Why you can not preserve during menstruation. Is it possible, why not on critical days

Hair is healthy, and nails are strong, at the same time improving memory and becoming several times happier - this is a well-known fact. But did you know that sometimes food works just as well as medicine. In particular, in the case of menstrual pain, during which you are used to grabbing Noshpa and Nurofen, but certainly not running to the refrigerator.

We will tell you which foods should be added to the diet during this period, and which ones, on the contrary, should be abandoned for a while.

It is forbidden

Carbonated drinks


leafy vegetables

During menstruation, the level of iron in the blood may drop, so foods containing this element in large quantities, must be present in your menu. But instead of ordering yourself a cheeseburger, head down to the supermarket and fill your basket with things like kale, spinach, and chard.


Calcium intake reduces feelings of depression and anxiety. Vitamin D regulates the enzyme that converts tryptophan to serotonin, improving mood. And working together, calcium and vitamin D can prevent symptoms. premenstrual syndrome. Products with high content calcium can also relieve cramps and pain by acting as a muscle relaxant. Look for the magic combination in oranges, lemons and limes.


They are one of the best nutritional ways to boost your mood thanks to a high dose of vitamin B6. In addition, they are rich in potassium and magnesium, which reduce water retention and bloating, and at the same time regulate digestive system, which at this time of the month fails.


Often, menstruation causes an irresistible craving for sweets, and experts advise satisfying it not with a box of chocolates, but with fruit. Best of all, options that are rich in water and natural sugars cope with the task - watermelons, melons, plums and berries.


Salmon are rich in omega-3s fatty acids that can relieve pain and cramps, relax muscles and neutralize the source of pain. If for some reason you don't eat fish, you can also get a healthy dose of omega-3s from nuts and flax seeds.

Dark chocolate

- An excellent source of magnesium, which not only improves mood by increasing serotonin levels, but also helps to keep it at an optimal level. However, for all this to be true, a chocolate bar must contain 60% cocoa or more.

Considering individual characteristics of each female body, the active phase menstrual cycle may be accompanied different symptoms. Against the background of the absolute health of a woman, there are no special discomfort, but at various influences external factors there are always risks of deterioration of well-being. So, what can not be done during menstruation?

The ban on physical activity

Active sports during the active phase of the menstrual cycle should be suspended. If sport is a profession for a woman, it is better to resort to a regular warm-up, light workout. elevated physical exercise increase blood flow to reproductive organs. Against the background of the tide, bleeding may increase.

You can not lift weights during menstruation, start training without prior preparation. With heavy bleeding, a decrease in hemoglobin is possible, which can provoke a deterioration in well-being. After training, the following conditions often occur:

    general weakness;



    pain in the pelvic organs.

During menstruation in young girls, the medical commission usually gives exemption from physical education lessons.

Early age is often accompanied by a bright clinical picture, frequent mood swings.

Is it possible to have sex

    high risk of infection for both partners;

    the inability of a woman to achieve sexual satisfaction;


    aesthetic discomfort (markiness, bad smell, inconvenience).

If women consider menstruation to be a protection against unwanted pregnancy, then gynecologists have long debunked this myth. Sex is the same physical activity that should be avoided during this period.

Can I drink alcohol

Alcoholic drinks of any strength are contraindicated for a woman's body in general, not to mention the active phase of the menstrual cycle. Under the influence of ethanol, the vascular lumens expand, the blood flow increases. With weakened vessels, increased bleeding is possible, which in aggravated cases cannot be eliminated without medical assistance.

Ban on saunas, hot tubs

During menstruation, constant hygiene is important, but during this period, a warm shower is enough before each change of pads. Clinicians know many cases when reception hot bath or visiting the sauna provoked serious bleeding. When swimming in open water or pools, infection is possible. Vaginal plugging is not an absolute protection against pathogenic microflora.

Various procedures and interventions

One of the contraindications to various cosmetic procedures, surgical operations(except for emergencies), examinations and laboratory tests is the active phase of the menstrual cycle. The fact is due to a pronounced decrease in blood coagulation, a change hormonal background. Analyzes may give incorrect results, and blood during procedures will be difficult to stop.

Specialists in the field of aesthetic medicine, plastic surgery and dentistry consider the period of menstruation an unfavorable period for various manipulations. In cosmetology, there are known cases of unpleasant complications of the procedure, pigmentation, bruises and bruises in the face (for example, with Botox injections). Chemical peels and deep cleansing of the face can provoke backlash skin that appears as redness, allergic rash, puffiness.

