How to delay early menopause with folk remedies. How to delay the onset of menopause and avoid unpleasant symptoms

When treating vaginal candidiasis in women, suppositories are considered the most convenient. Their effect is due to the strong penetration of the active antifungal component into the mucosa.

In the process of such penetration, the pathogen is destroyed, the inflammatory process is eliminated, and the signs of thrush are reduced.


Nowadays, the pharmaceutical field has a huge assortment of various antifungal agents in the field of gynecology. These are medications for oral use, suppositories for topical therapy, which can be prescribed by a doctor for a complex course of the condition, as well as for a chronic form as part of a complex treatment.

What are the most effective means to eliminate this condition? These are the agents to which the candida fungus is sensitive. Sensitivity is determined by bacterial culture; resistance and resistance of the pathogen to a particular drug are determined. Since in case of a chronic and often progressive disease, therapy may be ineffective due to the emergence of drug resistance in fungi.

If thrush is treated independently, without doctor's supervision, then this provokes the formation of candidiasis in a chronic form, and it also provokes a violation of the vaginal microflora. In addition, many patients actively use douching to eliminate a disease such as thrush.

And this is very dangerous, because such actions become the reason that the disease begins to progress, and the vaginal microflora begins to collapse even more. Only a specialist, based on the women’s medical history and clinical picture, taking into account the sensitivity of the fungus, can prescribe the correct treatment regimen. Even if all signs of the disease disappear, complete recovery is considered to be a condition when a laboratory test reveals that fungi are absent over the next three months.

How to use suppositories against thrush

Usually the doctor prescribes treatment for both sexual partners, since in men this condition occurs frequently, but without symptoms. Men are carriers of thrush; they pass this disease on to women. If there is no treatment for a regular sexual partner, then after complete recovery the woman again catches the infection after the first sexual intercourse (unprotected).

There should be no sexual intercourse during treatment, and if there is, condoms must be used. The suppositories should be inserted into the vagina before going to bed at night, trying to insert as deep as possible. So that the components of the drug are better absorbed.

When a woman is diagnosed with vaginal candidiasis, she and her doctor need to analyze the reasons that triggered the development of this condition. If the factors that provoked this condition are not minimized or eliminated, thrush can return many times.

Often the presence of candidiasis indicates the presence of other sexually transmitted infections. It may also indicate the development of gardnerellosis and bacterial vaginosis.

Depending on the strength of the symptoms, acute or chronic course of the disease, therapy may differ in the course of treatment; sometimes the use of one suppository is enough, and if the process is chronic, then longer therapy will be required.

  • The use of vaginal suppositories during menstruation is prohibited. the only exceptions are Sertaconazole and Povidone-Iodine.
  • It is allowed to use one suppository of such products as Lomexin, Zalain.
  • The following drugs can be used in three suppositories - Pimafucin, Gino-pevaril, Livarol.
  • From 5 candles to 14 - Irunin, Ginesol, Macmiror, Iodoxide.

During the therapy period, you do not need to wear tight-fitting underwear made from synthetic materials. You should also adhere to intimate hygiene, do not use scented pads that contain any chemical elements, and change your underwear and towels every day. You should also avoid intimate hygiene fluids that contain chemicals, as this will only worsen the condition.

Since suppositories include various active components, they vary in their effectiveness and periods of therapy, as well as in adverse reactions and contraindications for use.

The best suppositories for the treatment of thrush

Zalain. This product is an imidazole derivative. There is not enough information about the possible harm to the baby during breastfeeding. But if we take into account the one-time use option and the lack of systemic effects of this drug during pregnancy, it may be used if the possible benefit for the patient significantly exceeds the risk for the baby.

Contraindication is hypersensitivity. When using the drug, the following side effects may develop - burning, itching in the vagina, allergic manifestations, but all this does not require discontinuation of the drug. Method of use: one suppository should be inserted once into the vagina.

It is better to do this before going to bed at night. If symptoms of thrush persist, then after seven days you need to reuse the drug. Before use, it is important to wash the genitals using neutral soap. Can be used during menstruation.

Disadvantages and advantages - the advantage of this drug is its one-time use, the ability to use it during menstruation, and the only disadvantage is the very high price.

Livarol. This remedy is effective in eliminating such a condition in women as milk mucus. Side effects include urticaria, redness of the vaginal mucosa, itching, skin rash, and irritation. Persons who are highly sensitive to the components of the product should avoid using this drug. Also, you should not use Livarol in the first trimester of pregnancy. As for the third trimester, you need to be careful during this period. apply means.

Application - while lying down, you need to insert a candle as deep as possible into the vagina. Do this for four to five days. If thrush is chronic, treatment should be continued for 10 days. The advantage of this drug is that the effect of its use is rapid and almost does not cause allergies. It is usually prescribed when a diagnosis is made for the first time; with frequent and prolonged use, drug resistance appears in the pathogen.

Irunin. These are vaginal tablets that actively eliminate thrush. The product should not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy; in the remaining trimesters it should be used with caution. Adverse reactions include skin rash and burning. itching, redness. It is recommended to carry out treatment before bedtime, for one to two weeks.

The drug is highly effective in cases of recurrent disease and resistance to other antifungal drugs; among the disadvantages, it should be noted that the drug is prohibited for use in the first months of gestation.

Nifuratel, Nystatin. During pregnancy, these products are approved for use; the only contraindication for these suppositories is the presence of hypersensitivity. Among the side effects, noteworthy is a rash on the skin, the appearance.

