What does a red tomato mean in a dream. Why do red tomatoes dream of a woman: an adult and a young, married and single

Interpreters argue that tomatoes in dreams are the personification of the dreamer's personal life and feelings.

As for what red tomatoes dream of, you can find many interpretations, moreover, in a variety of dream books.

Fresh or canned tomatoes

If ripe tomatoes were present in a dream, then in most cases this is a good sign. It is easy to guess what such a dream promises, which many associate with a bright and eventful life, full of love and joy. Therefore, if you dream of red tomatoes, do not hesitate: soon you will experience a whole fountain of unforgettable positive emotions. In addition, ripe and juicy tomatoes can be a harbinger of financial well-being. And one of the dream books interprets this dream as a symbol of good mood.

Fun and optimism will follow you around. You can find a reason for joy in literally everything that surrounds you. People will involuntarily reach out to you to take a particle of positive. Get ready for a lot of likes. If ripe vegetables in your dream were on the table, in a box or on the counter at the seller, then you will not face problems and troubles in the near future. All hardships and difficulties will bypass you. Red tomatoes in the garden or in the greenhouse are a sign of positive changes that will concern mainly the dreamer's personal life. Dream Interpretations offer a few more interpretations of what red tomatoes dream of:

  • Eating a large ripe tomato is an unexpected fateful turn;
  • Many small tomatoes are a harbinger of insults;
  • Cooking tomato salad in a dream is a surprise;
  • Picking vegetables is an unobtrusive and pleasant acquaintance;
  • Seeing someone stealing tomatoes from the garden is wealth. And if you yourself steal vegetables, then you want to live alone for a while.

Sometimes red tomatoes dream not fresh, but canned. A jar of salted tomatoes in a dream is a clear sign of a promising acquaintance that awaits you soon. If the vessel was closed, then you will have to show restraint and patience before you get what you want.

  • To see how canned tomatoes fall to the floor is to do the impossible. You should reconsider your goals and objectively assess how realistic it is to realize them;
  • Eating red tomatoes in a dream is a change of priorities;
  • Treat relatives with canned tomatoes - agreement with the authorities;
  • Buying salted tomatoes is a fun and noisy party.

If you dream that you crushed a tomato in your hand, get ready: a good deal is waiting for you, the offer of which will come in the near future. Putting a plate of vegetables on the table means a surprise from a secret admirer. And eating a canned treat in a dream promises a meeting with close friends.


Despite the fact that most often red tomatoes dream of good, there are several dreams with their participation that carry a warning. Contrary to most dream books, tomatoes can be an alarming sign that may indicate health problems. It is possible that inflammatory processes or allergic reactions take place in the body. To make sure they are available, try to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

  • Seeing red tomatoes in a dream (according to Hasse's dream book) is a secret romance that you have been hiding for a long time. The interpreter warns that the risk of revealing your secret is now high;
  • Tomatoes for those born in late winter or early spring are a symbol of an outburst of anger. Try to keep your emotions under control even if the circumstances are extremely critical;
  • A rotten or crumpled tomato is a harbinger of failure and unexpected losses.

Do not be afraid of dreams of this kind. Take their interpretations calmly and try by all available means to avoid future troubles.

Negative interpretations of dreams about tomatoes

Bare bushes without tomatoes on the branches, seen in a dream, promise family troubles. A harbinger of leadership problems in real life can be a dream in which a tomato falls to the ground. Dream Interpretations offer other negative interpretations of similar dreams:

  • Watering tomato bushes is a strong contender. It is possible that because of it you will encounter a lot of problems;
  • Cut ripe tomatoes in a salad - depression or loss of strength. It is also possible to delay payments;
  • Throwing rotten tomatoes - to be defeated in a serious duel. Be careful and trouble will be avoided.

Find out more

An unusual dream about tomatoes may surprise you, because it does not give the dreamer obvious hints about its meaning. To find out what tomatoes dream of, it is better to turn to the sources of interpretation of dreams.

