What is the difference between ringworm and simple ringworm? Lichen versicolor: how to recognize the first symptoms

Tinea versicolor is a fungal skin disease that occurs in humans regardless of gender (most often in adult men) and age.

Most often diagnosed between the ages of 7 and 50 years. Characterized by the appearance of dark spots of varying sizes throughout the body. Infectiousness is negligible and cases in which lichen versicolor has been transmitted from person to person are very rare. The pathogenic fungus can only live on human skin, therefore it is impossible to become infected from household objects or a pet. Characterized by a long course, in some cases lasting for years.

Colored or pityriasis versicolor: causes, symptoms and treatment


Today, not a single dermatologist can name the specific reason for the appearance of pityriasis versicolor in a person. But it has been proven that One of the main reasons for the appearance of this type of fungus may be a sharp decrease in immunity. For many patients, the first rashes or relapses occur during the cold season. It can often be found as a concomitant disease with:

  • Diabetes mellitus;


    Chronic lung diseases.

Persons suffering from hyperhidrosis are at risk and are diagnosed with pityriasis versicolor in every second case.

The first signs of multicolored lichen

Pityriasis versicolor (as it is also called) is not characterized by itching and painful sensations. The incubation period can last from 2 weeks to several months. The main symptoms are considered to be:

    the appearance of light brown spots;

    the appearance of pink spots;

    the appearance of yellowish spots.

Hence the name of the disease - multi-colored, since in each individual case the color of the spots will be different. As for the size and location of the rashes, they can most often be found on the back, chest, neck and arms, in isolated cases - on the thighs and scalp.

The size in the initial stage can vary from a pinhead to 1 cm in diameter. In most cases, the spots merge with each other, forming one large lesion with a diameter of 2 to 4 cm.

On a note! Experts drew attention to the fact that every second patient diagnosed with tinea versicolor has problems with sweating.

How to distinguish from other lichens

Very often pityriasis versicolor is confused with rosea(the main difference is the absence of a “maternal plaque”; with CL, the spots are located chaotically throughout the body), syphilitic roseola and lymphogranulosis. It's all about similar symptoms - very often the spots with pityriasis versicolor are pink. Diagnosis should be carried out by a specialist based on the clinical picture.

Very often they also take a Balzer test, during which the affected and healthy areas of the skin are smeared with 5% iodine tincture. If fungi of the genus Pityposporum are detected, the skin in the affected areas will be more intensely colored than in healthy areas.

Important! With tinea versicolor, there is almost always no subjective sensation in the affected areas. Only in some cases, after washing, slight peeling of the scales may be observed.

In some cases, they may resort to examining the stains under a Wood's lamp.(confirmation will be a yellowish tint of the spots) and conducting microscopic examination(take scrapings of scales in places where lesions are localized). This allows us to exclude secondary syphilis, which is characterized by yellow-brown rashes in the abdomen and chest.

Folk remedies for the treatment of pityriasis versicolor

Very often you can hear stories of people who were not helped by modern drugs, and they had to turn to traditional medicine. Many books have already been written about how to treat lichen with folk remedies, but in the case of the pityriasis type of this fungal disease, not everything is so simple.

According to patient reviews, in the early stages you can get rid of versicolor with the help of:

    Salicylic alcohol - wipe daily for 3-5 days;

    Calendula decoction - wipe the skin with a freshly prepared solution for 4-5 days;

    Apple cider vinegar - preferably homemade, also rubbing infected areas of the skin for a week;

    Celandine is not pure, as it can burn the skin and make things worse. Celandine juice is added to distilled water in a ratio of 1 to 10. published.

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How to identify lichen? A qualified doctor can answer this question with the help of tests and diagnostics.

The disease manifests itself with different symptoms. A certain type of lichen is characterized by its own manifestations. Most often, the first signs of infection are rashes or spots, skin irritation, itching, and peeling.

Pigment spots, brittleness and hair loss may appear. In any case, a well-conducted diagnosis at an early stage can make an accurate diagnosis.

Determining infection at home

The most contagious disease is ringworm. How to check for lichen yourself?

This can be done based on characteristic features, for example:

  • suspicion falls in case of excessive communication of the patient with domestic and street pets;
  • manifestations affect the area of ​​the face, neck, forearm, and scalp;
  • the appearance of baldness on the eyebrows;
  • red spots with clear boundaries appear on the skin;
  • the size ranges from three to five centimeters in diameter;
  • bubbles soon appear and transform into crusts;
  • peeling is typical for the central part of the red spot, which over time acquires a pink tint and rises above the surface of the skin.

The second most common disease is microsporia.

