How to donate menstrual blood. The effect of menstruation on the results of blood and urine tests

May 2

During menstruation, it is not recommended to donate blood for donation. On critical days, the hemoglobin content in the blood of the female representatives decreases and the immune system becomes more vulnerable than on ordinary days. When donating blood during critical days, there is a chance of simply fainting and blood loss will be much worse than if you donated blood during a period when there is no menstruation. A week before the start of menstruation and a week after the end - the period in which blood should not be donated in order to avoid unnecessary stress on the body. You can donate blood for a general analysis, but if you need it urgently. If it is possible to wait until the end of menstruation, then it is better to do so. When donating blood for tests during menstruation, you should warn the doctor who deciphers the results of the tests. The best time to donate blood is just the period seven days after your period or seven days before your period - at this time you can go to the blood collection point. Before donating blood, doctors usually ask about the cycle, but those who have never donated blood to the point may not be aware of this. Menstruation is, according to information from free sources, a contraindication when donating blood as a donor, and if you are going to donate blood for tests during menstruation, then opinions differ. Some believe that it is undesirable to take these days, but it is possible.
When donating blood during your period, as a donor, you may feel slightly dizzy and may darken your eyes, and cold sweat may also appear. Keep in mind that these effects are purely individual, and your blood donation during your period may be less noticeable. Remember that after donating blood, you can not smoke for three hours, as this is fraught with fainting and it is better to refrain from cigarettes for this time period.

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- This is a natural process that occurs in the body of every woman. During this period, experts recommend not playing sports, refusing to visit the bathhouse, swimming pool, hot bath, and also not. At the same time, the last ban causes misunderstandings among the fair sex and gives rise to a lot of myths. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Changes in the body

In the increased load on the circulatory system and hormonal levels, there is an outflow of blood secretions with microparticles, which distorts the result of the study.

It is also important that during this period the blood becomes thick, it goes much more slowly, hemoglobin drops. It is because of this that the fair sex cannot donate blood during menstruation. It is best to wait until this cycle has passed and in two days to hand over all the necessary ones.

What if it's urgent?

Sometimes our life makes us give up immediately analyzes due to certain circumstances, for example, it is necessary to urgently undergo an examination due to illness, an unplanned emergency operation, etc. In these cases, you cannot hesitate, but you must warn the doctor about this. The thing is that very often the tests that are taken during menstruation indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. Also, the number of leukocytes and platelets is slightly reduced. Knowing the characteristics of the patient's body condition, the specialist will be able to correctly diagnose.

Please also note that under no circumstances can't take tests, if you use medicines, the actions of which are aimed at alleviating the condition, painkillers.

When to get tested

If you have the opportunity to submit blood test a little later, it is best to do this five days after the end of menstruation. It is then that you can see an accurate picture of the body and evaluate the work of internal organs.

What tests can be taken during the period of menstruation

Some studies, on the contrary, are best taken during menstruation. These tests include those that are given for certain hormones. So, for example, for follicle-stimulating, luteinizing hormone, testosterone, prolactin, cortisol and estradiol, it is best to take on the fifth or seventh day of the cycle, at the beginning of menstruation. In this case, the analysis for progesterone is done in the interval from twenty to one day of the cycle.

It should be taken into account the fact that menstruation does not affect the result of tests that are given for the presence of a particular infection. Therefore, these studies can also be carried out during menstruation.

And finally, remember, donating blood during menstruation, you can feel a lung.

Practically any medical examination can not do without blood tests, urine tests, and in women also smears from the vagina. The study of biological substances allows you to more deeply study the state of the patient's body and identify certain causes of disorders that have arisen. Today, there are a huge number of laboratory tests, but they all have certain rules for conducting, compliance with which ensures the most accurate result.

Consider some of the subtleties of testing women during menstruation.

Are laboratory blood tests performed during menstruation?

Serious changes occur in the female body during menstrual bleeding, the hormonal background changes, it experiences excessive stress, in addition, since during this period many ladies suffer from quite severe pain, they take painkillers, and this can also affect blood counts while researching. It follows from this that when contacting a doctor, when issuing a referral for tests, it is necessary to warn that a woman has menstruation, so that, firstly, there is an understanding of whether it is possible to conduct this or that study, and secondly, even if the analysis is extremely necessary, then its implementation should be taking into account menstruation.

