Red spots only on hands. Allergies on the hands in the form of red spots and itching: probable causes and treatment, prevention of negative reactions

Dots, spots, pimples are a change in the condition of the epidermis as a result of disease or aggressive influence environment. Excessive rashes on the hands have different names"chicks", "goose skin", "chicken skin". Doctors call the pathology dermatitis. Most red bumps go away without medical intervention, such as irritation. Children's sensitive skin, unpredictable body reactions in a pregnant woman may respond to stress or changes in weather - red dots or spots appear.

Why do they appear on hands?

  • Allergy. IN modern conditions nervousness and polluted ecology, the list of allergens includes water, air, fabrics, and paper money.
  • Damage blood vessels due to a lack of vitamin C and K. Vascular formations - angiomas and hemangiomas. If you are concerned about swelling and pain in the joints, dry mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth, then small dots signal rheumatic inflammation.
  • Contagious diseases: subcutaneous mites, rubella, syphilis, scabies, measles, fungi, bacterial infections(streptoderma).
  • Non-contagious internal diseases. The release of red spots on the hands after an attack of hepatitis or pancreatitis. Dots on the skin of the hands appear in people with diabetes mellitus.
  • Autoimmune. A functional immune disorder in which the body destroys itself.
  • Avitaminosis. In this case, you need to normalize your diet and take a course of multivitamins.

To find out why red dots appeared on your hands, you need to use a general blood test to find out whether the number of platelets is reduced. To check their performance, examine platelet adhesion and aggregation. Get tested for infections, check your liver for hepatitis, perform ultrasound examination organs abdominal cavity. When red spots appear on the hands, self-medication and lack of diagnosis ends tragically.

Rash on hands photo

Red spots on hands photo

Rash on hands in the form of red dots

In description cutaneous vasculitis purpura, petechiae, and nodules are present. The disease affects the walls of blood vessels, as a result, organs do not receive the necessary blood supply, and their tissues die. Treatment is aimed at eradicating the causes of vasculitis. Rheumatologist prescribes antihistamines and immunomodulators, in advanced cases – hormonal and steroid therapy.

After use detergents, cosmetics wrists became covered with contact dermatitis in the form of eczema or urticaria. Analyze the composition of soap, shower gel and others cosmetics, look at the skin reaction after use different means. Women at the end of pregnancy suffer from a rash on their hands in the form of red dots. In this case, the skin may dry, itch, peel, and return to normal after childbirth. Doctors call this late toxicosis and recommend excluding possible irritants.

Red dots on fingers

In transport or when shaking hands with a patient, it is easy to pick up scabies. High risk infections in the heat. The skin sweats and accumulates germs. The scabies mite makes noticeable subcutaneous passages, laying eggs there. Red dots on the fingers are visible between the phalanges, on the folds, palms and wrists. Itching worsens at night when mites are active. Scratching the red spots can lead to infection and fester. Treatment comes down to stopping the allergic reaction to the activity of the scabies pathogen and disinfection.

Red dots on a child's hand

Emerging digestive tract The baby scares the parents with a skin reaction in the form of red spots. Moving and climate change, instability of the child’s nervous system, insect bites and contact with animals are factors not associated with diseases to which the body reacts with red dots on the child’s arm. They soon pass. Their origin in children is determined by the same thing as in adults, but even experienced parents are better off not “guessing” by the palm of their baby, but contact a pediatrician.

Red dots on hands

Blood clotting disorders, overdose of anticoagulants lead to the appearance of red spots on the hands and wrists, spontaneous hematomas and small pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin on the backs of the hands. Some points become benign formations– hemangiomas. Their damage is dangerous due to high blood loss. Such hand defects are not dangerous and do not require surgical intervention unless they cause serious discomfort.

Red dots on the arms above the elbow

Bursted as a result physical activity the vessels look like small, prick-sized, red dots on the arms above the elbow. Excessively dry skin on the forearm may become covered with white or red bumps called keratosis pilaris. The affected areas are smeared with emollients. These diseases are not dangerous and are not inflammatory in nature.


Even minor changes in the skin should not be ignored. If you notice red spots on your hands or your child’s, then it is better to plan a visit to the doctors in the near future.