The suppositories are used intravaginally, for 8 days, one suppository before going to bed at night. The main advantage is that there is the possibility of treatment during pregnancy. The downside is that it is overpriced.

Clotrimazole. These suppositories are effectively used to treat thrush. It is forbidden to use them in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as for patients who are breastfeeding. When using the drug, certain side effects may occur, including cystitis, headache, pain during sexual intercourse, and frequent urination.

Clotrimazole is used over a six-day period, the suppository is inserted before bedtime as deep as possible into the vagina.

The advantage of this remedy is that it is not expensive, the disadvantage is the frequent manifestation of negative reactions of the body. rapid emergence of resistance in fungi.

Miconazole. Contraindications for use are high sensitivity; caution should be exercised when using this product during the lactation period, as well as while expecting a baby. It is recommended to stop breastfeeding during treatment with the drug. In addition, people who have impaired liver function, diabetes mellitus, or herpes should refrain from using these products.

Side effects include diarrhea, nausea, itching, abdominal pain, and discomfort. Typically, all of the above symptoms occur at the beginning of therapy. Method of use: one suppository for one week, drink alcoholic beverages during therapy. Among the advantages - the effect occurs quite quickly, a wide spectrum of activity, a highly effective remedy for frequent occurrences of the disease, and does not provoke dysbacteriosis. The disadvantage is the danger of using it while waiting for the baby and during breastfeeding.

Miconazole. It is not recommended to use this drug in the first trimester; use in the second and third trimester is allowed, but with great caution. During the period of use of the drug, you should stop breastfeeding for a while. Side effects include itching of the skin, rash, and local irritation.

Use - treatment is carried out over two weeks. Even if the signs of the disease disappear, treatment should still be continued. These suppositories, according to reviews, are quite effective in eliminating diseases such as thrush.

Nystanin. Complex products containing nystanin. This remedy is prohibited for use in case of individual intolerance, as well as at any stage of pregnancy. When used, the following negative reactions of the body may occur - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, chills.

It is recommended to use candles for two weeks twice a day - in the morning and evening. Among the advantages, it should be noted that the drug is cheap compared to other drugs; candida does not develop resistance to the active component of the drug, so it is often recommended for the treatment of recurrent, chronic diseases. Among the disadvantages of this drug are the presence of complex side effects, twice a day use, and a long course of use.

Iodoxide, Povidone-Iodine. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of thrush. If the disease has an acute course, then it is prescribed to use one suppository for one week; if the disease has a chronic course, then treatment is prescribed for two weeks, one suppository at a time.

Contraindications for use include the first trimester of pregnancy (with caution in the second and third), thyroid adenoma, thyrotoxicosis, kidney failure, individual sensitivity; when breastfeeding, the product is used with caution. Suppositories can provoke local hyperemia and allergic manifestations.

The drug can be used during menstruation, as part of complex therapy for bakvaginosis.

Contraindications for use include the period of waiting for a child; use during menstruation is prohibited if a woman has an individual intolerance to the drug’s nutrients. Among the side effects, allergic manifestations should be noted - erythema, urticaria, rash on the skin, mild signs of irritation, which go away very quickly on their own and do not require cessation of treatment.

Fluomizin. This remedy is presented in the form of vaginal tablets that have an antiseptic effect. Used to treat candidal vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, and also before childbirth.

The product is suitable for use by girls who have not yet begun to be sexually active, for cervical ulcers, for vaginal ulcers, as well as in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. Fluomizin can provoke adverse reactions from the body such as erythema, urticaria and rash. The tablets are used for six days, at night. During menstruation, therapy must be completed, and upon completion, it must be resumed.

In addition to suppositories, there are creams that have an antifungal effect - Econazole cream, Butoconazole, Lomexin, Travogen, Ecodax.

Pros and cons of using suppositories to treat thrush

  • When the product is introduced into a place where fungi multiply with great activity, the result of local therapy will be achieved much faster than with the use of current highly effective products, such as Zalain or Livarol.
  • Current antifungal drugs can be used once.
  • Since topical medications have low systemic absorption, the incidence of negative reactions is significantly reduced, in contrast to the use of oral medications.

Disadvantages of local therapy:

  • local therapy is a little inconvenient - sex life is limited, underwear is constantly dirty.
  • A good effect from such treatment can be manifested only in the treatment of uncomplicated forms of candidiasis, but when the course of the condition is severe and prolonged, then local treatment must be prescribed in conjunction with taking tableted antifungal agents. For this reason, it is often necessary to repeat the therapeutic course after a certain period of time.
  • When using combined antimicrobial agents, a negative reaction of the body often manifests itself in the form of vaginal dysbiosis. This condition requires additional therapy.

Often, during pregnancy, women experience a physiological deterioration in the functioning of the immune system. The body becomes weakened and this causes the development of thrush, and many products are prohibited for use during this period, or there is no accurate information about safety for the child. Among the large selection of local medications, such suppositories can be used while waiting for the baby:

  • Suppositories, Primafugin and Pimafucin;
  • Combined funds called Macmirror complex.
  • Nystatin, Clotrimazole, Pimafucin, Ginofort - all of these drugs can be used in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. The doctor prescribes them if the possible risk to women's health is much higher than the potential risk to the fetus.
  • Some doctors recommend a combination remedy called Terzhinan. The product is allowed for use only if the possible benefit for the mother is higher than the risk for the baby, since the product contains hormones and can provoke the development of many negative reactions in the body.