How to identify this type of lichen:

  1. Suspicion drops if the patient has been in contact with a cat or dog.
  2. Children are more susceptible to infection than adults.
  3. When an infection occurs on the scalp, the hair does not break off much, unlike ringworm.
  4. The spots are subject to peeling and rise above the surface.

How to recognize pityriasis versicolor:

  • manifestations are not typical for the scalp;
  • the duration of the disease reaches several years or more;
  • spots merge into one whole;
  • after tanning, the spots may turn pale;
  • severe itching and peeling are not typical for pityriasis versicolor.

What is characteristic of pityriasis rosea:

  • Infection with pityriasis rosea is associated with the appearance of a viral infection and weak immunity.
  • Girls and women are susceptible to the disease.
  • Oval shaped spots.
  • The disease causes severe itching.

  • Peeling appears in the central part of the rash.
  • Lesions form in the chest, hips, and back.

Characteristic signs of herpes zoster:

  1. it is caused by the varicella zoster virus;
  2. may occur in people who have had chickenpox;
  3. infection can occur against the background of weak immunity;
  4. manifests itself as bubbles filled with liquid;
  5. subsequently the bubbles burst, and crusts form;
  6. characterized by severe pain;
  7. in severe cases, manifestations affect the eye area;
  8. swelling and swelling appears on the skin;
  9. possible increase in body temperature.

Diagnostics in a medical facility

What is the diagnosis of lichen:

  • the doctor clarifies what the patient is complaining about;
  • studies medical history;
  • performs a visual inspection.

A certain type of lichen includes various examination methods.

To correctly diagnose pityriasis rosea, the doctor performs the following tests:

  • to exclude syphilis, microscopy of scales taken from the patient’s skin is performed;
  • It is necessary to scrape the contaminated surface;
  • Blood is drawn, general and biochemical analysis is carried out;
  • the patient submits urine for analysis.

After the diagnosis, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis.

What diagnostics are used to determine shingles? In most cases, a visual inspection is enough for a specialist.

But to clarify the diagnosis, the following stages of research are carried out:

  1. Using a special method, the contents of the vials are checked to detect the DNA of the virus.
  2. Check for the presence of antibodies to an infectious disease.
  3. The causative agent of the virus on the skin is determined.

What studies are carried out if pityriasis versicolor is suspected:

  • An iodine test is performed - the affected areas are lubricated with an iodine solution and then with alcohol. When the skin is affected by this type of lichen, the spots turn brown;
  • They are examined under a special lamp - if there is an infection, the spots look like a brown glow;
  • a scraping of scales is taken for examination under a microscope.

Proven methods to determine the presence of ringworm:

  • using a special lamp, the affected areas of the skin are examined - if there is an infection, the person’s lichen turns green;
  • a scraping is taken and skin particles from the affected area are examined under a microscope;
  • perform cultures in order to determine sensitivity to various types of antibiotics;
  • using a blood test.

Possible consequences of the disease

Taking precautions will help prevent the development of shingles in humans. But if you become infected, you should know how dangerous the disease is.

Consequences of herpes zoster:

  • there is a decrease in the activity of the arms and legs;
  • Sensitivity in the limbs partially disappears;
  • possible encephalitis, meningitis;
  • liver infection;
  • partial loss of vision.

What complications occur with lichen planus:

  1. A bacterial infection may occur.
  2. Inflammatory process of the oral cavity.

Who is at risk for the disease:

  • children of preschool and school age;
  • women of childbearing age;
  • people with weak immune systems;
  • who has animals in the apartment;
  • who does not follow the rules of hygiene.

Rules to follow to avoid fungal infections:

  • exclude the use of other people's personal hygiene items, do not give your items to anyone;
  • talk with children about the dangers of contact with strangers or street animals;
  • Do not under any circumstances wear other people’s hats or caps;
  • after going outside, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • Strengthen your immune system with proper balanced nutrition, daily walks, and physical exercise.

Deprivation in humans can be avoided if all precautions are taken.

Ringworm is a disease of the upper layers of the skin that is caused by fungi or certain viruses. It can be contagious and non-contagious - this is determined by etiology. In addition, heredity, sensitization of the body, decreased immunity, autoimmunization and exposure to certain external factors may play a role. With the contagious variant, lichen is transmitted through personal contact at home or in any public place.

How to determine Pathology usually manifests itself by the appearance of various spots, blisters, areas of peeling, itching, skin irritation and various pigmentations. The localization of the affected areas is very different. Statistically, young children and adolescents rarely suffer from shingles.