Drug Prohibition

During menstruation, you should not take unnecessarily some drugs that affect the functionality of the hematopoietic organs, blood clotting. Analgin and Aspirin as analgesic drugs cause maximum blood thinning, which contributes to increased bleeding. For pain, it is recommended to use painkillers that do not contain acetaminophen or acetylsalicylic acid(Ibuprofen, Paracetamol).

With constant medical correction of some chronic diseases organs or systems may change the effectiveness of drugs. During the active phase of the menstrual cycle, you can discuss with your doctor to change the dosage, if necessary. Application of some herbal preparations can provoke a contraction of the uterine muscles, severe cramping pain, increased bleeding.

Hygiene products for menstruation

Many gynecologists oppose wearing tampons during menstruation. Allowed using tampons only 1-2 times, for example, for a certain outfit or while visiting the pool (accompanying a child, relaxing with the family on the beach). The reasons for the ban are as follows:

    high risk of infection of the vagina;


    traumatization of the mucous membranes of the cervical canal.

Changing tampons does not always take place under sterile conditions, when it is possible to wash hands with soap and rinse the perineum. When worn for a long time, a warm environment contributes to the rapid decomposition of blood cells, an unpleasant odor, and infection.

During menstruation, it is better to use pads, which should be changed at least every 4 hours. This is necessary when meager secretions. Profuse bleeding can be controlled with urological pads.

Nutrition during menstruation

Women who watch their own figure are not recommended to start diets, limit themselves in the daily amount of food. A weakened body can react to food restrictions with nausea, dizziness, fainting, and malaise. It is enough to follow the usual diet, which corresponds to the clinical history of the woman, her health. During menstruation, levels of iron, protein, calcium and folic acid so it is very important to have a balanced good nutrition. Additionally, you can take vitamin complexes.

What every woman needs to know

Menstruation in women requires constant hygiene of the perineum. Before each change of sanitary tampons and pads, it is necessary to wash the genitals and hands with running water and soap. During menstruation, the body is cleansed and the blood discharge comes out. For these purposes, the most the best means hygiene are sanitary napkins. Modern materials have excellent absorbency, protection against leaks, secretions come out, do not accumulate in cervical canal like when using tampons. The lifestyle of a woman during menstruation must meet the following criteria:

    regular change of pads (every 4 hours);

    constant washing of the perineum;

    use of napkins after each toilet;

    wearing "breathable" comfortable underwear (these things can not be used for several days in a row);

    long walks on fresh air;

    exclusion of alcohol, bad habits;

    a balanced diet that includes fresh vegetables and fruits.

At emotional disorders you should drink soothing tea, sleep well and relax. If the irritation is severe enough, sedatives can be used.

There is an opinion that it is impossible to attend church during menstruation. Menstruation is shrouded in myths and religiously. Visiting religious shrines during menstruation is prohibited only because of the lack of personal hygiene products in past centuries. That is why women were considered "dirty". Modern world allows women to feel confident in any public place and distrust dubious fabrications.

Menstruation in women is a natural process of the body, a kind of renewal and preparation for future motherhood. All the forces of the body are aimed at cleansing, so a woman may experience malaise, fatigue, general weakness. That is why many procedures cannot be carried out. Even in the absence unpleasant symptoms in active phase menstrual cycle, women are advised to observe some restrictions to maintain the health of the pelvic organs and the reproductive system.

Critical days or menstruation is the most necessary and most common physiological process, which occurs monthly in the body of every woman. But why exactly with menstruation is associated with only all sorts of myths and prejudices?

Of course, some statements can be considered quite reasonable. For example, during menstruation, it is not recommended to drink aspirin and other medications that contain it. Why? Aspirin thins the blood, and bleeding can be quite prolonged.

Do not have sex during your period. This is not very aesthetically pleasing, and the infection on such days can be brought into the uterine cavity quite easily. In addition, you should not bask in the bath for a long time, since the cervix opens slightly during menstruation and, again, microbes or bacteria can enter the uterine cavity. It is not necessary to play sports especially strongly during menstruation. This can cause increased bleeding.

With this, everything seems to be clear. But what about cabbage? It turns out, very much so. But everything is in order.

It became incredibly interesting to me, what else can not be done during menstruation? It turns out that a lot of things are impossible. You can’t whitewash the house, knead the dough, bake bread, plant, weed, harvest, pickle cucumbers and lard, make pottery, look at newborns, at building a house, you can’t ride a horse, wash in a bathhouse with other women ...

And this is only the smallest part of what a woman cannot do during critical days. And why not - then ?! It turns out that this is very easy and simple to explain.

We all know perfectly well that during menstruation, a woman's body leaves an unfertilized egg. But not only does she leave female body. During menstruation, a woman's body leaves and negative energy that has accumulated in the body whole month. You can believe in it, you can not believe it. But it's still worth listening to.

