Lichen planus causes. Effective ointments for lichen planus and principles of treatment

Red lichen, or more precisely - red flat lichen - is not at all the ailment that most thought about. The disease is not transmitted from cats and dogs, but is skin disease, that is, saying medical language- dermatosis.

In humans, this attack most often occurs in chronic form with periods of remissions (recession) and relapses (exacerbations). The danger of depriving in carcinogenicity - with improper treatment or neglect, it takes a malignant course.

Important! Lichen planus is a disease of the fairer sex, men suffer from it to a lesser extent, and the prevalence among the child population is only one percent of total number all sick people.

According to statistics, lichen is diagnosed in two and a half percent of patients (out of all cases of dermatological diseases). In 35% of cases, the disease is localized in the oral cavity.

It is not known for certain what causes lichen planus, but there are several theories on this issue:

  1. Infectious (viral). Pathogen(virus or bacterium) if present favorable conditions their development, penetrate the skin, reaching its lowest layers. The epidermis (skin) responds to a foreign invasion by increased division of its cells, and the immune system - by intensive production of antibodies. The combination of these factors leads to the fact that the skin's own cells are destroyed, and disease occurs.
  2. Intoxication. The poisonous effect of certain substances plays here leading role. For example, more than two dozen drugs and their derivatives can cause dermatosis, for example:
  • antibiotics (streptomycin, tetracyclines);
  • anti-tuberculosis drugs (ftivazid);
  • arsenic;
  • antimony;
  • aluminum;
  • quinine.

Dermatosis also provokes intoxication, which occurs from the action of toxins produced by the body as a result of the disease:

  • diabetes(differs in the most severe course);
  • gastritis or peptic ulcer, or duodenum;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver.
  1. Neurogenic. Occurs due to disease nervous system person. It can be called:
  • neurosis;
  • neurosis of the peripheral (vegetative) nervous system;
  • radiculitis;
  • spinal injury;
  • depression
  • bouts of neurasthenia.

Confirmation of this - a rash on the body, characteristic of lichen, is also observed in nervous disorders.

  1. Hereditary. Doctors say that a genetic predisposition to dermatosis cannot be ruled out, because in some patients (from one to two percent) it was recorded in several generations. Usually the disease begins to manifest itself since childhood and has a chronic severe form with frequent relapses.
  2. Immunoallergic. This assumption of the occurrence of lichen in scientific circles has the greatest support, as it combines all the hypotheses into one. Under certain conditions of external and internal environment body, the balance in the work of protective cells that increase immunity and protective cells that suppress immune processes is disturbed.

The immune system “does not recognize” its cells and tries to kill them by increasing the number of antibodies and immunoglobulins, leukocytes (affect the inflammatory process), lymphocytes (responsible for the production of antibodies) in the body. Visually, we observe damage to the skin and mucous membranes, namely, inflammation, manifestations of a rash on the skin and mucous membranes of the patient.

Is lichen planus contagious?

Judging by the theories of the origin of the disease, it is not possible to give an exhaustive answer. But at the same time, the percentage of those infected is so low that it is impossible to say that lichen planus is a contagious skin disease.

Doctors registered two isolated cases of infection: from one person of the whole family, and also from a patient, a doctor was infected.

  • refuse direct contact with the patient;
  • select a separate dish;
  • separately wash personal linen and clothes, towels and bed linen;
  • do not allow the transfer of personal hygiene items (combs, scissors, toothbrushes);
  • process shoes in a timely manner.

Diagnosis of lichen planus

Only a dermatologist can make a correct diagnosis. Procedures required for examination:

In order for the studies to be most effective, before visiting a doctor, it is not necessary to wash and treat the skin and mucous membranes with either medicinal or detergents.

Forms characteristic of lichen planus

There are two main forms: typical and atypical. Only by examining them separately can you understand what lichen planus looks like.

  1. Typical shape. Located on different areas skin and mucous membranes, recognizable by bright red flat formations in the form of a rash. The rash usually "captures" the skin:
  • upper chest;
  • lateral parts of the body;
  • armpits;
  • back side of the forearm;
  • elbow bends;
  • lower abdomen;
  • lower back;
  • inguinal region;
  • inner thighs;
  • popliteal dimples;
  • ankle joints.
  1. atypical form. This form combines nine more forms:

What does lichen planus look like and manifest?

The main manifestations of lichen are rashes in the form of extensive redness, the formation of small sores and plaques, which are grouped and merge into foci.

The rash also affects: lips, tongue, head of the male genital organ and the entrance to the vagina.

There are several forms of dermatous rash:

  • shiny papules;
  • polygonal rashes;
  • large nodules with a mesh surface;
  • papules with a concave surface;
  • rash merged into plaques;
  • rash with keratinization.

Lichen planus in the mouth

You can determine the disease in the oral cavity by a characteristic rash, which can be single, as well as resembling rings, lace or greyish-yellow nets.

Lichen planus, "settled" in the mouth, as a rule, "attacks" the mucous membrane:

  • hard palate;
  • the inner surface of the cheeks;
  • gums

A feature of the rash on the tongue is the formation of papules (nodules), which form whitish foci with uneven edges. Dermatosis passes to the lips. The surface of the lips is purple with peeling.

Lichen planus on smooth skin and face

Distinguishing lichen rash on the face from other skin problems is very difficult. As a rule, rashes are common on the forehead, around the eyes, as well as on the cheeks and under the lower lip. But, there is one "BUT" - dark red rashes. In the place of their localization, severe itching is noted.

Manifestations of lichen on the face not only spoil the appearance, but also very dangerous, because the face is the largest number blood vessels and nerve endings. Scratching can lead to inflammation. Therefore, immediately go to a dermatologist.

In addition to the skin of the face and mucous membranes, the disease affects the nails. On the nail surface, longitudinal grooves are visible. The nail plate takes on the appearance of striation, there are many irregularities on it. The nail itself is cloudy and thickened, and nail roller inflamed.

Symptoms of lichen planus in children

Lichen in children is rare, but develops very quickly. The skin of children is specific features- more loose (absorbs and retains moisture well) and contains many small blood vessels (as a result of which it swells rapidly). In sick children, bright purple or closer to a purple hue of a rash in the form of nodules with blisters is observed.