Imminent dangers

Considering that a dermatologist deals with all skin problems, it is better to start visiting specialists with him. It is he who will be able not only to describe the nature of the redness, but also to suggest what could have caused it.

Often red spots on the hands occur when there is enough serious problems. Ignoring the first symptoms may cause the disease, which made itself felt in this way, to enter an advanced stage. Do not hesitate if the reddened areas of the skin begin to become covered with a dense crust or bleed. Believe me, this is not just a cosmetic flaw, but a cry from the body that it needs help.

If the spots that appear do not go away long time, but at the same time they do not bother you, then you still cannot ignore them. Any changes in the skin should be assessed by a specialist. After all, spots can appear with syphilis, lupus erythematosus, and erythema.

Possible reasons

It is quite difficult to determine on your own what caused the red spots to appear on your hands. Of course, they often arise as a reaction to temperature changes. This is due to the peculiarity vascular system each person. So, when overheated, the capillaries expand, and red spots are visualized on the hands. The same reaction can occur with hypothermia. In this case, the cause may be damage to small vessels that burst during prolonged contact with cold. If this happens, your fingers may even slightly lose sensitivity.

If a red spot appears on your arm, it may be local inflammatory reaction. It is better to look for the cause of its occurrence together with a specialist. It is important not to miss the first symptoms of lichen, dermatitis or eczema, which can also manifest as redness in areas of the skin. Necessary examinations and treatment should only be prescribed by a specialist.

If the red spots that appear on your hands are itchy, then the cause of their occurrence may be an allergy. In this case, it is important to find out what exactly caused it and try to minimize contact with irritating substances.

Spots on the palms

People often experience redness and lesions of the skin on their palms. Experts know that such problems are often accompanied by transitional age and pregnancy. This occurs due to hormonal changes in the body. Of course, it is advisable to show the spots to a dermatologist, but in most cases they do not cause discomfort and go away on their own. We must be prepared for the fact that some of them may remain in the form of moles.

If red spots on the fingers and palms begin to bother you and increase in size, then you cannot do without consulting an oncologist. This may be the first sign of development cancerous tumor in organism.

Spots on elbows

It is worth noting that the appearance of redness does not always indicate problems. For example, often spots on your elbows can be due to the fact that you have been leaning on them for a long time. But if they itch, then you should pay attention to them. In this area, discomforting redness may occur due to malfunctions thyroid gland. Often the same reaction is caused by excessive slagging in the body. But in most cases, redness will not be the only symptom; problem areas will not only itch, but also peel off.

Allergic reactions

If you notice red spots on your legs and arms, keep an eye on them. If they disappeared quickly enough, then perhaps the cause of their appearance was a minor mechanical impact. But if they constantly itch and cause significant discomfort, then it is better to visit an allergist.

It will help you install possible reason occurrence of this problem and will give advice on how to behave in order to prevent the appearance of stains. Redness often occurs after using aggressive household chemicals. If this is the reason, then working with gloves, as a rule, allows you to correct the situation.

Quite often, red spots on the hands itch after eating any food. Therefore, allergists in most cases recommend sticking to a diet. During it, not only preservatives are excluded from the diet, but also all red foods.


The most common cause of redness is skin problems. For example, red spots on the hands can be a manifestation of psoriasis. At the same time, they will be raised above the surface of the skin. Besides the redness, distinctive feature psoriatic plaques is the dryness of their covers. Often the symptoms are accompanied by peeling of the hands, and the palms may even become covered with cracks. Taking into account the fact that the causes of psoriasis have not been established, treatment is reduced to alleviating the manifestations of the disease.

Also, spots can be a sign of lichen planus. When this disease occurs, small red plaques appear on the body, including the arms. Ringworm is considered chronic disease. The nature of its occurrence has not been properly studied.

If the red spots on the hands resemble papules with a slightly sunken center, then this may be exudative erythema. Most often, rashes appear on back side hands In this case, the papules are surrounded by a bright red rim, and inside they are bluish in color. This may be a manifestation of both infectious and allergic reactions, and toxic lesions. To determine the causes of the disease, a comprehensive examination is required.