It is precisely this release of negative energy from the body of a woman that our ancient ancestors were afraid of. But it is known that all the negativity that leaves the body, it will not go anywhere just like that. He goes into that same sauerkraut. And cabbage becomes quite tasteless. And it's not just prejudice. This is a proven fact. That is why during menstruation a woman in ancient times was forbidden to create anything. Or look at what is being created.

But in one African tribe, a woman during her period went into a specially built hut and did not leave it until the end of the bleeding.

And then what can be done? There are two options - either clean the house or do nothing at all. Who will be drawn to what. By the way, it would be very nice if employers provided the woman with days off these days. But this, of course, is just an unrealistic dream.

So, lovely ladies! During your period, listen to your body, and if you don't feel like doing anything, don't do it. And in no case do not pickle cabbage.

By the way, have you noticed what delicious pies, pies and soups our grandmothers make? And have you ever wondered why? Everything is simple. They also have menopause, no menstruation, vital energy does not leave them. Therefore tasteless sauerkraut and banks with exploding cucumbers do not threaten them.

And recently, already quite grown woman, I learned that these days it is also impossible to ferment cabbage.

I was wondering what else can not be done in critical days, and with what it is connected. After rummaging through the expanses of the Internet, I found a huge list of what is not recommended to do in these most ill-fated days.

Some of these prohibitions are directly related to the Christian religion: you can’t go to church and the cemetery, you can’t drink holy water, you can’t take communion. In general, a lot of things are impossible, up to the point that you can’t erase dust from icons and fill oil in lamps.

Well, with the church, everything is more or less clear. The Church has always considered a woman a sinful being, and these days she allegedly became unclean at all and could defile the Temple with her presence. Up to the point that a candle lit by such a woman in front of the images will burn not for God, but exactly the opposite - for the devil.

However, I have always treated church troubles with a share of healthy skepticism.

Let me see what they say about it folk traditions. In them, a woman was never considered unclean, on the contrary, there was a cult of a woman in labor and whole rituals aimed at increasing the fertility of both the Woman and the Earth.

I looked ... It turns out that you can’t whitewash the house, bake bread, weave and spin, sow, plant, weed, pick vegetables and fruits ...

You can’t ferment cabbage, pickle cucumbers and bacon, make pottery ...

You can’t ride a horse, approach a house under construction, look at newborns ...

You can’t wash in a bathhouse or a river with other women, you can’t go to gatherings ...

And a whole bunch of "no"s. It's not enough to just list everything. It's just some kind of disgrace! Well, we are not lepers! Why do we have to shy away from everyone? Or why should everyone shy away from us?

What happens to a woman these days? I'm not going to describe physiology. This is covered in some detail in school textbook"Anatomy", I will not talk about another phenomenon, rather littered with glossy magazines, the so-called PMS.

I want to look at all this from the other side.

What happens to the woman? The female body is cleansed of an unfertilized egg. But not only she leaves the female body. Everything superfluous comes out, including the negative energy allegedly accumulated over the month. It is precisely this - a splash of this energy - that our ancestors were afraid of.

However, the word "energy" was not in the vocabulary of our ancestors. This term, which came to us with various esoteric teachings, was successfully replaced by the ancient Slavs with the word "strength". Remember: will power, spirit power, thought power, word power ...

So, on critical days, a certain force (well, let's say the more familiar - energy), a certain energy comes out of a woman. Since this is the time of purification, it turns out that this energy is all kinds of energy dirt.

But we know from physics that energy cannot disappear into nowhere. And here is just your cabbage!

Do you need it so that all this energy dirt is absorbed into your cabbage? Cabbage, in general, is a very interesting vegetable - it absorbs everything very quickly: water, pesticides, and energetic dirt ... That's why cabbage, fermented (salted) during menstruation, becomes soft, tasteless.

The same with everything else. Jars with cucumbers rolled up for the winter explode, manufactured dishes break, woven fabric is torn, etc. etc.

Therefore, our wise ancestors forbade a woman these days to do everything related to the production of a new product: weave, spin, build, and even cook food for builders.

What then can be done? Listen to yourself. The body itself will answer this question.

Be honest with yourself about what you want to do at this moment. And don't be surprised by the answer. Or rather, there can be two answers received (or the whole variety of answers can be reduced to two): do absolutely nothing or clean the apartment (house).

Both answers are easily explained: you don't want to do anything. There is a huge loss vital energy.

If you don't feel like doing something, don't do it. I remember reading a book about an expedition to Africa as a child. I don’t remember the book itself, I remember such a moment: African women approached white people and asked if their women were goddesses. Those, of course, were surprised - where did you get it? Answer: you have already been with us for several months, and your women have never retired to a special hut where the women of their tribe spend their critical days.