How to treat lichen planus

Treatment of any dermatosis, including the treatment of red lichen planus should be consistent and necessarily comprehensive. At chronic course disease treatment is primarily aimed at "erasing" the symptoms and long-term prevention of relapse. Do not self-medicate, otherwise start the disease, after which you will have to be treated for a long time and hard.

For achievement best effect both tablet forms of drugs for oral administration and ointments for topical use are used.

The main action of the drugs is aimed at:

  • normalization of cellular nutrition of affected tissues;
  • decline defensive forces organism (if dermatosis has a severe course);
  • elimination of itching;
  • restoration of the processes of the nervous system and sleep;
  • removal of manifestations of lichen on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes.

The specialist doctor prescribes treatment in strict individually(much depends on general condition patient). Only a dermatologist can correctly determine the degree and form of the disease.

For oral administration, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • corticosteroids (hormonal): metipred, prednisolone;
  • synthetic interferons (antiviral, cytostatics): neovir, ridostin;
  • antihistamines (antiallergic), for example: tavegil, diazolin, loratadine;
  • antibiotics (antimicrobial): doxycycline, tetracycline, azithromycin;
  • immunosuppressants (for artificial suppression of immunity): hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, cyclosporine A;
  • systemic retinoids (synthetic derivatives of vitamin A): acitretin, isotretion;
  • vascular: trental, xanthinol;
  • sleeping pills and sedatives: medazepam, phenazepam;
  • vitamins: ascorbic acid, B vitamins, vitamin D.

Ointments for lichen planus, applied topically:

  • anti-inflammatory: tacrolimus, pimecrolimus;
  • corticosteroids: cloveite, flumethasone, hydrocortisone, betameson;
  • exfoliating: belosalik, diprosalik;
  • antiallergic: fenistil, histane;
  • regenerating: solcoseryl.

Dermatologists widely use methods of physiotherapy treatment:

  • Laser therapy. Exposure to laser beams relieves itching, inflammation and swelling, regulates metabolism, removes rashes, promotes healing of erosions and sores, and restores the functioning of the nervous system.
  • PUVA therapy. With the help of ultraviolet irradiation with long waves and the application of the drug "Methoxalen" to the affected foci, the cytostatic process is activated, and rashes are eliminated.
  • Magnetotherapy. The action of the magnetic field reduces inflammation, improves tissue metabolism, eliminates itching.

How to get rid of lichen planus folk remedies

Treatment of lichen planus will go faster if you use folk remedies. They are easy to prepare and use at home, thereby achieving the best effect from drug treatment.

Attention! Herbal treatment is not safe for everyone, so we recommend that you still consult a doctor.

Treatment of lichen planus, including at home, can be carried out using the following means:

  • Infusion of a series. Relieves itching and inflammation. One tablespoon of dry inflorescences of a series (buy at a pharmacy) brew with one glass of boiling water. Close the jar tightly and wrap for one hour. Soak the affected areas with the resulting infusion at room temperature using a cotton pad.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. It is usually used to treat foci of lichen in its pure form, it heals well and promotes the growth of new skin cells and mucous membranes. Treat the rashes twice daily.
  • Ointment, as well as calendula oil. Grind ten grams of dried calendula flowers (marigolds) on a coffee grinder, mix with fifty grams of petroleum jelly. With the resulting ointment, lubricate the rashes twice a day until they disappear. The product dries and disinfects the skin well.
  • Birch tar. Disinfects and regenerates tissues. Treat lesions with hydrogen peroxide before use. To prepare the ointment, mix two chicken eggs, 150 grams of birch tar, 100 grams of cream with at least 20% fat into a homogeneous mass. Distribute the resulting product to the affected areas until the rash disappears.

Diet for lichen planus

important role in maintaining normal operation body and getting rid of dermatosis can play a proper diet.

It is useful to include in your diet as many vegetables as possible and lean meat (rabbit, chicken, veal), liver (preferably boiled or stewed).

Eat more dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, milk. It is important to eat fruits, which are suppliers of vitamins. Do not forget that red fruits and citrus fruits should be eaten with caution, as they are often allergens. Be careful with salt and sugar.

Important! During treatment for lichen, it is necessary to give up tea, coffee, sweet carbonated and alcoholic drinks, smoked, spicy and salty foods, as well as spices and flavors. Nutrition for lichen should be regular and strictly rationed.

For children, a variety of cereals is desirable, low-fat varieties meat, fresh vegetables, greens, cheese, fruits (with the exception of citrus fruits). But with sweets and cream confectionery, you will have to wait a little. Sugar can be replaced with natural honey.

Prevention measures

As with any other disease, preventive measures with lichen come down to old and good advice:

  • try to avoid injury to the skin, do not stay in the sun for a long time in the summer;
  • do not give in to stress;
  • eat healthy and varied food;
  • strengthen immunity, harden;

spend more time outdoors.

Lichen planus is a very common skin disease that quickly becomes chronic. In most cases, it is a companion of other diseases (gastritis, cirrhosis of the liver, duodenal ulcer or stomach).

Symptoms are manifested by flat rashes in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe forearms, wrist and ankle joints. Able to affect the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, as well as the nail plates. The disease is characterized by frequent and severe itching, burning at the site of the rash. Various forms of rashes have a color from light pink to purple-red (see photo).

What it is?

Lichen planus in humans is a chronic multifactorial dermatosis that affects the skin, nails, and mucous membranes. Is different long course and diversity clinical manifestations, most commonly affects the elderly.

Unlike other forms of lichen, lichen planus is not contagious and does not spread from person to person. A number of studies have been devoted to the study of this dermatosis. scientific research, but exact reason the occurrence of the disease has not yet been established.

Reasons for development

The real causes of lichen planus have not been found. Experts tend to think that the pathological mechanism is triggered by the following factors:

  1. The autointoxication factor occurs due to the accumulation of toxins in the body. Such a violation occurs in arterial hypertension, cirrhosis and hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, gastritis and peptic ulcer stomach. Biochemical analysis blood of lichen patients shows changes in liver samples.
  2. The intoxication factor affects the body like an allergic reaction developed on the basis of treatment with certain drugs. These are preparations of gold, aluminum, antimony, arsenic and iodine. Lichen foci can also appear on the body due to the intake of antibiotics and anti-tuberculosis drugs, quinine and its derivatives.
  3. Viral-infectious, leading to increased cell division of the upper dermal level. Trying to fight back the negative influence of the factor, the immune system triggers the production of antibodies, which subsequently absorb their own beneficial cells. In Wilson's disease, they become epidermal cells.
  4. The immunoallergic impetus to the development of the disease is considered the leading one among all theories and unites them, because each of them is based on failures. protective functions organism.
  5. Neurogenic, provoking dermatosis after mental shock. Often, patients suffering from the red form of lichen are detected various disorders nervous system. With neuritis, lichen elements form on the skin along the course of the nerve branches.

