to pathogens.

With damage to the armpit skin covering blushes, a dot appears in the center yellow color giving purulent discharge. There is pain and itching in this area. Pyoderma has practically no effect on a person’s well-being, body temperature does not change.

Children also get pyoderma, it is more difficult for them. This is due to the fact that when itching occurs, the child begins to comb the disturbing places, and this leads to redness and the formation of abscesses. It is because of this that infection of the whole body occurs, and not just in the armpits.

In any case, if you experience armpit pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only he will be able to establish the exact cause of this phenomenon and prescribe the correct treatment.

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Pain in left armpit

Lymph nodes in the armpits often increase. Their hyperplasia is included in the symptoms of some diseases, the treatment of which requires special attention. Let's see why is that so? What role do they play, because of which there is an interest in those of them that are in the armpit?

The role of lymph nodes in the body

Pain in the armpit of varying intensity can occur for several reasons.

1. traumatic injury armpit and adjacent tissues. 2. Hydradenitis, otherwise the disease is called " bitch udder". It's contagious inflammatory disease, which is caused by staphylococci. The disease occurs when staphylococci penetrate the apocrine sweat glands and begin to develop rapidly. Hydradenitis is typical for adults, because the sweat glands in the armpits of children do not function.

1. Pain arising from trauma to the chest and axillary region. 2. Pain arising from diseases of the mammary glands. 3. Pain associated with the pathology of the lymph nodes and blood vessels. 4. Pain caused inflammatory processes in sweat and sebaceous glands(hydradenitis, festering atheroma, etc.). 5. Pain that may be associated with infectious and inflammatory processes of the skin (streptoderma, staphyloderma). 6. Pain caused by pathology of the nervous system, as well as of cardio-vascular system person.

Pain indicators in this situation can be completely different, but most often they are presented in the form of pronounced aching sensations. Much less often, a woman experiences severe pain that makes it difficult to move her hands.

Mastalgia occurs in women who have reached sexual development. In addition, over the years, the pain may become more intense. Menopause stops the process of the existence of this disease.

The cause of mastalgia may be hormonal disorders.

Drawing pain in the armpit

Drawing pain in the armpit in most cases, especially if the movements of the hands are difficult, is caused by a mechanical effect on the arm or axillary area. This includes stretching of the muscles, ligaments shoulder joint. Sprain pain is constant.

The resulting furuncle can "pull" the arm, while the pulling pain in the armpit is accompanied by itching.

At pulling pains in the armpit, the possibility of lymphadenitis should not be ruled out.

Whatever the pain, in any case, this is the reason for a visit to the doctor. Usually, diseases associated with axillary pain are treated by: a dermatologist, a surgeon, a gynecologist, a neurologist.

Constant armpit pain

Constant armpit pain is possible in such cases:

  • injury,
  • boils,
  • lymphadenitis,
  • hydradenitis,
  • pyoderma,
  • histopathology,
  • atheroma,
  • nerve damage, for example, after surgery,
  • tumors.

Constant or intermittent pain does not tolerate self-treatment. You can, of course, resort to self-treatment if you are a doctor or at least know the cause of its occurrence. To identify the cause, it is necessary to conduct a certain diagnosis (diagnostic methods will be discussed below) and analyzes. Only after this is the treatment carried out.

In most cases, it is pointless to escape from pain with the help of painkillers, since the main part of the diseases is caused by an infectious lesion.

Stitching pain in the armpit

Pain in the armpits of oncological etiology

Unfortunately, not only mastalgia or mastopathy can lead to pain in the armpit in the hollow. Sometimes a disease such as fibrocystic disease or mastopathy can degenerate into malignant tumor chest.

Although, in this case, it is important to note that breast cancers can be quite long time not to show itself in any way flowing and developing completely asymptomatically. In most cases, this oncological disease can be diagnosed before the patient herself begins to worry at least something - most often during routine breast examinations in the form of mammography.

However, in some cases, a cancerous tumor goes unnoticed in time and it is the pain felt in the chest and armpits of a particular woman that may indicate the development oncological disease, especially if such pains are combined with the presence of seals in the chest, the size and mobility of which does not change during the entire menstrual cycle.

It is very important to say that the probability of developing a cancerous tumor in the breast in women who have never given birth and never breast-fed a baby is much higher than in women who have given birth to one, two or even three children. Development risk similar diseases also somewhat higher for those women who gave birth to their first child after reaching their thirty-year milestone. In addition, the risks of this disease are much higher in women who smoke or regularly consume large doses of alcohol.

We also note that the main risk factors for the development of the described pathology include a family history (some genetic predisposition), early start menstruation, late menopause, various kinds of mammary gland injuries, such systemic disease how diabetes, of course, obesity, and even hypertonic disease. Note that a long (most often 10-year) experience of receiving certain oral contraceptives can also provoke the development of cancer in some cases.

Injury is considered one of the reasons why the armpit hurts when pressed.

After undergoing breast surgery, women may experience pain in the armpit. It is usually associated with damage to small nerves.

The right armpit can hurt for all of the above reasons, except for myocardial infarction, with very rare exceptions. Pain in the right armpit, if there are no inflammatory changes and enlargement of the lymph nodes, most often occurs due to osteochondrosis cervical or neuralgia. These diseases are characterized by a sharp increase in pain during movement, as well as a decrease in the range of motion - it becomes more and more difficult to move the arm and the patient instinctively tries not to move it.

What to do if it hurts under the armpit

If it hurts under the arm, before starting treatment, you need to determine the cause of the pathology. Timely appeal Seeing a doctor will help not only avoid complications, but also simplify the treatment process.

Many thin nerve bundles depart from the spine, some of which pass between the ribs - these nerves are called intercostal. Above and below the ribs are attached to the muscles that are responsible for inhalation and exhalation, between them is a thin intercostal nerve. During an attack, pain impulses travel along nerve fibers to the spinal cord and brain, and a person feels pain.