Ringworm in perspective

How to determine lichen in a person and treatment and prognosis? Ringworm is not a pleasant disease; more often than not, it is completely curable, with the exception of some types. There are even types that go away on their own, without any treatment.

Types of lichen in people by manifestations

How to determine the main types of lichen in humans? It is not always possible to visually identify the type of pathology, but its very presence is quite realistic. Some of the most famous species can be recognized with the naked eye. These include multi-colored and ringworm, eczema, psoriasis.

How to identify signs of lichen in a person? The first signs appear as areas of red color, often with itching, peeling and restriction from healthy skin. These lesions rise slightly above the skin. There may also be papules. Further, the process progresses, and symptoms of the disease appear.

How to determine the symptoms of lichen in a person? The affected skin will have distinct ridges around it and is often red or blistered. Often such bubbles burst, become crusty, and begin to actively peel off. A lot of scales appear around. The general condition is rarely disturbed.

Most common types

How to determine the type of lichen in a person? The most common types:

  1. Pink (lichen Zhibera) is a seasonal disease. It occurs more in women 20-40 years old. Pink spots up to 3 cm in diameter appear everywhere on the body, with itching and peeling.
  2. Ringworm - most often occurs from contact with an infected animal, mainly in children. Signs are pink plaques up to 4 cm, which include dry skin and hair loss. The head and neck are usually affected.
  3. Shingles - occurs in older people who have previously had chickenpox. Caused by herpes. Rash and blisters appear on the chest, head and face, itching and pain in the affected areas. Later, the bubbles burst and become crusty.
  4. Multi-colored - occurs more often in young people. It is characterized by spots of different colors with peeling.
  5. Red flat - occurs more often in young women with diabetes. Symptoms: shiny small nodules appear on the skin, mucous membranes and nails. There is a depression in the center, the shape is polygonal.
  6. Scaly or psoriasis - appears in endocrine and neurological pathologies, in alcoholics.
  7. Sunny - You can often see white flaky patches on the upper back after a hot, sunny summer. The name is given because the number of cases increases in the summer. The reason is a fungus.

How does lichen reveal itself?

It is not noticed immediately because it is preceded by an incubation period. It can last several days or even months (no more than 2).

Many people have heard that lichen can be determined using iodine. How to determine lichen in a person using this substance? This is only possible if you have lichen versicolor.

Then a Balzer test is performed - the affected area is smeared with iodine, then you should wait 5 minutes. If it is tinea versicolor, areas of it will be darker than healthy skin.

Stages of the disease in humans

Most often, lichen falls into 3 stages: initial, chronic, recovery (not always).

The acute stage is characterized by spots, itching, and changes in the structure of the skin. If left untreated, lichen becomes chronic. The symptoms fade, there is often no particular discomfort, but the danger to others remains.

Pityriasis rosea (Giber's disease)

Caused by herpes virus type 7, it has not yet been fully studied. How to determine the type of lichen in a person? Pityriasis rosea is characterized by areas of skin inflammation in the form of plaques. They are light pink, round in shape, with a paler center. These spots begin to gradually spread, the center turns yellow and peels off. Itching does not always happen. The initial large spot is the maternal plaque. Then the spots become more and more numerous, the stomach, thighs, and limbs are involved in the process. These are daughter plaques. After 2 weeks they begin to lighten and then disappear. Dark pigmentation remains. This type of lichen is contagious and occurs more often in mature people. Elderly and young children do not get sick.


Caused by a virus, it is contagious. The skin lesion is unilateral. It appears more often in people who have had chickenpox. The virus is neurotropic, so the consequences become. A distinctive feature of such lichen is severe pain, since intercostal and other nerves are affected.

The onset of the disease occurs with low-grade fever, cephalgia, and chills. Then itching and pain appear in the area of ​​peripheral nerve endings. Intoxication increases, pink spots and transparent bubbles appear. They pass along the intercostal areas in the form of a belt, hence the name.

The photos below will help answer the question of how to identify lichen in a person. The appearance is very characteristic: the lesion is one-sided, in the form of a bright encircling stripe, usually on the chest or back. The blisters are in varying stages as they give way to crusts. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged. Itching and pain in the rib area.

How to determine that a person’s lichen is going away? The blisters begin to dry out and peeling appears. Healing occurs, but neurological manifestations persist for several more weeks. The virus can always be reactivated as a result of stress, hypothermia, decreased immunity, or blood diseases. Often this lichen occurs with AIDS.


This includes trichophytosis and microsporia. The scalp (usually the crown) and body are affected. The disease is contagious and often has a chronic course. It appears as pinkish plaque spots with clear boundaries. They itch and flake off in the form of whitish scales.