What can you answer the question, is lichen red contagious or not? unanimous opinion regarding the danger of Wilson's disease to others, the doctors have no. Dermatosis can affect both members of the same family and the dermatologist himself, who takes the affected tissue for a biopsy.

Multiple episodes of infection of the doctor were not registered, but a single case in dermatological practice still took place. The conclusion suggests itself as follows: in order to avoid the risk of catching an unnecessary sore, one should not allow close contact with a person covered with lichen spots.

Symptoms of lichen planus

The clinical picture of lichen planus (see photo) largely depends on the form of the disease, the place of localization and the characteristics of the course of the disease. A typical symptom is the appearance on the skin of shiny small red papules, which gradually increase to the size of a grain of lentils.

The first foci usually appear on the legs and arms in the area of ​​​​the joints, after a few days the rash spreads to other parts of the body. Papules are not prone to confluence, have regular outlines and a slight depression in the center. Small papules may be grouped in a circle or form garlands and lines in which they are closely adjacent to each other, but do not merge into plaques. The appearance of rashes is accompanied by intense skin itching. The diameter of such formations can reach one centimeter.

The surface of the plaques becomes rough over time and becomes covered with small gray scales. The papules themselves become burgundy or cyanotic. After the rash disappears, pigmented brown patches remain on the skin.

  • With damage to the oral mucosa, whitish shiny papules appear on the inner side surface, palate, back of the tongue, red border of the lips, and gums. They are localized in such a way that they resemble a grayish-white lace mesh. In the mouth there is a feeling of tightness, burning, pain when taking hot or spicy food.
  • If the lichen affects the nails, then there is a deformation of the nail plates, they become bumpy, grooves and grooves appear on the surface, and the color changes. Nails break easily, crumble and thin.

With the development of a severe, erosive-ulcerative form, strong pain appears when taking any food, bleeding ulcers form on the mucous membrane of the mouth. Lichen planus can manifest itself in different ways. There are several main forms of this disease.

What red lichen looks like, photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in humans.

Click to view


Forms and variants of the course of the disease

Lichen planus is divided into five types:

  1. bubble form. Represented by blisters with serous or hemorrhagic exudate. In the first case, they are filled with a clear liquid containing less than 8% protein, while in the second case, they are filled with a liquid containing erythrocytes. This is one of the rarest forms of lichen planus. The foci with it are localized on the legs and feet against the background of plaques, nodules and itching, or by themselves.
  2. Pointed shape. It occurs most often on the head. Lichen strikes hair follicles, and in their place specific spikes are formed, protruding upwards. After their disappearance, a kind of scars remain on the head, looking like depressions.
  3. Ring shape. It is characterized by the rapid growth of foci of inflammation, which simultaneously heal in the center. As a result, it turns out lichen, similar to a ring. There are also garland shapes, semicircular and arc.
  4. atrophic form. In the initial stages, it has no special manifestations. However, after healing, seals remain in place of the foci. Such keratinized areas are most often found on the knee and elbow joints. When they appear on the head, partial baldness is observed.
  5. Warty form. The growths look like warts located on red plaques. Such lichen is usually located on the legs, is accompanied by severe itching and is difficult to treat.
  6. sclerosing form. Is the most rare. It differs in that it leads to atrophy of the skin or sclerotic seals.

There are also three forms of lichen planus, the symptoms of which occur on the mucous membranes:

  1. Erosive and ulcerative form. Causes formation and sores irregular shape having a loose bottom.
  2. Exudative-hyperemic. It is characterized by foci of inflammation of the mucous membranes, on which papules form. This type affects mainly the gums and the inside of the lips, is characterized by burning and pain.
  3. Hyperkeratic. It manifests itself in the form of large plaques that rise strongly above the level of the mucosa.

Along the course, lichen planus can be acute (lasting up to 1 month) or subacute (lasting up to 6 months) and long-term (more than 6 months).


Lichen planus is significantly different from other forms of this disease. As a rule, the inflammatory process manifests itself in such places:

  • joints and forearms in the fold area;
  • neck area;
  • shin;
  • male external genitalia.

As for the mucous membrane, the infection manifests itself in such places:

  • mucous membrane of the genital organs;
  • oral mucosa.

In the mouth, pathology manifests itself most often. At the initial stage of development, lichen planus in symptoms resembles ordinary stomatitis. However, drugs for the treatment of stomatitis do not bring any relief.


The symptoms of lichen planus are quite well expressed, but put accurate diagnosis possible only after diagnosis. For example, skin rashes, in the initial stage, are similar to allergic reaction. Formations in the mouth in symptoms resemble stomatitis. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis can be made only after instrumental method research.

Also, with the help of additional instrumental studies, it is possible to identify the cause of the development of the inflammatory process. For this, a biopsy of the affected area of ​​the skin is performed. In some cases, a general blood test is required.

How to treat red lichen?

Treatment of this dermatosis in humans is always carried out in stages and in a complex manner. The treatment plan may include the following drugs:

  • means for the normalization of tissue trophism;
  • means to reduce activity immune system(in severe course);
  • local ointments and other means;
  • means to eliminate itching, stabilize the functioning of the nervous system and sleep.

In addition, to speed up recovery, methods of influencing disease-provoking factors are used:

  • treatment of pathology of the oral cavity;
  • stress management;
  • correction of previously prescribed medications;
  • elimination harmful factors in production;
  • normalization of the diet, etc.

Medicines are prescribed to patients in cases where there is a violation of the general state of health. The selection of the necessary funds depends on each clinical case. The following oral medications may be used to treat lichen planus:

  • antihistamines: Tavegil, Zyrtec, Diazolin, Clemastin, Promethazine, Loratadin, Fenkarol, etc.;
  • immunosuppressants: Cyclosporine A, Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine;
  • systemic retinoids: Neotigazon, Acitretin, Tigazon, Isotretion, Etretinate;
  • corticosteroids: Metipred, Prednisolone;
  • antibiotics: Tetracycline, Metacycline, Doxycycline, Azithromycin, Sumamed, Roxithromycin;
  • synthetic interferons: Ridostin, Neovir, Interferon-alpha 2B;
  • vascular preparations to improve tissue trophism: Xanthinol, Trental, etc.;
  • hypnotics and sedatives: Phenazepam, Medazepam;
  • vitamin preparations: Vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin D.

