Swollen lymph nodes in the groin in women causes. Anti-inflammatory drugs

Inguinal lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area.

Inguinal lymph nodes contribute to the flow and outflow of lymph in the buttocks, anal canal, lower abdominal wall, lower extremities, genitals. Therefore, the development of inguinal lymphadenitis indicates the presence of diseases in these organs and parts of the body.

Most often, lymphadenitis in this area develops as a result of an inflammatory process caused by a sexually transmitted disease.

Inguinal lymphadenitis is manifested by an increase and soreness of the lymph nodes, discomfort and pain in the groin during physical exertion.

Treatment of inguinal lymphadenitis depends on the causes of its causes and the stage of the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes.

Causes of inguinal lymphadenitis

In this case, both one lymph node and several can be affected. In this case, the medial (middle) group of inguinal lymph nodes becomes inflamed, to which lymph comes from the genitals, the perineum and anus. The defeat of the upper group of lymph nodes occurs with inflammation in the lower part of the abdominal wall and buttocks; lower - with inflammatory processes in the lower extremities.

In some cases, inguinal lymphadenitis may occur due to the intake of certain medications.

Inguinal lymphadenitis in women is more often caused by cystic formations and malignant tumors in the internal genital organs, various fungal and infectious diseases.

Inguinal lymphadenitis in men usually occurs with sexually transmitted and infectious diseases, as well as metastasis of malignant neoplasms of the genital organs to the lymph node.

Symptoms of inguinal lymphadenitis

The disease of inguinal lymphadenitis in men and women manifests itself in the same way.

The symptoms of this disease are:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes, the appearance of pain during their palpation, as well as at rest;
  • Feeling of discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen when walking and other physical activities;
  • Swelling, redness and peeling of the skin over inflamed lymph nodes;
  • Fever, chills, general malaise.

The last two signs occur, as a rule, in the presence of a purulent process in the lymph node.

Lymphadenitis from the groin can spread to other lymph nodes and lead to the development of an abscess, in which the walls of blood vessels corrode, phlegmon and tissue necrosis occur.

Also, complications of inguinal lymphadenitis include: meningitis, sepsis, osteomyelitis, encephalitis, septic arthritis.

Diagnosis of inguinal lymphadenitis

To diagnose this disease, the doctor first conducts an external examination of the inguinal zone. In a healthy person, the inguinal lymph nodes do not protrude above the surface of the skin, are not palpable and do not cause pain.

If symptoms of lymphadenitis are detected, various instrumental and laboratory examinations can be prescribed to the patient:

  • General and biochemical blood test to establish the causative agent of the disease;
  • Biopsy of the lymph node to identify pathologically altered cells. This study is performed with suspicion of metastases to the lymph node in oncological diseases.

Also, the patient, in order to clarify the diagnosis, can be referred for consultations to specialists in various fields in order to discover the root cause of the disease.

Treatment of inguinal lymphadenitis

In the treatment of inguinal lymphadenitis in women and men, both conservative and surgical methods are used.

At the initial stages of the disease, the patient is shown a calm regime with the avoidance of hypothermia. A course of antibiotic therapy is also prescribed. In the treatment of acute lymphadenitis, special aseptic dressings, physiotherapy (ultrasound, galvanization, electrophore) are also used.

In more complex forms of the disease, intensive antibiotic therapy is carried out to relieve inflammation, immunostimulating and restorative agents are prescribed.

With the transition of inguinal lymphadenitis to a purulent form, the patient requires surgical intervention. To do this, an inflamed lymph node is opened, then purulent contents and nearby dead tissues are removed from it. Drainage of the cavity of the lymph node is performed with antibacterial and antimicrobial agents.

Chronic inguinal lymphadenitis begins to be treated only after establishing the cause that determines its development. If a certain venereal or infectious disease acts as a cause, then the goal of treatment will be to eliminate it. And, most likely, after the elimination of the source of infection, the inflamed lymph nodes will return to normal. If there are signs of metastases of malignant neoplasms in the lymph node, then the treatment will consist in the use of radiation and chemotherapy methods. If the source of the disease cannot be established, then the patient is prescribed local radiotherapy and restorative treatment.

For a long time, the removal of the lymph node was considered the best way to treat lymphadenitis. But today it is precisely established that such an intervention leads to improper outflow of lymph, lymphostasis or elephantiasis (elephantiasis). Therefore, surgical removal of the node is resorted to only in extreme cases - when the patient has necrosis of the lymph nodes.

Prevention of inguinal lymphadenitis

Preventive measures to prevent inguinal lymphadenitis include:

  • Timely treatment of infections that can lead to the development of this disease (fungal and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, skin injuries, oncology), since lymphadenitis is most often a secondary disease;
  • Treatment of skin lesions and microtraumas with antiseptic solutions (iodine, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green) to prevent purulent and septic complications);
  • Timely treatment of purulent processes;
  • Strengthening immunity.