An unusual dream about tomatoes may surprise

These vegetables, red and ripe, promise the dreamer good luck and joy. You should also expect progress in business relations and prosperity. A positive trend will also have a change in the state of health. In general, the dream is prosperous, but many additional nuances can completely turn the essence of the prediction.

Some of the dream books predict the appearance of envious people and enemies, others - failures in family life and life.

Tomatoes in a dream book (video)

Green, red, yellow tomatoes in a dream: the difference in interpretation by external signs

External signs of objects seen in a dream are of paramount importance. For tomatoes, this is, first of all, color:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • green;
  • brown.

External signs of objects seen in a dream are of paramount importance


  1. A large red tomato symbolizes extraordinary luck at this stage of life. Regular cash receipts and career advancement will begin.
  2. If a red vegetable is on the table, then this predicts pleasant acquaintances and new stages in love and friendship. At this time, all worries about temporary failures are groundless.
  3. A red tomato lying on the ground predicts a new opportunity to improve the quality of your life.
  4. If you have to choose red tomatoes, then the subconscious signals the need to take care of your appearance. Perhaps others believe that the dreamer has launched himself.
  5. The red color of the vegetable will become a symbol of a warm relationship with your spouse. At this time, you can feel real happiness from spending time together. Ripe fruit means harmony in all aspects of relationships.
  6. Green tomatoes carry their meaning. If you collect them in a dream, then you should not create a new serious relationship. In such a relationship, you will have to sacrifice yourself, which will not bring any benefit to the dreamer.
  7. Unripe green tomato fruits warn of the risk of falling into an ambiguous situation. Its resolution will be a complete mystery to the dreamer. Green tomatoes arranged in boxes warn that there is a danger of a quarrel due to the dreamer's incontinence.
  8. Brown tomatoes characterize relationships at work. They will develop in a negative way. At this time, you should not create ambiguous situations and decide on risky projects.

Yellow tomatoes predict a difficult relationship with the "second half". At this time, there is a high probability of revealing deception, which will adversely affect relationships. Also at this time, ill-wishers and envious people are activated. You can become the object of unpleasant gossip and intrigue. During this period, you may encounter betrayal, which will be associated with a loved one.

Why do women dream of tomatoes?

The main meaning of such a dream for a girl is an acquaintance with a future spouse or a person with whom the relationship will be long and bright. A female dream book associates tomatoes with marriage.

  • If in a dream a girl eats a tomato, then soon she will meet love. It was during this period that the dreamer needed to go out to people more often and make new acquaintances.
  • In addition, eating these vegetables in a dream for a woman means recovering from a protracted illness. Seeing growing tomatoes promises a girl the joy of family life. A ripe tomato for a pregnant woman or mother means the health of children.

The main meaning of such a dream for a girl is an acquaintance with a future spouse.

Another interesting explanation for such a dream for a woman looks like a warning that excessive jealousy of a spouse or lover can lead to a major quarrel or separation.

Why dream of bushes with tomatoes?

Often in a dream, tomatoes dream of it on the bushes. Such a dream is a dream for the dreamer's participation in pleasant events. Tomatoes in the beds mean cooperation with high-ranking personalities that have a positive effect on the dreamer's career. Also, tomatoes in the garden mean good news.

If tomatoes are hanging on a tree, then this is a signal that the goal is close and you need to make only a little effort. In general, dreaming fruit trees decorated with tomatoes symbolize excessive immersion in one's own fantasies. Perhaps you should take life more realistically and evaluate situations from the standpoint of common sense.

Seedling bushes in a dream symbolize a reliable marriage made for love. Red tomatoes hanging on the bushes for a girl mean a good change in her personal life. Most likely, this is a happy marriage or relationship.

What does it mean to buy, cut tomatoes in a dream and perform other actions with them

There are many stories that are associated with tomatoes. With them in a dream, you can perform many manipulations:

  • cut;
  • buy;
  • there is;
  • collect;
  • choose;
  • plant;
  • sell and so on.