In addition, the plan drug therapy medications may be included concomitant diseases: diabetes mellitus, neurosis, arterial hypertension, chronic inflammatory processes(for example, glossitis, stomatitis, etc.).

For local therapy of lichen planus, the following agents are used:

  • non-hormonal anti-inflammatory ointments: Pimecrolimus, Tacrolimus;
  • non-hormonal antiallergic ointments: Gistan, Fenistil;
  • exfoliating ointments: Belosalik, Diprosalik;
  • ointments to accelerate tissue regeneration: Solcoseryl;
  • ointments based on corticosteroids: Cloveit, Flumethasone, Hydrocortisone, Betameson, Triamcinolone

Local remedies for the treatment of this dermatosis can be used either alone or in combination with each other. Only a doctor can prescribe them, taking into account the form, severity and stage of the disease.

Folk remedies

There are many treatments for lichen planus that are used at home. These include treatment with sea buckthorn oil, grated beets, calendula.

  1. Calendula is popular and most useful plant applied in folk medicine. Effective in treatment alcohol tincture calendula. At will, we either buy or prepare it like this: add 10 grams of chopped calendula to alcohol (100 g). We insist for several hours and use it as a lotion. This variant of the ointment is also possible: calendula, ground into powder, is mixed with 50 g of petroleum jelly and infused.
  2. Grated beets are good as a compress. We rub it on a grater and put it on the infected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, wrapping it with a bandage. When the compress dries, replace it with a new one. Applications are repeated until the lichen disappears.
  3. We make gauze lotions soaked in sea buckthorn oil and apply them to the affected areas for up to 60 minutes daily. You can use the reception sea ​​buckthorn oil inside with therapeutic purpose- in the morning on an empty stomach with a dosage of 15 ml.


Due to the variety of causes and many factors in the occurrence of lichen planus, a single scheme for the prevention of the disease has not been developed.

Possible preventive measures:

  1. hardening.
  2. Stress tolerance.
  3. Taking vitamins and minerals.
  4. Strengthening immunity.
  5. Timely access to specialists and treatment of emerging diseases.

Thus, the correct diagnosis, rationally selected methods of treatment, compliance with preventive advice contribute to the rapid achievement of a positive result in the elimination of lichen planus.


In most cases, dermatosis responds well to treatment, and in mild forms of the course, it is cured on its own. Pathology can recur after a few years.

A severe course is observed with erosive forms of lichen planus. In such cases, dermatosis is treated for a long time and recurs more often than other forms of this disease.

Lichen planus is a disease that affects the skin and its derivatives, as well as the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals. In contrast to other dermatoses, this type of lichen often accompanies liver cirrhosis, peptic ulcer and gastritis, diabetes mellitus, etc.

Often it occurs in a chronic form with the occurrence of relapses, acute is much less common. The disease is considered dangerous because of its oncogenicity. Without proper treatment, foci of inflammation can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Many people have a question about how to treat lichen planus, whether it is possible to use folk remedies, and whether it is contagious.

In order to understand which ointment to apply to inflammation and whether to apply it at all, it is necessary to understand how this disease occurs and what symptoms it manifests.

Causes and symptoms

Lichen planus in humans occurs due to a violation of immune functions.

The reasons may be:

  • mental trauma;
  • viral or bacterial infection;
  • intoxication and autointoxication;
  • allergy.

All of the above factors suppress the immune system, and, therefore, provoke the development of dermatitis.

In addition, some geneticists consider lichen planus to be a hereditary disease. It is assumed that there is a special gene responsible for this disease, which is activated at a certain point under the influence of various factors. This theory is confirmed by studies, the results of which revealed that 1% of those suffering from lichen planus in the family suffered several generations.

Like any other disease, lichen has its own risk groups. Most often, it occurs in people who have crossed the age line of 35 years, experiencing constant stress, diabetics, people with a hereditary predisposition, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, injured oral mucosa. Studies have also shown that ringworm is more common in women than in men.

Contrary to popular belief, that deprive you can get infected from already infected person, it is not contagious. In other words, lichen planus is absolutely not contagious.

Symptoms of red flat appear in the form of a rash. It is quite uniform, consisting of red-violet nodules that have a depression in the center.

If the rash is large, you can see a pattern in the form of a grid. Depending on the shape, the nodules may have different shape and appearance, collect in rings and plaques. Sometimes rashes are accompanied by severe itching, and after their disappearance, increased skin pigmentation is observed. Most often, lichen appears on the outer surfaces of the joints, the sacrum, forearms and front surfaces of the legs.

If the disease affects the mucous membranes, then whitish nodules appear at the same level with the skin, which are very difficult to remove. The appearance of these nodules is noted in the oral cavity and on the genitals.

Least of all, lichen appears on the nails. In this case, the formation of pits and longitudinal grooves, spots and depressions can be observed. The nail plate exfoliates and may even be torn off.

Forms of the disease

There are several different forms of this disease, characterized by various rashes on the skin.

There are also three forms of lichen planus, the symptoms of which occur on the mucous membranes:

Diagnosis and treatment

In order to determine lichen planus, you need to go to the doctor.

Usually for staging correct diagnosis just look at the damage. Plaques of a characteristic polygonal shape with depressions in the center, very certain color and size, arranged in a grid pattern in standard places - all this indicates a specific disease.

However, in rarer forms, additional analysis- biopsy of the skin. This is necessary in order to differentiate between lichen and syphilis, leukoplakia, lupus erythematosus, allergies, Bowen's disease, candidiasis, etc.

Treatment for lichen planus depends on how the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves. The dermatologist takes into account the causes and form of the disease. Complex treatment lichen planus implies not only the relief of symptoms, but also the removal of risk factors from the patient's life, as well as the elimination of concomitant diseases.

In order to get rid of foci of infection, you need to sanitize the oral cavity, as well as carry out prosthetics.