If the crown of the head is affected, the hair breaks off at the root, which is why the name is given. The spots emit a sweetish odor.

Not everyone in contact can become infected. This requires reduced immunity, constant contact with the source, damaged skin and lack of hygiene.

Pityriasis versicolor (lichen versicolor)

Caused by a yeast-like fungus. Progresses with high humidity (sweat). Non-contagious, no negative consequences. It is more common in young people with endocrine disruptions, decreased immunity, and lovers of beaches and solariums.

The disease begins with the appearance of spots on the skin of different shades - from white, pink-beige to brown, which is why it got its name.

The spots are clearly defined, flaky, and appear in the form of bran. Localized on the neck and torso. The spots do not rise above the skin, but spread and grow. Tend to merge. They do not cause discomfort.

When tanning, the spots appear discolored. In winter they darken and stand out. This lichen is easily recognized with iodine.

How to determine lichen in a person using iodine, and is this enough for a diagnosis? Iodine, of course, is economical and accessible, simple, has no contraindications, but is only part of the general diagnostic process. Scraping and microscopy are required.

Lichen planus

Does not depend on age, occurs more often in women. The cause is considered to be metabolic and immune disorders, stress, and gastrointestinal diseases. Not contagious. The course is protracted, there are no consequences.

May affect skin, mucous membranes and nails. Favorite localization is the bends of the arms and legs, armpits, back, palms. It appears as medium-sized spots of red-lilac and crimson color, with a shiny surface. They are preceded by reddish nodules, without peeling, somewhat depressed in the center.

There are no maternal plaques here, unlike pityriasis rosea. The nodules enlarge and begin to merge. Such plaques have a characteristic mesh pattern. Affected nails become uneven and crumble.

Ringworm or eczema

This is a whole group of diseases with a common name. There can be many reasons: immune pathologies, genetic predisposition and other internal factors.

The pathology is non-contagious, the course is wavy - with exacerbations and remissions. Among the consequences there is a tendency to secondary infection.

How to determine if a person has lichen of this type? There can be many forms, but the main symptoms are the same: the rash is symmetrical. It begins in the form of areas of redness, with blurred boundaries and swelling. Then they become covered with nodules and blisters with liquid.

The shape and color may be different, but painful itching is common to all. Then the bubbles burst and wetting sets in, hence the name.

Deep cracks, scales, and multi-colored spots appear on the skin. Without following a hypoallergenic diet, treating eczema is pointless.

Psoriasis, lichen planus or fish skin

Incurable, chronic skin disease, non-contagious. It has no gender, previously it was often localized on the folds and large joints, today it can be found anywhere on the body. Has no consequences.

The age of the patients does not play a role, but it is more common in young people, even teenagers. The disease is classified as lichen due to the fact that the silvery peeling resembles lichen or fish scales. The causative agent is unknown. The first rashes or relapses are always accompanied by general malaise, burning, sometimes itching of the skin and fever.

Stages of psoriasis

At the first stage, bubbles appear and grow. Any exposure to the skin, even sun rays, leads to a sharp increase in the rash.

Then the stationary stage begins - the rash no longer increases, but begins to actively peel off. The skin becomes shiny and resembles scales.

At the third stage, external symptoms disappear, but the burning and itching persist for months. During this time, the joints are also affected - psoriatic arthritis. Arthralgia and spinal pain appear. The joints swell and cannot function normally, which leads to disability and decreased immunity.

How to determine lichen in a person in this case? Psoriasis spots are very characteristic - they always flake thickly, resembling a dusting of flour. Any outburst of emotions leads to an exacerbation of the disease.

Diagnosis of lichen

How to determine lichen in a person? The lichen itself is clinically obvious to a specialist. But its appearance can only be determined by microscopying a scraping from the skin. Determination is made by mycelium threads and spores.

The spores are grown in a nutrient medium and after their rapid growth, the type of pathogen is accurately determined - the cultural method. In addition, examination of the skin under the rays of a Wood’s lamp (express method) is used for diagnosis, but taking a scraping is mandatory.

Even if you discover lichen on your own, only a specialist can choose the right treatment. In autoimmune processes, blood is taken to check for antibodies. But the most informative method is the PCR method.

How to treat lichen in humans

Treatment of lichen, local and general, includes the use of antifungals, antiviral drugs, immunomodulators and vitamins. If necessary, cytostatics, antihistamines, etc. are prescribed. The choice is determined by the pathogen, stage of the disease, its neglect, etc.

The main goal of treatment is to prevent the process from becoming chronic and to provide full treatment of the acute stage. Otherwise, relapses are sure to occur. Self-medication is excluded; it will definitely not be correct.