Thus, inguinal lymphadenitis is a disease more often of secondary origin, which, with the correct diagnosis and timely treatment, has a favorable prognosis. In the absence of appropriate therapy, necrotization of the node or the development of a generalized infection may occur, which will lead to the removal of the node and disruption of the lymph outflow process.

The inguinal lymph nodes are part of the entire human lymphatic system, which performs immune (protective) functions. They are small balls filled with lymph fluid. When some types of diseases occur, they become inflamed and cause pain when walking. Inguinal lymphadenitis is not an independent disease, it is a symptom and a side effect of various pathologies of the sexual and other areas. Next, we will consider why the lymph node hurts in the groin, clinical manifestations, as well as methods of diagnosis and treatment.

In the groin area there are three groups of lymph nodes, each of which is responsible for the health of certain organs. Depending on which group of nodes hurts, one can make an assumption about possible causes or even about the presence of a specific disease.

  1. The upper ones are responsible for the gluteal region and the lateral part of the trunk (pelvis).
  2. The medians control the rectum and the organs of the genitourinary system.
  3. The lower ones are responsible for the legs and the lymph that enters them.

Pain can occur simultaneously in several groups of lymph nodes, as well as on the left or right.

Why do they hurt, ache, pull inguinal lymph nodes

There are many reasons why a lymph node in the groin hurts. They are differentiated by varying degrees of severity and localization, but cause similar symptoms in the form of pain in the groin and discomfort when walking. Factors that can cause discomfort include:

  1. Venereal diseases, as well as sexually transmitted diseases. These are HIV, AIDS, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes and others. One of the common causes of inguinal lymphadenitis.
  2. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system - salpingo-oophoritis, inflammation of the uterus.
  3. Pathologies of the kidneys and diseases of the urinary tract, such as pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, kidney stones. Most of them also have an infectious nature, so the immune system reacts with an inflammatory process and pain in the lymph nodes (lymphocytes begin to multiply actively).
  4. Skin infectious diseases in the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, legs - furunculosis, trophic ulcers, abscess, etc.
  5. Hypothermia, which occurs when sitting on cold surfaces, as well as if the feet get wet.
  6. Pathologies in the bones of the thigh and the hip joint of an inflammatory or traumatic nature - osteomyelitis, arthritis, arthrosis, coxarthrosis.
  7. Tuberculosis at any stage of occurrence.
  8. Oncological diseases of both the lymphatic system itself and other organs. In the second case, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin is a reaction to the development of a pathological process, or metastases (clusters of cancer cells) form in them.
  9. Fungal infections that can be contracted in common areas (saunas, baths, swimming pools, common changing rooms), or after antibiotic treatment (for example, thrush).
  10. Inflammatory diseases of the rectum.
  11. Some autoimmune diseases.

Associated symptoms

Pathological violation of the functionality of the inguinal lymph nodes is quite bright. In addition to pain, the patient may experience:

  1. An increase in lymph nodes, which is sometimes easy to detect visually, and sometimes the nodes are only palpable.
  2. Aching pains with pressure that radiate to the leg, often there is a burning sensation of the lymph node in the groin.
  3. Redness of the skin on the inflamed area, hotness of the skin and a feeling of pulsation. Such sensations arise during the development of a purulent process.
  4. Other symptoms that occur when there is an infection in the body: fever, weakness, nausea, upset stool and / or urination, chills, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, changes in blood pressure.

Depending on the cause that caused lymphadenitis, the following features of the course of the disease are observed:

  • with sexually transmitted diseases, the lymph nodes in the groin do not immediately become inflamed. This is due to the fact that all pathogenic microorganisms have an incubation period during which there are no symptoms. As soon as it is completed, painful discomfort appears in any area, according to which the presence of the disease can be suspected.
  • in oncological diseases, pain in the lymph nodes is often completely absent, but for a long time they can be increased. There is no discomfort whatsoever. Pain and burning appear already in advanced stages.
  • if there is a high body temperature, the skin at the location of the lymph nodes is stretched and reddened, the hip joints or lower back are very sore, we can talk about the extensive spread of the purulent process. This is fraught with blood poisoning (sepsis) and, in the absence of timely medical intervention, can lead to death. Therefore, at the first manifestations of this condition, it is necessary to immediately contact a medical institution.

What examination is required

Diagnosis of directly inguinal lymphadenitis does not cause any difficulties, since the above symptoms speak for themselves. However, to determine the cause of the pain, it is necessary to conduct a number of laboratory tests:

  1. General and biochemical blood tests, as well as tests for the presence / absence of a sexually transmitted disease.
  2. Analysis of urine and feces.
  3. Vaginal smears in women with suspected infection of the reproductive system.
  4. MRI and CT for the diagnosis of bone structure.
  5. Tests for tumor markers in case of suspected malignant process.
  6. Diagnostic puncture (fine-needle biopsy) of the lymph node itself for cytological and histological analysis of cells.