Cutting tomatoes in a dream - being in an aggressive state of mind

Each of these actions has its own meaning:

  1. Cutting tomatoes in a dream means being in an aggressive state of mind. If a red tomato is cut, then the dreamer is hinted that he is too jealous of his “second half”. If you continue in the same spirit, you can soon become lonely.
  2. Planting tomatoes means ensuring a happy life for yourself and your loved ones. It is only important to listen to the opinion of family members. You can also expect an improvement in the situation at work.
  3. Eating a tomato in a dream means a quick happy marriage. Other events that bring pleasant emotions and pleasures are also possible. Eating a red vegetable increases the likelihood of happy days.
  4. Harvest tomatoes - enjoy success in life with your loved one. This is the beginning of a white streak in life. Pleasant worries associated with home improvement or expectation of guests are possible. Another interpretation of such a dream promises the need for urgent payment of all accumulated debts. If you had a dream about picking a fruit from a bush, then the dreamer is having a hard time with discord with loved ones and is the first to seek to make peace.
  5. Stealing a tomato promises the return of an expensive thing or person. An important factor for the return is that this object actually belonged to the dreamer.
  6. If in a dream you need to choose among a variety of vegetables, then in real life you also need to make a decision that is important for others.
  7. Buying tomatoes means making a difficult choice between family and work. If the purchase was completed, then the decision will be made correctly.

Treating a tomato in a dream means trying to seduce a married person. Such a dream warns of the possibility of an unfavorable outcome of such actions.

Fresh, large or rotten tomatoes in a dream ...

There are other external signs that are responsible for the accuracy of the interpretation of sleep. Tomatoes can be:

  • unripe or ripe;
  • large or small;
  • fresh or rotten.

A huge tomato seen in a dream predicts an excellent opportunity, which can be the beginning of a turning point in life. At this time, it is important to be more careful with new offers and not miss the profitable ones. In addition, a large tomato predicts praise from superiors.

A huge tomato seen in a dream predicts an excellent opportunity, which can be the beginning of a turning point in life.

A fresh fruit guarantees that soon life will begin to improve and things will go uphill. If the tomato is rotten, then there is a risk of contacting a married person. There is a danger of betrayal from loved ones. If the dreamer personally collects rotten tomatoes, then a quarrel and parting with a loved one will soon happen. It is not worth cultivating petty quarrels in the family at this time, since right now there is a danger of their growth into a serious conflict.

Interpretations of different sources

A wide variety of sources has given rise to a large number of interpretations of the same event or object in a dream. The most popular dream books are:

  • Miller's dream book;
  • Wangi;
  • Summer;
  • Children's;
  • Freud's dream book;
  • Yuri Longi and others.
  1. Summer dream book to explain dreamed tomatoes as a prediction of a calm and happy life.
  2. The dream book of Astromeridian speaks of tomatoes that a woman dreamed about. This dream promises a romantic relationship in the near future. Especially if the dreamed fruits are ripe and juicy.
  3. A children's dream book interprets such a dream as a prediction of new acquaintances with pleasant people.
  4. The spring dream book suggests paying fundamental attention to the color of tomatoes. If red tomatoes are seen, then soon the dreamer will be angry with something. If the vegetables are green, then there may be misunderstanding and bewilderment in connection with the situation.
  5. The lunar dream book and the collection of dreams of the esoteric Tsvetkov portend secret love, and the autumn one says that the red fruit symbolizes the coming pleasure.
  6. The Ukrainian dream book believes that seeing a red tomato is a bad sign. The concept is similar to the ability of a person to blush with shame. Embarrassing situations are possible, for which you will be ashamed later. A ripe vegetable promises illness. In addition, in the same collection it is said that secret passionate love is possible. The dreamer is also “pleased” with the same perspectives by the Wanderer’s dream book: secret love and shame.
  7. Miller says that for a sick person to eat tomatoes in a dream means to recover. If the dreamer sees growing ripening vegetables, then prosperity and peace will come in his family. For a girl, seeing a red tomato means getting married happily.