And so, remember, you should not take the following blood tests:

  • general;
  • biochemical;
  • for sugar;
  • for coagulability;
  • immunological;
  • on tumor markers;
  • for allergens.

This is due to the fact that during menstruation blood levels are unstable and some may change significantly, which naturally will not show the true picture.

As an example, when testing blood for general indicators during critical days, it is possible to detect rapid erythrocyte sedimentation. Such results are indicators that an infection is present in the body and an inflammatory process has begun. In addition, an underestimation of platelets and leukocytes is possible. Therefore, this study should be carried out on other days of the cycle.

As for blood clotting, the level will be significantly underestimated during the study.

Since the composition of the blood also changes during menstruation, the biochemical analysis will also be false.

Based on the above, we note that it is best to take blood tests on the seventh day of the cycle, in which case it is most likely to get real results.

In addition to contraindications for analysis, there are also appointments when it is during menstruation that one or another indicator can be accurately traced. In this case, we are talking about hormones. Since all processes in the female body are closely related to the hormonal background, it is possible to see their maximum concentration during menstruation or in the interval between the fifth and eighth day after the critical days.

During menstruation, blood tests are taken for the following hormones:

  • follicle-stimulating;
  • luteinizing;
  • prolactin;
  • testosterone;
  • estradiol and others.

In addition to hormones, regardless of the day of the cycle, you can conduct research on syphilis and infectious diseases.

It should also be remembered that the result of the study is also affected by the medications that the woman takes, so this point should also be discussed with the doctor.

Are gynecological examinations performed during menstruation?

To get a complete picture of women's health, in addition to blood tests, a number of vaginal smear tests are also prescribed, especially when it comes to the health of the reproductive system and genital organs. The most common analysis that gynecologists take is a vaginal smear. The doctor, when examining a woman on an armchair, takes a swab from the vaginal mucosa and sends it to the laboratory for examination.

This analysis during menstruation is not recommended, there are a number of objective reasons for this:

  • difficulties in sampling material associated with female physiology;
  • the presence of blood in the mucous membrane from the vagina gives a biased result;
  • taking painkillers at this time blurs the real picture.

But in this case, there are still exceptions when the woman's health condition requires an immediate diagnosis or constant monitoring, which is why a smear analysis is done daily, regardless of the day of the cycle. These are the moments that cannot be called a planned study, so there is simply no time to wait for favorable conditions.

In general, a woman should take care of her health, consult a doctor in a timely manner and plan in advance the procedures for laboratory studies of any biological fluids.

And blood is a fairly common issue among women. Biochemical and other blood tests should be performed regularly. The study of the composition of plasma and formed components is important for monitoring health status. After all, the number of red blood cells and other substances can indicate the presence of many diseases.

A specialist will be able to determine the need for a blood test during menstruation during a consultation. The results of the study may show false information after and before menstruation. As practice shows, doctors prescribe an examination mainly in the period between menstruation.

Impact on analysis results

Whether it is possible to donate blood during and immediately after menstruation determines the purpose of studying the composition of liquid matter. Most often, a blood test requires the patient to comply with certain rules. The doctor, referring to the examination, must inform about the requirements.

For example, examinations for hormones are completely dependent on the period of the menstrual cycle. A blood test for hormones during and after menstruation can show different indicators from each other, which affects the correctness of the diagnosis.

Require a certain time of the menstrual cycle, the following hormones are studied:

  1. Prolactin. The quality of childbearing function is more dependent on this hormone. It is produced by the pituitary gland.
  2. luteinizing hormone. It is produced by the pituitary gland and enables the functioning of the sex glands.
  3. Estradiol. Formed as a result of the functioning of the ovaries.
  4. Follicle stimulating. It helps a woman's body safely prepare for pregnancy and the birth process. Produced by the pituitary gland.

The influence of the period of the cycle is extremely significant when examining LH and FSH hormones. Biological material for these examinations is given from the third to the sixth day.

When examining the blood fluid for the level of the male hormone testosterone, the material is taken.

Menstruation does not affect the blood test of a serological orientation (presence of hepatitis, syphilis and other infections). The study of material for the presence of viruses does not require a certain period of menstruation.