This exists in the religions and cults of many nations. These are days for rest, contemplation, meditation, reflections on ourselves and the world (by the way, maybe thanks to these days we think about the meaning of life more often than men?).

Well, the second case. When you want to clean everything around, throw it away, get rid of all rubbish. Moreover, such desires visit even the worst housewives and couch potatoes. He is drawn to climb into the most “bearish” corners of his home and eliminate all unnecessary. There is nothing strange here either. There is a cleansing of the body, and at the same time I want to clean the surrounding space.

So, clean up, clean up, relax, meditate, just do not pickle cabbage!

In the body of every woman childbearing age a number of changes are constantly taking place, preparing it for the onset of pregnancy. This process lasts about one lunar month and is called the menstrual (monthly) cycle. If conception does not occur, menstruation occurs, accompanied by spotting from the vagina.

Menstruation is one of the important indicators women's health, not without reason they are also called critical days. During this period, women become especially irritable, nervous, it is noted frequent change mood, depression. It's quite normal manifestations organism, which can be easily overcome with the help of sedatives. herbal decoctions outdoor activities, sports and positive emotions.

The situation is quite different if there are violations or changes in the cycle. In such cases, you should seek the advice of a doctor. So that women can figure out if everything is in order with them, we will answer the five most frequently asked questions about critical days from the series is it possible, why not on critical days ...

Can you get pregnant during your period?

To many, this question seems strange, but doctors do not exclude the possibility of pregnancy during this period. The fact is that spermatozoa are able to live in a woman's body for up to 7 days from the moment of sexual intercourse and retain the ability to conceive. The first days of menstruation are relatively safe, because due to copious discharge an extremely unfavorable environment for spermatozoa is created. But in the following days, the onset of pregnancy is quite possible.

Turn on it Special attention worth those women who have monthly cycle does not differ in regularity and can vary within a few days. Often a woman believes that she became pregnant during her period, although this happened at the very last days before they arrive. So it’s still not worth giving up contraceptives on critical days for women.

Menstruation is delayed: does it mean that pregnancy has come?

Most often, the delay in menstruation is really due to the fact that conception has occurred and pregnancy has occurred. To determine pregnancy, you can use the express test, sold at any pharmacy. If the test result is negative, but there is no menstruation, you should think about your lifestyle, often the reasons lie in it. A delay in menstruation can be caused by various adverse factors.

Among them are long stressful conditions which, unfortunately, are not uncommon in modern life, abrupt change climate when moving to another area, fast weight loss caused by diets or simply malnutrition, too much exercise. If so, then after removing harmful effects monthly cycle is back to normal.

If the delay exceeds five days, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination, as this may be associated with a number of serious gynecological diseases and pathological conditions. The reason may be ectopic pregnancy, inflammation of the internal genital organs, hormonal disorders, neoplasms of the uterus and appendages.

What hygiene products to choose?

Today it is issued great amount varied hygiene products for women. Manufacturers vying with each other advertise their product in such a way that it is easy to get confused. So what to choose anyway? Gynecologists advise to use sanitary pads, which differ in shape, material and ability to absorb. Therefore, every woman has the opportunity to choose those pads that are right for her.

The main attention when buying hygiene products should be given to the material from which they are made. It is important that these are 100% natural materials without the use of fragrances. During menstruation, the cervix is ​​​​slightly ajar, any infection can easily penetrate into it. Therefore, no matter what pad you choose, you must follow the basic rules of hygiene.

Pads should be changed every 3-4 hours, regardless of the degree of their filling, be sure to toilet the external genitalia. As for tampons, don't use them all the time. menstrual blood- a very favorable environment for the vital activity of various bacteria. A tampon, being directly in the body, can provoke their penetration into the body. In addition, tampons can mechanically injure the genitals.

During menstruation, the stomach hurts a lot. What to do?

During menstruation, many women experience severe pain in the abdomen, legs, lower back. You can get rid of pain on critical days by taking a warm bath or lying in bed with a heating pad at the waist. Reconsider your diet: these days you should limit the intake of salt, sugar, fatty foods, and refuse foods containing caffeine. Drink tea with herbs sedative effect: chamomile, mint, raspberry.

Moderate helps a lot. physical activity or just a quiet walk in the fresh air. If the pain does not subside, you can take an aspirin or ibuprofen.

Is it possible to have sex?

The answer to this question is ambiguous. Here, each couple thinks for herself whether she needs sex on critical days or not. Although there are no strict prohibitions, it is still better to abstain from sexual intercourse. After all, the female body during this period is not protected from infection.