Why do tomatoes dream (video)

The direction of predictions associated with tomatoes in a dream completely depends on additional sleep factors. For the most truthful prediction, you need to remember all the little things that you dreamed about and analyze them using several dream books.

Attention, only TODAY!

The modern dream book considers tomatoes a good sign that brings good luck. If you are a young woman, then in your life the most favorable period has come for a new acquaintance and the creation of a family. The marriage will be happy and strong. But remember more precisely what you did with them, the interpretation of your dream depends on it.

How does the dream book explain tomatoes that just lay on the table or on a platter? This means that you lead a quiet life and problems bypass you. Did you grow these vegetables on your balcony or in your own home?

This is your subconscious mind telling you that it's time to take care of yourself and pay attention to your health and appearance. Have you seen them growing in the garden, in the country? - good news, a bright event awaits you.

Well, if you saw a full greenhouse of these vegetables, it means that your family will be replenished in the near future. Watered, weeded, cared for tomatoes? This is a sign that in reality your efforts will pay off doubly. Contemplated how tomatoes grow? - you will have amazing success in a short time. If you have eaten them, then your health does not give cause for concern, it is just excellent.

Remember the taste of tomato. A sweet aromatic vegetable with a pleasant taste promises you good luck and, possibly, a long journey with good memories. A salted tomato portends a betrayal of a loved one and a misunderstanding of relatives.

The color of the tomato also matters a lot. This is how the dream book explains red tomatoes: ripe juicy vegetables promise a new romantic feeling, passionate love. Be careful, do not immediately rush into the pool with your head. Green vegetables symbolize the inexperience of your thoughts and indicate that you have taken on a lot of unnecessary obligations.

Also, green color promises great chances to increase your financial condition, take advantage of the situation. Black, on the other hand, does not bode well, trouble will not keep you waiting. Just be patient, the black stripe will definitely be replaced by a white one.

Why do tomatoes dream in other dream books

Consider the various interpretations of this dream.

The female dream book symbolizes ripe tomatoes with a successful marriage.

Why dream of tomatoes in Miller's dream book? If you eat them, it symbolizes recovery. Growing vegetables portend a happy family life, and for young girls - a successful marriage.

According to the Ukrainian dream book, red tomatoes predict that soon you will have to blush for someone, be ashamed of something, it is also a symbol of passionate love. Ripe tomatoes - to the disease.

Why do tomatoes dream in Tsvetkov's dream book? They symbolize a secret feeling that only two know about. Similarly, this dream is explained by the lunar dream book and Grishina's dream book.

In Hasse's dream book, tomatoes also indicate secret love, an unripe fruit speaks of the fragility of a relationship, and a ripe and juicy one indicates that the union will soon cease to be secret and overcome all obstacles.

In the dream book of the healer Evdokia, eating tomatoes marks a speedy recovery, watching them grow - to a happy family life, for a young girl to see ripe tomatoes - a successful marriage.


Dream interpretation red tomato in a dream

Why dream of a red tomato. Dream interpretation

Tomatoes are usually related to our personal affairs and prosperity. A dream in which you see a red, ripe tomato promises joy and happiness in the family. For a young girl, a red tomato will be a symbol of a successful marriage. For family people, a dream can be a harbinger of a secret relationship. This is a good sign for a sick person. He portends a speedy recovery. Strong red tomatoes also say that in real life you are full of energy, which will have a very positive effect on your plans and activities. If the tomato is red, but rotten inside, the dream warns of possible losses and losses. In general, red tomatoes promise useful and pleasant acquaintances, but warn against swagger.


What did the tomatoes dream about?

It's hard to find a person who doesn't like tomatoes.

Fresh, salty, canned - they are always present on any holiday table. But sometimes we see these vegetables in a dream.