The standard treatment regimen consists of:

  1. Treatment of stains (tar, ichthyol ointments).
  2. Symptomatic treatment with diuretics and sedatives.
  3. Physiotherapy (ultrasound, laser).
  4. Desensitizing therapy - antihistamines.

Nizoral shampoo helps with damage to the scalp. This antifungal agent effectively relieves itching and flaking of the skin.

For single lesions, you can limit yourself to local treatment: ointments and iodine - fungi do not like it.

If several areas of the skin are affected, general treatment is added. For eczema, immunoprotectors are needed. In severe cases, treatment with corticosteroids, detoxification therapy, and physical therapy is carried out.

For psoriasis (since we are talking about an autoimmune process), cytostatics, plasmapheresis, etc. are used.

Pills. Review of drugs

The tablets are applicable only for several foci of lichen and lesions of the scalp.

The most often prescribed are: “Orungal”, “Griseofulvin”, “Lamisil”, “Terbinafine”, “Fluconazole”, “Nizoral”.

Despite their effectiveness, antimycotics are hepatotoxic, so monitoring by a dermatologist is necessary.

Ointments for lichen

Their advantage is deep penetration into the skin, longer exposure and lack of absorption into the blood. Ointments are often combined with iodine tincture: in the morning the affected area is lubricated with iodine, and at night with ointment.

The most commonly used ointments are:

  • 10-20% sulfur ointment;
  • salicylic;
  • sulfur-tar;
  • "Mikospor-ointment";
  • "Nizoral";
  • "Clotrimazole";
  • "Mikoseptin";
  • "Lamisil" and others.

Ointments combine well with disinfectant solutions (furacilin, potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine). They pre-treat the affected skin, and then apply the ointment. The duration of use is prescribed by the doctor.

Skin diseases affect the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person: in addition to the fact that they cause unpleasant, painful sensations, such phenomena represent a serious cosmetic defect. Ringworm in humans is a common infectious disease that affects the skin. It is unpredictable and can appear suddenly, then disappear and reappear with greater intensity.

General characteristics of the disease

Ringworm on the skin– a group of dermatological diseases of an infectious nature that affect the upper layer of the epidermis. They are characterized by the appearance of a skin rash in the form of small itchy nodules or spots with signs of inflammation. Lichen is localized in the face, back, shoulders, arms and legs, as well as the scalp.

Each type of such pathology has its own characteristic signs and specific course. Despite this, there are a number of general signs that are inherent in all types of lichen.

Ringworm is contracted through household contact. The causative agents are:

  • zooanthropophilic fungi, the place of development of which is the skin and fur of cats and dogs;
  • geophilic fungi, whose habitat is soil;
  • anthropophilic fungi that develop on human skin;
  • internal viruses that do not manifest themselves under normal conditions and are activated, causing disease, when the immune system is weakened.

Doctors researching lichen in humans, have not determined the reason why in some cases a person, even being in direct contact with infected subjects or objects, is not infected, while in others, even a few minutes spent in close proximity to the source of the disease is sufficient for this. However, dermatologists have identified a group of people who are at particular risk. These include:

  • people with weakened immune systems, especially children;
  • those who are predisposed to skin diseases;
  • persons suffering from chronic diseases;
  • people who are constantly under stress;
  • people taking medications for allergies or medications containing hormones;
  • persons whose body is often exposed to hypothermia and those who often suffer from colds.

Advice. Another common reason that causes lichen in adults and children, - failure to comply with personal hygiene and rules for caring for pets. This is why it is important to observe cleanliness standards.

The body is able to fight some forms of deprivation on its own. In other cases, long-term treatment is required.

General manifestations characteristic of all forms of the disease

Symptoms of lichen in humans and their severity depend on the nature of the disease, as well as on the reaction caused by the introduction of a fungal organism or virus. Nevertheless, there are a number of general characteristics that are characteristic of each of the forms. This:

  • changes in the skin, expressed in lightening or darkening, the appearance of a specific shade and formations of different types and locations;
  • secondary symptoms that occur in the affected areas: peeling and dry skin, the appearance of small blisters with liquid;
  • itching Scratching the affected areas increases the size of the damaged areas, creating conditions for the penetration of infectious and bacterial microorganisms.

Ringworm in its early stages characterized by a feeling of discomfort in certain areas of the skin, even if there are no visible changes yet. In some cases, an increase in temperature may occur. If the disease affects the scalp, a pronounced symptom is active hair loss up to baldness.

