Chinese pads: reviews of gynecologists. Sanitary pads - how to choose? Chinese medicinal herbal pads

Minasyan Margarita

Since ancient times, recipes for Chinese traditional medicine have been in demand among different peoples. These alternative remedies are completely natural and are considered safe. Along with the already popular healing tampons, there are medicinal pads for women. What effect they have and what they are - read below.

Types of herbal pads

Today, Chinese herbal medicinal pads are available on the market in various forms. They, as the manufacturers assure, are capable of providing a therapeutic effect on a variety of pathological conditions. Among the most popular are:

  1. Fu-shu - has a composition of an impressive amount of medicinal plants - 49 items. In addition to this, they are enriched with silver ions.
  2. Ji Mei Shu is another variation with the same rich lineup.
  3. Vinalayt - therapeutic and prophylactic orientation.
  4. - perform a protective and therapeutic function.

All of the above brands have similar compositions and a wide range of effects.

There are many more manufacturers of Chinese medicinal products, but these brands have been entrenched in the modern Russian market. At the same time, domestic products begin to appear: ordinary, night and daily panty liners (Anion, Secrets of Lan).

It should be noted that these products have earned their recognition in the Chinese market. They are even recommended by the national Chinese health program. Fu Shu and Ji Mei Shu are used in the treatment of not only female but also male diseases.

What is the effect of the medicated pads?

Such pads for women can be considered as a hygienic, prophylactic and therapeutic agent of traditional medicine. They are used for a variety of disorders of the female genital and urinary tract, they can "pull out" stagnant infectious processes, increase the sensitivity of harmful microorganisms to the effects of medications.

Among the main areas of action are:

  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • revitalizing (microflora);
  • healing (vaginal mucosa, cervix);
  • normalizing (local immunity).

It is also argued that some types of such herbal pads are capable of providing therapeutic and prophylactic effects in relation to sexually transmitted diseases. Such an effect has not been proven, therefore, you should not rely on these products as protection before and after intercourse.

Thus, the instructions for use indicate the possibility of treatment and prevention:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs,
  • viral lesions of the pelvic organs;
  • endometriosis;
  • adhesion processes;
  • erosion of the cervix;
  • infertility;
  • menstrual irregularities.

Mode of application

The technology of using these medicinal products practically does not differ from the use of conventional hygienic ones. It is simply attached with the adhesive side to the linen for the entire duration of the medicinal activity of medicinal plants that are part of the product. Typically, this time is limited to 24 hours. When gluing, it is recommended to place most of it on the lesion (urethra, vagina or anus).

The course of application is 20 days. If the therapeutic period falls during menstruation, then the product can be attached from above to the usual hygienic one.

Application in the first 3-6 hours may be accompanied by a number of minor side effects: a slight burning sensation or the appearance of a feeling of coldness. Such symptoms go away on their own after a maximum of 12 hours. If they are observed for a longer time, then the use of the product should be discontinued.

It should be noted that among the contraindications, only pregnancy and individual intolerance to the components of the product are noted.

Chinese medicated pads have a healing effect, which means that they are the best suited for the treatment of cystitis and other female diseases at home. Using them is very simple, you just need to attach them to your underwear, the heat of your body will do the rest. When treating diseases of the pelvic organs with folk remedies such as "Ji Mei Shu" pads, extracts of medicinal herbs and silver ions, under the influence of natural body temperature, begin to evaporate from the surface of the product, activating the natural defenses of our body. The course of treatment lasts from three weeks to a month. If necessary, you can repeat it without fearing for your health, because "Ji Mei Shu" does not contain any chemistry, only naturalness, given by nature.

The main medicinal properties of Chinese herbal pads ZIMEISHU:

  • normalize the functions of the pelvic and perineal organs
  • have anti-inflammatory effects
  • antibacterial and antiviral action
  • contribute to the normalization of local tissue immunity of the pelvic organs and perineum
  • heal the microflora of the external genital organs of a woman
  • have a reparative (healing) effect
  • increase immunity
  • Harmonize cyclical processes

Indications for use:

  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (bacterial, fungal, viral etiology)
  • menstrual irregularities (primary and secondary amenorrhea, algomenorrhea, oligo- and polymenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, etc.)
  • cystitis
  • thrush
  • infertility
  • itching of the external genital organs
  • endometriosis
  • erosion and pseudo-erosion of the cervix
  • postoperative period after medical abortion and childbirth
  • complex therapy of mastopathy
  • haemorrhoids
  • anal fissures
  • acute and chronic prostatitis
  • endocrine disorders of the genital area
  • decreased immunity

Mode of application:

Attached with an adhesive surface to underwear.