Only after finding out the cause of pain in the groin lymph nodes, the doctor prescribes treatment.

Which doctor to contact:

  • if you suspect venereal and gynecological diseases - to a gynecologist (women) or a urologist (men);
  • for problems with the kidneys and urinary tract - to the urologist;
  • in case of hypothermia - to the therapist;
  • in oncology - to the oncologist;
  • for skin rashes - see a therapist or dermatologist.

Necessary treatment

Depending on the reason why the inguinal lymph nodes are affected by lymphadenitis, drugs and procedures for treatment are selected. In most cases, antibiotics are prescribed - for sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted diseases, for infectious and inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs and urinary tract. The antibiotic is selected depending on the pathogen, but at present most of the drugs are complex.

In the case of fungal infections, Nystatin, Flucostat or Fluconazole are most often prescribed.

Skin lesions are treated both by oral means and externally - creams and ointments with an antibacterial effect.

In diseases of the bones, along with specific drugs, physiotherapy is used to eliminate pain.

Oncological diseases are treated with the help of surgery, chemo-, radio- and radiation therapy, immunostimulants are also used. The inguinal lymph node in the presence of metastases must be removed.

When the lymph nodes in the groin hurt, in no case should you self-medicate, smear them with something, and even warm them. Warming up, especially in the presence of a purulent process, will provoke the progression of the disease and can have dangerous consequences for health.

If the inguinal lymph node responds with pain to touch, there are other unpleasant symptoms, this may indicate the presence of a serious illness and requires immediate medical attention. But you should not worry too much, most diseases are now successfully and quickly treated.

All photos from the article

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in men or women is called inguinal lymphadenopathy. Such a process is observed in connection with the impaired functioning of the lymphatic system, the meaning of which is the production of leukocytes to protect the human body. Common causes of this are sexually transmitted diseases, cuts, injuries with a violation of the skin, viral infections.

After a viral microorganism enters, the inguinal lymph node becomes inflamed. This usually happens due to the excessive activity of a particular viral infection. Various lymph nodes can be affected by inflammation: the cervical, axillary or inguinal region under consideration, with simultaneous damage to the lymphatic vessels adjacent to them.

The way in which pathogenic microorganisms enter the body is classified into external and internal. With external infection occurs through skin lesions in the form of wounds and deep scratches. With the internal, the agent of the virus is introduced into the body of a man or woman by airborne droplets, or during sexual intercourse.

Photo 1. Scheme of human lymph nodes

Causes of enlarged inguinal lymph nodes

Conventionally, all causes are divided into a number of groups, which will correspond to certain diseases:

  1. Infections that enter the body through skin disorders (wounds, scratches, cuts, bites). As such are:
  • Diaper dermatitis leading to skin damage (typical for young children)
  • Furunculosis or purulent-necrotic phenomena in the hair follicle of the buttocks
  • Consequences of BCG vaccination. At the moment, the cause is completely ruled out, since the vaccine is administered in the upper arm instead of the thigh.
  1. Bacteria and viruses that have entered through mucous membrane
    • Syphilis
    • Gonorrhea
    • Filatov's disease
    • Pubic herpes
    • and others
  2. Various inflammations in joints and genitals, malignant cancers
  3. Skin dermatitis, such as jock itch

Symptoms and signs with a photo

Consider the symptoms for various reasons for the enlargement of the lymph nodes in the groin.

Under mechanical action

If an increase in the inguinal lymph node was due to the presence of wounds and scratches of the lower extremities, then its signs will be:

  • The growth of the size of the pathology is more than 8 mm
  • Soreness and hypersensitivity when feeling with fingers
  • Redness of the skin around the affected area
  • Rise in body temperature

Usually, if there is damage expressed on one side of the body, an enlarged lymph node appears on the same side.

In the presence of growth of lymph nodes in the groin area, a pathology such as an inguinal hernia may appear, which can only be removed by surgical intervention.

Consequences of viral infections

Syphilis. A common cause of pathologies of the lymph nodes in the groin area. It is characterized by changes on both sides, usually manifests itself within a week from the moment of infection, there are no redness, swelling, or sharp pains. Several lymph nodes are affected at once, and one is larger than the others. Palpation does not cause pain, the node has an oval or round shape with a diameter of up to 25 mm, compacted and elastic to the touch with good mobility.

Photo 2. Examples of inflammation in men and women

Gonorrhea. Lymph nodes appear on both sides, the lesions are up to 20 mm in size, very dense, with pain when palpated.

Sodoku. In this case, symptoms appear 10-14 days after being bitten by certain species of rodents. Lymph nodes are characterized by rapid development with an increase in diameter up to 80 mm, severe pain when touched and an almost unchanged skin color. In general, the lymph nodes remain mobile, the shape is round. Body temperature reaches 39 degrees.