This pathology is often confused with allergies. There are some recommendations regarding how to distinguish shingles from allergies:

  • spots caused by lichen always have clear edges and regular shapes, and they are located at some distance from each other. In contrast, allergic rashes have blurry and indistinct edges, and merge over time;
  • lichen is not in all cases characterized by severe itching, while allergies always cause severe scabies;
  • manifestations of uncomplicated allergies disappear quite quickly - usually after the patient starts taking antihistamines. Ringworm in humans is treated for a long time, but the disease can recur.

Incubation period of lichen in humans– from a week to several months, depending on the type.

Many people are interested in the question Is lichen dangerous? and what it can lead to. The disease not only affects the skin, but also affects the hair follicles and destroys the nail plates. Pus accumulates in the lesions, which creates conditions for infection and development of pathogenic organisms. This causes disruption of the lymph nodes, which swell and increase in size.

Advice. It is important to consult a doctor in time if alarming symptoms occur: when lichen becomes chronic, damage occurs to the deeper layers of the skin, and in some cases, to internal organs. In its advanced form, this disease can provoke the destruction of bone tissue.

Types of pathology

A dermatologist can competently answer the question of what kind of lichen a person has. In medicine, there are 6 types of this pathology that manifests itself on human skin. These are the following types of lichen:

  • pink, which is also called Gibert's disease;
  • ringworm, or trichophytosis;
  • scaly, the more common name of which is psoriasis;
  • weeping, or eczema.

A specific type of pathology is caused by certain pathogens, so treatment is individual for individual forms.

Pityriasis rosea

This is an acute type of dermatosis, the causative agent of which was not identified by specialists. It is believed that this form is the result of colds, especially if they were suffered “on your feet”, against the background of a weakened immune system. Also, an allergy is often a provoking factor in this case. Pityriasis rosea occurs in spring and autumn, which suggests that it is seasonal.

This form is prone to disappear on its own, even if no treatment measures are taken. Symptoms of lichen of this type completely disappear 2 months after the first plaque appears on the skin.

Pityriasis rosea is not transmitted from a patient to another person.

At the beginning of the development of the disease, a primary pink spot appears on the skin, with a diameter of 2-4 cm. It has clear boundaries and is characterized by rapid growth; slight peeling is observed in its center.

As the disease progresses, the spot changes color, acquiring a yellow-brown tint. Its shape increasingly resembles a medallion. It is this characteristic sign that makes it possible to diagnose pityriasis rosea. After 1-2 weeks, several more spots appear, which are smaller in size compared to the primary one. The places where they are localized are the limbs and other parts of the body, sometimes the face and neck.

Itching as characteristic sign of deprivation in this case it is not always present - only half of the patients feel it.

The peculiarity of this form of lichen is that it does not require specific treatment. If the disease is accompanied by severe itching, antipruritic drugs are prescribed for topical use. If scratching the affected areas leads to a bacterial infection, the specialist will select antibiotics.

Advice. Even though this type of lichen goes away on its own, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist to rule out the possibility of other diseases whose symptoms are similar to lichen.


Trichophytosis is the result of the development of microscopic fungi such as microspores, epidermophytes, trichophytes. These microorganisms are resistant to environmental conditions. Infection with this type of lichen occurs through contact with an infected person and the use of his personal items, as well as through contact with fungal spores from animal fur.

Trichophytosis occurs more often in children, especially in places where they gather in large numbers (in kindergartens, schools, camps). It can take different forms:

  • superficial lichen of the scalp;
  • surface lichen smooth skin;
  • chronic trichophytosis;
  • infiltrative-suppurative.

The first form is characterized by the appearance spots on the skin scalp in the hairy area. Their diameter is about 1-2 cm, but over time they can increase to 10 cm. Symptoms lichen on the head consist in the fact that the skin in the affected area is swollen, peels, the hair becomes dull, brittle, lifeless, which is why bald patches form.

Manifestations are localized on the upper and lower extremities, as well as the torso, appearing as round, pink-red spots. The skin in the affected area is swollen, peeling, in the center of the spot there are vesicles, which over time burst and become crusty.

The chronic form of ringworm is characterized by scant symptoms. The spots characteristic of the disease do not peel off, and the skin in this area does not swell. The only sign that allows one to suspect this form of pathology is broken hair in the scalp, which looks like black dots.

The infiltrative-suppurative form of ringworm has a rapid development and affects both smooth areas of the body and hairy areas - the head, mustache, and beard. Spots form on smooth skin, gradually turning into bumps. The latter, in turn, become pustules over time. In hairy areas, pathology manifests itself in the form of nodules, which, as they develop, also turn into ulcers. The purulent process affects the hair follicles, which provokes hair loss. Pus-filled follicles resemble a honeycomb in appearance, which is a hallmark of this form of the disease.