Menstruation and pregnancy.

A course of treatment:


angelica root, tu fu ling, rhizome of smilax naked, fruits of Japanese gircha, huanbo, bark of Amur velvet, yellowish sophora root, spicy cinnamon, Sichuan pepper, huaijie, rhizome of atraktylodis white, bean seeds, seeds of coconut plantain, hundred bea grass , fan fan, shoemaker root, Dahurian angelica root, peppermint herb, Japanese honeysuckle, rhizomes and rhubarb root, Dioscorea rhizome, Sichuan lovage rhizome, Bornean camphor, Baikal skullcap root, Chinese coptis rhizome, chi-zu, fruits aconite, mu li, gigantea bark, hu jean, rhizomes of Knotweed, andrographis herb, ma bo, powder of the giant calvation mushroom, qian li guan, wild grass, Chinese wolfberry bark, cardamom fruits, seeds of aquebia quintuple - "chocolate liana", di fu tzu, kochia corona fruit, safflower inflorescences, Japanese motherwort herb, "dragon's blood", dracaena juice, areca wood oh palms, leaves of Arzhi wormwood, danshen, codonopsis root, Mongolian astragalus root, atractylodis rhizome, dolichos lobia beans, licorice root, Chinese dodder seeds, Korean mountain goat weed, curculigo orchid rhizome, gutta-percha bark, summer peony root ...


In the first 3-6 hours, a slight burning sensation or, conversely, cold sensation may appear in the area of ​​contact between the pad and the body. It goes away on its own within 6-12 hours and does not require any additional intervention. No allergic reactions have been identified.

The composition of the Chinese herbal pads ZIMEISHU contains 49 herbs and silver ions, which carry natural strength

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Women's health is a complex system, the delicate balance of which can easily be disturbed due to a weakened immune system, stress or hormonal imbalance.

The statistics of diseases of the pelvic organs is constantly growing: for example, every third woman faces the problem of thrush! How to protect yourself? How to get rid of women's ailments without the tedious running around to doctors and drug treatment?

The answer is simple: Zimeishu medicated pads will help you.

Thousands of years of experience in Chinese medicine, a deep understanding of the harmony between man and nature, made it possible to create feminine medicinal pads based on 49 medicinal herbs and activated silver ions. Active substances evaporate from the surface, and also penetrate into the body through the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Chinese female pads can significantly strengthen the immunity of the pelvic organs, restore their microflora, heal wounds and relieve inflammation, destroy pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The antibacterial effect of the pads is enhanced by silver ions.

Dracaena juice so effective in the fight against bacteria and viruses that it fully justifies its ancient name - "dragon's blood".

Angelica chinese popularly known as "female ginseng" normalizes cycles and replenishes the "qi" energy.
Andrographis herb - a natural antibiotic common in Ayurvedic medicine. At the beginning of the 20th century, he stopped the Spanish flu epidemic in India.
Bark of gutta-percha tree has been used in Tibetan medicine as a tonic and wound healing agent for over two thousand years.
Dodder- a plant, about the properties of which Avicenna himself wrote. It is used for painful periods and skin irritations.

Here are just 5 of 49 plants that make Zimeishu Medicated Pads so effective in treating and preventing gynecological diseases. Add to this the action of silver ions, which kill more than 700 types of pathogens: this is how modern high technologies harmoniously complement ancient knowledge.

Cycle disorders, colpitis, thrush, endometriosis, vaginosis, cystitis, hemorrhoids - all this and much more is an indication for the use of Zimeishu pads. Women's pads (China) are also recommended in the recovery period after surgery, abortion or childbirth. In young girls, they normalize the processes of maturation, and they protect adult women not only from infections, but also from premature aging of the genitals. Even if you are not worried about the symptoms of acute inflammation, you can always take a 20-day course of preventive treatment. After all, it is simple, convenient and does not take your time at all!

In China, Ji Mei Shu pads are part of the government's women's health program.

The use of medicated pads is no more difficult than any other sanitary pads. You just use them every day, and the daily treatment pads take care of your intimate health. At first, you may feel cool and a slight burning sensation at the point of contact of the pad with the skin. Don't worry, this suggests that the medicated pads are working. After a while, the effect will go away by itself.

The only contraindications to the use of Zimeishu medicated pads are menstruation, pregnancy and individual intolerance to the components.