Spots in children

Faced with redness of the skin on the hands of babies, many parents begin to worry. It is important to show your child to the pediatrician as early as possible. After all, red spots on a child’s hands can indicate not only allergic reactions or dermatitis, as in adults, but also be caused by a number of infectious diseases.

So, if you notice redness between the fingers, examine the entire baby. If you see the rash in other places, your child may have chickenpox. Measles also causes spots to appear on the hands, but first they appear behind the ears, on the face, neck, body and only lastly on the limbs.

Red spots on the hands can also be caused by roseola, urticaria, pityriasis rosea, molluscum contagiosum. Any of listed conditions requires adequate treatment and supervision by a specialist. Therefore, you cannot do without visiting a doctor who will not only establish a diagnosis, but also tell you how to help your baby recover.


It is almost impossible to choose the most appropriate tactics for detecting stains on the hands of both children and adults without consulting a specialist. After all, it is necessary to treat the cause that caused the cosmetic defect. Only after the doctor manages to identify the disease that led to the appearance of spots on the hands can one think about how to get rid of them.


If the cause is an allergy, then treatment consists of taking antihistamines. The doctor may prescribe drugs such as Alerzin, Cetrilev, Aleron, Zodak. For external use, Fenistil ointment can be used. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the irritant.

Thyroid problems

An endocrinologist deals with thyroid pathologies. Treatment can only be prescribed after full examination. Depending on the identified problems, it is possible to use one of the following drugs: “Thyrotom”, “Eutirox”, “Thyreocomb”, “Bagotirox”, “L-Tirok”.

Skin diseases

Skin diseases are treated by a dermatologist. But even he, before prescribing therapy, can not only send you for testing general analyzes, but also scrape the reddened areas to reliably determine the causes of the disease. For psoriasis, a specialist may recommend lubricating problem areas with Psoriaten ointment. If the doctor determines that these are manifestations of eczema, a local remedy"Iricar." Redness of an inflammatory nature is relieved with Traumeel ointment.

In the case where the cause of the stains was lichen planus, they prescribe such non-hormonal agents, such as “Potassium Orotate” and “Fitin”, in combination with glucocorticoids “Prednisolone”, “Dexazone”, “Urbazon”. Vitamin therapy is also indicated. With active progression of the disease, tetracycline antibiotics may be prescribed.


If the cause of spots in children is infectious diseases, then their treatment is usually carried out by a pediatrician. The tactics of action will depend on what kind of disease has struck the baby. Chickenpox, for example, does not require taking special medications; it is enough to treat the spots with brilliant green. For urticaria they are prescribed antihistamines“L-cet”, “Cetrinal”, “Alerzin”, use calendula solution externally, lubricate problem areas with salicylic acid.

Relieve itching during manifestations pityriasis rosea You can use Fenistil. Also, for this diagnosis, the drug “Ascorutin” is often prescribed. But the main condition for recovery is diet.

Red spots on the hands and body may indicate dysfunction internal organs and systems. The body works like a well-coordinated mechanism. Any disturbances in its operation may lead to various diseases.

Causes of red spots

Red rashes on the hands can occur as a result of various factors:

  1. Infectious diseases. It could be a fungus, lichen, or other infection. It is necessary to observe neoplasms. They can change their size, cause itching and peeling.
  2. Allergic reaction. It can occur on food, skin care products, household chemicals, clothing, and medications.
  3. Poor nutrition. Excessive use High-calorie, fatty, floury, smoked or sweet foods can provoke red rashes on the skin.
  4. Unstable psychological condition. Regular emotional stress, stress, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue promote stimulation of the nervous system. You can resort to using soothing decoctions based on motherwort, valerian, and peony.
  5. Sensitivity to temperature fluctuations. In winter, when your hands are too cold, you need to warm them up by rubbing them together. In hot weather, you should carefully cool your hands using a bath of cool water.

What to do if your palms itch

Their occurrence signals the emergence of health problems. Often such neoplasms are accompanied by severe itching. You should seek help from a doctor.

To alleviate the skin condition and alleviate itching, you can use baby, glycerin or hypoallergenic cream. It will soften and soothe the surface of the skin.

Chamomile has antiseptic properties. You can treat your hands with chamomile infusion or make baths based on it.