If you follow all the rules of hygiene and adhere to doctor's recommendations, then the prognosis is favorable. It is no secret that this disease occurs against the background of adverse factors. These include weakened immunity, vitamin deficiency, severe hypothermia, and failure to comply with sanitary hygiene standards.

To prevent the development of thrush, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, increase the protective functions of the genitourinary system and the entire body through the use of immunomodulatory drugs.

You should not change sexual partners frequently, since the microflora each time begins to adapt to new conditions, protective functions decrease and there is no barrier to infectious processes.

Consequences of thrush

If this disease is not treated, then it can provoke the development of cystitis, the occurrence of ulcers and erosions on the uterine neck, a change in the structure of the genital organs. and sometimes even infertility! Therapy should be started when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Comprehensive treatment, which includes the use of candles, will help overcome the disease.

When prescribing medications, which contain antifungal components, suppositories are far from the last place. But you need to understand that even the most highly effective candles cannot replace a set of measures that are aimed at stopping the growth of the fungus. Before you start using any antifungal products.

You should definitely consult a doctor. Only he can choose the right treatment. In some cases, you need to use several funds at the same time, but only the doctor decides all this.

Candles from thrush are the most convenient drug for local drug therapy of vaginal candidiasis. The effectiveness of suppositories is aimed at deep penetration of antifungal components. Active substances have a sanitizing effect on the mucous membrane, destroying pathogenic microorganisms and eliminating the inflammatory process.

Candles will help quickly eliminate the symptoms of thrush

Along with suppositories, there are vaginal tablets for thrush. They also have an almost instant effect, eliminating not only the symptoms of vaginal candidiasis, but also destroying the cause of its development.

Discomfort in the perineal area may be a symptom of thrush

Vaginal suppositories for candidiasis cannot fully cure the disease. This is possible only at the initial stages of the development of the disease and with a competent approach to treatment. As a rule, without a doctor, drug therapy is not only ineffective, but also unsafe. To obtain the proper result from the treatment, it is necessary to approach this competently. First of all, you need to find out the causes of the development of thrush and eliminate the predisposing factors:

  1. Correct changes in the vaginal microflora by normalizing the pH level.
  2. Stop taking antibacterial drugs and restore the protective functions of the body.
  3. Avoid sexual intercourse and maintain personal hygiene.

How to understand that thrush is developing in women? What symptoms should you see a doctor for? Any discomfort should alert you! Whether it is unpleasant, curdled discharge, itching or burning. The sooner a woman consults a doctor, the greater the chance that the disease will be cured quickly. In some cases, only 2-3 days are enough to return to a full life. In advanced cases, treatment may take a long time.

How dangerous is thrush, and what to do when it appears?

Frequent stress can cause thrush

Vaginal candidiasis is a fairly common disease that can occur in response to frequent stress and even during pregnancy due to hormonal changes in the body. The danger of thrush is that this disease is often complicated by the addition of infectious processes. Fungus of the genus Candida creates favorable conditions in the vagina for the life and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms such as chlamydia, bacteroides, gardnerella and fusobacteria.

Thrush is treated with vaginal suppositories only in the first stages of progression. If measures are taken late, then oral medications cannot be avoided. This form of medicine affects pathogenic microorganisms through the blood, destroying them not only in the vaginal area, but simultaneously throughout the entire body.

Main characteristics of vaginal suppositories

Currently, pharmaceutical companies produce many drugs to combat thrush. in gynecology they occupy a leading place, since without them it is impossible to cope with many diseases.

Before choosing candles from thrush, you need to visit a specialist

Vaginal suppositories for thrush are a universal drug that is widely used for monotherapy and in combination with oral medications. Only a doctor, after a comprehensive diagnosis, can select the most effective drug. It is not recommended to use suppositories against thrush on your own. This approach to drug therapy may not be effective enough. This is followed by the transition of the disease to the chronic stage of development.

After the appearance of primary symptoms of thrush, you should visit a specialist to prescribe effective treatment. At the appointment, the doctor will take a smear for culture and, after receiving the result, will shave the appropriate product. Suppositories for thrush in women should have a sufficient antifungal effect, in accordance with the resistance and stability of the pathogen.

What suppositories are best?

Which suppositories are best for thrush? It is impossible to answer such a question without examining the results of a smear for bacterial culture. The most effective candles for thrush are those that are selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the pathogen and the state of the patient's body. If you buy even the most expensive drug on your own, then it most likely will not have the desired result. Such an approach to treatment will not only lead to a violation of the microflora of the vagina, but will also cause the transition of the disease to the chronic stage of development.

Do not delay visiting a gynecologist. Timely delivery of tests and medical treatment is the key to health and preservation of reproductive functions. The specialist will not only prescribe the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, but also tell you how to use suppositories from thrush correctly.

What drugs are most in demand?

How to decide on the choice of suppositories for thrush?

Candles from thrush - a list of names: "Zalain", "Livarol", "Irunin", "Makmikor", "Clotrimazole", "Miconazole", "Ifenek", "Pimafucin", "Polygynax", "Betadin", "Lomexin" , "Fluomizin". These drugs are highly effective against Candida fungus. They are prescribed in the initial stages of thrush and in combination with other drugs to combat chronic forms of the disease.