Why dream of tomatoes? And what to expect after such a dream?

fresh tomatoes

If in a dream you saw ripe red tomatoes on the bushes, a monetary reward awaits you. And the big yellow fruits in the garden speak of universal recognition.

Green, unripe vegetables in the garden dream of new creative ideas. And the tomatoes lying on the ground speak of the imminent resumption of lost relationships.

  • Seeing ripe tomatoes on the kitchen table is for unexpected guests.
  • There is a large pink tomato - to an unexpected twist of fate.
  • A lot of small tomatoes - an insult.
  • Making a salad out of them is a surprise.
  • Harvest - to an unobtrusive acquaintance.

If you dream that you are trampling ripe tomatoes, get ready for a serious test. At the same time, if they are red, then you can easily cope with your goal. And if yellow, then you have to work long and hard.

To see how someone steals tomatoes from the garden - to wealth. And stealing them yourself - to the desire to be alone.

salted tomatoes

According to the dream book, tomatoes pickled in an oak barrel dream of a joyful event. If the container is in the basement, you can count on an increase in wages. And if you saw her in the house, then a fun, eventful vacation awaits you.

Salting ripe tomatoes in a dream means being dissatisfied with your work. And if you dream of one big salted tomato, then soon you will find a more convenient way to earn money.

  • There are red salted tomatoes - to internal vibrations.
  • Pour green tomatoes with brine - to unpredictability.
  • Seeing tomatoes on the festive table is a joy of love.
  • Cutting salted vegetables - to concentration in business.
  • Treating guests with them is a new feeling.

Seeing salted tomatoes in a garden in a dream - to nervous experiences. And if you saw them among other vegetables, your soul will be quite calm.

canned tomatoes

A three-liter bottle with tomato pickling dreams of a promising acquaintance. If the bank is open, then the acquaintance will take place very soon. A closed bottle suggests that you must show restraint and wait a bit.

Seeing in a dream how canned tomatoes fall to the floor means wishing for the impossible in reality. And to remove them from the table means to realize everything conceived.

  • There are canned goodies - to meet friends.
  • Red tomatoes - to a rearrangement of priorities.
  • Canned cherry - for a pleasant date.
  • Treat relatives with canned tomatoes - in agreement with the authorities.
  • Buy - for a fun party.

If you dream that you crushed a tomato in your hand, it means that soon you will be offered a good deal. Putting a plate of vegetables on the table is a gift, and putting it in the refrigerator is a surprise from a secret admirer. Yellow canned fruits usually dream of making an informed decision.

Every dream has its own meaning. And in order to interpret it correctly, remember all the details of the dream. The color of the tomatoes and the form in which you saw them are especially important.


Why dream of tomatoes?

Each symbol seen in a dream carries certain information, and it can be both positive and negative. Dream Interpretations allow you to learn about dangers, mistakes, obstacles, or happy events. Now let's figure out what to expect from the future if you had a dream about tomatoes. To do this, analyze the dream, taking into account the main details, and then use the proposed interpretations.

Why dream of tomatoes?

Looking at growing vegetables means that in the future there will be happy and joyful events in family relationships. Sweet tomatoes portend good luck or a long journey, which will give a lot of positive emotions. If the vegetable was salty, then you should prepare for betrayal by a close friend or relative. Small cherry tomatoes warn that existing hopes cannot be realized, and you should beware of deception. For a pregnant woman, a dream about tomatoes indicates that the existing experiences are thoughtless. A large number of vegetables is a harbinger of an unexpected but pleasant acquaintance.

Canned tomatoes indicate that in reality some event will change the mind on a certain issue.

Pickled vegetables predict the emergence of a spicy relationship. Tomato salad is an omen of problems in business or delays in paying wages. There are tomatoes, which means there is a risk of losing your property.

Why dream of rotten tomatoes?