Various essential oils soften and soothe the skin well: olive, menthol, oil tea tree. They have antiseptic and soothing properties.

A bath of... warm water and sea salt. The solution should not be highly concentrated and the water should not be too hot.

If spots appear after sunbathing, you must avoid direct contact with UV rays, use protective equipment from the sun. Leather can be treated olive oil, sour cream or softening cream.

If there is severe itching, in clothing it is advisable to give preference to natural fabrics and avoid materials that can become an irritant.

Red rashes may become various shapes, size, structure depending on the reason for their appearance. They may resemble burns.

The reasons for their appearance are:

  1. Herpes. Occurs as a result of the inflammatory process. May cause nervous overexcitation.
  2. Hives. The spots look like nettle burns and occur as a result of the body's reaction to an action. medicines, food additives, temperature changes. The spots can cause itching and burning.
  3. Dermatitis. Such spots are characterized by peeling, itching, and dry skin. Appear as an allergic reaction to chemically active substances.
  4. Allergy. It can occur not only from chemicals, but also as a result of the vital activity of helminths.
  5. Unstable psychological state. Chronic stress or depression can cause spots on your hands.

The appearance of a tumor on the body indicates health problems. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Depending on the provoking factors, treatment is prescribed.

These can be antifungal, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory drugs.

For external use, ointments and creams are prescribed. They soften the skin, eliminate itching and flaking, and help activate regenerative processes.

During the treatment period, you should follow the rules proper nutrition, refuse bad habits, avoid physical overexertion and moral tension.


Itches and flakes

If they itch and flake, then you should not use them without a doctor’s prescription. various means to eliminate these symptoms. Their action can worsen the condition of the skin and, as a result, slow down the healing process.

If the spots itch, you should try to refrain from scratching them. This may cause further spread of the infection and worsen the condition.

To soothe the skin, you can use baths based on herbal infusions chamomile, calendula, string. Such decoctions can be used for compresses or lotions.

You are allowed to take a sedative tablet at night. This will help you calm down a little and fully relax. As sedative You can take a decoction of valerian root and motherwort.

Appears between the fingers

The main cause of redness between the fingers is skin diseases.

Direct contact with chemicals, UV rays, sudden changes in temperature contribute to the manifestation of allergic reactions. As a result, red spots may appear between the fingers.

Spots on the hands can be a manifestation of fungal infections. This is not only a cosmetic problem, but also a medical one.

As a result of the action of the fungus, these spots begin to form, which peel, itch and can crack. Dirt, dust and bacteria can penetrate through such wounds, which circulatory system spread throughout the body.

Very common different kinds dermatitis.

Such disorders in the body can be caused by various reasons:

  • poor nutrition;
  • immune failures;
  • unstable emotional state;
  • heredity;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements in the body;
  • hormonal disorders.

The combination of such factors can cause skin diseases. They are accompanied by peeling, itching, and a build-up of dead cells, which can result in cracking and bleeding.

Effective treatment

If your hands itch and redness appears, you should consult a doctor. He will be able to accurately determine the cause of the formations.

Treatment of red spots includes taking special medications that have a detrimental effect on infections, fungi and bacteria.

Appointed special ointments and creams that soften the symptoms of the disease: peeling, itching, burning, relieve inflammation, nourish and moisturize the skin of the hands.

Widely used to treat spots traditional methods. To relieve inflammation of the skin and itching, use a mask that consists of a decoction of chamomile, rice starch, essential oil lavender. The components must be combined until a homogeneous mass is formed and applied to damaged areas of the skin for 30 minutes.

A green tea bath will help relieve severe inflammation. To soften the skin after this procedure, you can use olive oil.

In addition to the doctor's prescription for treatment skin diseases It is necessary to observe preventive measures:

  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • upon contact with household chemicals use protective gloves;
  • use scrubs to remove dead skin cells;
  • Before going to bed and in winter, it is necessary to soften the skin with cream or olive oil.

Rules must be followed healthy image life, eat well, give up bad habits, protect yourself from physical and psychological stress.