In order to understand which candles are better, you need to study their description in more detail: composition and properties. It is not enough to know the name of suppositories for thrush in order to carry out effective treatment. It is imperative to undergo diagnostics and receive recommendations from a specialist. Do not risk your health, but consult with your doctor which suppositories can be used specifically in your case.

Vaginal suppositories "Zalain"

"Zalain" is intended for single use

Vaginal suppositories against thrush, developed on the basis of benzothiophene and imidazole. Active substances destroy pathogenic fungal microorganisms and restore the natural microflora of the vagina. The drug is intended for one-time sanitation. Just one suppository for thrush can relieve a woman of unpleasant symptoms forever.

Despite the fact that the drug has a number of contraindications and can cause adverse reactions, it is often prescribed during pregnancy. The doctor takes into account possible risks for the fetus and compares them with benefits for the mother.

The use of suppositories for thrush is not recommended for persons who have an individual intolerance to the components included in the drug. Among the adverse reactions, the most common are local burning in the vaginal area. The possibility of developing an allergic reaction in the form of urticaria, redness and swelling of the mucous membranes and skin cannot be ruled out.

For thrush, Zalain suppositories are recommended to be taken once. Before placing the suppository, you should wash yourself. The procedure is carried out as follows: the woman is in a lying position and does not get up after inserting the suppository. This approach eliminates the possibility of the drug leaking out after dissolution under the influence of body temperature.

The cost of the drug varies from 380 to 480 rubles, which depends on regional surcharges.

Suppositories "Livarol"

"Livarol" is very effective in treating thrush

With candidiasis, Livarol candles are indispensable helpers. The active substance included in the drug has a pronounced and persistent effect on fungal colonies. The drug is absolutely safe, as it does not cause allergic reactions. Despite this, before using the drug, you must consult a doctor.

  • Dosage - 1 suppository per day.
  • Time of use - daily, at night.
  • The course of treatment is from 5 to 10 days.

A long course of treatment can cause the development of resistance of the thrush pathogen to the active substances included in the suppositories.

Candles "Livarol" for the treatment of candidiasis cost 365 rubles. (5 pcs.), 455 rub. (10 pieces.).

Vaginal tablets "Irunin"

"Irunin" is widely used to treat chronic thrush

The drug is intended for women suffering from vaginal candidiasis. The drug quickly destroys pathogenic microflora and normalizes the natural level in the vagina. Widely used for the treatment of chronic thrush in combination with medications intended for oral use.

  • Candles should be placed once a day, before bed, after carrying out thorough hygiene procedures.
  • The drug is not used in the first trimester of pregnancy and for the treatment of women who are breastfeeding.
  • If redness, burning or itching occurs, it is recommended to stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

Antifungal suppositories cost 300 rubles (pack of 10 vaginal tablets).

McMikor candles

Combined suppositories for thrush, which contain active ingredients such as nystatin and nifuratel. The drug is absolutely harmless, so it can be used by pregnant women, but only after prior consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

"Makmikor" is assigned even to pregnant women

  • Candles should be laid before bedtime, after hygiene procedures.
  • The course of treatment for candidal vaginosis ranges from 5 to 8 days, depending on the stage of disease progression.
  • It is not recommended to take if there is a hyperreaction to the substances included in the drug.
  • Adverse reactions include skin rash and itching. If they occur, you should stop using suppositories and consult a doctor.

The cost of the drug "Makmikor" in the form of suppositories is 420 rubles. (8 pcs.).

Vaginal suppositories "Clotrimazole"

"Clotrimazole" has a pronounced antifungal effect

An effective remedy that has a pronounced antifungal effect. The drug should be taken with extreme caution, as it has a wide range of adverse reactions in the form of increased urge to urinate, pain during intercourse, vaginal dryness, attacks of pain in the lower abdomen and the appearance of copious discharge. With a well-calculated dosage, adverse reactions are extremely rare.

It should be noted that long-term therapy with Clotrimazole suppositories is not carried out, since pathogenic microorganisms have the ability to develop resistance to the active substances that make up the drug.

The cost of vaginal suppositories is low, despite the rather high efficiency: a package of suppositories costs only 70 rubles.

Miconazole suppositories

Miconazole is also used to treat various sexually transmitted infections

The use of suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis is unacceptable without consulting an experienced doctor. Despite the fact that the instructions for use contain recommendations for dosing, the duration of antifungal therapy should be calculated individually. With the help of this drug, various genital infections are treated, which makes it universal.

Suppositories "miconazole" quickly help to eliminate the symptoms of thrush and normalize the natural microflora of the vagina. In women, treatment with this drug is carried out quite quickly. In some cases, it takes only 3 days for a complete cure for thrush.

  1. Before going to bed, the candle is inserted deeply into the vagina.
  2. The course of treatment is from 3 to 7 days, depending on the stage of progression of thrush.
  3. For 1-2 days, a slight burning sensation and redness, diarrhea and pain in the lower abdomen are acceptable. These symptoms are considered normal and do not require correction.

Contraindications include diabetes mellitus, liver dysfunction and herpes. It is not recommended to use these suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis in pregnant and lactating women.

Advantages and disadvantages of vaginal suppositories

The best candles for thrush are those that quickly destroy the fungus, normalize the microflora of the vagina and do not cause side effects. Almost all suppositories are good, there are those that are intended for single use. And there are drugs that require long-term therapy.

Advantages of medications for insertion into the vagina:

  • Local suppression of the activity of fungal colonies.
  • Low likelihood of developing adverse reactions.
  • A one-time mortgage is possible, which does not require additional adjustment.