In one of the dream books, such a night vision promises vision problems. There is other information that rotten tomatoes indicate that you will be looking for a new romantic relationship. A night vision of spoiled tomatoes portends the occurrence of numerous failures and problems in business.

Why dream of green tomatoes?

Such vegetables symbolize that you have shouldered too many obligations. It may also be a harbinger of getting a chance to improve your financial situation. Green tomatoes indicate that you are a non-initiative person in love.

Why dream of ripe tomatoes?

For the fair sex, such a dream prophesies a happy marriage. There is also information that red tomatoes predict a feeling of shame or anger. It can also be a harbinger of the onset of the disease. Ripe tomatoes are a symbol of activity and vigor. Looking at ripe vegetables on the bushes means that there will be happiness and joy in family life.

Why dream of picking tomatoes?

Such a dream warns that you will be blamed for mistakes made in the past. If you collect ripe vegetables, then you can count on a happy and prosperous future. A dream about green tomatoes predicts unexpected problems in work and business. Picking tomatoes is a symbol of a rich table.

Why dream of buying tomatoes?

If you bought vegetables, then in life there may be clashes with competitors in which you may be defeated. The dream interpretation says that most often this will concern the working area. Even such a night vision can predict the appearance of a persistent admirer who will make attempts to achieve location.

Why dream of planting tomatoes?

Such a dream is a positive sign that promises happiness and prosperity. The dream interpretation claims that soon you will do an extraordinary act to improve family relations. Success in the personal sphere depends solely on desire and aspiration. For single people, such a dream symbolizes being in search of a soul mate.


Why dream of Tomato, dream book of Tomato to see in a dream what does it mean?

Summer dream book

Why does Tomato dream:

Tomato - Seeing ripe tomatoes on the bushes in a dream - to joy and happiness in family life, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book, Tomato means sleep:

Seeing a Tomato in a dream - I dreamed that you were eating tomatoes - that's great. So you are recovering. Growing tomatoes dream of happiness and joy in family life. A girl who sees ripe tomatoes in a dream will be happy in marriage.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Tomato:

Tomato - dreaming of a red tomato - angry; green - to bewilderment.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does Tomato dream in a dream?

Seeing a Tomato in a dream means - Tomatoes. There is - to improve health or recovery; to see growing tomatoes - fortunately and joy in family life. For a girl to see ripe tomatoes in a dream - to a happy marriage, an improvement in relations with her lover, many dream books interpret such a dream in this way.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

What does a tomato dream about in a dream:

According to the dream book Tomato to see what it means - Tomatoes - Tomatoes mean secret love. Tomato seedlings - an unexpected visit from an unpleasant guest. Watering tomato bushes is a rivalry in love. Collect ripe red tomatoes - to happiness and wealth. Collect unripe, brown or green tomatoes - to an unforeseen and unwanted hitch in business and at work. Spoiled, blackened tomatoes - weakening of vision. Canning tomatoes is a change of heart. Cutting tomatoes is a love that will soon spill out with insane passion. Buy tomatoes - you can suffer a serious defeat

Autumn dream book

If Tomato is dreaming, what is it for:

Tomatoes - There are red tomatoes in a dream - to enjoy.

Dream Interpretation of Zodiac Signs

Why dream of Tomato in a dream book?

Seeing Tomatoes on a plate in a dream - a pleasant surprise awaits you in the very near future. Cutting tomatoes for salad - you will make an important decision, the consequences of which will affect later life. Pick up scattered tomatoes from the floor - things or household items that you thought were lost long ago will suddenly be found, moreover, in the most inappropriate place.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin

Dream Interpretation Tomato interprets as follows:

What does it mean to dream of a Tomato? Examining tomatoes in a dream - experiencing secret love for someone; beautiful tomatoes on the bushes or picking tomatoes - fortunately, the joys of family life. There are tomatoes - get well. Green tomatoes are a sign of premature and wrong decisions.

If in a dream you grow tomatoes in greenhouses, then you will have a complete absence of any troubles associated with family life, children or parents.