Red spots on hands

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Appearance rough spots on the skin of adults and children should be alarming, since in the very best case scenario This manifestation of mild allergic reaction, at worst - fungal infection. Much attention is paid associated symptoms, inspection clinical picture And laboratory research. Unfortunately, not all patients seek help from a dermatologist in a timely manner, which leads to the transformation of many diseases into chronic form, difficult to treat. Let's take a closer look at the diseases that cause the appearance of rough spots on the human body.


In most cases, rough spots are accompanied additional symptoms, which help to quickly determine the disease that the patient is facing. Symptoms may be expressed:

  • peeling;
  • itching;
  • color (red, brown, blue, green, yellow and dark shades of the listed colors);
  • pain;
  • getting wet;
  • size (in some cases the size can reach the diameter of a large plate).

Based on the listed symptoms, it can be excluded or assumed the following diseases allergic and fungal origin:

  1. Contact dermatitis. Very common in adults and children. Appears as different sizes spots on the skin that are usually rough to the touch. Color varies from light pink to dark red. From subjective feelings Itching of varying intensity and burning in the area of ​​the lesions may be observed. External symptoms can be aggravated and indicate a severe allergic reaction. Localization of rashes - arms, legs, groin area, stomach and back, depending on the allergen. Allergens can be personal hygiene items (shower gel, soap, washcloth, washing powder), clothing (synthetic socks, panties, T-shirts, etc.) and toys (in the case of children).
  2. Inguinal athlete's foot. A common fungal disease that most often affects adult men aged 25-40 years. Predisposing factors are overweight, ignoring the rules of personal hygiene and increased sweating. manifests itself in the form of rough spots on the skin of the pubis and inguinal-femoral folds. The size of the spots is almost always very large (in some cases reaching the diameter of a large plate). The color can be either light red or dark brown. Subjective sensations may include severe itching, peeling and weeping. Transmitted through personal hygiene products and close bodily contact. Infection most often occurs in public showers, baths and swimming pools.
  3. Microsporia. A highly contagious fungal disease that occurs most often in children aged 2-7 years. There are two types of microsporia – zoonotic and anthroponotic. The clinical picture includes the appearance on the body of multiple rough spots of bright pink or dark red oval or round shape. The surface of the lesions is covered with pityriasis-like peeling, the hair is broken off at a height of 3-7 mm. You can become infected through close bodily contact, personal hygiene items and after bodily contact with animals (usually cats, less often dogs). Localization of rashes with - hairy part head, stomach, arms, neck and face.
  4. Eczema. A disease of a neuro-allergic nature that has a large number of clinical forms. Distinctive feature all forms of eczema - spots of different sizes, rough to the touch and covered with peeling, scales and crusts. The color is almost always red, less often dark brown. The course of the process is almost always accompanied by the appearance of oozing (the old name is “wetting lichen”), blisters filled with serous fluid, which burst and transform into crusts. The localization of rashes is most often observed on the hands, neck, face, abdomen and groin.
  5. Psoriasis. A skin disease that is equally common in women and men (approximately 1-2% of total number), which is characterized by the appearance of rough spots throughout the body. Just like eczema, psoriasis has many clinical forms, which can manifest not only as psoriatic papules, but also psoriatic arthritis. The first symptoms usually appear before the age of 30. The course is always chronic, usually relapsing in the cold season. The localization of rashes is very diverse, but most often papules are found on the elbows, hands, back, palms and scalp. The size of the plaques can reach 10 cm, as they very often merge with each other. The average size of the rash is 1-3 cm in diameter. The surface of the papules is covered with white flake-like scales. Easily scraped off when pressed.

In case of localization of rough spots only on the face and scalp, it should also be excluded seborrheic dermatitis, the symptoms of which are very similar to psoriasis and eczema at the initial stage.

Rough spots on the body photo

Diagnosis and treatment

If rough spots appear on the skin that do not go away within 3-5 days, we recommend that you seek help from a dermatologist, as there are Great chance availability fungal disease. Microsporia, athlete's foot inguinal and rubromycosis are diagnosed based on microscopic examination and illumination of lesions under a Wood's lamp.

Contact dermatitis can be overcome in 80% of cases by eliminating the allergen from Everyday life. Less commonly, its manifestations can be complicated by pyoderma, which occurs with large scratches. Not everything is so simple with eczema, the course of which is usually long-term with periodic exacerbations after stress. Depending on the nature of the symptoms, antihistamines and a hypoallergic diet are prescribed. Sanitation of lesions and elimination of neuroendocrine disorders are also indicated.