To eliminate signs of ringworm in humans, it is recommended to use antifungal shampoos for hairy areas, and ointments with an antiseptic effect for smooth areas.


This variety is characterized by a bright and painful clinical picture. The development of this form is provoked by the seventh herpes virus. Experts believe that only those who have previously had chickenpox can develop this type of pathology. This is due to the fact that after such a disease the virus remains in the body in a frozen form, which worsens under favorable conditions.

The first signs of deprivation in humans– general malaise, headache, feeling of constant fatigue, sometimes – intestinal disorders. A characteristic manifestation of this form is tingling and itching in areas in which rashes will appear in the future.

The disease develops sluggishly and then gives way to an acute period. The rash takes the form of small pink spots located at some distance from each other. In the future, the disease can progress in different ways:

  • the initial rash disappears on its own;
  • At the site of the rash, bubbles with transparent contents form, which gradually become cloudy. Traces of blood and pus may be mixed with it;
  • the rash spreads not only to the skin, but also to the mucous membranes.

Advice. Define, how does lichen manifest itself? this form is quite simple: it has a specific localization. Groups of vesicles are located in the intercostal space, on the face, along the nerve trunks of the upper or lower extremities, in the genital area.

During therapy the following is prescribed:

  • taking an antiviral drug;
  • the use of antiallergic drugs to eliminate itching;
  • treating problem areas with special ointments and brilliant green;
  • taking diuretics to eliminate symptoms of intoxication;
  • the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain.

Pityriasis versicolor

This disease occurs as a result of the activity of an opportunistic yeast-like fungus, which under normal conditions is present in the body of 90% of people. It turns into a pathogenic form under specific conditions, including increased sweating, malnutrition, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

The initial stage of lichen in humans characterized by the appearance of a large number of small, irregularly shaped spots that can appear on any part of the body. They have any color or are transparent. The skin in the affected area peels off and in some cases is slightly itchy. If left untreated, the spots merge into one large formation.

It is important to know, how to recognize lichen of this type because it can develop over several months or even years.

To treat this form, topical medications are prescribed - antifungal ointments, soaps and shampoos containing salicylic acid. In severe cases, oral antifungal drugs are indicated.

Lichen squamosus (psoriasis)

This type of pathology is classified as a non-infectious chronic skin disease. Localization sites are the areas of large joints - knees, elbows. It occurs when the immune system is weakened and the presence of chronic diseases, hormonal disorders, and after severe stress. Heredity plays a major role in the development of this form of the disease. This type of lichen is incurable: drugs and medicines can only stop the development of the disease.

To find out how to identify lichen, you need to consult a specialist. With psoriasis, the characteristic symptoms are:

  • redness of certain areas of the skin;
  • formation of bubbles with liquid;
  • peeling of the skin, itching and bleeding.

Depending on the type of psoriasis, the appearance of red blisters with liquid and purple spots is observed.

Damage to the joints of the fingers of the upper and lower extremities, destruction of the nail plates, damage to the spine and pelvic area - this is what why is lichen dangerous? in this form.

Early diagnosis of lichen will prevent an unfavorable outcome. Treatment is aimed at eliminating external signs of the disease and preventing exacerbation.

Therapy involves an integrated approach - drugs of both local and general action are used. In addition, patients are recommended physical procedures such as blood purification, exposure to cold and light rays.


Water lichen has a chronic course. Answering the question about where does lichen come from of this type, doctors associate its development with disorders of the nervous system or weakened immunity.

The peculiarity of the disease is that how does lichen begin. This form is characterized by the appearance of symmetrical skin lesions, which are localized in the upper and lower extremities, on the neck, as well as in the flexure areas of the joints.

The affected skin is swollen and red, but at the same time remains dry. As the disease progresses, the skin becomes wet, blisters form on it, which often turn into ulcers. The disease is characterized by alternating acute periods and recovery.

In the absence of treatment for weeping lichen, the risk of developing infectious diseases increases.

Eczema is treated with vitamins, sedatives and antiallergic agents. In severe cases, corticosteroids are used - both internally and locally. In the non-acute phase of the disease, the affected areas are exposed to ultraviolet light, and medicinal baths and mud procedures are also recommended.

For any type of this disease, it is important to follow the rules of proper nutrition. Diet for lichen involves eating a large amount of foods containing vitamin E (walnuts, sorrel, hazelnuts, peanuts, squid), as well as sources of antioxidants (raspberries, apricots, Brussels sprouts, onions).

The problem of lichen on human skin is so widespread that they are increasingly talking about vaccination against this phenomenon. Vaccination against lichen is not produced for humans, since many types of this disease have an unknown cause.