Tomatoes - Only for women - For a girl to see ripe tomatoes - to a successful marriage.

Tomato - secret love..

Lunar dream book

Why does Tomato dream in a dream?

Seeing Tomatoes from the dream book is good health. Sexual pleasures.

Worldly dream book

Seeing a Tomato in a dream:

Seeing tomatoes in a dream is a good sign that promises good luck in all your endeavors. If you had a dream in which you eat tomatoes, then in real life you don’t have to worry about your own health - your health is excellent.

If you dreamed of tomatoes that grow in the garden, in the country, then soon you can expect good news, joyful events in your life.

If a young woman saw tomatoes in a dream, then the most favorable period in her life is coming for a romantic acquaintance, a successful marriage - the chosen one will be a reliable and worthy young man, and the marriage will be strong, happy and durable.

If you saw green tomatoes in a dream, then such a dream may mean that in the near future you will have to spend a lot of time and effort in order to achieve your goal. And at the same time, if you do not give up, but go through all the trials sent to you by fate, then the result will exceed your wildest expectations.

If you watch in a dream how tomatoes grow, then in reality you can achieve amazing success in your chosen field in a fairly short time.

If in a dream you take care of tomatoes - water them, weed them, and so on, then in reality your efforts will pay off doubly.


Who knows what red tomatoes dream of. A lot, a big basket. A lot, a big basket.



If you dreamed that you were eating tomatoes, then you will be given good health. If you dreamed of tomatoes growing in the garden, then such a dream promises joy. For a young woman to see ripe tomatoes in a dream - for a soon successful marriage.


secret love
For a girl to see ripe tomatoes, you will be happy in marriage.


Ripe, strong tomatoes in a dream symbolize activity and vigor. Often such dreams portend great success to your plans.
However, at the same time, you should remember that excessive assertiveness or immoderate pride threatens to greatly interfere with your plans.


Love is waiting for you

why dream of tomatoes ??? ripe, red 2 tomatoes one big the other small!


Olga Belousova

I can add that this is also good health


Ripe, red tomatoes in a dream symbolize activity and vigor. Often such dreams portend great success to your plans.

The sun

A pleasant table and enjoyment awaits you. Finally, prosperity has come into your life. Congratulations. Good dream.
Good luck

Very often, after waking up, we think about what this or that dream could have been about. But during the day we forget what we saw at night. Remember that our subconscious never gives us simple dreams. The plot picture and every detail must be unraveled. The best way out for the correct interpretation of sleep is a dream book.

It is he who knows the answers to the most diverse and versatile questions. Here, for example, what tomatoes dream of, he interprets as a symbol that brings good luck. For a young woman, such a vegetable portends a new meeting, and it is with this candidate that it will be possible to create a happy family. More accurate information about the dream can be found out if you remember where the vegetables were, their color and what function they performed.

Interpretations about tomatoes

According to the dream book, tomatoes lying on a table or plate promise a quiet life. All troubles will pass you by, so there is nothing to fear.

If you were growing tomatoes, then your subconscious mind wants to pay attention to health and appearance.

A vegetable growing in the garden is a pleasant event that awaits you soon.

To see a lot of these vegetables - expect replenishment in the family in the near future.

Watering, weeding tomatoes in a dream, taking care of them - in reality, all your efforts will be appreciated by others.

If you remember what tomatoes tasted like, then a sweet vegetable is good luck and a fast journey that will leave many pleasant impressions.

A more sugary taste, on the contrary, speaks of a misunderstanding with loved ones, a possible betrayal of a loved one.

Mashed and crushed tomatoes - to a crisis in family life.

Rotten tomato - to trouble. You should be patient, because every black stripe is replaced by a white one.

According to Miller's dream book, tomatoes for a patient portend a speedy recovery. If growing vegetables were noticed, then for married women this is a prosperous family life, and for a young girl - an early happy marriage.

red and green tomatoes

Of particular importance is the color of the tomatoes. The dream interpretation is interpreted as a new romantic feeling that develops into love. Be careful and selective, do not immediately go headlong into a serious relationship with a stranger. You have nowhere to hurry!