Infectious mononucleosis. Or in another way, the herpes virus type 4, also known as the Epstein-Barr virus. In the event of infection, along with the inguinal, the lymph nodes of other groups, for example, the cervical ones, can also increase. In the groin, pathologies grow up to 20-30 mm in diameter, often forming whole chains. Not particularly painful, compacted to the touch and easily mobile, the skin is not changed, slight swelling is possible.

Cytomegalovirus infection. Symptoms are similar to herpes type 4, groups of enlarged nodules are clearly visible, but the growth in size is not so strong, on average up to 10 mm.

herpes type 2. Usually seen on one side. On palpation, the inflammation is not compacted, similar to the test, characterized by an average degree of mobility and pain, the skin is not changed, there are no signs of decay

Borreliosis. It appears after a tick bite with this virus, it appears only on one side, the size of the pathology is up to 20 mm in diameter, the mobility is high, the pain is average, the lymph nodes become dense, but elastic, there are no abscesses.

Inguinal lymphogranulomatosis or venereal lymphopathy. Infection occurs with a very high probability during sexual contact, in the future the following course options are possible:

  • With a mild course, the manifestation may occur after 45-60 days from the moment of infection
  • With a strong - after 5-7 days

A unilateral inflammatory process of several lymph nodes at once is characteristic. In the initial period of the disease, the nodes are divided, mobile, dense and elastic. If the treatment is delayed or ineffective, then they are combined into one large irregularly shaped lymph node with tubercles.

When touched, pain is characteristic, the skin is red, inside there are volumes with pus, which appears during breakthroughs. In the future, the formation of a fistula (fistula) is possible, after which the inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin of a woman or a man often becomes chronic.

Erysipelas (erysipelas). The ingress of the pathogen of this pathology causes lymphadenitis in the groin area. This is due to the defeat of this infection mainly in the legs, so the closest elements of the lymphatic system will be in the groin.

Lymphadenitis with Roger is characterized by elasticity with a pronounced pain syndrome, the node is mobile and is not soldered to the nearby tissue. The appearance of the skin is normal, there is no increase in its temperature.

Photo 3. Examples of inflammation

Features of inflammation in women

Inflammation of the inguinal lymph node in a woman, unlike a man, often has a gynecological roots, in such cases it is called:

  • Inflammatory process in the ovary
  • Endometritis, pathology of the inner mucous layer of the uterus
  • Peritonitis inflammation of the serous lining of the peritoneum
  • Bartholinitis, an inflammation in the Bartholin's gland, which is located in the female labia
  • The presence of malignant neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system is typical for older patients

These pathological changes usually occur virtually no symptoms and are chronic in both men and women. Because of this, the moment of onset, when inflammation of the lymph nodes occurred, is often missed, and the appeal to a specialist comes already in the advanced phase.

In order to avoid delay, early diagnosis can be carried out. This can be done with the help of several tests, examinations and examinations:

  • Vaginal examination
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)
  • Cytology and histology
  • Comprehensive screening for infectious diseases
Pregnancy is not a factor contributing to groin lymphadenitis. The most common causes are bartholinitis, as well as purulent processes on the surface of the skin of the legs. The latter case is very quick and easy to diagnose visually.

What doctor treats?

If you find one or more round formations in the groin area, then you should not postpone going to the hospital. You should not console yourself without finding some of the usual signs of the fact of inflammation, such as redness, pain when touched or an increase in body temperature, because, as we have shown above, some pathological conditions do not have similar symptoms with lymphadenitis.

In the general case, it is important for both men and women to immediately contact a specialist, but it is important to understand which one. If you are completely lost in guessing the origin of the disease, and the existing symptoms do not say anything intelligible, then you should turn to therapist. A general specialist will conduct an initial examination, then refer you to narrow doctors, or prescribe the necessary tests and procedures.

Usually a person with inflammation of the lymph node in the groin is a "client":

  • infectious disease doctor if there are clear signs of infection with pathogenic viruses
  • surgeon, in the presence of purulent pathological changes
  • Oncohematologist- specialist in blood diseases
  • Dermatovenereologist or venereologist, with venereological diseases
  • Gynecologist, for female diseases
  • Urologist for male ailments

Diagnosis in pathology

Diagnosis traditionally begins with a questioning of the patient, an external examination of the site of the lesion, blood sampling for biochemical analysis. During the interview, the medical specialist will pay special attention to whether there have been recent leg injuries, unprotected sex, tick bites, or any inflammatory diseases. Further diagnosis may require special studies that complement the existing picture, for example:

  • Taking a smear from the mucous membranes
  • Additional blood tests for white blood cell count
  • Taking any tissue for examination
  • ultrasound. Gives a complete picture of the actual changes in tissues and affected lymph nodes.

Treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin

In medicine, it is customary to classify such therapy into: general, specific and surgical. There are no fundamental differences in the treatment of men and women.