But not everything is as good as it seems at first glance. The attending physician may not approve of this approach to the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. The fact is that the use of this form of drugs often does not have the desired effect. It is necessary to treat thrush using vaginal suppositories by strictly following the regimen prescribed by the doctor. This is the only way to achieve the expected effect and completely recover from thrush.

Such unpleasant symptoms as a burning sensation in the external genital area and heavy discharge always accompany the acute course of vaginal candidiasis in women. And the most effective suppositories for thrush, which have different compositions, mechanisms of action and frequency of use, will help get rid of them. On the pharmacological market they are presented in different price categories, so they are available to every woman.

Vaginal suppositories for thrush can have various active ingredients, have a wide or narrow spectrum of effects, and be taken in a short or long course.

And yet, which suppositories are effective for thrush:

  1. Clotrimazole.
  2. Ginesol.
  3. Terzhinan.
  4. Pimafucin.
  5. Livarol.
  6. Zalain.
  7. Povidone-Iodine.


One suppository of the drug contains 100 mg of clotrimazole and the following auxiliary components: magnesium stearate, potato starch, citric acid, milk sugar and microcrystalline cellulose.

By disrupting the production of ergosterol by the fungal cell, clotrimazole thereby contributes to its destruction. Active against bacteroides, gardnerella, pathogens of pityriasis versicolor and erythrasma, yeast-like fungi, staphylo- and streptococci.

Indications for suppositories are as follows:

  • Vulvovaginal candidiasis.
  • Some genital superinfections.
  • Trichomoniasis.
  • As a sanitizing agent before childbirth.

According to the official instructions, Clotrimazole is administered as deep as possible into the vaginal cavity, 100 mg, that is, one suppository, in the evening, preferably before bedtime. Multiplicity of application - 1 suppository for 6 days. In order to administer the medicine correctly and without discomfort, you need to lie on your back and slightly bend your knees. The drug is contained in vaginal secretions in a concentration sufficient for a therapeutic effect for up to 72 hours.

Clotrimazole is produced in a contour pack with six suppositories of 100 mg each. The average price is only 50 rubles.


A drug with an antimycotic effect for local use for gynecological diseases. Belongs to the group of imidazole derivatives, and the active substance is miconazole. By inhibiting the biosynthesis of ergosterol in fungal cells, it leads to their destruction.

The spectrum of action is aimed at yeast-like and penicillin fungi, trichophytes, microspores and some gram-positive bacteria - streptococci and staphylococci. The big plus of the drug is that it does not change the acid-base balance and composition of the microflora of vaginal mucus.


  • Vulvovaginal candidiasis.
  • Infection associated with gram-positive bacteria.
  • Candidal balanoposthitis (in ointment form).

Ginezol suppositories are inserted into the vaginal cavity once a day in the amount of 1 piece. The duration of therapy is 7-14 days. In case of severe or frequent candidiasis, you can use 2-3 suppositories per day. The instructions say that at the time of treatment it is necessary to avoid contact with any latex products (contraceptive diaphragms and condoms), since suppositories can damage them.

When diagnosing the following pathologies in women, it is not recommended to prescribe Ginezol for the treatment of thrush:

  • Genital herpes.
  • Microcirculatory disorders.
  • Diabetes.

The use of suppositories with miconazole is prohibited for pregnant (up to 12 weeks) and lactating women, children under 12 years of age (teenage girls) and patients with severe liver diseases.

Adverse reactions are rare and, as a rule, mild: moderate, allergic rash and burning sensation. You can buy such effective suppositories for thrush in women as Ginezol at the pharmacy for 250-300 rubles.


Vaginal, which have anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal, antibacterial and antimycotic effects, which are used with great success in gynecology. The composition is represented by ternidazole, nystatin, neomycin sulfate and prednisolone metasulfobenzoate.

Appointed for:

  • Vaginitis caused by putrefactive microflora (gonococci and staphylococci).
  • Vaginal dysbacteriosis.
  • Nonspecific colpitis.
  • Genital infections caused by fungi from the genus Candida.

First, before use, you need to keep the vaginal tablet in water for 30 seconds. After which the drug is injected into the vaginal cavity with gentle movements in the evening. Use one piece for 10 days. For chronic forms of candidiasis, the course can be extended to 20 days, and six days of use is sufficient to prevent infection. If a woman begins menstruation, the course of treatment is not interrupted.

It is prohibited for use in patients who have allergic reactions to at least one of the components of the drug. Pregnant women can only use it from the second trimester. The drug is available in special strips of 10 or 6 vaginal tablets, and the price starts from 350 rubles.


Vaginal suppositories Pimafucin belong to complex preparations, since they contain an antibiotic from the macrolide group - natamycin, which also has an antifungal effect, in particular against yeast-like fungi and dermatophytes.

The main direction of the drug is the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis. Suppositories are administered only in a lying position deep into the vaginal cavity, preferably at night. Use one suppository for 6-9 days.

In severe and chronic forms, the course can be extended to several weeks.

The only contraindication to the use of Pimafucin is intolerance to the main substance or auxiliary components. It can be used by pregnant women and during lactation, but during menstrual days the drug should be interrupted. The price is affordable and averages 260 rubles.


Livarol suppositories for the treatment of thrush in women are very popular - due to the fact that they have virtually no adverse reactions. The active substance, ketoconazole, is a derivative of imidazoledioxolane and has a powerful therapeutic effect on the mucous membranes of the vulva and vagina affected by the fungus.