It is recommended to avoid foods that irritate the mucous membranes and increase inflammation (spicy, salty, sour). Might need to be excluded medicines that were accepted before. The main treatment for lichen planus is hormone therapy. The patient is prescribed ointments containing biologically active substances.

With itching, sedatives, antihistamines and antidepressants are added to the main medicines, designed to normalize sleep.

In addition, they use vitamin therapy, drugs that enhance the supply of oxygen to tissues (in chronic course), ointments with menthol, citric acid, antihistamines and anesthesin (designed to eliminate the symptoms associated with itching).

Large inflammations are removed with liquid nitrogen, and sometimes with a laser. Patients are also subjected to phototherapy (ultraviolet irradiation), treatment with immunomodulators.

Folk methods

Treatment of lichen planus can be carried out at home, using folk remedies. Healers recommend preparing an ointment based on church incense, with the addition of crushed garlic, aloe juice and egg yolk. It must be shaken well and lubricated with rashes.

Apart from homemade ointment, you can make lotions from apple cider vinegar, as well as viburnum or cranberry juice. Cotton wool soaked in the "medicine" is applied to the foci of inflammation for 10 minutes. Similar procedures spend 4-6 times, more is usually not required.

Another way to treat lichen at home is to apply gauze soaked in sea buckthorn oil to the rash. In addition, it is useful to take it inside on an empty stomach. The oil is considered one of the most effective methods of getting rid of lichen planus, because it soothes itching, relieves inflammation, and also contains a large amount of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system.

Applying raw grated beets to plaques, as well as hardening, is recognized even by doctors. These folk remedies- the safest. They remove irritation and itching, and hardening also strengthens the immune system.

In addition to the above, the following folk remedies are used to treat the disease:

All of the above folk remedies do not replace, but only supplement the main therapy. In addition, before using these methods, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Self-medication can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous to health.

Lichen is a dermatological disease in humans that affects the upper layer of the epidermis and its nature is infectious.

The correct treatment can be determined by characteristics. The photo shows some types of lichen. Usually one or more areas are affected. All varieties of lichen are united by one common symptom: rash, itching, peeling. Each type has its own symptoms and causes.

Different forms of the disease differ in that some of them lead to complications. Under certain circumstances, the infection can be transmitted from patient to healthy person. The type of disease depends on the pathogen, which is directly related to the incubation period.

For example, the symptoms of ringworm are detected after a few weeks, and microscopy, transferred from the animal, after 6 days. Very often, the disease manifests itself in people with weak immunity, stressed, after a serious illness. Children are also at risk.

Defining manifestations of lichen:

  • The skin changes color in limited areas;
  • The appearance of itching, peeling.

What does lichen look like in a person: stages and photos

Viruses and three types of fungi are the main sources of lichen. The virus can stay in the human body for some time, and manifest itself with a decrease in protective forces.

These include herpes - rashes are possible all over the body:

  • On the back is pink spots, growing around them, light formations appear;
  • Chest zone - white and pink spots are characteristic;
  • The legs are subject to all kinds;
  • Dark and light spots appear on the hands various shapes, itching occurs.

Mushrooms exist in three types:

  • In the animal, zooanthropophiles live in the wool and on the skin;
  • Human skin serves as the habitat of anthropophiles;
  • The soil contains geophilic fungi.

The first symptoms and signs of lichen in children and adults

Any type of lichen in the first stage has a number of identical signs.

In adults:

  • Inflammation in the affected areas;
  • Rash with demarcated boundaries between the diseased and healthy area;
  • Skin discoloration, itching, peeling, dryness.

Ringworm, shingles, and rosea are contagious. Contact during this period should be limited.

Initial symptoms in children:

If treatment is started at initial signs diseases, lichen disappears in humans in 1-2 weeks. The photo shows the first skin lesions.

The danger and consequences of depriving a person

Lichen is dangerous because there is a chance to infect or become infected by direct contact. Some types of lichen reduce immunity, hair loss is possible. Allergies may occur. The danger is the causative agent of lichen from animals. The spores of the fungus fall on the ground, remain on the bedding of the animal, on furniture and can get on human skin.

After treatment, remission is possible during contact with an infectious animal. The treatment is difficult, some rashes disappear, and others appear nearby. If left untreated, superficial lichen can become chronic.

Pink deprive (deprive Zhibera)

Experts do not know the reason for the appearance of this type of lichen. The most likely factor is the virus, since the rash appears, most often, after suffering ARVI or influenza. The disease is seasonal, appearing in spring or autumn. Hypothermia of the body is one of the prerequisites for the occurrence pink lichen. Spots affect the abdomen, back, chest.


There is itching, peeling. In spite of infectious nature, it is impossible to get infected by contact. People with weak immune systems may be at risk of infection, as well as women in age category from 20 to 40 years old. The initial stage is characterized by the appearance of spots 3-5 cm in diameter, with inflamed pink or red edges. The center of the "plaque" gradually turns pale, flakes off.

At the next stage, after 1-2 weeks, the rash covers the area of ​​the chest, back, abdomen, limbs, groin areas. Gradually, the itching remains only on the periphery, the spots turn yellow and disappear. When new spots appear, the patient feels a general malaise, possibly an increase in body temperature, an increase in lymph nodes in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chin and neck.


All signs of the disease disappear after two months.

  • Under the ban salty, smoked, spicy. It is undesirable to use chocolate, strong tea, coffee. It is necessary to exclude from the menu products that can provoke allergies;
  • Limit contact with water, exclude washcloth, hard towel;
  • Baths with infusion of chamomile, succession, calendula have a positive effect. Water should be at room temperature;
  • Restrictions on the use of cosmetics;
  • It is necessary to wear loose clothing made of natural fabric;
  • Take sedatives;
  • Ozone therapy sessions;
  • Various antipruritic drugs;
  • When secondary therapy is connected, antibacterial agents or antibiotics are prescribed;

Shingles (shingles)

This is what shingles looks like in a person, photo:

The signs and treatment of this species are described below. The source is the bacteria of the varicella-zoster virus, which is part of the herpesvirus family.. Therefore, in separate publications you can read that herpes can be a provocateur of lichen. After recovery, the virus acquires a resting phase and concentrates in the nerve sectors of the spinal cord and craniocerebral.

Factors such as hypothermia, low immunity can cause activation of lichen. First signs: red fluid-filled blisters appear on the skin.