Advice. The best way to protect yourself from this skin disease is to strengthen your immune system and practice good hygiene. It is much easier to take preventative measures than to try to get rid of the manifestations of lichen for a long time.

Allergy symptoms can easily be confused with symptoms of other diseases. Skin rashes at the beginning of any pathology are often similar in color, shape and location. But the symptoms of each of these diseases are not limited to skin rashes, that is, fundamental differences still exist. How to distinguish lichen from allergies is the topic of today's article.

What is lichen?

Ringworm is a skin infectious disease belonging to the group of dermatoses. The diagnosis of “lichen” simultaneously includes a whole list of skin pathologies that are of viral or fungal origin. At the same time, the mechanism of transmission of the infection still remains unknown, that is, not all people who are at risk for infection with this pathology become ill with lichen. But it has been established that predisposing factors to the development of the disease are a decrease in the protective forces of the immune system, stressful situations, hereditary predisposition, psycho-emotional and physical stress, hypothermia and frequent infectious diseases.

There are several forms of lichen:

  • shearer;
  • pityriasis;
  • encircling;
  • scaly;
  • pink.

Since there are several types of lichen and the causative agents of the infection differ, it is important to determine the diagnosis on an individual basis and, depending on the nature of the disease (fungal or viral), select the appropriate effective treatment. Children are most often affected by shingles.

Infection usually occurs from sick animals, usually ringworm, which is often found in cats and dogs that live outside. This disease is the result of a fungal infection. In adults, the herpes zoster or blistering form of lichen, which develops as a result of the pathogenic activity of the herpes virus, is more often diagnosed.

The rash with lichen looks like large spots that are pink in color, regular in shape and have strict boundaries. The rashes peel off and can change color. Foci of pathology usually appear in the abdomen, back, forearms and legs, less often in the genital area and on the scalp. Concomitant symptoms of lichen may be enlarged lymph nodes and hyperthermic syndrome. Ringworm can be cured quite easily and successfully; usually the course of treatment lasts no more than 2–3 weeks, provided that the disease has not progressed into an advanced process.

What is an allergy?

Currently, allergies are considered the most common disease on Earth. According to the World Health Organization, every fifth person on the planet suffers from one or another allergic disease.

An allergy is a kind of protective reaction of the body, its individual sensitivity to certain substances - environmental factors. Allergens can be food, dust, medicines and much more. Most people react to these factors completely calmly, but a certain group of people develop increased resistance to them.

Symptoms of allergies are dryness and hyperemia of the skin, as well as rashes, swelling and severe itching. An allergic rash tends to move from one part of the body to another, unite into large spots, their boundaries have blurred, indefinite outlines.

How to distinguish between allergies and lichen?

The disease can be recognized by the clinical manifestations that are characteristic of it. How to distinguish allergies from lichen based on their symptoms, we will consider in the following table.

Skin rashThe spots on the skin have regular outlines and clear boundaries. Usually they are located at a sufficient distance from each other, or are single. The rash is diagnosed strictly on certain areas of the body: the stomach or back, shoulders, lower extremities, genital area or scalp.The rash spreads throughout the body quickly and chaotically and can appear on any part of the body. The spots may increase in size and merge with each other. Their shape is not definite, the edges are blurred. Swelling of the skin is almost always noted.
ItchingItching appears only with ringworm and lichen planus. In other cases it does not occur.Allergic diseases almost always cause the development of painful itching, which can only be relieved by symptomatic treatment.
Increased body temperature With lichen, body temperature almost always rises, which is associated with a general weakening of the immune system.Hyperthermic syndrome in allergic diseases is extremely rare, mainly in childhood.
Enlarged lymph nodes Lymph nodes are enlarged.Lymph nodes are usually in a calm state.

Another difference between these diseases is their DURATION. In most cases, the allergy goes away after taking an antihistamine or a short course of antiallergic drugs (of course, if we are talking about uncomplicated cases). Treatment of lichen will be longer; a certain therapeutic course will require at least several weeks.

In any case, no matter what the disease looks like, it is better to consult with a specialist who can accurately recognize whether his patient has lichen or an allergy. First of all, you need to contact a dermatologist, who, based on the examination, will prescribe the necessary laboratory tests or tests. If lichen is excluded and the disease is allergic in nature, he will refer the patient to an allergist.

You should not resort to self-medication, especially if the disease occurs in a child. The danger of allergic diseases is that, in the absence of proper treatment, banal urticaria or a rash can eventually develop into atopic dermatitis or chronic eczema, and treatment in this case will be much more difficult and lengthy.