Under the influence of ketoconazole, ergosterol production is inhibited and the lipid layer of the outer wall of the fungal cell changes. As a result, fungi lose the ability to reproduce and begin to die.

The indications are:

  • Acute and chronic forms of female thrush.
  • Dysbiosis of vaginal microflora.
  • Mixed bacterial and fungal infections of the female reproductive system.

When treating acute candidiasis, one suppository is administered into the vaginal cavity at night for a course of three to five days. Chronic and recurrent forms of thrush are treated for 10 days of continuous use. The second or third trimester of pregnancy and lactation are not contraindications to the drug.

Livarol has a therapeutic effect only at the injection site, practically not being absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, therefore adverse reactions are minimized (swelling, itching and redness). The price is in the range of 400-450 rubles.


Prescribed only for local treatment of genital infections caused by yeast-like fungi (vulvovaginal candidiasis). A suppository (300 mg) is administered once into the vaginal cavity, preferably before bedtime. If the symptoms of thrush have not regressed, then a second course can be carried out after one week.

Do not use Zalain only if you are allergic to the active substance and additional components. The average cost of suppositories varies between 490-505 rubles.


Vaginal suppositories contain 200 mg of povidone-iodine and are available in cell packs of 7 pieces. When the drug comes into contact with the mucous membranes of the vaginal cavity, active iodine is released from it, which forms specific compounds with the proteins of fungal cells, thereby causing coagulation and, accordingly, the death of the pathogen.

Indications for prescribing a suppository:

  • Nonspecific colpitis.
  • Genital candidiasis.
  • Trichomoniasis.

There are numerous contraindications to the drug:

  • Thyroid adenoma.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Heart failure.
  • Thyrotoxicosis.
  • Chronic renal failure.
  • Lactation.
  • Iodine intolerance.
  • Dühring's dermatitis.
  • Taking medications from radioactive iodine.

The method of application is the same: suppositories are inserted into the vaginal cavity 1 or 2 times a day for two weeks. If at the time of using Povidone-Iodine itching, redness, or pain occurs, then it is necessary to stop the course of treatment and consult your doctor to adjust the therapy. The price is low, in the range of 80-120 rubles.

When should you use suppositories to treat thrush?

Local antimycotic drugs in the form of vaginal suppositories are always indicated for acute thrush and as part of complex therapy for chronic and recurrent forms of genital candidiasis in women.

Properly selected antifungal suppositories quickly and effectively eliminate painful symptoms such as itching, severe discharge and a burning sensation. If you wish, you can easily choose effective suppositories for thrush, the price of which varies from 50 to 500 rubles.

Suppositories for thrush are the most convenient way of local treatment of vaginal candidiasis in women. The effect of vaginal suppositories is due to the deep penetration of the active antifungal substance into the mucous membrane, which destroys the pathogen, eliminates inflammation, and reduces inflammation.

The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of different ones - these are both suppositories for local treatment and medications for oral administration, which are prescribed by a doctor for severe forms of candidiasis, for chronic thrush as part of complex therapy.

Which suppositories are best for thrush? There is one answer to this question - these are those drugs to which the candida fungus is sensitive based on the result of bacterial culture and determination of the resistance, resistance or sensitivity of the pathogen to a specific drug. Because in chronic, often relapsing cases, it may not be effective due to the development of drug resistance in fungal agents.

Uncontrolled, independent treatment of thrush leads to both the development of chronic candidiasis and disruption of the vaginal microflora. Moreover, many women actively practice this, which is not acceptable, since it only provokes further progression of the disease, further disrupting the vaginal microflora. Only the attending physician, based on the patient’s medical history, clinical picture, and taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen, prescribes an adequate treatment regimen. Even if symptoms disappear, clinical recovery is considered to be the absence of fungi according to laboratory data over the next 3 months.

Rules for using suppositories against thrush

In the absence of therapy with a regular partner, a ping-pong effect occurs when a woman, after treatment, is again subjected to a fungal attack during unprotected sexual intercourse.

During therapy, you should either abstain from sexual intercourse or use condoms. Suppositories are inserted deep into the vagina at night to improve absorption of the drug.

When a woman is diagnosed with vaginal candidiasis, she and her doctor should analyze it, since without eliminating or minimizing the provoking factors, thrush can occur again and again.

Very often, candidiasis indicates the presence of other sexually transmitted infections (mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.) as well as the development of gardnerellosis ().

Depending on the intensity of the symptoms, acute or chronic process, treatment may differ in the course of therapy, in some cases it is enough to use 1 suppository, but in case of a chronic process this is not enough and longer treatment is required.

  • Vaginal suppositories should not be used during menstruation, with the exception of Povidone-Iodine (Iodoxide, Betadine) and Sertaconazole (Zalain).
  • The following suppositories can be used for 1 suppository: Zalain, Lomexin
  • 3 suppositories each - Livarol, Gino-pevaril, Pimafucin.
  • 5-14 suppositories each - Macmiror, Clotrimazole, Ginesol, Iodoxide, Nystatin, Polygynax, Terzhinan, Irunin.

During treatment, you should not wear synthetic, tight-fitting underwear, you must follow all the rules of intimate hygiene, change towels and linen daily, do not use chemicalized, scented pads, toilet paper, or intimate hygiene fluids, which only worsen the condition.