According to statistics, shingles can occur in every fourth person who has been ill chicken pox. The virus becomes active after 50 years. AT last years the appearance of this type in young people is also noted. Factors include: unfavorable ecology, decreased immunity, high degree infectious disease diseases.

A distinctive characteristic of this type of lichen is the resulting pain, this is due to the fact that the bacteria of the virus are concentrated in the intercostal and other nerve cells. If, in a severe form, treatment is not started on time, then a complication in the eyes is possible. In the initial period, at the site of origin of the virus, pain and intense burning.

Pink spots appear with bubbles filled with liquid.

After 2-2.5 weeks, the bubbles begin to dry out to a crust and gradually fall off. Slight pigmentation disappears over time. If there aren't any related complications, then after 2-3 weeks there is a complete recovery. Despite this, at the first sign, you should consult a doctor. If pain occurs, painkillers are prescribed: Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Lidocaine gel.

The doctor conducts antiviral therapy to help avoid complications. Ringworm is contagious as long as there are fluid blisters on the body. As soon as they burst and dry up, the patient is not considered dangerous.

Ringworm (trichophytosis, microsporia)

Sources are pathogens:

  • microscopy - carriers of cats and dogs, very rarely sick;
  • trichophytosis is a source of cattle.

Ringworm dangerous for the child's body.

How to recognize?

What such a lichen looks like in a person can be seen in the photo:

Treatment consists in the destruction of the pathogen fungus.

Microscopy, signs:


  • Hair begins to break off at a height of 2-3 mm and at the base, leaving black dots. In the affected areas, long hair or in the form of a comma may remain;
  • The disease can be diagnosed by microscopic examination.

We treat the disease

The patient must be isolated so as not to infect others. An ointment is applied to the foci of infection. Among the prescribed drugs: sulfur-salicylic, iodine, special ointments. The doctor may recommend taking the tablets orally at the same time as ointments.

Pityriasis versicolor (versus versicolor)

See what it looks like versicolor versicolor in humans, photo:

The signs and treatment of this non-contagious species will be outlined in more detail. The source is yeast-like fungi that are dormant on the skin.

Activation occurs under the following factors:

  • Weakening of protective functions;
  • Heavy sweating, oily skin;
  • Long term exposure ultraviolet rays, including a solarium;
  • Frequent use of antibacterial agents or antibiotics;
  • Disorder of the endocrine system;
  • Heredity.

The most vulnerable are people aged 35-45 years, for them contact with the patient is dangerous.

First signs

Spots of a yellowish hue of irregular shape usually appear in the region of the shoulder girdle, on the chest, in armpits, on foot. The skin is flaky. If left untreated, the spots merge into one. Their diameter can reach 10 cm.

Treatment Methods

If you start treatment immediately, the effect will come very quickly. For external therapy, antifungal ointments are used, intraconazole capsules are prescribed orally. Doctors recommend the use of special hygiene products corrective acid-base balance skin.

Lichen planus

This species is quite common, it is not contagious. Its source has not yet been identified. Allergic exposure or stress can serve as a provocateur. Women aged 50-60 are especially susceptible to this type of disease. Defeated backside brushes, front part of the lower leg, lateral parts of the body.

These are red papules that change color to purple. White or gray bumps may appear on the mucous membrane.

How to treat

Treatment for lichen planus includes complex therapy. Admission recommended antihistamines, calcium and sodium thiosulfate. In some forms, antibiotics are taken, as well as immune preparations. Perhaps the appointment of ointments with corticosteroids.

Weeping lichen (eczema)

Eczema is a chronic disease accompanied by rashes and itching. The disease is characterized by stages of exacerbation and remission. This type of lichen is very common in humans.

In the photo it looks like this:

The signs are similar to other species. Treatment depends on the form and severity of the eczema. Exist acute stage and chronic.

Symptoms of eczema:

  • The appearance of swelling, redness;
  • The appearance of bubbles, peeling;
  • Moist, serous crusts;
  • Feeling severe itching in the evening and after contact with water.

How to treat the disease

Treatment should be comprehensive:

  • Elimination of the causes that provoked this disease;
  • Calcium gluconate, sodium thiosulfate solutions, intravenous calcium chloride and others as prescribed by a doctor;
  • Antiallergic drugs;
  • B vitamins;
  • In a severe form of the disease, hormones may be prescribed;

The doctor prescribes ointments: Bornaya, Triderm, with ketoconazole, baths with potassium permanganate.

Scale versicolor (psoriasis)

Scaly lichen affects the elbows, knees - these are the most affected areas.

Signs of depriving

Psoriasis can affect the entire body. This is a chronic disease that may not become active for many years.

Can provoke the following reasons:

  • Contact with chemicals;
  • The presence of a streptococcal infection in the body;
  • chronic diseases;
  • Taking medications or hormones for a long time;
  • chemotherapy sessions;
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.

Can it be cured?

Psoriasis is considered incurable. Treatment is to eliminate external signs and transition active phase into remission. Often the doctor will not be able to set the date when the exacerbation will begin. The main component of therapy is psychological condition person. The use of sedatives, weak tranquilizers is recommended.

The doctor may prescribe ointments based on corticosteroids, good helpers will be salicylic acid, tar, sulfur.

Piedra (nodular) versicolor

This is what lichen nodosum looks like in humans. A photo. Signs.

Lichen in humans (photo), signs and treatment depend on the type of disease.

The treatment is not difficult. The disease is caused by bacteria, more common in countries with a hot climate. Transmission of infection occurs through hats, a comb. Contribute to the development of the disease sweating, the presence of oils on the hair, tight bandages, fur hats.

Lichen is able to hit outer part without getting inside hair follicle. Hair does not break or fall out. No inflammatory processes are observed. Piedra is distinguished by white and black. First affects mainly men.


For treatment, 1-2% mercury-salicylic ointment is used. 3 days it is rubbed into the hair and roots. Wash your hair the next day tar soap. It is recommended to use Valkinson's ointment. Nodular lichen in a person, when all the signs are established and with proper treatment, completely disappears. The photo shows what hair prone to lichen looks like.

Tablets - an overview of drugs

For any type, three types of tablets are taken: immunostimulating, analgesic, antiviral.