With a general, means the removal of the symptoms of the disease in a natural way, helping the body with special preparations. The main principles of this approach are:

  • Bed rest and rest
  • Normalization of nutrition, it should be made more healthy, non-caloric, it is required to exclude fried, fatty, salty
  • The basic therapeutic agents are various antibiotics, which are the elimination of the initiator virus. If it is not clear which pathogenic environment caused the growth of nodes, antibiotics with a broad effect are prescribed.
  • In addition, it is possible to use drugs that relieve inflammation and pain, vitamins. It is important to reduce the concentration of toxic substances in the body. Various methods of warming up the affected area are contraindicated.

Specific therapy differs from the general one in exact knowledge of what caused the inflammation. The doctor receives such information by conducting a wide range of laboratory tests and analyses. The principles of treatment are similar to the general approach, with the exception of the use of specific, narrowly targeted drugs against identified pathogens.

Surgical the approach is quite rare and is prescribed when the inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin is purulent, also with necrosis of the lymph node and nearby tissues. In women, surgery is used by a gynecologist for a bartholinitis abscess.

Forecast of recovery and prevention

Inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes is a pathological condition that is successfully treated at different stages, but, as in any other case, tightening does not lead to anything good. It is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner, establish an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment. The rate of healing may vary.

The longest healing process with a source of inflammation in the form venereal disease, complications with purulent manifestations, the presence of erysipelas with periadenitis, infectious mononucleosis. For example, in the presence of borreliosis, without explicit therapy, an increase can be observed for several weeks.

Both in women and men, the least favorable outcome of treatment is observed in oncohematological diseases, blood cancer and other types of malignant tumors. The outcome of therapy in this case will be affected by the sensitivity of atypical cells to the chemotherapy used.

Prevention of inflammation of the lymph nodes includes a few simple rules:

  • Exclusion of various injuries leading to violation of the skin, especially on the legs
  • If the wound did happen, then its mandatory disinfection with iodine or brilliant green
  • Increasing the body's immunity
  • Protected sex with an unverified partner

Lymph nodes in our body act as filters, cleansing the lymph from pathogens and toxins. Immunity cells are also produced here, which are responsible for protecting the human body from viruses and tumor processes. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in a man is called lymphadenitis. More than others, children and young people are susceptible to the disease. This can happen as a result of infection entering the body, overheating in the sun, or as a result of autoimmune processes.

In most cases, the cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in a man is pathogenic microorganisms that can enter this area from the focus of the inflammatory process located in the perineum or leg tissues. The most common pathogens include:

  • Streptococcus.
  • Staphylococcus.

How HIV works

  • Chlamydia.
  • Tick-borne encephalitis virus.
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  • Plague wand.

Inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes can develop against the background of the underlying disease. Can lead to lymphadenitis:

  1. Furuncle in the perineum or on the lower limbs of a man.
  2. Suppuration of a trophic ulcer.
  3. Wound infection.
  4. Erysipelatous inflammation located on the buttocks, lower abdomen or on the lower extremities.
  5. Foot or nail fungus.

A lecture on the causes of the disease is given by urologist Sergei Gennadievich Lenkin:

  1. Osteomyelitis of bones.
  2. Abscess of tissues in the perineal region or on the lower extremities.
  3. STDs (syphilis, etc.).
  4. Inguinal hernia.
  5. Allergy to medicines.

The lymph nodes in the groin area can become inflamed in response to the growth of a tumor or metastases of a malignant formation of the genital organs. There are cases when lymphadenitis developed after surgery or suction of a leech.

For adults, the most common causes of lymphadenitis are sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, genital herpes, etc.), inflammatory processes in the vulva, tumors and boils. In a child, the femoral lymph nodes on the right or left may increase as a result of osteomyelitis, a tumor, infection of wounds on the leg, or after DTP vaccination.


The main sign of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin is the appearance of a round formation under the skin, which can hurt when touched. The skin in this place is hyperemic.

Purulent inflammation causes severe pain in the groin, which limits the movement of the hip joint. Sometimes the purulent cavity can open on its own. If treatment is not started on time, the patient's condition deteriorates noticeably: body temperature rises to 40 degrees, there is no appetite, headache and muscle aches occur.

The therapist Leonid Kotvitsky talks about the causes and symptoms of the disease:

At the very beginning of the development of lymphadenitis, enlarged lymph nodes in the groin in men are mobile, and are not connected to the surrounding tissues. Over time, inflammation passes to neighboring nodes and subcutaneous adipose tissue. The skin in this place becomes dark red or even cyanotic.

Depending on the cause of the development of lymphadenitis, the symptoms in a man may vary slightly in time of occurrence and severity.


This disease is also called "cat-scratch disease". It occurs mainly in children and develops in response to a bite or scratch that a cat infected with chlamydia inflicted on a child. A red spot appears at the site of the wound, which eventually turns into an ulcer. After 2-3 weeks, the boy develops lymphadenitis and his general condition deteriorates (body temperature rises, signs of intoxication appear).