The best suppositories for thrush - Livarol, Pimafucin, Zalain, Nystatin, Clotrimazole, Lomixin, Macmiror - pros and cons of use

Sertaconazole - Zalain

Zalain(price 1 soup. 480-520 rubles, prices 2018)

It is a derivative of benzothiophene and imidazole.

Use during pregnancy: There is no sufficient data on the potential harm to the fetus during breastfeeding. But given the one-time method of use and the lack of systemic action of Zalain - during pregnancy, lactation, it is possible to use it in a situation where the expected benefit for the woman is higher than the possible risk for the child.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity
Side effects: allergic reactions that do not require discontinuation of the drug.
Mode of application: 1 suppository for thrush is inserted into the vagina at night once; if symptoms persist, re-use is possible after a week. Before use, wash the external genitalia with neutral soap. Can be used during menstruation.
Advantages and disadvantages: The advantage of using Zalain for thrush is the one-time administration of the drug, high efficiency, the ability to use during menstruation, the disadvantage is the high price.

Ketoconazole - Livarol

  • Livarol (price 430 rubles for 5 pcs. 600-800 for 10 pcs.)
  • Ketoconazole 230-400 rub.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, 1st trimester of pregnancy, in the 2nd-3rd trimester with caution.
Side effects: irritation, redness of the vaginal mucosa, itching. Skin rash, urticaria.
Application: In a lying position, 1 suppository is inserted deeply into the vagina for 3-5 days, for chronic thrush for 10 days.
Pros and cons: The advantage is the rapid effect, virtually no allergic reactions. It is most often prescribed when a diagnosis is first established; with frequent or prolonged use, drug resistance occurs in the pathogen.

Itraconazole - Irunin

Irunin - vaginal tablets 10 pcs. 300-320 rub.

Contraindications: 1st trimester of pregnancy, in the 2nd-3rd trimester with caution, hypersensitivity, lactation period
Side effects: itching, burning, skin rash that does not require discontinuation of the drug.
Application: at night for 7-14 days.
Pros and cons: An effective remedy for recurrent thrush and resistance to other antifungal agents, the disadvantage is that it cannot be used in the 1st trimester.

Nystatin + Nifuratel

(price 680 rubles for 8 pcs.)

Pregnancy: approved for use
Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Side effects: very rarely itching, skin rash
Application: Intravaginally, 1 suppository 8 days before bedtime.
Advantages and disadvantages: The main advantage of the possibility of therapy during pregnancy, the disadvantage is the high price.

  • (30-60 rubles 6 pcs),
  • Candide B6 (70 r), Antifungol, Kanesten,
  • Candizol, Yenamazol 100, Candibene.

Contraindications: increased sensitivity, it is strictly forbidden to use in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, while breastfeeding
Side effects: burning, itching, vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, headache, cystitis, frequent urination, pain during intercourse.
Mode of application: for 6 days, 1 suppository deep into the vagina at night.
Advantages and disadvantages: The advantage is that these are inexpensive suppositories against thrush, the disadvantage is frequent side effects, the rapid development of resistance in fungal agents.

Miconazole - Klion D, Neo-Penotran

Ginezol 7 (280-300 rubles), Gyno-dactanol, Daktarin, Mycozon (cream).
Combination drugs that contain, in addition to miconazole, metronidazole.

  • Klion-D 100 (price 330 rub.),
  • Neo-Penotran (14 pcs. 700 rub.),
  • Metromicon-Neo (14 pcs. 300-350 rub.)

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, with caution during pregnancy 2-3 trimester, lactation (suspend feeding during treatment) for diabetes mellitus, impaired liver function, herpes
Side effects: Only at the beginning of treatment there may be a feeling of discomfort, burning, itching, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
Mode of application: for 6-7 days, 1 suppository at night, you cannot drink alcohol during treatment.
Pros and cons: quick effect, wide spectrum of activity, does not cause dysbacteriosis, effective for frequent relapses of thrush, the disadvantage is the danger of use during pregnancy and feeding a child.


gyno-pevaril(3 pcs. 420 rub. 15 pcs. 800 rub.), Ifenek

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy (1 tr.), since it penetrates into the systemic bloodstream, in 2-3 with caution, breastfeeding should be stopped during feeding.
Side effects: local irritation, rash, itching.
Application: suppositories 50 mg. within 14 days, even after the symptoms disappear, the course must be completed. Suppositories 150 mg. - within 3 days, if after 7 days the culture test gives a positive result, the course of treatment should be repeated.
Advantages and disadvantages: effective suppositories for thrush.

Natamycin - Pimafucin

Effect on the fetus: approved for use during pregnancy
Contraindications: increased individual sensitivity
Side effects: slight irritation
Mode of application: for 3-6 days, 1 suppository.
Advantages and disadvantages: The advantage of Pimafucin for thrush is that it has no effect on the fetus, which is why it is prescribed during pregnancy.

(30-60 rubles)
Complex preparations containing nystatin:

  • Polygynax (nystatin, neomycin, polymyxin B, price 6 pcs. 350 rub., 12 pcs. 600 rub.),
  • Terzhinan (prednisolone, neomycin, ternidazole, nystatin - 6 pcs. 360 rubles, 10 pcs. 450 rubles), but their use is fraught with the development of dysbacteriosis.