For shingles:

With pityriasis versicolor:

  • Fluconazoleeffective drug, elimination of infection of the mucous membranes. Production Russia. Packing 2 pcs. 150 mg each, price within 60 rubles.
  • Nystatin- Antifungal antibiotic. Tablets 100 pcs. 500000 units produced in Belarus, price 134 rubles.
  • Pimafucin- affects fungi. In the early days it is possible side symptoms(nausea, vomiting) that pass, treatment should not be interrupted. Made in the Netherlands, 20 pcs. 100 mg each, price 509 rubles.

Rosacea tablets:

  • cetirizine- a drug latest generation renders high efficiency with various rashes, relieves allergic inflammation. Country of manufacture Macedonia, 20 pcs. 10 mg each cost 97 rubles.


Lichen planus tablets:

  • Plaquenil has an anti-inflammatory effect. Producer Spain and Great Britain, 60 pieces. 200 mg each, price from 990 rubles. up to 1257 rubles.


  • Fulcin- an antifungal antibiotic, an analogue of griseofulvin.

Ointments for lichen

Ointments in the treatment of lichen play a huge role, sometimes they are the most effective way.

For rosacea:

With pityriasis and ringworm:

  • Both types are caused by a fungal infection. Therefore, ointments that can fight fungi will become an effective method of treatment. These ointments include: Mikoseptin, Mycozoral, Exoderil, Terbinafine, Lamisil. The price of ointments is from 160 rubles. up to 500 rubles

With herpes zoster, the following ointments are used:

  • Acigerin,
  • Zovirax,
  • Vivorax.

These drugs have antiviral and antiherpetic effects. Herpes is the cause of shingles. Price from 185 rubles. up to 250 rubles for a tube. To relieve neuralgic pain recommended ointment Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen.

For the treatment of lichen planus:

When the first signs of lichen appear in a person: itching, peeling, redness, etc. you should immediately consult a doctor and start treatment. The photo shows skin lesions with different types of lichen. Different types diseases are characterized by various pathogens. Therapy depends on the correct diagnosis. Doctors oppose self-treatment depriving.

However, there are various folk remedies that have been tested over the years. For each type of lichen is necessary individual approach, since pathogens react differently to the components of the drugs.

Folk ointments

Birch tar is considered effective tool fight against dermatological diseases. On its basis, Vishnevsky's ointment is made.

Recipes using tar:

A few recipes with garlic:

  • Mix the grated garlic with honey, grind and apply on lichen plaques. Treatment is 2-3 weeks;
  • Chop the garlic, wrap in cheesecloth and apply to the sore spot for 15 minutes;
  • Rub lemon with garlic. Keep 2 hours on the affected area.

A few unusual methods:

  1. The finger is moistened with saliva, then in salt and rubbed along the area. It is believed that once is enough for the disappearance of depriving;
  2. Iodine is mixed in equal proportions with vodka and rubbed with lichen;
  3. Set fire to the newspaper and the resulting ash quickly, until it has cooled down, lubricate the affected area.


Lichen cannot be wetted, it is necessary to dry it only with special medicinal ointments.

Video: lichen in humans, photos, signs and treatment

Deprive a person - photos and symptoms in a video clip:

How to treat lichen in a person, see the video clip:

Lichen planus is a pathology of the epidermis of a chronic nature, accompanied by inflammation. With such a disease, rashes appear on the skin, which cause discomfort.

Formations also occur on the mucous membranes, less often on the nails. Lichen red is characterized by a long course with periods of exacerbation and extinction. If symptoms are found, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

The pathology of the epidermis, which occurs against the background of diseases of the internal organs, is what lichen planus is. The disease affects men and women of young and middle age. In children and the elderly, pathology is rare.

Forms of lichen planus:

  1. Typical. This form is characterized by polygonal formations of a pink tone with a purple tint;
  2. Erosive and ulcerative. One of the most severe forms of the disease, which is difficult to treat. It is characterized by rashes on the mucous membranes. Most often, formations occur in the oral cavity, less often on the head in men or in the vagina in women. First, lesions appear that quickly become ulcers, accompanied by pain;
  3. Hypertrophic. Another name is warty. It is a plaque on which warts are located. The hue of the rashes is brown, purple, pink. The rashes appear in groups and tend to coalesce. Places of localization - shins. Rarely, formations are found in other parts of the body. This form of pathology is the most difficult to treat;
  4. Sclerotic. Another name is atrophic. This form of LP pathology occurs due to atrophic and sclerotic changes in the epidermis at the site of formations. It is characterized by the appearance on the skin of flat spots of a gray tint, which are surrounded by a pink rim. If rashes occur on the head, pubis or in the armpits, then alopecia will occur in this place;
  5. Erythematous. The disease is characterized by rapid development. The epidermis quickly turns red, soft tissues swell, and itching appears at the sites of damage. Later, nodules form on the skin;
  6. Bullous or vesicular. This form of lichen in humans occurs rarely and is severe. Red lichen in this form is characterized by the appearance of vesicles on the epidermis and their rapid spread throughout skin. Rashes surround papules and plaques. The risk group for the disease includes women over 50 years of age. Inside the formation is a bloody-serous fluid. The bubbles do not open for a long time, and after the rupture of the abscess, ulcers remain in its place. Rashes with this form appear not only on the epidermis, but also in the oral cavity;
  7. Ring-shaped. Occurs due to the expansion of the lesion with fading of the center. As a result, the formations become like rings. Hence the name of this form of the disease. Men are susceptible to pathology. Rashes usually occur on the penis, on the epidermis lower extremities and mucous membranes;
  8. Pointed. Along with characteristic rashes, pointed plaques appear;
  9. Atypical. With such a form inside lower lip abscesses appear with a whitish coating. soft tissues gums swell and begin to bleed. Pain occurs while eating.

Lichen planus can develop into malignant oncological pathology. For this reason, the problem cannot be ignored and at the first symptoms it is necessary to contact a specialist.


Red lichen occurs due to a malfunction of the immune system. As a result, cells become defenseless against any negative impact.

Lichen planus has the following causes:

  • pathologies provoked by infections and viruses;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • neurogenic disorders;
  • metabolic problems;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • allergy;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • vascular and heart disease.

Symptoms and photos of lichen planus

Red dermatitis is characterized by rashes on the epidermis and mucous membranes of the oral cavity, genitals and digestive tract. They appear in groups and tend to coalesce.