Before and after menstruation, you can study the blood fluid to determine the Rh factor and blood type.

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Is it possible to donate blood on critical days

As mentioned above, whether it is possible to take a blood test during menstruation is determined depending on the purpose of the examination. Research results may vary from a certain period of the menstrual cycle.

Why you should not donate blood during menstruation:

There is a list of tests that experts do not recommend during bleeding.

  • General blood analysis. The study reveals the level of hemoglobin, platelets and leukocytes. All trace elements change their quantity during menstruation. Therefore, the result is often wrong. For this reason, the doctor should refer to the examination in the middle of the menstrual cycle.
  • Biochemical. The study determines the level of substances such as: protein, enzymes and bilirubin. Menstruation has little effect on the result, it all depends on the characteristics of the individual patient.
  • For viscosity. The structure of the blood changes significantly with menstrual flow.
  • For sugar. This study of liquid matter is carried out not earlier than on the eighth day of the cycle.

In emergency situations, a general and biochemical blood test can be performed.

Blood donation methods

You can donate blood after and during menstruation by various methods. The first - when diagnosing, a general study of the blood fluid is prescribed. Using the results of basic research, doctors make a diagnosis and prescribe therapy.

Biochemical study is a more accurate study. Thanks to the analysis, specialists receive information about the work of organs and metabolism. The collection of liquid matter from a vein and from a finger shows the state of the circulatory system.

The patient should warn the attending physician about taking any medications, as the substances included in them can cause an erroneous result.

A blood test from a finger practically does not differ from a material taken from a vein. There are only two differences:

  • Platelets and basophils are found in capillaries in smaller numbers.
  • In venous blood, the level of neutrophils, lymphocytes and leukocytes is higher than in the blood from a finger. As a result, the analysis may show a decrease in the number of monocytes.

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You can donate biological material from a vein and a finger. The results are deciphered according to accepted standards. Deviations, especially during menstrual flow, necessarily require re-analysis of the material.

Medicine is constantly improving. New technologies increasingly allow doctors to quickly and efficiently conduct a particular analysis.

Increasingly, in medicine, diagnostic methods are used, carried out using hematological analyzers. Their ability to quickly examine the material allows you to identify deviations or norms in minutes. These methods are used in cases of emergency assistance.

Before a blood test, it is mandatory to avoid alcohol and fatty foods for two days before collecting the material.

What analysis indicators are considered normal on critical days

During menstruation, women can donate blood, taking into account all the features of growth or decrease in performance.

The number of leukocytes comes first in the analysis. In 1 ml. they should not be more than 3.5-10 thousand. Exceeding this indicator can inform the doctor about the presence of a fungal or infectious infection. During menstruation, false data is almost 90% possible. An elevated white blood cell count can also indicate the presence of kidney failure, gastritis, and anemia.

The normal rate of red blood cells should vary from 3.8 to 5.9 million in 1 ml. blood. A sign of anemia can be a significant decrease in red blood cells.

Hemoglobin values ​​should not be higher than 160 and not lower than 120 g / l. The indicator is exceeded only with the development of chronic leukemia in the body. Elevated hemoglobin may be evidence of poor blood clotting.

A color score test can also tell the doctor about a patient's health status. The norm is the amount from 0.85 to 1.04. Folate deficiency anemia and macrocytosis can cause excess. The reason for the decrease may be the synthesis of hemoglobin, as well as a decrease in the size of red blood cells.

No less significant in making a diagnosis is the study of blood for hematocrit. The norm is considered an indicator from 34 to 45%. An increase in erythrocyte mass can cause an increase in hematocrit. The result of the study of biological matter with a decrease in indicators indicates the presence of hemolysis of erythrocytes or regular blood loss. Indicates a low hematocrit in excess of the amount of salt in the body of a woman.

After medical professionals discovered the possibility of blood transfusion, many lives have been saved with it in our time. This is not only a way to help a sick person, but also a great option to earn some money, get a day off and provoke cleansing and renewing processes in the body.

It is the weak half of the population that is predominantly engaged in this type of charity and, due to their physiology, they often have the question of whether it is possible to donate blood during menstruation for donation or whether this procedure should be postponed to the period between menstruation.