Contraindications: pregnancy of any stage, individual sensitivity
Side effects: chills, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea
Mode of application: 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 10-14 days.
Pros and cons: The disadvantage of nystatin suppositories against candidiasis is the long course, use 2 times a day, and the presence of serious side effects. The advantage is that they are cheap; candida does not become resistant to nystatin, so it is often prescribed for chronic, recurrent candidiasis.

Povidone Iodine - Iodoxide

(10 pieces 300 rubles), Betadine(price 7 pcs. 400 rub., 14 pcs. 500 rub.)

Contraindications: thyrotoxicosis, thyroid adenoma, with caution in case of renal failure, in case of individual sensitivity, not recommended during pregnancy, contraindicated in the 1st trimester, in the 2-3rd trimester and during lactation - with caution.
Side effects: allergic manifestations, local hyperemia
Mode of application: For acute vaginitis, 2 times a day for a week, 1 suppository, for chronic vaginitis, 1 time a day for 2 weeks, regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle.
Pros and cons: can be used during menstruation, used in complex treatment for bacterial vaginosis.

Fenticonazole - Lomexin

(fenticonazole, price 1000 mg. 1 piece 400 rub. 600 mg. 2 pieces 600 rub.)

Contraindications: pregnancy, cannot be used during menstruation, if you are hypersensitive to the components of the suppository.
Side effects: mild symptoms of irritation that go away on their own and do not require discontinuation of the drug, allergic reactions - rash, urticaria, erythema
Mode of application: capsule 600 mg. are administered once; according to indications, if symptoms persist, use may be continued for 3 days. Capsules 1000 mg. administered within 2 days.
Advantages and disadvantages: effective remedy, cannot be used during pregnancy.

Dequalinium chloride - Fluomizin

Fluomizin - vaginal tablets 6 pcs. 560 rub. - antiseptic in gynecology (bacterial vaginosis, candidal vaginitis, sanitation before childbirth and operations)

Contraindications: ulcerative lesions of the cervix and vagina, girls before sexual activity, pregnancy 1-2 trimester - no data on the safety of use
Side effects: symptoms of irritation, allergic reactions - rash, urticaria, erythema
Mode of application: capsule at night for 6 days, stop treatment during menstruation and continue after.

In addition to suppositories, it is possible to use creams with antifungal drugs:

  • Clotrimazole - Candide (with applicator 80 rubles), Clotrimazole cream 120 rubles, Kanizon 80 rubles.
  • Econazole - Ecodax cream 140 RUR
  • Isoconazole - Travogen cream 500-700 rub.
  • Fenticonazole - Lomexin cream 600 rub.
  • Butoconazole - Gynofort cream with applicator 600-700 rub.

In chronic recurrent thrush, oral antifungal drugs are required:

  • Fluconazole 40-50 rubles (and more expensive analogues Flucostat, Mikomax, Mikosist, Diflucan)
  • Tinidazole 30-70 rub.
  • Ketoconazole - Mycozoral 460 RUR
  • Itraconazole - Irunin 320 rubles, Itrazol 380 rubles, Orungamin.

After antifungal therapy, the doctor may prescribe drugs to normalize the vaginal microflora, that is, creating conditions for the growth of lactobacilli in the vagina:

  • Vagilak 2 times a day (suppositories with bifidobacteria) for 5-10 days.
  • Laktozhinal, Acylact (lactobacteria) vaginal capsules for 1-10 days.
  • For oral administration - Bificol 10 days.

Advantages and disadvantages of using suppositories for thrush

Advantages of using topical medications for candidiasis in women:

  • When the drug is injected into the site of active reproduction of fungi, the effect of local treatment appears much faster, especially when using modern effective drugs such as Livarol or Zalain.
  • Modern antifungal agents can be used once.
  • Because systemic absorption of topical medications is low, the incidence of side effects is reduced, unlike oral therapy.

Disadvantages of local treatment:

  • Local treatment causes some inconvenience to a woman - it stains her underwear and limits her sex life.
  • A positive effect from such therapy is possible only in mild forms of thrush, but when the course of the disease is more severe and prolonged, local therapy should be supplemented with the use of. Therefore, it is often necessary to repeat the course of treatment after a certain time.
  • When using combined antimicrobial drugs, such as Terzhinan, Polygynax, a common side effect is vaginal dysbiosis, which then requires additional treatment, for example, the use of suppositories with lactobacilli - Lactonorma, Acylact, Lactobacterin, Ecofemin or Vagiflora.

Suppositories for thrush during pregnancy

Very often, thrush occurs in women during pregnancy due to a physiological decrease in immunity, and many drugs either categorically cannot be used, or reliable studies of safety for the fetus have not been carried out. Among the entire selection of local drugs, the following suppositories are approved for use:

  • Suppositories - Pimafucin, Primafungin (active ingredient Natamycin).
  • Combined drug - Macmiror complex (active ingredients Nystatin and Nifuratel).
  • In the 2-3 trimesters Clotrimazole, Nystatin (low effectiveness) or the ancient remedy Borax in glycerin (Sodium tetraborate in glycerin), Pimafucin, Gino-Pevaril, Ginofort (vaginal cream), all these drugs are used during pregnancy with caution if there is a potential risk for the health of the mother exceeds the risk for the child.

  • Some doctors prescribe a combination drug - Terzhinan (prednisolone, neomycin, ternidazole, nystatin), but the instructions for it indicate that from the 2nd trimester it can only be used when assessing the potential benefit to the mother and harm to the fetus, as it has undesirable side effects and contains a hormonal drug - prednisolone.