Rehabilitologist Sergei Nikolaevich Agapkin talks about the disease of cat scratches:

The development of felinosis is very slow. After 2-3 weeks suppuration appears. To confirm the diagnosis, the fact of contact of the patient with the cat, the duration of the disease and the detection of antibodies in the blood is important for the doctor.


Mycobacteria, causing the disease, very rarely can penetrate into the lymph nodes located in the groin of a man. If this happens, there is a specific inflammation. There are 3 types of lymphadenitis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis:

  • Infiltrative - as a result of active reproduction of T-lymphocytes, the lymph node in the groin becomes dense and greatly increases in size. Such nodes are practically painless, and the inflammation does not pass to the surrounding tissues.
  • Caseous - the tissues of the lymph nodes located in the groin begin to disintegrate, suppuration and curdled mass form in them. Outwardly, they are dense and soldered to the surrounding tissues. Pain is noted on palpation. Often a fistula appears, through which pus and a caseous mass come out. Their healing is very slow.
  • Indurative - characterized by a prolonged development of the inflammatory process, as a result of which the lymphoid tissue is converted into scar tissue. The lymph node itself in the groin is dense and motionless.

You will learn about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis by watching the video:

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will take the contents of the lymph node, in which the pathogen is detected.

Inguinal lymphogranulomatosis

The disease is associated with the ingestion of chlamydia. The cause is unprotected intercourse. Initially, in the area of ​​​​the external genitalia, you can see erosion, which disappears on its own without special treatment. After a few months, there is an increase in the lymph nodes in the groin. The skin above them turns red, and they are soldered to the surrounding tissues.

Hematologist Alexander Vasilyevich Pivnik answers questions about the manifestation of lymphogranulomatosis, risk group and treatment:

Over time, the nodes become soft, holes form through which pus comes out. During the development of suppuration, the general condition of the patient worsens. To confirm the diagnosis, the patient is given a blood test to determine antibodies.


Very often, pale treponema becomes the cause of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in men. A week after infection, there is an increase in the lymph nodes in the groin on both sides. The disease does not cause discomfort in a man. To identify it, you will need to analyze a smear from the urethra.

Bubonic plague

This disease is extremely rare today. Its outbreaks are sometimes diagnosed in some Asian countries. At the same time, the lymph node greatly increases in size, is soldered to the surrounding tissues, and its contours are characterized as fuzzy. The condition of patients with bubonic plague is severe with severe fever and pronounced signs of intoxication.


In case of penetration of metastases into the inguinal lymph node from adjacent tissues, inflammation develops. The lymph node itself becomes very hard, but painless. Surrounding tissues are not affected.


To diagnose inguinal lymphadenitis in men, the doctor will conduct a visual examination, palpation, and ask the patient about the symptoms. To identify the cause of inflammation, an instrumental study and laboratory tests are carried out.

Palpation of the inguinal lymph nodes

Collection of anamnesis

Depending on what became the causative agent of lymphadenitis in a man, its onset can be gradual or instantaneous. At the same time, the doctor will take an interest in the presence of injuries, the fact of unprotected intercourse, contact with a cat, etc. Most patients complain about:

  1. Enlargement of the lymph node.
  2. Feeling of discomfort in the groin area.
  3. Redness of the skin in the place where the lymph node is swollen.
  4. Pain while moving the leg.
  5. Feelings of heat in the groin.
  6. The appearance of fistulas with the release of pus or cheesy masses.

Patient examination

Examining the patient, the doctor will pay attention to the size of the lymph nodes near the groin in a man, their mobility and soreness. The following signs are characteristic of the inflammatory process:

  • Sharp pain when touched.
  • Significant redness of the skin in the affected area.

From the video you will learn about what diseases reddening of the skin in the groin can speak about and what tests should be taken in this case:

  • Swelling of tissues near the inguinal lymph node.
  • Fusion of the lymph node with the tissues that surround it.

When a purulent cavity is formed, the central part of the node becomes soft.

If a tumor develops, the symptoms of the disease will be as follows:

  1. The lymph node near the groin increases slightly.
  2. There is no redness of the skin or it is insignificant.
  3. The nodes become dense and do not merge with the surrounding tissues.
  4. Soreness during touch is absent or not expressed.

Laboratory and instrumental examination

To confirm the inflammation of the lymph node in the abdomen or groin, the doctor will prescribe the following tests for the man:

  • Blood test (general and biochemical).
  • Urine analysis - ketone bodies can be detected in children, and protein in adult men.
  • Blood test to determine the pathogen.

  • Microscopic examination of the contents of the lymph node, which helps to determine the pathogen, the presence of a tumor process or the nature of inflammation.
  • Bakposev contents of the lymph node. The analysis helps to identify the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Instrumental diagnostic methods include:

  1. X-ray, which helps to identify tuberculosis or calcifications in the lymph nodes.
  2. lymph node in the groin of a man.