Medicinal Chinese pads have an incredible healing effect on the female body and are suitable for the treatment of many gynecological diseases. Chinese healers believe that for healing you need to use only those gifts that nature gives us. Thanks to the accumulated thousands of years of experience, as well as the latest innovative technologies, Chinese pads with a healing effect appeared. In this article, we will consider all the features of this product, as well as reviews of gynecologists and patients about it.

Impact principle

Chinese pads contain herbal ingredients that can be absorbed through the mucous membrane of the female external genital organs. Evaporating phytoncides have an invaluable effect on the female body. There is no need to worry about the safety of such products, as they are made only from high quality sterile materials.

The pads are made according to the latest techniques, using silver ions and herbal solutions. Such components allow you to fight many gynecological diseases. However, gynecologists do not recommend relying only on them. Every woman should see a doctor regularly. There are many diseases that Chinese pads cannot deal with. However, using them in preventive measures can have a very good effect.

It is not for nothing that silver ions are part of such a product. This element does not allow viruses and bacteria to develop, as it is capable of destroying the membranes of pathological cells, as well as viral DNA. Thanks to this effect, all foreign organisms begin to be destroyed.

Chinese medicated pads: basic properties

Before buying this product, carefully study its properties, and also consult with your gynecologist in order not to harm your body.

According to the instructions for use, the gaskets have the following properties:

With regular use, the menstrual cycle is adjusted;

Tone the female genitals and pelvic organs;

Influence the increase in the protective functions of the body;

They have healing and anti-inflammatory effects;

Affect the microflora of the genital organs;

In what cases can you use

Gynecologists in no way advise self-medication. Do not forget that the advanced stages of many diseases cannot be cured using Chinese medicated pads. Therefore, before using them, still drop by an appointment with a gynecologist.

According to the instructions, this tool can be used in such cases:

Viral, bacterial fungal genital organs;

Violations of the cycle of menstruation;

Cystitis and other inflammatory diseases;

Cervical erosion;

Cracked rectum;

Hormonal disruptions;

Decreased functions of the immune system;

Decreased female libido.

Are there any contraindications

Ladies who use Chinese pads to treat female diseases are very pleased with the results. The microflora really improves, the unpleasant odor disappears, and the discharge returns to normal. However, not all patients are recommended by gynecologists to use these pads. Still, there are some contraindications for use:

In no case should such products be used by women who have allergic reactions to the herbs that make up the composition, as well as to silver ions;

Also, pads are prohibited for pregnant and lactating women;

Do not ignore these prohibitions, otherwise your sexual health may only worsen.

Instructions for use

Feedback from gynecologists suggests that Chinese pads will have a positive effect only if you use them correctly.

Each product is individually sealed. Open it and stick it with the adhesive to the underwear, just like you do with regular spacers. Try to place the product so that most of it falls on the problematic focus. Use a new pad every day. Please note that such a product is sterilized by gamma rays, therefore it must be used immediately after the individual packaging has been opened. One pad is able to have an active effect on the female body during the day. After the expiration of this period, its positive impact ceases. If you are trying to overcome acute ailments, then use two pads daily. However, in this case, Chinese products should only be an auxiliary method of treatment. In addition, antibiotics and other medications may be needed.

Zi Mei Shu Chinese Spacers should be used immediately after you open the individual packaging. After all, the active substances begin to evaporate immediately, so the product will simply lose its therapeutic effect.

Some nuances

In the first few hours after the start of use, when the pads come in contact with the delicate skin of the intimate areas, you may experience a slight burning or tingling sensation. Do not worry, this effect must be present. This indicates that the gaskets have begun to work. Usually this effect lasts about six to ten hours and goes away on its own. In fact, this product is very rare in women, so do not worry. However, if you notice redness on your skin, stop using this product immediately.

Typically, the course of treatment lasts about twenty to thirty days. The treatment is so long, since the pads contain natural herbs, and the treatment of ailments with their use usually takes quite a long time.

The preparation contains only natural ingredients and silver ions, so it will not be addictive and will have a very mild effect on your body.

Chinese gaskets: reviews

Every day, Chinese medical products are becoming more and more popular, and for good reason, because they are really high quality and effective. However, do not hope that they will help you with serious illnesses. Reviews of gynecologists about Chinese pads are ambiguous. On the one hand, the remedy is really effective, especially when providing a preventive effect. However, you should not hope that by using such gaskets, you will get rid of cervical erosion or other serious diseases that are treated promptly or with the help of serious medications.

According to women, this remedy can alleviate the condition during menstruation, and also relieves of an unpleasant odor. But it is not able to cope with serious gynecological diseases.