Psoriasis, unfortunately, cannot be cured, despite the annual production and advertising of new super effective drugs. In the best case, it is possible to achieve remission, which lasts for years without exacerbations or with minimal symptoms. Physiotherapeutic treatment methods have proven themselves to be excellent, including:

  1. paraffin applications;
  2. UV irradiation;
  3. PUVA therapy.

Also, at the discretion of the doctor, keratolytic, reducing and anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed.

If the appearance of rough spots is caused by one of the fungal diseases, then after a microscopic examination and identification of the pathogen, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Mifungar;
  • Lamisil;
  • Mycozoral;
  • Pimafucin;
  • Candide;
  • Triderm.

Moisturizers or baby creams may also be prescribed at the discretion of the doctor, so as not to provoke allergic reaction. Antihistamines are also prescribed individually, depending on the clinical picture of the patient.

"There are small itchy red spots on my hands and face that dry out and peel. They disappear and then appear again. How can I get rid of them?" Tatiana Ptichkina, Mogilev

Answers a reader's question dermatologist of Moscow medical center Olga Ivanovna PETROVA.

First of all, you need to make sure that it is not ringworm or some other infection. But, since the rashes do not spread over the skin and disappear from time to time, most likely they can be a manifestation of an allergy. For example, for medications or vitamin complexes that you took. Then it is better to abandon these drugs for a while or replace them with others. It is worth trying to exclude citrus fruits, chocolate, nuts, honey and other foods that can cause an allergic reaction from your diet.

The appearance of spots could also be caused by poor nutrition. The skin is very badly affected by addiction to flour, fried and fatty foods, sweets and smoked meats. To put it in order, the consumption of such products should be reduced to a minimum. Inflammatory processes on the skin they often turn out to be a “reflection” bad work organs of the digestive tract.

The reason for the appearance of unsightly spots on the skin is sometimes increased nervous excitability, leading to endless conflicts and stress. If in critical situation I can’t control myself, I need to strengthen myself nervous system by taking mild sedatives. These can be infusions of valerian, motherwort, peony, or Novo-Passit, Persen, which are based on the same herbs.

Sometimes it is enough to follow the tips listed above to get rid of skin rashes. But this will not happen as quickly as we would like; it will take time. In the meantime, you can use external means. Radevit ointment, for example, contains vitamins A, E and D, thanks to which the skin becomes more resistant to adverse effects. This product not only nourishes and softens the skin, but is also able to cope with redness and flaking.

Ointment "Traumel", which includes a collection of medicinal herbs, increases the local immunity of the skin, due to which it more effectively fights inflammation and heals faster. Psoriaten ointment is prescribed for psoriasis, and Iricar is used against eczema. Both of these drugs plant origin and are aimed specifically at treating skin damage such as redness, peeling and associated itching.

The antihistamine external preparation "Fenistil" also soothes itching, relieves redness and swelling. Dry, flaky skin sometimes cracks, which is very unpleasant. Cream "Bepanten" reduces dryness. Under its influence, wounds and cracks are more likely to heal. If an infection has penetrated the site of injury, then Bepanten Plus, which contains an antiseptic, will be useful.

A healthy appearance of the skin can be restored by medicinal cosmetics, which are sold only in pharmacies. Let's say, "Epithelial", from the French company "A-derma", contains oat milk. By restoring damaged skin, it moisturizes and supplies useful substances. And Dermalibur cream has soothing and antimicrobial properties.

TO hormonal ointments It is worth resorting to only if all others are powerless. It is wiser to start treatment with mild drugs, which include hydrocortisone and prednisolone. And only when necessary move on to such ones as Advantan or Elokom. With quite high efficiency they are more gentle side effect on the skin than other drugs in this series. They are even used for small children.

These products are available in several forms. The ointment is greasy and is more suitable for areas with old lesions And increased dryness. The cream is absorbed faster and does not leave any oily residue on the skin. To treat the scalp under the hair or face, it is most convenient to use lotion. A course of treatment with external agents containing hormones usually lasts one to two weeks.