In the photo, ultrasound of the inguinal region

  1. Ultrasound is used to determine the size of the node, its contents and the condition of the surrounding tissues.
  2. PET is used to detect a tumor when metastases are suspected.


Allocate conservative and surgical treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes in a man in the groin.

For drug treatment, antibiotics of the penicillin group are prescribed. Physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, ultrasound treatment, etc.) give a good effect. The main therapy depends on the cause that provoked inflammation of the lymph node in a man and is aimed at suppressing it.

With purulent inflammation, regular wound treatment is required after opening the abscess and removing the necrotic area with Miramistin. For the treatment of pathogenic microorganisms, antibacterial ("Azithromycin") and anti-inflammatory drugs ("Ibuprofen") are indicated.

The doctor may prescribe a man a compress on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inflamed lymph node with Dimexide. To relieve pain, use "Acetaminophen", "Ketoprofen". Additionally, enzymatic preparations, antihistamines and decongestants are used for treatment, which can be in the form of tablets or ointments for topical use.

Miramistin is a drug with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and local immunoadjuvant effects. The average price in Russian pharmacies is 300 rubles

Surgical treatment of lymphadenitis is practically not used today, since the operation often leads to stagnation of the lymph, which is a serious complication.

In addition to the main treatment, the patient can use alternative methods. At home, you can take beetroot juice, garlic tincture, decoction of walnut leaves. Compresses based on dandelion juice, mint leaves or celandine have a good effect.

For the entire period of treatment, a man needs to drink as much liquid as possible, give up bad habits and avoid pressure on the area of ​​​​the lymph node inflamed in the groin.


Subject to the correct diagnosis and proper treatment, the prognosis for lymphadenitis is usually favorable. The longest time is to treat the pathology that occurred against the background of sexually transmitted diseases, infectious mononucleosis, purulent inflammation or inguinal lymphogranulomatosis. If the cause was borreliosis, and the treatment was started on time, then the inflammation can disappear quickly enough. If there is no treatment, then the lymph nodes will decrease on their own, after a few weeks.

A lecture on the disease borreliosis is given by a dermatovenereologist Alexander Alekseevich Tikhonov:

An unfavorable prognosis is possible in the case of oncohematological pathology. In this case, the success of treatment will depend entirely on the sensitivity of the tumor cells to chemotherapy.


In order to prevent the development of the disease, it is important to avoid situations that may result in enlarged lymph nodes in the groin in men. These include:

  • Injury to the skin of the lower extremities or genital area.
  • Sexually transmitted infections.
  • Various infectious and bacterial diseases.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Irina Anatolyevna Dergacheva will list sexually transmitted diseases and methods for their diagnosis:

In addition, it is important to increase the immune defense and treat wounds on the skin well. And if there are signs of inflammation of the lymph node in the groin, immediately seek medical help.

Inguinal lymphadenitis occurs against the background of a viral or bacterial infection, excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, autoimmune processes. Regardless of the cause, the disease is always based on the inflammatory process. Pathology is accompanied by compaction and enlargement of the lymph nodes in the inguinal region with hyperplasia - the growth of lymphoid tissue. This disorder occurs in both young children and adults for various reasons. The main factor in the appearance of inguinal lymphadenitis is the weakening of the immune defense and the activation of a latent infection. To diagnose a doctor, it is enough to examine the patient, but in order to start the correct treatment, it is necessary to conduct a series of tests and studies to find the root cause.

Inguinal lymph nodes collect lymph from the genitals and lower extremities, so the defeat of these areas more often than other causes leads to the development of inflammation.

The reasons

The defeat of the lymph nodes often occurs due to the activation of opportunistic microflora. The infection enters the nodes from the surrounding tissues along with the lymph or blood flow. A prerequisite for the development of lymphadenitis is the focus of inflammation in the groin or legs.

The main causative agents of inguinal lymphadenitis:

  • streptococci;
  • mycobacteria;
  • chlamydia;
  • spirochetes;
  • rickettsia;
  • the causative agent of tularemia.

Inflammation can be provoked by such diseases:

  • boils;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • syphilis, chlamydia;
  • osteomyelitis of the leg bones;
  • foot fungus;
  • infected wounds.

The risk group includes children with long-healing wounds on their legs, women and men with sexually transmitted diseases, tumor processes and purulent foci in the lower extremities and groin.

Reference! Lymphadenitis is not a contagious disease, but many of its causes are infections, because the causative agent of the underlying disease can be transmitted by airborne droplets, contact and sexual contact.

The treatment of inguinal lymphadenitis is carried out by a surgeon, an infectious disease specialist, a dermatovenereologist, a urologist and a gynecologist, depending on the underlying disease and the degree of damage to the lymph nodes and surrounding tissues.

Stages of the disease

The disease proceeds in the same way in young children, women and men, only the general condition and the speed of transition from one stage to another differ, which depends on the underlying pathology.

What happens with lymphadenitis:

  • stagnation of blood in the nodes;
  • increased vascular permeability;
  • edema formation;
  • leukocytes from the bloodstream to the lymph nodes.