Healing Chinese Pads have an incredible healing effect on the female body and are suitable for the treatment of many gynecological diseases. Chinese healers believe that for healing you need to use only those gifts that nature gives us. Thanks to the accumulated thousands of years of experience, as well as the latest innovative technologies, Chinese pads with a healing effect appeared. In this article, we will consider all the features of this product, as well as reviews of gynecologists and patients about it.

Impact principle

Chinese pads contain herbal ingredients that can be absorbed through the mucous membrane of the female external genital organs. Evaporating phytoncides have an invaluable effect on the female body. There is no need to worry about the safety of such products, as they are made only from high quality sterile materials.

The pads are made according to the latest techniques, using silver ions and herbal solutions. Such components allow you to fight many gynecological diseases. However, gynecologists do not recommend relying only on them. Every woman should see a doctor regularly. There are many diseases that Chinese pads cannot deal with. However, using them in preventive measures can have a very good effect.

It is not for nothing that silver ions are part of such a product. This element does not allow viruses and bacteria to develop, as it is capable of destroying the membranes of pathological cells, as well as viral DNA. Thanks to this effect, all foreign organisms begin to be destroyed.

Chinese medicated pads: basic properties

Before buying this product, carefully study its properties, and also consult with your gynecologist in order not to harm your body.

According to the instructions for use, the gaskets have the following properties:

With regular use, they adjust;
- tone the female genitals and pelvic organs;
- affect the increase in the protective functions of the body;
- have healing and anti-inflammatory effects;

Affect the microflora of the genital organs;

In what cases can you use

Gynecologists in no way advise self-medication. Do not forget that the advanced stages of many diseases cannot be cured using Chinese medicated pads. Therefore, before using them, still drop by an appointment with a gynecologist.

According to the instructions, this tool can be used in such cases:

Viral, bacterial fungal diseases of the female genital organs;
- ;
- and other diseases of an inflammatory nature;
- ;
- rectal cracks;
- ;
- a decrease in the functions of the immune system;

Decreased female libido.

Are there any contraindications

Ladies who use Chinese pads to treat female diseases are very pleased with the results. The microflora really improves, the unpleasant odor disappears, and the discharge returns to normal. However, not all patients are recommended by gynecologists to use these pads.

Still, there are some contraindications for use:

  • in no case should such products be used by women who have allergic reactions to the herbs that make up the composition, as well as to silver ions;
  • also pads are prohibited for pregnant and lactating women;
  • doctors strongly advise against using the product three days before the onset of menstruation and four more for after them.

Do not ignore these prohibitions, otherwise your sexual health may only worsen.

Instructions for use

Feedback from gynecologists suggests that Chinese pads will have a positive effect only if you use them correctly.

Each product is individually sealed. Open it and stick it with the adhesive to the underwear, just like you do with regular spacers. Try to place the product so that most of it falls on the problematic focus. Use a new pad every day. Please note that such a product is sterilized by gamma rays, therefore it must be used immediately after the individual packaging has been opened. One pad is able to have an active effect on the female body during the day. After the expiration of this period, its positive impact ceases. If you are trying to overcome acute ailments, then use two pads daily. However, in this case, Chinese products should only be an auxiliary method of treatment. In addition, antibiotics and other medications may be needed.

Zi Mei Shu Chinese Spacers should be used immediately after you open the individual packaging. After all, the active substances begin to evaporate immediately, so the product will simply lose its therapeutic effect.

Some nuances

In the first few hours after the start of use, when the pads come in contact with the delicate skin of the intimate areas, you may experience a slight burning or tingling sensation. Do not worry, this effect must be present. This indicates that the gaskets have begun to work. Usually this effect lasts about six to ten hours and goes away on its own. In fact, allergic reactions to this product are very rare in women, so do not worry. However, if you notice redness on your skin, stop using this product immediately.

Typically, the course of treatment lasts about twenty to thirty days. The treatment is so long, since the pads contain natural herbs, and the treatment of ailments with their use usually takes quite a long time.

The preparation contains only natural ingredients and silver ions, so it will not be addictive and will have a very mild effect on your body.

Chinese gaskets: reviews

Every day, Chinese medical products are becoming more and more popular, and for good reason, because they are really high quality and effective. However, do not hope that they will help you with serious illnesses. Reviews of gynecologists about Chinese pads are ambiguous. On the one hand, the remedy is really effective, especially when providing a preventive effect. However, you should not hope that by using such gaskets, you will get rid of cervical erosion or other serious diseases that are treated promptly or with the help of serious medications.

According to women, this remedy can alleviate the condition during menstruation, and also relieves of an unpleasant odor. But it is not able to cope with serious gynecological diseases.