Signs of disease are ulcers, plaques and spots. Rashes appear in groups and are localized in one place. Usually formations occur on the following parts of the body:

  • elbow and knee bends;
  • wrists;
  • inner side of the legs and thighs;
  • armpits;
  • back;
  • sides;
  • lower abdomen and groin.

Rarely, rashes appear on the feet, palms, face and epidermis of the head. Formations also occur on the mucous membranes:

  • penis head;
  • entrance to the vagina;
  • oral cavity.

Rashes in the oral cavity are a consequence of the manifestations of diseases digestive system. Red lichen can also occur in conjunction with diabetes and hypertension.

Pathology is characterized by itchy skin and a general deterioration in well-being. Only a doctor can diagnose the disease after conducting appropriate studies.

What red lichen looks like can be seen in the photo below. Here are various rashes characteristic of the disease. Photos of lichen planus will give a visual representation of the pathology.


Lichen planus in humans is diagnosed by a dermatologist. The doctor determines the disease through a visual examination. Lichen ruber is diagnosed by the characteristic polygonal plaques that occur on the legs, arms and other parts of the body. Blood tests are also prescribed to rule out autoimmune and sexually transmitted diseases.

Is lichen red contagious or not - such a question arises in people faced with pathology. Doctors different opinion on this account. Some experts say that red lichen is not transmitted from person to person.

For this reason, they believe that the patient does not need isolation. Other doctors do not exclude that lichen can be transmitted between people. For this reason, they do not recommend bodily contact with the patient and do not use the same utensils for eating.

If a child has lichen, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, since at this age the pathology is acute and difficult to treat.

Treatment of lichen planus in humans

Only a doctor knows how to treat lichen planus. If you try to get rid of the pathology on your own, this can lead to complications and even the development of a malignant form of oncology.

Most effective treatment- complex. The treatment regimen is based on the elimination of provoking factors and the use of topical agents.

To speed up recovery, use the following methods:

  • treatment of diseases of the oral cavity;
  • normalization of an unstable emotional background;
  • normalization of the diet;
  • exclusion of harmfulness in everyday life and at work;
  • adjustment of drug therapy with the exclusion from the treatment system of drugs that provoke the development of the disease, which include delagil and antibiotics;
  • study of the nervous, endocrine and digestive systems;
  • transition to the principles of proper nutrition.

It is also necessary to cure pathologies in a chronic form.

Traditional treatment

The treatment of red lichen is based on internal intake. medications. They are prescribed if the disease is severe:

  1. drugs to suppress the activity of the immune system;
  2. sedatives;
  3. antihistamine products;
  4. corticosteroid medicines;
  5. antibiotics;
  6. drugs to improve the condition of blood vessels;
  7. multivitamin complexes;
  8. interferons;
  9. systemic retinoids.

Together with these drugs, the patient is prescribed drugs that help to cope with concomitant diseases.

Traditional methods of treatment are based on the use of products for the local treatment of rashes:

  • drugs based on hormones;
  • anti-inflammatory agents;
  • products that accelerate the process of recovery of soft tissues;
  • exfoliating drugs.

Therapy is carried out until recovery, which is characterized by healing of rashes.

Doctors often include physiotherapy in the therapy regimen:

  • Laser therapy. The essence of the method is to treat the affected epidermis laser beams. Due to this, swelling of soft tissues decreases, itching disappears and the inflammatory process stops;
  • PUVA therapy. The essence of the procedure is the treatment of the epidermis or internal reception Methoxalan, after which the foci of rashes are treated with long-wave ultraviolet radiation. Such manipulation stops the spread of rashes and promotes their convergence;
  • Magnetotherapy. Magnetic fields relieve swelling of soft tissues and itching, eliminate inflammation, improve metabolic processes occurring in the tissues, and also have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is also prescribed by a doctor. Usually, experts advise using such drugs in conjunction with traditional medicines.

Treatment at home can be carried out by the following means:

  • Sea buckthorn oil compress. Gauze or bandage is impregnated with the product and applied to the affected areas of the epidermis. The procedure is carried out daily;
  • Tar based product. To prepare the product, take 150 g of birch tar, 2 chicken eggs, 100 ml of cream. All products are combined and thoroughly mixed. The tool is used for rubbing several times a day. The product is suitable for daily use. The drug is used until the skin is completely cleansed;
  • Ointment based on calendula. 10 g of flowers are crushed and combined with 50 g of vaseline. The product is thoroughly mixed. The drug is treated with the affected epidermis several times a day. The product is stored in the refrigerator. Therapy is carried out until the final recovery;
  • Compress based on medicinal plants. To prepare the drug, take one part of willow bark and celandine, as well as three parts of mullein flowers. All products are crushed and poured with boiling water in the amount of one liter. The agent is left for 60 minutes to infuse. The product is filtered and used in the form of compresses. Procedures are carried out daily until recovery.
  • Fito - ointment. To prepare the product, take two large spoons of chopped burdock root and the same amount of chopped hop cones. You will also need big spoon calendula flowers and a glass of boiling water. Plants are combined, placed in a metal container and poured with boiling water. Means are boiled over low heat for several minutes. The broth is filtered, cooled and mixed with petroleum jelly. The proportions are 1:2. The drug is treated problem areas several times a day. Therapy is carried out until the epidermis is cleansed.
  • smoked meats;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • fatty foods;
  • spicy foods;
  • spices and seasonings;
  • poultry meat and eggs;
  • coffee and drinks with the addition of dyes and flavors;
  • sweets.

red diet lichen planus is also based on the use of products containing useful material. Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries should be present in the area. It is important that the patient during therapy observe the drinking regimen.


To avoid the occurrence of lichen planus, the following preventive measures will help:

  • increase the body's defenses;
  • normalization of an unstable emotional background;
  • reception multivitamin complexes Twice a year;
  • moderate sunbathing at the time when ultraviolet radiation does not harm the skin;
  • protection of the epidermis from injury;
  • hardening;
  • regular medical examination for the timely detection and treatment of diseases.

Since, according to some experts, the pathology is transmitted from person to person, direct contact with the patient should be avoided. This is also a preventive measure for the occurrence of pathology.

In the video, the doctor explains in detail what lichen planus is and how to deal with such a pathology.

Lichen planus is a pathology of the epidermis that can provoke the development of more serious diseases. The disease is difficult to treat and has a long period leaks.

The sooner treatment is started, the sooner positive result. For this reason, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately after the first symptoms are detected.