The development of inflammation of regional nodes in the groin occurs in several stages:

  1. Serous inflammation - edema is formed, immune defense is activated. External manifestations are insignificant, the temperature rises to 37, the risk of complications with timely treatment is absent.
  2. Purulent inflammation - there is a death of a large number of cells and bacteria. A purulent exudate accumulates in the node, which is manifested by general symptoms, the temperature rises to 38-39. There is a risk of complications, the transition of inflammation to neighboring lymph nodes, the appearance of adenophlegmon.
  3. Complicated inflammation - adenophlegmon develops, severe symptoms appear with an increase in temperature to 37.5-40. The pathological process extends to fatty tissue. Required immediate treatment.

Reference! In an acute process, severe symptoms can last for several days, the high temperature lasts up to 7 days. When the inflammation becomes chronic, the clinical manifestations subside, the patient's condition improves.

Types of inguinal lymphadenitis

There are specific and nonspecific inguinal lymphadenitis. According to the type of flow - acute and chronic. Nonspecific inflammation has a favorable prognosis and is easier to treat.

Specific lymphadenitis can occur in several forms:

  • infiltrative - the volume of the lymph node increases, active multiplication of lymphocytes occurs, which leads to compaction, mild pain is felt on palpation, the affected nodes are not soldered to healthy tissues, the skin is not changed;
  • indurative - characterized by slow and long development, the symptoms are mild, scar tissue is formed, the node atrophies, becomes dense, there is mild pain on palpation;
  • caseous - necrosis and suppuration occurs, the nodes are enlarged, dense, painful and soldered to neighboring tissues, recovery is slow with the formation of scar tissue.

These forms are characteristic of tuberculous lymphadenitis. Patients show all the typical symptoms of the underlying disease, which is accompanied by high fever and general weakness.

When chlamydia became the cause, inguinal lymphogranulomatosis is more often observed. There is a slow softening of the lymphoid tissue, fistulas are formed, through which pus is released. The patient has intoxication, body temperature rises, legs swell.

Clinical manifestations

General symptoms of inguinal lymphadenitis:

  • discomfort in the perineum, aggravated by walking;
  • node enlargement;
  • mild or severe pain on palpation;
  • feeling of tension and burning in the perineum;
  • fistula formation, discharge of pus or colorless liquid;
  • severe tissue swelling;
  • discoloration of the skin over the affected node;
  • immobility when fused with other tissues;
  • dense consistency.

When the tumor process in the lymph node became the cause, the clinic is less pronounced. Patients have moderate soreness, slight redness of the skin. At the same time, the knots do not solder with and are hard to the touch.

Diagnostics and tests

After the examination, the doctor prescribes the following tests to confirm lymphadenitis:

  • clinical blood test - increase in leukocytes, acceleration of ESR, change in color index;
  • ELISA or PCR to identify the pathogen;
  • bacteriological culture - the type of pathogen, sensitivity to antibacterial drugs is determined;
  • microscopic examination to detect tumor cells, assess the severity of the disease, study the contents of the lymph node;
  • biochemical analysis - an increase in the concentration of C-reactive protein.

Additional instrumental studies:

  • radiography or CT - identifying the cause of specific lymphadenitis, detecting tuberculosis, calcifications;
  • Ultrasound - determination of the size and contents of the affected lymph node, visualization of surrounding tissues to assess the degree of their damage;
  • biopsy - study of material for differential diagnosis;
  • PET is performed for suspected metastases and a tumor.

Treatment Methods

Inguinal lymphadenitis in most cases does not require targeted treatment, it disappears after the cause is eliminated, the main focus of the pathology is cured. If the lymph nodes do not recover, physiotherapeutic procedures, surgery and medical maintenance are indicated.

Active therapy requires purulent lymphadenitis:

  • taking antibacterial, antihistamine drugs;
  • local treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • opening of the node, removal of purulent exudate, antiseptic treatment and drainage;
  • regular washing of the diseased node until the affected tissues are completely removed.

To prevent complications against the background of soldering of the nodes, drug electrophoresis with lidase is performed.

Reference! A doctor may prescribe warming treatments when there is no pronounced inflammation, but home heat treatment is dangerous and can lead to the spread of infection.


Prevention includes the observance of a number of measures to exclude mycosis and onychomycosis, infections of the genitourinary system and skin in the groin and legs.

Small wounds, scratches from animals should always be treated. With a weakened immune system, the risk of the disease increases significantly, therefore it is recommended to take immunomodulatory and restorative drugs.

What can not be done with inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes:

  • engage in self-medication without first visiting a doctor;
  • apply folk remedies for severe inflammation;
  • do warm compresses and massage;
  • long time to be in the open sun;
  • take a hot bath, visit the sauna and solarium.

If one or more symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. At the serous stage of the disease, treatment will pass quickly and without complications.