Relationship between donation and menstruation

An obvious factor linking blood transfusion and critical days is the loss of blood. Of course, in order to take biological fluid for donation, specialized equipment is used, and it is taken directly from a vein, but this still does not reduce blood loss. Every day during the regular period, a woman loses up to 60 milliliters of blood fluid, and at least 200 ml is required for transfusion. Adding two numbers, a rather large amount of lost biological material is obtained, which will adversely affect the general condition of the body. It takes several days and a lot of resources to fully recover between periods. That is why, qualified specialists say that donation during menstruation is impossible.

Reasons for not donating

There are reasons why you should not be a donor during your period:

  • During the period of the menstrual cycle, the general condition of the girl worsens significantly, she becomes weaker, drowsiness appears. This is due to a decrease in the level of sex hormones that are contained in the blood. If a woman donates blood at such a time, this may adversely affect her health and provoke a short-term or long-term fainting;
  • During critical days, the composition of the blood fluid also changes. Significantly reduced hemoglobin (spreads oxygen through the tissues). This is due to hormonal imbalance and a decrease in the number of red blood cells, which help him move through the vessels. The reduced level of this trace element causes a strong weakening of the body;
  • Critical days are accompanied by a deterioration in the performance of the immune system, as a result of which the likelihood of infection of the body increases. If you donate during your period, the recovery process will last much longer than on ordinary days;
  • Also, during the regulation, blood pressure undergoes changes (it can both increase and fall). If at this moment the girl gives up the biological fluid for transfusion, then the walls of the blood arteries can be very damaged;
  • Very often, menstruation is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, eliminating which, the girl takes painkillers that penetrate the blood. During its delivery, it is very important that the liquid does not contain excess medicinal elements that adversely affect its quality.

When is donation possible?

You can donate blood during your period only if a sick person who needs a transfusion cannot wait. The blood fluid will also be effective, the only thing is that the number of platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes will decrease in it. In other cases, this is not worth doing, since such a procedure adversely affects the health of the donor woman.

It is better to postpone blood donation for a more favorable period. As a rule, doctors allow the procedure to be carried out within 4 days after the end of menstruation. To determine whether the natural amount of blood and other useful resources in the female body has been restored, doctors conduct special tests before transfusion.

Before critical days

Often, women are also interested in the question of whether it is possible to donate blood if menstruation is due in a few days.

Medical experts say that donating body fluid less than five days before the onset of critical days is not recommended. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that after blood collection, the body is exposed to a stressful situation and is not able to restore the necessary strength to cope with the subsequent onset of regulation. Even after conducting a blood test, the results of which are likely to show an increase in the level of hemoglobin and erythrocytes, the manipulation of the transfusion is not advisable. The increased amount of these trace elements is aimed at fighting infections and other changes that occur during critical days. It is also not recommended to donate blood during menstruation due to an increase in its viscosity and a decrease in the pain threshold - this will make the usual procedure lengthy and painful.

Consequences of donation for the cycle

Adverse effects after taking a biological fluid can be not only short-term, during which a woman can lose consciousness, feel a surge of weakness and drowsiness. Often, girls who nevertheless decided to donate blood during critical days noted that this noble event had a negative impact on the following physiological processes:

  • There was a failure of the menstrual cycle. Violation of the regularity of menstruation and their delay can be explained not by the loss of a large amount of blood, but by the fact that the female body has undergone severe stress (especially if this was the first donation of blood fluid). Emotional upheavals adversely affect the level of female sex hormones, a stable amount of which is responsible for the timely onset of critical days;
  • Menstrual flow becomes more scarce - this is due to the fact that the body is trying to save useful resources and restore the required amount of biological fluid;
  • If blood donation was made shortly before the onset of the regulation, then they can go earlier. This is also due to a change in the amount of hormones or severe stress. Most often, the cycle is completely stabilized in the next month.

Based on the consequences described above, which may develop as a result of the donation of biological fluid, doctors negatively answer the question of whether donation is possible during menstruation. Due to a sharp deterioration in the general state of health, doctors who already have a lot of work will have to direct their efforts to help the donor girl. Because of this reaction of the body, she will most likely no longer be allowed to donate blood for a transfusion. That is why it is recommended not to keep silent about the physiological state present in order to get an extra day off, satisfy a noble impulse or an easy way to earn extra money.