If you dreamed of a red tomato, this is most likely a good sign. "Golden Apple" - this is how the name of this vegetable (or fruit) is translated from Italian. Tomato symbolizes well-being and success both in material terms and in love affairs, therefore, when you see it in a dream, try to remember the dream so that it comes true as soon as possible. However, you should pay attention to the shape, size and color of the fetus that you dream of, as well as the circumstances of its appearance in a dream.

Why do tomatoes dream: romantic relationships, passionate passion

According to most dream books, deep red tomatoes promise you a quick start to a new love adventure, which will certainly be outstanding.

  • Be careful not to let your feelings overwhelm you. Most likely, this passion will be very violent, but it is important to direct it in the right direction so that it brings a rich harvest, and not pain and suffering.
  • It is possible that the connection will be secret, short-lived, that is, a person connected with someone else will become your partner. If you are already bound by love ties, there is a chance that you will be tempted to break your fidelity to your soulmate - some dream books hint at just such a development of events. If you dreamed not of a red ripe fruit, but of a green, unripe one, this is most likely to happen.
  • Throwing tomatoes in a dream, scattering them on the floor - to an easy flirtation with the opposite sex.

Marriage, happy family life, childbirth

According to the family dream book, red tomato, dreamed by a girl, portend a quick and happy marriage, and out of great love (after all, “golden apples” also symbolize an ardent passion). But even if you are not a young lady, but a middle-aged man, and you dreamed of tomatoes, the dream book gives a similar forecast: an early pleasant meeting that can develop into a strong family bond. Why do tomatoes dream:

  • The surest sign of imminent marriage is the growing "golden apples", no matter if they were in the greenhouse or in the open field. In general, in a dream, to see tomatoes that grow in the garden is a pleasant event, receiving good news.
  • According to the women's dream book, a red tomato in a dream symbolizes fertility, that is, a child may soon be born in marriage. So this is definitely a good sign for people who have long dreamed of having offspring. If a pregnant woman dreamed of red tomatoes, the dream book promises an easy birth, a successful resolution of the burden.
  • For those who have already entered into a marriage, a ripe red tomato promises complete understanding and harmony, a long and happy family life.

Health, wellness

Improved well-being promises red tomato to those who eat it in your sleep. Miller's dream book says that this is the best sign for those who are in the hospital. If you do not have health problems, be calm - they are not expected in the future. Why dream of tomatoes grown on a balcony or windowsill - pay attention to your condition, do not forget to visit a doctor for preventive purposes.

Luck, success, prosperity, wealth

Growing vegetables promise quick success. If in a dream you see that you are taking care of these vegetables, watering them, be prepared to make significant profits through your own hard work. Why do tomatoes dream:

Why else dream of tomatoes?

  • Buying tomatoes - for the imminent arrival of guests in your house.
  • Enjoy the taste of fresh juicy tomatoes - for a long journey, a pleasant journey.
  • If in a dream you see how you are preparing canned food from these vegetables for the winter, this indicates that you are in a difficult situation and do not yet see a way out. Another interpretation of this dream, according to the dream book, is that you are afraid of change and would like to return to your old life.

Can a tomato seen in a dream portend something bad?

Despite the fact that in general, according to the dream book, tomatoes are a good sign, they can also hint at possible unpleasant events in your life.

If you have a bad dream, you can take steps to prevent the dream from coming true. First of all, remember that this is just a dream, that is, a warning or a hint of unpleasant events. It is not necessary that in reality these predictions will come true. If you are afraid that this is exactly what will happen, try writing down what you dreamed on a piece of paper, and burn this record in the evening. Washing your face in the morning, say "The water is leaking, and what I dreamed is going away." You can turn the bedding inside out, turn the pillow over. It is very important not to tell anyone a bad dream.